#!/usr/bin/env python # Waf utilities for easily building standard unixey packages/libraries # Licensed under the GNU GPL v2 or later, see COPYING file for details. # Copyright (C) 2008 Dave Robillard # Copyright (C) 2008 Nedko Arnaudov import os import misc import Configure import Options import Utils import sys from TaskGen import feature, before, after global g_is_child g_is_child = False # Only run autowaf hooks once (even if sub projects call several times) global g_step g_step = 0 # Compute dependencies globally #import preproc #preproc.go_absolute = True @feature('cc', 'cxx') @after('apply_lib_vars') @before('apply_obj_vars_cc', 'apply_obj_vars_cxx') def include_config_h(self): self.env.append_value('INC_PATHS', self.bld.srcnode) def set_options(opt): "Add standard autowaf options if they havn't been added yet" global g_step if g_step > 0: return opt.tool_options('compiler_cc') opt.tool_options('compiler_cxx') opt.add_option('--debug', action='store_true', default=False, dest='debug', help="Build debuggable binaries [Default: False]") opt.add_option('--strict', action='store_true', default=False, dest='strict', help="Use strict compiler flags and show all warnings [Default: False]") opt.add_option('--build-docs', action='store_true', default=False, dest='build_docs', help="Build documentation - requires doxygen [Default: False]") opt.add_option('--bundle', action='store_true', default=False, help="Build a self-contained bundle [Default: False]") opt.add_option('--bindir', type='string', help="Executable programs [Default: PREFIX/bin]") opt.add_option('--libdir', type='string', help="Libraries [Default: PREFIX/lib]") opt.add_option('--includedir', type='string', help="Header files [Default: PREFIX/include]") opt.add_option('--datadir', type='string', help="Shared data [Default: PREFIX/share]") opt.add_option('--mandir', type='string', help="Manual pages [Default: DATADIR/man]") opt.add_option('--htmldir', type='string', help="HTML documentation [Default: DATADIR/doc/PACKAGE]") opt.add_option('--lv2-user', action='store_true', default=False, dest='lv2_user', help="Install LV2 bundles to user-local location [Default: False]") if sys.platform == "darwin": opt.add_option('--lv2dir', type='string', help="LV2 bundles [Default: /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/LV2]") else: opt.add_option('--lv2dir', type='string', help="LV2 bundles [Default: LIBDIR/lv2]") g_step = 1 def check_header(conf, name, define='', mandatory=False): "Check for a header iff it hasn't been checked for yet" if type(conf.env['AUTOWAF_HEADERS']) != dict: conf.env['AUTOWAF_HEADERS'] = {} checked = conf.env['AUTOWAF_HEADERS'] if not name in checked: checked[name] = True if define != '': conf.check(header_name=name, define_name=define, mandatory=mandatory) else: conf.check(header_name=name, mandatory=mandatory) def check_tool(conf, name): "Check for a tool iff it hasn't been checked for yet" if type(conf.env['AUTOWAF_TOOLS']) != dict: conf.env['AUTOWAF_TOOLS'] = {} checked = conf.env['AUTOWAF_TOOLS'] if not name in checked: conf.check_tool(name) checked[name] = True def check_pkg(conf, name, **args): "Check for a package iff it hasn't been checked for yet" var_name = 'HAVE_' + args['uselib_store'].replace('/', '_').replace('++', 'PP') check = not var_name in conf.env if not check and 'atleast_version' in args: # Re-check if version is newer than previous check checked_version = conf.env['VERSION_' + name] if checked_version and checked_version < args['atleast_version']: check = True; if check: conf.check_cfg(package=name, args="--cflags --libs", **args) found = bool(conf.env[var_name]) if found: conf.define(var_name, int(found)) if 'atleast_version' in args: conf.env['VERSION_' + name] = args['atleast_version'] else: conf.undefine(var_name) if args['mandatory'] == True: conf.fatal("Required package " + name + " not found") def chop_prefix(conf, var): name = conf.env[var][len(conf.env['PREFIX']):] if len(name) > 0 and name[0] == '/': name = name[1:] if name == "": name = "/" return name; def configure(conf): global g_step if g_step > 1: return def append_cxx_flags(val): conf.env.append_value('CCFLAGS', val) conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', val) conf.line_just = 42 check_tool(conf, 'misc') check_tool(conf, 'compiler_cc') check_tool(conf, 'compiler_cxx') conf.env['BUILD_DOCS'] = Options.options.build_docs conf.env['DEBUG'] = Options.options.debug conf.env['PREFIX'] = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.normpath(conf.env['PREFIX']))) if Options.options.bundle: conf.env['BUNDLE'] = True conf.define('BUNDLE', 1) conf.env['BINDIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX'] conf.env['INCLUDEDIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX'] + '/Headers/' conf.env['LIBDIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX'] + '/Libraries/' conf.env['DATADIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX'] + '/Resources/' conf.env['HTMLDIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX'] + '/Resources/Documentation/' conf.env['MANDIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX'] + '/Resources/Man/' conf.env['LV2DIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX'] + '/PlugIns/' else: conf.env['BUNDLE'] = False if Options.options.bindir: conf.env['BINDIR'] = Options.options.bindir else: conf.env['BINDIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX'] + '/bin/' if Options.options.includedir: conf.env['INCLUDEDIR'] = Options.options.includedir else: conf.env['INCLUDEDIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX'] + '/include/' if Options.options.libdir: conf.env['LIBDIR'] = Options.options.libdir else: conf.env['LIBDIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX'] + '/lib/' if Options.options.datadir: conf.env['DATADIR'] = Options.options.datadir else: conf.env['DATADIR'] = conf.env['PREFIX'] + '/share/' if Options.options.htmldir: conf.env['HTMLDIR'] = Options.options.htmldir else: conf.env['HTMLDIR'] = conf.env['DATADIR'] + 'doc/' + Utils.g_module.APPNAME + '/' if Options.options.mandir: conf.env['MANDIR'] = Options.options.mandir else: conf.env['MANDIR'] = conf.env['DATADIR'] + 'man/' if Options.options.lv2dir: conf.env['LV2DIR'] = Options.options.lv2dir else: if Options.options.lv2_user: if sys.platform == "darwin": conf.env['LV2DIR'] = os.getenv('HOME') + '/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/LV2' else: conf.env['LV2DIR'] = os.getenv('HOME') + '/.lv2' else: if sys.platform == "darwin": conf.env['LV2DIR'] = '/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/LV2' else: conf.env['LV2DIR'] = conf.env['LIBDIR'] + 'lv2/' conf.env['BINDIRNAME'] = chop_prefix(conf, 'BINDIR') conf.env['LIBDIRNAME'] = chop_prefix(conf, 'LIBDIR') conf.env['DATADIRNAME'] = chop_prefix(conf, 'DATADIR') conf.env['LV2DIRNAME'] = chop_prefix(conf, 'LV2DIR') if Options.options.debug: conf.env['CCFLAGS'] = '-O0 -g -std=c99' conf.env['CXXFLAGS'] = '-O0 -g -ansi' if Options.options.strict: conf.env['CCFLAGS'] = '-O0 -g -std=c99 -pedantic' append_cxx_flags('-Wall -Wextra -Wno-unused-parameter') conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', '-Woverloaded-virtual') append_cxx_flags('-fPIC -DPIC') g_step = 2 def set_local_lib(conf, name, has_objects): conf.define('HAVE_' + name.upper().replace('/', '_').replace('++', 'PP'), 1) if has_objects: if type(conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS']) != dict: conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS'] = {} conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS'][name.lower()] = True else: if type(conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS']) != dict: conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS'] = {} conf.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS'][name.lower()] = True def use_lib(bld, obj, libs): abssrcdir = os.path.abspath('.') libs_list = libs.split() for l in libs_list: in_headers = l.lower() in bld.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_HEADERS'] in_libs = l.lower() in bld.env['AUTOWAF_LOCAL_LIBS'] if in_libs: if hasattr(obj, 'uselib_local'): obj.uselib_local += ' lib' + l.lower() + ' ' else: obj.uselib_local = 'lib' + l.lower() + ' ' if in_headers or in_libs: inc_flag = '-iquote ' + abssrcdir + '/' + l.lower() for f in ['CCFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS']: if not inc_flag in bld.env[f]: bld.env.prepend_value(f, inc_flag) else: if hasattr(obj, 'uselib'): obj.uselib += ' ' + l else: obj.uselib = l def display_header(title): Utils.pprint('BOLD', title) def display_msg(conf, msg, status = None, color = None): color = 'CYAN' if type(status) == bool and status or status == "True": color = 'GREEN' elif type(status) == bool and not status or status == "False": color = 'YELLOW' Utils.pprint('NORMAL', "%s :" % msg.ljust(conf.line_just), sep='') Utils.pprint(color, status) def print_summary(conf): global g_step if g_step > 2: print return e = conf.env print display_header('Global configuration') display_msg(conf, "Install prefix", conf.env['PREFIX']) display_msg(conf, "Debuggable build", str(conf.env['DEBUG'])) display_msg(conf, "Build documentation", str(conf.env['BUILD_DOCS'])) print g_step = 3 def link_flags(env, lib): return ' '.join(map(lambda x: env['LIB_ST'] % x, env['LIB_' + lib])) def compile_flags(env, lib): return ' '.join(map(lambda x: env['CPPPATH_ST'] % x, env['CPPPATH_' + lib])) def set_recursive(): global g_is_child g_is_child = True def is_child(): global g_is_child return g_is_child # Pkg-config file def build_pc(bld, name, version, libs): '''Build a pkg-config file for a library. name -- uppercase variable name (e.g. 'SOMENAME') version -- version string (e.g. '1.2.3') libs -- string/list of dependencies (e.g. 'LIBFOO GLIB') ''' obj = bld.new_task_gen('subst') obj.source = name.lower() + '.pc.in' obj.target = name.lower() + '.pc' obj.install_path = '${PREFIX}/${LIBDIRNAME}/pkgconfig' pkg_prefix = bld.env['PREFIX'] if pkg_prefix[-1] == '/': pkg_prefix = pkg_prefix[:-1] obj.dict = { 'prefix' : pkg_prefix, 'exec_prefix' : '${prefix}', 'libdir' : '${exec_prefix}/lib', 'includedir' : '${prefix}/include', name + '_VERSION' : version, } if type(libs) != list: libs = libs.split() for i in libs: obj.dict[i + '_LIBS'] = link_flags(bld.env, i) obj.dict[i + '_CFLAGS'] = compile_flags(bld.env, i) # Doxygen API documentation def build_dox(bld, name, version, srcdir, blddir): if not bld.env['BUILD_DOCS']: return obj = bld.new_task_gen('subst') obj.source = 'doc/reference.doxygen.in' obj.target = 'doc/reference.doxygen' if is_child(): src_dir = srcdir + '/' + name.lower() doc_dir = blddir + '/default/' + name.lower() + '/doc' else: src_dir = srcdir doc_dir = blddir + '/default/doc' obj.dict = { name + '_VERSION' : version, name + '_SRCDIR' : os.path.abspath(src_dir), name + '_DOC_DIR' : os.path.abspath(doc_dir) } obj.install_path = '' out1 = bld.new_task_gen('command-output') out1.stdout = '/doc/doxygen.out' out1.stdin = '/doc/reference.doxygen' # whatever.. out1.command = 'doxygen' out1.argv = [os.path.abspath(doc_dir) + '/reference.doxygen'] out1.command_is_external = True def shutdown(): # This isn't really correct (for packaging), but people asking is annoying if Options.commands['install']: try: os.popen("/sbin/ldconfig") except: pass