/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "ardour/playlist.h" #include "ardour/profile.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/colors.h" #include "canvas/polygon.h" #include "canvas/debug.h" #include "canvas/pixbuf.h" #include "canvas/text.h" #include "canvas/line.h" #include "streamview.h" #include "region_view.h" #include "automation_region_view.h" #include "route_time_axis.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "region_editor.h" #include "ghostregion.h" #include "route_time_axis.h" #include "ui_config.h" #include "utils.h" #include "rgb_macros.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace ARDOUR_UI_UTILS; using namespace PBD; using namespace Editing; using namespace Gtk; using namespace ArdourCanvas; static const int32_t sync_mark_width = 9; PBD::Signal1 RegionView::RegionViewGoingAway; RegionView::RegionView (ArdourCanvas::Container* parent, TimeAxisView& tv, boost::shared_ptr r, double spu, uint32_t basic_color, bool automation) : TimeAxisViewItem (r->name(), *parent, tv, spu, basic_color, r->position(), r->length(), false, automation, (automation ? TimeAxisViewItem::ShowFrame : TimeAxisViewItem::Visibility ((UIConfiguration::instance().get_show_region_name() ? TimeAxisViewItem::ShowNameText : 0) | TimeAxisViewItem::ShowNameHighlight| TimeAxisViewItem::ShowFrame))) , _region (r) , sync_mark(0) , sync_line(0) , editor(0) , current_visible_sync_position(0.0) , valid(false) , _enable_display(false) , _pixel_width(1.0) , in_destructor(false) , wait_for_data(false) , _silence_text (0) { } RegionView::RegionView (const RegionView& other) : sigc::trackable(other) , TimeAxisViewItem (other) , _silence_text (0) { /* derived concrete type will call init () */ _region = other._region; current_visible_sync_position = other.current_visible_sync_position; valid = false; _pixel_width = other._pixel_width; } RegionView::RegionView (const RegionView& other, boost::shared_ptr other_region) : sigc::trackable(other) , TimeAxisViewItem (other) , _silence_text (0) { /* this is a pseudo-copy constructor used when dragging regions around on the canvas. */ /* derived concrete type will call init () */ _region = other_region; current_visible_sync_position = other.current_visible_sync_position; valid = false; _pixel_width = other._pixel_width; } RegionView::RegionView (ArdourCanvas::Container* parent, TimeAxisView& tv, boost::shared_ptr r, double spu, uint32_t basic_color, bool recording, TimeAxisViewItem::Visibility visibility) : TimeAxisViewItem (r->name(), *parent, tv, spu, basic_color, r->position(), r->length(), recording, false, visibility) , _region (r) , sync_mark(0) , sync_line(0) , editor(0) , current_visible_sync_position(0.0) , valid(false) , _enable_display(false) , _pixel_width(1.0) , in_destructor(false) , wait_for_data(false) , _silence_text (0) { } void RegionView::init (bool wfd) { editor = 0; valid = true; in_destructor = false; wait_for_data = wfd; sync_mark = 0; sync_line = 0; sync_mark = 0; sync_line = 0; if (name_highlight) { name_highlight->set_data ("regionview", this); name_highlight->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (PublicEditor::instance(), &PublicEditor::canvas_region_view_name_highlight_event), name_highlight, this)); } if (frame_handle_start) { frame_handle_start->set_data ("regionview", this); frame_handle_start->set_data ("isleft", (void*) 1); frame_handle_start->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (PublicEditor::instance(), &PublicEditor::canvas_frame_handle_event), frame_handle_start, this)); frame_handle_start->raise_to_top(); } if (frame_handle_end) { frame_handle_end->set_data ("regionview", this); frame_handle_end->set_data ("isleft", (void*) 0); frame_handle_end->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (PublicEditor::instance(), &PublicEditor::canvas_frame_handle_event), frame_handle_end, this)); frame_handle_end->raise_to_top(); } if (name_text) { name_text->set_data ("regionview", this); name_text->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (PublicEditor::instance(), &PublicEditor::canvas_region_view_name_event), name_text, this)); } if (wfd) { _enable_display = true; } /* derived class calls set_height () including RegionView::set_height() in ::init() */ //set_height (trackview.current_height()); _region->PropertyChanged.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RegionView::region_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); /* derived class calls set_colors () including RegionView::set_colors() in ::init() */ //set_colors (); UIConfiguration::instance().ColorsChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RegionView::color_handler)); /* XXX sync mark drag? */ } RegionView::~RegionView () { in_destructor = true; for (vector::iterator g = ghosts.begin(); g != ghosts.end(); ++g) { delete *g; } for (list::iterator i = _coverage_frame.begin (); i != _coverage_frame.end (); ++i) { delete *i; } drop_silent_frames (); delete editor; } bool RegionView::canvas_group_event (GdkEvent* event) { if (!in_destructor) { return trackview.editor().canvas_region_view_event (event, group, this); } return false; } void RegionView::set_silent_frames (const AudioIntervalResult& silences, double /*threshold*/) { samplecnt_t shortest = max_samplecnt; /* remove old silent frames */ drop_silent_frames (); if (silences.empty()) { return; } uint32_t const color = UIConfiguration::instance().color_mod ("silence", "silence"); for (AudioIntervalResult::const_iterator i = silences.begin(); i != silences.end(); ++i) { ArdourCanvas::Rectangle* cr = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (group); cr->set_ignore_events (true); _silent_frames.push_back (cr); /* coordinates for the rect are relative to the regionview origin */ cr->set_x0 (trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel (i->first - _region->start())); cr->set_x1 (trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel (i->second - _region->start())); cr->set_y0 (1); cr->set_y1 (_height - 2); cr->set_outline (false); cr->set_fill_color (color); shortest = min (shortest, i->second - i->first); } /* Find shortest audible segment */ samplecnt_t shortest_audible = max_samplecnt; samplecnt_t s = _region->start(); for (AudioIntervalResult::const_iterator i = silences.begin(); i != silences.end(); ++i) { samplecnt_t const dur = i->first - s; if (dur > 0) { shortest_audible = min (shortest_audible, dur); } s = i->second; } samplecnt_t const dur = _region->start() + _region->length() - 1 - s; if (dur > 0) { shortest_audible = min (shortest_audible, dur); } _silence_text = new ArdourCanvas::Text (group); _silence_text->set_ignore_events (true); _silence_text->set_font_description (get_font_for_style (N_("SilenceText"))); _silence_text->set_color (UIConfiguration::instance().color ("silence text")); /* both positions are relative to the region start offset in source */ _silence_text->set_x_position (trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel (silences.front().first - _region->start()) + 10.0); _silence_text->set_y_position (20.0); double ms = (float) shortest/_region->session().sample_rate(); /* ms are now in seconds */ char const * sunits; if (ms >= 60.0) { sunits = _("minutes"); ms /= 60.0; } else if (ms < 1.0) { sunits = _("msecs"); ms *= 1000.0; } else { sunits = _("secs"); } string text = string_compose (ngettext ("%1 silent segment", "%1 silent segments", silences.size()), silences.size()) + ", " + string_compose (_("shortest = %1 %2"), ms, sunits); if (shortest_audible != max_samplepos) { /* ms are now in seconds */ double ma = (float) shortest_audible / _region->session().sample_rate(); char const * aunits; if (ma >= 60.0) { aunits = _("minutes"); ma /= 60.0; } else if (ma < 1.0) { aunits = _("msecs"); ma *= 1000.0; } else { aunits = _("secs"); } text += string_compose (_("\n (shortest audible segment = %1 %2)"), ma, aunits); } _silence_text->set (text); } void RegionView::hide_silent_frames () { for (list::iterator i = _silent_frames.begin (); i != _silent_frames.end (); ++i) { (*i)->hide (); } _silence_text->hide(); } void RegionView::drop_silent_frames () { for (list::iterator i = _silent_frames.begin (); i != _silent_frames.end (); ++i) { delete *i; } _silent_frames.clear (); delete _silence_text; _silence_text = 0; } gint RegionView::_lock_toggle (ArdourCanvas::Item*, GdkEvent* ev, void* arg) { switch (ev->type) { case GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE: static_cast(arg)->lock_toggle (); return TRUE; break; default: break; } return FALSE; } void RegionView::lock_toggle () { _region->set_locked (!_region->locked()); } void RegionView::region_changed (const PropertyChange& what_changed) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &RegionView::region_changed, what_changed); if (what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::bounds_change)) { region_resized (what_changed); region_sync_changed (); } if (what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::muted)) { region_muted (); } if (what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::opaque)) { region_opacity (); } if (what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::name)) { region_renamed (); } if (what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::position_lock_style)) { region_renamed (); } if (what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::sync_position)) { region_sync_changed (); } if (what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::locked)) { region_locked (); } } void RegionView::region_locked () { /* name will show locked status */ region_renamed (); } void RegionView::region_resized (const PropertyChange& what_changed) { double unit_length; if (what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::position)) { set_position (_region->position(), 0); } PropertyChange s_and_l; s_and_l.add (ARDOUR::Properties::start); s_and_l.add (ARDOUR::Properties::length); if (what_changed.contains (s_and_l)) { set_duration (_region->length(), 0); unit_length = _region->length() / samples_per_pixel; for (vector::iterator i = ghosts.begin(); i != ghosts.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_duration (unit_length); } } } void RegionView::reset_width_dependent_items (double pixel_width) { TimeAxisViewItem::reset_width_dependent_items (pixel_width); _pixel_width = pixel_width; } void RegionView::region_muted () { set_frame_color (); region_renamed (); } void RegionView::region_opacity () { set_frame_color (); } void RegionView::raise_to_top () { _region->raise_to_top (); } void RegionView::lower_to_bottom () { _region->lower_to_bottom (); } bool RegionView::set_position (samplepos_t pos, void* /*src*/, double* ignored) { double delta; bool ret; if (!(ret = TimeAxisViewItem::set_position (pos, this, &delta))) { return false; } if (ignored) { *ignored = delta; } if (delta) { for (vector::iterator i = ghosts.begin(); i != ghosts.end(); ++i) { (*i)->group->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (delta, 0.0)); } } return ret; } void RegionView::set_samples_per_pixel (double fpp) { TimeAxisViewItem::set_samples_per_pixel (fpp); for (vector::iterator i = ghosts.begin(); i != ghosts.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_samples_per_pixel (fpp); (*i)->set_duration (_region->length() / fpp); } region_sync_changed (); } bool RegionView::set_duration (samplecnt_t samples, void *src) { if (!TimeAxisViewItem::set_duration (samples, src)) { return false; } for (vector::iterator i = ghosts.begin(); i != ghosts.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_duration (_region->length() / samples_per_pixel); } return true; } void RegionView::set_colors () { TimeAxisViewItem::set_colors (); set_sync_mark_color (); } void RegionView::set_sync_mark_color () { if (sync_mark) { Gtkmm2ext::Color c = UIConfiguration::instance().color ("sync mark"); sync_mark->set_fill_color (c); sync_mark->set_outline_color (c); sync_line->set_outline_color (c); } } uint32_t RegionView::get_fill_color () const { Gtkmm2ext::Color f = TimeAxisViewItem::get_fill_color(); char const *modname; if (_region->opaque() && (!ARDOUR::Profile->get_mixbus() || (!_dragging && !_region->muted ()))) { modname = "opaque region base"; } else { modname = "transparent region base"; } return Gtkmm2ext::HSV(f).mod (UIConfiguration::instance().modifier (modname)).color (); } void RegionView::show_region_editor () { if (editor == 0) { editor = new RegionEditor (trackview.session(), region()); } editor->present (); editor->show_all(); } void RegionView::hide_region_editor() { if (editor) { editor->hide_all (); } } std::string RegionView::make_name () const { std::string str; // XXX nice to have some good icons for this if (_region->position_lock_style() == MusicTime) { str += "\u266B"; // BEAMED EIGHTH NOTES } if (_region->locked()) { str += "\u2629"; // CROSS OF JERUSALEM str += _region->name(); } else if (_region->position_locked()) { str += "\u21B9"; // LEFTWARDS ARROW TO BAR OVER RIGHTWARDS ARROW TO BAR str += _region->name(); } else if (_region->video_locked()) { str += '['; str += _region->name(); str += ']'; } else { str += _region->name(); } if (_region->muted()) { str = string ("!") + str; } return str; } void RegionView::region_renamed () { std::string str = make_name (); set_item_name (str, this); set_name_text (str); } void RegionView::region_sync_changed () { int sync_dir; samplecnt_t sync_offset; sync_offset = _region->sync_offset (sync_dir); if (sync_offset == 0) { /* no need for a sync mark */ if (sync_mark) { sync_mark->hide(); sync_line->hide (); } return; } if (!sync_mark) { /* points set below */ sync_mark = new ArdourCanvas::Polygon (group); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (sync_mark, string_compose ("sync mark for %1", get_item_name())); sync_line = new ArdourCanvas::Line (group); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (sync_line, string_compose ("sync mark for %1", get_item_name())); set_sync_mark_color (); } /* this has to handle both a genuine change of position, a change of samples_per_pixel and a change in the bounds of the _region-> */ if (sync_offset == 0) { /* no sync mark - its the start of the region */ sync_mark->hide(); sync_line->hide (); } else { if ((sync_dir < 0) || ((sync_dir > 0) && (sync_offset > _region->length()))) { /* no sync mark - its out of the bounds of the region */ sync_mark->hide(); sync_line->hide (); } else { /* lets do it */ Points points; //points = sync_mark->property_points().get_value(); double offset = sync_offset / samples_per_pixel; points.push_back (ArdourCanvas::Duple (offset - ((sync_mark_width-1)/2), 1)); points.push_back (ArdourCanvas::Duple (offset + ((sync_mark_width-1)/2), 1)); points.push_back (ArdourCanvas::Duple (offset, sync_mark_width - 1)); points.push_back (ArdourCanvas::Duple (offset - ((sync_mark_width-1)/2), 1)); sync_mark->set (points); sync_mark->show (); sync_line->set (ArdourCanvas::Duple (offset, 0), ArdourCanvas::Duple (offset, trackview.current_height() - NAME_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE)); sync_line->show (); } } } void RegionView::move (double x_delta, double y_delta) { if (!_region->can_move() || (x_delta == 0 && y_delta == 0)) { return; } /* items will not prevent Item::move() moving * them to a negative x-axis coordinate, which * is legal, but we don't want that here. */ ArdourCanvas::Item *item = get_canvas_group (); if (item->position().x + x_delta < 0) { x_delta = -item->position().x; /* move it to zero */ } item->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (x_delta, y_delta)); /* note: ghosts never leave their tracks so y_delta for them is always zero */ for (vector::iterator i = ghosts.begin(); i != ghosts.end(); ++i) { (*i)->group->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (x_delta, 0.0)); } } void RegionView::remove_ghost_in (TimeAxisView& tv) { for (vector::iterator i = ghosts.begin(); i != ghosts.end(); ++i) { if (&(*i)->trackview == &tv) { delete *i; break; } } } void RegionView::remove_ghost (GhostRegion* ghost) { if (in_destructor) { return; } for (vector::iterator i = ghosts.begin(); i != ghosts.end(); ++i) { if (*i == ghost) { ghosts.erase (i); break; } } } void RegionView::set_height (double h) { TimeAxisViewItem::set_height(h); if (sync_line) { Points points; int sync_dir; samplecnt_t sync_offset; sync_offset = _region->sync_offset (sync_dir); double offset = sync_offset / samples_per_pixel; sync_line->set ( ArdourCanvas::Duple (offset, 0), ArdourCanvas::Duple (offset, h - NAME_HIGHLIGHT_SIZE) ); } for (list::iterator i = _coverage_frame.begin(); i != _coverage_frame.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_y1 (h + 1); } for (list::iterator i = _silent_frames.begin(); i != _silent_frames.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_y1 (h + 1); } } /** Remove old coverage frame and make new ones, if we're in a LayerDisplay mode * which uses them. */ void RegionView::update_coverage_frame (LayerDisplay d) { /* remove old coverage frame */ for (list::iterator i = _coverage_frame.begin (); i != _coverage_frame.end (); ++i) { delete *i; } _coverage_frame.clear (); if (d != Stacked) { /* don't do coverage frame unless we're in stacked mode */ return; } boost::shared_ptr pl (_region->playlist ()); if (!pl) { return; } samplepos_t const position = _region->first_sample (); samplepos_t t = position; samplepos_t const end = _region->last_sample (); ArdourCanvas::Rectangle* cr = 0; bool me = false; /* the color that will be used to show parts of regions that will not be heard */ uint32_t const non_playing_color = UIConfiguration::instance().color_mod ("covered region", "covered region base"); while (t < end) { t++; /* is this region is on top at time t? */ bool const new_me = (pl->top_unmuted_region_at (t) == _region); /* finish off any old rect, if required */ if (cr && me != new_me) { cr->set_x1 (trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel (t - position)); } /* start off any new rect, if required */ if (cr == 0 || me != new_me) { cr = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (group); _coverage_frame.push_back (cr); cr->set_x0 (trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel (t - position)); cr->set_y0 (1); cr->set_y1 (_height + 1); cr->set_outline (false); cr->set_ignore_events (true); if (new_me) { cr->set_fill_color (UINT_RGBA_CHANGE_A (non_playing_color, 0)); } else { cr->set_fill_color (non_playing_color); } } t = pl->find_next_region_boundary (t, 1); if (t < 0) { break; } me = new_me; } t = pl->find_next_region_boundary (t, 1); if (cr) { /* finish off the last rectangle */ cr->set_x1 (trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel (end - position)); } if (frame_handle_start) { frame_handle_start->raise_to_top (); } if (frame_handle_end) { frame_handle_end->raise_to_top (); } if (name_highlight) { name_highlight->raise_to_top (); } if (name_text) { name_text->raise_to_top (); } } bool RegionView::trim_front (samplepos_t new_bound, bool no_overlap, const int32_t sub_num) { if (_region->locked()) { return false; } samplepos_t const pre_trim_first_sample = _region->first_sample(); if (_region->position() == new_bound) { return false; } _region->trim_front (new_bound, sub_num); if (no_overlap) { /* Get the next region on the left of this region and shrink/expand it. */ boost::shared_ptr playlist (_region->playlist()); boost::shared_ptr region_left = playlist->find_next_region (pre_trim_first_sample, End, 0); bool regions_touching = false; if (region_left != 0 && (pre_trim_first_sample == region_left->last_sample() + 1)) { regions_touching = true; } /* Only trim region on the left if the first sample has gone beyond the left region's last sample. */ if (region_left != 0 && (region_left->last_sample() > _region->first_sample() || regions_touching)) { region_left->trim_end (_region->first_sample() - 1); } } region_changed (ARDOUR::bounds_change); return (pre_trim_first_sample != _region->first_sample()); // return true if we actually changed something } bool RegionView::trim_end (samplepos_t new_bound, bool no_overlap, const int32_t sub_num) { if (_region->locked()) { return false; } samplepos_t const pre_trim_last_sample = _region->last_sample(); _region->trim_end (new_bound, sub_num); if (no_overlap) { /* Get the next region on the right of this region and shrink/expand it. */ boost::shared_ptr playlist (_region->playlist()); boost::shared_ptr region_right = playlist->find_next_region (pre_trim_last_sample, Start, 1); bool regions_touching = false; if (region_right != 0 && (pre_trim_last_sample == region_right->first_sample() - 1)) { regions_touching = true; } /* Only trim region on the right if the last sample has gone beyond the right region's first sample. */ if (region_right != 0 && (region_right->first_sample() < _region->last_sample() || regions_touching)) { region_right->trim_front (_region->last_sample() + 1, sub_num); } region_changed (ARDOUR::bounds_change); } else { region_changed (PropertyChange (ARDOUR::Properties::length)); } return (pre_trim_last_sample != _region->last_sample()); // return true if we actually changed something } void RegionView::thaw_after_trim () { if (_region->locked()) { return; } _region->resume_property_changes (); } void RegionView::move_contents (sampleoffset_t distance) { if (_region->locked()) { return; } _region->move_start (distance); region_changed (PropertyChange (ARDOUR::Properties::start)); } /** Snap a sample offset within our region using the current snap settings. * @param x Frame offset from this region's position. * @param ensure_snap whether to ignore snap_mode (in the case of SnapOff) and magnetic snap. * Used when inverting snap mode logic with key modifiers, or snap distance calculation. * @return Snapped sample offset from this region's position. */ MusicSample RegionView::snap_sample_to_sample (sampleoffset_t x, bool ensure_snap) const { PublicEditor& editor = trackview.editor(); /* x is region relative, convert it to global absolute samples */ samplepos_t const session_sample = x + _region->position(); /* try a snap in either direction */ MusicSample sample (session_sample, 0); editor.snap_to (sample, RoundNearest, SnapToAny_Visual, ensure_snap); /* if we went off the beginning of the region, snap forwards */ if (sample.sample < _region->position ()) { sample.sample = session_sample; editor.snap_to (sample, RoundUpAlways, SnapToAny_Visual, ensure_snap); } /* back to region relative, keeping the relevant divisor */ return MusicSample (sample.sample - _region->position(), sample.division); } void RegionView::update_visibility () { /* currently only the name visibility can be changed dynamically */ if (UIConfiguration::instance().get_show_region_name()) { visibility = Visibility (visibility | ShowNameText); } else { visibility = Visibility (visibility & ~ShowNameText); } manage_name_text (); }