/* Copyright (C) 2003 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "ardour/profile.h" #include "ardour/template_utils.h" #include "ardour/route_group.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "utils.h" #include "add_route_dialog.h" #include "route_group_dialog.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace sigc; using namespace std; using namespace PBD; using namespace ARDOUR; static const char* track_mode_names[] = { N_("Normal"), N_("Non Layered"), N_("Tape"), 0 }; static const char* bus_mode_names[] = { N_("Aux"), N_("Direct"), 0 }; std::vector AddRouteDialog::channel_combo_strings; std::vector AddRouteDialog::track_mode_strings; std::vector AddRouteDialog::bus_mode_strings; AddRouteDialog::AddRouteDialog (Session & s) : ArdourDialog (X_("add route dialog")) , _session (s) , routes_adjustment (1, 1, 128, 1, 4) , routes_spinner (routes_adjustment) , mode_label (_("Track mode:")) { if (track_mode_strings.empty()) { track_mode_strings = I18N (track_mode_names); if (ARDOUR::Profile->get_sae()) { /* remove all but the first track mode (Normal) */ while (track_mode_strings.size() > 1) { track_mode_strings.pop_back(); } } } if (bus_mode_strings.empty()) { bus_mode_strings = I18N (bus_mode_names); } set_name ("AddRouteDialog"); set_position (Gtk::WIN_POS_MOUSE); set_modal (true); set_skip_taskbar_hint (true); set_resizable (false); set_title (_("Add Track/Bus")); name_template_entry.set_name (X_("AddRouteDialogNameTemplateEntry")); routes_spinner.set_name (X_("AddRouteDialogSpinner")); channel_combo.set_name (X_("ChannelCountSelector")); mode_combo.set_name (X_("ChannelCountSelector")); refill_channel_setups (); refill_route_groups (); set_popdown_strings (mode_combo, track_mode_strings, true); channel_combo.set_active_text (channel_combo_strings.front()); mode_combo.set_active_text (track_mode_strings.front()); track_bus_combo.append_text (_("tracks")); track_bus_combo.append_text (_("busses")); track_bus_combo.set_active (0); VBox* vbox = manage (new VBox); Gtk::Label* l; get_vbox()->set_spacing (4); vbox->set_spacing (18); vbox->set_border_width (5); HBox *type_hbox = manage (new HBox); type_hbox->set_spacing (6); /* track/bus choice */ type_hbox->pack_start (*manage (new Label (_("Add:")))); type_hbox->pack_start (routes_spinner); type_hbox->pack_start (track_bus_combo); vbox->pack_start (*type_hbox, false, true); VBox* options_box = manage (new VBox); Table *table2 = manage (new Table (3, 3, false)); options_box->set_spacing (6); table2->set_row_spacings (6); table2->set_col_spacing (1, 6); l = manage (new Label (_("Options"), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER, false)); l->set_use_markup (); options_box->pack_start (*l, false, true); l = manage (new Label ("", Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER, false)); l->set_padding (8, 0); table2->attach (*l, 0, 1, 0, 3, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::FILL, 0, 0); /* Route configuration */ l = manage (new Label (_("Configuration:"), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER, false)); table2->attach (*l, 1, 2, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::EXPAND, 0, 0); table2->attach (channel_combo, 2, 3, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::EXPAND & Gtk::FILL, 0, 0); if (!ARDOUR::Profile->get_sae ()) { /* Track mode */ mode_label.set_alignment (Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER); table2->attach (mode_label, 1, 2, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::EXPAND, 0, 0); table2->attach (mode_combo, 2, 3, 1, 2, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::EXPAND & Gtk::FILL, 0, 0); } /* Group choise */ l = manage (new Label (_("Group:"), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT, Gtk::ALIGN_CENTER, false)); table2->attach (*l, 1, 2, 2, 3, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::EXPAND, 0, 0); table2->attach (route_group_combo, 2, 3, 2, 3, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::EXPAND & Gtk::FILL, 0, 0); options_box->pack_start (*table2, false, true); vbox->pack_start (*options_box, false, true); get_vbox()->pack_start (*vbox, false, false); track_bus_combo.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &AddRouteDialog::track_type_chosen)); channel_combo.set_row_separator_func (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &AddRouteDialog::channel_separator)); route_group_combo.set_row_separator_func (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &AddRouteDialog::route_separator)); route_group_combo.signal_changed ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &AddRouteDialog::group_changed)); show_all_children (); /* track template info will be managed whenever this dialog is shown, via ::on_show() */ add_button (Stock::CANCEL, RESPONSE_CANCEL); add_button (Stock::ADD, RESPONSE_ACCEPT); track_type_chosen (); } AddRouteDialog::~AddRouteDialog () { } void AddRouteDialog::track_type_chosen () { if (track()) { mode_label.set_text (_("Track mode:")); set_popdown_strings (mode_combo, track_mode_strings); mode_combo.set_active_text (track_mode_strings.front()); } else { mode_label.set_text (_("Bus type:")); set_popdown_strings (mode_combo, bus_mode_strings); mode_combo.set_active_text (bus_mode_strings.front()); } } bool AddRouteDialog::track () { return track_bus_combo.get_active_row_number () == 0; } bool AddRouteDialog::aux () { return !track() && mode_combo.get_active_row_number () == 0; } ARDOUR::DataType AddRouteDialog::type () { return (channel_combo.get_active_text() == _("MIDI")) ? ARDOUR::DataType::MIDI : ARDOUR::DataType::AUDIO; } string AddRouteDialog::name_template () { return name_template_entry.get_text (); } int AddRouteDialog::count () { return (int) floor (routes_adjustment.get_value ()); } ARDOUR::TrackMode AddRouteDialog::mode () { if (ARDOUR::Profile->get_sae()) { return ARDOUR::Normal; } Glib::ustring str = mode_combo.get_active_text(); if (str == _("Normal")) { return ARDOUR::Normal; } else if (str == _("Non Layered")){ return ARDOUR::NonLayered; } else if (str == _("Tape")) { return ARDOUR::Destructive; } else { fatal << string_compose (X_("programming error: unknown track mode in add route dialog combo = %1"), str) << endmsg; /*NOTREACHED*/ } /* keep gcc happy */ return ARDOUR::Normal; } int AddRouteDialog::channels () { string str = channel_combo.get_active_text(); for (ChannelSetups::iterator i = channel_setups.begin(); i != channel_setups.end(); ++i) { if (str == (*i).name) { return (*i).channels; } } return 0; } string AddRouteDialog::track_template () { string str = channel_combo.get_active_text(); for (ChannelSetups::iterator i = channel_setups.begin(); i != channel_setups.end(); ++i) { if (str == (*i).name) { return (*i).template_path; } } return string(); } void AddRouteDialog::on_show () { refill_channel_setups (); refill_route_groups (); Dialog::on_show (); } void AddRouteDialog::refill_channel_setups () { ChannelSetup chn; route_templates.clear (); channel_combo_strings.clear (); channel_setups.clear (); chn.name = _("Mono"); chn.channels = 1; channel_setups.push_back (chn); chn.name = _("Stereo"); chn.channels = 2; channel_setups.push_back (chn); chn.name = "separator"; channel_setups.push_back (chn); chn.name = X_("MIDI"); chn.channels = 0; channel_setups.push_back (chn); chn.name = "separator"; channel_setups.push_back (chn); ARDOUR::find_route_templates (route_templates); if (!ARDOUR::Profile->get_sae()) { if (!route_templates.empty()) { vector v; for (vector::iterator x = route_templates.begin(); x != route_templates.end(); ++x) { chn.name = x->name; chn.channels = 0; chn.template_path = x->path; channel_setups.push_back (chn); } } /* clear template path for the rest */ chn.template_path = ""; chn.name = _("3 Channel"); chn.channels = 3; channel_setups.push_back (chn); chn.name = _("4 Channel"); chn.channels = 4; channel_setups.push_back (chn); chn.name = _("5 Channel"); chn.channels = 5; channel_setups.push_back (chn); chn.name = _("6 Channel"); chn.channels = 6; channel_setups.push_back (chn); chn.name = _("8 Channel"); chn.channels = 8; channel_setups.push_back (chn); chn.name = _("12 Channel"); chn.channels = 12; channel_setups.push_back (chn); chn.name = X_("Custom"); chn.channels = 0; channel_setups.push_back (chn); } for (ChannelSetups::iterator i = channel_setups.begin(); i != channel_setups.end(); ++i) { channel_combo_strings.push_back ((*i).name); } set_popdown_strings (channel_combo, channel_combo_strings, true); channel_combo.set_active_text (channel_combo_strings.front()); } void AddRouteDialog::add_route_group (RouteGroup* g) { route_group_combo.insert_text (3, g->name ()); } RouteGroup* AddRouteDialog::route_group () { if (route_group_combo.get_active_row_number () == 2) { return 0; } return _session.route_group_by_name (route_group_combo.get_active_text()); } void AddRouteDialog::refill_route_groups () { route_group_combo.clear (); route_group_combo.append_text (_("New group...")); route_group_combo.append_text ("separator"); route_group_combo.append_text (_("No group")); _session.foreach_route_group (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &AddRouteDialog::add_route_group)); route_group_combo.set_active (2); } void AddRouteDialog::group_changed () { if (route_group_combo.get_active_text () == _("New group...")) { RouteGroup* g = new RouteGroup (_session, "", RouteGroup::Active); RouteGroupDialog d (g, Gtk::Stock::NEW); int const r = d.do_run (); if (r == Gtk::RESPONSE_OK) { _session.add_route_group (g); add_route_group (g); route_group_combo.set_active (3); } else { delete g; route_group_combo.set_active (2); } } } bool AddRouteDialog::channel_separator (const Glib::RefPtr &, const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator &i) { channel_combo.set_active (i); return channel_combo.get_active_text () == "separator"; } bool AddRouteDialog::route_separator (const Glib::RefPtr &, const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator &i) { route_group_combo.set_active (i); return route_group_combo.get_active_text () == "separator"; }