Profiling Ardour with Callgrind =============================== Prerequisites ------------- * valgrind version 3.7.0 or later (current 3.9.0) * kcachegrind 0.6 or later (current: 0.7.4) Basic Profiling --------------- 1. Compile ardour with debug symbols [1]. 2. `cd gtk2_ardour` 3. start ardour using `./arcall` Load a session, ideally use the 'Dummy' (non realtime) backend. The `arcall` script does not start profiling immediately, to start profiling, in a second terminal run 4. `callgrind_control -i on` [do operations in Ardour that should be profiled] 5. `callgrind_control -i off` 6. quit ardour 7. run `kcachegrind calgringd.out.` NB. There will be multiple files calgringd.out.- for every run, only load the main file without the dash into 8. clean-up: `rm calgringd.out.*` Advanced Usage -------------- Edit gtk2_ardour/arcall, add/remove options as needed. see for further information. --- [1] ideally an optimized built with debug-symbols (-g) is used for profiling, however the ardour wscript does not yet offer that configuration option. However, a default (non optimized build) does contain debug-symbols.