/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Paul Davis * Copyright (C) 2005 Taybin Rutkin * Copyright (C) 2006-2015 David Robillard * Copyright (C) 2006-2015 Tim Mayberry * Copyright (C) 2007 Doug McLain * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Carl Hetherington * Copyright (C) 2014-2015 Robin Gareus * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Nick Mainsbridge * Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Ben Loftis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifdef WAF_BUILD #include "gtk2ardour-config.h" #endif #include // for sprintf, grrr #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/memento_command.h" #include "pbd/unwind.h" #include #include #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/tempo.h" #include #include #include "canvas/canvas.h" #include "canvas/item.h" #include "canvas/line_set.h" #include "automation_streamview.h" #include "bbt_marker_dialog.h" #include "editor.h" #include "marker.h" #include "tempo_dialog.h" #include "rgb_macros.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "tempo_map_change.h" #include "time_axis_view.h" #include "grid_lines.h" #include "region_view.h" #include "ui_config.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace Editing; using namespace Temporal; void Editor::remove_metric_marks () { /* don't delete these while handling events, just punt till the GUI is idle */ for (auto & m : tempo_marks) { delete_when_idle (m); } for (auto & m : meter_marks) { delete_when_idle (m); } for (auto & m : bbt_marks) { delete_when_idle (m); } tempo_marks.clear (); meter_marks.clear (); bbt_marks.clear (); } void Editor::reassociate_metric_markers (TempoMap::SharedPtr const& tmap) { TempoMap::Metrics metrics; for (auto & t : tempo_marks) { reassociate_tempo_marker (tmap, tmap->tempos(), *dynamic_cast (t)); } for (auto & m : meter_marks) { reassociate_meter_marker (tmap, tmap->meters(), *dynamic_cast (m)); } for (auto & b : bbt_marks) { reassociate_bartime_marker (tmap, tmap->bartimes(), *dynamic_cast (b)); } } void Editor::reassociate_tempo_marker (TempoMap::SharedPtr const & tmap, Tempos const & tempos, TempoMarker& marker) { for (auto const & tempo : tempos) { if (marker.point().sclock() == tempo.sclock()) { marker.reset_tempo (tempo); marker.curve().reset_point (tempo); break; } } } void Editor::reassociate_meter_marker (TempoMap::SharedPtr const & tmap, Meters const & meters, MeterMarker& marker) { for (auto const & meter : meters) { if (marker.point().sclock() == meter.sclock()) { marker.reset_meter (meter); break; } } } void Editor::reassociate_bartime_marker (TempoMap::SharedPtr const & tmap, MusicTimes const & bartimes, BBTMarker& marker) { for (auto const & bartime : bartimes) { if (marker.point().sclock() == bartime.sclock()) { marker.reset_point (bartime); break; } } } void Editor::make_bbt_marker (MusicTimePoint const * mtp, Marks::iterator before) { bbt_marks.insert (before, new BBTMarker (*this, *bbt_ruler, "meter marker", *mtp)); } void Editor::make_meter_marker (Temporal::MeterPoint const * ms, Marks::iterator before) { char buf[64]; snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%d/%d", ms->divisions_per_bar(), ms->note_value ()); meter_marks.insert (before, new MeterMarker (*this, *meter_group, "meter marker", buf, *ms)); } void Editor::make_tempo_marker (Temporal::TempoPoint const * ts, double& min_tempo, double& max_tempo, TempoPoint const *& prev_ts, uint32_t tc_color, samplecnt_t sr, Marks::iterator before) { max_tempo = max (max_tempo, ts->note_types_per_minute()); max_tempo = max (max_tempo, ts->end_note_types_per_minute()); min_tempo = min (min_tempo, ts->note_types_per_minute()); min_tempo = min (min_tempo, ts->end_note_types_per_minute()); const std::string tname (X_("")); char const * color_name = X_("tempo marker"); tempo_marks.insert (before, new TempoMarker (*this, *tempo_group, *mapping_group, color_name, tname, *ts, ts->sample (sr), tc_color)); /* XXX the point of this code was "a jump in tempo by more than 1 ntpm results in a red tempo mark pointer." (3a7bc1fd3f32f0) */ if (prev_ts && abs (prev_ts->end_note_types_per_minute() - ts->note_types_per_minute()) < 1.0) { tempo_marks.back()->set_points_color ("tempo marker music"); } else { tempo_marks.back()->set_points_color ("tempo marker"); } prev_ts = ts; } void Editor::reset_metric_marks () { reset_tempo_marks (); reset_meter_marks (); /* Must come last, after temp and meter marks are created and are discoverable */ reset_bbt_marks (); } void Editor::reset_tempo_marks () { if (!_session) { return; } const uint32_t tc_color = UIConfiguration::instance().color ("tempo curve"); const samplecnt_t sr (_session->sample_rate()); Tempos const & tempi (TempoMap::use()->tempos()); TempoPoint const * prev_ts = 0; double max_tempo = 0.0; double min_tempo = DBL_MAX; for (auto & t : tempo_marks) { delete t; } tempo_marks.clear (); for (auto const & t : tempi) { make_tempo_marker (&t, min_tempo, max_tempo, prev_ts, tc_color, sr, tempo_marks.end()); prev_ts = &t; } update_tempo_curves (min_tempo, max_tempo, sr); } void Editor::reset_meter_marks () { if (!_session) { return; } Meters const & meters (TempoMap::use()->meters()); for (auto & m : meter_marks) { delete m; } meter_marks.clear (); for (auto const & m : meters) { make_meter_marker (&m, meter_marks.end()); } } void Editor::reset_bbt_marks () { if (!_session) { return; } Temporal::TempoMap::SharedPtr tmap (TempoMap::use()); MusicTimes const & bartimes (tmap->bartimes()); for (auto & b : bbt_marks) { delete b; } bbt_marks.clear (); for (auto const & b : bartimes) { make_bbt_marker (&b, bbt_marks.end()); } } void Editor::update_tempo_curves (double min_tempo, double max_tempo, samplecnt_t sr) { const double min_tempo_range = 5.0; const double tempo_delta = fabs (max_tempo - min_tempo); if (tempo_delta < min_tempo_range) { max_tempo += min_tempo_range - tempo_delta; min_tempo += tempo_delta - min_tempo_range; } for (Marks::iterator m = tempo_marks.begin(); m != tempo_marks.end(); ++m) { TempoMarker* tm = static_cast(*m); Marks::iterator tmp = m; ++tmp; TempoCurve& curve (tm->curve()); curve.set_max_tempo (max_tempo); curve.set_min_tempo (min_tempo); if (tmp != tempo_marks.end()) { TempoMarker* nxt = static_cast(*tmp); curve.set_duration (nxt->tempo().sample(sr) - tm->tempo().sample(sr)); } else { curve.set_duration (samplecnt_t (UINT32_MAX)); } if (!tm->tempo().active()) { curve.hide(); } else { curve.show(); } } } void Editor::tempo_map_changed () { if (ignore_map_change) { return; } TempoMap::SharedPtr current_map = TempoMap::fetch (); /* If the tempo map was changed by something other than the Editor, we * will need to reassociate all visual elements used for tempo display * with the new map. */ reset_metric_marks (); update_tempo_based_rulers (); update_all_marker_lanes (); maybe_draw_grid_lines (); } void Editor::redisplay_grid (bool immediate_redraw) { if (!_session) { return; } if (immediate_redraw) { update_tempo_based_rulers (); update_grid(); } else { Glib::signal_idle().connect (sigc::bind_return (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::redisplay_grid), true), false)); } } void Editor::tempo_curve_selected (Temporal::TempoPoint const * ts, bool yn) { if (ts == 0) { return; } for (Marks::iterator x = tempo_marks.begin(); x != tempo_marks.end(); ++x) { TempoMarker* tm = static_cast (*x); if (&tm->tempo() == ts) { if (yn) { tm->curve().set_color_rgba (UIConfiguration::instance().color ("location marker")); } else { tm->curve().set_color_rgba (UIConfiguration::instance().color ("tempo curve")); } break; } } } /* computes a grid starting a beat before and ending a beat after leftmost and rightmost respectively */ void Editor::compute_current_bbt_points (Temporal::TempoMapPoints& grid, samplepos_t leftmost, samplepos_t rightmost) { if (!_session) { return; } TempoMap::SharedPtr tmap (TempoMap::use()); /* prevent negative values of leftmost from creeping into tempomap */ const Beats left = tmap->quarters_at_sample (leftmost).round_down_to_beat(); const Beats lower_beat = (left < Beats() ? Beats() : left); const samplecnt_t sr (_session->sample_rate()); switch (bbt_ruler_scale) { case bbt_show_quarters: tmap->get_grid (grid, max (tmap->superclock_at (lower_beat), (superclock_t) 0), samples_to_superclock (rightmost, sr), 0, 1); break; case bbt_show_eighths: tmap->get_grid (grid, max (tmap->superclock_at (lower_beat), (superclock_t) 0), samples_to_superclock (rightmost, sr), 0, 2); break; case bbt_show_sixteenths: tmap->get_grid (grid, max (tmap->superclock_at (lower_beat), (superclock_t) 0), samples_to_superclock (rightmost, sr), 0, 4); break; case bbt_show_thirtyseconds: tmap->get_grid (grid, max (tmap->superclock_at (lower_beat), (superclock_t) 0), samples_to_superclock (rightmost, sr), 0, 8); break; case bbt_show_sixtyfourths: tmap->get_grid (grid, max (tmap->superclock_at (lower_beat), (superclock_t) 0), samples_to_superclock (rightmost, sr), 0, 16); break; case bbt_show_onetwentyeighths: tmap->get_grid (grid, max (tmap->superclock_at (lower_beat), (superclock_t) 0), samples_to_superclock (rightmost, sr), 0, 32); break; case bbt_show_1: tmap->get_grid (grid, max (tmap->superclock_at (lower_beat), (superclock_t) 0), samples_to_superclock (rightmost, sr), 1); break; case bbt_show_4: tmap->get_grid (grid, max (tmap->superclock_at (lower_beat), (superclock_t) 0), samples_to_superclock (rightmost, sr), 4); break; case bbt_show_16: tmap->get_grid (grid, max (tmap->superclock_at (lower_beat), (superclock_t) 0), samples_to_superclock (rightmost, sr), 16); break; case bbt_show_64: tmap->get_grid (grid, max (tmap->superclock_at (lower_beat), (superclock_t) 0), samples_to_superclock (rightmost, sr), 64); break; default: /* bbt_show_many */ tmap->get_grid (grid, max (tmap->superclock_at (lower_beat), (superclock_t) 0), samples_to_superclock (rightmost, sr), 128); break; } } void Editor::hide_grid_lines () { if (grid_lines) { grid_lines->hide(); } } void Editor::maybe_draw_grid_lines () { if ( _session == 0 ) { return; } if (grid_lines == 0) { grid_lines = new GridLines (time_line_group, ArdourCanvas::LineSet::Vertical); } grid_marks.clear(); samplepos_t rightmost_sample = _leftmost_sample + current_page_samples(); if ( grid_musical() ) { metric_get_bbt (grid_marks, _leftmost_sample, rightmost_sample, 12); } else if (_grid_type== GridTypeTimecode) { metric_get_timecode (grid_marks, _leftmost_sample, rightmost_sample, 12); } else if (_grid_type == GridTypeCDFrame) { metric_get_minsec (grid_marks, _leftmost_sample, rightmost_sample, 12); } else if (_grid_type == GridTypeMinSec) { metric_get_minsec (grid_marks, _leftmost_sample, rightmost_sample, 12); } grid_lines->draw (grid_marks); grid_lines->show(); } void Editor::mouse_add_new_tempo_event (timepos_t pos) { if (_session == 0) { return; } if (pos.beats() > Beats()) { TempoMapChange tmc (*this, _("add tempo mark")); tmc.map().set_tempo (tmc.map().tempo_at (pos), pos); } //map.dump (cerr); } void Editor::mouse_add_new_meter_event (timepos_t pos) { if (_session == 0) { return; } MeterDialog meter_dialog (TempoMap::use(), pos, _("add")); switch (meter_dialog.run ()) { case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: break; default: return; } double bpb = meter_dialog.get_bpb (); bpb = max (1.0, bpb); // XXX is this a reasonable limit? double note_type = meter_dialog.get_note_type (); Temporal::BBT_Time r; meter_dialog.get_bbt_time (r); Temporal::BBT_Argument requested (superclock_t (0), r); TempoMapChange tmc (*this, _("add time signature")); pos = timepos_t (tmc.map().quarters_at (requested)); tmc.map().set_meter (Meter (bpb, note_type), pos); } void Editor::add_bbt_marker_at_playhead_cursor () { if (_session == 0) { return; } mouse_add_bbt_marker_event (timepos_t (_session->transport_sample ())); } void Editor::mouse_add_bbt_marker_event (timepos_t pos) { if (_session == 0) { return; } /* position markers must always be positioned using audio time */ BBTMarkerDialog marker_dialog (timepos_t (pos.samples()), BBT_Time ()); /* run this modally since we are finishing a drag and the drag object * will be destroyed when we return from here */ int result = marker_dialog.run (); switch (result) { case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: case RESPONSE_OK: break; default: return; } BBT_Time bbt; std::string name; bbt = marker_dialog.bbt_value (); name = marker_dialog.name(); TempoMapChange tmc (*this, _("add BBT marker")); tmc.map().set_bartime (bbt, marker_dialog.position(), name); } void Editor::remove_bbt_marker (ArdourCanvas::Item* item) { ArdourMarker* marker; BBTMarker* bbt_marker; if ((marker = reinterpret_cast (item->get_data ("marker"))) == 0) { fatal << _("programming error: bbt marker canvas item has no marker object pointer!") << endmsg; abort(); /*NOTREACHED*/ } if ((bbt_marker = dynamic_cast (marker)) == 0) { fatal << _("programming error: marker for bbt is not a bbt marker!") << endmsg; abort(); /*NOTREACHED*/ } Glib::signal_idle().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::real_remove_bbt_marker), &bbt_marker->mt_point())); } void Editor::remove_tempo_marker (ArdourCanvas::Item* item) { ArdourMarker* marker; TempoMarker* tempo_marker; if ((marker = reinterpret_cast (item->get_data ("marker"))) == 0) { fatal << _("programming error: tempo marker canvas item has no marker object pointer!") << endmsg; abort(); /*NOTREACHED*/ } if ((tempo_marker = dynamic_cast (marker)) == 0) { fatal << _("programming error: marker for tempo is not a tempo marker!") << endmsg; abort(); /*NOTREACHED*/ } if (!tempo_marker->tempo().locked_to_meter() && tempo_marker->tempo().active()) { Glib::signal_idle().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::real_remove_tempo_marker), &tempo_marker->tempo())); } } void Editor::edit_meter_section (Temporal::MeterPoint& section) { MeterDialog meter_dialog (section, _("done")); switch (meter_dialog.run()) { case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: break; default: return; } Temporal::TempoMetric tm (TempoMap::use()->metric_at (timepos_t (section.sample(TEMPORAL_SAMPLE_RATE)))); Temporal::MeterPoint const * mpp (TempoMap::use()->previous_meter (tm.meter())); double bpb = meter_dialog.get_bpb (); bpb = max (1.0, bpb); // XXX is this a reasonable limit? double const note_type = meter_dialog.get_note_type (); const Meter meter (bpb, note_type); Temporal::Beats new_pos; MusicTimePoint* mtp; if ((mtp = dynamic_cast (§ion))) { /* ignore positional changes, that must be done via the MTP */ const Temporal::MeterPoint mp (meter, *mtp); MusicTimePoint replacement (*mtp); *((Temporal::MeterPoint*)&replacement) = mp; TempoMapChange tmc (*this, _("edit BBT meter")); tmc.map().replace_bartime (replacement); return; } if (!mpp) { /* first meter, cannot move */ new_pos = section.beats (); } else { /* Compute the given BBT time using a tempo metric composed from the tempo in effect at the current position, and the previous meter. Step 1: get BBT time from dialog */ Temporal::BBT_Time w; meter_dialog.get_bbt_time (w); /* Step 2: construct the relevant tempo metric */ TempoMetric prev_tm (tm.tempo(), *mpp); /* Step 3: construct new BBT_Argument */ Temporal::BBT_Argument when (tm.reftime(), w); /* Step 4: convert to quarters */ new_pos = prev_tm.quarters_at (when); } TempoMapChange tmc (*this, _("edit time signature")); tmc.map().set_meter (meter, timepos_t (new_pos)); } void Editor::edit_bbt (MusicTimePoint& point) { BBTMarkerDialog dialog (point); switch (dialog.run ()) { case RESPONSE_OK: case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: break; default: return; } if (dialog.bbt_value() == point.bbt()) { /* just a name change, no need to modify the map */ point.set_name (dialog.name()); /* XXX need to update marker label */ return; } TempoMapChange tmc (*this, _("edit tempo")); tmc.map().remove_bartime (point); tmc.map().set_bartime (dialog.bbt_value(), dialog.position(), dialog.name()); } void Editor::edit_tempo_section (TempoPoint& section) { TempoDialog tempo_dialog (TempoMap::use(), section, _("done")); switch (tempo_dialog.run ()) { case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: break; default: return; } Temporal::TempoMetric tm (TempoMap::use()->metric_at (timepos_t (section.sample (TEMPORAL_SAMPLE_RATE)))); Temporal::TempoPoint const * tpp (TempoMap::use()->previous_tempo (tm.tempo())); double bpm = tempo_dialog.get_bpm (); double end_bpm = tempo_dialog.get_end_bpm (); int nt = tempo_dialog.get_note_type (); bpm = max (0.01, bpm); const Tempo tempo (bpm, end_bpm, nt); Temporal::Beats new_pos; MusicTimePoint* mtp; if ((mtp = dynamic_cast (§ion))) { /* ignore positional changes, that must be done via the MTP */ MusicTimePoint replacement (*mtp); *((TempoPoint*)&replacement) = tempo; TempoMapChange tmc (*this, _("edit BBT tempo")); tmc.map().replace_bartime (replacement); return; } if (!tpp) { /* first tempo, cannot move */ new_pos = section.beats (); } else { /* Compute the given BBT time using a tempo metric composed from the meter in effect at the current position, and the previous tempo. Step 1: get BBT time from dialog */ Temporal::BBT_Time w; tempo_dialog.get_bbt_time (w); /* Step 2: construct the relevant tempo metric */ TempoMetric prev_tm (*tpp, tm.meter()); /* Step 3: construct new BBT_Argument */ Temporal::BBT_Argument when (tm.reftime(), w); /* Step 4: convert to quarters */ new_pos = prev_tm.quarters_at (when).round_to_beat (); } TempoMapChange tmc (*this, _("edit tempo")); // std::cerr << "using tempometric " << tm << std::endl; // std::cerr << "edit tempo at " << when << " via quarters at = " << tmc.map().quarters_at (when) << std::endl; tmc.map().replace_tempo (section, tempo, timepos_t (new_pos)); } void Editor::edit_tempo_marker (TempoMarker& tm) { edit_tempo_section (const_cast(tm.tempo())); } void Editor::edit_meter_marker (MeterMarker& mm) { edit_meter_section (const_cast(mm.meter())); } void Editor::edit_bbt_marker (BBTMarker& bm) { edit_bbt (const_cast(bm.mt_point())); } gint Editor::real_remove_bbt_marker (MusicTimePoint const * point) { TempoMapChange tmc (*this, _("remove BBT marker")); tmc.map().remove_bartime (*point); return FALSE; } gint Editor::real_remove_tempo_marker (TempoPoint const * section) { TempoMapChange tmc (*this, _("remove tempo change")); tmc.map().remove_tempo (*section); return FALSE; } void Editor::remove_meter_marker (ArdourCanvas::Item* item) { ArdourMarker* marker; MeterMarker* meter_marker; if ((marker = reinterpret_cast (item->get_data ("marker"))) == 0) { fatal << _("programming error: meter marker canvas item has no marker object pointer!") << endmsg; abort(); /*NOTREACHED*/ } if ((meter_marker = dynamic_cast (marker)) == 0) { fatal << _("programming error: marker for meter is not a meter marker!") << endmsg; abort(); /*NOTREACHED*/ } if (!meter_marker->meter().map().is_initial(meter_marker->meter())) { Glib::signal_idle().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::real_remove_meter_marker), &meter_marker->meter())); } } gint Editor::real_remove_meter_marker (Temporal::MeterPoint const * section) { TempoMapChange tmc (*this, _("remove tempo mark")); tmc.map().remove_meter (*section); return FALSE; } Temporal::TempoMap::WritableSharedPtr Editor::begin_tempo_mapping (Temporal::DomainBounceInfo& dbi) { TempoMap::WritableSharedPtr wmap = TempoMap::write_copy (); TempoMap::set (wmap); reassociate_metric_markers (wmap); _session->start_domain_bounce (dbi); return wmap; } void Editor::abort_tempo_mapping () { delete domain_bounce_info; domain_bounce_info = nullptr; TempoMap::abort_update (); TempoMap::SharedPtr tmap (TempoMap::fetch()); reassociate_metric_markers (tmap); } void Editor::commit_tempo_mapping (TempoMap::WritableSharedPtr& new_map) { TempoMap::update (new_map); /* revert all positions */ _session->finish_domain_bounce (*domain_bounce_info); delete domain_bounce_info; domain_bounce_info = nullptr; TempoMap::SharedPtr tmap (TempoMap::fetch()); reassociate_metric_markers (tmap); } Temporal::TempoMap::WritableSharedPtr Editor::begin_tempo_map_edit () { TempoMap::WritableSharedPtr wmap = TempoMap::write_copy (); TempoMap::set (wmap); reassociate_metric_markers (wmap); return wmap; } void Editor::abort_tempo_map_edit () { /* this drops the lock held while we have a writable copy in our per-thread pointer */ TempoMap::abort_update (); /* Now update our own per-thread copy of the tempo map pointer to be the canonical one, and reconnect markers with elements of that map */ TempoMap::SharedPtr tmap (TempoMap::fetch()); reassociate_metric_markers (tmap); } void Editor::_commit_tempo_map_edit (TempoMap::WritableSharedPtr& new_map, bool with_update) { if (!with_update) { PBD::Unwinder uw (ignore_map_change, true); TempoMap::update (new_map); } else { TempoMap::update (new_map); } } void Editor::mid_tempo_change (MidTempoChanges what_changed) { // std::cerr << "============== MID TEMPO\n"; // TempoMap::SharedPtr map (TempoMap::use()); // map->dump (std::cerr); if ((what_changed & MidTempoChanges(BBTChanged|TempoChanged|MappingChanged))) { double min_tempo = DBL_MAX; double max_tempo = 0.0; for (auto & t : tempo_marks) { t->update (); TempoMarker* tm (dynamic_cast (t)); max_tempo = max (max_tempo, tm->tempo().note_types_per_minute()); max_tempo = max (max_tempo, tm->tempo().end_note_types_per_minute()); min_tempo = min (min_tempo, tm->tempo().note_types_per_minute()); min_tempo = min (min_tempo, tm->tempo().end_note_types_per_minute()); } update_tempo_curves (min_tempo, max_tempo, _session->sample_rate()); } for (auto & m : meter_marks) { m->update (); } for (auto & b : bbt_marks) { b->update (); } update_tempo_based_rulers (); maybe_draw_grid_lines (); if (!(what_changed & (MappingChanged|BBTChanged))) { /* Nothing changes in tracks when it is a tempo mapping * operation or a BBT change */ foreach_time_axis_view (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::mid_tempo_per_track_update)); } } void Editor::mid_tempo_per_track_update (TimeAxisView& tav) { MidiTimeAxisView* mtav = dynamic_cast (&tav); if (mtav) { MidiStreamView* msv = mtav->midi_view(); if (msv) { msv->foreach_regionview (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::mid_tempo_per_region_update)); } TimeAxisView::Children kids (tav.get_child_list()); for (TimeAxisView::Children::iterator ct = kids.begin(); ct != kids.end(); ++ct) { std::shared_ptr atav = std::dynamic_pointer_cast (*ct); if (atav) { AutomationStreamView* asv = atav->automation_view (); if (asv) { asv->foreach_regionview (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::mid_tempo_per_region_update)); } } } } } void Editor::mid_tempo_per_region_update (RegionView* rv) { rv->tempo_map_changed (); } void Editor::set_tempo_edit_behavior (TempoEditBehavior teb) { /* As with all things radio-action related, we carry out the change by toggling the action, and then actually do the model-view changes in the actions' toggled handler. */ Glib::RefPtr act; switch (teb) { case TempoMapping: act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Editor"), X_("tempo-edit-is-mapping")); break; case TempoChanging: act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Editor"), X_("tempo-edit-is-changing")); } Glib::RefPtr tact = Glib::RefPtr::cast_dynamic(act); /* go there and back to ensure that the toggled handler is called to set up mouse_mode */ tact->set_active (false); tact->set_active (true); } void Editor::tempo_edit_behavior_toggled (TempoEditBehavior teb) { Glib::RefPtr act; switch (teb) { case TempoMapping: act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Editor"), X_("tempo-edit-is-mapping")); break; case TempoChanging: act = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Editor"), X_("tempo-edit-is-changing")); } Glib::RefPtr tact = Glib::RefPtr::cast_dynamic(act); if (!tact->get_active()) { /* this was just the notification that the old mode has been * left. we'll get called again with the new mode active in a * jiffy. */ return; } /* change the ruler shown in the tempo position */ _tempo_edit_behavior = teb; switch (teb) { case TempoMapping: tempo_group->hide (); mapping_group->show (); break; case TempoChanging: tempo_group->show (); mapping_group->hide (); break; } } void Editor::clear_tempo_markers_before (timepos_t where, bool stop_at_music_times) { if (!_session) { return; } TempoMap::WritableSharedPtr wmap = begin_tempo_map_edit (); XMLNode* before_state = &wmap->get_state (); if (!wmap->clear_tempos_before (where, stop_at_music_times)) { abort_tempo_map_edit (); return; } begin_reversible_command (_("clear earlier tempos")); commit_tempo_map_edit (wmap, true); XMLNode& after = wmap->get_state (); _session->add_command (new Temporal::TempoCommand (_("clear earlier tempos"), before_state, &after)); commit_reversible_command (); } void Editor::clear_tempo_markers_after (timepos_t where, bool stop_at_music_times) { if (!_session) { return; } TempoMap::WritableSharedPtr wmap = begin_tempo_map_edit (); XMLNode* before_state = &wmap->get_state (); if (!wmap->clear_tempos_after (where, stop_at_music_times)) { abort_tempo_map_edit (); return; } begin_reversible_command (_("clear later tempos")); commit_tempo_map_edit (wmap, true); XMLNode& after = wmap->get_state (); _session->add_command (new Temporal::TempoCommand (_("clear later tempos"), before_state, &after)); commit_reversible_command (); } TempoMarker* Editor::find_marker_for_tempo (Temporal::TempoPoint const & tp) { for (auto const & tm : tempo_marks) { TempoMarker* t; if ((t = dynamic_cast(tm))->tempo() == tp) { return t; } } return nullptr; } MeterMarker* Editor::find_marker_for_meter (Temporal::MeterPoint const & mp) { for (auto const & mm : meter_marks) { MeterMarker* m; if ((m = dynamic_cast(mm))->meter() == mp) { return m; } } return nullptr; }