/* Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ardour/bundle.h" #include "ardour/types.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/route.h" #include "ardour/audioengine.h" #include "port_matrix.h" #include "port_matrix_body.h" #include "port_matrix_component.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "utils.h" using namespace std; using namespace Gtk; using namespace ARDOUR; /** PortMatrix constructor. * @param session Our session. * @param type Port type that we are handling. */ PortMatrix::PortMatrix (Window* parent, Session* session, DataType type) : Table (3, 3) , _parent (parent) , _type (type) , _menu (0) , _arrangement (TOP_TO_RIGHT) , _row_index (0) , _column_index (1) , _min_height_divisor (1) , _show_only_bundles (false) , _inhibit_toggle_show_only_bundles (false) , _ignore_notebook_page_selected (false) { set_session (session); _body = new PortMatrixBody (this); _body->DimensionsChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::body_dimensions_changed)); _vbox.pack_start (_vspacer, false, false); _vbox.pack_start (_vnotebook, false, false); _vbox.pack_start (_vlabel, true, true); _hbox.pack_start (_hspacer, false, false); _hbox.pack_start (_hnotebook, false, false); _hbox.pack_start (_hlabel, true, true); _vnotebook.signal_switch_page().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::notebook_page_selected)); _vnotebook.property_tab_border() = 4; _vnotebook.set_name (X_("PortMatrixLabel")); _hnotebook.signal_switch_page().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::notebook_page_selected)); _hnotebook.property_tab_border() = 4; _hnotebook.set_name (X_("PortMatrixLabel")); _vlabel.set_use_markup (); _vlabel.set_alignment (1, 1); _vlabel.set_padding (4, 16); _vlabel.set_name (X_("PortMatrixLabel")); _hlabel.set_use_markup (); _hlabel.set_alignment (1, 0.5); _hlabel.set_padding (16, 4); _hlabel.set_name (X_("PortMatrixLabel")); _body->show (); _vbox.show (); _hbox.show (); _vscroll.show (); _hscroll.show (); _vlabel.show (); _hlabel.show (); _hspacer.show (); _vspacer.show (); _vnotebook.show (); _hnotebook.show (); } PortMatrix::~PortMatrix () { delete _body; delete _menu; } /** Perform initial and once-only setup. This must be called by * subclasses after they have set up _ports[] to at least some * reasonable extent. Two-part initialisation is necessary because * setting up _ports is largely done by virtual functions in * subclasses. */ void PortMatrix::init () { select_arrangement (); /* Signal handling is kind of split into three parts: * * 1. When _ports[] changes, we call setup(). This essentially sorts out our visual * representation of the information in _ports[]. * * 2. When certain other things change, we need to get our subclass to clear and * re-fill _ports[], which in turn causes appropriate signals to be raised to * hook into part (1). * * 3. Assorted other signals. */ /* Part 1: the basic _ports[] change -> reset visuals */ for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { /* watch for the content of _ports[] changing */ _ports[i].Changed.connect (_changed_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PortMatrix::setup, this), gui_context()); /* and for bundles in _ports[] changing */ _ports[i].BundleChanged.connect (_bundle_changed_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PortMatrix::setup, this), gui_context()); } /* Part 2: notice when things have changed that require our subclass to clear and refill _ports[] */ /* watch for routes being added or removed */ _session->RouteAdded.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PortMatrix::routes_changed, this), gui_context()); /* and also bundles */ _session->BundleAdded.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PortMatrix::setup_global_ports, this), gui_context()); /* and also ports */ _session->engine().PortRegisteredOrUnregistered.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PortMatrix::setup_global_ports, this), gui_context()); /* watch for route order keys changing, which changes the order of things in our global ports list(s) */ _session->RouteOrderKeyChanged.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PortMatrix::setup_global_ports, this), gui_context()); /* Part 3: other stuff */ _session->engine().PortConnectedOrDisconnected.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PortMatrix::port_connected_or_disconnected, this), gui_context ()); _hscroll.signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::hscroll_changed)); _vscroll.signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::vscroll_changed)); reconnect_to_routes (); setup (); } /** Disconnect from and reconnect to routes' signals that we need to watch for things that affect the matrix */ void PortMatrix::reconnect_to_routes () { _route_connections.drop_connections (); boost::shared_ptr routes = _session->get_routes (); for (RouteList::iterator i = routes->begin(); i != routes->end(); ++i) { (*i)->processors_changed.connect (_route_connections, invalidator (*this), ui_bind (&PortMatrix::route_processors_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); } } void PortMatrix::route_processors_changed (RouteProcessorChange c) { if (c.type == RouteProcessorChange::MeterPointChange) { /* this change has no impact on the port matrix */ return; } setup_global_ports (); } /** A route has been added to or removed from the session */ void PortMatrix::routes_changed () { reconnect_to_routes (); setup_global_ports (); } /** Set up everything that depends on the content of _ports[] */ void PortMatrix::setup () { /* this needs to be done first, as the visible_ports() method uses the notebook state to decide which ports are being shown */ setup_notebooks (); _body->setup (); setup_scrollbars (); queue_draw (); } void PortMatrix::set_type (DataType t) { _type = t; } void PortMatrix::hscroll_changed () { _body->set_xoffset (_hscroll.get_adjustment()->get_value()); } void PortMatrix::vscroll_changed () { _body->set_yoffset (_vscroll.get_adjustment()->get_value()); } void PortMatrix::setup_scrollbars () { Adjustment* a = _hscroll.get_adjustment (); a->set_lower (0); a->set_upper (_body->full_scroll_width()); a->set_page_size (_body->alloc_scroll_width()); a->set_step_increment (32); a->set_page_increment (128); a = _vscroll.get_adjustment (); a->set_lower (0); a->set_upper (_body->full_scroll_height()); a->set_page_size (_body->alloc_scroll_height()); a->set_step_increment (32); a->set_page_increment (128); } /** Disassociate all of our ports from each other */ void PortMatrix::disassociate_all () { PortGroup::BundleList a = _ports[0].bundles (); PortGroup::BundleList b = _ports[1].bundles (); for (PortGroup::BundleList::iterator i = a.begin(); i != a.end(); ++i) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < (*i)->bundle->nchannels().n_total(); ++j) { for (PortGroup::BundleList::iterator k = b.begin(); k != b.end(); ++k) { for (uint32_t l = 0; l < (*k)->bundle->nchannels().n_total(); ++l) { if (!should_show ((*i)->bundle->channel_type(j)) || !should_show ((*k)->bundle->channel_type(l))) { continue; } BundleChannel c[2] = { BundleChannel ((*i)->bundle, j), BundleChannel ((*k)->bundle, l) }; if (get_state (c) == PortMatrixNode::ASSOCIATED) { set_state (c, false); } } } } } _body->rebuild_and_draw_grid (); } /* Decide how to arrange the components of the matrix */ void PortMatrix::select_arrangement () { uint32_t const N[2] = { count_of_our_type (_ports[0].total_channels()), count_of_our_type (_ports[1].total_channels()) }; /* The list with the most channels goes on left or right, so that the most channel names are printed horizontally and hence more readable. However we also maintain notional `signal flow' vaguely from left to right. Subclasses should choose where to put ports based on signal flowing from _ports[0] to _ports[1] */ if (N[0] > N[1]) { _row_index = 0; _column_index = 1; _arrangement = LEFT_TO_BOTTOM; _vlabel.set_label (_("Sources")); _hlabel.set_label (_("Destinations")); _vlabel.set_angle (90); attach (*_body, 1, 2, 0, 1); attach (_vscroll, 2, 3, 0, 1, SHRINK); attach (_hscroll, 1, 2, 2, 3, FILL | EXPAND, SHRINK); attach (_vbox, 0, 1, 0, 1, SHRINK); attach (_hbox, 1, 2, 1, 2, FILL | EXPAND, SHRINK); set_col_spacing (0, 4); set_row_spacing (0, 4); } else { _row_index = 1; _column_index = 0; _arrangement = TOP_TO_RIGHT; _hlabel.set_label (_("Sources")); _vlabel.set_label (_("Destinations")); _vlabel.set_angle (-90); attach (*_body, 0, 1, 1, 2); attach (_vscroll, 2, 3, 1, 2, SHRINK); attach (_hscroll, 0, 1, 2, 3, FILL | EXPAND, SHRINK); attach (_vbox, 1, 2, 1, 2, SHRINK); attach (_hbox, 0, 1, 0, 1, FILL | EXPAND, SHRINK); set_col_spacing (1, 4); set_row_spacing (1, 4); } } /** @return columns list */ PortGroupList const * PortMatrix::columns () const { return &_ports[_column_index]; } boost::shared_ptr PortMatrix::visible_columns () const { return visible_ports (_column_index); } /* @return rows list */ PortGroupList const * PortMatrix::rows () const { return &_ports[_row_index]; } boost::shared_ptr PortMatrix::visible_rows () const { return visible_ports (_row_index); } void PortMatrix::popup_menu (BundleChannel column, BundleChannel row, uint32_t t) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; delete _menu; _menu = new Menu; _menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); MenuList& items = _menu->items (); BundleChannel bc[2]; bc[_column_index] = column; bc[_row_index] = row; char buf [64]; bool need_separator = false; for (int dim = 0; dim < 2; ++dim) { if (bc[dim].bundle) { Menu* m = manage (new Menu); MenuList& sub = m->items (); boost::weak_ptr w (bc[dim].bundle); bool can_add_or_rename = false; for (DataType::iterator i = DataType::begin(); i != DataType::end(); ++i) { if (should_show (*i)) { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("Add %s %s"), (*i).to_i18n_string(), channel_noun().c_str()); sub.push_back (MenuElem (buf, sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::add_channel_proxy), w, *i))); can_add_or_rename = true; } } if (can_rename_channels (bc[dim].bundle)) { snprintf ( buf, sizeof (buf), _("Rename '%s'..."), escape_underscores (bc[dim].bundle->channel_name (bc[dim].channel)).c_str() ); sub.push_back ( MenuElem ( buf, sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::rename_channel_proxy), w, bc[dim].channel) ) ); can_add_or_rename = true; } if (can_add_or_rename) { sub.push_back (SeparatorElem ()); } if (can_remove_channels (bc[dim].bundle)) { if (bc[dim].channel != -1) { add_remove_option (sub, w, bc[dim].channel); } else { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("Remove all")); sub.push_back ( MenuElem (buf, sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::remove_all_channels), w)) ); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bc[dim].bundle->nchannels().n_total(); ++i) { if (should_show (bc[dim].bundle->channel_type(i))) { add_remove_option (sub, w, i); } } } } if (_show_only_bundles || count_of_our_type (bc[dim].bundle->nchannels()) <= 1) { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("%s all"), disassociation_verb().c_str()); sub.push_back ( MenuElem (buf, sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::disassociate_all_on_channel), w, bc[dim].channel, dim)) ); } else { if (bc[dim].channel != -1) { add_disassociate_option (sub, w, dim, bc[dim].channel); } else { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("%s all"), disassociation_verb().c_str()); sub.push_back ( MenuElem (buf, sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::disassociate_all_on_bundle), w, dim)) ); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bc[dim].bundle->nchannels().n_total(); ++i) { if (should_show (bc[dim].bundle->channel_type(i))) { add_disassociate_option (sub, w, dim, i); } } } } items.push_back (MenuElem (escape_underscores (bc[dim].bundle->name()).c_str(), *m)); need_separator = true; } } if (need_separator) { items.push_back (SeparatorElem ()); } items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Rescan"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::setup_all_ports))); items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Show individual ports"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::toggle_show_only_bundles))); CheckMenuItem* i = dynamic_cast (&items.back()); _inhibit_toggle_show_only_bundles = true; i->set_active (!_show_only_bundles); _inhibit_toggle_show_only_bundles = false; _menu->popup (1, t); } void PortMatrix::remove_channel_proxy (boost::weak_ptr b, uint32_t c) { boost::shared_ptr sb = b.lock (); if (!sb) { return; } remove_channel (BundleChannel (sb, c)); } void PortMatrix::rename_channel_proxy (boost::weak_ptr b, uint32_t c) { boost::shared_ptr sb = b.lock (); if (!sb) { return; } rename_channel (BundleChannel (sb, c)); } void PortMatrix::disassociate_all_on_bundle (boost::weak_ptr bundle, int dim) { boost::shared_ptr sb = bundle.lock (); if (!sb) { return; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < sb->nchannels().n_total(); ++i) { if (should_show (sb->channel_type(i))) { disassociate_all_on_channel (bundle, i, dim); } } } void PortMatrix::disassociate_all_on_channel (boost::weak_ptr bundle, uint32_t channel, int dim) { boost::shared_ptr sb = bundle.lock (); if (!sb) { return; } PortGroup::BundleList a = _ports[1-dim].bundles (); for (PortGroup::BundleList::iterator i = a.begin(); i != a.end(); ++i) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < (*i)->bundle->nchannels().n_total(); ++j) { if (should_show ((*i)->bundle->channel_type(j))) { continue; } BundleChannel c[2]; c[dim] = BundleChannel (sb, channel); c[1-dim] = BundleChannel ((*i)->bundle, j); if (get_state (c) == PortMatrixNode::ASSOCIATED) { set_state (c, false); } } } _body->rebuild_and_draw_grid (); } void PortMatrix::setup_global_ports () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &PortMatrix::setup_global_ports) for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { if (list_is_global (i)) { setup_ports (i); } } } void PortMatrix::setup_all_ports () { if (_session->deletion_in_progress()) { return; } ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &PortMatrix::setup_all_ports) setup_ports (0); setup_ports (1); } void PortMatrix::toggle_show_only_bundles () { if (_inhibit_toggle_show_only_bundles) { return; } _show_only_bundles = !_show_only_bundles; setup (); } pair PortMatrix::max_size () const { pair m = _body->max_size (); m.first += _vscroll.get_width (); m.second += _hscroll.get_height (); return m; } bool PortMatrix::on_scroll_event (GdkEventScroll* ev) { double const h = _hscroll.get_value (); double const v = _vscroll.get_value (); switch (ev->direction) { case GDK_SCROLL_UP: _vscroll.set_value (v - PortMatrixComponent::grid_spacing ()); break; case GDK_SCROLL_DOWN: _vscroll.set_value (v + PortMatrixComponent::grid_spacing ()); break; case GDK_SCROLL_LEFT: _hscroll.set_value (h - PortMatrixComponent::grid_spacing ()); break; case GDK_SCROLL_RIGHT: _hscroll.set_value (h + PortMatrixComponent::grid_spacing ()); break; } return true; } boost::shared_ptr PortMatrix::io_from_bundle (boost::shared_ptr b) const { boost::shared_ptr io = _ports[0].io_from_bundle (b); if (!io) { io = _ports[1].io_from_bundle (b); } return io; } bool PortMatrix::can_add_channel (boost::shared_ptr b) const { return io_from_bundle (b); } void PortMatrix::add_channel (boost::shared_ptr b, DataType t) { boost::shared_ptr io = io_from_bundle (b); if (io) { io->add_port ("", this, t); } } bool PortMatrix::can_remove_channels (boost::shared_ptr b) const { return io_from_bundle (b); } void PortMatrix::remove_channel (ARDOUR::BundleChannel b) { boost::shared_ptr io = io_from_bundle (b.bundle); if (io) { Port* p = io->nth (b.channel); if (p) { io->remove_port (p, this); } } } void PortMatrix::remove_all_channels (boost::weak_ptr w) { boost::shared_ptr b = w.lock (); if (!b) { return; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < b->nchannels().n_total(); ++i) { if (should_show (b->channel_type(i))) { remove_channel (ARDOUR::BundleChannel (b, i)); } } } void PortMatrix::add_channel_proxy (boost::weak_ptr w, DataType t) { boost::shared_ptr b = w.lock (); if (!b) { return; } add_channel (b, t); } void PortMatrix::setup_notebooks () { int const h_current_page = _hnotebook.get_current_page (); int const v_current_page = _vnotebook.get_current_page (); /* for some reason best known to GTK, erroneous switch_page signals seem to be generated when adding or removing pages to or from notebooks, so ignore them */ _ignore_notebook_page_selected = true; remove_notebook_pages (_hnotebook); remove_notebook_pages (_vnotebook); for (PortGroupList::List::const_iterator i = _ports[_row_index].begin(); i != _ports[_row_index].end(); ++i) { HBox* dummy = manage (new HBox); dummy->show (); Label* label = manage (new Label ((*i)->name)); label->set_angle (_arrangement == LEFT_TO_BOTTOM ? 90 : -90); label->show (); _vnotebook.prepend_page (*dummy, *label); } for (PortGroupList::List::const_iterator i = _ports[_column_index].begin(); i != _ports[_column_index].end(); ++i) { HBox* dummy = manage (new HBox); dummy->show (); _hnotebook.append_page (*dummy, (*i)->name); } _ignore_notebook_page_selected = false; _vnotebook.set_tab_pos (POS_LEFT); _hnotebook.set_tab_pos (POS_TOP); if (h_current_page != -1 && _hnotebook.get_n_pages() > h_current_page) { _hnotebook.set_current_page (h_current_page); } else { _hnotebook.set_current_page (0); } if (v_current_page != -1 && _vnotebook.get_n_pages() > v_current_page) { _vnotebook.set_current_page (v_current_page); } else { _vnotebook.set_current_page (0); } if (_hnotebook.get_n_pages() <= 1) { _hbox.hide (); } else { _hbox.show (); } if (_vnotebook.get_n_pages() <= 1) { _vbox.hide (); } else { _vbox.show (); } } void PortMatrix::remove_notebook_pages (Notebook& n) { int const N = n.get_n_pages (); for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) { n.remove_page (); } } void PortMatrix::notebook_page_selected (GtkNotebookPage *, guint) { if (_ignore_notebook_page_selected) { return; } _body->setup (); setup_scrollbars (); queue_draw (); } void PortMatrix::session_going_away () { _session = 0; } void PortMatrix::body_dimensions_changed () { _hspacer.set_size_request (_body->column_labels_border_x (), -1); if (_arrangement == TOP_TO_RIGHT) { _vspacer.set_size_request (-1, _body->column_labels_height ()); _vspacer.show (); } else { _vspacer.hide (); } } boost::shared_ptr PortMatrix::visible_ports (int d) const { PortGroupList const & p = _ports[d]; PortGroupList::List::const_iterator j = p.begin (); int n = 0; if (d == _row_index) { n = p.size() - _vnotebook.get_current_page () - 1; } else { n = _hnotebook.get_current_page (); } int i = 0; while (i != int (n) && j != p.end ()) { ++i; ++j; } if (j == p.end()) { return boost::shared_ptr (); } return *j; } void PortMatrix::add_remove_option (Menu_Helpers::MenuList& m, boost::weak_ptr w, int c) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; boost::shared_ptr b = w.lock (); if (!b) { return; } char buf [64]; snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("Remove '%s'"), escape_underscores (b->channel_name (c)).c_str()); m.push_back (MenuElem (buf, sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::remove_channel_proxy), w, c))); } void PortMatrix::add_disassociate_option (Menu_Helpers::MenuList& m, boost::weak_ptr w, int d, int c) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; boost::shared_ptr b = w.lock (); if (!b) { return; } char buf [64]; snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("%s all from '%s'"), disassociation_verb().c_str(), escape_underscores (b->channel_name (c)).c_str()); m.push_back (MenuElem (buf, sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrix::disassociate_all_on_channel), w, c, d))); } void PortMatrix::port_connected_or_disconnected () { _body->rebuild_and_draw_grid (); } string PortMatrix::channel_noun () const { return _("channel"); } /** @return true if this matrix should show bundles / ports of type \t */ bool PortMatrix::should_show (DataType t) const { return (_type == DataType::NIL || t == _type); } uint32_t PortMatrix::count_of_our_type (ChanCount c) const { if (_type == DataType::NIL) { return c.n_total (); } return c.get (_type); }