/* Copyright (C) 2011 Paul Davis Author: Carl Hetherington This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /** @file canvas/canvas.cc * @brief Implementation of the main canvas classes. */ #include #include #include "pbd/xml++.h" #include "pbd/compose.h" #include "pbd/stacktrace.h" #include "canvas/canvas.h" #include "canvas/debug.h" using namespace std; using namespace ArdourCanvas; /** Construct a new Canvas */ Canvas::Canvas () : _root (this) , _log_renders (true) { set_epoch (); } /** Construct a new Canvas from an XML tree * @param tree XML Tree. */ Canvas::Canvas (XMLTree const * tree) : _root (this) , _log_renders (true) { set_epoch (); /* XXX: little bit hacky */ _root.set_state (tree->root()->child ("Group")); XMLNodeList const & children = tree->root()->children (); for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->name() == ("Render")) { _renders.push_back ( Rect ( atof ((*i)->property ("x0")->value().c_str()), atof ((*i)->property ("y0")->value().c_str()), atof ((*i)->property ("x1")->value().c_str()), atof ((*i)->property ("x1")->value().c_str()) ) ); } } } /** Render an area of the canvas. * @param area Area in canvas coordinates. * @param context Cairo context to render to. */ void Canvas::render (Rect const & area, Cairo::RefPtr const & context) const { #ifdef CANVAS_DEBUG if (DEBUG_ENABLED(PBD::DEBUG::CanvasRender)) { cerr << "CANVAS @ " << this << endl; dump (cerr); cerr << "-------------------------\n"; } #endif checkpoint ("render", "-> render"); render_count = 0; context->save (); /* clip to the requested area */ context->rectangle (area.x0, area.y0, area.width(), area.height()); context->clip (); boost::optional root_bbox = _root.bounding_box(); if (!root_bbox) { /* the root has no bounding box, so there's nothing to render */ checkpoint ("render", "no root bbox"); context->restore (); return; } boost::optional draw = root_bbox.get().intersection (area); if (draw) { /* there's a common area between the root and the requested area, so render it. */ checkpoint ("render", "... root"); _root.render (*draw, context); } if (_log_renders) { _renders.push_back (area); } context->restore (); cout << "Rendered " << render_count << "\n"; checkpoint ("render", "<- render"); } ostream& operator<< (ostream& o, Canvas& c) { c.dump (o); return o; } std::string Canvas::indent() const { string s; for (int n = 0; n < ArdourCanvas::dump_depth; ++n) { s += '\t'; } return s; } std::string Canvas::render_indent() const { string s; for (int n = 0; n < ArdourCanvas::render_depth; ++n) { s += ' '; } return s; } void Canvas::dump (ostream& o) const { dump_depth = 0; _root.dump (o); } /** Called when an item has been shown or hidden. * @param item Item that has been shown or hidden. */ void Canvas::item_shown_or_hidden (Item* item) { boost::optional bbox = item->bounding_box (); if (bbox) { queue_draw_item_area (item, bbox.get ()); } } /** Called when an item has changed, but not moved. * @param item Item that has changed. * @param pre_change_bounding_box The bounding box of item before the change, * in the item's coordinates. */ void Canvas::item_changed (Item* item, boost::optional pre_change_bounding_box) { if (pre_change_bounding_box) { /* request a redraw of the item's old bounding box */ queue_draw_item_area (item, pre_change_bounding_box.get ()); } boost::optional post_change_bounding_box = item->bounding_box (); if (post_change_bounding_box) { /* request a redraw of the item's new bounding box */ queue_draw_item_area (item, post_change_bounding_box.get ()); } } /** Called when an item has moved. * @param item Item that has moved. * @param pre_change_parent_bounding_box The bounding box of the item before * the move, in its parent's coordinates. */ void Canvas::item_moved (Item* item, boost::optional pre_change_parent_bounding_box) { if (pre_change_parent_bounding_box) { /* request a redraw of where the item used to be; we have to use the parent's coordinates here as item bounding boxes do not change when the item moves. */ queue_draw_item_area (item->parent(), pre_change_parent_bounding_box.get ()); } boost::optional post_change_bounding_box = item->bounding_box (); if (post_change_bounding_box) { /* request a redraw of where the item now is */ queue_draw_item_area (item, post_change_bounding_box.get ()); } } /** Request a redraw of a particular area in an item's coordinates. * @param item Item. * @param area Area to redraw in the item's coordinates. */ void Canvas::queue_draw_item_area (Item* item, Rect area) { request_redraw (item->item_to_canvas (area)); } /** @return An XML description of the canvas and its objects */ XMLTree * Canvas::get_state () const { XMLTree* tree = new XMLTree (); XMLNode* node = new XMLNode ("Canvas"); node->add_child_nocopy (*_root.get_state ()); for (list::const_iterator i = _renders.begin(); i != _renders.end(); ++i) { XMLNode* render = new XMLNode ("Render"); render->add_property ("x0", string_compose ("%1", i->x0)); render->add_property ("y0", string_compose ("%1", i->y0)); render->add_property ("x1", string_compose ("%1", i->x1)); render->add_property ("y1", string_compose ("%1", i->y1)); node->add_child_nocopy (*render); } tree->set_root (node); return tree; } /** Construct a GtkCanvas */ GtkCanvas::GtkCanvas () : _current_item (0) , _grabbed_item (0) { /* these are the events we want to know about */ add_events (Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | Gdk::BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | Gdk::POINTER_MOTION_MASK); } /** Construct a GtkCanvas from an XML tree. * @param tree XML Tree. */ GtkCanvas::GtkCanvas (XMLTree const * tree) : Canvas (tree) , _current_item (0) , _grabbed_item (0) { /* these are the events we want to know about */ add_events (Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | Gdk::BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | Gdk::POINTER_MOTION_MASK); } /** Handler for button presses on the canvas. * @param ev GDK event. */ bool GtkCanvas::button_handler (GdkEventButton* ev) { DEBUG_TRACE (PBD::DEBUG::CanvasEvents, string_compose ("canvas button press %1 %1\n", ev->x, ev->y)); /* The Duple that we are passing in here is in canvas coordinates */ return deliver_event (Duple (ev->x, ev->y), reinterpret_cast (ev)); } /** Handler for pointer motion events on the canvas. * @param ev GDK event. * @return true if the motion event was handled, otherwise false. */ bool GtkCanvas::motion_notify_handler (GdkEventMotion* ev) { if (_grabbed_item) { /* if we have a grabbed item, it gets just the motion event, since no enter/leave events can have happened. */ return _grabbed_item->Event (reinterpret_cast (ev)); } /* This is in canvas coordinates */ Duple point (ev->x, ev->y); /* find the items at the new mouse position */ vector items; _root.add_items_at_point (point, items); Item const * new_item = items.empty() ? 0 : items.back (); if (_current_item && _current_item != new_item) { /* leave event */ GdkEventCrossing leave_event; leave_event.type = GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY; leave_event.x = ev->x; leave_event.y = ev->y; _current_item->Event (reinterpret_cast (&leave_event)); } if (new_item && _current_item != new_item) { /* enter event */ GdkEventCrossing enter_event; enter_event.type = GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY; enter_event.x = ev->x; enter_event.y = ev->y; new_item->Event (reinterpret_cast (&enter_event)); } _current_item = new_item; /* Now deliver the motion event. It may seem a little inefficient to recompute the items under the event, but the enter notify/leave events may have deleted canvas items so it is important to recompute the list in deliver_event. */ return deliver_event (point, reinterpret_cast (ev)); } /** Deliver an event to the appropriate item; either the grabbed item, or * one of the items underneath the event. * @param point Position that the event has occurred at, in canvas coordinates. * @param event The event. */ bool GtkCanvas::deliver_event (Duple point, GdkEvent* event) { if (_grabbed_item) { /* we have a grabbed item, so everything gets sent there */ return _grabbed_item->Event (event); } /* find the items that exist at the event's position */ vector items; _root.add_items_at_point (point, items); /* run through the items under the event, from top to bottom, until one claims the event */ vector::const_reverse_iterator i = items.rbegin (); while (i != items.rend()) { if ((*i)->ignore_events ()) { DEBUG_TRACE ( PBD::DEBUG::CanvasEvents, string_compose ("canvas event ignored by %1 %2\n", (*i)->whatami(), (*i)->name.empty() ? "[unknown]" : (*i)->name) ); ++i; continue; } if ((*i)->Event (event)) { /* this item has just handled the event */ DEBUG_TRACE ( PBD::DEBUG::CanvasEvents, string_compose ("canvas event handled by %1 %2\n", (*i)->whatami(), (*i)->name.empty() ? "[unknown]" : (*i)->name) ); return true; } DEBUG_TRACE ( PBD::DEBUG::CanvasEvents, string_compose ("canvas event left unhandled by %1 %2\n", (*i)->whatami(), (*i)->name.empty() ? "[unknown]" : (*i)->name) ); ++i; } /* debugging */ if (PBD::debug_bits & PBD::DEBUG::CanvasEvents) { while (i != items.rend()) { DEBUG_TRACE (PBD::DEBUG::CanvasEvents, string_compose ("canvas event not seen by %1\n", (*i)->name.empty() ? "[unknown]" : (*i)->name)); ++i; } } return false; } /** Called when an item is being destroyed. * @param item Item being destroyed. * @param bounding_box Last known bounding box of the item. */ void GtkCanvas::item_going_away (Item* item, boost::optional bounding_box) { if (bounding_box) { queue_draw_item_area (item, bounding_box.get ()); } if (_current_item == item) { _current_item = 0; } if (_grabbed_item == item) { _grabbed_item = 0; } } /** Construct an ImageCanvas. * @param size Size in pixels. */ ImageCanvas::ImageCanvas (Duple size) : _surface (Cairo::ImageSurface::create (Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, size.x, size.y)) { _context = Cairo::Context::create (_surface); } /** Construct an ImageCanvas from an XML tree. * @param tree XML Tree. * @param size Size in pixels. */ ImageCanvas::ImageCanvas (XMLTree const * tree, Duple size) : Canvas (tree) , _surface (Cairo::ImageSurface::create (Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, size.x, size.y)) { _context = Cairo::Context::create (_surface); } /** Render the canvas to our pixbuf. * @param area Area to render, in canvas coordinates. */ void ImageCanvas::render_to_image (Rect const & area) const { render (area, _context); } /** Write our pixbuf to a PNG file. * @param f PNG file name. */ void ImageCanvas::write_to_png (string const & f) { assert (_surface); _surface->write_to_png (f); } /** @return Our Cairo context */ Cairo::RefPtr ImageCanvas::context () { return _context; } /** Handler for GDK expose events. * @param ev Event. * @return true if the event was handled. */ bool GtkCanvas::on_expose_event (GdkEventExpose* ev) { Cairo::RefPtr c = get_window()->create_cairo_context (); render (Rect (ev->area.x, ev->area.y, ev->area.x + ev->area.width, ev->area.y + ev->area.height), c); return true; } /** @return Our Cairo context, or 0 if we don't have one */ Cairo::RefPtr GtkCanvas::context () { Glib::RefPtr w = get_window (); if (!w) { return Cairo::RefPtr (); } return w->create_cairo_context (); } /** Handler for GDK button press events. * @param ev Event. * @return true if the event was handled. */ bool GtkCanvas::on_button_press_event (GdkEventButton* ev) { /* Coordinates in the event will be canvas coordinates, correctly adjusted for scroll if this GtkCanvas is in a GtkCanvasViewport. */ return button_handler (ev); } /** Handler for GDK button release events. * @param ev Event. * @return true if the event was handled. */ bool GtkCanvas::on_button_release_event (GdkEventButton* ev) { /* Coordinates in the event will be canvas coordinates, correctly adjusted for scroll if this GtkCanvas is in a GtkCanvasViewport. */ return button_handler (ev); } /** Handler for GDK motion events. * @param ev Event. * @return true if the event was handled. */ bool GtkCanvas::on_motion_notify_event (GdkEventMotion* ev) { /* Coordinates in the event will be canvas coordinates, correctly adjusted for scroll if this GtkCanvas is in a GtkCanvasViewport. */ return motion_notify_handler (ev); } /** Called to request a redraw of our canvas. * @param area Area to redraw, in canvas coordinates. */ void GtkCanvas::request_redraw (Rect const & area) { queue_draw_area (floor (area.x0), floor (area.y0), ceil (area.x1) - floor (area.x0), ceil (area.y1) - floor (area.y0)); } /** Called to request that we try to get a particular size for ourselves. * @param size Size to request, in pixels. */ void GtkCanvas::request_size (Duple size) { Duple req = size; if (req.x > INT_MAX) { req.x = INT_MAX; } if (req.y > INT_MAX) { req.y = INT_MAX; } set_size_request (req.x, req.y); } /** `Grab' an item, so that all events are sent to that item until it is `ungrabbed'. * This is typically used for dragging items around, so that they are grabbed during * the drag. * @param item Item to grab. */ void GtkCanvas::grab (Item* item) { /* XXX: should this be doing gdk_pointer_grab? */ _grabbed_item = item; } /** `Ungrab' any item that was previously grabbed */ void GtkCanvas::ungrab () { /* XXX: should this be doing gdk_pointer_ungrab? */ _grabbed_item = 0; } /** Create a GtkCanvaSViewport. * @param hadj Adjustment to use for horizontal scrolling. * @param vadj Adjustment to use for vertica scrolling. */ GtkCanvasViewport::GtkCanvasViewport (Gtk::Adjustment& hadj, Gtk::Adjustment& vadj) : Viewport (hadj, vadj) { add (_canvas); } /** Handler for when GTK asks us what minimum size we want. * @param req Requsition to fill in. */ void GtkCanvasViewport::on_size_request (Gtk::Requisition* req) { req->width = 16; req->height = 16; } /** Convert window coordinates to canvas coordinates by taking into account * where we are scrolled to. * @param wx Window x. * @param wy Window y. * @param cx Filled in with canvas x. * @param cy Filled in with canvas y. */ void GtkCanvasViewport::window_to_canvas (int wx, int wy, Coord& cx, Coord& cy) const { cx = wx + get_hadjustment()->get_value (); cy = wy + get_vadjustment()->get_value (); } /** @return The visible area of the canvas, in canvas coordinates */ Rect GtkCanvasViewport::visible_area () const { Distance const xo = get_hadjustment()->get_value (); Distance const yo = get_vadjustment()->get_value (); return Rect (xo, yo, xo + get_allocation().get_width (), yo + get_allocation().get_height ()); }