/* Copyright (C) 1998-2006 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifndef __gm_midicontrollable_h__ #define __gm_midicontrollable_h__ #include #include "midi++/types.h" #include "pbd/controllable.h" #include "pbd/signals.h" #include "pbd/stateful.h" #include "ardour/types.h" namespace PBD { class ControllableDescriptor; } namespace MIDI { class Channel; class Port; class Parser; } class MIDIControllable : public PBD::Stateful { public: MIDIControllable (MIDI::Port&, PBD::Controllable&, bool momentary); MIDIControllable (MIDI::Port&, bool momentary = false); virtual ~MIDIControllable (); int init (const std::string&); void rediscover_controllable (); bool bank_relative() const { return _bank_relative; } uint32_t rid() const { return _rid; } std::string what() const { return _what; } void send_feedback (); MIDI::byte* write_feedback (MIDI::byte* buf, int32_t& bufsize, bool force = false); void midi_rebind (MIDI::channel_t channel=-1); void midi_forget (); void learn_about_external_control (); void stop_learning (); void drop_external_control (); bool get_midi_feedback () { return feedback; } void set_midi_feedback (bool val) { feedback = val; } float control_to_midi(float val); float midi_to_control(float val); bool learned() const { return _learned; } MIDI::Port& get_port() const { return _port; } PBD::Controllable* get_controllable() const { return controllable; } void set_controllable (PBD::Controllable*); const std::string& current_uri() const { return _current_uri; } PBD::ControllableDescriptor& descriptor() const { return *_descriptor; } std::string control_description() const { return _control_description; } XMLNode& get_state (void); int set_state (const XMLNode&, int version); void bind_midi (MIDI::channel_t, MIDI::eventType, MIDI::byte); MIDI::channel_t get_control_channel () { return control_channel; } MIDI::eventType get_control_type () { return control_type; } MIDI::byte get_control_additional () { return control_additional; } private: PBD::Controllable* controllable; PBD::ControllableDescriptor* _descriptor; std::string _current_uri; MIDI::Port& _port; bool setting; MIDI::byte last_value; bool _momentary; bool _is_gain_controller; bool _learned; int midi_msg_id; /* controller ID or note number */ PBD::ScopedConnection midi_sense_connection[2]; PBD::ScopedConnection midi_learn_connection; MIDI::eventType control_type; MIDI::byte control_additional; MIDI::channel_t control_channel; std::string _control_description; bool feedback; uint32_t _rid; std::string _what; bool _bank_relative; void midi_receiver (MIDI::Parser &p, MIDI::byte *, size_t); void midi_sense_note (MIDI::Parser &, MIDI::EventTwoBytes *, bool is_on); void midi_sense_note_on (MIDI::Parser &p, MIDI::EventTwoBytes *tb); void midi_sense_note_off (MIDI::Parser &p, MIDI::EventTwoBytes *tb); void midi_sense_controller (MIDI::Parser &, MIDI::EventTwoBytes *); void midi_sense_program_change (MIDI::Parser &, MIDI::byte); void midi_sense_pitchbend (MIDI::Parser &, MIDI::pitchbend_t); }; #endif // __gm_midicontrollable_h__