ardour { ["type"] = "Snippet", name = "Vamp Audio Transcription Example" } function factory () return function () -- simple progress information print()ing --[[ local progress_total; local progress_last; function cb (_f, pos) local progress = 100 * pos / progress_total; if progress - progress_last > 5 then progress_last = progress; print ("Progress: ", progress) end end --]] -- get Editor selection -- -- local sel = Editor:get_selection () local sr = Session:nominal_sample_rate () -- Instantiate a Vamp Plugin -- see local vamp = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.Vamp ("libardourvampplugins:qm-transcription", sr) -- for each selected region -- for r in sel.regions:regionlist ():iter () do -- "r" is-a --[[ progress_total = r:to_readable ():readable_length () progress_last = 0 --]] vamp:analyze (r:to_readable (), 0, nil --[[cb--]]) print ("-- Post Processing: ", r:name ()) -- post-processing takes longer than actually parsing the data :( local f = vamp:plugin ():getRemainingFeatures () local fl = f:table ()[0] print (" Time (sample) | Len | Midi-Note"); if fl then for f in fl:iter () do assert (f.hasTimestamp and f.hasDuration); local ft = Vamp.RealTime.realTime2Frame (f.timestamp, sr) local fd = Vamp.RealTime.realTime2Frame (f.duration, sr) local fn = f.values:at (0) -- midi note number print (string.format (" %14d %7d %d", ft, fd, fn)) end end -- reset the plugin (prepare for next iteration) vamp:reset () end end end