ardour { ["type"] = "session", name = "MIDI Record Enable", category = "Example", -- "Utility" license = "MIT", author = "Ardour Team", description = [[An example script to start recording on note-on.]] } function factory () return function (n_samples) if Session:actively_recording() then return end -- when recording already, do nothing -- iterate over all MIDI ports _, t = Session:engine ():get_ports (ARDOUR.DataType.midi (), ARDOUR.PortList ()) for p in t[2]:iter () do -- skip output ports if not p:receives_input () then goto next end local midiport = p:to_midiport () -- and skip async event ports if midiport:isnil () then goto next end local mb = midiport:get_midi_buffer (n_samples) -- get the midi-data buffers local events = mb:table () -- copy event list into lua table for _,e in pairs (events) do -- iterate over all events in the midi-buffer if (e:buffer():array()[1] & 0xf0) == 0x90 then -- note on Session:maybe_enable_record (true) -- global record-enable from rt-context -- maybe-enable may fail if there are no tracks or step-entry is active -- roll transport if record-enable suceeded: if ARDOUR.Session.RecordState.Enabled == Session:record_status() then Session:request_roll (ARDOUR.TransportRequestSource.TRS_UI) -- ...and go. end return end end ::next:: end end end