" Tim Mayberry's .vimrc mappings for use with DocBook 4.3. This has been " revised from Vivek Venugopalan's .vimrc which was revised from Dan York's .vimrc " Revised: August 23, 2006 " Used with vim 7.0 " email : mojofunk@gmail.com " MAPPINGS " Like the .vimrc file shown at http://www.vim.org/ I decided to " start all my mappings with a comma. Since I do pretty much all " my work in DocBook, I just started with the letter after the " comma for a DB tag, rather than using something like 'd' to " indicate it was a DB tag (i.e. ',dp' instead of ',p'). If you " want to use other mappings, you may want to change this. " My mappings are currently primarily for easy of entering DB " tags. I haven't yet gotten into changing existing text with mappings. " A side effect of using the comma for mappings is that when you type " a comma in vim, it will now pause and wait for input. If you just hit " the spacebar, you should see a regular old comma appear. " Note: 'imap' = a mapping for 'insert' mode of vim " All of these commands work ONLY when you are in Insert mode " will put a line return in the file. This is purely my style of " entering certain DocBook tags. You may wish to remove some. " After typing the DocBook tag, many of these macros then switch to " vim command mode, reposition the cursor to where I want it to be, " and then re-inter insert mode. You may wish to change where it ends. let mapleader = "," " header and setup info for a book imapdtbk imapbk
12k$bba "Internal subset declaration imapet imaprev 4k$bba "header and setup info for an article. imapdtart imapart
16k$bba "Paragraph formatting imapp k$a " character formatting imapem bba imapes bbla "Special characters imap> > imap< < " links imapul bb3la imaplk bb3la imapx bla " lists " note that 'l2' was created solely to fit intoil andol imapli kk$a imapl2 imapil l2kkk$a imapol l2kkk$a imapve l2 imapvl ve " sections imapsn
kkkk$bla "imaps1 kkkk$bla "imaps2 kkkk$bla "imaps3 kkkk$bla imapch kkkk$bla " media related imapfig
k$bba imapimg kk$bla imapoi k$a " other objects imapti bba imapfo kk$a imapsb imapco bhi imapqt
imapl bba " glossary imapge 6k$bla imapgt bb3la imapgs bba " index imapit k$bba " admonitions imapno k$bba imaptp k$bba imapimp k$bba "imapca k$bba imapw k$bba " computer stuff imapapp bba imapcm bba imapsc k$a imapfn bba imapgb bba imapgl bba imapgm bba imapmb bba imapmc 8ba imapkc 8ba imapkk bba imaprow kk$a imapen k$a " examples imapex $kkba "For preparing FAQs imapfaq
Frequently asked questions
16k$bba imapqd 9k$bba imapqa 5k$bba