/* Copyright (C) 2003 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. $Id$ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "utils.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "rgb_macros.h" #include "canvas_impl.h" using namespace std; using namespace Gtk; using namespace sigc; using namespace Glib; using namespace PBD; ustring fit_to_pixels (const ustring& str, int pixel_width, Pango::FontDescription& font, int& actual_width) { Label foo; Glib::RefPtr layout = foo.create_pango_layout (""); layout->set_font_description (font); actual_width = 0; ustring ustr = str; ustring::iterator last = ustr.end(); --last; /* now points at final entry */ while (!ustr.empty()) { layout->set_text (ustr); int width, height; Gtkmm2ext::get_ink_pixel_size (layout, width, height); if (width < pixel_width) { actual_width = width; break; } ustr.erase (last--); } return ustr; } gint just_hide_it (GdkEventAny *ev, Gtk::Window *win) { win->hide_all (); return TRUE; } /* xpm2rgb copied from nixieclock, which bore the legend: nixieclock - a nixie desktop timepiece Copyright (C) 2000 Greg Ercolano, erco@3dsite.com and was released under the GPL. */ unsigned char* xpm2rgb (const char** xpm, uint32_t& w, uint32_t& h) { static long vals[256], val; uint32_t t, x, y, colors, cpp; unsigned char c; unsigned char *savergb, *rgb; // PARSE HEADER if ( sscanf(xpm[0], "%u%u%u%u", &w, &h, &colors, &cpp) != 4 ) { error << string_compose (_("bad XPM header %1"), xpm[0]) << endmsg; return 0; } savergb = rgb = (unsigned char*)art_alloc (h * w * 3); // LOAD XPM COLORMAP LONG ENOUGH TO DO CONVERSION for (t = 0; t < colors; ++t) { sscanf (xpm[t+1], "%c c #%lx", &c, &val); vals[c] = val; } // COLORMAP -> RGB CONVERSION // Get low 3 bytes from vals[] // const char *p; for (y = h-1; y > 0; --y) { for (p = xpm[1+colors+(h-y-1)], x = 0; x < w; x++, rgb += 3) { val = vals[(int)*p++]; *(rgb+2) = val & 0xff; val >>= 8; // 2:B *(rgb+1) = val & 0xff; val >>= 8; // 1:G *(rgb+0) = val & 0xff; // 0:R } } return (savergb); } unsigned char* xpm2rgba (const char** xpm, uint32_t& w, uint32_t& h) { static long vals[256], val; uint32_t t, x, y, colors, cpp; unsigned char c; unsigned char *savergb, *rgb; char transparent; // PARSE HEADER if ( sscanf(xpm[0], "%u%u%u%u", &w, &h, &colors, &cpp) != 4 ) { error << string_compose (_("bad XPM header %1"), xpm[0]) << endmsg; return 0; } savergb = rgb = (unsigned char*)art_alloc (h * w * 4); // LOAD XPM COLORMAP LONG ENOUGH TO DO CONVERSION if (strstr (xpm[1], "None")) { sscanf (xpm[1], "%c", &transparent); t = 1; } else { transparent = 0; t = 0; } for (; t < colors; ++t) { sscanf (xpm[t+1], "%c c #%lx", &c, &val); vals[c] = val; } // COLORMAP -> RGB CONVERSION // Get low 3 bytes from vals[] // const char *p; for (y = h-1; y > 0; --y) { char alpha; for (p = xpm[1+colors+(h-y-1)], x = 0; x < w; x++, rgb += 4) { if (transparent && (*p++ == transparent)) { alpha = 0; val = 0; } else { alpha = 255; val = vals[(int)*p]; } *(rgb+3) = alpha; // 3: alpha *(rgb+2) = val & 0xff; val >>= 8; // 2:B *(rgb+1) = val & 0xff; val >>= 8; // 1:G *(rgb+0) = val & 0xff; // 0:R } } return (savergb); } ArdourCanvas::Points* get_canvas_points (string who, uint32_t npoints) { // cerr << who << ": wants " << npoints << " canvas points" << endl; #ifdef TRAP_EXCESSIVE_POINT_REQUESTS if (npoints > (uint32_t) gdk_screen_width() + 4) { abort (); } #endif return new ArdourCanvas::Points (npoints); } Pango::FontDescription get_font_for_style (string widgetname) { Gtk::Window window (WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); Gtk::Label foobar; Glib::RefPtr style; window.add (foobar); foobar.set_name (widgetname); foobar.ensure_style(); style = foobar.get_style (); return style->get_font(); } gint pane_handler (GdkEventButton* ev, Gtk::Paned* pane) { if (ev->window != Gtkmm2ext::get_paned_handle (*pane)) { return FALSE; } if (Keyboard::is_delete_event (ev)) { gint pos; gint cmp; pos = pane->get_position (); if (dynamic_cast(pane)) { cmp = pane->get_height(); } else { cmp = pane->get_width(); } /* we have to use approximations here because we can't predict the exact position or sizes of the pane (themes, etc) */ if (pos < 10 || abs (pos - cmp) < 10) { /* already collapsed: restore it (note that this is cast from a pointer value to int, which is tricky on 64bit */ pane->set_position ((intptr_t) pane->get_data ("rpos")); } else { int collapse_direction; /* store the current position */ pane->set_data ("rpos", (gpointer) pos); /* collapse to show the relevant child in full */ collapse_direction = (intptr_t) pane->get_data ("collapse-direction"); if (collapse_direction) { pane->set_position (1); } else { if (dynamic_cast(pane)) { pane->set_position (pane->get_height()); } else { pane->set_position (pane->get_width()); } } } return TRUE; } return FALSE; } uint32_t rgba_from_style (string style, uint32_t r, uint32_t g, uint32_t b, uint32_t a, string attr, int state, bool rgba) { /* In GTK+2, styles aren't set up correctly if the widget is not attached to a toplevel window that has a screen pointer. */ static Gtk::Window* window = 0; if (window == 0) { window = new Window (WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); } Gtk::Label foo; window->add (foo); foo.set_name (style); foo.ensure_style (); GtkRcStyle* waverc = foo.get_style()->gobj()->rc_style; if (waverc) { if (attr == "fg") { r = waverc->fg[state].red / 257; g = waverc->fg[state].green / 257; b = waverc->fg[state].blue / 257; /* what a hack ... "a" is for "active" */ if (state == Gtk::STATE_NORMAL && rgba) { a = waverc->fg[GTK_STATE_ACTIVE].red / 257; } } else if (attr == "bg") { r = g = b = 0; r = waverc->bg[state].red / 257; g = waverc->bg[state].green / 257; b = waverc->bg[state].blue / 257; } else if (attr == "base") { r = waverc->base[state].red / 257; g = waverc->base[state].green / 257; b = waverc->base[state].blue / 257; } else if (attr == "text") { r = waverc->text[state].red / 257; g = waverc->text[state].green / 257; b = waverc->text[state].blue / 257; } } else { warning << string_compose (_("missing RGBA style for \"%1\""), style) << endl; } window->remove (); if (state == Gtk::STATE_NORMAL && rgba) { return (uint32_t) RGBA_TO_UINT(r,g,b,a); } else { return (uint32_t) RGB_TO_UINT(r,g,b); } } bool canvas_item_visible (ArdourCanvas::Item* item) { return (item->gobj()->object.flags & GNOME_CANVAS_ITEM_VISIBLE) ? true : false; } void set_color (Gdk::Color& c, int rgb) { c.set_rgb((rgb >> 16)*256, ((rgb & 0xff00) >> 8)*256, (rgb & 0xff)*256); } bool key_press_focus_accelerator_handler (Gtk::Window& window, GdkEventKey* ev) { GtkWindow* win = window.gobj(); GtkWidget* focus = gtk_window_get_focus (win); bool special_handling_of_unmodified_accelerators = false; #undef DEBUG_ACCELERATOR_HANDLING #ifdef DEBUG_ACCELERATOR_HANDLING bool debug = (getenv ("ARDOUR_DEBUG_ACCELERATOR_HANDLING") != 0); #endif if (focus) { if (GTK_IS_ENTRY(focus)) { special_handling_of_unmodified_accelerators = true; } } #ifdef DEBUG_ACCELERATOR_HANDLING if (debug) { cerr << "Key event: code = " << ev->keyval << " state = " << hex << ev->state << dec << " focus is an entry ? " << special_handling_of_unmodified_accelerators << endl; } #endif /* This exists to allow us to override the way GTK handles key events. The normal sequence is: a) event is delivered to a GtkWindow b) accelerators/mnemonics are activated c) if (b) didn't handle the event, propagate to the focus widget and/or focus chain The problem with this is that if the accelerators include keys without modifiers, such as the space bar or the letter "e", then pressing the key while typing into a text entry widget results in the accelerator being activated, instead of the desired letter appearing in the text entry. There is no good way of fixing this, but this represents a compromise. The idea is that key events involving modifiers (not Shift) get routed into the activation pathway first, then get propagated to the focus widget if necessary. If the key event doesn't involve modifiers, we deliver to the focus widget first, thus allowing it to get "normal text" without interference from acceleration. Of course, this can also be problematic: if there is a widget with focus, then it will swallow all "normal text" accelerators. */ if (!special_handling_of_unmodified_accelerators) { /* pretend that certain key events that GTK does not allow to be used as accelerators are actually something that it does allow. */ int ret = false; switch (ev->keyval) { case GDK_Up: ret = gtk_accel_groups_activate(G_OBJECT(win), GDK_uparrow, GdkModifierType(ev->state)); break; case GDK_Down: ret = gtk_accel_groups_activate(G_OBJECT(win), GDK_downarrow, GdkModifierType(ev->state)); break; case GDK_Right: ret = gtk_accel_groups_activate(G_OBJECT(win), GDK_rightarrow, GdkModifierType(ev->state)); break; case GDK_Left: ret = gtk_accel_groups_activate(G_OBJECT(win), GDK_leftarrow, GdkModifierType(ev->state)); break; default: break; } if (ret) { return true; } } if (!special_handling_of_unmodified_accelerators || ev->state & (Gdk::MOD1_MASK| Gdk::MOD3_MASK| Gdk::MOD4_MASK| Gdk::MOD5_MASK| Gdk::CONTROL_MASK)) { /* no special handling or modifiers in effect: accelerate first */ #ifdef DEBUG_ACCELERATOR_HANDLING if (debug) { cerr << "\tactivate, then propagate\n"; } #endif if (!gtk_window_activate_key (win, ev)) { return gtk_window_propagate_key_event (win, ev); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_ACCELERATOR_HANDLING if (debug) { cerr << "\tnot handled\n"; } #endif return true; } } /* no modifiers, propagate first */ #ifdef DEBUG_ACCELERATOR_HANDLING if (debug) { cerr << "\tactivate, then propagate\n"; } #endif if (!gtk_window_propagate_key_event (win, ev)) { return gtk_window_activate_key (win, ev); } #ifdef DEBUG_ACCELERATOR_HANDLING if (debug) { cerr << "\tnot handled\n"; } #endif return true; } Glib::RefPtr get_xpm (std::string name) { if (!xpm_map[name]) { xpm_map[name] = Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_file (ARDOUR::find_data_file(name, "pixmaps")); } return (xpm_map[name]); } Glib::RefPtr get_icon (const char* cname) { string name = cname; name += X_(".png"); string path = ARDOUR::find_data_file (name, "icons"); if (path.empty()) { fatal << string_compose (_("cannot find icon image for %1"), name) << endmsg; /*NOTREACHED*/ } return Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_file (path); } string longest (vector& strings) { if (strings.empty()) { return string (""); } vector::iterator longest = strings.begin(); string::size_type longest_length = (*longest).length(); vector::iterator i = longest; ++i; while (i != strings.end()) { string::size_type len = (*i).length(); if (len > longest_length) { longest = i; longest_length = len; } ++i; } return *longest; }