/* Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "export_dialog.h" #include "check_mark.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "i18n.h" #define FRAME_SHADOW_STYLE Gtk::SHADOW_IN #define FRAME_NAME "BaseFrame" GdkPixmap* ExportDialog::check_pixmap = 0; GdkPixmap* ExportDialog::check_mask = 0; GdkPixmap* ExportDialog::empty_pixmap = 0; GdkPixmap* ExportDialog::empty_mask = 0; using namespace std; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace sigc; using namespace Gtk; static const gchar *sample_rates[] = { N_("22.05kHz"), N_("44.1kHz"), N_("48kHz"), N_("88.2kHz"), N_("96kHz"), N_("192kHz"), 0 }; static const gchar *src_qualities[] = { N_("best"), N_("fastest"), N_("linear"), N_("better"), N_("intermediate"), 0 }; static const gchar *dither_types[] = { N_("None"), N_("Rectangular"), N_("Shaped Noise"), N_("Triangular"), 0 }; static const gchar* channel_strings[] = { N_("stereo"), N_("mono"), 0 }; static const gchar* cue_file_types[] = { N_("None"), N_("CUE"), N_("TOC"), 0 }; ExportDialog::ExportDialog(PublicEditor& e, AudioRegion* r) : ArdourDialog ("export dialog"), editor (e), format_table (9, 2), format_frame (_("FORMAT")), sample_rate_label (_("SAMPLE RATE")), src_quality_label (_("CONVERSION QUALITY")), dither_type_label (_("DITHER TYPE")), cue_file_label (_("CD MARKER FILE TYPE")), channel_count_label (_("CHANNELS")), header_format_label (_("FILE TYPE")), bitdepth_format_label (_("SAMPLE FORMAT")), endian_format_label (_("SAMPLE ENDIANNESS")), cuefile_only_checkbox (_("EXPORT CD MARKER FILE ONLY")), file_frame (_("EXPORT TO FILE")), file_browse_button (_("Browse")), ok_button (_("Export")), track_selector_button (_("Specific tracks ...")), track_selector (3), master_selector (3) { guint32 n; guint32 len; guint32 maxlen; audio_region = r; session = 0; set_title (_("ardour: export")); set_wmclass (_("ardour_export"), "Ardour"); set_name ("ExportWindow"); add_events (Gdk::KEY_PRESS_MASK|Gdk::KEY_RELEASE_MASK); add (vpacker); vpacker.set_border_width (10); vpacker.set_spacing (10); file_selector = 0; spec.running = false; file_entry.signal_focus_in_event()().connect (ptr_fun (ARDOUR_UI::generic_focus_in_event)); file_entry.signal_focus_out_event()().connect (ptr_fun (ARDOUR_UI::generic_focus_out_event)); file_entry.set_name ("ExportFileNameEntry"); master_selector.set_name ("ExportTrackSelector"); master_selector.set_size_request (-1, 100); master_selector.set_column_min_width (0, 100); master_selector.set_column_min_width (1, 40); master_selector.set_column_auto_resize(1, true); master_selector.set_column_min_width (2, 40); master_selector.set_column_auto_resize(2, true); master_selector.set_column_title (0, _("Output")); master_selector.column_titles_show (); master_selector.set_selection_mode (GTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLE); master_selector.signal_button_press_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &ExportDialog::master_selector_button_press_event)); track_selector.set_name ("ExportTrackSelector"); track_selector.set_size_request (-1, 130); track_selector.set_column_min_width (0, 100); track_selector.set_column_min_width (1, 40); track_selector.set_column_auto_resize(1, true); track_selector.set_column_min_width (2, 40); track_selector.set_column_auto_resize(2, true); track_selector.set_column_title (0, _("Track")); track_selector.column_titles_show (); track_selector.set_selection_mode (GTK_SELECTION_MULTIPLE); track_selector.signal_button_press_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &ExportDialog::track_selector_button_press_event)); check_pixmap = gdk_pixmap_colormap_create_from_xpm_d (NULL, gtk_widget_get_colormap(GTK_WIDGET(track_selector.gobj())), &check_mask, NULL, (gchar**) check_xpm); empty_pixmap = gdk_pixmap_colormap_create_from_xpm_d (NULL, gtk_widget_get_colormap(GTK_WIDGET(track_selector.gobj())), &empty_mask, NULL, (gchar**) empty_xpm); progress_bar.set_show_text (false); progress_bar.set_orientation (GTK_PROGRESS_LEFT_TO_RIGHT); progress_bar.set_name ("ExportProgress"); format_frame.add (format_table); format_frame.set_name (FRAME_NAME); track_scroll.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); master_scroll.set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); vpacker.pack_start (file_frame, false, false); hpacker.set_spacing (5); hpacker.set_border_width (5); hpacker.pack_start (format_frame, false, false); if (!audio_region) { master_scroll.add (master_selector); track_scroll.add (track_selector); master_scroll.set_size_request (220, 100); track_scroll.set_size_request (220, 100); /* we may hide some of these later */ track_vpacker.pack_start (master_scroll, true, true); track_vpacker.pack_start (track_scroll, true, true); track_vpacker.pack_start (track_selector_button, false); hpacker.pack_start (track_vpacker, true, true); } vpacker.pack_start (hpacker, true, true); track_selector_button.set_name ("EditorGTKButton"); track_selector_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &ExportDialog::track_selector_button_click)); vpacker.pack_start (button_box, false, false); vpacker.pack_start (progress_bar, false, false); Gtkmm2ext::set_size_request_to_display_given_text (file_entry, X_("Kg/quite/a/reasonable/size/for/files/i/think"), 5, 8); file_hbox.set_spacing (5); file_hbox.set_border_width (5); file_hbox.pack_start (file_entry, true, true); file_hbox.pack_start (file_browse_button, false, false); file_frame.add (file_hbox); file_frame.set_border_width (5); file_frame.set_name (FRAME_NAME); set_popdown_strings (sample_rate_combo, internationalize(sample_rates)); set_popdown_strings (src_quality_combo, internationalize (src_qualities)); set_popdown_strings (dither_type_combo, internationalize (dither_types)); set_popdown_strings (channel_count_combo, internationalize (channel_strings)); set_popdown_strings (header_format_combo, internationalize ((const char **) sndfile_header_formats_strings)); set_popdown_strings (bitdepth_format_combo, internationalize ((const char **) sndfile_bitdepth_formats_strings)); set_popdown_strings (endian_format_combo, internationalize ((const char **) sndfile_endian_formats_strings)); set_popdown_strings (cue_file_combo, internationalize (cue_file_types)); /* this will re-sensitized as soon as a non RIFF/WAV header format is chosen. */ endian_format_combo.set_sensitive (false); /* determine longest strings at runtime */ const guint32 FUDGE = 10; // Combo's are stupid - they steal space from the entry for the button maxlen = 0; const char *longest = "gl"; string longest_str; for (n = 0; n < SNDFILE_HEADER_FORMATS; ++n) { if ((len = strlen (sndfile_header_formats_strings[n])) > maxlen) { maxlen = len; longest = sndfile_header_formats_strings[n]; } } for (n = 0; n < SNDFILE_BITDEPTH_FORMATS; ++n) { if ((len = strlen (sndfile_bitdepth_formats_strings[n])) > maxlen) { maxlen = len; longest = sndfile_bitdepth_formats_strings[n]; } } for (n = 0; n < SNDFILE_ENDIAN_FORMATS; ++n) { if ((len = strlen (sndfile_endian_formats_strings[n])) > maxlen) { maxlen = len; longest = sndfile_endian_formats_strings[n]; } } longest_str = longest; /* force ascender + descender */ longest_str[0] = 'g'; longest_str[1] = 'l'; Gtkmm2ext::set_size_request_to_display_given_text (*header_format_combo.get_entry(), longest_str.c_str(), 5+FUDGE, 5); // TRANSLATORS: "slereg" is "stereo" with ascender and descender substituted Gtkmm2ext::set_size_request_to_display_given_text (*channel_count_combo.get_entry(), _("slereg"), 5+FUDGE, 5); header_format_combo.set_use_arrows_always (true); bitdepth_format_combo.set_use_arrows_always (true); endian_format_combo.set_use_arrows_always (true); channel_count_combo.set_use_arrows_always (true); src_quality_combo.set_use_arrows_always (true); dither_type_combo.set_use_arrows_always (true); sample_rate_combo.set_use_arrows_always (true); cue_file_combo.set_use_arrows_always (true); header_format_combo.set_value_in_list (true, false); bitdepth_format_combo.set_value_in_list (true, false); endian_format_combo.set_value_in_list (true, false); channel_count_combo.set_value_in_list (true, false); src_quality_combo.set_value_in_list (true, false); dither_type_combo.set_value_in_list (true, false); sample_rate_combo.set_value_in_list (true, false); cue_file_combo.set_value_in_list (true, false); header_format_combo.get_entry()->set_editable (false); bitdepth_format_combo.get_entry()->set_editable (false); endian_format_combo.get_entry()->set_editable (false); channel_count_combo.get_entry()->set_editable (false); src_quality_combo.get_entry()->set_editable (false); dither_type_combo.get_entry()->set_editable (false); sample_rate_combo.get_entry()->set_editable (false); cue_file_combo.get_entry()->set_editable (false); dither_type_label.set_name ("ExportFormatLabel"); sample_rate_label.set_name ("ExportFormatLabel"); src_quality_label.set_name ("ExportFormatLabel"); channel_count_label.set_name ("ExportFormatLabel"); header_format_label.set_name ("ExportFormatLabel"); bitdepth_format_label.set_name ("ExportFormatLabel"); endian_format_label.set_name ("ExportFormatLabel"); cue_file_label.set_name ("ExportFormatLabel"); header_format_combo.get_entry()->set_name ("ExportFormatDisplay"); bitdepth_format_combo.get_entry()->set_name ("ExportFormatDisplay"); endian_format_combo.get_entry()->set_name ("ExportFormatDisplay"); channel_count_combo.get_entry()->set_name ("ExportFormatDisplay"); dither_type_combo.get_entry()->set_name ("ExportFormatDisplay"); src_quality_combo.get_entry()->set_name ("ExportFormatDisplay"); sample_rate_combo.get_entry()->set_name ("ExportFormatDisplay"); cue_file_combo.get_entry()->set_name ("ExportFormatDisplay"); cuefile_only_checkbox.set_name ("ExportCheckbox"); format_table.set_homogeneous (true); format_table.set_border_width (5); format_table.set_col_spacings (5); format_table.set_row_spacings (5); if (!audio_region) { format_table.attach (channel_count_label, 0, 1, 0, 1); format_table.attach (channel_count_combo, 0, 1, 1, 2); } format_table.attach (header_format_label, 1, 2, 0, 1); format_table.attach (header_format_combo, 1, 2, 1, 2); format_table.attach (bitdepth_format_label, 0, 1, 2, 3); format_table.attach (bitdepth_format_combo, 0, 1, 3, 4); format_table.attach (endian_format_label, 1, 2, 2, 3); format_table.attach (endian_format_combo, 1, 2, 3, 4); format_table.attach (sample_rate_label, 0, 1, 4, 5); format_table.attach (sample_rate_combo, 0, 1, 5, 6); format_table.attach (src_quality_label, 1, 2, 4, 5); format_table.attach (src_quality_combo, 1, 2, 5, 6); format_table.attach (dither_type_label, 0, 1, 6, 7); format_table.attach (dither_type_combo, 0, 1, 7, 8); format_table.attach (cue_file_label, 1, 2, 6, 7); format_table.attach (cue_file_combo, 1, 2, 7, 8); format_table.attach (cuefile_only_checkbox, 1, 2, 8, 9); button_box.set_spacing (10); button_box.set_homogeneous (true); cancel_button.add (cancel_label); button_box.pack_start (ok_button, false, true); button_box.pack_start (cancel_button, false, true); ok_button.set_name ("EditorGTKButton"); cancel_button.set_name ("EditorGTKButton"); file_entry.set_name ("ExportFileDisplay"); delete_event.connect (mem_fun(*this, &ExportDialog::window_closed)); ok_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &ExportDialog::do_export)); cancel_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &ExportDialog::end_dialog)); file_browse_button.set_name ("EditorGTKButton"); file_browse_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun(*this, &ExportDialog::initiate_browse)); channel_count_combo.get_popwin()->signal_unmap_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &ExportDialog::channels_chosen)); bitdepth_format_combo.get_popwin()->signal_unmap_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &ExportDialog::bitdepth_chosen)); header_format_combo.get_popwin()->signal_unmap_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &ExportDialog::header_chosen)); sample_rate_combo.get_popwin()->signal_unmap_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &ExportDialog::sample_rate_chosen)); cue_file_combo.get_popwin()->signal_unmap_event().connect (mem_fun(*this, &ExportDialog::cue_file_type_chosen)); } ExportDialog::~ExportDialog() { if (file_selector) { delete file_selector; } } void ExportDialog::connect_to_session (Session *s) { session = s; session->going_away.connect (mem_fun(*this, &Window::hide_all)); switch (session->frame_rate()) { case 22050: sample_rate_combo.get_entry()->set_text (N_("22.05kHz")); break; case 44100: sample_rate_combo.get_entry()->set_text (N_("44.1kHz")); break; case 48000: sample_rate_combo.get_entry()->set_text (N_("48kHz")); break; case 88200: sample_rate_combo.get_entry()->set_text (N_("88.2kHz")); break; case 96000: sample_rate_combo.get_entry()->set_text (N_("96kHz")); break; case 192000: sample_rate_combo.get_entry()->set_text (N_("192kHz")); break; default: sample_rate_combo.get_entry()->set_text (N_("44.1kHz")); break; } src_quality_combo.set_sensitive (false); set_state(); } void ExportDialog::set_state() { XMLNode* node = session->instant_xml(X_("ExportDialog"), session->path()); XMLProperty* prop; if (node) { if ((prop = node->property (X_("sample_rate"))) != 0) { sample_rate_combo.get_entry()->set_text(prop->value()); } if ((prop = node->property (X_("src_quality"))) != 0) { src_quality_combo.get_entry()->set_text(prop->value()); } if ((prop = node->property (X_("dither_type"))) != 0) { dither_type_combo.get_entry()->set_text(prop->value()); } if ((prop = node->property (X_("channel_count"))) != 0) { channel_count_combo.get_entry()->set_text(prop->value()); } if ((prop = node->property (X_("header_format"))) != 0) { header_format_combo.get_entry()->set_text(prop->value()); } if ((prop = node->property (X_("bitdepth_format"))) != 0) { bitdepth_format_combo.get_entry()->set_text(prop->value()); } if ((prop = node->property (X_("endian_format"))) != 0) { endian_format_combo.get_entry()->set_text(prop->value()); } if ((prop = node->property (X_("filename"))) != 0) { file_entry.set_text(prop->value()); } if ((prop = node->property (X_("cue_file_type"))) != 0) { cue_file_combo.get_entry()->set_text(prop->value()); } } header_chosen (0); bitdepth_chosen(0); channels_chosen(0); sample_rate_chosen(0); if (session->master_out()) { track_scroll.hide (); } else { master_scroll.hide (); track_selector_button.hide (); } if (!node) { return; } if (session->master_out()) { XMLNode* master = find_named_node(*node, (X_("Master"))); int nchns; if (!master) { /* default is to use all */ if (channel_count_combo.get_entry()->get_text() == _("mono")) { nchns = 1; } else { nchns = 2; } for (uint32_t r = 0; r < session->master_out()->n_outputs(); ++r) { if (nchns == 2) { if (r % 2) { master_selector.cell (r, 2).set_pixmap (check_pixmap, check_mask); } else { master_selector.cell (r, 1).set_pixmap (check_pixmap, check_mask); } } else { master_selector.cell (r, 1).set_pixmap (check_pixmap, check_mask); } } } else { /* XXX use XML state */ } } XMLNode* tracks = find_named_node(*node, (X_("Tracks"))); if (!tracks) { return; } XMLNodeList track_list = tracks->children(X_("Track")); CList_Helpers::RowIterator ri = track_selector.rows().begin(); uint32_t n = 0; for (XMLNodeIterator it = track_list.begin(); it != track_list.end(); ++it, ++ri, ++n) { if (ri == track_selector.rows().end()) { break; } XMLNode* track = *it; if ((prop = track->property(X_("channel1"))) != 0) { if (prop->value() == X_("on")) { track_selector.cell (n,1).set_pixmap (check_pixmap, check_mask); } else { track_selector.cell (n,1).set_pixmap (empty_pixmap, empty_mask); } } if ((prop = track->property(X_("channel2"))) != 0) { if (prop->value() == X_("on")) { track_selector.cell (n,2).set_pixmap (check_pixmap, check_mask); } else { track_selector.cell (n,2).set_pixmap (empty_pixmap, empty_mask); } } } } void ExportDialog::save_state() { if (!session) { return; } XMLNode* node = new XMLNode(X_("ExportDialog")); node->add_property(X_("sample_rate"), sample_rate_combo.get_entry()->get_text()); node->add_property(X_("src_quality"), src_quality_combo.get_entry()->get_text()); node->add_property(X_("dither_type"), dither_type_combo.get_entry()->get_text()); node->add_property(X_("channel_count"), channel_count_combo.get_entry()->get_text()); node->add_property(X_("header_format"), header_format_combo.get_entry()->get_text()); node->add_property(X_("bitdepth_format"), bitdepth_format_combo.get_entry()->get_text()); node->add_property(X_("endian_format"), endian_format_combo.get_entry()->get_text()); node->add_property(X_("filename"), file_entry.get_text()); node->add_property(X_("cue_file_type"), cue_file_combo.get_entry()->get_text()); XMLNode* tracks = new XMLNode(X_("Tracks")); uint32_t n = 0; for (CList_Helpers::RowIterator ri = track_selector.rows().begin(); ri != track_selector.rows().end(); ++ri, ++n) { XMLNode* track = new XMLNode(X_("Track")); Gdk::Pixmap left_pixmap = track_selector.cell (n, 1).get_pixmap (); track->add_property(X_("channel1"), left_pixmap.gobj() == check_pixmap ? X_("on") : X_("off")); Gdk::Pixmap right_pixmap = track_selector.cell (n, 2).get_pixmap (); track->add_property(X_("channel2"), right_pixmap.gobj() == check_pixmap ? X_("on") : X_("off")); tracks->add_child_nocopy(*track); } node->add_child_nocopy(*tracks); session->add_instant_xml(*node, session->path()); } void ExportDialog::set_range (jack_nframes_t start, jack_nframes_t end) { spec.start_frame = start; spec.end_frame = end; if (!audio_region) { // XXX: this is a hack until we figure out what is really wrong session->request_locate (spec.start_frame, false); } } gint ExportDialog::progress_timeout () { progress_bar.set_percentage (spec.progress); return TRUE; } void* ExportDialog::_export_region_thread (void *arg) { PBD::ThreadCreated (pthread_self(), X_("Export Region")); static_cast(arg)->export_region (); return 0; } void ExportDialog::export_region () { audio_region->exportme (*session, spec); } void frames_to_cd_frames_string (char* buf, jack_nframes_t when, jack_nframes_t fr) { long unsigned int remainder; int mins, secs, frames; mins = when / (60 * fr); remainder = when - (mins * 60 * fr); secs = remainder / fr; remainder -= secs * fr; frames = remainder / (fr / 75); sprintf (buf, " %02d:%02d:%02d", mins, secs, frames); } struct LocationSortByStart { bool operator() (Location *a, Location *b) { return a->start() < b->start(); } }; void ExportDialog::export_toc_file (Locations::LocationList& locations, const string& path) { string filepath = path + ".toc"; ofstream out (filepath.c_str()); long unsigned int last_end_time = spec.start_frame, last_start_time = spec.start_frame; int numtracks = 0; gchar buf[18]; if (!out) { error << string_compose(_("Editor: cannot open \"%1\" as export file for CD toc file"), filepath) << endmsg; return; } out << "CD_DA" << endl; out << "CD_TEXT {" << endl << " LANGUAGE_MAP {" << endl << " 0 : EN" << endl << " }" << endl; out << " LANGUAGE 0 {" << endl << " TITLE \"" << session->name() << "\"" << endl << " }" << endl << "}" << endl; Locations::LocationList::iterator i; Locations::LocationList temp; for (i = locations.begin(); i != locations.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->start() >= spec.start_frame && (*i)->end() <= spec.end_frame && (*i)->is_cd_marker() && !(*i)->is_end()) { temp.push_back (*i); if (!(*i)->is_mark()) { numtracks ++; } } } if (numtracks == 0 ) { /* the user supplied no track markers. we now treat the session as one track.*/ out << endl << "TRACK AUDIO" << endl; out << "COPY" << endl; out << "NO PRE_EMPHASIS" << endl; /* XXX add session properties for catalog etc. (so far only the session name is used) */ out << "CD_TEXT {" << endl << " LANGUAGE 0 {" << endl << " TITLE \"" << session->name() << "\"" << endl; out << " }" << endl << "}" << endl; out << "FILE \"" << path << "\" "; out << "00:00:00 " ; frames_to_cd_frames_string (buf, spec.end_frame - spec.start_frame, session->frame_rate()); out << buf << endl; out << "START 00:00:00" << endl; last_start_time = spec.start_frame; last_end_time = spec.end_frame; } if (temp.size()) { LocationSortByStart cmp; temp.sort (cmp); for (i = temp.begin(); i != temp.end(); ++i) { if (!(*i)->is_mark()) { /*this is a track */ out << endl << "TRACK AUDIO" << endl; if ((*i)->cd_info.find("scms") != (*i)->cd_info.end()) { out << "NO "; } out << "COPY" << endl; if ((*i)->cd_info.find("preemph") != (*i)->cd_info.end()) { out << "PRE_EMPHASIS" << endl; } else { out << "NO PRE_EMPHASIS" << endl; } if ((*i)->cd_info.find("isrc") != (*i)->cd_info.end()) { out << "ISRC \"" << (*i)->cd_info["isrc"] << "\"" << endl; } out << "CD_TEXT {" << endl << " LANGUAGE 0 {" << endl << " TITLE \"" << (*i)->name() << "\"" << endl; if ((*i)->cd_info.find("performer") != (*i)->cd_info.end()) { out << " PERFORMER \"" << (*i)->cd_info["performer"] << "\"" << endl; } if ((*i)->cd_info.find("string_composer") != (*i)->cd_info.end()) { out << " COMPOSER \"" << (*i)->cd_info["string_composer"] << "\"" << endl; } if ((*i)->cd_info.find("isrc") != (*i)->cd_info.end()) { out << " ISRC \""; out << (*i)->cd_info["isrc"].substr(0,2) << "-"; out << (*i)->cd_info["isrc"].substr(2,3) << "-"; out << (*i)->cd_info["isrc"].substr(5,2) << "-"; out << (*i)->cd_info["isrc"].substr(7,5) << "\"" << endl; } out << " }" << endl << "}" << endl; frames_to_cd_frames_string (buf, last_end_time - spec.start_frame, session->frame_rate()); out << "FILE \"" << path << "\" " << buf; frames_to_cd_frames_string (buf, (*i)->end() - last_end_time, session->frame_rate()); out << buf << endl; frames_to_cd_frames_string (buf, (*i)->start() - last_end_time, session->frame_rate()); out << "START" << buf << endl; last_start_time = (*i)->start(); last_end_time = (*i)->end(); } else if ((*i)->start() < last_end_time) { /* this is an index within a track */ frames_to_cd_frames_string (buf, (*i)->start() - last_start_time, session->frame_rate()); out << "INDEX" << buf << endl; } } } } void ExportDialog::export_cue_file (Locations::LocationList& locations, const string& path) { string filepath = path + ".cue"; ofstream out (filepath.c_str()); gchar buf[18]; long unsigned int last_track_end = spec.start_frame; int numtracks = 0, tracknum = 0, indexnum = 0; if (!out) { error << string_compose(_("Editor: cannot open \"%1\" as export file for CD cue file"), filepath) << endmsg; return; } Locations::LocationList::iterator i; Locations::LocationList temp; for (i = locations.begin(); i != locations.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->start() >= spec.start_frame && (*i)->end() <= spec.end_frame && (*i)->is_cd_marker() && !(*i)->is_end()) { temp.push_back (*i); if (!(*i)->is_mark()) { numtracks++; } } } out << "REM Cue file generated by Ardour" << endl; out << "TITLE \"" << session->name() << "\"" << endl; if ((header_format_combo.get_entry()->get_text() == N_("WAV"))) { out << "FILE " << path << " WAVE" << endl; } else { out << "FILE " << path << ' ' << (header_format_combo.get_entry()->get_text()) << endl; } if (numtracks == 0) { /* the user has supplied no track markers. the entire export is treated as one track. */ numtracks++; tracknum++; indexnum = 0; out << endl << "TRACK " << tracknum << " AUDIO" << endl; out << "FLAGS " ; out << "DCP " << endl; /* use the session name*/ if (session->name() != "") { out << "TITLE \"" << session->name() << "\"" << endl; } /* no pregap in this case */ out << "INDEX 00 00:00:00" << endl; indexnum++; out << "INDEX 01 00:00:00" << endl; indexnum++; last_track_end = spec.end_frame; } if (temp.size()) { LocationSortByStart cmp; temp.sort (cmp); for ( i = temp.begin(); i != temp.end(); ++i) { if (!(*i)->is_mark() && ((*i)->start() >= last_track_end)) { /* this is a track and it doesn't start inside another one*/ tracknum++; indexnum = 0; out << endl << "TRACK " << tracknum << " AUDIO" << endl; out << "FLAGS " ; if ((*i)->cd_info.find("scms") != (*i)->cd_info.end()) { out << "SCMS "; } else { out << "DCP "; } if ((*i)->cd_info.find("preemph") != (*i)->cd_info.end()) { out << "PRE"; } out << endl; if ((*i)->cd_info.find("isrc") != (*i)->cd_info.end()) { out << "ISRC " << (*i)->cd_info["isrc"] << endl; } if ((*i)->name() != "") { out << "TITLE \"" << (*i)->name() << "\"" << endl; } if ((*i)->cd_info.find("performer") != (*i)->cd_info.end()) { out << "PERFORMER \"" << (*i)->cd_info["performer"] << "\"" << endl; } if ((*i)->cd_info.find("string_composer") != (*i)->cd_info.end()) { out << "SONGWRITER \"" << (*i)->cd_info["string_composer"] << "\"" << endl; } snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "INDEX %02d", indexnum); out << buf; frames_to_cd_frames_string (buf, last_track_end - spec.start_frame, session->frame_rate()); out << buf << endl; indexnum++; last_track_end = (*i)->end(); } if ((tracknum > 0) && ((*i)->start() < last_track_end)) { /*this is an index and it lies within a track*/ snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "INDEX %02d", indexnum); out << buf; frames_to_cd_frames_string (buf,(*i)->start() - spec.start_frame, session->frame_rate()); out << buf << endl; indexnum++; } } } } void ExportDialog::do_export_cd_markers (const string& path,const string& cuefile_type) { if (cuefile_type == "TOC") { session->locations()->apply (*this, &ExportDialog::export_toc_file, path); } else { session->locations()->apply (*this, &ExportDialog::export_cue_file, path); } } void ExportDialog::do_export () { using namespace CList_Helpers; ok_button.set_sensitive(false); save_state(); if (cue_file_combo.get_entry()->get_text () != _("None")) { do_export_cd_markers (file_entry.get_text(), cue_file_combo.get_entry()->get_text ()); } if (cuefile_only_checkbox.get_active()) { end_dialog (); return; } set_modal (true); spec.path = file_entry.get_text(); spec.progress = 0; spec.running = true; spec.stop = false; spec.port_map.clear(); if (channel_count_combo.get_entry()->get_text() == _("mono")) { spec.channels = 1; } else { spec.channels = 2; } spec.format = 0; spec.format |= sndfile_header_format_from_string (header_format_combo.get_entry()->get_text ()); if ((spec.format & SF_FORMAT_WAV) == 0) { /* RIFF/WAV specifies endianess */ spec.format |= sndfile_endian_format_from_string (endian_format_combo.get_entry()->get_text ()); } spec.format |= sndfile_bitdepth_format_from_string (bitdepth_format_combo.get_entry()->get_text ()); string sr_str = sample_rate_combo.get_entry()->get_text(); if (sr_str == N_("22.05kHz")) { spec.sample_rate = 22050; } else if (sr_str == N_("44.1kHz")) { spec.sample_rate = 44100; } else if (sr_str == N_("48kHz")) { spec.sample_rate = 48000; } else if (sr_str == N_("88.2kHz")) { spec.sample_rate = 88200; } else if (sr_str == N_("96kHz")) { spec.sample_rate = 96000; } else if (sr_str == N_("192kHz")) { spec.sample_rate = 192000; } else { spec.sample_rate = session->frame_rate(); } string src_str = src_quality_combo.get_entry()->get_text(); if (src_str == _("fastest")) { spec.src_quality = SRC_ZERO_ORDER_HOLD; } else if (src_str == _("linear")) { spec.src_quality = SRC_LINEAR; } else if (src_str == _("better")) { spec.src_quality = SRC_SINC_FASTEST; } else if (src_str == _("intermediate")) { spec.src_quality = SRC_SINC_MEDIUM_QUALITY; } else { spec.src_quality = SRC_SINC_BEST_QUALITY; } string dither_str = dither_type_combo.get_entry()->get_text(); if (dither_str == _("None")) { spec.dither_type = GDitherNone; } else if (dither_str == _("Rectangular")) { spec.dither_type = GDitherRect; } else if (dither_str == _("Triangular")) { spec.dither_type = GDitherTri; } else { spec.dither_type = GDitherShaped; } if (!audio_region) { uint32_t n = 0; uint32_t chan=0; Port *last_port = 0; for (RowIterator ri = master_selector.rows().begin(); ri != master_selector.rows().end(); ++ri, ++n) { Port* port = static_cast ((*ri)->get_data ()); if (last_port != port) { chan = 0; } Gdk::Pixmap left_pixmap = master_selector.cell (n, 1).get_pixmap (); if (left_pixmap.gobj() == check_pixmap) { spec.port_map[0].push_back (std::pair(port, chan)); } if (spec.channels == 2) { Gdk::Pixmap right_pixmap = master_selector.cell (n, 2).get_pixmap (); if (right_pixmap.gobj() == check_pixmap) { spec.port_map[1].push_back (std::pair(port, chan)); } } } chan = 0; n = 0; for (RowIterator ri = track_selector.rows().begin(); ri != track_selector.rows().end(); ++ri, ++n) { Port* port = static_cast ((*ri)->get_data ()); if (last_port != port) { chan = 0; } Gdk::Pixmap left_pixmap = track_selector.cell (n, 1).get_pixmap (); if (left_pixmap.gobj() == check_pixmap) { spec.port_map[0].push_back (std::pair(port, chan)); } if (spec.channels == 2) { Gdk::Pixmap right_pixmap = track_selector.cell (n, 2).get_pixmap (); if (right_pixmap.gobj() == check_pixmap) { spec.port_map[1].push_back (std::pair(port, chan)); } } last_port = port; ++chan; } } progress_connection = Main::timeout.connect (mem_fun(*this, &ExportDialog::progress_timeout), 100); cancel_label.set_text (_("Stop Export")); if (!audio_region) { if (session->start_audio_export (spec)) { goto out; } } else { pthread_t thr; pthread_create_and_store ("region export", &thr, 0, ExportDialog::_export_region_thread, this); } gtk_main_iteration (); while (spec.running) { if (gtk_events_pending()) { gtk_main_iteration (); } else { usleep (10000); } } out: progress_connection.disconnect (); end_dialog (); } void ExportDialog::end_dialog () { if (spec.running) { spec.stop = true; while (spec.running) { if (gtk_events_pending()) { gtk_main_iteration (); } else { usleep (10000); } } } session->engine().freewheel (false); hide_all (); if (file_selector) { file_selector->hide_all (); } set_modal (false); ok_button.set_sensitive(true); } void ExportDialog::start_export () { if (session == 0) { return; } /* If it the filename hasn't been set before, use the directory above the current session as a default location for the export. */ if (file_entry.get_text().length() == 0) { string dir = session->path(); string::size_type last_slash; if ((last_slash = dir.find_last_of ('/')) != string::npos) { dir = dir.substr (0, last_slash+1); } file_entry.set_text (dir); } progress_bar.set_percentage (0); cancel_label.set_text (_("Cancel")); show_all (); if (session->master_out()) { track_scroll.hide (); } else { master_scroll.hide (); track_selector_button.hide (); } } gint ExportDialog::header_chosen (GdkEventAny* ignored) { if (sndfile_header_format_from_string (header_format_combo.get_entry()->get_text ()) == SF_FORMAT_WAV) { endian_format_combo.set_sensitive (false); } else { endian_format_combo.set_sensitive (true); } return FALSE; } gint ExportDialog::bitdepth_chosen (GdkEventAny* ignored) { int format = sndfile_bitdepth_format_from_string (bitdepth_format_combo.get_entry()->get_text ()); switch (format) { case SF_FORMAT_PCM_24: case SF_FORMAT_PCM_32: case SF_FORMAT_FLOAT: dither_type_combo.set_sensitive (false); break; default: dither_type_combo.set_sensitive (true); break; } return FALSE; } gint ExportDialog::cue_file_type_chosen (GdkEventAny* ignored) { if (cue_file_combo.get_entry()->get_text () != "None") { cuefile_only_checkbox.set_sensitive (true); } else { cuefile_only_checkbox.set_active (false); cuefile_only_checkbox.set_sensitive (false); } return FALSE; } gint ExportDialog::sample_rate_chosen (GdkEventAny* ignored) { string sr_str = sample_rate_combo.get_entry()->get_text(); jack_nframes_t rate; if (sr_str == N_("22.05kHz")) { rate = 22050; } else if (sr_str == N_("44.1kHz")) { rate = 44100; } else if (sr_str == N_("48kHz")) { rate = 48000; } else if (sr_str == N_("88.2kHz")) { rate = 88200; } else if (sr_str == N_("96kHz")) { rate = 96000; } else if (sr_str == N_("192kHz")) { rate = 192000; } else { rate = session->frame_rate(); } if (rate != session->frame_rate()) { src_quality_combo.set_sensitive (true); } else { src_quality_combo.set_sensitive (false); } return FALSE; } gint ExportDialog::channels_chosen (GdkEventAny* ignored) { bool mono; mono = (channel_count_combo.get_entry()->get_text() == _("mono")); if (mono) { track_selector.set_column_visibility (2, false); track_selector.set_column_title (1, _("Export")); if (session->master_out()) { master_selector.set_column_visibility (2, false); master_selector.set_column_title (1, _("Export")); } } else { track_selector.set_column_visibility (2, true); track_selector.set_column_title (1, _("Left")); track_selector.set_column_title (2, _("Right")); if (session->master_out()) { master_selector.set_column_visibility (2, true); master_selector.set_column_title (1, _("Left")); master_selector.set_column_title (2, _("Right")); } } track_selector.column_titles_show (); track_selector.clear (); master_selector.column_titles_show (); master_selector.clear (); Session::RouteList routes = session->get_routes (); for (Session::RouteList::iterator ri = routes.begin(); ri != routes.end(); ++ri) { Route* route = (*ri); if (route->hidden()) { continue; } for (uint32_t i=0; i < route->n_outputs(); ++i) { list stupid_list; if (route->n_outputs() == 1) { stupid_list.push_back (route->name()); } else { stupid_list.push_back (string_compose("%1: out-%2", route->name(), i+1)); } stupid_list.push_back (""); stupid_list.push_back (""); if (route == session->master_out()) { master_selector.rows().push_back (stupid_list); CList_Helpers::Row row = master_selector.rows().back(); row.set_data (route->output (i)); master_selector.cell (row.get_row_num(), 1).set_pixmap (empty_pixmap, empty_mask); master_selector.cell (row.get_row_num(), 2).set_pixmap (empty_pixmap, empty_mask); } else { track_selector.rows().push_back (stupid_list); CList_Helpers::Row row = track_selector.rows().back(); row.set_data (route->output (i)); track_selector.cell (row.get_row_num(), 1).set_pixmap (empty_pixmap, empty_mask); track_selector.cell (row.get_row_num(), 2).set_pixmap (empty_pixmap, empty_mask); } } } track_selector.select_all (); master_selector.select_all (); return FALSE; } gint ExportDialog::track_selector_button_press_event (GdkEventButton* ev) { gint row, col; if (track_selector.get_selection_info ((int)ev->x, (int)ev->y, &row, &col) == 0) { return FALSE; } gtk_signal_emit_stop_by_name (GTK_OBJECT(track_selector.gobj()), "button_press_event"); Gdk::Pixmap pixmap = track_selector.cell (row,col).get_pixmap (); if (col != 0) { if (pixmap.gobj() == check_pixmap) { track_selector.cell (row,col).set_pixmap (empty_pixmap, empty_mask); } else { track_selector.cell (row,col).set_pixmap (check_pixmap, check_mask); } } return TRUE; } gint ExportDialog::master_selector_button_press_event (GdkEventButton* ev) { gint row, col; if (master_selector.get_selection_info ((int)ev->x, (int)ev->y, &row, &col) == 0) { return FALSE; } gtk_signal_emit_stop_by_name (GTK_OBJECT(master_selector.gobj()), "button_press_event"); if (col != 0) { Gdk::Pixmap pixmap = master_selector.cell (row,col).get_pixmap (); if (pixmap.gobj() == check_pixmap) { master_selector.cell (row,col).set_pixmap (empty_pixmap, empty_mask); } else { master_selector.cell (row,col).set_pixmap (check_pixmap, check_mask); } } return TRUE; } gint ExportDialog::window_closed (GdkEventAny *ignored) { end_dialog (); return TRUE; } void ExportDialog::initiate_browse () { if (file_selector == 0) { file_selector = new FileSelection; file_selector->set_modal (true); file_selector->get_cancel_button()-.signal_clicked().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &ExportDialog::finish_browse), -1)); file_selector->get_ok_button()-.signal_clicked().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &ExportDialog::finish_browse), 1)); file_selector->signal_map_event().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &ExportDialog::change_focus_policy), true)); file_selector->signal_unmap_event().connect (bind (mem_fun(*this, &ExportDialog::change_focus_policy), false)); } file_selector->show_all (); } gint ExportDialog::change_focus_policy (GdkEventAny *ev, bool yn) { Keyboard::the_keyboard().allow_focus (yn); return FALSE; } void ExportDialog::finish_browse (int status) { if (file_selector) { if (status > 0) { string result = file_selector->get_filename(); if (result.length()) { file_entry.set_text (result); } } file_selector->hide_all(); } } void ExportDialog::track_selector_button_click () { if (track_scroll.is_visible ()) { track_scroll.hide (); } else { track_scroll.show_all (); } }