/* * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Carl Hetherington * Copyright (C) 2008-2011 David Robillard * Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Paul Davis * Copyright (C) 2008 Hans Baier * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Nick Mainsbridge * Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Robin Gareus * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ardour/bundle.h" #include "ardour/types.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/route.h" #include "ardour/audioengine.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "ardour_dialog.h" #include "ardour_message.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "port_matrix.h" #include "port_matrix_body.h" #include "port_matrix_component.h" #include "utils.h" #include "ui_config.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace Gtk; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace ARDOUR_UI_UTILS; /** PortMatrix constructor. * @param session Our session. * @param type Port type that we are handling. */ PortMatrix::PortMatrix (Window* parent, Session* session, DataType type) : Table (4, 4) , _parent (parent) , _type (type) , _menu (0) , _arrangement (TOP_TO_RIGHT) , _row_index (0) , _column_index (1) , _min_height_divisor (1) , _show_only_bundles (false) , _inhibit_toggle_show_only_bundles (false) , _ignore_notebook_page_selected (false) { set_session (session); _body = new PortMatrixBody (this); _body->DimensionsChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::body_dimensions_changed)); _hbox.pack_end (_hspacer, true, true); _hbox.pack_end (_hnotebook, false, false); _hbox.pack_end (_hlabel, false, false); _vnotebook.signal_switch_page().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::notebook_page_selected)); _vnotebook.property_tab_border() = 4; _vnotebook.set_name (X_("PortMatrixLabel")); _hnotebook.signal_switch_page().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::notebook_page_selected)); _hnotebook.property_tab_border() = 4; _hnotebook.set_name (X_("PortMatrixLabel")); _vlabel.set_use_markup (); _vlabel.set_alignment (1, 1); _vlabel.set_padding (4, 16); _vlabel.set_name (X_("PortMatrixLabel")); _hlabel.set_use_markup (); _hlabel.set_alignment (1, 0.5); _hlabel.set_padding (16, 4); _hlabel.set_name (X_("PortMatrixLabel")); set_row_spacing (0, 8); set_col_spacing (0, 8); set_row_spacing (2, 8); set_col_spacing (2, 8); _body->show (); _vbox.show (); _hbox.show (); _vscroll.show (); _hscroll.show (); _vlabel.show (); _hlabel.show (); _hspacer.show (); _vspacer.show (); _vnotebook.show (); _hnotebook.show (); UIConfiguration::instance().ParameterChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::parameter_changed)); } PortMatrix::~PortMatrix () { delete _body; delete _menu; } /** Perform initial and once-only setup. This must be called by * subclasses after they have set up _ports[] to at least some * reasonable extent. Two-part initialisation is necessary because * setting up _ports is largely done by virtual functions in * subclasses. */ void PortMatrix::init () { select_arrangement (); /* Signal handling is kind of split into three parts: * * 1. When _ports[] changes, we call setup(). This essentially sorts out our visual * representation of the information in _ports[]. * * 2. When certain other things change, we need to get our subclass to clear and * re-fill _ports[], which in turn causes appropriate signals to be raised to * hook into part (1). * * 3. Assorted other signals. */ /* Part 1: the basic _ports[] change -> reset visuals */ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { /* watch for the content of _ports[] changing */ _ports[i].Changed.connect (_changed_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PortMatrix::setup, this), gui_context()); /* and for bundles in _ports[] changing */ _ports[i].BundleChanged.connect (_bundle_changed_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PortMatrix::setup, this), gui_context()); } /* Part 2: notice when things have changed that require our subclass to clear and refill _ports[] */ /* watch for routes being added or removed */ _session->RouteAdded.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PortMatrix::routes_changed, this), gui_context()); /* and also bundles */ _session->BundleAddedOrRemoved.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PortMatrix::setup_global_ports, this), gui_context()); /* and also ports */ _session->engine().PortRegisteredOrUnregistered.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PortMatrix::setup_global_ports, this), gui_context()); /* watch for route order keys changing, which changes the order of things in our global ports list(s) */ PresentationInfo::Change.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PortMatrix::setup_global_ports_proxy, this), gui_context()); /* Part 3: other stuff */ _session->engine().PortConnectedOrDisconnected.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PortMatrix::port_connected_or_disconnected, this), gui_context ()); _hscroll.signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::hscroll_changed)); _vscroll.signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::vscroll_changed)); reconnect_to_routes (); setup (); } /** Disconnect from and reconnect to routes' signals that we need to watch for things that affect the matrix */ void PortMatrix::reconnect_to_routes () { _route_connections.drop_connections (); boost::shared_ptr routes = _session->get_routes (); for (RouteList::iterator i = routes->begin(); i != routes->end(); ++i) { (*i)->processors_changed.connect (_route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PortMatrix::route_processors_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); (*i)->DropReferences.connect (_route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PortMatrix::routes_changed, this), gui_context()); } } void PortMatrix::route_processors_changed (RouteProcessorChange c) { if (c.type == RouteProcessorChange::MeterPointChange) { /* this change has no impact on the port matrix */ return; } setup_global_ports (); } /** A route has been added to or removed from the session */ void PortMatrix::routes_changed () { if (!_session) return; reconnect_to_routes (); setup_global_ports (); } /** Set up everything that depends on the content of _ports[] */ void PortMatrix::setup () { if (!_session) { _route_connections.drop_connections (); return; // session went away } /* this needs to be done first, as the visible_ports() method uses the notebook state to decide which ports are being shown */ setup_notebooks (); _body->setup (); setup_scrollbars (); update_tab_highlighting (); queue_draw (); } void PortMatrix::set_type (DataType t) { _type = t; } void PortMatrix::hscroll_changed () { _body->set_xoffset (_hscroll.get_adjustment()->get_value()); } void PortMatrix::vscroll_changed () { _body->set_yoffset (_vscroll.get_adjustment()->get_value()); } void PortMatrix::setup_scrollbars () { Adjustment* a = _hscroll.get_adjustment (); a->set_lower (0); a->set_page_size (_body->alloc_scroll_width()); a->set_step_increment (32); a->set_page_increment (128); /* Set the adjustment to zero if the size has changed.*/ if (a->get_upper() != _body->full_scroll_width()) { a->set_upper (_body->full_scroll_width()); a->set_value (0); } a = _vscroll.get_adjustment (); a->set_lower (0); a->set_page_size (_body->alloc_scroll_height()); a->set_step_increment (32); a->set_page_increment (128); if (a->get_upper() != _body->full_scroll_height()) { a->set_upper (_body->full_scroll_height()); a->set_value (0); } } /** Disassociate all of our ports from each other */ void PortMatrix::disassociate_all () { PortGroup::BundleList a = _ports[0].bundles (); PortGroup::BundleList b = _ports[1].bundles (); for (PortGroup::BundleList::iterator i = a.begin(); i != a.end(); ++i) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < (*i)->bundle->nchannels().n_total(); ++j) { for (PortGroup::BundleList::iterator k = b.begin(); k != b.end(); ++k) { for (uint32_t l = 0; l < (*k)->bundle->nchannels().n_total(); ++l) { if (!should_show ((*i)->bundle->channel_type(j)) || !should_show ((*k)->bundle->channel_type(l))) { continue; } BundleChannel c[2] = { BundleChannel ((*i)->bundle, j), BundleChannel ((*k)->bundle, l) }; if (get_state (c) == PortMatrixNode::ASSOCIATED) { set_state (c, false); } } } } } _body->rebuild_and_draw_grid (); } /* Decide how to arrange the components of the matrix */ void PortMatrix::select_arrangement () { uint32_t const N[2] = { count_of_our_type_min_1 (_ports[0].total_channels()), count_of_our_type_min_1 (_ports[1].total_channels()) }; /* XXX: shirley there's an easier way than this */ if (_vspacer.get_parent()) { _vbox.remove (_vspacer); } if (_vnotebook.get_parent()) { _vbox.remove (_vnotebook); } if (_vlabel.get_parent()) { _vbox.remove (_vlabel); } /* The list with the most channels goes on left or right, so that the most channel names are printed horizontally and hence more readable. However we also maintain notional `signal flow' vaguely from left to right. Subclasses should choose where to put ports based on signal flowing from _ports[0] to _ports[1] */ if (N[0] > N[1]) { _row_index = 0; _column_index = 1; _arrangement = LEFT_TO_BOTTOM; _vlabel.set_label (_("Sources")); _hlabel.set_label (_("Destinations")); _vlabel.set_angle (90); _vbox.pack_end (_vlabel, false, false); _vbox.pack_end (_vnotebook, false, false); _vbox.pack_end (_vspacer, true, true); #define REMOVE_FROM_GTK_PARENT(WGT) if ((WGT).get_parent()) { (WGT).get_parent()->remove(WGT);} REMOVE_FROM_GTK_PARENT(*_body) REMOVE_FROM_GTK_PARENT(_vscroll) REMOVE_FROM_GTK_PARENT(_hscroll) REMOVE_FROM_GTK_PARENT(_vbox) REMOVE_FROM_GTK_PARENT(_hbox) attach (*_body, 2, 3, 1, 2, FILL | EXPAND, FILL | EXPAND); attach (_vscroll, 3, 4, 1, 2, SHRINK); attach (_hscroll, 2, 3, 3, 4, FILL | EXPAND, SHRINK); attach (_vbox, 1, 2, 1, 2, SHRINK); attach (_hbox, 2, 3, 2, 3, FILL | EXPAND, SHRINK); } else { _row_index = 1; _column_index = 0; _arrangement = TOP_TO_RIGHT; _hlabel.set_label (_("Sources")); _vlabel.set_label (_("Destinations")); _vlabel.set_angle (-90); _vbox.pack_end (_vspacer, true, true); _vbox.pack_end (_vnotebook, false, false); _vbox.pack_end (_vlabel, false, false); REMOVE_FROM_GTK_PARENT(*_body) REMOVE_FROM_GTK_PARENT(_vscroll) REMOVE_FROM_GTK_PARENT(_hscroll) REMOVE_FROM_GTK_PARENT(_vbox) REMOVE_FROM_GTK_PARENT(_hbox) attach (*_body, 1, 2, 2, 3, FILL | EXPAND, FILL | EXPAND); attach (_vscroll, 3, 4, 2, 3, SHRINK); attach (_hscroll, 1, 2, 3, 4, FILL | EXPAND, SHRINK); attach (_vbox, 2, 3, 2, 3, SHRINK); attach (_hbox, 1, 2, 1, 2, FILL | EXPAND, SHRINK); } } /** @return columns list */ PortGroupList const * PortMatrix::columns () const { return &_ports[_column_index]; } boost::shared_ptr PortMatrix::visible_columns () const { return visible_ports (_column_index); } /* @return rows list */ PortGroupList const * PortMatrix::rows () const { return &_ports[_row_index]; } boost::shared_ptr PortMatrix::visible_rows () const { return visible_ports (_row_index); } /** @param column Column; its bundle may be 0 if we are over a row heading. * @param row Row; its bundle may be 0 if we are over a column heading. */ void PortMatrix::popup_menu (BundleChannel column, BundleChannel row, uint32_t t) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; delete _menu; _menu = new Menu; _menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); MenuList& items = _menu->items (); BundleChannel bc[2]; bc[_column_index] = column; bc[_row_index] = row; char buf [64]; bool need_separator = false; for (int dim = 0; dim < 2; ++dim) { if (bc[dim].bundle) { Menu* m = manage (new Menu); MenuList& sub = m->items (); boost::weak_ptr w (bc[dim].bundle); if (can_add_channels (bc[dim].bundle)) { /* Start off with options for the `natural' port type */ for (DataType::iterator i = DataType::begin(); i != DataType::end(); ++i) { if (should_show (*i) && can_add_channel_proxy (w, *i)) { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("Add %s %s"), (*i).to_i18n_string(), channel_noun().c_str()); sub.push_back (MenuElem (buf, sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::add_channel_proxy), w, *i))); } } /* Now add other ones */ for (DataType::iterator i = DataType::begin(); i != DataType::end(); ++i) { if (!should_show (*i) && can_add_channel_proxy (w, *i)) { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("Add %s %s"), (*i).to_i18n_string(), channel_noun().c_str()); sub.push_back (MenuElem (buf, sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::add_channel_proxy), w, *i))); } } } if (can_rename_channels (bc[dim].bundle) && bc[dim].channel != -1) { snprintf ( buf, sizeof (buf), _("Rename '%s'..."), escape_underscores (bc[dim].bundle->channel_name (bc[dim].channel)).c_str() ); sub.push_back ( MenuElem ( buf, sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::rename_channel_proxy), w, bc[dim].channel) ) ); } if (can_remove_channels (bc[dim].bundle) && bc[dim].bundle->nchannels() != ARDOUR::ChanCount::ZERO) { if (bc[dim].channel != -1) { add_remove_option (sub, w, bc[dim].channel); } else { sub.push_back ( MenuElem (_("Remove all"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::remove_all_channels), w)) ); if (bc[dim].bundle->nchannels().n_total() > 1) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bc[dim].bundle->nchannels().n_total(); ++i) { if (should_show (bc[dim].bundle->channel_type(i))) { add_remove_option (sub, w, i); } } } } } uint32_t c = count_of_our_type (bc[dim].bundle->nchannels ()); if ((_show_only_bundles && c > 0) || c == 1) { /* we're looking just at bundles, or our bundle has only one channel, so just offer to disassociate all on the bundle. */ snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("%s all"), disassociation_verb().c_str()); sub.push_back ( MenuElem (buf, sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::disassociate_all_on_bundle), w, dim)) ); } else if (c != 0) { if (bc[dim].channel != -1) { /* specific channel under the menu, so just offer to disassociate that */ add_disassociate_option (sub, w, dim, bc[dim].channel); } else { /* no specific channel; offer to disassociate all, or any one in particular */ snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("%s all"), disassociation_verb().c_str()); sub.push_back ( MenuElem (buf, sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::disassociate_all_on_bundle), w, dim)) ); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bc[dim].bundle->nchannels().n_total(); ++i) { if (should_show (bc[dim].bundle->channel_type(i))) { add_disassociate_option (sub, w, dim, i); } } } } items.push_back (MenuElem (escape_underscores (bc[dim].bundle->name()).c_str(), *m)); need_separator = true; } } if (need_separator) { items.push_back (SeparatorElem ()); } items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Rescan"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::setup_all_ports))); items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Show individual ports"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::toggle_show_only_bundles))); Gtk::CheckMenuItem* i = dynamic_cast (&items.back()); _inhibit_toggle_show_only_bundles = true; i->set_active (!_show_only_bundles); _inhibit_toggle_show_only_bundles = false; items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Flip"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::flip))); items.back().set_sensitive (can_flip ()); _menu->popup (1, t); } void PortMatrix::remove_channel_proxy (boost::weak_ptr b, uint32_t c) { boost::shared_ptr sb = b.lock (); if (!sb) { return; } remove_channel (BundleChannel (sb, c)); } void PortMatrix::rename_channel_proxy (boost::weak_ptr b, uint32_t c) { boost::shared_ptr sb = b.lock (); if (!sb) { return; } rename_channel (BundleChannel (sb, c)); } void PortMatrix::disassociate_all_on_bundle (boost::weak_ptr bundle, int dim) { boost::shared_ptr sb = bundle.lock (); if (!sb) { return; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sb->nchannels().n_total(); ++i) { if (should_show (sb->channel_type(i))) { disassociate_all_on_channel (bundle, i, dim); } } } void PortMatrix::disassociate_all_on_channel (boost::weak_ptr bundle, uint32_t channel, int dim) { boost::shared_ptr sb = bundle.lock (); if (!sb) { return; } PortGroup::BundleList a = _ports[1-dim].bundles (); for (PortGroup::BundleList::iterator i = a.begin(); i != a.end(); ++i) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < (*i)->bundle->nchannels().n_total(); ++j) { if (!should_show ((*i)->bundle->channel_type(j))) { continue; } BundleChannel c[2]; c[dim] = BundleChannel (sb, channel); c[1-dim] = BundleChannel ((*i)->bundle, j); if (get_state (c) == PortMatrixNode::ASSOCIATED) { set_state (c, false); } } } _body->rebuild_and_draw_grid (); } void PortMatrix::setup_global_ports () { if (!_session || _session->deletion_in_progress()) return; ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &PortMatrix::setup_global_ports) for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (list_is_global (i)) { setup_ports (i); } } } void PortMatrix::setup_global_ports_proxy () { /* Avoid a deadlock by calling this in an idle handler: see IOSelector::io_changed_proxy for a discussion. */ Glib::signal_idle().connect_once (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::setup_global_ports)); } void PortMatrix::setup_all_ports () { if (_session->deletion_in_progress()) { return; } ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &PortMatrix::setup_all_ports) setup_ports (0); setup_ports (1); } void PortMatrix::toggle_show_only_bundles () { if (_inhibit_toggle_show_only_bundles) { return; } _show_only_bundles = !_show_only_bundles; setup (); /* The way in which hardware ports are grouped changes depending on the _show_only_bundles setting, so we need to set things up again now. */ setup_all_ports (); } pair PortMatrix::max_size () const { pair m = _body->max_size (); m.first += _vscroll.get_width () + _vbox.get_width () + 4; m.second += _hscroll.get_height () + _hbox.get_height () + 4; return m; } bool PortMatrix::on_scroll_event (GdkEventScroll* ev) { double const h = _hscroll.get_value (); double const v = _vscroll.get_value (); switch (ev->direction) { case GDK_SCROLL_UP: _vscroll.set_value (v - PortMatrixComponent::grid_spacing ()); break; case GDK_SCROLL_DOWN: _vscroll.set_value (v + PortMatrixComponent::grid_spacing ()); break; case GDK_SCROLL_LEFT: _hscroll.set_value (h - PortMatrixComponent::grid_spacing ()); break; case GDK_SCROLL_RIGHT: _hscroll.set_value (h + PortMatrixComponent::grid_spacing ()); break; } return true; } boost::shared_ptr PortMatrix::io_from_bundle (boost::shared_ptr b) const { boost::shared_ptr io = _ports[0].io_from_bundle (b); if (!io) { io = _ports[1].io_from_bundle (b); } return io; } bool PortMatrix::can_add_channels (boost::shared_ptr b) const { return io_from_bundle (b) != 0; } void PortMatrix::add_channel (boost::shared_ptr b, DataType t) { boost::shared_ptr io = io_from_bundle (b); if (io) { int const r = io->add_port ("", this, t); if (r == -1) { ArdourMessageDialog msg (_("It is not possible to add a port here.")); msg.set_title (_("Cannot add port")); msg.run (); } } } bool PortMatrix::can_remove_channels (boost::shared_ptr b) const { return io_from_bundle (b) != 0; } void PortMatrix::remove_channel (ARDOUR::BundleChannel b) { std::string errmsg; boost::shared_ptr io = io_from_bundle (b.bundle); boost::shared_ptr p = io->nth (b.channel); if (!io || !p) { return; } if (io->n_ports ().n_total () == 1) { errmsg = _("The last port cannot be removed"); } else { if (-1 == io->remove_port (p, this)) { errmsg = _("This port cannot be removed."); } } if (!errmsg.empty ()) { ArdourDialog d (_("Port removal not allowed")); Label l (errmsg); d.get_vbox()->pack_start (l); d.add_button (Stock::OK, RESPONSE_ACCEPT); d.set_modal (true); d.show_all (); d.run (); } } void PortMatrix::remove_all_channels (boost::weak_ptr w) { boost::shared_ptr b = w.lock (); if (!b) { return; } /* Remove channels backwards so that we don't renumber channels that we are about to remove. */ for (int i = (b->nchannels().n_total() - 1); i >= 0; --i) { if (should_show (b->channel_type(i))) { remove_channel (ARDOUR::BundleChannel (b, i)); } } } bool PortMatrix::can_add_channel_proxy (boost::weak_ptr w, DataType t) const { boost::shared_ptr b = w.lock (); if (!b) { return false; } boost::shared_ptr io = io_from_bundle (b); return io && io->can_add_port (t); } void PortMatrix::add_channel_proxy (boost::weak_ptr w, DataType t) { boost::shared_ptr b = w.lock (); if (!b) { return; } add_channel (b, t); } void PortMatrix::setup_notebooks () { int const h_current_page = _hnotebook.get_current_page (); int const v_current_page = _vnotebook.get_current_page (); /* for some reason best known to GTK, erroneous switch_page signals seem to be generated when adding or removing pages to or from notebooks, so ignore them */ _ignore_notebook_page_selected = true; remove_notebook_pages (_hnotebook); remove_notebook_pages (_vnotebook); for (PortGroupList::List::const_iterator i = _ports[_row_index].begin(); i != _ports[_row_index].end(); ++i) { HBox* dummy = manage (new HBox); dummy->show (); Label* label = manage (new Label ((*i)->name)); label->set_angle (_arrangement == LEFT_TO_BOTTOM ? 90 : -90); label->set_use_markup (); label->show (); if (_arrangement == LEFT_TO_BOTTOM) { _vnotebook.prepend_page (*dummy, *label); } else { /* Reverse the order of vertical tabs when they are on the right hand side so that from top to bottom it is the same order as that from left to right for the top tabs. */ _vnotebook.append_page (*dummy, *label); } } for (PortGroupList::List::const_iterator i = _ports[_column_index].begin(); i != _ports[_column_index].end(); ++i) { HBox* dummy = manage (new HBox); dummy->show (); Label* label = manage (new Label ((*i)->name)); label->set_use_markup (); label->show (); _hnotebook.append_page (*dummy, *label); } _ignore_notebook_page_selected = false; if (_arrangement == TOP_TO_RIGHT) { _vnotebook.set_tab_pos (POS_RIGHT); _hnotebook.set_tab_pos (POS_TOP); } else { _vnotebook.set_tab_pos (POS_LEFT); _hnotebook.set_tab_pos (POS_BOTTOM); } if (h_current_page != -1 && _hnotebook.get_n_pages() > h_current_page) { _hnotebook.set_current_page (h_current_page); } else { _hnotebook.set_current_page (0); } if (v_current_page != -1 && _vnotebook.get_n_pages() > v_current_page) { _vnotebook.set_current_page (v_current_page); } else { _vnotebook.set_current_page (0); } if (_hnotebook.get_n_pages() <= 1) { _hbox.hide (); } else { _hbox.show (); } if (_vnotebook.get_n_pages() <= 1) { _vbox.hide (); } else { _vbox.show (); } } void PortMatrix::remove_notebook_pages (Notebook& n) { int const N = n.get_n_pages (); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { n.remove_page (); } } void PortMatrix::notebook_page_selected (GtkNotebookPage *, guint) { if (_ignore_notebook_page_selected) { return; } _body->setup (); setup_scrollbars (); queue_draw (); } void PortMatrix::session_going_away () { _session = 0; } void PortMatrix::body_dimensions_changed () { _hspacer.set_size_request (_body->column_labels_border_x (), -1); if (_arrangement == TOP_TO_RIGHT) { _vspacer.set_size_request (-1, _body->column_labels_height ()); _vspacer.show (); } else { _vspacer.hide (); } int curr_width; int curr_height; _parent->get_size (curr_width, curr_height); pair m = max_size (); /* Don't shrink the window */ m.first = max (int (m.first), curr_width); m.second = max (int (m.second), curr_height); resize_window_to_proportion_of_monitor (_parent, m.first, m.second); } /** @return The PortGroup that is currently visible (ie selected by * the notebook) along a given axis. */ boost::shared_ptr PortMatrix::visible_ports (int d) const { PortGroupList const & p = _ports[d]; PortGroupList::List::const_iterator j = p.begin (); /* The logic to compute the index here is a bit twisty because for the TOP_TO_RIGHT arrangement we reverse the order of the vertical tabs in setup_notebooks (). */ int n = 0; if (d == _row_index) { if (_arrangement == LEFT_TO_BOTTOM) { n = p.size() - _vnotebook.get_current_page () - 1; } else { n = _vnotebook.get_current_page (); } } else { n = _hnotebook.get_current_page (); } int i = 0; while (i != int (n) && j != p.end ()) { ++i; ++j; } if (j == p.end()) { return boost::shared_ptr (); } return *j; } void PortMatrix::add_remove_option (Menu_Helpers::MenuList& m, boost::weak_ptr w, int c) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; boost::shared_ptr b = w.lock (); if (!b) { return; } char buf [64]; snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("Remove '%s'"), escape_underscores (b->channel_name (c)).c_str()); m.push_back (MenuElem (buf, sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::remove_channel_proxy), w, c))); } void PortMatrix::add_disassociate_option (Menu_Helpers::MenuList& m, boost::weak_ptr w, int d, int c) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; boost::shared_ptr b = w.lock (); if (!b) { return; } char buf [64]; snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("%s all from '%s'"), disassociation_verb().c_str(), escape_underscores (b->channel_name (c)).c_str()); m.push_back (MenuElem (buf, sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::disassociate_all_on_channel), w, c, d))); } void PortMatrix::port_connected_or_disconnected () { _body->rebuild_and_draw_grid (); update_tab_highlighting (); } /** Update the highlighting of tab names to reflect which ones * have connections. This is pretty inefficient, unfortunately, * but maybe that doesn't matter too much. */ void PortMatrix::update_tab_highlighting () { if (!_session) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { Gtk::Notebook* notebook = row_index() == i ? &_vnotebook : &_hnotebook; PortGroupList const * gl = ports (i); int p = 0; for (PortGroupList::List::const_iterator j = gl->begin(); j != gl->end(); ++j) { bool has_connection = false; PortGroup::BundleList const & bl = (*j)->bundles (); PortGroup::BundleList::const_iterator k = bl.begin (); while (k != bl.end()) { if ((*k)->bundle->connected_to_anything (_session->engine())) { has_connection = true; break; } ++k; } /* Find the page index that we should update; this is backwards for the vertical tabs in the LEFT_TO_BOTTOM arrangement. */ int page = p; if (i == row_index() && _arrangement == LEFT_TO_BOTTOM) { page = notebook->get_n_pages() - p - 1; } Gtk::Label* label = dynamic_cast (notebook->get_tab_label(*notebook->get_nth_page (page))); string c = label->get_label (); if (c.length() && c[0] == '<' && !has_connection) { /* this label is marked up with but shouldn't be */ label->set_text ((*j)->name); } else if (c.length() && c[0] != '<' && has_connection) { /* this label is not marked up with but should be */ label->set_markup (string_compose ("%1", Gtkmm2ext::markup_escape_text ((*j)->name))); } ++p; } } } string PortMatrix::channel_noun () const { return _("channel"); } /** @return true if this matrix should show bundles / ports of type \t */ bool PortMatrix::should_show (DataType t) const { return (_type == DataType::NIL || t == _type); } uint32_t PortMatrix::count_of_our_type (ChanCount c) const { if (_type == DataType::NIL) { return c.n_total (); } return c.get (_type); } /** @return The number of ports of our type in the given channel count, * but returning 1 if there are no ports. */ uint32_t PortMatrix::count_of_our_type_min_1 (ChanCount c) const { uint32_t n = count_of_our_type (c); if (n == 0) { n = 1; } return n; } PortMatrixNode::State PortMatrix::get_association (PortMatrixNode node) const { if (show_only_bundles ()) { bool have_off_diagonal_association = false; bool have_diagonal_association = false; bool have_diagonal_not_association = false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < node.row.bundle->nchannels().n_total(); ++i) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < node.column.bundle->nchannels().n_total(); ++j) { if (!should_show (node.row.bundle->channel_type(i)) || !should_show (node.column.bundle->channel_type(j))) { continue; } ARDOUR::BundleChannel c[2]; c[row_index()] = ARDOUR::BundleChannel (node.row.bundle, i); c[column_index()] = ARDOUR::BundleChannel (node.column.bundle, j); PortMatrixNode::State const s = get_state (c); switch (s) { case PortMatrixNode::ASSOCIATED: if (i == j) { have_diagonal_association = true; } else { have_off_diagonal_association = true; } break; case PortMatrixNode::NOT_ASSOCIATED: if (i == j) { have_diagonal_not_association = true; } break; default: break; } } } if (have_diagonal_association && !have_off_diagonal_association && !have_diagonal_not_association) { return PortMatrixNode::ASSOCIATED; } else if (!have_diagonal_association && !have_off_diagonal_association) { return PortMatrixNode::NOT_ASSOCIATED; } return PortMatrixNode::PARTIAL; } else { ARDOUR::BundleChannel c[2]; c[column_index()] = node.column; c[row_index()] = node.row; return get_state (c); } abort(); /* NOTREACHED */ return PortMatrixNode::NOT_ASSOCIATED; } /** @return true if b is a non-zero pointer and the bundle it points to has some channels */ bool PortMatrix::bundle_with_channels (boost::shared_ptr b) { return b && b->nchannels() != ARDOUR::ChanCount::ZERO; } /** See if a `flip' is possible. * @return If flip is possible, the new (row, column) notebook indices that * should be selected; otherwise, (-1, -1) */ pair PortMatrix::check_flip () const { /* Look for the row's port group name in the columns */ int new_column = 0; boost::shared_ptr r = visible_ports (_row_index); PortGroupList::List::const_iterator i = _ports[_column_index].begin(); while (i != _ports[_column_index].end() && (*i)->name != r->name) { ++i; ++new_column; } if (i == _ports[_column_index].end ()) { return make_pair (-1, -1); } /* Look for the column's port group name in the rows */ int new_row = 0; boost::shared_ptr c = visible_ports (_column_index); i = _ports[_row_index].begin(); while (i != _ports[_row_index].end() && (*i)->name != c->name) { ++i; ++new_row; } if (i == _ports[_row_index].end ()) { return make_pair (-1, -1); } if (_arrangement == LEFT_TO_BOTTOM) { new_row = _ports[_row_index].size() - new_row - 1; } return make_pair (new_row, new_column); } bool PortMatrix::can_flip () const { return check_flip().first != -1; } /** Flip the column and row pages around, if possible */ void PortMatrix::flip () { pair n = check_flip (); if (n.first == -1) { return; } _vnotebook.set_current_page (n.first); _hnotebook.set_current_page (n.second); } bool PortMatrix::key_press (GdkEventKey* k) { if (k->keyval == GDK_f) { flip (); return true; } return false; } void PortMatrix::parameter_changed (string p) { if (p == "font-scale") { setup (); } }