#!/usr/bin/env ruby # Ruby script for pulling together a MacOSX app bundle. # it will be either powerpc or i386 versionline = `grep -m 1 '^version =' ../../SConstruct` version = versionline.split(" = ")[1].chomp().slice(1..-2) $stdout.printf("Version is %s\n", version) arch = `uname -p`.strip() libdir = "lib_" + arch bindir = "bin_" + arch ppc_libdir = "lib_powerpc" i386_libdir = "lib_i386" ppc_bindir = "bin_powerpc" i386_bindir = "bin_i386" ppc_binlib = "binlib_powerpc.zip" i386_binlib = "binlib_i386.zip" #$stdout.print("libdir is '" + libdir + "'\n") # check for the other arch's libbin.zip if arch == "i386" then zipfile = ppc_binlib `rm -rf #{ppc_libdir} #{ppc_bindir}` else zipfile = i386_binlib `rm -rf #{i386_libdir} #{i386_bindir}` end if File.exist?(zipfile) then $stdout.print("Found #{zipfile} : unpacking...\n") `unzip -aq #{zipfile}` end if File.exist?(libdir) then # remove it `rm -rf #{libdir}/*` #Dir.foreach(libdir) {|x| unless ( x[0] == 46 or File.stat(libdir+"/"+x).directory?) then File.delete(libdir + "/" +x) end} else Dir.mkdir libdir end if File.exist?(bindir) then Dir.foreach(bindir) {|x| unless x[0] == 46 then File.delete(bindir + "/" +x) end} else Dir.mkdir bindir end if not File.exist?(libdir+"/surfaces") then Dir.mkdir(libdir + "/surfaces") end odir = Dir.getwd Dir.chdir("../..") result = `otool -L gtk2_ardour/ardour.bin` results = result.split("\n") results.delete_at(0) result = `otool -L libs/ardour/libardour.dylib` results = results + result.split("\n").slice(1,result.size-1) result = `otool -L libs/surfaces/*/*.dylib` results = results + result.split("\n").slice(1,result.size-1) results.uniq! $stdout.print("Copying libs to #{libdir} ...\n"); results.each do |s| s = s.split[0] # exclude frameworks, system libraries, X11 libraries, and libjack. unless s =~ /System|\/usr\/lib|\/usr\/X11R6|libjack|:$/ then #$stdout.print("Copying #{s}\n") `cp #{s} #{odir}/#{libdir}/` end end # now do it again result = `otool -L #{odir}/#{libdir}/*.dylib` results = result.split("\n") results.uniq! results.each do |s| s = s.split[0] # exclude frameworks, system libraries, X11 libraries, and libjack. unless s =~ /System|\/usr\/lib|\/usr\/X11R6|libjack|:$/ then sbase = File.basename(s) targfile = "#{odir}/#{libdir}/#{sbase}" #$stdout.print("Targ is : " + targfile + "\n") if not File.exist?(targfile) then #$stdout.print("2nd stage Copying #{s}\n") `cp #{s} #{odir}/#{libdir}/` end end end Dir.chdir(odir) # copy ardour.bin to bindir/ardour if File.exist?("../../gtk2_ardour/ardour.bin") then $stdout.print("Copying bin to #{bindir} ...\n"); `cp ../../gtk2_ardour/ardour.bin #{bindir}/ardour` end `cp ../../libs/surfaces/*/*.dylib #{libdir}/surfaces` # remove the basenames from libdir that are in surfaces (copied earlier) `rm -f #{libdir}/surfaces/libardour_cp.dylib` begin Dir.foreach(libdir+"/surfaces") {|x| unless ( x[0] == 46 or x.include?("libardour_cp")) then File.delete(libdir + "/" +x) end} rescue end # copy gtk and pango lib stuff `cp -R /opt/local/lib/pango #{libdir}/` `cp -R /opt/local/lib/gtk-2.0 #{libdir}/` # use our clearlooks `rm -f #{libdir}/gtk-2.0/2.*/engines/libclearlooks.*` # must use .so for it to be found :/ `cp ../../libs/clearlooks/libclearlooks.dylib #{libdir}/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/engines/libclearlooks.so` def lipo_platforms_recurse(src1, src2, target) if not File.stat(src1).directory? then # normal file, lets lipo them if it doesn't already exist there isbin = `file #{src1}`.include?("Mach-O") if (! File.exist?(target)) and isbin then if File.exist?(src2) then $stdout.print("Lipo'ing " + target + "\n") `lipo -create -output #{target} #{src1} #{src2}` else # just copy it $stdout.print("Copying " + src1 + "\n") `cp #{src1} #{target}` end else #$stdout.print("Skipping " + target + "\n") end else # directory, recurse if necessary if File.exist?(src2) then # other dir exists, recurse # make targetdir if necessary if not File.exist?(target) then Dir.mkdir(target) end Dir.foreach(src1) do |file| if file[0] != 46 then src1file = src1 + '/' + file src2file = src2 + '/' + file targfile = target + '/' + file lipo_platforms_recurse(src1file, src2file, targfile) end end else # just copy it recursively to target $stdout.print("Copying dir " + src1 + "\n") `cp -R #{src1} #{target}` end end end # lipo stuff together if both platforms libs and bins are here if File.exist?(ppc_libdir) and File.exist?(i386_libdir) then $stdout.print("\nBoth platforms in place, lipo'ing...\n"); `rm -rf lib/*` `rm -f bin/ardour` lipo_platforms_recurse(ppc_libdir, i386_libdir, "lib") lipo_platforms_recurse(i386_libdir, ppc_libdir, "lib") lipo_platforms_recurse(i386_bindir+'/ardour', ppc_bindir+'/ardour', "bin/ardour") # remove existing Ardour2.app `rm -rf Ardour2.app` $stdout.print("\nRunning Playtpus to create Ardour2.app ...\n"); `/usr/local/bin/platypus -D -X 'ardour' -a 'Ardour2' -t 'shell' -o 'None' -u 'Paul Davis' -i '/bin/sh' -V "#{version}" -s 'ArDr' -I 'org.ardour.Ardour2' -f 'bin' -f 'lib' -i 'Ardour2.icns' -f 'MenuBar.nib' -f 'ProgressWindow.nib' -f 'init' -f 'openDoc' 'script' 'Ardour2.app'` $stdout.print("\nCopying other stuff to Ardour2.app ...\n"); if not File.exist?("Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/etc") then Dir.mkdir "Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/etc" end if not File.exist?("Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/etc/ardour2") then Dir.mkdir "Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/etc/ardour2" end `cp ../../gtk2_ardour/ardour.bindings ../../gtk2_ardour/ardour.colors ../../gtk2_ardour/ardour.menus Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/etc/ardour2/` `cp ../../ardour.rc ../../ardour_system.rc Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/etc/ardour2/` `cp ardour2_mac_ui.rc Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/etc/ardour2/ardour2_ui.rc` # copy other etc stuff if not File.exist?("Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/etc/gtk-2.0") then `cp -R etc/gtk-2.0 Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/etc/` end if not File.exist?("Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/etc/pango") then `cp -R etc/pango Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/etc/` end if not File.exist?("Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/etc/fonts") then `cp -R /opt/local/etc/fonts Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/etc/` end if not File.exist?("Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/etc/profile.d") then `cp -R etc/profile.d Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/etc/` end # share stuff if not File.exist?("Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/share") then Dir.mkdir "Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/share" end if not File.exist?("Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/share/ardour2") then Dir.mkdir "Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/share/ardour2" Dir.mkdir "Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/share/ardour2/templates" `cp -R ../../gtk2_ardour/icons ../../gtk2_ardour/pixmaps ../../gtk2_ardour/splash.png Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/share/ardour2/` `cp ../../templates/*.template Ardour2.app/Contents/Resources/share/ardour2/templates/` end # go through and recursively remove any .svn dirs in the bundle svndirs = `find Ardour2.app -name .svn -type dir`.split("\n") svndirs.each do |svndir| `rm -rf #{svndir}` end # make DMG `rm -rf macdist` Dir.mkdir("macdist") `cp -r README.rtf COPYING Ardour2.app macdist/` dmgname = "Ardour-#{version}" `rm -f #{dmgname}.dmg` $stdout.print("\nCreating DMG\n") `hdiutil create -fs HFS+ -volname #{dmgname} -srcfolder macdist #{dmgname}.dmg` $stdout.print("\nDone\n") else # zip up libdir and bindir zipfile = "binlib_"+`uname -p`.strip() + ".zip" $stdout.print("Zipping up #{libdir} and #{bindir} into #{zipfile}...\n") `zip -rq #{zipfile} #{libdir} #{bindir}` $stdout.print("Copy #{zipfile} to other platform's osx_packaging dir and run app_build.rb\nthere to complete universal build.\n") end