/* Copyright (C) 2004 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifndef __ardour_gtk_panner_ui_h__ #define __ardour_gtk_panner_ui_h__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ardour/session_handle.h" #include "enums.h" class Panner2d; class PannerBar; class Panner2dWindow; namespace ARDOUR { class Session; class Panner; class Delivery; class AutomationControl; } namespace Gtkmm2ext { class FastMeter; } namespace Gtk { class Menu; class Menuitem; } class PannerUI : public Gtk::HBox, public ARDOUR::SessionHandlePtr { public: PannerUI (ARDOUR::Session*); ~PannerUI (); virtual void set_panner (boost::shared_ptr); void panner_changed (void *); void update_pan_sensitive (); void update_gain_sensitive (); void set_width (Width); void setup_pan (); void effective_pan_display (); void set_meter_strip_name (std::string name); boost::shared_ptr get_controllable(); void set_mono (bool); void on_size_allocate (Gtk::Allocation &); static void setup_slider_pix (); private: friend class MixerStrip; boost::shared_ptr _panner; PBD::ScopedConnectionList connections; PBD::ScopedConnectionList _pan_control_connections; bool ignore_toggle; bool in_pan_update; int _current_nouts; int _current_npans; static const int pan_bar_height; Panner2d* twod_panner; ///< 2D panner, or 0 Panner2dWindow* big_window; Gtk::VBox pan_bar_packer; Gtk::Adjustment hAdjustment; Gtk::Adjustment vAdjustment; Gtk::Viewport panning_viewport; Gtk::EventBox panning_up; Gtk::Arrow panning_up_arrow; Gtk::EventBox panning_down; Gtk::Arrow panning_down_arrow; Gtk::VBox pan_vbox; Gtk::VBox poswidth_box; Width _width; Gtk::Adjustment _position_adjustment; Gtk::Adjustment _width_adjustment; Gtkmm2ext::BarController* _position_fader; Gtkmm2ext::BarController* _width_fader; static Glib::RefPtr _poswidth_slider; bool _ignore_width_change; bool _ignore_position_change; void width_adjusted (); void show_width (); void position_adjusted (); void show_position (); Gtk::ToggleButton panning_link_button; Gtk::Button panning_link_direction_button; Gtk::HBox panning_link_box; bool panning_link_button_press (GdkEventButton*); bool panning_link_button_release (GdkEventButton*); Gtk::Menu* pan_astate_menu; Gtk::Menu* pan_astyle_menu; Gtk::Button pan_automation_style_button; Gtk::ToggleButton pan_automation_state_button; void panning_link_direction_clicked (); std::vector pan_adjustments; std::vector pan_bars; void pan_adjustment_changed (uint32_t which); void pan_value_changed (uint32_t which); void update_pan_bars (bool only_if_aplay); void update_pan_linkage (); void update_pan_state (); void build_astate_menu (); void build_astyle_menu (); void hide_pans (); void panner_moved (int which); void panner_bypass_toggled (); gint start_pan_touch (GdkEventButton*); gint end_pan_touch (GdkEventButton*); bool pan_button_event (GdkEventButton*, uint32_t which); void connect_to_pan_control (uint32_t); Gtk::Menu* pan_menu; Gtk::CheckMenuItem* bypass_menu_item; void build_pan_menu (uint32_t which); void pan_mute (uint32_t which); void pan_reset (uint32_t); void pan_reset_all (); void pan_bypass_toggle (); void pan_automation_state_changed(); void pan_automation_style_changed(); gint pan_automation_style_button_event (GdkEventButton *); gint pan_automation_state_button_event (GdkEventButton *); sigc::connection pan_watching; std::string astate_string (ARDOUR::AutoState); std::string short_astate_string (ARDOUR::AutoState); std::string _astate_string (ARDOUR::AutoState, bool); std::string astyle_string (ARDOUR::AutoStyle); std::string short_astyle_string (ARDOUR::AutoStyle); std::string _astyle_string (ARDOUR::AutoStyle, bool); void start_touch (boost::weak_ptr); void stop_touch (boost::weak_ptr); void bar_spinner_activate (bool); /** true if any of our PannerBars are currently using a SpinButton to modify value */ bool _bar_spinner_active; }; #endif /* __ardour_gtk_panner_ui_h__ */