/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Paul Davis * Copyright (C) 2005 Karsten Wiese * Copyright (C) 2005 Taybin Rutkin * Copyright (C) 2007 Doug McLain * Copyright (C) 2008-2014 David Robillard * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 Carl Hetherington * Copyright (C) 2014-2019 Robin Gareus * Copyright (C) 2015 Tim Mayberry * Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Nick Mainsbridge * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include "evoral/Note.h" #include "ardour/parameter_descriptor.h" #include "canvas/container.h" #include "canvas/polygon.h" #include "canvas/rectangle.h" #include "canvas/debug.h" #include "waveview/wave_view.h" #include "automation_time_axis.h" #include "ghostregion.h" #include "midi_streamview.h" #include "midi_time_axis.h" #include "region_view.h" #include "midi_region_view.h" #include "rgb_macros.h" #include "note.h" #include "hit.h" #include "ui_config.h" using namespace std; using namespace Editing; using namespace ARDOUR; using ArdourCanvas::Duple; GhostRegion::GhostRegion (RegionView& rv, ArdourCanvas::Container* parent, TimeAxisView& tv, TimeAxisView& source_tv, double initial_pos) : parent_rv (rv) , trackview (tv) , source_trackview (source_tv) , base_rect (0) { group = new ArdourCanvas::Container (parent); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (group, "ghost region group"); group->set_position (ArdourCanvas::Duple (initial_pos, 0)); if (is_automation_ghost()) { base_rect = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (group); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (base_rect, "ghost region rect"); base_rect->set_x0 (0); base_rect->set_y0 (1.0); base_rect->set_y1 (trackview.current_height()); base_rect->set_outline (false); } GhostRegion::set_colors(); /* the parent group of a ghostregion is a dedicated group for ghosts, so the new ghost would want to get to the top of that group*/ group->raise_to_top (); } GhostRegion::~GhostRegion () { parent_rv.remove_ghost(this); trackview.erase_ghost(this); delete base_rect; delete group; } void GhostRegion::set_duration (double units) { if (base_rect) { base_rect->set_x1 (units); } } void GhostRegion::set_height () { if (base_rect) { base_rect->set_y1 (trackview.current_height()); } } void GhostRegion::set_colors () { if (is_automation_ghost()) { base_rect->set_fill_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color_mod ("ghost track base", "ghost track base")); } } guint GhostRegion::source_track_color(unsigned char alpha) { Gdk::Color color = source_trackview.color(); return RGBA_TO_UINT (color.get_red() / 256, color.get_green() / 256, color.get_blue() / 256, alpha); } bool GhostRegion::is_automation_ghost() { return (dynamic_cast(&trackview)) != 0; } AudioGhostRegion::AudioGhostRegion (RegionView& rv, TimeAxisView& tv, TimeAxisView& source_tv, double initial_unit_pos) : GhostRegion(rv, tv.ghost_group(), tv, source_tv, initial_unit_pos) { } void AudioGhostRegion::set_samples_per_pixel (double fpp) { for (vector::iterator i = waves.begin(); i != waves.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_samples_per_pixel (fpp); } } void AudioGhostRegion::set_height () { vector::iterator i; uint32_t n; GhostRegion::set_height(); double const ht = ((trackview.current_height()) / (double) waves.size()); for (n = 0, i = waves.begin(); i != waves.end(); ++i, ++n) { (*i)->set_height (ht); (*i)->set_y_position (n * ht); } } void AudioGhostRegion::set_colors () { GhostRegion::set_colors(); guint fill_color; if (is_automation_ghost()) { fill_color = UIConfiguration::instance().color_mod("ghost track wave fill", "region alpha"); } else { fill_color = source_track_color(200); } for (uint32_t n=0; n < waves.size(); ++n) { waves[n]->set_outline_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color_mod ("ghost track wave", "region alpha")); waves[n]->set_fill_color (fill_color); waves[n]->set_clip_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color ("ghost track wave clip")); waves[n]->set_zero_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color ("ghost track zero line")); } } /** The general constructor; called when the destination timeaxisview doesn't have * a midistreamview. * * @param rv The parent RegionView that is being ghosted. * @param tv TimeAxisView that this ghost region is on. * @param source_tv TimeAxisView that we are the ghost for. */ MidiGhostRegion::MidiGhostRegion(MidiRegionView& rv, TimeAxisView& tv, TimeAxisView& source_tv, double initial_unit_pos) : GhostRegion(rv, tv.ghost_group(), tv, source_tv, initial_unit_pos) , _note_group (new ArdourCanvas::Container (group)) , parent_mrv (rv) , _optimization_iterator(events.end()) { _outline = UIConfiguration::instance().color ("ghost track midi outline"); if (base_rect) { base_rect->lower_to_bottom(); } CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (_note_group, "midi ghost note group"); } MidiGhostRegion::~MidiGhostRegion() { clear_events (); delete _note_group; } MidiGhostRegion::GhostEvent::GhostEvent (NoteBase* e, ArdourCanvas::Container* g, ArdourCanvas::Item* i) : event (e) , item (i) , is_hit (false) { velocity_while_editing = event->note()->velocity(); if (dynamic_cast(e)) { is_hit = true; } } MidiGhostRegion::GhostEvent::GhostEvent (NoteBase* e, ArdourCanvas::Container* g) : event (e) { if (dynamic_cast(e)) { item = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (g, ArdourCanvas::Rect(e->x0(), e->y0(), e->x1(), e->y1())); is_hit = false; } else { Hit* hit = dynamic_cast(e); if (!hit) { return; } ArdourCanvas::Polygon* poly = new ArdourCanvas::Polygon(g); poly->set(Hit::points(e->y1() - e->y0())); poly->set_position(hit->position()); item = poly; is_hit = true; } velocity_while_editing = event->note()->velocity(); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (item, "ghost note item"); } MidiGhostRegion::GhostEvent::~GhostEvent () { /* event is not ours to delete */ delete item; } void MidiGhostRegion::set_samples_per_pixel (double /*spu*/) { } /** @return MidiStreamView that we are providing a ghost for */ MidiStreamView* MidiGhostRegion::midi_view () { StreamView* sv = source_trackview.view (); assert (sv); MidiStreamView* msv = dynamic_cast (sv); assert (msv); return msv; } void MidiGhostRegion::set_height () { GhostRegion::set_height(); update_contents_height (); } void MidiGhostRegion::set_colors() { GhostRegion::set_colors(); _outline = UIConfiguration::instance().color ("ghost track midi outline"); for (EventList::iterator it = events.begin(); it != events.end(); ++it) { it->second->item->set_fill_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color_mod((*it).second->event->base_color(), "ghost track midi fill")); it->second->item->set_outline_color (_outline); } } static double note_height(TimeAxisView& trackview, MidiStreamView* mv) { const double tv_height = trackview.current_height(); const double note_range = mv->contents_note_range(); return std::max(1.0, floor(tv_height / note_range - 1.0)); } static double note_y(TimeAxisView& trackview, MidiStreamView* mv, uint8_t note_num) { const double tv_height = trackview.current_height(); const double note_range = mv->contents_note_range(); const double s = tv_height / note_range; return tv_height - (note_num + 1 - mv->lowest_note()) * s; } void MidiGhostRegion::update_contents_height () { MidiStreamView* mv = midi_view(); if (!mv) { return; } double const h = note_height(trackview, mv); for (EventList::iterator it = events.begin(); it != events.end(); ++it) { uint8_t const note_num = it->second->event->note()->note(); double const y = note_y(trackview, mv, note_num); if (!it->second->is_hit) { _tmp_rect = static_cast(it->second->item); _tmp_rect->set (ArdourCanvas::Rect (_tmp_rect->x0(), y, _tmp_rect->x1(), y + h)); } else { _tmp_poly = static_cast(it->second->item); ArdourCanvas::Duple position = _tmp_poly->position(); position.y = y; _tmp_poly->set_position(position); _tmp_poly->set(Hit::points(h)); } } } void MidiGhostRegion::add_note (NoteBase* n) { GhostEvent* event = new GhostEvent (n, _note_group); events.insert (make_pair (n->note(), event)); _optimization_iterator = events.end(); event->item->set_fill_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color_mod(n->base_color(), "ghost track midi fill")); event->item->set_outline_color (_outline); MidiStreamView* mv = midi_view(); if (mv) { if (!n->item()->visible()) { event->item->hide(); } else { uint8_t const note_num = n->note()->note(); double const h = note_height(trackview, mv); double const y = note_y(trackview, mv, note_num); if (!event->is_hit) { _tmp_rect = static_cast(event->item); _tmp_rect->set (ArdourCanvas::Rect (_tmp_rect->x0(), y, _tmp_rect->x1(), y + h)); } else { _tmp_poly = static_cast(event->item); Duple position = _tmp_poly->position(); position.y = y; _tmp_poly->set_position(position); _tmp_poly->set(Hit::points(h)); } } } } void MidiGhostRegion::clear_events() { _note_group->clear (true); events.clear (); _optimization_iterator = events.end(); } /** Update the positions of our representation of a note. * @param ev The GhostEvent from the parent MidiRegionView. */ void MidiGhostRegion::update_note (GhostEvent* ev) { MidiStreamView* mv = midi_view(); if (!mv) { return; } _tmp_rect = static_cast(ev->item); uint8_t const note_num = ev->event->note()->note(); double const y = note_y(trackview, mv, note_num); double const h = note_height(trackview, mv); _tmp_rect->set (ArdourCanvas::Rect (ev->event->x0(), y, ev->event->x1(), y + h)); } /** Update the positions of our representation of a parent's hit. * @param ev The GhostEvent from the parent MidiRegionView. */ void MidiGhostRegion::update_hit (GhostEvent* ev) { MidiStreamView* mv = midi_view(); if (!mv) { return; } _tmp_poly = static_cast(ev->item); uint8_t const note_num = ev->event->note()->note(); double const h = note_height(trackview, mv); double const y = note_y(trackview, mv, note_num); ArdourCanvas::Duple ppos = ev->item->position(); ArdourCanvas::Duple gpos = _tmp_poly->position(); gpos.x = ppos.x; gpos.y = y; _tmp_poly->set_position(gpos); _tmp_poly->set(Hit::points(h)); } void MidiGhostRegion::remove_note (NoteBase* note) { EventList::iterator f = events.find (note->note()); if (f == events.end()) { return; } delete f->second; events.erase (f); _optimization_iterator = events.end (); } void MidiGhostRegion::view_changed () { model_changed(); } void MidiGhostRegion::model_changed () { /* we rely on the parent MRV having removed notes not in the model */ for (EventList::iterator i = events.begin(); i != events.end(); ) { std::shared_ptr note = i->first; GhostEvent* cne = i->second; const bool visible = (note->note() >= parent_mrv._current_range_min) && (note->note() <= parent_mrv._current_range_max); if (visible) { if (cne->is_hit) { update_hit (cne); } else { update_note (cne); } cne->item->show (); } else { cne->item->hide (); } ++i; } } /** Given a note in our parent region (ie the actual MidiRegionView), find our * representation of it. * @return Our Event, or 0 if not found. */ MidiGhostRegion::GhostEvent * MidiGhostRegion::find_event (std::shared_ptr parent) { /* we are using _optimization_iterator to speed up the common case where a caller is going through our notes in order. */ if (_optimization_iterator != events.end()) { ++_optimization_iterator; if (_optimization_iterator != events.end() && _optimization_iterator->first == parent) { return _optimization_iterator->second; } } _optimization_iterator = events.find (parent); if (_optimization_iterator != events.end()) { return _optimization_iterator->second; } return 0; }