/* Copyright (C) 2000 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/convert.h" #include #include #include #include "canvas/canvas.h" #include "canvas/rectangle.h" #include "canvas/debug.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "ardour_dialog.h" #include "global_signals.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "time_axis_view.h" #include "region_view.h" #include "ghostregion.h" #include "selection.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "rgb_macros.h" #include "utils.h" #include "streamview.h" #include "editor_drag.h" #include "editor.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gdk; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Editing; using namespace ArdourCanvas; using Gtkmm2ext::Keyboard; const double trim_handle_size = 6.0; /* pixels */ uint32_t TimeAxisView::button_height = 0; uint32_t TimeAxisView::extra_height = 0; int const TimeAxisView::_max_order = 512; PBD::Signal1 TimeAxisView::CatchDeletion; TimeAxisView::TimeAxisView (ARDOUR::Session* sess, PublicEditor& ed, TimeAxisView* rent, Canvas& /*canvas*/) : AxisView (sess) , controls_table (2, 8) , _name_editing (false) , height (0) , display_menu (0) , parent (rent) , selection_group (0) , _hidden (false) , in_destructor (false) , _size_menu (0) , _canvas_display (0) , _y_position (0) , _editor (ed) , name_entry (0) , control_parent (0) , _order (0) , _effective_height (0) , _resize_drag_start (-1) , _preresize_cursor (0) , _have_preresize_cursor (false) , _ghost_group (0) , _ebox_release_can_act (true) { if (extra_height == 0) { compute_heights (); } _canvas_display = new Group (ed.get_trackview_group (), ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, 0.0)); _canvas_display->hide(); // reveal as needed selection_group = new Group (_canvas_display); selection_group->set_data (X_("timeselection"), (void *) 1); selection_group->hide(); _ghost_group = new Group (_canvas_display); _ghost_group->lower_to_bottom(); _ghost_group->show(); name_label.set_name ("TrackLabel"); name_label.set_alignment (0.0, 0.5); ARDOUR_UI::instance()->set_tip (name_label, _("Track/Bus name (double click to edit)")); Gtk::Entry* an_entry = new Gtk::Entry; Gtk::Requisition req; an_entry->size_request (req); name_label.set_size_request (-1, req.height); delete an_entry; name_hbox.pack_start (name_label, true, true); name_hbox.show (); name_label.show (); controls_table.set_size_request (200); controls_table.set_row_spacings (2); controls_table.set_col_spacings (2); controls_table.set_border_width (2); controls_table.set_homogeneous (true); controls_table.attach (name_hbox, 0, 5, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, 3, 0); controls_table.show_all (); controls_table.set_no_show_all (); HSeparator* separator = manage (new HSeparator()); controls_vbox.pack_start (controls_table, false, false); controls_vbox.show (); //controls_ebox.set_name ("TimeAxisViewControlsBaseUnselected"); controls_ebox.add (controls_vbox); controls_ebox.add_events (Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK| Gdk::BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK| Gdk::POINTER_MOTION_MASK| Gdk::ENTER_NOTIFY_MASK| Gdk::LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK| Gdk::SCROLL_MASK); controls_ebox.set_flags (CAN_FOCUS); /* note that this handler connects *before* the default handler */ controls_ebox.signal_scroll_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TimeAxisView::controls_ebox_scroll), true); controls_ebox.signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TimeAxisView::controls_ebox_button_press)); controls_ebox.signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TimeAxisView::controls_ebox_button_release)); controls_ebox.signal_motion_notify_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TimeAxisView::controls_ebox_motion)); controls_ebox.signal_leave_notify_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TimeAxisView::controls_ebox_leave)); controls_ebox.show (); controls_hbox.pack_start (controls_ebox, true, true); controls_hbox.show (); time_axis_vbox.pack_start (controls_hbox, true, true); time_axis_vbox.pack_end (*separator, false, false); time_axis_vbox.show(); ColorsChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TimeAxisView::color_handler)); GhostRegion::CatchDeletion.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&TimeAxisView::erase_ghost, this, _1), gui_context()); } TimeAxisView::~TimeAxisView() { in_destructor = true; for (list::iterator i = ghosts.begin(); i != ghosts.end(); ++i) { delete *i; } for (list::iterator i = free_selection_rects.begin(); i != free_selection_rects.end(); ++i) { delete (*i)->rect; delete (*i)->start_trim; delete (*i)->end_trim; } for (list::iterator i = used_selection_rects.begin(); i != used_selection_rects.end(); ++i) { delete (*i)->rect; delete (*i)->start_trim; delete (*i)->end_trim; } delete selection_group; selection_group = 0; delete _canvas_display; _canvas_display = 0; delete display_menu; display_menu = 0; delete _size_menu; } void TimeAxisView::hide () { if (_hidden) { return; } _canvas_display->hide (); if (control_parent) { control_parent->remove (time_axis_vbox); control_parent = 0; } _y_position = -1; _hidden = true; /* now hide children */ for (Children::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { (*i)->hide (); } /* if its hidden, it cannot be selected */ _editor.get_selection().remove (this); /* and neither can its regions */ _editor.get_selection().remove_regions (this); Hiding (); } /** Display this TimeAxisView as the nth component of the parent box, at y. * * @param y y position. * @param nth index for this TimeAxisView, increased if this view has children. * @param parent parent component. * @return height of this TimeAxisView. */ guint32 TimeAxisView::show_at (double y, int& nth, VBox *parent) { if (control_parent) { control_parent->reorder_child (time_axis_vbox, nth); } else { control_parent = parent; parent->pack_start (time_axis_vbox, false, false); parent->reorder_child (time_axis_vbox, nth); } _order = nth; if (_y_position != y) { _canvas_display->set_y_position (y); _y_position = y; } _canvas_display->raise_to_top (); _canvas_display->show (); _hidden = false; _effective_height = current_height (); /* now show relevant children */ for (Children::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->marked_for_display()) { ++nth; _effective_height += (*i)->show_at (y + _effective_height, nth, parent); } else { (*i)->hide (); } } return _effective_height; } bool TimeAxisView::controls_ebox_scroll (GdkEventScroll* ev) { switch (ev->direction) { case GDK_SCROLL_UP: if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::ScrollZoomVerticalModifier)) { /* See Editor::_stepping_axis_view for notes on this hack */ Editor& e = dynamic_cast (_editor); if (!e.stepping_axis_view ()) { e.set_stepping_axis_view (this); } e.stepping_axis_view()->step_height (false); return true; } else if (Keyboard::no_modifiers_active (ev->state)) { _editor.scroll_tracks_up_line(); return true; } break; case GDK_SCROLL_DOWN: if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::ScrollZoomVerticalModifier)) { /* See Editor::_stepping_axis_view for notes on this hack */ Editor& e = dynamic_cast (_editor); if (!e.stepping_axis_view ()) { e.set_stepping_axis_view (this); } e.stepping_axis_view()->step_height (true); return true; } else if (Keyboard::no_modifiers_active (ev->state)) { _editor.scroll_tracks_down_line(); return true; } break; default: /* no handling for left/right, yet */ break; } return false; } bool TimeAxisView::controls_ebox_button_press (GdkEventButton* event) { if ((event->button == 1 && event->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS) || Keyboard::is_edit_event (event)) { /* see if it is inside the name label */ if (name_label.is_ancestor (controls_ebox)) { int nlx; int nly; controls_ebox.translate_coordinates (name_label, event->x, event->y, nlx, nly); Gtk::Allocation a = name_label.get_allocation (); if (nlx > 0 && nlx < a.get_width() && nly > 0 && nly < a.get_height()) { begin_name_edit (); _ebox_release_can_act = false; return true; } } } _ebox_release_can_act = true; if (maybe_set_cursor (event->y) > 0) { _resize_drag_start = event->y_root; } return true; } void TimeAxisView::idle_resize (uint32_t h) { set_height (h); } bool TimeAxisView::controls_ebox_motion (GdkEventMotion* ev) { if (_resize_drag_start >= 0) { /* (ab)use the DragManager to do autoscrolling - basically we * are pretending that the drag is taking place over the canvas * (which perhaps in the glorious future, when track headers * and the canvas are unified, will actually be true.) * * First, translate the event coordinates into the canvas * coordinate space that DragManager::motion_handler is * expecting (this requires translation into the *window* * coordinates for the track canvas window, and then conversion * from window to canvas coordinate spaces). * * Then fake a DragManager motion event so that when * maybe_autoscroll asks DragManager for the current pointer * position it will get the correct answers. */ int tx, ty; controls_ebox.translate_coordinates (*_editor.get_track_canvas(), ev->x, ev->y, tx, ty); /* x-axis of track headers is not shared with the canvas, but the y-axis is, so we we can get a valid translation here. */ Duple canvas_coord = _editor.get_track_canvas()->canvas()->window_to_canvas (Duple (tx, ty)); ev->y = (int) floor (canvas_coord.y); _editor.drags()->motion_handler ((GdkEvent *) ev, false); _editor.maybe_autoscroll (false, true, false, ev->y_root < _resize_drag_start); /* now do the actual TAV resize */ int32_t const delta = (int32_t) floor (ev->y_root - _resize_drag_start); _editor.add_to_idle_resize (this, delta); _resize_drag_start = ev->y_root; } else { /* not dragging but ... */ maybe_set_cursor (ev->y); } return true; } bool TimeAxisView::controls_ebox_leave (GdkEventCrossing*) { if (_have_preresize_cursor) { gdk_window_set_cursor (controls_ebox.get_window()->gobj(), _preresize_cursor); _have_preresize_cursor = false; } return true; } bool TimeAxisView::maybe_set_cursor (int y) { /* XXX no Gtkmm Gdk::Window::get_cursor() */ Glib::RefPtr win = controls_ebox.get_window(); if (y > (gint) floor (controls_ebox.get_height() * 0.75)) { /* y-coordinate in lower 25% */ if (!_have_preresize_cursor) { _preresize_cursor = gdk_window_get_cursor (win->gobj()); _have_preresize_cursor = true; win->set_cursor (Gdk::Cursor(Gdk::SB_V_DOUBLE_ARROW)); } return 1; } else if (_have_preresize_cursor) { gdk_window_set_cursor (win->gobj(), _preresize_cursor); _have_preresize_cursor = false; return -1; } return 0; } bool TimeAxisView::controls_ebox_button_release (GdkEventButton* ev) { if (_resize_drag_start >= 0) { if (_have_preresize_cursor) { gdk_window_set_cursor (controls_ebox.get_window()->gobj(), _preresize_cursor); _preresize_cursor = 0; _have_preresize_cursor = false; } _editor.stop_canvas_autoscroll (); _resize_drag_start = -1; } if (!_ebox_release_can_act) { return true; } switch (ev->button) { case 1: selection_click (ev); break; case 3: popup_display_menu (ev->time); break; } return true; } void TimeAxisView::selection_click (GdkEventButton* ev) { Selection::Operation op = ArdourKeyboard::selection_type (ev->state); _editor.set_selected_track (*this, op, false); } /** Steps through the defined heights for this TrackView. * @param coarser true if stepping should decrease in size, otherwise false. */ void TimeAxisView::step_height (bool coarser) { static const uint32_t step = 25; if (coarser) { if (height <= preset_height (HeightSmall)) { return; } else if (height <= preset_height (HeightNormal) && height > preset_height (HeightSmall)) { set_height_enum (HeightSmall); } else { set_height (height - step); } } else { if (height <= preset_height(HeightSmall)) { set_height_enum (HeightNormal); } else { set_height (height + step); } } } void TimeAxisView::set_height_enum (Height h, bool apply_to_selection) { if (apply_to_selection) { _editor.get_selection().tracks.foreach_time_axis (boost::bind (&TimeAxisView::set_height_enum, _1, h, false)); } else { set_height (preset_height (h)); } } void TimeAxisView::set_height (uint32_t h) { if (h < preset_height (HeightSmall)) { h = preset_height (HeightSmall); } time_axis_vbox.property_height_request () = h; height = h; char buf[32]; snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%u", height); set_gui_property ("height", buf); for (list::iterator i = ghosts.begin(); i != ghosts.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_height (); } if (selection_group->visible ()) { /* resize the selection rect */ show_selection (_editor.get_selection().time); } } bool TimeAxisView::name_entry_key_press (GdkEventKey* ev) { /* steal escape, tabs from GTK */ switch (ev->keyval) { case GDK_Escape: case GDK_ISO_Left_Tab: case GDK_Tab: return true; } return false; } bool TimeAxisView::name_entry_key_release (GdkEventKey* ev) { TrackViewList::iterator i; switch (ev->keyval) { case GDK_Escape: end_name_edit (RESPONSE_CANCEL); return true; /* Shift+Tab Keys Pressed. Note that for Shift+Tab, GDK actually * generates a different ev->keyval, rather than setting * ev->state. */ case GDK_ISO_Left_Tab: end_name_edit (RESPONSE_APPLY); return true; case GDK_Tab: end_name_edit (RESPONSE_ACCEPT); return true; default: break; } return false; } bool TimeAxisView::name_entry_focus_out (GdkEventFocus*) { end_name_edit (RESPONSE_OK); return false; } void TimeAxisView::begin_name_edit () { if (name_entry) { return; } if (can_edit_name()) { name_entry = manage (new Gtkmm2ext::FocusEntry); name_entry->set_name ("EditorTrackNameDisplay"); name_entry->signal_key_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TimeAxisView::name_entry_key_press), false); name_entry->signal_key_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TimeAxisView::name_entry_key_release), false); name_entry->signal_focus_out_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TimeAxisView::name_entry_focus_out)); name_entry->set_text (name_label.get_text()); name_entry->signal_activate().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TimeAxisView::end_name_edit), RESPONSE_OK)); if (name_label.is_ancestor (name_hbox)) { name_hbox.remove (name_label); } name_hbox.pack_start (*name_entry); name_entry->show (); name_entry->select_region (0, -1); name_entry->set_state (STATE_SELECTED); name_entry->grab_focus (); name_entry->start_editing (0); } } void TimeAxisView::end_name_edit (int response) { if (!name_entry) { return; } bool edit_next = false; bool edit_prev = false; switch (response) { case RESPONSE_CANCEL: break; case RESPONSE_OK: name_entry_changed (); break; case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: name_entry_changed (); edit_next = true; case RESPONSE_APPLY: name_entry_changed (); edit_prev = true; } /* this will delete the name_entry. but it will also drop focus, which * will cause another callback to this function, so set name_entry = 0 * first to ensure we don't double-remove etc. etc. */ Gtk::Entry* tmp = name_entry; name_entry = 0; name_hbox.remove (*tmp); /* put the name label back */ name_hbox.pack_start (name_label); name_label.show (); if (edit_next) { TrackViewList const & allviews = _editor.get_track_views (); TrackViewList::const_iterator i = find (allviews.begin(), allviews.end(), this); if (i != allviews.end()) { do { if (++i == allviews.end()) { return; } RouteTimeAxisView* rtav = dynamic_cast(*i); if (rtav && rtav->route()->record_enabled()) { continue; } if (!(*i)->hidden()) { break; } } while (true); } if ((i != allviews.end()) && (*i != this) && !(*i)->hidden()) { _editor.ensure_time_axis_view_is_visible (**i); (*i)->begin_name_edit (); } } else if (edit_prev) { TrackViewList const & allviews = _editor.get_track_views (); TrackViewList::const_iterator i = find (allviews.begin(), allviews.end(), this); if (i != allviews.begin()) { do { if (i == allviews.begin()) { return; } --i; RouteTimeAxisView* rtav = dynamic_cast(*i); if (rtav && rtav->route()->record_enabled()) { continue; } if (!(*i)->hidden()) { break; } } while (true); } if ((i != allviews.end()) && (*i != this) && !(*i)->hidden()) { _editor.ensure_time_axis_view_is_visible (**i); (*i)->begin_name_edit (); } } } void TimeAxisView::name_entry_changed () { } bool TimeAxisView::can_edit_name () const { return true; } void TimeAxisView::conditionally_add_to_selection () { Selection& s (_editor.get_selection ()); if (!s.selected (this)) { _editor.set_selected_track (*this, Selection::Set); } } void TimeAxisView::popup_display_menu (guint32 when) { conditionally_add_to_selection (); build_display_menu (); display_menu->popup (1, when); } void TimeAxisView::set_selected (bool yn) { if (yn == _selected) { return; } Selectable::set_selected (yn); if (_selected) { controls_ebox.set_name (controls_base_selected_name); time_axis_vbox.set_name (controls_base_selected_name); controls_vbox.set_name (controls_base_selected_name); } else { controls_ebox.set_name (controls_base_unselected_name); time_axis_vbox.set_name (controls_base_unselected_name); controls_vbox.set_name (controls_base_unselected_name); hide_selection (); /* children will be set for the yn=true case. but when deselecting the editor only has a list of top-level trackviews, so we have to do this here. */ for (Children::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_selected (false); } } } void TimeAxisView::build_display_menu () { using namespace Menu_Helpers; delete display_menu; display_menu = new Menu; display_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); // Just let implementing classes define what goes into the manu } void TimeAxisView::set_samples_per_pixel (double fpp) { for (Children::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_samples_per_pixel (fpp); } } void TimeAxisView::show_timestretch (framepos_t start, framepos_t end, int layers, int layer) { for (Children::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { (*i)->show_timestretch (start, end, layers, layer); } } void TimeAxisView::hide_timestretch () { for (Children::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { (*i)->hide_timestretch (); } } void TimeAxisView::show_selection (TimeSelection& ts) { double x1; double x2; double y2; SelectionRect *rect; for (Children::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { (*i)->show_selection (ts); } if (selection_group->visible ()) { while (!used_selection_rects.empty()) { free_selection_rects.push_front (used_selection_rects.front()); used_selection_rects.pop_front(); free_selection_rects.front()->rect->hide(); free_selection_rects.front()->start_trim->hide(); free_selection_rects.front()->end_trim->hide(); } selection_group->hide(); } selection_group->show(); selection_group->raise_to_top(); for (list::iterator i = ts.begin(); i != ts.end(); ++i) { framepos_t start, end; framecnt_t cnt; start = (*i).start; end = (*i).end; cnt = end - start + 1; rect = get_selection_rect ((*i).id); x1 = _editor.sample_to_pixel (start); x2 = _editor.sample_to_pixel (start + cnt - 1); y2 = current_height(); rect->rect->set (ArdourCanvas::Rect (x1, 1, x2, y2)); // trim boxes are at the top for selections if (x2 > x1) { rect->start_trim->set (ArdourCanvas::Rect (x1, 1, x1 + trim_handle_size, y2)); rect->end_trim->set (ArdourCanvas::Rect (x2 - trim_handle_size, 1, x2, y2)); rect->start_trim->show(); rect->end_trim->show(); } else { rect->start_trim->hide(); rect->end_trim->hide(); } rect->rect->show (); used_selection_rects.push_back (rect); } } void TimeAxisView::reshow_selection (TimeSelection& ts) { show_selection (ts); for (Children::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { (*i)->show_selection (ts); } } void TimeAxisView::hide_selection () { if (selection_group->visible ()) { while (!used_selection_rects.empty()) { free_selection_rects.push_front (used_selection_rects.front()); used_selection_rects.pop_front(); free_selection_rects.front()->rect->hide(); free_selection_rects.front()->start_trim->hide(); free_selection_rects.front()->end_trim->hide(); } selection_group->hide(); } for (Children::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { (*i)->hide_selection (); } } void TimeAxisView::order_selection_trims (ArdourCanvas::Item *item, bool put_start_on_top) { /* find the selection rect this is for. we have the item corresponding to one of the trim handles. */ for (list::iterator i = used_selection_rects.begin(); i != used_selection_rects.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->start_trim == item || (*i)->end_trim == item) { /* make one trim handle be "above" the other so that if they overlap, the top one is the one last used. */ (*i)->rect->raise_to_top (); (put_start_on_top ? (*i)->start_trim : (*i)->end_trim)->raise_to_top (); (put_start_on_top ? (*i)->end_trim : (*i)->start_trim)->raise_to_top (); break; } } } SelectionRect * TimeAxisView::get_selection_rect (uint32_t id) { SelectionRect *rect; /* check to see if we already have a visible rect for this particular selection ID */ for (list::iterator i = used_selection_rects.begin(); i != used_selection_rects.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->id == id) { return (*i); } } /* ditto for the free rect list */ for (list::iterator i = free_selection_rects.begin(); i != free_selection_rects.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->id == id) { SelectionRect* ret = (*i); free_selection_rects.erase (i); return ret; } } /* no existing matching rect, so go get a new one from the free list, or create one if there are none */ if (free_selection_rects.empty()) { rect = new SelectionRect; rect->rect = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (selection_group); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (rect->rect, "selection rect"); rect->rect->set_outline (false); rect->rect->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_canvasvar_SelectionRect()); rect->start_trim = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (selection_group); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (rect->rect, "selection rect start trim"); rect->start_trim->set_outline (false); rect->start_trim->set_fill (false); rect->end_trim = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (selection_group); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (rect->rect, "selection rect end trim"); rect->end_trim->set_outline (false); rect->end_trim->set_fill (false); free_selection_rects.push_front (rect); rect->rect->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (_editor, &PublicEditor::canvas_selection_rect_event), rect->rect, rect)); rect->start_trim->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (_editor, &PublicEditor::canvas_selection_start_trim_event), rect->rect, rect)); rect->end_trim->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (_editor, &PublicEditor::canvas_selection_end_trim_event), rect->rect, rect)); } rect = free_selection_rects.front(); rect->id = id; free_selection_rects.pop_front(); return rect; } struct null_deleter { void operator()(void const *) const {} }; bool TimeAxisView::is_child (TimeAxisView* tav) { return find (children.begin(), children.end(), boost::shared_ptr(tav, null_deleter())) != children.end(); } void TimeAxisView::add_child (boost::shared_ptr child) { children.push_back (child); } void TimeAxisView::remove_child (boost::shared_ptr child) { Children::iterator i; if ((i = find (children.begin(), children.end(), child)) != children.end()) { children.erase (i); } } /** Get selectable things within a given range. * @param start Start time in session frames. * @param end End time in session frames. * @param top Top y range, in trackview coordinates (ie 0 is the top of the track view) * @param bot Bottom y range, in trackview coordinates (ie 0 is the top of the track view) * @param result Filled in with selectable things. */ void TimeAxisView::get_selectables (framepos_t /*start*/, framepos_t /*end*/, double /*top*/, double /*bot*/, list& /*result*/) { return; } void TimeAxisView::get_inverted_selectables (Selection& /*sel*/, list& /*result*/) { return; } void TimeAxisView::add_ghost (RegionView* rv) { GhostRegion* gr = rv->add_ghost (*this); if (gr) { ghosts.push_back(gr); } } void TimeAxisView::remove_ghost (RegionView* rv) { rv->remove_ghost_in (*this); } void TimeAxisView::erase_ghost (GhostRegion* gr) { if (in_destructor) { return; } for (list::iterator i = ghosts.begin(); i != ghosts.end(); ++i) { if ((*i) == gr) { ghosts.erase (i); break; } } } bool TimeAxisView::touched (double top, double bot) { /* remember: this is X Window - coordinate space starts in upper left and moves down. y_position is the "origin" or "top" of the track. */ double mybot = _y_position + current_height(); return ((_y_position <= bot && _y_position >= top) || ((mybot <= bot) && (top < mybot)) || (mybot >= bot && _y_position < top)); } void TimeAxisView::set_parent (TimeAxisView& p) { parent = &p; } void TimeAxisView::reset_height () { set_height (height); for (Children::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_height ((*i)->height); } } void TimeAxisView::compute_heights () { Gtk::Window window (Gtk::WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); Gtk::Table two_row_table (2, 8); Gtk::Table one_row_table (1, 8); Button* buttons[5]; const int border_width = 2; const int separator_height = 2; extra_height = (2 * border_width) + separator_height; window.add (one_row_table); one_row_table.set_border_width (border_width); one_row_table.set_row_spacings (0); one_row_table.set_col_spacings (0); one_row_table.set_homogeneous (true); two_row_table.set_border_width (border_width); two_row_table.set_row_spacings (0); two_row_table.set_col_spacings (0); two_row_table.set_homogeneous (true); for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { buttons[i] = manage (new Button (X_("f"))); buttons[i]->set_name ("TrackMuteButton"); } one_row_table.attach (*buttons[0], 6, 7, 0, 1, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, Gtk::FILL|Gtk::EXPAND, 0, 0); one_row_table.show_all (); Gtk::Requisition req(one_row_table.size_request ()); // height required to show 1 row of buttons button_height = req.height; } void TimeAxisView::color_handler () { for (list::iterator i = ghosts.begin(); i != ghosts.end(); i++) { (*i)->set_colors(); } for (list::iterator i = used_selection_rects.begin(); i != used_selection_rects.end(); ++i) { (*i)->rect->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_canvasvar_SelectionRect()); (*i)->rect->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_canvasvar_Selection()); (*i)->start_trim->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_canvasvar_Selection()); (*i)->start_trim->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_canvasvar_Selection()); (*i)->end_trim->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_canvasvar_Selection()); (*i)->end_trim->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_canvasvar_Selection()); } for (list::iterator i = free_selection_rects.begin(); i != free_selection_rects.end(); ++i) { (*i)->rect->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_canvasvar_SelectionRect()); (*i)->rect->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_canvasvar_Selection()); (*i)->start_trim->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_canvasvar_Selection()); (*i)->start_trim->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_canvasvar_Selection()); (*i)->end_trim->set_fill_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_canvasvar_Selection()); (*i)->end_trim->set_outline_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_canvasvar_Selection()); } } /** @return Pair: TimeAxisView, layer index. * TimeAxisView is non-0 if this object covers y, or one of its children does. * If the covering object is a child axis, then the child is returned. * TimeAxisView is 0 otherwise. * Layer index is the layer number (possibly fractional) if the TimeAxisView is valid * and is in stacked or expanded * region display mode, otherwise 0. */ std::pair TimeAxisView::covers_y_position (double y) { if (hidden()) { return std::make_pair ((TimeAxisView *) 0, 0); } if (_y_position <= y && y < (_y_position + height)) { /* work out the layer index if appropriate */ double l = 0; switch (layer_display ()) { case Overlaid: break; case Stacked: if (view ()) { /* compute layer */ l = layer_t ((_y_position + height - y) / (view()->child_height ())); /* clamp to max layers to be on the safe side; sometimes the above calculation returns a too-high value */ if (l >= view()->layers ()) { l = view()->layers() - 1; } } break; case Expanded: if (view ()) { int const n = floor ((_y_position + height - y) / (view()->child_height ())); l = n * 0.5 - 0.5; if (l >= (view()->layers() - 0.5)) { l = view()->layers() - 0.5; } } break; } return std::make_pair (this, l); } for (Children::const_iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { std::pair const r = (*i)->covers_y_position (y); if (r.first) { return r; } } return std::make_pair ((TimeAxisView *) 0, 0); } uint32_t TimeAxisView::preset_height (Height h) { switch (h) { case HeightLargest: return (button_height * 2) + extra_height + 260; case HeightLarger: return (button_height * 2) + extra_height + 160; case HeightLarge: return (button_height * 2) + extra_height + 60; case HeightNormal: return (button_height * 2) + extra_height + 10; case HeightSmall: return button_height + extra_height; } /* NOTREACHED */ return 0; } /** @return Child time axis views that are not hidden */ TimeAxisView::Children TimeAxisView::get_child_list () { Children c; for (Children::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { if (!(*i)->hidden()) { c.push_back(*i); } } return c; } void TimeAxisView::build_size_menu () { if (_size_menu && _size_menu->gobj ()) { return; } delete _size_menu; using namespace Menu_Helpers; _size_menu = new Menu; _size_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); MenuList& items = _size_menu->items(); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Largest"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TimeAxisView::set_height_enum), HeightLargest, true))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Larger"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TimeAxisView::set_height_enum), HeightLarger, true))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Large"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TimeAxisView::set_height_enum), HeightLarge, true))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Normal"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TimeAxisView::set_height_enum), HeightNormal, true))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Small"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &TimeAxisView::set_height_enum), HeightSmall, true))); } void TimeAxisView::reset_visual_state () { /* this method is not required to trigger a global redraw */ string str = gui_property ("height"); if (!str.empty()) { set_height (atoi (str)); } else { set_height (preset_height (HeightNormal)); } } TrackViewList TrackViewList::filter_to_unique_playlists () { std::set > playlists; TrackViewList ts; for (iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { RouteTimeAxisView* rtav = dynamic_cast (*i); if (!rtav) { /* not a route: include it anyway */ ts.push_back (*i); } else { boost::shared_ptr t = rtav->track(); if (t) { if (playlists.insert (t->playlist()).second) { /* playlist not seen yet */ ts.push_back (*i); } } else { /* not a track: include it anyway */ ts.push_back (*i); } } } return ts; }