/* xml++.cc * libxml++ and this file are copyright (C) 2000 by Ari Johnson, and * are covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License, which should be * included with libxml++ as the file COPYING. * Modified for Ardour and released under the same terms. */ #include #include #include #include "pbd/xml++.h" #include #include #include xmlChar* xml_version = xmlCharStrdup("1.0"); using namespace std; static XMLNode* readnode(xmlNodePtr); static void writenode(xmlDocPtr, XMLNode*, xmlNodePtr, int); static XMLSharedNodeList* find_impl(xmlXPathContext* ctxt, const string& xpath); XMLTree::XMLTree() : _filename() , _root(0) , _doc (0) , _compression(0) { } XMLTree::XMLTree(const string& fn, bool validate) : _filename(fn) , _root(0) , _doc (0) , _compression(0) { read_internal(validate); } XMLTree::XMLTree(const XMLTree* from) : _filename(from->filename()) , _root(new XMLNode(*from->root())) , _doc (xmlCopyDoc (from->_doc, 1)) , _compression(from->compression()) { } XMLTree::~XMLTree() { delete _root; if (_doc) { xmlFreeDoc (_doc); } } int XMLTree::set_compression(int c) { if (c > 9) { c = 9; } else if (c < 0) { c = 0; } _compression = c; return _compression; } bool XMLTree::read_internal(bool validate) { //shouldnt be used anywhere ATM, remove if so! assert(!validate); delete _root; _root = 0; if (_doc) { xmlFreeDoc (_doc); _doc = 0; } /* Calling this prevents libxml2 from treating whitespace as active nodes. It needs to be called before we create a parser context. */ xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0); /* create a parser context */ xmlParserCtxtPtr ctxt = xmlNewParserCtxt(); if (ctxt == NULL) { return false; } /* parse the file, activating the DTD validation option */ if (validate) { _doc = xmlCtxtReadFile(ctxt, _filename.c_str(), NULL, XML_PARSE_DTDVALID); } else { _doc = xmlCtxtReadFile(ctxt, _filename.c_str(), NULL, XML_PARSE_HUGE); } /* check if parsing succeeded */ if (_doc == NULL) { xmlFreeParserCtxt(ctxt); return false; } else { /* check if validation succeeded */ if (validate && ctxt->valid == 0) { xmlFreeParserCtxt(ctxt); throw XMLException("Failed to validate document " + _filename); } } _root = readnode(xmlDocGetRootElement(_doc)); /* free up the parser context */ xmlFreeParserCtxt(ctxt); return true; } bool XMLTree::read_buffer (char const* buffer, bool to_tree_doc) { xmlDocPtr doc; _filename = ""; delete _root; _root = 0; xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0); doc = xmlParseMemory (buffer, ::strlen(buffer)); if (!doc) { return false; } _root = readnode(xmlDocGetRootElement(doc)); if (to_tree_doc) { if (_doc) { xmlFreeDoc (_doc); } _doc = doc; } else { xmlFreeDoc (doc); } return true; } bool XMLTree::write() const { xmlDocPtr doc; XMLNodeList children; int result; xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0); doc = xmlNewDoc(xml_version); xmlSetDocCompressMode(doc, _compression); writenode(doc, _root, doc->children, 1); result = xmlSaveFormatFileEnc(_filename.c_str(), doc, "UTF-8", 1); #ifndef NDEBUG if (result == -1) { xmlErrorPtr xerr = xmlGetLastError (); if (!xerr) { std::cerr << "unknown XML error during xmlSaveFormatFileEnc()." << std::endl; } else { std::cerr << "xmlSaveFormatFileEnc: error" << " domain: " << xerr->domain << " code: " << xerr->code << " msg: " << xerr->message << std::endl; } } #endif xmlFreeDoc(doc); if (result == -1) { return false; } return true; } void XMLTree::debug(FILE* out) const { #ifdef LIBXML_DEBUG_ENABLED xmlDocPtr doc; XMLNodeList children; xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0); doc = xmlNewDoc(xml_version); xmlSetDocCompressMode(doc, _compression); writenode(doc, _root, doc->children, 1); xmlDebugDumpDocument (out, doc); xmlFreeDoc(doc); #endif } const string& XMLTree::write_buffer() const { static string retval; char* ptr; int len; xmlDocPtr doc; XMLNodeList children; xmlKeepBlanksDefault(0); doc = xmlNewDoc(xml_version); xmlSetDocCompressMode(doc, _compression); writenode(doc, _root, doc->children, 1); xmlDocDumpMemory(doc, (xmlChar **) & ptr, &len); xmlFreeDoc(doc); retval = ptr; free(ptr); return retval; } static const int PROPERTY_RESERVE_COUNT = 16; XMLNode::XMLNode(const string& n) : _name(n) , _is_content(false) { _proplist.reserve (PROPERTY_RESERVE_COUNT); } XMLNode::XMLNode(const string& n, const string& c) : _name(n) , _is_content(true) , _content(c) { _proplist.reserve (PROPERTY_RESERVE_COUNT); } XMLNode::XMLNode(const XMLNode& from) { _proplist.reserve (PROPERTY_RESERVE_COUNT); *this = from; } XMLNode::~XMLNode() { clear_lists (); } void XMLNode::clear_lists () { XMLNodeIterator curchild; XMLPropertyIterator curprop; _selected_children.clear (); for (curchild = _children.begin(); curchild != _children.end(); ++curchild) { delete *curchild; } _children.clear (); for (curprop = _proplist.begin(); curprop != _proplist.end(); ++curprop) { delete *curprop; } _proplist.clear (); } XMLNode& XMLNode::operator= (const XMLNode& from) { if (&from == this) { return *this; } clear_lists (); _name = from.name (); set_content (from.content ()); const XMLPropertyList& props = from.properties (); for (XMLPropertyConstIterator prop_iter = props.begin (); prop_iter != props.end (); ++prop_iter) { set_property ((*prop_iter)->name ().c_str (), (*prop_iter)->value ()); } const XMLNodeList& nodes = from.children (); for (XMLNodeConstIterator child_iter = nodes.begin (); child_iter != nodes.end (); ++child_iter) { add_child_copy (**child_iter); } return *this; } bool XMLNode::operator== (const XMLNode& other) const { if (is_content () != other.is_content ()) { return false; } if (is_content ()) { if (content () != other.content ()) { return false; } } else { if (name () != other.name ()) { return false; } } XMLPropertyList const& other_properties = other.properties (); if (_proplist.size () != other_properties.size ()) { return false; } XMLPropertyConstIterator our_prop_iter = _proplist.begin(); XMLPropertyConstIterator other_prop_iter = other_properties.begin(); while (our_prop_iter != _proplist.end ()) { XMLProperty const* our_prop = *our_prop_iter; XMLProperty const* other_prop = *other_prop_iter; if (our_prop->name () != other_prop->name () || our_prop->value () != other_prop->value ()) { return false; } ++our_prop_iter; ++other_prop_iter; } XMLNodeList const& other_children = other.children(); if (_children.size() != other_children.size()) { return false; } XMLNodeConstIterator our_child_iter = _children.begin (); XMLNodeConstIterator other_child_iter = other_children.begin (); while (our_child_iter != _children.end()) { XMLNode const* our_child = *our_child_iter; XMLNode const* other_child = *other_child_iter; if (*our_child != *other_child) { return false; } ++our_child_iter; ++other_child_iter; } return true; } bool XMLNode::operator!= (const XMLNode& other) const { return !(*this == other); } const string& XMLNode::set_content(const string& c) { if (c.empty()) { _is_content = false; } else { _is_content = true; } _content = c; return _content; } /* Return the content of the first content child * * `Foo`. * the `node` is not a content node, but has a child-node `text`. * * This method effectively is identical to * return this->child("text")->content() */ const string& XMLNode::child_content() const { static const string empty = ""; for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator n = children ().begin (); n != children ().end (); ++n) { if ((*n)->is_content ()) { return (*n)->content (); } } return empty; } XMLNode* XMLNode::child (const char* name) const { /* returns first child matching name */ XMLNodeConstIterator cur; if (name == 0) { return 0; } for (cur = _children.begin(); cur != _children.end(); ++cur) { if ((*cur)->name() == name) { return *cur; } } return 0; } const XMLNodeList& XMLNode::children(const string& n) const { /* returns all children matching name */ XMLNodeConstIterator cur; if (n.empty()) { return _children; } _selected_children.clear(); for (cur = _children.begin(); cur != _children.end(); ++cur) { if ((*cur)->name() == n) { _selected_children.insert(_selected_children.end(), *cur); } } return _selected_children; } XMLNode* XMLNode::add_child(const char* n) { return add_child_copy(XMLNode (n)); } void XMLNode::add_child_nocopy(XMLNode& n) { _children.insert(_children.end(), &n); } XMLNode* XMLNode::add_child_copy(const XMLNode& n) { XMLNode *copy = new XMLNode(n); _children.insert(_children.end(), copy); return copy; } std::shared_ptr XMLTree::find(const string xpath, XMLNode* node) const { xmlXPathContext* ctxt; xmlDocPtr doc = 0; if (node) { doc = xmlNewDoc(xml_version); writenode(doc, node, doc->children, 1); ctxt = xmlXPathNewContext(doc); } else { ctxt = xmlXPathNewContext(_doc); } std::shared_ptr result = std::shared_ptr(find_impl(ctxt, xpath)); xmlXPathFreeContext(ctxt); if (doc) { xmlFreeDoc (doc); } return result; } std::string XMLNode::attribute_value() { XMLNodeList children = this->children(); if (_is_content) throw XMLException("XMLNode: attribute_value failed (is_content) for requested node: " + name()); if (children.size() != 1) throw XMLException("XMLNode: attribute_value failed (children.size != 1) for requested node: " + name()); XMLNode* child = *(children.begin()); if (!child->is_content()) throw XMLException("XMLNode: attribute_value failed (!child->is_content()) for requested node: " + name()); return child->content(); } XMLNode* XMLNode::add_content(const string& c) { if (c.empty ()) { /* this would add a "" child, leading to invalid XML. * Also in XML, empty string content is equivalent to no content. */ return NULL; } return add_child_copy(XMLNode (string(), c)); } XMLProperty const * XMLNode::property(const char* name) const { XMLPropertyConstIterator iter = _proplist.begin(); while (iter != _proplist.end()) { if ((*iter)->name() == name) { return *iter; } ++iter; } return 0; } XMLProperty const * XMLNode::property(const string& name) const { XMLPropertyConstIterator iter = _proplist.begin(); while (iter != _proplist.end()) { if ((*iter)->name() == name) { return *iter; } ++iter; } return 0; } XMLProperty * XMLNode::property(const char* name) { XMLPropertyIterator iter = _proplist.begin(); while (iter != _proplist.end()) { if ((*iter)->name() == name) { return *iter; } ++iter; } return 0; } XMLProperty * XMLNode::property(const string& name) { XMLPropertyIterator iter = _proplist.begin(); while (iter != _proplist.end()) { if ((*iter)->name() == name) { return *iter; } ++iter; } return 0; } bool XMLNode::has_property_with_value (const string& name, const string& value) const { XMLPropertyConstIterator iter = _proplist.begin(); while (iter != _proplist.end()) { if ((*iter)->name() == name && (*iter)->value() == value) { return true; } ++iter; } return false; } bool XMLNode::set_property(const char* name, const string& value) { XMLPropertyIterator iter = _proplist.begin(); while (iter != _proplist.end()) { if ((*iter)->name() == name) { (*iter)->set_value (value); return *iter; } ++iter; } XMLProperty* new_property = new XMLProperty(name, value); if (!new_property) { return 0; } _proplist.insert(_proplist.end(), new_property); return new_property; } bool XMLNode::get_property(const char* name, std::string& value) const { XMLProperty const* const prop = property (name); if (!prop) return false; value = prop->value (); return true; } void XMLNode::remove_property(const string& name) { XMLPropertyIterator iter = _proplist.begin(); while (iter != _proplist.end()) { if ((*iter)->name() == name) { XMLProperty* property = *iter; _proplist.erase (iter); delete property; break; } ++iter; } } /** Remove any property with the given name from this node and its children */ void XMLNode::remove_property_recursively(const string& n) { remove_property (n); for (XMLNodeIterator i = _children.begin(); i != _children.end(); ++i) { (*i)->remove_property_recursively (n); } } void XMLNode::remove_nodes(const string& n) { XMLNodeIterator i = _children.begin(); while (i != _children.end()) { if ((*i)->name() == n) { i = _children.erase (i); } else { ++i; } } } void XMLNode::remove_nodes_and_delete(const string& n) { XMLNodeIterator i = _children.begin(); while (i != _children.end()) { if ((*i)->name() == n) { delete *i; i = _children.erase (i); } else { ++i; } } } void XMLNode::remove_nodes_and_delete(const string& propname, const string& val) { XMLNodeIterator i = _children.begin(); XMLProperty const * prop; while (i != _children.end()) { prop = (*i)->property(propname); if (prop && prop->value() == val) { delete *i; i = _children.erase(i); } else { ++i; } } } void XMLNode::remove_node_and_delete(const string& n, const string& propname, const string& val) { for (XMLNodeIterator i = _children.begin(); i != _children.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->name() == n) { XMLProperty const * prop = (*i)->property (propname); if (prop && prop->value() == val) { delete *i; _children.erase (i); break; } } } } XMLProperty::XMLProperty(const string& n, const string& v) : _name(n) , _value(v) { } XMLProperty::~XMLProperty() { } static XMLNode* readnode(xmlNodePtr node) { string name, content; xmlNodePtr child; XMLNode* tmp; xmlAttrPtr attr; if (node->name) { name = (const char*)node->name; } tmp = new XMLNode(name); for (attr = node->properties; attr; attr = attr->next) { content = ""; if (attr->children) { content = (char*)attr->children->content; } tmp->set_property((const char*)attr->name, content); } if (node->content) { tmp->set_content((char*)node->content); } else { tmp->set_content(string()); } for (child = node->children; child; child = child->next) { tmp->add_child_nocopy (*readnode(child)); } return tmp; } static void writenode(xmlDocPtr doc, XMLNode* n, xmlNodePtr p, int root = 0) { xmlNodePtr node; if (root) { node = doc->children = xmlNewDocNode(doc, 0, (const xmlChar*) n->name().c_str(), 0); } else { node = xmlNewChild(p, 0, (const xmlChar*) n->name().c_str(), 0); } if (n->is_content()) { node->type = XML_TEXT_NODE; xmlNodeSetContentLen(node, (const xmlChar*)n->content().c_str(), n->content().length()); } const XMLPropertyList& props = n->properties(); for (XMLPropertyConstIterator prop_iter = props.begin (); prop_iter != props.end (); ++prop_iter) { xmlSetProp (node, (const xmlChar*)(*prop_iter)->name ().c_str (), (const xmlChar*)(*prop_iter)->value ().c_str ()); } const XMLNodeList& children = n->children (); for (XMLNodeConstIterator child_iter = children.begin (); child_iter != children.end (); ++child_iter) { writenode (doc, *child_iter, node); } } static XMLSharedNodeList* find_impl(xmlXPathContext* ctxt, const string& xpath) { xmlXPathObject* result = xmlXPathEval((const xmlChar*)xpath.c_str(), ctxt); if (!result) { xmlFreeDoc(ctxt->doc); xmlXPathFreeContext(ctxt); throw XMLException("Invalid XPath: " + xpath); } if (result->type != XPATH_NODESET) { xmlXPathFreeObject(result); xmlFreeDoc(ctxt->doc); xmlXPathFreeContext(ctxt); throw XMLException("Only nodeset result types are supported."); } xmlNodeSet* nodeset = result->nodesetval; XMLSharedNodeList* nodes = new XMLSharedNodeList(); if (nodeset) { for (int i = 0; i < nodeset->nodeNr; ++i) { XMLNode* node = readnode(nodeset->nodeTab[i]); nodes->push_back(std::shared_ptr(node)); } } else { // return empty set } xmlXPathFreeObject(result); return nodes; } /** Dump a node, its properties and children to a stream */ void XMLNode::dump (ostream& s, string p) const { if (_is_content) { s << p << " " << content() << "\n"; } else { s << p << "<" << _name; for (XMLPropertyList::const_iterator i = _proplist.begin(); i != _proplist.end(); ++i) { s << " " << (*i)->name() << "=\"" << (*i)->value() << "\""; } s << ">\n"; for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator i = _children.begin(); i != _children.end(); ++i) { (*i)->dump (s, p + " "); } s << p << "\n"; } }