#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fst.h" #include #include extern char * strdup (const char *); struct ERect{ short top; short left; short bottom; short right; }; static pthread_mutex_t plugin_mutex; /** Head of linked list of all FSTs */ static FST* fst_first = NULL; const char magic[] = "FST Plugin State v002"; DWORD gui_thread_id = 0; static int gui_quit = 0; #define DELAYED_WINDOW 1 static LRESULT WINAPI my_window_proc (HWND w, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { #if 0 if (msg != WM_TIMER) { fst_error ("window callback handler, msg = 0x%x win=%p\n", msg, w); } #endif switch (msg) { case WM_KEYUP: case WM_KEYDOWN: break; case WM_CLOSE: /* we don't care about windows closing ... */ return 0; break; case WM_DESTROY: case WM_NCDESTROY: /* we don't care about windows being destroyed ... */ return 0; break; default: break; } return DefWindowProcA (w, msg, wp, lp ); } static FST* fst_new () { FST* fst = (FST*) calloc (1, sizeof (FST)); pthread_mutex_init (&fst->lock, NULL); pthread_cond_init (&fst->window_status_change, NULL); pthread_cond_init (&fst->plugin_dispatcher_called, NULL); fst->want_program = -1; fst->want_chunk = 0; fst->current_program = -1; fst->n_pending_keys = 0; fst->has_editor = 0; fst->program_set_without_editor = 0; return fst; } static VSTHandle* fst_handle_new () { VSTHandle* fst = (VSTHandle*) calloc (1, sizeof (VSTHandle)); return fst; } void maybe_set_program (FST* fst) { if (fst->want_program != -1) { if (fst->vst_version >= 2) { fst->plugin->dispatcher (fst->plugin, 67 /* effBeginSetProgram */, 0, 0, NULL, 0); } fst->plugin->dispatcher (fst->plugin, effSetProgram, 0, fst->want_program, NULL, 0); if (fst->vst_version >= 2) { fst->plugin->dispatcher (fst->plugin, 68 /* effEndSetProgram */, 0, 0, NULL, 0); } /* did it work? */ fst->current_program = fst->plugin->dispatcher (fst->plugin, 3, /* effGetProgram */ 0, 0, NULL, 0); fst->want_program = -1; } if (fst->want_chunk == 1) { fst->plugin->dispatcher (fst->plugin, 24 /* effSetChunk */, 1, fst->wanted_chunk_size, fst->wanted_chunk, 0); fst->want_chunk = 0; } } DWORD WINAPI gui_event_loop (LPVOID param) { MSG msg; FST* fst; HMODULE hInst; HWND window; int i; gui_thread_id = GetCurrentThreadId (); /* create a dummy window for timer events */ if ((hInst = GetModuleHandleA (NULL)) == NULL) { fst_error ("can't get module handle"); return 1; } if ((window = CreateWindowExA (0, "FST", "dummy", WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW & ~WS_THICKFRAME & ~WS_MAXIMIZEBOX, 9999, 9999, 1, 1, NULL, NULL, hInst, NULL )) == NULL) { fst_error ("cannot create dummy timer window"); } if (!SetTimer (window, 1000, 20, NULL)) { fst_error ("cannot set timer on dummy window"); } while (!gui_quit) { if (!GetMessageA (&msg, NULL, 0,0)) { if (!gui_quit) { fprintf (stderr, "QUIT message received by Windows GUI thread - ignored\n"); continue; } else { break; } } TranslateMessage( &msg ); DispatchMessageA (&msg); if (msg.message != WM_TIMER) { continue; } pthread_mutex_lock (&plugin_mutex); /* Do things that are appropriate for plugins which have open editor windows: handle window creation requests, destroy requests, and run idle callbacks */ again: for (fst = fst_first; fst; fst = fst->next) { pthread_mutex_lock (&fst->lock); if (fst->has_editor == 1) { if (fst->destroy) { fprintf (stderr, "%s scheduled for destroy\n", fst->handle->name); if (fst->window) { fst->plugin->dispatcher( fst->plugin, effEditClose, 0, 0, NULL, 0.0 ); CloseWindow (fst->window); fst->window = NULL; fst->destroy = FALSE; } fst_event_loop_remove_plugin (fst); fst->been_activated = FALSE; pthread_cond_signal (&fst->window_status_change); pthread_mutex_unlock (&fst->lock); goto again; } if (fst->window == NULL) { if (fst_create_editor (fst)) { fst_error ("cannot create editor for plugin %s", fst->handle->name); fst_event_loop_remove_plugin (fst); pthread_cond_signal (&fst->window_status_change); pthread_mutex_unlock (&fst->lock); goto again; } else { /* condition/unlock: it was signalled & unlocked in fst_create_editor() */ } } if (fst->dispatcher_wantcall) { fst->dispatcher_retval = fst->plugin->dispatcher( fst->plugin, fst->dispatcher_opcode, fst->dispatcher_index, fst->dispatcher_val, fst->dispatcher_ptr, fst->dispatcher_opt ); fst->dispatcher_wantcall = 0; pthread_cond_signal (&fst->plugin_dispatcher_called); } fst->plugin->dispatcher (fst->plugin, effEditIdle, 0, 0, NULL, 0); if (fst->wantIdle) { fst->plugin->dispatcher (fst->plugin, 53, 0, 0, NULL, 0); } /* Dispatch messages to send keypresses to the plugin */ for (i = 0; i < fst->n_pending_keys; ++i) { /* I'm not quite sure what is going on here; it seems `special' keys must be delivered with WM_KEYDOWN, but that alphanumerics etc. must use WM_CHAR or they will be ignored. Ours is not to reason why ... */ if (fst->pending_keys[i].special != 0) { msg.message = WM_KEYDOWN; msg.wParam = fst->pending_keys[i].special; } else { msg.message = WM_CHAR; msg.wParam = fst->pending_keys[i].character; } msg.hwnd = GetFocus (); msg.lParam = 0; DispatchMessageA (&msg); } fst->n_pending_keys = 0; /* See comment for maybe_set_program call below */ maybe_set_program (fst); fst->want_program = -1; fst->want_chunk = 0; } /* If we don't have an editor window yet, we still need to * set up the program, otherwise when we load a plugin without * opening its window it will sound wrong. However, it seems * that if you don't also load the program after opening the GUI, * the GUI does not reflect the program properly. So we'll not * mark that we've done this (ie we won't set want_program to -1) * and so it will be done again if and when the GUI arrives. */ if (fst->program_set_without_editor == 0) { maybe_set_program (fst); fst->program_set_without_editor = 1; } pthread_mutex_unlock (&fst->lock); } pthread_mutex_unlock (&plugin_mutex); } return 0; } int fst_init (void* possible_hmodule) { WNDCLASSEX wclass; HMODULE hInst; if (possible_hmodule) { hInst = (HMODULE) possible_hmodule; } else if ((hInst = GetModuleHandleA (NULL)) == NULL) { fst_error ("can't get module handle"); return -1; } wclass.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); wclass.style = 0; wclass.lpfnWndProc = my_window_proc; wclass.cbClsExtra = 0; wclass.cbWndExtra = 0; wclass.hInstance = hInst; wclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(hInst, "FST"); wclass.hCursor = LoadCursor(0, IDI_APPLICATION); // wclass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); wclass.lpszMenuName = "MENU_FST"; wclass.lpszClassName = "FST"; wclass.hIconSm = 0; if (!RegisterClassExA(&wclass)){ printf( "Class register failed :(\n" ); return -1; } fst_error ("Startup win32 GUI thread\n"); if (CreateThread (NULL, 0, gui_event_loop, NULL, 0, NULL) == NULL) { fst_error ("could not create new thread proxy"); return -1; } #ifdef HAVE_JACK_SET_THREAD_CREATOR jack_set_thread_creator (wine_pthread_create); #endif return 0; } void fst_exit () { gui_quit = 1; PostQuitMessage (0); } int fst_run_editor (FST* fst) { /* wait for the plugin editor window to be created (or not) */ pthread_mutex_lock (&fst->lock); fst->has_editor = 1; if (!fst->window) { pthread_cond_wait (&fst->window_status_change, &fst->lock); } pthread_mutex_unlock (&fst->lock); if (!fst->window) { return -1; } return 0; } int fst_call_dispatcher (FST *fst, int opcode, int index, int val, void *ptr, float opt) { pthread_mutex_lock (&fst->lock); fst->dispatcher_opcode = opcode; fst->dispatcher_index = index; fst->dispatcher_val = val; fst->dispatcher_ptr = ptr; fst->dispatcher_opt = opt; fst->dispatcher_wantcall = 1; pthread_cond_wait (&fst->plugin_dispatcher_called, &fst->lock); pthread_mutex_unlock (&fst->lock); return fst->dispatcher_retval; } int fst_create_editor (FST* fst) { HMODULE hInst; HWND window; struct ERect* er; /* "guard point" to trap errors that occur during plugin loading */ /* Note: fst->lock is held while this function is called */ if (!(fst->plugin->flags & effFlagsHasEditor)) { fst_error ("Plugin \"%s\" has no editor", fst->handle->name); return -1; } if ((hInst = GetModuleHandleA (NULL)) == NULL) { fst_error ("can't get module handle"); return 1; } // if ((window = CreateWindowExA (WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW | WS_EX_TRAYWINDOW, "FST", fst->handle->name, if ((window = CreateWindowExA (0, "FST", fst->handle->name, (WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW & ~WS_THICKFRAME & ~WS_MAXIMIZEBOX), // (WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW & ~WS_MAXIMIZEBOX), 9999,9999,1,1, // CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, NULL, NULL, hInst, NULL)) == NULL) { fst_error ("cannot create editor window"); return 1; } if (!SetPropA (window, "fst_ptr", fst)) { fst_error ("cannot set fst_ptr on window"); } fst->window = window; // fst->xid = (int) GetPropA (window, "__wine_x11_whole_window"); //printf( "effEditOpen......\n" ); fst->plugin->dispatcher (fst->plugin, effEditOpen, 0, 0, fst->window, 0 ); fst->plugin->dispatcher (fst->plugin, effEditGetRect, 0, 0, &er, 0 ); fst->width = er->right-er->left; fst->height = er->bottom-er->top; //printf( "get rect ses... %d,%d\n", fst->width, fst->height ); //SetWindowPos (fst->window, 0, 9999, 9999, er->right-er->left+8, er->bottom-er->top+26, 0); SetWindowPos (fst->window, 0, 9999, 9999, 2, 2, 0); ShowWindow (fst->window, SW_SHOWNA); //SetWindowPos (fst->window, 0, 0, 0, er->right-er->left+8, er->bottom-er->top+26, SWP_NOMOVE|SWP_NOZORDER); fst->xid = (int) GetPropA (window, "__wine_x11_whole_window"); fst->been_activated = TRUE; pthread_cond_signal (&fst->window_status_change); pthread_mutex_unlock (&fst->lock); return 0; } void fst_move_window_into_view (FST* fst) { if (fst->window) { SetWindowPos (fst->window, 0, 0, 0, fst->width, fst->height+24, 0); ShowWindow (fst->window, SW_SHOWNA); } } void fst_destroy_editor (FST* fst) { pthread_mutex_lock (&fst->lock); if (fst->window) { fprintf (stderr, "mark %s for destroy\n", fst->handle->name); fst->destroy = TRUE; //if (!PostThreadMessageA (gui_thread_id, WM_USER, 0, 0)) { //if (!PostThreadMessageA (gui_thread_id, WM_QUIT, 0, 0)) { // fst_error ("could not post message to gui thread"); //} pthread_cond_wait (&fst->window_status_change, &fst->lock); fprintf (stderr, "%s editor destroyed\n", fst->handle->name); fst->has_editor = 0; } pthread_mutex_unlock (&fst->lock); } void fst_event_loop_remove_plugin (FST* fst) { FST* p; FST* prev; for (p = fst_first, prev = NULL; p->next; prev = p, p = p->next) { if (p == fst) { if (prev) { prev->next = p->next; } } } if (fst_first == fst) { fst_first = fst_first->next; } } HMODULE fst_load_vst_library(const char * path) { HMODULE dll; char * full_path; char * envdup; char * vst_path; size_t len1; size_t len2; if ((dll = LoadLibraryA (path)) != NULL) { return dll; } envdup = getenv ("VST_PATH"); if (envdup == NULL) { return NULL; } envdup = strdup (envdup); if (envdup == NULL) { fst_error ("strdup failed"); return NULL; } len2 = strlen(path); vst_path = strtok (envdup, ":"); while (vst_path != NULL) { fst_error ("\"%s\"", vst_path); len1 = strlen(vst_path); full_path = malloc (len1 + 1 + len2 + 1); memcpy(full_path, vst_path, len1); full_path[len1] = '/'; memcpy(full_path + len1 + 1, path, len2); full_path[len1 + 1 + len2] = '\0'; if ((dll = LoadLibraryA (full_path)) != NULL) { break; } vst_path = strtok (NULL, ":"); } free(envdup); return dll; } VSTHandle * fst_load (const char *path) { char* buf; VSTHandle* fhandle; char* period; fhandle = fst_handle_new (); // XXX: Would be nice to find the correct call for this. // if the user does not configure Z: to be / we are doomed :( if (strstr (path, ".dll") == NULL) { buf = (char *) malloc (strlen (path) + 7); if( path[0] == '/' ) { sprintf (buf, "Z:%s.dll", path); } else { sprintf (buf, "%s.dll", path); } fhandle->nameptr = strdup (path); } else { buf = (char *) malloc (strlen (path) + 3); if( path[0] == '/' ) { sprintf (buf, "Z:%s", path); } else { sprintf (buf, "%s", path); } fhandle->nameptr = strdup (path); } fhandle->name = basename (fhandle->nameptr); /* strip off .dll */ if ((period = strrchr (fhandle->name, '.')) != NULL) { *period = '\0'; } if ((fhandle->dll = fst_load_vst_library (buf)) == NULL) { fst_unload (fhandle); return NULL; } if ((fhandle->main_entry = (main_entry_t) GetProcAddress (fhandle->dll, "main")) == NULL) { fst_unload (fhandle); return NULL; } return fhandle; } int fst_unload (VSTHandle* fhandle) { if (fhandle->plugincnt) { return -1; } if (fhandle->dll) { FreeLibrary (fhandle->dll); fhandle->dll = NULL; } if (fhandle->nameptr) { free (fhandle->nameptr); fhandle->name = NULL; } free (fhandle); return 0; } FST* fst_instantiate (VSTHandle* fhandle, audioMasterCallback amc, void* userptr) { FST* fst = fst_new (); pthread_mutex_lock (&plugin_mutex); if (fst_first == NULL) { fst_first = fst; } else { FST* p = fst_first; while (p->next) { p = p->next; } p->next = fst; } pthread_mutex_unlock (&plugin_mutex); if( fhandle == NULL ) { fst_error( "the handle was NULL\n" ); return NULL; } if ((fst->plugin = fhandle->main_entry (amc)) == NULL) { fst_error ("%s could not be instantiated\n", fhandle->name); free (fst); return NULL; } fst->handle = fhandle; fst->plugin->user = userptr; if (fst->plugin->magic != kEffectMagic) { fst_error ("%s is not a VST plugin\n", fhandle->name); free (fst); return NULL; } fst->plugin->dispatcher (fst->plugin, effOpen, 0, 0, 0, 0); //fst->plugin->dispatcher (fst->plugin, effMainsChanged, 0, 0, NULL, 0); fst->vst_version = fst->plugin->dispatcher (fst->plugin, effGetVstVersion, 0, 0, 0, 0); fst->handle->plugincnt++; fst->wantIdle = 0; return fst; } void fst_close (FST* fst) { fst_destroy_editor (fst); fst->plugin->dispatcher (fst->plugin, effMainsChanged, 0, 0, NULL, 0); fst->plugin->dispatcher (fst->plugin, effClose, 0, 0, 0, 0); if (fst->handle->plugincnt) { --fst->handle->plugincnt; } } int fst_get_XID (FST* fst) { return fst->xid; } float htonf (float v) { float result; char * fin = (char*)&v; char * fout = (char*)&result; fout[0] = fin[3]; fout[1] = fin[2]; fout[2] = fin[1]; fout[3] = fin[0]; return result; } #if 0 int fst_load_state (FST * fst, char * filename) { FILE * f = fopen (filename, "rb"); if (f) { char testMagic[sizeof (magic)]; fread (&testMagic, sizeof (magic), 1, f); if (strcmp (testMagic, magic)) { printf ("File corrupt\n"); return FALSE; } char productString[64]; char vendorString[64]; char effectName[64]; char testString[64]; unsigned length; int success; fread (&length, sizeof (unsigned), 1, f); length = htonl (length); fread (productString, length, 1, f); productString[length] = 0; printf ("Product string: %s\n", productString); success = fst_call_dispatcher( fst, effGetProductString, 0, 0, testString, 0 ); if (success == 1) { if (strcmp (testString, productString) != 0) { printf ("Product string mismatch! Plugin has: %s\n", testString); fclose (f); return FALSE; } } else if (length != 0) { printf ("Product string mismatch! Plugin has none.\n", testString); fclose (f); return FALSE; } fread (&length, sizeof (unsigned), 1, f); length = htonl (length); fread (effectName, length, 1, f); effectName[length] = 0; printf ("Effect name: %s\n", effectName); success = fst_call_dispatcher( fst, effGetEffectName, 0, 0, testString, 0 ); if (success == 1) { if (strcmp (testString, effectName) != 0) { printf ("Effect name mismatch! Plugin has: %s\n", testString); fclose (f); return FALSE; } } else if (length != 0) { printf ("Effect name mismatch! Plugin has none.\n", testString); fclose (f); return FALSE; } fread (&length, sizeof (unsigned), 1, f); length = htonl (length); fread (vendorString, length, 1, f); vendorString[length] = 0; printf ("Vendor string: %s\n", vendorString); success = fst_call_dispatcher( fst, effGetVendorString, 0, 0, testString, 0 ); if (success == 1) { if (strcmp (testString, vendorString) != 0) { printf ("Vendor string mismatch! Plugin has: %s\n", testString); fclose (f); return FALSE; } } else if (length != 0) { printf ("Vendor string mismatch! Plugin has none.\n", testString); fclose (f); return FALSE; } int numParam; unsigned i; fread (&numParam, sizeof (int), 1, f); numParam = htonl (numParam); for (i = 0; i < numParam; ++i) { float val; fread (&val, sizeof (float), 1, f); val = htonf (val); pthread_mutex_lock( &fst->lock ); fst->plugin->setParameter( fst->plugin, i, val ); pthread_mutex_unlock( &fst->lock ); } int bytelen; fread (&bytelen, sizeof (int), 1, f); bytelen = htonl (bytelen); if (bytelen) { char * buf = malloc (bytelen); fread (buf, bytelen, 1, f); fst_call_dispatcher( fst, 24, 0, bytelen, buf, 0 ); free (buf); } } else { printf ("Could not open state file\n"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } #endif int fst_save_state (FST * fst, char * filename) { FILE * f = fopen (filename, "wb"); int j; if (f) { int bytelen; int numParams = fst->plugin->numParams; char productString[64]; char effectName[64]; char vendorString[64]; int success; // write header fprintf( f, "\n" ); success = fst_call_dispatcher( fst, effGetProductString, 0, 0, productString, 0 ); if( success == 1 ) { fprintf (f, " \n", productString); } else { printf ("No product string\n"); } success = fst_call_dispatcher( fst, effGetEffectName, 0, 0, effectName, 0 ); if( success == 1 ) { fprintf (f, " \n", effectName); printf ("Effect name: %s\n", effectName); } else { printf ("No effect name\n"); } success = fst_call_dispatcher( fst, effGetVendorString, 0, 0, vendorString, 0 ); if( success == 1 ) { fprintf (f, " \n", vendorString); printf ("Vendor string: %s\n", vendorString); } else { printf ("No vendor string\n"); } if( fst->plugin->flags & 32 ) { numParams = 0; } for (j = 0; j < numParams; ++j) { float val; pthread_mutex_lock( &fst->lock ); val = fst->plugin->getParameter (fst->plugin, j); pthread_mutex_unlock( &fst->lock ); fprintf( f, " \n", j, val ); } if( fst->plugin->flags & 32 ) { printf( "getting chunk...\n" ); void * chunk; bytelen = fst_call_dispatcher( fst, 23, 0, 0, &chunk, 0 ); printf( "got tha chunk..\n" ); if( bytelen ) { if( bytelen < 0 ) { printf( "Chunke len < 0 !!! Not saving chunk.\n" ); } else { char *encoded = g_base64_encode( chunk, bytelen ); fprintf( f, " \n %s\n \n", bytelen, encoded ); g_free( encoded ); } } } fprintf( f, "\n" ); fclose( f ); } else { printf ("Could not open state file\n"); return FALSE; } return TRUE; }