/* Copyright (C) 2011-2013 Paul Davis Author: Carl Hetherington This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "pbd/compose.h" #include "pbd/stacktrace.h" #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "ardour/utils.h" #include "canvas/group.h" #include "canvas/item.h" #include "canvas/canvas.h" #include "canvas/debug.h" using namespace std; using namespace PBD; using namespace ArdourCanvas; Item::Item (Canvas* canvas) : _canvas (canvas) , _parent (0) { init (); } Item::Item (Group* parent) : _canvas (parent->canvas ()) , _parent (parent) { init (); } Item::Item (Group* parent, Duple position) : _canvas (parent->canvas()) , _parent (parent) , _position (position) { init (); } void Item::init () { _visible = true; _bounding_box_dirty = true; _ignore_events = false; if (_parent) { _parent->add (this); } DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::CanvasItems, string_compose ("new canvas item %1\n", this)); } Item::~Item () { if (_parent) { _parent->remove (this); } if (_canvas) { _canvas->item_going_away (this, _bounding_box); } } ArdourCanvas::Rect Item::item_to_parent (ArdourCanvas::Rect const & r) const { return r.translate (_position); } ArdourCanvas::Rect Item::item_to_canvas (ArdourCanvas::Rect const & r) const { Item const * i = this; Duple offset; while (i) { offset = offset.translate (i->position()); i = i->parent(); } return r.translate (offset); } ArdourCanvas::Duple Item::item_to_canvas (ArdourCanvas::Duple const & d) const { Item const * i = this; Duple offset; while (i) { offset = offset.translate (i->position()); i = i->parent(); } return d.translate (offset); } ArdourCanvas::Duple Item::canvas_to_item (ArdourCanvas::Duple const & d) const { Item const * i = this; Duple offset; while (i) { offset = offset.translate (-(i->position())); i = i->parent(); } return d.translate (offset); } ArdourCanvas::Rect Item::canvas_to_item (ArdourCanvas::Rect const & d) const { Item const * i = this; Duple offset; while (i) { offset = offset.translate (-(i->position())); i = i->parent(); } return d.translate (offset); } void Item::item_to_canvas (Coord& x, Coord& y) const { Duple d = item_to_canvas (Duple (x, y)); x = d.x; y = d.y; } void Item::canvas_to_item (Coord& x, Coord& y) const { Duple d = canvas_to_item (Duple (x, y)); x = d.x; y = d.y; } Duple Item::item_to_window (ArdourCanvas::Duple const & d) const { return _canvas->canvas_to_window (item_to_canvas (d)); } Duple Item::window_to_item (ArdourCanvas::Duple const & d) const { return _canvas->window_to_canvas (canvas_to_item (d)); } ArdourCanvas::Rect Item::item_to_window (ArdourCanvas::Rect const & r) const { return _canvas->canvas_to_window (item_to_canvas (r)); } /** Set the position of this item in the parent's coordinates */ void Item::set_position (Duple p) { if (p == _position) { return; } boost::optional bbox = bounding_box (); boost::optional pre_change_parent_bounding_box; if (bbox) { /* see the comment in Canvas::item_moved() to understand * why we use the parent's bounding box here. */ pre_change_parent_bounding_box = item_to_parent (bbox.get()); } _position = p; _canvas->item_moved (this, pre_change_parent_bounding_box); if (_parent) { _parent->child_changed (); } } void Item::set_x_position (Coord x) { set_position (Duple (x, _position.y)); } void Item::set_y_position (Coord y) { set_position (Duple (_position.x, y)); } void Item::raise_to_top () { assert (_parent); _parent->raise_child_to_top (this); } void Item::raise (int levels) { assert (_parent); _parent->raise_child (this, levels); } void Item::lower_to_bottom () { assert (_parent); _parent->lower_child_to_bottom (this); } void Item::hide () { if (_visible) { _visible = false; _canvas->item_shown_or_hidden (this); } } void Item::show () { if (!_visible) { _visible = true; _canvas->item_shown_or_hidden (this); } } Duple Item::item_to_parent (Duple const & d) const { return d.translate (_position); } Duple Item::parent_to_item (Duple const & d) const { return d.translate (- _position); } ArdourCanvas::Rect Item::parent_to_item (ArdourCanvas::Rect const & d) const { return d.translate (- _position); } void Item::unparent () { _parent = 0; } void Item::reparent (Group* new_parent) { assert (_canvas == _parent->canvas()); if (_parent) { _parent->remove (this); } assert (new_parent); _parent = new_parent; _canvas = _parent->canvas (); _parent->add (this); } bool Item::common_ancestor_within (uint32_t limit, const Item& other) const { uint32_t d1 = depth(); uint32_t d2 = other.depth(); const Item* i1 = this; const Item* i2 = &other; /* move towards root until we are at the same level for both items */ while (d1 != d2) { if (d1 > d2) { i1 = i1->parent(); d1--; limit--; } else { i2 = i2->parent(); d2--; limit--; } if (limit == 0) { return false; } } /* now see if there is a common parent */ while (i1 != i2) { if (i1) { i1 = i1->parent(); } if (i2) { i2 = i2->parent (); } limit--; if (limit == 0) { return false; } } return true; } const Item* Item::closest_ancestor_with (const Item& other) const { uint32_t d1 = depth(); uint32_t d2 = other.depth(); const Item* i1 = this; const Item* i2 = &other; /* move towards root until we are at the same level for both items */ while (d1 != d2) { if (d1 > d2) { i1 = i1->parent(); d1--; } else { i2 = i2->parent(); d2--; } } /* now see if there is a common parent */ while (i1 != i2) { if (i1) { i1 = i1->parent(); } if (i2) { i2 = i2->parent (); } } return i1; } bool Item::is_descendant_of (const Item& candidate) const { Item const * i = _parent; while (i) { if (i == &candidate) { return true; } i = i->parent(); } return false; } void Item::grab_focus () { /* XXX */ } /** @return Bounding box in this item's coordinates */ boost::optional Item::bounding_box () const { if (_bounding_box_dirty) { compute_bounding_box (); assert (!_bounding_box_dirty); } return _bounding_box; } Coord Item::height () const { boost::optional bb = bounding_box(); if (bb) { return bb->height (); } return 0; } Coord Item::width () const { boost::optional bb = bounding_box().get(); if (bb) { return bb->width (); } return 0; } void Item::redraw () const { if (_visible && _bounding_box && _canvas) { _canvas->request_redraw (item_to_canvas (_bounding_box.get())); } } void Item::begin_change () { _pre_change_bounding_box = bounding_box (); } void Item::end_change () { _canvas->item_changed (this, _pre_change_bounding_box); if (_parent) { _parent->child_changed (); } } void Item::begin_visual_change () { } void Item::end_visual_change () { _canvas->item_visual_property_changed (this); } void Item::move (Duple movement) { set_position (position() + movement); } void Item::grab () { assert (_canvas); _canvas->grab (this); } void Item::ungrab () { assert (_canvas); _canvas->ungrab (); } void Item::set_data (string const & key, void* data) { _data[key] = data; } void * Item::get_data (string const & key) const { map::const_iterator i = _data.find (key); if (i == _data.end ()) { return 0; } return i->second; } void Item::set_ignore_events (bool ignore) { _ignore_events = ignore; } void Item::dump (ostream& o) const { boost::optional bb = bounding_box(); o << _canvas->indent() << whatami() << ' ' << this << " Visible ? " << _visible; o << " @ " << position(); #ifdef CANVAS_DEBUG if (!name.empty()) { o << ' ' << name; } #endif if (bb) { o << endl << _canvas->indent() << "\tbbox: " << bb.get(); o << endl << _canvas->indent() << "\tCANVAS bbox: " << item_to_canvas (bb.get()); } else { o << " bbox unset"; } o << endl; } std::string Item::whatami () const { std::string type = demangle (typeid (*this).name()); return type.substr (type.find_last_of (':') + 1); } uint32_t Item::depth () const { Item* i = _parent; int d = 0; while (i) { ++d; i = i->parent(); } return d; } bool Item::covers (Duple const & point) const { Duple p = canvas_to_item (point); if (_bounding_box_dirty) { compute_bounding_box (); } boost::optional r = bounding_box(); if (!r) { return false; } return r.get().contains (p); } ostream& ArdourCanvas::operator<< (ostream& o, const Item& i) { i.dump (o); return o; }