/* Copyright (C) 2001-2007 Paul Davis Author: Dave Robillard This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "streamview.h" #include "midi_region_view.h" #include "midi_streamview.h" #include "midi_time_axis.h" #include "simpleline.h" #include "canvas-hit.h" #include "canvas-note.h" #include "canvas-program-change.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "ghostregion.h" #include "midi_time_axis.h" #include "automation_time_axis.h" #include "automation_region_view.h" #include "utils.h" #include "midi_util.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace sigc; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Editing; using namespace ArdourCanvas; MidiRegionView::MidiRegionView (ArdourCanvas::Group *parent, RouteTimeAxisView &tv, boost::shared_ptr r, double spu, Gdk::Color& basic_color) : RegionView (parent, tv, r, spu, basic_color) , _force_channel(-1) , _last_channel_selection(0xFFFF) , _default_note_length(0.0) , _current_range_min(0) , _current_range_max(0) , _model_name(string()) , _custom_device_mode(string()) , _active_notes(0) , _note_group(new ArdourCanvas::Group(*parent)) , _delta_command(NULL) , _mouse_state(None) , _pressed_button(0) { _note_group->raise_to_top(); } MidiRegionView::MidiRegionView (ArdourCanvas::Group *parent, RouteTimeAxisView &tv, boost::shared_ptr r, double spu, Gdk::Color& basic_color, TimeAxisViewItem::Visibility visibility) : RegionView (parent, tv, r, spu, basic_color, false, visibility) , _force_channel(-1) , _last_channel_selection(0xFFFF) , _default_note_length(0.0) , _model_name(string()) , _custom_device_mode(string()) , _active_notes(0) , _note_group(new ArdourCanvas::Group(*parent)) , _delta_command(NULL) , _mouse_state(None) , _pressed_button(0) { _note_group->raise_to_top(); } MidiRegionView::MidiRegionView (const MidiRegionView& other) : RegionView (other) , _force_channel(-1) , _last_channel_selection(0xFFFF) , _default_note_length(0.0) , _model_name(string()) , _custom_device_mode(string()) , _active_notes(0) , _note_group(new ArdourCanvas::Group(*get_canvas_group())) , _delta_command(NULL) , _mouse_state(None) , _pressed_button(0) { Gdk::Color c; int r,g,b,a; UINT_TO_RGBA (other.fill_color, &r, &g, &b, &a); c.set_rgb_p (r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0); init (c, false); } MidiRegionView::MidiRegionView (const MidiRegionView& other, boost::shared_ptr other_region) : RegionView (other, boost::shared_ptr (other_region)) , _force_channel(-1) , _last_channel_selection(0xFFFF) , _default_note_length(0.0) , _model_name(string()) , _custom_device_mode(string()) , _active_notes(0) , _note_group(new ArdourCanvas::Group(*get_canvas_group())) , _delta_command(NULL) , _mouse_state(None) , _pressed_button(0) { Gdk::Color c; int r,g,b,a; UINT_TO_RGBA (other.fill_color, &r, &g, &b, &a); c.set_rgb_p (r/255.0, g/255.0, b/255.0); init (c, true); } void MidiRegionView::init (Gdk::Color& basic_color, bool wfd) { if (wfd) { midi_region()->midi_source(0)->load_model(); } const Meter& m = trackview.session().tempo_map().meter_at(_region->position()); const Tempo& t = trackview.session().tempo_map().tempo_at(_region->position()); _default_note_length = m.frames_per_bar(t, trackview.session().frame_rate()) / m.beats_per_bar(); _model = midi_region()->midi_source(0)->model(); _enable_display = false; RegionView::init (basic_color, false); compute_colors (basic_color); set_height (trackview.current_height()); region_muted (); region_sync_changed (); region_resized (BoundsChanged); region_locked (); reset_width_dependent_items (_pixel_width); //reset_width_dependent_items ((double) _region->length() / samples_per_unit); set_colors (); _enable_display = true; if (_model) { if (wfd) { redisplay_model(); } _model->ContentsChanged.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &MidiRegionView::redisplay_model)); } group->raise_to_top(); group->signal_event().connect (mem_fun (this, &MidiRegionView::canvas_event), false); midi_view()->signal_channel_mode_changed().connect( mem_fun(this, &MidiRegionView::midi_channel_mode_changed)); midi_view()->signal_midi_patch_settings_changed().connect( mem_fun(this, &MidiRegionView::midi_patch_settings_changed)); } bool MidiRegionView::canvas_event(GdkEvent* ev) { static bool delete_mod = false; static Editing::MidiEditMode original_mode; static double drag_start_x, drag_start_y; static double last_x, last_y; double event_x, event_y; nframes64_t event_frame = 0; static ArdourCanvas::SimpleRect* drag_rect = NULL; if (trackview.editor().current_mouse_mode() != MouseNote) return false; // Mmmm, spaghetti switch (ev->type) { case GDK_KEY_PRESS: if (ev->key.keyval == GDK_Delete && !delete_mod) { delete_mod = true; original_mode = trackview.editor().current_midi_edit_mode(); trackview.editor().set_midi_edit_mode(MidiEditErase); start_delta_command(_("erase notes")); _mouse_state = EraseTouchDragging; return true; } else if (ev->key.keyval == GDK_Shift_L || ev->key.keyval == GDK_Control_L) { _mouse_state = SelectTouchDragging; return true; } else if (ev->key.keyval == GDK_Escape) { clear_selection(); _mouse_state = None; } return false; case GDK_KEY_RELEASE: if (ev->key.keyval == GDK_Delete) { if (_mouse_state == EraseTouchDragging) { delete_selection(); apply_command(); } if (delete_mod) { trackview.editor().set_midi_edit_mode(original_mode); _mouse_state = None; delete_mod = false; } return true; } else if (ev->key.keyval == GDK_Shift_L || ev->key.keyval == GDK_Control_L) { _mouse_state = None; return true; } return false; case GDK_BUTTON_PRESS: if (_mouse_state != SelectTouchDragging && _mouse_state != EraseTouchDragging && ev->button.button == 1) { _pressed_button = ev->button.button; _mouse_state = Pressed; return true; } _pressed_button = ev->button.button; return true; case GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS: return true; case GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY: /* FIXME: do this on switch to note tool, too, if the pointer is already in */ Keyboard::magic_widget_grab_focus(); group->grab_focus(); break; case GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY: event_x = ev->motion.x; event_y = ev->motion.y; group->w2i(event_x, event_y); // convert event_x to global frame event_frame = trackview.editor().pixel_to_frame(event_x) + _region->position(); trackview.editor().snap_to(event_frame); // convert event_frame back to local coordinates relative to position event_frame -= _region->position(); switch (_mouse_state) { case Pressed: // Drag start // Select drag start if (_pressed_button == 1 && trackview.editor().current_midi_edit_mode() == MidiEditSelect) { group->grab(GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK, Gdk::Cursor(Gdk::FLEUR), ev->motion.time); last_x = event_x; last_y = event_y; drag_start_x = event_x; drag_start_y = event_y; drag_rect = new ArdourCanvas::SimpleRect(*group); drag_rect->property_x1() = event_x; drag_rect->property_y1() = event_y; drag_rect->property_x2() = event_x; drag_rect->property_y2() = event_y; drag_rect->property_outline_what() = 0xFF; drag_rect->property_outline_color_rgba() = ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_MidiSelectRectOutline.get(); drag_rect->property_fill_color_rgba() = ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_MidiSelectRectFill.get(); _mouse_state = SelectRectDragging; return true; // Add note drag start } else if (trackview.editor().current_midi_edit_mode() == MidiEditPencil) { group->grab(GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK, Gdk::Cursor(Gdk::FLEUR), ev->motion.time); last_x = event_x; last_y = event_y; drag_start_x = event_x; drag_start_y = event_y; drag_rect = new ArdourCanvas::SimpleRect(*group); drag_rect->property_x1() = trackview.editor().frame_to_pixel(event_frame); drag_rect->property_y1() = midi_stream_view()->note_to_y(midi_stream_view()->y_to_note(event_y)); drag_rect->property_x2() = event_x; drag_rect->property_y2() = drag_rect->property_y1() + floor(midi_stream_view()->note_height()); drag_rect->property_outline_what() = 0xFF; drag_rect->property_outline_color_rgba() = 0xFFFFFF99; drag_rect->property_fill_color_rgba() = 0xFFFFFF66; _mouse_state = AddDragging; return true; } return false; case SelectRectDragging: // Select drag motion case AddDragging: // Add note drag motion if (ev->motion.is_hint) { int t_x; int t_y; GdkModifierType state; gdk_window_get_pointer(ev->motion.window, &t_x, &t_y, &state); event_x = t_x; event_y = t_y; } if (_mouse_state == AddDragging) event_x = trackview.editor().frame_to_pixel(event_frame); if (drag_rect) { if (event_x > drag_start_x) drag_rect->property_x2() = event_x; else drag_rect->property_x1() = event_x; } if (drag_rect && _mouse_state == SelectRectDragging) { if (event_y > drag_start_y) drag_rect->property_y2() = event_y; else drag_rect->property_y1() = event_y; update_drag_selection(drag_start_x, event_x, drag_start_y, event_y); } last_x = event_x; last_y = event_y; case EraseTouchDragging: case SelectTouchDragging: return false; default: break; } break; case GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE: event_x = ev->motion.x; event_y = ev->motion.y; group->w2i(event_x, event_y); group->ungrab(ev->button.time); event_frame = trackview.editor().pixel_to_frame(event_x); if (_pressed_button != 1) { return false; } switch (_mouse_state) { case Pressed: // Clicked switch (trackview.editor().current_midi_edit_mode()) { case MidiEditSelect: case MidiEditResize: clear_selection(); break; case MidiEditPencil: create_note_at(event_x, event_y, _default_note_length); default: break; } _mouse_state = None; break; case SelectRectDragging: // Select drag done _mouse_state = None; delete drag_rect; drag_rect = NULL; break; case AddDragging: // Add drag done _mouse_state = None; if (drag_rect->property_x2() > drag_rect->property_x1() + 2) { const double x = drag_rect->property_x1(); const double length = trackview.editor().pixel_to_frame( drag_rect->property_x2() - drag_rect->property_x1()); create_note_at(x, drag_rect->property_y1(), length); } delete drag_rect; drag_rect = NULL; default: break; } default: break; } return false; } /** Add a note to the model, and the view, at a canvas (click) coordinate */ void MidiRegionView::create_note_at(double x, double y, double length) { MidiTimeAxisView* const mtv = dynamic_cast(&trackview); MidiStreamView* const view = mtv->midi_view(); double note = midi_stream_view()->y_to_note(y); assert(note >= 0.0); assert(note <= 127.0); nframes64_t new_note_time = trackview.editor().pixel_to_frame (x); assert(new_note_time >= 0); new_note_time += _region->start(); /* const Meter& m = trackview.session().tempo_map().meter_at(new_note_time); const Tempo& t = trackview.session().tempo_map().tempo_at(new_note_time); double length = m.frames_per_bar(t, trackview.session().frame_rate()) / m.beats_per_bar(); */ // we need to snap here again in nframes64_t in order to be sample accurate // since note time is region-absolute but snap_to_frame expects position-relative // time we have to coordinate transform back and forth here. nframes64_t new_note_time_position_relative = new_note_time - _region->start(); new_note_time = snap_to_frame(new_note_time_position_relative) + _region->start(); // we need to snap the length too to be sample accurate nframes64_t new_note_length = nframes_t(length); new_note_length = snap_to_frame(new_note_time_position_relative + new_note_length) + _region->start() - new_note_time; const boost::shared_ptr new_note(new Evoral::Note( 0, new_note_time, new_note_length, (uint8_t)note, 0x40)); view->update_note_range(new_note->note()); MidiModel::DeltaCommand* cmd = _model->new_delta_command("add note"); cmd->add(new_note); _model->apply_command(trackview.session(), cmd); } void MidiRegionView::clear_events() { clear_selection(); MidiGhostRegion* gr; for (std::vector::iterator g = ghosts.begin(); g != ghosts.end(); ++g) { if ((gr = dynamic_cast(*g)) != 0) { gr->clear_events(); } } for (Events::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) delete *i; _events.clear(); _pgm_changes.clear(); } void MidiRegionView::display_model(boost::shared_ptr model) { _model = model; if (_enable_display) redisplay_model(); } void MidiRegionView::start_delta_command(string name) { if (!_delta_command) _delta_command = _model->new_delta_command(name); } void MidiRegionView::command_add_note(const boost::shared_ptr note, bool selected) { if (_delta_command) _delta_command->add(note); if (selected) _marked_for_selection.insert(note); } void MidiRegionView::command_remove_note(ArdourCanvas::CanvasNoteEvent* ev) { if (_delta_command && ev->note()) { _delta_command->remove(ev->note()); } } void MidiRegionView::apply_command() { if (!_delta_command) { return; } // Mark all selected notes for selection when model reloads for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) { _marked_for_selection.insert((*i)->note()); } _model->apply_command(trackview.session(), _delta_command); _delta_command = NULL; midi_view()->midi_track()->diskstream()->playlist_modified(); _marked_for_selection.clear(); } void MidiRegionView::abort_command() { delete _delta_command; _delta_command = NULL; clear_selection(); } void MidiRegionView::redisplay_model() { // Don't redisplay the model if we're currently recording and displaying that if (_active_notes) return; if (_model) { clear_events(); _model->read_lock(); MidiModel::Notes notes = _model->notes(); /* cerr << endl << _model->midi_source()->name() << " : redisplaying " << notes.size() << " notes:" << endl; for (MidiModel::Notes::iterator i = notes.begin(); i != notes.end(); ++i) { cerr << "NOTE time: " << (*i)->time() << " pitch: " << int((*i)->note()) << " length: " << (*i)->length() << " end-time: " << (*i)->end_time() << " velocity: " << int((*i)->velocity()) << endl; } */ for (size_t i = 0; i < _model->n_notes(); ++i) { add_note(_model->note_at(i)); } find_and_insert_program_change_flags(); // Is this necessary? /*for (Automatable::Controls::const_iterator i = _model->controls().begin(); i != _model->controls().end(); ++i) { assert(i->second); boost::shared_ptr at = midi_view()->automation_child(i->second->parameter()); if (!at) continue; Gdk::Color col = midi_stream_view()->get_region_color(); boost::shared_ptr arv; { Glib::Mutex::Lock list_lock (i->second->list()->lock()); arv = boost::shared_ptr( new AutomationRegionView(at->canvas_display, *at.get(), _region, i->second->list(), midi_stream_view()->get_samples_per_unit(), col)); } arv->set_duration(_region->length(), this); arv->init(col, true); _automation_children.insert(std::make_pair(i->second->parameter(), arv)); }*/ _model->read_unlock(); } else { cerr << "MidiRegionView::redisplay_model called without a model" << endmsg; } } void MidiRegionView::find_and_insert_program_change_flags() { // Draw program change 'flags' for (Automatable::Controls::iterator control = _model->controls().begin(); control != _model->controls().end(); ++control) { if (control->first.type() == MidiPgmChangeAutomation) { Glib::Mutex::Lock list_lock (control->second->list()->lock()); uint8_t channel = control->first.channel(); for (AutomationList::const_iterator event = control->second->list()->begin(); event != control->second->list()->end(); ++event) { double event_time = (*event)->when; double program_number = floor((*event)->value + 0.5); //cerr << " got program change on channel " << int(channel) << " time: " << event_time << " number: " << program_number << endl; // find bank select msb and lsb for the program change Evoral::Parameter bank_select_msb(MidiCCAutomation, channel, MIDI_CTL_MSB_BANK); boost::shared_ptr msb_control = _model->control(bank_select_msb); uint8_t msb = 0; if (msb_control != 0) { msb = uint8_t(floor(msb_control->get_float(true, event_time) + 0.5)); } Evoral::Parameter bank_select_lsb(MidiCCAutomation, channel, MIDI_CTL_LSB_BANK); boost::shared_ptr lsb_control = _model->control(bank_select_lsb); uint8_t lsb = 0; if (lsb_control != 0) { lsb = uint8_t(floor(lsb_control->get_float(true, event_time) + 0.5)); } //cerr << " got msb " << int(msb) << " and lsb " << int(lsb) << " thread_id: " << pthread_self() << endl; MIDI::Name::PatchPrimaryKey patch_key(msb, lsb, program_number); boost::shared_ptr patch = MIDI::Name::MidiPatchManager::instance().find_patch( _model_name, _custom_device_mode, channel, patch_key ); ControlEvent program_change(nframes_t(event_time), uint8_t(program_number), channel); if (patch != 0) { //cerr << " got patch with name " << patch->name() << " number " << patch->number() << endl; add_pgm_change(program_change, patch->name()); } else { char buf[4]; snprintf(buf, 4, "%d", int(program_number)); add_pgm_change(program_change, buf); } } break; } else if (control->first.type() == MidiCCAutomation) { //cerr << " found CC Automation of channel " << int(control->first.channel()) << " and id " << control->first.id() << endl; } } } MidiRegionView::~MidiRegionView () { in_destructor = true; RegionViewGoingAway (this); /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ if (_active_notes) { end_write(); } _selection.clear(); clear_events(); delete _note_group; delete _delta_command; } void MidiRegionView::region_resized (Change what_changed) { RegionView::region_resized(what_changed); if (what_changed & ARDOUR::PositionChanged) { if (_enable_display) redisplay_model(); } } void MidiRegionView::reset_width_dependent_items (double pixel_width) { RegionView::reset_width_dependent_items(pixel_width); assert(_pixel_width == pixel_width); if (_enable_display) redisplay_model(); } void MidiRegionView::set_height (gdouble height) { static const double FUDGE = 2; const double old_height = _height; RegionView::set_height(height); _height = height - FUDGE; apply_note_range(midi_stream_view()->lowest_note(), midi_stream_view()->highest_note(), height != old_height + FUDGE); if (name_text) { name_text->raise_to_top(); } } /** Apply the current note range from the stream view * by repositioning/hiding notes as necessary */ void MidiRegionView::apply_note_range (uint8_t min, uint8_t max, bool force) { if (_enable_display) { if (!force && _current_range_min == min && _current_range_max == max) { return; } _current_range_min = min; _current_range_max = max; for (Events::const_iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { CanvasNoteEvent* event = *i; Item* item = dynamic_cast(event); assert(item); if (event && event->note()) { if (event->note()->note() < _current_range_min || event->note()->note() > _current_range_max) { if (canvas_item_visible(item)) { item->hide(); } } else { if (!canvas_item_visible(item)) { item->show(); } event->hide_velocity(); if (CanvasNote* note = dynamic_cast(event)) { const double y1 = midi_stream_view()->note_to_y(event->note()->note()); const double y2 = y1 + floor(midi_stream_view()->note_height()); note->property_y1() = y1; note->property_y2() = y2; } else if (CanvasHit* hit = dynamic_cast(event)) { double x = trackview.editor().frame_to_pixel((nframes64_t) event->note()->time() - _region->start()); const double diamond_size = midi_stream_view()->note_height() / 2.0; double y = midi_stream_view()->note_to_y(event->note()->note()) + ((diamond_size-2.0) / 4.0); hit->set_height(diamond_size); hit->move(x-hit->x1(), y-hit->y1()); hit->show(); } if (event->selected()) { event->show_velocity(); } } } } } } GhostRegion* MidiRegionView::add_ghost (TimeAxisView& tv) { RouteTimeAxisView* rtv = dynamic_cast(&trackview); CanvasNote* note; assert(rtv); double unit_position = _region->position () / samples_per_unit; MidiTimeAxisView* mtv = dynamic_cast(&tv); MidiGhostRegion* ghost; if (mtv && mtv->midi_view()) { /* if ghost is inserted into midi track, use a dedicated midi ghost canvas group. this is because it's nice to have midi notes on top of the note lines and audio waveforms under it. */ ghost = new MidiGhostRegion (*mtv->midi_view(), trackview, unit_position); } else { ghost = new MidiGhostRegion (tv, trackview, unit_position); } ghost->set_height (); ghost->set_duration (_region->length() / samples_per_unit); ghosts.push_back (ghost); for (Events::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { if ((note = dynamic_cast(*i)) != 0) { ghost->add_note(note); } } ghost->GoingAway.connect (mem_fun(*this, &MidiRegionView::remove_ghost)); return ghost; } /** Begin tracking note state for successive calls to add_event */ void MidiRegionView::begin_write() { assert(!_active_notes); _active_notes = new CanvasNote*[128]; for (unsigned i=0; i < 128; ++i) { _active_notes[i] = NULL; } } /** Destroy note state for add_event */ void MidiRegionView::end_write() { delete[] _active_notes; _active_notes = NULL; _marked_for_selection.clear(); } /** Resolve an active MIDI note (while recording). */ void MidiRegionView::resolve_note(uint8_t note, double end_time) { if (midi_view()->note_mode() != Sustained) return; if (_active_notes && _active_notes[note]) { _active_notes[note]->property_x2() = trackview.editor().frame_to_pixel((nframes64_t)end_time); _active_notes[note]->property_outline_what() = (guint32) 0xF; // all edges _active_notes[note] = NULL; } } /** Extend active notes to rightmost edge of region (if length is changed) */ void MidiRegionView::extend_active_notes() { if (!_active_notes) { return; } for (unsigned i=0; i < 128; ++i) { if (_active_notes[i]) { _active_notes[i]->property_x2() = trackview.editor().frame_to_pixel(_region->length()); } } } void MidiRegionView::play_midi_note(boost::shared_ptr note) { if (!trackview.editor().sound_notes()) { return; } RouteUI* route_ui = dynamic_cast (&trackview); assert(route_ui); route_ui->midi_track()->write_immediate_event(note->on_event().size(), note->on_event().buffer()); nframes_t note_length_ms = (note->off_event().time() - note->on_event().time()) * (1000 / (double)route_ui->session().nominal_frame_rate()); Glib::signal_timeout().connect(bind(mem_fun(this, &MidiRegionView::play_midi_note_off), note), note_length_ms, G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT); } bool MidiRegionView::play_midi_note_off(boost::shared_ptr note) { RouteUI* route_ui = dynamic_cast (&trackview); assert(route_ui); route_ui->midi_track()->write_immediate_event(note->off_event().size(), note->off_event().buffer()); return false; } /** Add a MIDI note to the view (with length). * * If in sustained mode, notes with length 0 will be considered active * notes, and resolve_note should be called when the corresponding note off * event arrives, to properly display the note. */ void MidiRegionView::add_note(const boost::shared_ptr note) { assert(note->time() >= 0); assert(midi_view()->note_mode() == Sustained || midi_view()->note_mode() == Percussive); // dont display notes beyond the region bounds if ( note->time() - _region->start() >= _region->length() || note->time() < _region->start() || note->note() < midi_stream_view()->lowest_note() || note->note() > midi_stream_view()->highest_note() ) { return; } ArdourCanvas::Group* const group = (ArdourCanvas::Group*)get_canvas_group(); CanvasNoteEvent* event = 0; const double x = trackview.editor().frame_to_pixel((nframes64_t)note->time() - _region->start()); if (midi_view()->note_mode() == Sustained) { const double y1 = midi_stream_view()->note_to_y(note->note()); const double note_endpixel = trackview.editor().frame_to_pixel((nframes64_t)note->end_time() - _region->start()); CanvasNote* ev_rect = new CanvasNote(*this, *group, note); ev_rect->property_x1() = x; ev_rect->property_y1() = y1; if (note->length() > 0) ev_rect->property_x2() = note_endpixel; else ev_rect->property_x2() = trackview.editor().frame_to_pixel(_region->length()); ev_rect->property_y2() = y1 + floor(midi_stream_view()->note_height()); if (note->length() == 0) { if (_active_notes) { assert(note->note() < 128); // If this note is already active there's a stuck note, // finish the old note rectangle if (_active_notes[note->note()]) { CanvasNote* const old_rect = _active_notes[note->note()]; boost::shared_ptr old_note = old_rect->note(); cerr << "MidiModel: WARNING: Note has length 0: chan " << old_note->channel() << "note " << (int)old_note->note() << " @ " << old_note->time() << endl; /* FIXME: How large to make it? Make it a diamond? */ old_rect->property_x2() = old_rect->property_x1() + 2.0; old_rect->property_outline_what() = (guint32) 0xF; } _active_notes[note->note()] = ev_rect; } /* outline all but right edge */ ev_rect->property_outline_what() = (guint32) (0x1 & 0x4 & 0x8); } else { /* outline all edges */ ev_rect->property_outline_what() = (guint32) 0xF; } ev_rect->show(); _events.push_back(ev_rect); event = ev_rect; MidiGhostRegion* gr; for (std::vector::iterator g = ghosts.begin(); g != ghosts.end(); ++g) { if ((gr = dynamic_cast(*g)) != 0) { gr->add_note(ev_rect); } } } else if (midi_view()->note_mode() == Percussive) { //cerr << "MRV::add_note percussive " << note->note() << " @ " << note->time() // << " .. " << note->end_time() << endl; const double diamond_size = midi_stream_view()->note_height() / 2.0; const double y = midi_stream_view()->note_to_y(note->note()) + ((diamond_size-2) / 4.0); CanvasHit* ev_diamond = new CanvasHit(*this, *group, diamond_size, note); ev_diamond->move(x, y); ev_diamond->show(); _events.push_back(ev_diamond); event = ev_diamond; } else { event = 0; } if (event) { if (_marked_for_selection.find(note) != _marked_for_selection.end()) { note_selected(event, true); } event->on_channel_selection_change(_last_channel_selection); } } void MidiRegionView::add_pgm_change(ControlEvent& program, string displaytext) { assert(program.time >= 0); // dont display program changes beyond the region bounds if (program.time - _region->start() >= _region->length() || program.time < _region->start()) return; ArdourCanvas::Group* const group = (ArdourCanvas::Group*)get_canvas_group(); const double x = trackview.editor().frame_to_pixel((nframes64_t)program.time - _region->start()); double height = midi_stream_view()->contents_height(); boost::shared_ptr pgm_change = boost::shared_ptr( new CanvasProgramChange( *this, *group, displaytext, height, x, 1.0, _model_name, _custom_device_mode, program.time, program.channel, program.value)); _pgm_changes.push_back(pgm_change); } void MidiRegionView::get_patch_key_at(double time, uint8_t channel, MIDI::Name::PatchPrimaryKey& key) { cerr << "getting patch key at " << time << " for channel " << channel << endl; Evoral::Parameter bank_select_msb(MidiCCAutomation, channel, MIDI_CTL_MSB_BANK); boost::shared_ptr msb_control = _model->control(bank_select_msb); float msb = -1.0; if (msb_control != 0) { msb = int(msb_control->get_float(true, time)); cerr << "got msb " << msb; } Evoral::Parameter bank_select_lsb(MidiCCAutomation, channel, MIDI_CTL_LSB_BANK); boost::shared_ptr lsb_control = _model->control(bank_select_lsb); float lsb = -1.0; if (lsb_control != 0) { lsb = lsb_control->get_float(true, time); cerr << " got lsb " << lsb; } Evoral::Parameter program_change(MidiPgmChangeAutomation, channel, 0); boost::shared_ptr program_control = _model->control(program_change); float program_number = -1.0; if (program_control != 0) { program_number = program_control->get_float(true, time); cerr << " got program " << program_number << endl; } key.msb = (int) floor(msb + 0.5); key.lsb = (int) floor(lsb + 0.5); key.program_number = (int) floor(program_number + 0.5); assert(key.is_sane()); } void MidiRegionView::alter_program_change(ControlEvent& old_program, const MIDI::Name::PatchPrimaryKey& new_patch) { // TODO: Get the real event here and alter them at the original times Evoral::Parameter bank_select_msb(MidiCCAutomation, old_program.channel, MIDI_CTL_MSB_BANK); boost::shared_ptr msb_control = _model->control(bank_select_msb); if (msb_control != 0) { msb_control->set_float(float(new_patch.msb), true, old_program.time); } // TODO: Get the real event here and alter them at the original times Evoral::Parameter bank_select_lsb(MidiCCAutomation, old_program.channel, MIDI_CTL_LSB_BANK); boost::shared_ptr lsb_control = _model->control(bank_select_lsb); if (lsb_control != 0) { lsb_control->set_float(float(new_patch.lsb), true, old_program.time); } Evoral::Parameter program_change(MidiPgmChangeAutomation, old_program.channel, 0); boost::shared_ptr program_control = _model->control(program_change); assert(program_control != 0); program_control->set_float(float(new_patch.program_number), true, old_program.time); redisplay_model(); } void MidiRegionView::program_selected(CanvasProgramChange& program, const MIDI::Name::PatchPrimaryKey& new_patch) { ControlEvent program_change_event(program.event_time(), program.program(), program.channel()); alter_program_change(program_change_event, new_patch); } void MidiRegionView::previous_program(CanvasProgramChange& program) { MIDI::Name::PatchPrimaryKey key; get_patch_key_at(program.event_time(), program.channel(), key); boost::shared_ptr patch = MIDI::Name::MidiPatchManager::instance().previous_patch( _model_name, _custom_device_mode, program.channel(), key ); ControlEvent program_change_event(program.event_time(), program.program(), program.channel()); if (patch) { alter_program_change(program_change_event, patch->patch_primary_key()); } } void MidiRegionView::next_program(CanvasProgramChange& program) { MIDI::Name::PatchPrimaryKey key; get_patch_key_at(program.event_time(), program.channel(), key); boost::shared_ptr patch = MIDI::Name::MidiPatchManager::instance().next_patch( _model_name, _custom_device_mode, program.channel(), key ); ControlEvent program_change_event(program.event_time(), program.program(), program.channel()); if (patch) { alter_program_change(program_change_event, patch->patch_primary_key()); } } void MidiRegionView::delete_selection() { assert(_delta_command); for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->selected()) { _delta_command->remove((*i)->note()); } } _selection.clear(); } void MidiRegionView::clear_selection_except(ArdourCanvas::CanvasNoteEvent* ev) { for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->selected() && (*i) != ev) { (*i)->selected(false); } } _selection.clear(); } void MidiRegionView::unique_select(ArdourCanvas::CanvasNoteEvent* ev) { for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) { if ((*i) != ev) { (*i)->selected(false); } } _selection.clear(); _selection.insert(ev); if ( ! ev->selected()) { ev->selected(true); } } void MidiRegionView::note_selected(ArdourCanvas::CanvasNoteEvent* ev, bool add) { if ( ! add) { clear_selection_except(ev); } if (_selection.insert(ev).second) { play_midi_note(ev->note()); } if ( ! ev->selected()) { ev->selected(true); } } void MidiRegionView::note_deselected(ArdourCanvas::CanvasNoteEvent* ev, bool add) { if ( ! add) { clear_selection_except(ev); } _selection.erase(ev); if (ev->selected()) { ev->selected(false); } } void MidiRegionView::update_drag_selection(double x1, double x2, double y1, double y2) { const double last_y = std::min(y1, y2); const double y = std::max(y1, y2); // TODO: Make this faster by storing the last updated selection rect, and only // adjusting things that are in the area that appears/disappeared. // We probably need a tree to be able to find events in O(log(n)) time. #ifndef NDEBUG double last_x1 = 0.0; #endif if (x1 < x2) { for (Events::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { #ifndef NDEBUG // Events should always be sorted by increasing x1() here assert((*i)->x1() >= last_x1); last_x1 = (*i)->x1(); #endif // Inside rectangle if ((*i)->x1() >= x1 && (*i)->x1() <= x2 && (*i)->y1() >= last_y && (*i)->y1() <= y) { if (!(*i)->selected()) { (*i)->selected(true); _selection.insert(*i); play_midi_note((*i)->note()); } // Not inside rectangle } else if ((*i)->selected()) { (*i)->selected(false); _selection.erase(*i); } } } else { for (Events::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { #ifndef NDEBUG // Events should always be sorted by increasing x1() here assert((*i)->x1() >= last_x1); last_x1 = (*i)->x1(); #endif // Inside rectangle if ((*i)->x2() <= x1 && (*i)->x2() >= x2 && (*i)->y1() >= last_y && (*i)->y1() <= y) { if (!(*i)->selected()) { (*i)->selected(true); _selection.insert(*i); play_midi_note((*i)->note()); } // Not inside rectangle } else if ((*i)->selected()) { (*i)->selected(false); _selection.erase(*i); } } } } void MidiRegionView::move_selection(double dx, double dy) { for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) (*i)->move_event(dx, dy); } void MidiRegionView::note_dropped(CanvasNoteEvent* ev, double dt, uint8_t dnote) { // TODO: This would be faster/nicer with a MoveCommand that doesn't need to copy... if (_selection.find(ev) != _selection.end()) { uint8_t lowest_note_in_selection = midi_stream_view()->lowest_note(); uint8_t highest_note_in_selection = midi_stream_view()->highest_note(); uint8_t highest_note_difference = 0; // find highest and lowest notes first for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) { uint8_t pitch = (*i)->note()->note(); lowest_note_in_selection = std::min(lowest_note_in_selection, pitch); highest_note_in_selection = std::max(highest_note_in_selection, pitch); } /* cerr << "dnote: " << (int) dnote << endl; cerr << "lowest note (streamview): " << int(midi_stream_view()->lowest_note()) << " highest note (streamview): " << int(midi_stream_view()->highest_note()) << endl; cerr << "lowest note (selection): " << int(lowest_note_in_selection) << " highest note(selection): " << int(highest_note_in_selection) << endl; cerr << "selection size: " << _selection.size() << endl; cerr << "Highest note in selection: " << (int) highest_note_in_selection << endl; */ // Make sure the note pitch does not exceed the MIDI standard range if (dnote <= 127 && (highest_note_in_selection + dnote > 127)) { highest_note_difference = highest_note_in_selection - 127; } start_delta_command(_("move notes")); for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end() ; ) { Selection::iterator next = i; ++next; const boost::shared_ptr copy(new Evoral::Note(*(*i)->note().get())); // we need to snap here again in nframes64_t in order to be sample accurate double new_note_time = (*i)->note()->time(); new_note_time += dt; // keep notes inside region if dragged beyond left region bound if (new_note_time < _region->start()) { new_note_time = _region->start(); } // since note time is region-absolute but snap_to_frame expects position-relative // time we have to coordinate transform back and forth here. new_note_time = snap_to_frame(nframes64_t(new_note_time) - _region->start()) + _region->start(); copy->set_time(new_note_time); uint8_t original_pitch = (*i)->note()->note(); uint8_t new_pitch = original_pitch + dnote - highest_note_difference; // keep notes in standard midi range clamp_0_to_127(new_pitch); //notes which are dragged beyond the standard midi range snap back to their original place if ((original_pitch != 0 && new_pitch == 0) || (original_pitch != 127 && new_pitch == 127)) { new_pitch = original_pitch; } lowest_note_in_selection = std::min(lowest_note_in_selection, new_pitch); highest_note_in_selection = std::max(highest_note_in_selection, new_pitch); copy->set_note(new_pitch); command_remove_note(*i); command_add_note(copy, (*i)->selected()); i = next; } apply_command(); // care about notes being moved beyond the upper/lower bounds on the canvas if (lowest_note_in_selection < midi_stream_view()->lowest_note() || highest_note_in_selection > midi_stream_view()->highest_note()) { midi_stream_view()->set_note_range(MidiStreamView::ContentsRange); } } } nframes64_t MidiRegionView::snap_to_frame(double x) { PublicEditor &editor = trackview.editor(); // x is region relative // convert x to global frame nframes64_t frame = editor.pixel_to_frame(x) + _region->position(); editor.snap_to(frame); // convert event_frame back to local coordinates relative to position frame -= _region->position(); return frame; } nframes64_t MidiRegionView::snap_to_frame(nframes64_t x) { PublicEditor &editor = trackview.editor(); // x is region relative // convert x to global frame nframes64_t frame = x + _region->position(); editor.snap_to(frame); // convert event_frame back to local coordinates relative to position frame -= _region->position(); return frame; } double MidiRegionView::snap_to_pixel(double x) { return (double) trackview.editor().frame_to_pixel(snap_to_frame(x)); } double MidiRegionView::get_position_pixels() { nframes64_t region_frame = get_position(); return trackview.editor().frame_to_pixel(region_frame); } void MidiRegionView::begin_resizing(CanvasNote::NoteEnd note_end) { _resize_data.clear(); for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) { CanvasNote *note = dynamic_cast (*i); // only insert CanvasNotes into the map if (note) { NoteResizeData *resize_data = new NoteResizeData(); resize_data->canvas_note = note; // create a new SimpleRect from the note which will be the resize preview SimpleRect *resize_rect = new SimpleRect( *group, note->x1(), note->y1(), note->x2(), note->y2()); // calculate the colors: get the color settings uint32_t fill_color = UINT_RGBA_CHANGE_A( ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_MidiNoteSelected.get(), 128); // make the resize preview notes more transparent and bright fill_color = UINT_INTERPOLATE(fill_color, 0xFFFFFF40, 0.5); // calculate color based on note velocity resize_rect->property_fill_color_rgba() = UINT_INTERPOLATE( CanvasNoteEvent::meter_style_fill_color(note->note()->velocity()), fill_color, 0.85); resize_rect->property_outline_color_rgba() = CanvasNoteEvent::calculate_outline(ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_MidiNoteSelected.get()); resize_data->resize_rect = resize_rect; if (note_end == CanvasNote::NOTE_ON) { resize_data->current_x = note->x1(); } else { // NOTE_OFF resize_data->current_x = note->x2(); } _resize_data.push_back(resize_data); } } } void MidiRegionView::update_resizing(CanvasNote::NoteEnd note_end, double x, bool relative) { for (std::vector::iterator i = _resize_data.begin(); i != _resize_data.end(); ++i) { SimpleRect *resize_rect = (*i)->resize_rect; CanvasNote *canvas_note = (*i)->canvas_note; const double region_start = get_position_pixels(); if (relative) { (*i)->current_x = (*i)->current_x + x; } else { // x is in track relative, transform it to region relative (*i)->current_x = x - region_start; } double current_x = (*i)->current_x; if (note_end == CanvasNote::NOTE_ON) { resize_rect->property_x1() = snap_to_pixel(current_x); resize_rect->property_x2() = canvas_note->x2(); } else { resize_rect->property_x2() = snap_to_pixel(current_x); resize_rect->property_x1() = canvas_note->x1(); } } } void MidiRegionView::commit_resizing(CanvasNote::NoteEnd note_end, double event_x, bool relative) { start_delta_command(_("resize notes")); for (std::vector::iterator i = _resize_data.begin(); i != _resize_data.end(); ++i) { CanvasNote* canvas_note = (*i)->canvas_note; SimpleRect* resize_rect = (*i)->resize_rect; double current_x = (*i)->current_x; const double position = get_position_pixels(); if (!relative) { // event_x is in track relative, transform it to region relative current_x = event_x - position; } // because snapping works on world coordinates we have to transform current_x // to world coordinates before snapping and transform it back afterwards nframes64_t current_frame = snap_to_frame(current_x); // transform to region start relative current_frame += _region->start(); const boost::shared_ptr copy(new Evoral::Note(*(canvas_note->note().get()))); // resize beginning of note if (note_end == CanvasNote::NOTE_ON && current_frame < copy->end_time()) { command_remove_note(canvas_note); copy->on_event().time() = current_frame; command_add_note(copy, _selection.find(canvas_note) != _selection.end()); } // resize end of note if (note_end == CanvasNote::NOTE_OFF && current_frame > copy->time()) { command_remove_note(canvas_note); copy->off_event().time() = current_frame; command_add_note(copy, _selection.find(canvas_note) != _selection.end()); } delete resize_rect; delete (*i); } _resize_data.clear(); apply_command(); } void MidiRegionView::change_note_velocity(CanvasNoteEvent* event, int8_t velocity, bool relative) { const boost::shared_ptr copy(new Evoral::Note(*(event->note().get()))); if (relative) { uint8_t new_velocity = copy->velocity() + velocity; clamp_0_to_127(new_velocity); copy->set_velocity(new_velocity); } else { copy->set_velocity(velocity); } command_remove_note(event); command_add_note(copy, event->selected()); } void MidiRegionView::change_velocity(CanvasNoteEvent* ev, int8_t velocity, bool relative) { start_delta_command(_("change velocity")); change_note_velocity(ev, velocity, relative); for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end();) { Selection::iterator next = i; ++next; if ( !(*((*i)->note()) == *(ev->note())) ) { change_note_velocity(*i, velocity, relative); } i = next; } apply_command(); } void MidiRegionView::change_channel(uint8_t channel) { start_delta_command(_("change channel")); for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end();) { Selection::iterator next = i; ++next; CanvasNoteEvent* event = *i; const boost::shared_ptr copy(new Evoral::Note(*(event->note().get()))); copy->set_channel(channel); command_remove_note(event); command_add_note(copy, event->selected()); i = next; } apply_command(); } void MidiRegionView::note_entered(ArdourCanvas::CanvasNoteEvent* ev) { if (ev->note() && _mouse_state == EraseTouchDragging) { start_delta_command(_("note entered")); ev->selected(true); _delta_command->remove(ev->note()); } else if (_mouse_state == SelectTouchDragging) { note_selected(ev, true); } } void MidiRegionView::switch_source(boost::shared_ptr src) { boost::shared_ptr msrc = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(src); if (msrc) display_model(msrc->model()); } void MidiRegionView::set_frame_color() { if (frame) { if (_selected && should_show_selection) { frame->property_fill_color_rgba() = ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_SelectedFrameBase.get(); } else { frame->property_fill_color_rgba() = ARDOUR_UI::config()->canvasvar_MidiFrameBase.get(); } } } void MidiRegionView::midi_channel_mode_changed(ChannelMode mode, uint16_t mask) { switch (mode) { case AllChannels: case FilterChannels: _force_channel = -1; break; case ForceChannel: _force_channel = mask; mask = 0xFFFF; // Show all notes as active (below) }; // Update notes for selection for (Events::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { (*i)->on_channel_selection_change(mask); } _last_channel_selection = mask; } void MidiRegionView::midi_patch_settings_changed(std::string model, std::string custom_device_mode) { _model_name = model; _custom_device_mode = custom_device_mode; redisplay_model(); }