/* Copyright (C) 2008 Paul Davis Author: Sakari Bergen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include "ardour/audioregion.h" #include "ardour/export_status.h" #include "ardour/export_handler.h" #include "export_dialog.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "nag.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using std::string; ExportDialog::ExportDialog (PublicEditor & editor, std::string title, ARDOUR::ExportProfileManager::ExportType type) : ArdourDialog (title) , type (type) , editor (editor) , warn_label ("", Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT) , list_files_label (_("Some already existing files will be overwritten."), Gtk::ALIGN_RIGHT) , list_files_button (_("List files")) { } ExportDialog::~ExportDialog () { } void ExportDialog::set_session (ARDOUR::Session* s) { SessionHandlePtr::set_session (s); if (!_session) { return; } /* Init handler and profile manager */ handler = _session->get_export_handler (); status = _session->get_export_status (); profile_manager.reset (new ExportProfileManager (*_session, type)); /* Possibly init stuff in derived classes */ init (); /* Rest of _session related initialization */ preset_selector->set_manager (profile_manager); file_notebook->set_session_and_manager (_session, profile_manager); /* Hand on selection range to profile manager */ TimeSelection const & time (editor.get_selection().time); if (!time.empty()) { profile_manager->set_selection_range (time.front().start, time.front().end); } else { profile_manager->set_selection_range (); } /* Load states */ profile_manager->load_profile (); sync_with_manager (); /* Warnings */ preset_selector->CriticalSelectionChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportDialog::sync_with_manager)); timespan_selector->CriticalSelectionChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportDialog::update_warnings_and_example_filename)); channel_selector->CriticalSelectionChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportDialog::update_warnings_and_example_filename)); file_notebook->CriticalSelectionChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportDialog::update_warnings_and_example_filename)); update_warnings_and_example_filename (); } void ExportDialog::init () { init_components (); init_gui (); /* warnings */ warning_widget.pack_start (warn_hbox, true, true, 6); warning_widget.pack_end (list_files_hbox, false, false, 0); warn_hbox.pack_start (warn_label, true, true, 16); warn_label.set_use_markup (true); list_files_hbox.pack_end (list_files_button, false, false, 6); list_files_hbox.pack_end (list_files_label, false, false, 6); list_files_label.set_use_markup (true); list_files_button.signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportDialog::show_conflicting_files)); /* Progress indicators */ progress_widget.pack_start (progress_bar, false, false, 6); /* Buttons */ cancel_button = add_button (Gtk::Stock::CANCEL, RESPONSE_CANCEL); export_button = add_button (_("Export"), RESPONSE_FAST); set_default_response (RESPONSE_FAST); list_files_button.set_name ("PaddedButton"); cancel_button->signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportDialog::close_dialog)); export_button->signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ExportDialog::do_export)); /* Done! */ show_all_children (); progress_widget.hide_all(); } void ExportDialog::init_gui () { Gtk::Alignment * preset_align = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::Alignment()); preset_align->add (*preset_selector); preset_align->set_padding (0, 12, 0, 0); Gtk::VBox * file_format_selector = Gtk::manage (new Gtk::VBox()); file_format_selector->set_homogeneous (false); file_format_selector->pack_start (*preset_align, false, false, 0); file_format_selector->pack_start (*file_notebook, false, false, 0); file_format_selector->pack_start (*soundcloud_selector, false, false, 0); export_notebook.append_page (*file_format_selector, _("File format")); export_notebook.append_page (*timespan_selector, _("Time Span")); export_notebook.append_page (*channel_selector, _("Channels")); get_vbox()->pack_start (export_notebook, true, true, 0); get_vbox()->pack_end (warning_widget, false, false, 0); get_vbox()->pack_end (progress_widget, false, false, 0); } void ExportDialog::init_components () { preset_selector.reset (new ExportPresetSelector ()); timespan_selector.reset (new ExportTimespanSelectorMultiple (_session, profile_manager)); channel_selector.reset (new PortExportChannelSelector (_session, profile_manager)); soundcloud_selector.reset (new SoundcloudExportSelector ()); file_notebook.reset (new ExportFileNotebook ()); } void ExportDialog::notify_errors (bool force) { if (force || status->errors()) { std::string txt = _("Export has been aborted due to an error!\nSee the Log for details."); Gtk::MessageDialog msg (txt, false, Gtk::MESSAGE_ERROR, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK, true); msg.run(); } } void ExportDialog::close_dialog () { if (status->running) { status->abort(); } hide_all (); set_modal (false); } void ExportDialog::sync_with_manager () { timespan_selector->sync_with_manager(); channel_selector->sync_with_manager(); file_notebook->sync_with_manager (); update_warnings_and_example_filename (); } void ExportDialog::update_warnings_and_example_filename () { /* Reset state */ warn_string = ""; warn_label.set_markup (warn_string); list_files_hbox.hide (); list_files_string = ""; export_button->set_sensitive (true); /* Add new warnings */ boost::shared_ptr warnings = profile_manager->get_warnings(); for (std::list::iterator it = warnings->errors.begin(); it != warnings->errors.end(); ++it) { add_error (*it); } for (std::list::iterator it = warnings->warnings.begin(); it != warnings->warnings.end(); ++it) { add_warning (*it); } if (!warnings->conflicting_filenames.empty()) { list_files_hbox.show (); for (std::list::iterator it = warnings->conflicting_filenames.begin(); it != warnings->conflicting_filenames.end(); ++it) { string::size_type pos = it->find_last_of ("/"); list_files_string += it->substr (0, pos + 1) + "" + it->substr (pos + 1) + "\n"; } } /* Update example filename */ file_notebook->update_example_filenames(); } void ExportDialog::show_conflicting_files () { ArdourDialog dialog (_("Files that will be overwritten"), true); Gtk::Label label ("", Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT); label.set_use_markup (true); label.set_markup (list_files_string); dialog.get_vbox()->pack_start (label); dialog.add_button (Gtk::Stock::OK, 0); dialog.show_all_children (); dialog.run(); } void ExportDialog::soundcloud_upload_progress(double total, double now, std::string title) { soundcloud_selector->do_progress_callback(total, now, title); } void ExportDialog::do_export () { try { profile_manager->prepare_for_export (); handler->upload_username = soundcloud_selector->username(); handler->upload_password = soundcloud_selector->password(); handler->upload_public = soundcloud_selector->upload_public(); handler->upload_open = soundcloud_selector->upload_open(); handler->SoundcloudProgress.connect_same_thread( *this, boost::bind(&ExportDialog::soundcloud_upload_progress, this, _1, _2, _3) ); #if 0 handler->SoundcloudProgress.connect( *this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind(&ExportDialog::soundcloud_upload_progress, this, _1, _2, _3), gui_context() ); #endif handler->do_export (); show_progress (); } catch(std::exception & e) { error << string_compose (_("Export initialization failed: %1"), e.what()) << endmsg; notify_errors(true); } } void ExportDialog::show_progress () { status->running = true; cancel_button->set_label (_("Stop Export")); export_button->set_sensitive (false); progress_bar.set_fraction (0.0); warning_widget.hide_all(); progress_widget.show (); progress_widget.show_all_children (); progress_connection = Glib::signal_timeout().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ExportDialog::progress_timeout), 100); gtk_main_iteration (); while (status->running) { if (gtk_events_pending()) { gtk_main_iteration (); } else { usleep (10000); } } if (!status->aborted()) { NagScreen* ns = NagScreen::maybe_nag (_("export")); if (ns) { ns->nag (); delete ns; } } else { notify_errors (); } status->finish (); } gint ExportDialog::progress_timeout () { std::string status_text; float progress = 0.0; if (status->normalizing) { status_text = string_compose (_("Normalizing '%3' (timespan %1 of %2)"), status->timespan, status->total_timespans, status->timespan_name); progress = ((float) status->current_normalize_cycle) / status->total_normalize_cycles; } else { status_text = string_compose (_("Exporting '%3' (timespan %1 of %2)"), status->timespan, status->total_timespans, status->timespan_name); progress = ((float) status->processed_frames_current_timespan) / status->total_frames_current_timespan; } progress_bar.set_text (status_text); if (progress < previous_progress) { // Work around gtk bug progress_bar.hide(); progress_bar.show(); } previous_progress = progress; progress_bar.set_fraction (progress); return TRUE; } void ExportDialog::add_error (string const & text) { export_button->set_sensitive (false); if (warn_string.empty()) { warn_string = _("Error: ") + text + ""; } else { warn_string = _("Error: ") + text + "\n" + warn_string; } warn_label.set_markup (warn_string); } void ExportDialog::add_warning (string const & text) { if (warn_string.empty()) { warn_string = _("Warning: ") + text + ""; } else { warn_string = warn_string + _("\nWarning: ") + text + ""; } warn_label.set_markup (warn_string); } /*** Dialog specializations ***/ ExportRangeDialog::ExportRangeDialog (PublicEditor & editor, string range_id) : ExportDialog (editor, _("Export Range"), ExportProfileManager::RangeExport), range_id (range_id) {} void ExportRangeDialog::init_components () { preset_selector.reset (new ExportPresetSelector ()); timespan_selector.reset (new ExportTimespanSelectorSingle (_session, profile_manager, range_id)); channel_selector.reset (new PortExportChannelSelector (_session, profile_manager)); soundcloud_selector.reset (new SoundcloudExportSelector ()); file_notebook.reset (new ExportFileNotebook ()); } ExportSelectionDialog::ExportSelectionDialog (PublicEditor & editor) : ExportDialog (editor, _("Export Selection"), ExportProfileManager::SelectionExport) {} void ExportSelectionDialog::init_components () { preset_selector.reset (new ExportPresetSelector ()); timespan_selector.reset (new ExportTimespanSelectorSingle (_session, profile_manager, X_("selection"))); channel_selector.reset (new PortExportChannelSelector (_session, profile_manager)); soundcloud_selector.reset (new SoundcloudExportSelector ()); file_notebook.reset (new ExportFileNotebook ()); } ExportRegionDialog::ExportRegionDialog (PublicEditor & editor, ARDOUR::AudioRegion const & region, ARDOUR::AudioTrack & track) : ExportDialog (editor, _("Export Region"), ExportProfileManager::RegionExport), region (region), track (track) {} void ExportRegionDialog::init_gui () { ExportDialog::init_gui (); export_notebook.set_tab_label_text(*export_notebook.get_nth_page(2), _("Source")); } void ExportRegionDialog::init_components () { string loc_id = profile_manager->set_single_range (region.position(), region.position() + region.length(), region.name()); preset_selector.reset (new ExportPresetSelector ()); timespan_selector.reset (new ExportTimespanSelectorSingle (_session, profile_manager, loc_id)); channel_selector.reset (new RegionExportChannelSelector (_session, profile_manager, region, track)); soundcloud_selector.reset (new SoundcloudExportSelector ()); file_notebook.reset (new ExportFileNotebook ()); } StemExportDialog::StemExportDialog (PublicEditor & editor) : ExportDialog(editor, _("Stem Export"), ExportProfileManager::StemExport) { } void StemExportDialog::init_components () { preset_selector.reset (new ExportPresetSelector ()); timespan_selector.reset (new ExportTimespanSelectorMultiple (_session, profile_manager)); channel_selector.reset (new TrackExportChannelSelector (_session, profile_manager)); soundcloud_selector.reset (new SoundcloudExportSelector ()); file_notebook.reset (new ExportFileNotebook ()); }