/* Copyright (C) 2006,2007 John Anderson This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "mackie_midi_builder.h" #include #include #include #include "controls.h" #include "midi_byte_array.h" using namespace Mackie; using namespace std; MIDI::byte MackieMidiBuilder::calculate_pot_value( midi_pot_mode mode, const ControlState & state ) { // TODO do an exact calc for 0.50? To allow manually re-centering the port. // center on or off MIDI::byte retval = ( state.pos > 0.45 && state.pos < 0.55 ? 1 : 0 ) << 6; // mode retval |= ( mode << 4 ); // value, but only if off hasn't explicitly been set if ( state.led_state != off ) retval += ( int(state.pos * 10.0) + 1 ) & 0x0f; // 0b00001111 return retval; } MidiByteArray MackieMidiBuilder::build_led_ring( const Pot & pot, const ControlState & state ) { return build_led_ring( pot.led_ring(), state ); } MidiByteArray MackieMidiBuilder::build_led_ring( const LedRing & led_ring, const ControlState & state ) { // The other way of doing this: // 0x30 + pot/ring number (0-7) //, 0x30 + led_ring.ordinal() - 1 return MidiByteArray ( 3 // the control type , midi_pot_id // the id , 0x20 + led_ring.id() // the value , calculate_pot_value( midi_pot_mode_dot, state ) ); } MidiByteArray MackieMidiBuilder::build_led( const Button & button, LedState ls ) { return build_led( button.led(), ls ); } MidiByteArray MackieMidiBuilder::build_led( const Led & led, LedState ls ) { MIDI::byte state = 0; switch ( ls.state() ) { case LedState::on: state = 0x7f; break; case LedState::off: state = 0x00; break; case LedState::none: state = 0x00; break; // actually, this should never happen. case LedState::flashing: state = 0x01; break; } return MidiByteArray ( 3 , midi_button_id , led.id() , state ); } MidiByteArray MackieMidiBuilder::build_fader( const Fader & fader, float pos ) { int posi = int( 0x3fff * pos ); return MidiByteArray ( 3 , midi_fader_id | fader.id() // lower-order bits , posi & 0x7f // higher-order bits , ( posi >> 7 ) ); } MidiByteArray MackieMidiBuilder::zero_strip( const Strip & strip ) { Group::Controls::const_iterator it = strip.controls().begin(); MidiByteArray retval; for (; it != strip.controls().end(); ++it ) { Control & control = **it; if ( control.accepts_feedback() ) retval << zero_control( control ); } return retval; } MidiByteArray MackieMidiBuilder::zero_control( const Control & control ) { switch( control.type() ) { case Control::type_button: return build_led( (Button&)control, off ); case Control::type_led: return build_led( (Led&)control, off ); case Control::type_fader: return build_fader( (Fader&)control, 0.0 ); case Control::type_pot: return build_led_ring( dynamic_cast( control ), off ); case Control::type_led_ring: return build_led_ring( dynamic_cast( control ), off ); default: ostringstream os; os << "Unknown control type " << control << " in Strip::zero_control"; throw MackieControlException( os.str() ); } } char translate_seven_segment( char achar ) { achar = toupper( achar ); if ( achar >= 0x40 && achar <= 0x60 ) return achar - 0x40; else if ( achar >= 0x21 && achar <= 0x3f ) return achar; else return 0x00; } MidiByteArray MackieMidiBuilder::two_char_display( const std::string & msg, const std::string & dots ) { if ( msg.length() != 2 ) throw MackieControlException( "MackieMidiBuilder::two_char_display: msg must be exactly 2 characters" ); if ( dots.length() != 2 ) throw MackieControlException( "MackieMidiBuilder::two_char_display: dots must be exactly 2 characters" ); MidiByteArray bytes( 5, 0xb0, 0x4a, 0x00, 0x4b, 0x00 ); // chars are understood by the surface in right-to-left order // could also exchange the 0x4a and 0x4b, above bytes[4] = translate_seven_segment( msg[0] ) + ( dots[0] == '.' ? 0x40 : 0x00 ); bytes[2] = translate_seven_segment( msg[1] ) + ( dots[1] == '.' ? 0x40 : 0x00 ); return bytes; } MidiByteArray MackieMidiBuilder::two_char_display( unsigned int value, const std::string & dots ) { ostringstream os; os << setfill('0') << setw(2) << value % 100; return two_char_display( os.str() ); }