ardour { ["type"] = "EditorAction", name = "Mixer Store", author = "Mixbus Lua Taskforce", description = [[]] } function factory() return function() local path = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.build_filename(Session:path(), "export", "params.lua") function mark() local file =, "w") file:write("") --empty curent file from last run file:close() for r in Session:get_routes():iter() do if r:is_monitor () or r:is_auditioner () then goto nextroute end -- skip special routes local route_str = "" local rid = r:to_stateful():id():to_s() local pan = r:pan_azimuth_control() if pan:isnil() then pan = false else pan = pan:get_value() end --sometimes a route doesn't have pan, like the master. --print(r:gain_control():get_value(), r:trim_control():get_value(), pan) route_str = "instance = {route_id = " .. rid .. ", gain_control = " .. r:gain_control():get_value() .. ", trim_control = " .. r:trim_control():get_value() .. ", pan_control = " .. tostring(pan) .. "}" file =, "a") file:write(route_str, "\r\n") file:close() local i = 0 while true do local params = {} local proc_str, params_str = "", "" local proc = r:nth_plugin (i) if proc:isnil () then break end local active = proc:active() local id = proc:to_stateful():id():to_s() local plug = proc:to_insert ():plugin (0) local n = 0 -- count control-ports for j = 0, plug:parameter_count () - 1 do -- iterate over all plugin parameters if plug:parameter_is_control (j) then local label = plug:parameter_label (j) if plug:parameter_is_input (j) and label ~= "hidden" and label:sub (1,1) ~= "#" then local _, _, pd = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.plugin_automation (proc, n) local val = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.get_processor_param(proc, j, true) if not(val == pd.normal) then params[n] = val end end n = n + 1 end end i = i + 1 for k, v in pairs(params) do params_str = params_str .. "[".. k .."] = " .. v .. "," end proc_str = "instance = {plugin_id = " .. id .. ", parameters = {" .. params_str .. "}, active = " .. tostring(active) .. "}" file =, "a") file:write(proc_str, "\r\n") file:close() end ::nextroute:: end end function recall() local file = (Session:path(), "export", "params.lua"), "r") assert(file, "File not found!") for l in file:lines() do print(l) local plugin, route = false local f = load(l) f () if instance["route_id"] ~= nil then route = true end if instance["plugin_id"] ~= nil then plugin = true end if route then local rid = PBD.ID(instance["route_id"]) local rt = Session:route_by_id(rid) if rt:isnil() then goto next end local gc, tc, pc, act = instance["gain_control"], instance["trim_control"], instance["pan_control"], instance["active"] rt:gain_control():set_value(gc, 1) rt:trim_control():set_value(tc, 1) if pc ~= false then rt:pan_azimuth_control():set_value(pc, 1) end end if plugin then local id = PBD.ID(instance["plugin_id"]) local proc = Session:processor_by_id(id) if proc:isnil() then goto next end for k, v in pairs(instance["parameters"]) do ARDOUR.LuaAPI.set_processor_param (proc, k, v) end end instance = nil ::next:: end end local dialog_options = { { type = "label", colspan= 10, title = "" }, {type = "radio", colspan= 10, key = "select", title = "", values ={ ["1. Mark"] = "mark", ["2. Recall"] = "recall" }, default = "1. Mark"}, { type = "label", colspan= 10, title = "" }, } local rv = LuaDialog.Dialog("Mixer Store:", dialog_options):run() assert(rv, 'Dialog box was cancelled or is ' .. type(rv)) local c = rv["select"] if c == "mark" then mark() end if c == "recall" then recall() end end end