/* Copyright (C) 2015 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include "pbd/xml++.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/window_proxy.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/visibility_tracker.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace PBD; WindowProxy::WindowProxy (const std::string& name) : _name (name) , _window (0) , _visible (false) , _x_off (-1) , _y_off (-1) , _width (-1) , _height (-1) , vistracker (0) , _state_mask (StateMask (Position|Size)) { } WindowProxy::WindowProxy (const std::string& name, const std::string& menu_name) : _name (name) , _menu_name (menu_name) , _window (0) , _visible (false) , _x_off (-1) , _y_off (-1) , _width (-1) , _height (-1) , vistracker (0) , _state_mask (StateMask (Position|Size)) { } WindowProxy::WindowProxy (const std::string& name, const std::string& menu_name, const XMLNode& node) : _name (name) , _menu_name (menu_name) , _window (0) , _visible (false) , _x_off (-1) , _y_off (-1) , _width (-1) , _height (-1) , vistracker (0) , _state_mask (StateMask (Position|Size)) { set_state (node, 0); } WindowProxy::~WindowProxy () { delete vistracker; delete _window; } int WindowProxy::set_state (const XMLNode& node, int /* version */) { XMLNodeList children = node.children (); XMLNode const * child; XMLNodeList::const_iterator i = children.begin (); while (i != children.end()) { child = *i; std::string name; if (child->name () == X_("Window") && child->get_property (X_("name"), name) && name == _name) { break; } ++i; } if (i != children.end()) { child = *i; child->get_property (X_("visible"), _visible); child->get_property (X_("x-off"), _x_off); child->get_property (X_("y-off"), _y_off); child->get_property (X_("x-size"), _width); child->get_property (X_("y-size"), _height); } if (_window) { setup (); } return 0; } void WindowProxy::set_action (Glib::RefPtr act) { _action = act; } std::string WindowProxy::action_name() const { return string_compose (X_("toggle-%1"), _name); } void WindowProxy::toggle() { if (!_window) { (void) get (true); setup (); assert (_window); /* XXX this is a hack - the window object should really ensure its components are all visible. sigh. */ _window->show_all(); /* we'd like to just call this and nothing else */ _window->present (); } else { if (_window->is_mapped()) { save_pos_and_size(); } vistracker->cycle_visibility (); if (_window->is_mapped()) { if (_width != -1 && _height != -1) { _window->set_default_size (_width, _height); } if (_x_off != -1 && _y_off != -1) { _window->move (_x_off, _y_off); } } } } std::string WindowProxy::xml_node_name() { return X_("Window"); } XMLNode& WindowProxy::get_state () { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode (xml_node_name()); node->set_property (X_("name"), _name); if (_window && vistracker) { /* we have a window, so use current state */ _visible = vistracker->partially_visible (); _window->get_position (_x_off, _y_off); _window->get_size (_width, _height); } int x, y, w, h; if (_state_mask & Position) { x = _x_off; y = _y_off; } else { x = -1; y = -1; } if (_state_mask & Size) { w = _width; h = _height; } else { w = -1; h = -1; } node->set_property (X_("visible"), _visible); node->set_property (X_("x-off"), x); node->set_property (X_("y-off"), y); node->set_property (X_("x-size"), w); node->set_property (X_("y-size"), h); return *node; } void WindowProxy::drop_window () { if (_window) { delete_connection.disconnect (); configure_connection.disconnect (); map_connection.disconnect (); unmap_connection.disconnect (); _window->hide (); delete _window; _window = 0; delete vistracker; vistracker = 0; } } void WindowProxy::use_window (Gtk::Window& win) { drop_window (); _window = &win; setup (); } void WindowProxy::setup () { assert (_window); assert (_window); delete_connection = _window->signal_delete_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &WindowProxy::delete_event_handler)); configure_connection = _window->signal_configure_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &WindowProxy::configure_handler), false); map_connection = _window->signal_map().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &WindowProxy::map_handler), false); unmap_connection = _window->signal_unmap().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &WindowProxy::unmap_handler), false); set_pos_and_size (); } void WindowProxy::map_handler () { vistracker = new Gtkmm2ext::VisibilityTracker (*_window); /* emit our own signal */ signal_map (); } void WindowProxy::unmap_handler () { /* emit out own signal */ signal_unmap (); } bool WindowProxy::configure_handler (GdkEventConfigure* ev) { /* stupidly, the geometry data in the event isn't the same as we get from the window geometry APIs.so we have to actively interrogate them to get the new information. the difference is generally down to window manager framing. */ if (!visible() || !_window->is_mapped()) { return false; } save_pos_and_size (); return false; } bool WindowProxy::visible() const { if (vistracker) { /* update with current state */ _visible = vistracker->partially_visible(); } return _visible; } bool WindowProxy::fully_visible () const { if (!vistracker) { /* no vistracker .. no window .. cannot be fully visible */ return false; } return vistracker->fully_visible(); } void WindowProxy::show () { get (true); assert (_window); _window->show (); } void WindowProxy::maybe_show () { if (_visible) { show (); } } void WindowProxy::show_all () { get (true); assert (_window); _window->show_all (); } void WindowProxy::present () { get (true); assert (_window); _window->show_all (); _window->present (); /* turn off any mouse-based positioning */ _window->set_position (Gtk::WIN_POS_NONE); } void WindowProxy::hide () { if (_window) { save_pos_and_size(); _window->hide (); } } bool WindowProxy::delete_event_handler (GdkEventAny* /*ev*/) { if (_action) { _action->activate (); } else { hide(); } return true; } void WindowProxy::save_pos_and_size () { if (_window) { _window->get_position (_x_off, _y_off); _window->get_size (_width, _height); } } void WindowProxy::set_pos_and_size () { if (!_window) { return; } if ((_state_mask & Position) && (_width != -1 || _height != -1 || _x_off != -1 || _y_off != -1)) { /* cancel any mouse-based positioning */ _window->set_position (Gtk::WIN_POS_NONE); } if ((_state_mask & Size) && _width != -1 && _height != -1) { _window->resize (_width, _height); } if ((_state_mask & Position) && _x_off != -1 && _y_off != -1) { _window->move (_x_off, _y_off); } } void WindowProxy::set_pos () { if (!_window) { return; } if (!(_state_mask & Position)) { return; } if (_width != -1 || _height != -1 || _x_off != -1 || _y_off != -1) { /* cancel any mouse-based positioning */ _window->set_position (Gtk::WIN_POS_NONE); } if (_x_off != -1 && _y_off != -1) { _window->move (_x_off, _y_off); } } void WindowProxy::set_state_mask (StateMask sm) { _state_mask = sm; }