/* Copyright (C) 2000 Paul Barton-Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. $Id$ */ #include #include "pbd/error.h" #include "midi++/mmc.h" #include "midi++/port.h" #include "midi++/parser.h" using namespace std; using namespace MIDI; using namespace PBD; static std::map mmc_cmd_map; static void build_mmc_cmd_map () { pair newpair; newpair.first = 0x1; newpair.second = "Stop"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x2; newpair.second = "Play"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x3; newpair.second = "DeferredPlay"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x4; newpair.second = "FastForward"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x5; newpair.second = "Rewind"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x6; newpair.second = "RecordStrobe"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x7; newpair.second = "RecordExit"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x8; newpair.second = "RecordPause"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x9; newpair.second = "Pause"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0xA; newpair.second = "Eject"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0xB; newpair.second = "Chase"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0xC; newpair.second = "CommandErrorReset"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0xD; newpair.second = "MmcReset"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x20; newpair.second = "Illegal Mackie Jog Start"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x21; newpair.second = "Illegal Mackie Jog Stop"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x40; newpair.second = "Write"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x41; newpair.second = "MaskedWrite"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x42; newpair.second = "Read"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x43; newpair.second = "Update"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x44; newpair.second = "Locate"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x45; newpair.second = "VariablePlay"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x46; newpair.second = "Search"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x47; newpair.second = "Shuttle"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x48; newpair.second = "Step"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x49; newpair.second = "AssignSystemMaster"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x4A; newpair.second = "GeneratorCommand"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x4B; newpair.second = "MtcCommand"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x4C; newpair.second = "Move"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x4D; newpair.second = "Add"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x4E; newpair.second = "Subtract"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x4F; newpair.second = "DropFrameAdjust"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x50; newpair.second = "Procedure"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x51; newpair.second = "Event"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x52; newpair.second = "Group"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x53; newpair.second = "CommandSegment"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x54; newpair.second = "DeferredVariablePlay"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x55; newpair.second = "RecordStrobeVariable"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x7C; newpair.second = "Wait"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); newpair.first = 0x7F; newpair.second = "Resume"; mmc_cmd_map.insert (newpair); } MachineControl::MachineControl (Port &p, float /*version*/, CommandSignature & /*csig*/, ResponseSignature & /*rsig*/) : _port (p) { Parser *parser; build_mmc_cmd_map (); _receive_device_id = 0; _send_device_id = 0x7f; if ((parser = _port.input()) != 0) { parser->mmc.connect (mmc_connection, boost::bind (&MachineControl::process_mmc_message, this, _1, _2, _3)); } else { warning << "MMC connected to a non-input port: useless!" << endmsg; } } void MachineControl::set_receive_device_id (byte id) { _receive_device_id = id & 0x7f; } void MachineControl::set_send_device_id (byte id) { _send_device_id = id & 0x7f; } bool MachineControl::is_mmc (byte *sysex_buf, size_t len) { if (len < 4 || len > 48) { return false; } if (sysex_buf[1] != 0x7f) { return false; } if (sysex_buf[3] != 0x6 && /* MMC Command */ sysex_buf[3] != 0x7) { /* MMC Response */ return false; } return true; } void MachineControl::process_mmc_message (Parser &, byte *msg, size_t len) { size_t skiplen; byte *mmc_msg; bool single_byte; /* Reject if its not for us. 0x7f is the "all-call" device ID */ /* msg[0] = 0x7f (MMC sysex ID( msg[1] = device ID msg[2] = 0x6 (MMC command) or 0x7 (MMC response) msg[3] = MMC command code msg[4] = (typically) byte count for following part of command */ #if 0 cerr << "*** me = " << (int) _receive_device_id << " MMC message: len = " << len << "\n\t"; for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { cerr << hex << (int) msg[i] << dec << ' '; } cerr << endl; #endif if (msg[1] != 0x7f && msg[1] != _receive_device_id) { return; } mmc_msg = &msg[3]; len -= 3; do { single_byte = false; /* this works for all non-single-byte "counted" commands. we set it to 1 for the exceptions. */ std::map::iterator x = mmc_cmd_map.find ((int)mmc_msg[0]); string cmdname = "unknown"; if (x != mmc_cmd_map.end()) { cmdname = (*x).second; } #if 0 cerr << "+++ MMC type " << hex << ((int) *mmc_msg) << dec << " \"" << cmdname << "\" " << " len = " << len << endl; #endif switch (*mmc_msg) { /* SINGLE-BYTE, UNCOUNTED COMMANDS */ case cmdStop: Stop (*this); single_byte = true; break; case cmdPlay: Play (*this); single_byte = true; break; case cmdDeferredPlay: DeferredPlay (*this); single_byte = true; break; case cmdFastForward: FastForward (*this); single_byte = true; break; case cmdRewind: Rewind (*this); single_byte = true; break; case cmdRecordStrobe: RecordStrobe (*this); single_byte = true; break; case cmdRecordExit: RecordExit (*this); single_byte = true; break; case cmdRecordPause: RecordPause (*this); single_byte = true; break; case cmdPause: Pause (*this); single_byte = true; break; case cmdEject: Eject (*this); single_byte = true; break; case cmdChase: Chase (*this); single_byte = true; break; case cmdCommandErrorReset: CommandErrorReset (*this); single_byte = true; break; case cmdMmcReset: MmcReset (*this); single_byte = true; break; case cmdIllegalMackieJogStart: JogStart (*this); single_byte = true; break; case cmdIllegalMackieJogStop: JogStop (*this); single_byte = true; break; /* END OF SINGLE-BYTE, UNCOUNTED COMMANDS */ case cmdMaskedWrite: do_masked_write (mmc_msg, len); break; case cmdLocate: do_locate (mmc_msg, len); break; case cmdShuttle: do_shuttle (mmc_msg, len); break; case cmdStep: do_step (mmc_msg, len); break; case cmdWrite: case cmdRead: case cmdUpdate: case cmdVariablePlay: case cmdSearch: case cmdAssignSystemMaster: case cmdGeneratorCommand: case cmdMtcCommand: case cmdMove: case cmdAdd: case cmdSubtract: case cmdDropFrameAdjust: case cmdProcedure: case cmdEvent: case cmdGroup: case cmdCommandSegment: case cmdDeferredVariablePlay: case cmdRecordStrobeVariable: case cmdWait: case cmdResume: error << "MIDI::MachineControl: unimplemented MMC command " << hex << (int) *mmc_msg << dec << endmsg; break; default: error << "MIDI::MachineControl: unknown MMC command " << hex << (int) *mmc_msg << dec << endmsg; break; } /* increase skiplen to cover the command byte and count byte (if it existed). */ if (!single_byte) { skiplen = mmc_msg[1] + 2; } else { skiplen = 1; } if (len <= skiplen) { break; } mmc_msg += skiplen; len -= skiplen; } while (len > 1); /* skip terminating EOX byte */ } int MachineControl::do_masked_write (byte *msg, size_t len) { /* return the number of bytes "consumed" */ int retval = msg[1] + 2; /* bytes following + 2 */ switch (msg[2]) { case 0x4f: /* Track Record Ready Status */ write_track_status (&msg[3], len - 3, msg[2]); break; case 0x62: /* track mute */ write_track_status (&msg[3], len - 3, msg[2]); break; default: warning << "MIDI::MachineControl: masked write to " << hex << (int) msg[2] << dec << " not implemented" << endmsg; } return retval; } void MachineControl::write_track_status (byte *msg, size_t /*len*/, byte reg) { size_t n; ssize_t base_track; /* Bits 0-4 of the first byte are for special tracks: bit 0: video bit 1: reserved bit 2: time code bit 3: aux track a bit 4: aux track b the format of the message (its an MMC Masked Write) is: 0x41 Command Code byte count of following data byte value of the field being written byte number of target byte in the bitmap being written to ones in the mask indicate which bits will be changed new data for the byte being written by the time this code is executing, msg[0] is the byte number of the target byte. if its zero, we are writing to a special byte in the standard track bitmap, in which the first 5 bits are special. hence the bits for tracks 1 + 2 are bits 5 and 6 of the first byte of the track bitmap. so: change track 1: msg[0] = 0; << first byte of track bitmap msg[1] = 0100000; << binary: bit 5 set change track 2: msg[0] = 0; << first byte of track bitmap msg[1] = 1000000; << binary: bit 6 set change track 3: msg[0] = 1; << second byte of track bitmap msg[1] = 0000001; << binary: bit 0 set the (msg[0] * 8) - 6 computation is an attempt to extract the value of the first track: ie. the one that would be indicated by bit 0 being set. so, if msg[0] = 0, msg[1] = 0100000 (binary), what happens is that base_track = -5, but by the time we check the correct bit, n = 5, and so the computed track for the status change is 0 (first track). if msg[0] = 1, then the base track for any change is 2 (the third track), and so on. */ /* XXX check needed to make sure we don't go outside the supported number of tracks. */ if (msg[0] == 0) { base_track = -5; } else { base_track = (msg[0] * 8) - 6; } for (n = 0; n < 7; n++) { if (msg[1] & (1<> (7 - left_shift)); fractional = ((sm << left_shift) << 7) | sl; shuttle_speed = integral + ((float)fractional / (1 << (14 - left_shift))); Shuttle (*this, shuttle_speed, forward); return 0; }