/* Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifndef __ardour_library_ui_h__ #define __ardour_library_ui_h__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ardour_dialog.h" using std::string; using std::map; struct RowTaggedString { RowTaggedString (int r, string s) : row (r), str (s) {} int32_t row; string str; }; class SoundFileBox : public Gtk::VBox { public: /** @variable uri is the path name of string. @variable metadata whether to show the user-added fields from sfdb. */ SoundFileBox (string uri, bool metadata); ~SoundFileBox (); sigc::signal file_chosen; private: string uri; bool metadata; SF_INFO* sf_info; char* playcmd; pid_t current_pid; Gtk::Label label; Gtk::Label path; Gtk::Entry path_entry; Gtk::Label length; Gtk::Label format; Gtk::Label channels; Gtk::Label samplerate; Gtkmm2ext::Selector fields; string selected_field; Gtk::Frame border_frame; Gtk::VBox main_box; Gtk::HBox top_box; Gtk::HBox bottom_box; Gtk::Button play_btn; Gtk::Button stop_btn; Gtk::Button add_field_btn; Gtk::Button remove_field_btn; static void _fields_refiller (Gtk::CList &list, void* arg); void fields_refiller (Gtk::CList &clist); int setup_labels (string uri); void setup_fields (); void play_btn_clicked (); void stop_btn_clicked (); void add_field_clicked (); void remove_field_clicked (); void field_selected (Gtkmm2ext::Selector *selector, Gtkmm2ext::SelectionResult *re); void field_chosen (Gtkmm2ext::Selector *selector, Gtkmm2ext::SelectionResult *re); void audition_status_changed (bool state); }; class SearchSounds : public ArdourDialog { public: SearchSounds (); ~SearchSounds (); sigc::signal file_chosen; private: Gtk::Button find_btn; Gtk::RadioButton and_rbtn; Gtk::RadioButton or_rbtn; Gtkmm2ext::Selector fields; string selected_field; Gtk::VBox main_box; Gtk::HBox rbtn_box; Gtk::HBox bottom_box; static void _fields_refiller (Gtk::CList &list, void* arg); void fields_refiller (Gtk::CList &clist); void setup_fields (); void field_selected (Gtkmm2ext::Selector *selector, Gtkmm2ext::SelectionResult *re); void find_btn_clicked (); void file_found (string uri, bool multi); }; class SearchResults : public ArdourDialog { public: SearchResults (map field_values, bool and_search); ~SearchResults (); sigc::signal file_chosen; private: std::map search_info; bool search_and; string selection; Gtk::VBox main_box; Gtk::HBox hbox; Gtk::HBox import_box; Gtk::Button import_btn; Gtk::CheckButton multichan_check; SoundFileBox* info_box; Gtkmm2ext::Selector results; static void _results_refiller (Gtk::CList &list, void* arg); void results_refiller (Gtk::CList &clist); void import_clicked (); void result_chosen (Gtkmm2ext::Selector *selector, Gtkmm2ext::SelectionResult *re); }; class LibraryTree : public Gtk::VBox { public: LibraryTree (); ~LibraryTree (); sigc::signal file_chosen; sigc::signal group_selected; sigc::signal member_selected; sigc::signal member_deselected; sigc::signal deselected; list selection; void clear_selection (); private: std::map uri_mapping; std::map uri_parent; // this ugly, but necessary string current_member; string current_group; Gtk::HBox hbox; Gtk::VBox framed_box; Gtk::HBox btn_box_top; Gtk::HBox btn_box_bottom; Gtk::ScrolledWindow scroll; Gtk::Tree tree; Gtk::Button add_btn; Gtk::Button remove_btn; Gtk::Button find_btn; Gtk::Button folder_btn; Gtk::FileSelection files_select; void file_ok_clicked (); void file_cancel_clicked (); void add_btn_clicked (); void folder_btn_clicked (); void remove_btn_clicked (); void find_btn_clicked (); void file_found (string uri, bool multi); void cb_group_select (Gtk::TreeItem* item, string uri); void cb_member_select (Gtk::TreeItem* item, string uri); void cb_member_deselect (Gtk::TreeItem* item, string uri); void populate (); void subpopulate (Gtk::Tree*, string group); void added_group (string, string); void removed_group (string); void added_member (string, string); void removed_member (string); void cancel_import_clicked (); }; class SoundFileBrowser : public Gtk::VBox { public: SoundFileBrowser (); ~SoundFileBrowser (); sigc::signal group_selected; sigc::signal member_selected; sigc::signal member_deselected; sigc::signal deselected; list selection; void clear_selection (); private: string current_member; string current_group; Gtk::FileSelection fs_selector; Gtk::CList* file_list; void dir_list_selected(gint row, gint col, GdkEvent* ev); void file_list_selected(gint row, gint col, GdkEvent* ev); void file_list_deselected(gint row, gint col, GdkEvent* ev); string safety_check_file(string file); }; class SoundFileSelector : public ArdourDialog { public: /** @variable action the name given to the action button @variable import is action button sensitive @variable multi does splitting the region by channel make sense here @variable persist should this LibraryTree be hidden or deleted when closed */ SoundFileSelector (); ~SoundFileSelector (); void run (string action, bool split_makes_sense, bool hide_after_action = false); void get_result (vector& paths, bool& split); void hide_import_stuff(); sigc::signal,bool> Action; private: bool multiable; bool hide_after_action; bool sfdb; void import_btn_clicked (); void sfdb_group_selected(); void browser_group_selected(); void member_selected(string member, bool sfdb); void member_deselected(bool sfdb); void sfdb_deselected(); void page_switched(Gtk::Notebook_Helpers::Page* page, guint page_num); Gtk::HBox main_box; Gtk::VBox vbox; Gtk::Notebook notebook; Gtk::Label sfdb_label; Gtk::Label fs_label; SoundFileBrowser sf_browser; LibraryTree sfdb_tree; Gtk::HBox import_box; Gtk::Button import_btn; Gtk::CheckButton split_channels; Gtk::CheckButton resample_check; SoundFileBox* info_box; }; #endif // __ardour_library_ui_h__