/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "streamview.h" #include "audio_region_view.h" #include "audio_time_axis.h" #include "simplerect.h" #include "simpleline.h" #include "waveview.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "audio_region_editor.h" #include "region_gain_line.h" #include "ghostregion.h" #include "audio_time_axis.h" #include "utils.h" #include "rgb_macros.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace sigc; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Editing; using namespace ArdourCanvas; static const int32_t sync_mark_width = 9; AudioRegionView::AudioRegionView (ArdourCanvas::Group *parent, RouteTimeAxisView &tv, AudioRegion& r, double spu, Gdk::Color& basic_color) : RegionView (parent, tv, r, spu, basic_color) { } AudioRegionView::AudioRegionView (ArdourCanvas::Group *parent, RouteTimeAxisView &tv, AudioRegion& r, double spu, Gdk::Color& basic_color, TimeAxisViewItem::Visibility visibility) : RegionView (parent, tv, r, spu, basic_color, visibility) { } void AudioRegionView::init (Gdk::Color& basic_color, bool wfd) { // FIXME: Some redundancy here with RegionView::init. Need to figure out // where order is important and where it isn't... RegionView::init(basic_color, wfd); XMLNode *node; _amplitude_above_axis = 1.0; zero_line = 0; _flags = 0; if ((node = _region.extra_xml ("GUI")) != 0) { set_flags (node); } else { _flags = WaveformVisible; store_flags (); } if (trackview.editor.new_regionviews_display_gain()) { _flags |= EnvelopeVisible; } compute_colors (basic_color); create_waves (); fade_in_shape = new ArdourCanvas::Polygon (*group); fade_in_shape->property_fill_color_rgba() = fade_color; fade_in_shape->set_data ("regionview", this); fade_out_shape = new ArdourCanvas::Polygon (*group); fade_out_shape->property_fill_color_rgba() = fade_color; fade_out_shape->set_data ("regionview", this); { uint32_t r,g,b,a; UINT_TO_RGBA(fill_color,&r,&g,&b,&a); fade_in_handle = new ArdourCanvas::SimpleRect (*group); fade_in_handle->property_fill_color_rgba() = RGBA_TO_UINT(r,g,b,0); fade_in_handle->property_outline_pixels() = 0; fade_in_handle->property_y1() = 2.0; fade_in_handle->property_y2() = 7.0; fade_in_handle->set_data ("regionview", this); fade_out_handle = new ArdourCanvas::SimpleRect (*group); fade_out_handle->property_fill_color_rgba() = RGBA_TO_UINT(r,g,b,0); fade_out_handle->property_outline_pixels() = 0; fade_out_handle->property_y1() = 2.0; fade_out_handle->property_y2() = 7.0; fade_out_handle->set_data ("regionview", this); } string foo = _region.name(); foo += ':'; foo += "gain"; gain_line = new AudioRegionGainLine (foo, trackview.session(), *this, *group, audio_region().envelope()); if (!(_flags & EnvelopeVisible)) { gain_line->hide (); } else { gain_line->show (); } reset_width_dependent_items ((double) _region.length() / samples_per_unit); gain_line->reset (); set_height (trackview.height); region_muted (); region_sync_changed (); region_resized (BoundsChanged); set_waveview_data_src(); region_locked (); envelope_active_changed (); fade_in_active_changed (); fade_out_active_changed (); _region.StateChanged.connect (mem_fun(*this, &AudioRegionView::region_changed)); fade_in_shape->signal_event().connect (bind (mem_fun (PublicEditor::instance(), &PublicEditor::canvas_fade_in_event), fade_in_shape, this)); fade_in_handle->signal_event().connect (bind (mem_fun (PublicEditor::instance(), &PublicEditor::canvas_fade_in_handle_event), fade_in_handle, this)); fade_out_shape->signal_event().connect (bind (mem_fun (PublicEditor::instance(), &PublicEditor::canvas_fade_out_event), fade_out_shape, this)); fade_out_handle->signal_event().connect (bind (mem_fun (PublicEditor::instance(), &PublicEditor::canvas_fade_out_handle_event), fade_out_handle, this)); set_colors (); /* XXX sync mark drag? */ } AudioRegionView::~AudioRegionView () { in_destructor = true; RegionViewGoingAway (this); /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ for (vector::iterator cache = wave_caches.begin(); cache != wave_caches.end() ; ++cache) { gnome_canvas_waveview_cache_destroy (*cache); } /* all waveviews etc will be destroyed when the group is destroyed */ if (gain_line) { delete gain_line; } } ARDOUR::AudioRegion& AudioRegionView::audio_region() const { // "Guaranteed" to succeed... return dynamic_cast(_region); } void AudioRegionView::region_changed (Change what_changed) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (bind (mem_fun(*this, &AudioRegionView::region_changed), what_changed)); RegionView::region_changed(what_changed); if (what_changed & AudioRegion::ScaleAmplitudeChanged) { region_scale_amplitude_changed (); } if (what_changed & AudioRegion::FadeInChanged) { fade_in_changed (); } if (what_changed & AudioRegion::FadeOutChanged) { fade_out_changed (); } if (what_changed & AudioRegion::FadeInActiveChanged) { fade_in_active_changed (); } if (what_changed & AudioRegion::FadeOutActiveChanged) { fade_out_active_changed (); } if (what_changed & AudioRegion::EnvelopeActiveChanged) { envelope_active_changed (); } } void AudioRegionView::fade_in_changed () { reset_fade_in_shape (); } void AudioRegionView::fade_out_changed () { reset_fade_out_shape (); } void AudioRegionView::set_fade_in_active (bool yn) { audio_region().set_fade_in_active (yn); } void AudioRegionView::set_fade_out_active (bool yn) { audio_region().set_fade_out_active (yn); } void AudioRegionView::fade_in_active_changed () { uint32_t r,g,b,a; uint32_t col; UINT_TO_RGBA(fade_color,&r,&g,&b,&a); if (audio_region().fade_in_active()) { col = RGBA_TO_UINT(r,g,b,120); fade_in_shape->property_fill_color_rgba() = col; fade_in_shape->property_width_pixels() = 0; fade_in_shape->property_outline_color_rgba() = RGBA_TO_UINT(r,g,b,0); } else { col = RGBA_TO_UINT(r,g,b,0); fade_in_shape->property_fill_color_rgba() = col; fade_in_shape->property_width_pixels() = 1; fade_in_shape->property_outline_color_rgba() = RGBA_TO_UINT(r,g,b,255); } } void AudioRegionView::fade_out_active_changed () { uint32_t r,g,b,a; uint32_t col; UINT_TO_RGBA(fade_color,&r,&g,&b,&a); if (audio_region().fade_out_active()) { col = RGBA_TO_UINT(r,g,b,120); fade_out_shape->property_fill_color_rgba() = col; fade_out_shape->property_width_pixels() = 0; fade_out_shape->property_outline_color_rgba() = RGBA_TO_UINT(r,g,b,0); } else { col = RGBA_TO_UINT(r,g,b,0); fade_out_shape->property_fill_color_rgba() = col; fade_out_shape->property_width_pixels() = 1; fade_out_shape->property_outline_color_rgba() = RGBA_TO_UINT(r,g,b,255); } } void AudioRegionView::region_scale_amplitude_changed () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (mem_fun(*this, &AudioRegionView::region_scale_amplitude_changed)); for (uint32_t n = 0; n < waves.size(); ++n) { // force a reload of the cache waves[n]->property_data_src() = &_region; } } void AudioRegionView::region_resized (Change what_changed) { RegionView::region_resized(what_changed); if (what_changed & Change (StartChanged|LengthChanged)) { for (uint32_t n = 0; n < waves.size(); ++n) { waves[n]->property_region_start() = _region.start(); } for (vector::iterator i = ghosts.begin(); i != ghosts.end(); ++i) { for (vector::iterator w = (*i)->waves.begin(); w != (*i)->waves.end(); ++w) { (*w)->property_region_start() = _region.start(); } } } } void AudioRegionView::reset_width_dependent_items (double pixel_width) { RegionView::reset_width_dependent_items(pixel_width); assert(_pixel_width == pixel_width); if (zero_line) { zero_line->property_x2() = pixel_width - 1.0; } if (fade_in_handle) { if (pixel_width <= 6.0) { fade_in_handle->hide(); fade_out_handle->hide(); } else { if (_height < 5.0) { fade_in_handle->hide(); fade_out_handle->hide(); } else { fade_in_handle->show(); fade_out_handle->show(); } } } reset_fade_shapes (); } void AudioRegionView::region_muted () { RegionView::region_muted(); for (uint32_t n=0; n < waves.size(); ++n) { if (_region.muted()) { waves[n]->property_wave_color() = color_map[cMutedWaveForm]; } else { waves[n]->property_wave_color() = color_map[cWaveForm]; } } } void AudioRegionView::set_height (gdouble height) { uint32_t wcnt = waves.size(); // FIXME: ick TimeAxisViewItem::set_height (height - 2); _height = height; for (uint32_t n=0; n < wcnt; ++n) { gdouble ht; if ((height) <= NAME_HIGHLIGHT_THRESH) { ht = ((height-2*wcnt) / (double) wcnt); } else { ht = (((height-2*wcnt) - NAME_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE) / (double) wcnt); } gdouble yoff = n * (ht+1); waves[n]->property_height() = ht; waves[n]->property_y() = yoff + 2; } if (gain_line) { if ((height/wcnt) < NAME_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE) { gain_line->hide (); } else { if (_flags & EnvelopeVisible) { gain_line->show (); } } gain_line->set_height ((uint32_t) rint (height - NAME_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE)); } manage_zero_line (); reset_fade_shapes (); if (name_text) { name_text->raise_to_top(); } } void AudioRegionView::manage_zero_line () { if (!zero_line) { return; } if (_height >= 100) { gdouble wave_midpoint = (_height - NAME_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE) / 2.0; zero_line->property_y1() = wave_midpoint; zero_line->property_y2() = wave_midpoint; zero_line->show(); } else { zero_line->hide(); } } void AudioRegionView::reset_fade_shapes () { reset_fade_in_shape (); reset_fade_out_shape (); } void AudioRegionView::reset_fade_in_shape () { reset_fade_in_shape_width ((jack_nframes_t) audio_region().fade_in().back()->when); } void AudioRegionView::reset_fade_in_shape_width (jack_nframes_t width) { if (fade_in_handle == 0) { return; } /* smallest size for a fade is 64 frames */ width = std::max ((jack_nframes_t) 64, width); Points* points; double pwidth = width / samples_per_unit; uint32_t npoints = std::min (gdk_screen_width(), (int) pwidth); double h; if (_height < 5) { fade_in_shape->hide(); fade_in_handle->hide(); return; } double handle_center; handle_center = pwidth; if (handle_center > 7.0) { handle_center -= 3.0; } else { handle_center = 3.0; } fade_in_handle->property_x1() = handle_center - 3.0; fade_in_handle->property_x2() = handle_center + 3.0; if (pwidth < 5) { fade_in_shape->hide(); return; } fade_in_shape->show(); float curve[npoints]; audio_region().fade_in().get_vector (0, audio_region().fade_in().back()->when, curve, npoints); points = get_canvas_points ("fade in shape", npoints+3); if (_height > NAME_HIGHLIGHT_THRESH) { h = _height - NAME_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE; } else { h = _height; } /* points *MUST* be in anti-clockwise order */ uint32_t pi, pc; double xdelta = pwidth/npoints; for (pi = 0, pc = 0; pc < npoints; ++pc) { (*points)[pi].set_x(1 + (pc * xdelta)); (*points)[pi++].set_y(2 + (h - (curve[pc] * h))); } /* fold back */ (*points)[pi].set_x(pwidth); (*points)[pi++].set_y(2); (*points)[pi].set_x(1); (*points)[pi++].set_y(2); /* connect the dots ... */ (*points)[pi] = (*points)[0]; fade_in_shape->property_points() = *points; delete points; } void AudioRegionView::reset_fade_out_shape () { reset_fade_out_shape_width ((jack_nframes_t) audio_region().fade_out().back()->when); } void AudioRegionView::reset_fade_out_shape_width (jack_nframes_t width) { if (fade_out_handle == 0) { return; } /* smallest size for a fade is 64 frames */ width = std::max ((jack_nframes_t) 64, width); Points* points; double pwidth = width / samples_per_unit; uint32_t npoints = std::min (gdk_screen_width(), (int) pwidth); double h; if (_height < 5) { fade_out_shape->hide(); fade_out_handle->hide(); return; } double handle_center; handle_center = (_region.length() - width) / samples_per_unit; if (handle_center > 7.0) { handle_center -= 3.0; } else { handle_center = 3.0; } fade_out_handle->property_x1() = handle_center - 3.0; fade_out_handle->property_x2() = handle_center + 3.0; /* don't show shape if its too small */ if (pwidth < 5) { fade_out_shape->hide(); return; } fade_out_shape->show(); float curve[npoints]; audio_region().fade_out().get_vector (0, audio_region().fade_out().back()->when, curve, npoints); if (_height > NAME_HIGHLIGHT_THRESH) { h = _height - NAME_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE; } else { h = _height; } /* points *MUST* be in anti-clockwise order */ points = get_canvas_points ("fade out shape", npoints+3); uint32_t pi, pc; double xdelta = pwidth/npoints; for (pi = 0, pc = 0; pc < npoints; ++pc) { (*points)[pi].set_x(_pixel_width - 1 - pwidth + (pc*xdelta)); (*points)[pi++].set_y(2 + (h - (curve[pc] * h))); } /* fold back */ (*points)[pi].set_x(_pixel_width); (*points)[pi++].set_y(h); (*points)[pi].set_x(_pixel_width); (*points)[pi++].set_y(2); /* connect the dots ... */ (*points)[pi] = (*points)[0]; fade_out_shape->property_points() = *points; delete points; } void AudioRegionView::set_samples_per_unit (gdouble spu) { RegionView::set_samples_per_unit (spu); for (uint32_t n=0; n < waves.size(); ++n) { waves[n]->property_samples_per_unit() = spu; } if (gain_line) { gain_line->reset (); } reset_fade_shapes (); } void AudioRegionView::set_amplitude_above_axis (gdouble spp) { for (uint32_t n=0; n < waves.size(); ++n) { waves[n]->property_amplitude_above_axis() = spp; } } void AudioRegionView::compute_colors (Gdk::Color& basic_color) { RegionView::compute_colors(basic_color); uint32_t r, g, b, a; /* gain color computed in envelope_active_changed() */ UINT_TO_RGBA (fill_color, &r, &g, &b, &a); fade_color = RGBA_TO_UINT(r,g,b,120); } void AudioRegionView::set_colors () { RegionView::set_colors(); if (gain_line) { gain_line->set_line_color (audio_region().envelope_active() ? color_map[cGainLine] : color_map[cGainLineInactive]); } for (uint32_t n=0; n < waves.size(); ++n) { if (_region.muted()) { waves[n]->property_wave_color() = color_map[cMutedWaveForm]; } else { waves[n]->property_wave_color() = color_map[cWaveForm]; } } } void AudioRegionView::show_region_editor () { if (editor == 0) { editor = new AudioRegionEditor (trackview.session(), audio_region(), *this); // GTK2FIX : how to ensure float without realizing // editor->realize (); // trackview.editor.ensure_float (*editor); } editor->show_all (); editor->get_window()->raise(); } void AudioRegionView::set_waveform_visible (bool yn) { if (((_flags & WaveformVisible) != yn)) { if (yn) { for (uint32_t n=0; n < waves.size(); ++n) { waves[n]->show(); } _flags |= WaveformVisible; } else { for (uint32_t n=0; n < waves.size(); ++n) { waves[n]->hide(); } _flags &= ~WaveformVisible; } store_flags (); } } void AudioRegionView::temporarily_hide_envelope () { if (gain_line) { gain_line->hide (); } } void AudioRegionView::unhide_envelope () { if (gain_line && (_flags & EnvelopeVisible)) { gain_line->show (); } } void AudioRegionView::set_envelope_visible (bool yn) { if (gain_line && ((_flags & EnvelopeVisible) != yn)) { if (yn) { gain_line->show (); _flags |= EnvelopeVisible; } else { gain_line->hide (); _flags &= ~EnvelopeVisible; } store_flags (); } } void AudioRegionView::create_waves () { bool create_zero_line = true; RouteTimeAxisView& atv (*(dynamic_cast(&trackview))); // ick if (!atv.get_diskstream()) { return; } uint32_t nchans = atv.get_diskstream()->n_channels(); /* in tmp_waves, set up null pointers for each channel so the vector is allocated */ for (uint32_t n = 0; n < nchans; ++n) { tmp_waves.push_back (0); } for (uint32_t n = 0; n < nchans; ++n) { if (n >= audio_region().n_channels()) { break; } wave_caches.push_back (WaveView::create_cache ()); if (wait_for_data) { if (audio_region().source(n).peaks_ready (bind (mem_fun(*this, &AudioRegionView::peaks_ready_handler), n), data_ready_connection)) { create_one_wave (n, true); } else { create_zero_line = false; } } else { create_one_wave (n, true); } } if (create_zero_line) { zero_line = new ArdourCanvas::SimpleLine (*group); zero_line->property_x1() = (gdouble) 1.0; zero_line->property_x2() = (gdouble) (_region.length() / samples_per_unit) - 1.0; zero_line->property_color_rgba() = (guint) color_map[cZeroLine]; manage_zero_line (); } } void AudioRegionView::create_one_wave (uint32_t which, bool direct) { RouteTimeAxisView& atv (*(dynamic_cast(&trackview))); // ick uint32_t nchans = atv.get_diskstream()->n_channels(); uint32_t n; uint32_t nwaves = std::min (nchans, audio_region().n_channels()); gdouble ht; if (trackview.height < NAME_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE) { ht = ((trackview.height) / (double) nchans); } else { ht = ((trackview.height - NAME_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE) / (double) nchans); } gdouble yoff = which * ht; WaveView *wave = new WaveView(*group); wave->property_data_src() = (gpointer) &_region; wave->property_cache() = wave_caches[which]; wave->property_cache_updater() = true; wave->property_channel() = which; wave->property_length_function() = (gpointer) region_length_from_c; wave->property_sourcefile_length_function() = (gpointer) sourcefile_length_from_c; wave->property_peak_function() = (gpointer) region_read_peaks_from_c; wave->property_x() = 0.0; wave->property_y() = yoff; wave->property_height() = (double) ht; wave->property_samples_per_unit() = samples_per_unit; wave->property_amplitude_above_axis() = _amplitude_above_axis; wave->property_wave_color() = _region.muted() ? color_map[cMutedWaveForm] : color_map[cWaveForm]; wave->property_region_start() = _region.start(); if (!(_flags & WaveformVisible)) { wave->hide(); } /* note: calling this function is serialized by the lock held in the peak building thread that signals that peaks are ready for use *or* by the fact that it is called one by one from the GUI thread. */ if (which < nchans) { tmp_waves[which] = wave; } else { /* n-channel track, >n-channel source */ } /* see if we're all ready */ for (n = 0; n < nchans; ++n) { if (tmp_waves[n] == 0) { break; } } if (n == nwaves && waves.empty()) { /* all waves are ready */ tmp_waves.resize(nwaves); waves = tmp_waves; tmp_waves.clear (); if (!zero_line) { zero_line = new ArdourCanvas::SimpleLine (*group); zero_line->property_x1() = (gdouble) 1.0; zero_line->property_x2() = (gdouble) (_region.length() / samples_per_unit) - 1.0; zero_line->property_color_rgba() = (guint) color_map[cZeroLine]; manage_zero_line (); } } } void AudioRegionView::peaks_ready_handler (uint32_t which) { Gtkmm2ext::UI::instance()->call_slot (bind (mem_fun(*this, &AudioRegionView::create_one_wave), which, false)); if (!waves.empty()) { /* all waves created, don't hook into peaks ready anymore */ data_ready_connection.disconnect (); } } void AudioRegionView::add_gain_point_event (ArdourCanvas::Item *item, GdkEvent *ev) { if (gain_line == 0) { return; } double x, y; /* don't create points that can't be seen */ set_envelope_visible (true); x = ev->button.x; y = ev->button.y; item->w2i (x, y); jack_nframes_t fx = trackview.editor.pixel_to_frame (x); if (fx > _region.length()) { return; } /* compute vertical fractional position */ y = 1.0 - (y / (trackview.height - NAME_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE)); /* map using gain line */ gain_line->view_to_model_y (y); trackview.session().begin_reversible_command (_("add gain control point")); trackview.session().add_undo (audio_region().envelope().get_memento()); if (!audio_region().envelope_active()) { trackview.session().add_undo( bind( mem_fun(audio_region(), &AudioRegion::set_envelope_active), false) ); audio_region().set_envelope_active(true); trackview.session().add_redo( bind( mem_fun(audio_region(), &AudioRegion::set_envelope_active), true) ); } audio_region().envelope().add (fx, y); trackview.session().add_redo_no_execute (audio_region().envelope().get_memento()); trackview.session().commit_reversible_command (); } void AudioRegionView::remove_gain_point_event (ArdourCanvas::Item *item, GdkEvent *ev) { ControlPoint *cp = reinterpret_cast (item->get_data ("control_point")); audio_region().envelope().erase (cp->model); } void AudioRegionView::store_flags() { XMLNode *node = new XMLNode ("GUI"); node->add_property ("waveform-visible", (_flags & WaveformVisible) ? "yes" : "no"); node->add_property ("envelope-visible", (_flags & EnvelopeVisible) ? "yes" : "no"); _region.add_extra_xml (*node); } void AudioRegionView::set_flags (XMLNode* node) { XMLProperty *prop; if ((prop = node->property ("waveform-visible")) != 0) { if (prop->value() == "yes") { _flags |= WaveformVisible; } } if ((prop = node->property ("envelope-visible")) != 0) { if (prop->value() == "yes") { _flags |= EnvelopeVisible; } } } void AudioRegionView::set_waveform_shape (WaveformShape shape) { bool yn; /* this slightly odd approach is to leave the door open to other "shapes" such as spectral displays, etc. */ switch (shape) { case Rectified: yn = true; break; default: yn = false; break; } if (yn != (bool) (_flags & WaveformRectified)) { for (vector::iterator wave = waves.begin(); wave != waves.end() ; ++wave) { (*wave)->property_rectified() = yn; } if (zero_line) { if (yn) { zero_line->hide(); } else { zero_line->show(); } } if (yn) { _flags |= WaveformRectified; } else { _flags &= ~WaveformRectified; } } } GhostRegion* AudioRegionView::add_ghost (AutomationTimeAxisView& atv) { RouteTimeAxisView& myatv (*(dynamic_cast(&trackview))); // ick double unit_position = _region.position () / samples_per_unit; GhostRegion* ghost = new GhostRegion (atv, unit_position); uint32_t nchans; nchans = myatv.get_diskstream()->n_channels(); for (uint32_t n = 0; n < nchans; ++n) { if (n >= audio_region().n_channels()) { break; } WaveView *wave = new WaveView(*ghost->group); wave->property_data_src() = &_region; wave->property_cache() = wave_caches[n]; wave->property_cache_updater() = false; wave->property_channel() = n; wave->property_length_function() = (gpointer)region_length_from_c; wave->property_sourcefile_length_function() = (gpointer) sourcefile_length_from_c; wave->property_peak_function() = (gpointer) region_read_peaks_from_c; wave->property_x() = 0.0; wave->property_samples_per_unit() = samples_per_unit; wave->property_amplitude_above_axis() = _amplitude_above_axis; wave->property_wave_color() = color_map[cGhostTrackWave]; wave->property_region_start() = _region.start(); ghost->waves.push_back(wave); } ghost->set_height (); ghost->set_duration (_region.length() / samples_per_unit); ghosts.push_back (ghost); ghost->GoingAway.connect (mem_fun(*this, &AudioRegionView::remove_ghost)); return ghost; } void AudioRegionView::entered () { if (gain_line && _flags & EnvelopeVisible) { gain_line->show_all_control_points (); } uint32_t r,g,b,a; UINT_TO_RGBA(fade_color,&r,&g,&b,&a); a=255; if (fade_in_handle) { fade_in_handle->property_fill_color_rgba() = RGBA_TO_UINT(r,g,b,a); fade_out_handle->property_fill_color_rgba() = RGBA_TO_UINT(r,g,b,a); } } void AudioRegionView::exited () { if (gain_line) { gain_line->hide_all_but_selected_control_points (); } uint32_t r,g,b,a; UINT_TO_RGBA(fade_color,&r,&g,&b,&a); a=0; if (fade_in_handle) { fade_in_handle->property_fill_color_rgba() = RGBA_TO_UINT(r,g,b,a); fade_out_handle->property_fill_color_rgba() = RGBA_TO_UINT(r,g,b,a); } } void AudioRegionView::envelope_active_changed () { if (gain_line) { gain_line->set_line_color (audio_region().envelope_active() ? color_map[cGainLine] : color_map[cGainLineInactive]); } } void AudioRegionView::set_waveview_data_src() { double unit_length= _region.length() / samples_per_unit; for (uint32_t n = 0; n < waves.size(); ++n) { // TODO: something else to let it know the channel waves[n]->property_data_src() = &_region; } for (vector::iterator i = ghosts.begin(); i != ghosts.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_duration (unit_length); for (vector::iterator w = (*i)->waves.begin(); w != (*i)->waves.end(); ++w) { (*w)->property_data_src() = &_region; } } } void AudioRegionView::color_handler (ColorID id, uint32_t val) { switch (id) { case cMutedWaveForm: case cWaveForm: set_colors (); break; case cGainLineInactive: case cGainLine: envelope_active_changed(); break; case cZeroLine: if (zero_line) { zero_line->property_color_rgba() = (guint) color_map[cZeroLine]; } break; case cGhostTrackWave: break; default: break; } }