ardour { ["type"] = "EditorAction", name = "Find non zero audio sample", author = "Ardour Team", description = [[Find the position of first non-zero audio sample in selected regions.]] } function factory () return function () -- get Editor GUI Selection -- local sel = Editor:get_selection () -- allocate a buffer (float* in C) -- local cmem = ARDOUR.DSP.DspShm (8192) local msg = "" -- iterate over selected regions -- for r in sel.regions:regionlist ():iter () do -- test if it's an audio region if r:to_audioregion ():isnil () then goto next end -- to read the Region data, we use the Readable interface of the Region -- local a = r.to_audioregion() local rd = a:to_readable () local n_samples = rd:readable_length () local n_channels = rd:n_channels () local nonzeropos = -1 -- iterate over all channels in Audio Region for c = 0, n_channels -1 do local pos = 0 repeat -- read at most 8K samples of channel 'c' starting at 'pos' local s = rd:read (cmem:to_float (0), pos, 8192, c) -- access the raw audio data -- local d = cmem:to_float (0):array() -- iterate over the audio sample data for i = 1, s do if math.abs (d[i]) > 0 then if (nonzeropos < 0 or pos + i < nonzeropos) then nonzeropos = pos + i - 1 end break end end pos = pos + s if (nonzeropos >= 0 and pos > nonzeropos) then break end until s < 8192 end if (nonzeropos >= 0) then msg = msg .. string.format("%s: %d\n", r:name (), nonzeropos + r:position()) else msg = msg .. "Region: '%s' is silent\n" end ::next:: end if (msg ~= "") then local md = LuaDialog.Message ("First Non Zero Sample", msg, LuaDialog.MessageType.Info, LuaDialog.ButtonType.Close) md:run() end end end