/* Copyright (C) 1999-2014 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include /* for snprintf, grrr */ #include #include #include "pbd/failed_constructor.h" #include "pbd/xml++.h" #include "pbd/file_utils.h" #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/stacktrace.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/rgb_macros.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/gtk_ui.h" #include "ardour/filesystem_paths.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "global_signals.h" #include "ui_config.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace PBD; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace ArdourCanvas; static const char* ui_config_file_name = "ui_config"; static const char* default_ui_config_file_name = "default_ui_config"; UIConfiguration* UIConfiguration::_instance = 0; static const double hue_width = 18.0; UIConfiguration::UIConfiguration () : #undef UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE #define UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE(Type,var,name,val) var (name,val), #define CANVAS_FONT_VARIABLE(var,name) var (name), #include "ui_config_vars.h" #include "canvas_vars.h" #undef UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE #undef CANVAS_FONT_VARIABLE _dirty (false), base_modified (false), aliases_modified (false), derived_modified (false), block_save (0) { _instance = this; /* pack all base colors into the configurable color map so that derived colors can use them. */ #undef CANVAS_BASE_COLOR #define CANVAS_BASE_COLOR(var,name,color) base_colors.insert (make_pair (name,color)); #include "base_colors.h" #undef CANVAS_BASE_COLOR #undef CANVAS_COLOR #define CANVAS_COLOR(var,name,base,modifier) relative_colors.insert (make_pair (name, RelativeHSV (base,modifier))); #include "colors.h" #undef CANVAS_COLOR #undef COLOR_ALIAS #define COLOR_ALIAS(var,name,alias) color_aliases.insert (make_pair (name,alias)); #include "color_aliases.h" #undef CANVAS_COLOR load_state(); ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::ColorsChanged.connect (boost::bind (&UIConfiguration::colors_changed, this)); ParameterChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &UIConfiguration::parameter_changed)); /* force GTK theme setting, so that loading an RC file will work */ load_color_theme (); } UIConfiguration::~UIConfiguration () { } void UIConfiguration::colors_changed () { reset_gtk_theme (); /* In theory, one of these ought to work: gtk_rc_reparse_all_for_settings (gtk_settings_get_default(), true); gtk_rc_reset_styles (gtk_settings_get_default()); but in practice, neither of them do. So just reload the current GTK RC file, which causes a reset of all styles and a redraw */ parameter_changed ("ui-rc-file"); } void UIConfiguration::parameter_changed (string param) { _dirty = true; if (param == "ui-rc-file") { load_rc_file (true); } else if (param == "color-file") { load_color_theme (); } else if (param == "base-color") { /* one of many */ base_modified = true; ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::ColorsChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } save_state (); } void UIConfiguration::reset_gtk_theme () { stringstream ss; ss << "gtk_color_scheme = \"" << hex; for (ColorAliases::iterator g = color_aliases.begin(); g != color_aliases.end(); ++g) { if (g->first.find ("gtk_") == 0) { ColorAliases::const_iterator a = color_aliases.find (g->first); const string gtk_name = g->first.substr (4); ss << gtk_name << ":#" << std::setw (6) << setfill ('0') << (color (g->second) >> 8) << ';'; } } ss << '"' << dec << endl; /* reset GTK color scheme */ Gtk::Settings::get_default()->property_gtk_color_scheme() = ss.str(); } UIConfiguration::RelativeHSV UIConfiguration::color_as_relative_hsv (Color c) { HSV variable (c); HSV closest; double shortest_distance = DBL_MAX; string closest_name; BaseColors::iterator f; std::map palette; for (f = base_colors.begin(); f != base_colors.end(); ++f) { /* Do not include any specialized base colors in the palette we use to do comparisons (e.g. meter colors) */ if (f->first.find ("color") == 0) { palette.insert (make_pair (f->first, HSV (f->second))); } } for (map::iterator f = palette.begin(); f != palette.end(); ++f) { double d; HSV fixed (f->second); if (fixed.is_gray() || variable.is_gray()) { /* at least one is achromatic; HSV::distance() will do * the right thing */ d = fixed.distance (variable); } else { /* chromatic: compare ONLY hue because our task is to pick the HUE closest and then compute a modifier. We want to keep the number of hues low, and by computing perceptual distance we end up finding colors that are to each other without necessarily be close in hue. */ d = fabs (variable.h - fixed.h); } if (d < shortest_distance) { closest = fixed; closest_name = f->first; shortest_distance = d; } } /* we now know the closest color of the fixed colors to this variable color. Compute the HSV diff and use it to redefine the variable color in terms of the fixed one. */ HSV delta = variable.delta (closest); /* quantize hue delta so we don't end up with many subtle hues caused * by original color choices */ delta.h = hue_width * (round (delta.h/hue_width)); return RelativeHSV (closest_name, delta); } string UIConfiguration::color_as_alias (Color c) { string closest; double shortest_distance = DBL_MAX; HSV target (c); for (RelativeColors::const_iterator a = relative_colors.begin(); a != relative_colors.end(); ++a) { HSV hsv (a->second.get()); double d = hsv.distance (target); if (d < shortest_distance) { shortest_distance = d; closest = a->first; } } return closest; } void UIConfiguration::map_parameters (boost::function& functor) { #undef UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE #define UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE(Type,var,Name,value) functor (Name); #include "ui_config_vars.h" #undef UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE } int UIConfiguration::load_defaults () { std::string rcfile; int ret = -1; if (find_file (ardour_config_search_path(), default_ui_config_file_name, rcfile) ) { XMLTree tree; info << string_compose (_("Loading default ui configuration file %1"), rcfile) << endmsg; if (!tree.read (rcfile.c_str())) { error << string_compose(_("cannot read default ui configuration file \"%1\""), rcfile) << endmsg; } else { if (set_state (*tree.root(), Stateful::loading_state_version)) { error << string_compose(_("default ui configuration file \"%1\" not loaded successfully."), rcfile) << endmsg; } else { _dirty = false; ret = 0; } } } else { warning << string_compose (_("Could not find default UI configuration file %1"), default_ui_config_file_name) << endmsg; } if (ret == 0) { /* reload color theme */ load_color_theme (false); ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::ColorsChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } return 0; } int UIConfiguration::load_color_theme (bool allow_own) { std::string cfile; string basename; bool found = false; if (allow_own) { basename = "my-"; basename += color_file.get(); basename += ".colors"; if (find_file (ardour_config_search_path(), basename, cfile)) { found = true; } } if (!found) { basename = color_file.get(); basename += ".colors"; if (find_file (ardour_config_search_path(), basename, cfile)) { found = true; } } if (found) { XMLTree tree; info << string_compose (_("Loading color file %1"), cfile) << endmsg; if (!tree.read (cfile.c_str())) { error << string_compose(_("cannot read color file \"%1\""), cfile) << endmsg; return -1; } if (set_state (*tree.root(), Stateful::loading_state_version)) { error << string_compose(_("color file \"%1\" not loaded successfully."), cfile) << endmsg; return -1; } ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::ColorsChanged (); } else { warning << string_compose (_("Color file %1 not found"), basename) << endmsg; } return 0; } int UIConfiguration::store_color_theme () { XMLNode* root; LocaleGuard lg (X_("POSIX")); root = new XMLNode("Ardour"); XMLNode* parent = new XMLNode (X_("RelativeColors")); for (RelativeColors::const_iterator i = relative_colors.begin(); i != relative_colors.end(); ++i) { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode (X_("RelativeColor")); node->add_property (X_("name"), i->first); node->add_property (X_("base"), i->second.base_color); node->add_property (X_("modifier"), i->second.modifier.to_string()); parent->add_child_nocopy (*node); } root->add_child_nocopy (*parent); parent = new XMLNode (X_("ColorAliases")); for (ColorAliases::const_iterator i = color_aliases.begin(); i != color_aliases.end(); ++i) { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode (X_("ColorAlias")); node->add_property (X_("name"), i->first); node->add_property (X_("alias"), i->second); parent->add_child_nocopy (*node); } root->add_child_nocopy (*parent); XMLTree tree; std::string colorfile = Glib::build_filename (user_config_directory(), (string ("my-") + color_file.get() + ".colors")); tree.set_root (root); if (!tree.write (colorfile.c_str())){ error << string_compose (_("Color file %1 not saved"), colorfile) << endmsg; return -1; } return 0; } int UIConfiguration::load_state () { bool found = false; std::string rcfile; if (find_file (ardour_config_search_path(), default_ui_config_file_name, rcfile)) { XMLTree tree; found = true; info << string_compose (_("Loading default ui configuration file %1"), rcfile) << endmsg; if (!tree.read (rcfile.c_str())) { error << string_compose(_("cannot read default ui configuration file \"%1\""), rcfile) << endmsg; return -1; } if (set_state (*tree.root(), Stateful::loading_state_version)) { error << string_compose(_("default ui configuration file \"%1\" not loaded successfully."), rcfile) << endmsg; return -1; } } if (find_file (ardour_config_search_path(), ui_config_file_name, rcfile)) { XMLTree tree; found = true; info << string_compose (_("Loading user ui configuration file %1"), rcfile) << endmsg; if (!tree.read (rcfile)) { error << string_compose(_("cannot read ui configuration file \"%1\""), rcfile) << endmsg; return -1; } if (set_state (*tree.root(), Stateful::loading_state_version)) { error << string_compose(_("user ui configuration file \"%1\" not loaded successfully."), rcfile) << endmsg; return -1; } _dirty = false; } if (!found) { error << _("could not find any ui configuration file, canvas will look broken.") << endmsg; } return 0; } int UIConfiguration::save_state() { if (_dirty) { std::string rcfile = Glib::build_filename (user_config_directory(), ui_config_file_name); XMLTree tree; tree.set_root (&get_state()); if (!tree.write (rcfile.c_str())){ error << string_compose (_("Config file %1 not saved"), rcfile) << endmsg; return -1; } _dirty = false; } if (base_modified || aliases_modified || derived_modified) { if (store_color_theme ()) { error << string_compose (_("Color file %1 not saved"), color_file.get()) << endmsg; return -1; } base_modified = false; aliases_modified = false; derived_modified = false; } return 0; } XMLNode& UIConfiguration::get_state () { XMLNode* root; LocaleGuard lg (X_("POSIX")); root = new XMLNode("Ardour"); root->add_child_nocopy (get_variables ("UI")); root->add_child_nocopy (get_variables ("Canvas")); if (_extra_xml) { root->add_child_copy (*_extra_xml); } return *root; } XMLNode& UIConfiguration::get_variables (std::string which_node) { XMLNode* node; LocaleGuard lg (X_("POSIX")); node = new XMLNode (which_node); #undef UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE #undef CANVAS_FONT_VARIABLE #define UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE(Type,var,Name,value) if (node->name() == "UI") { var.add_to_node (*node); } #define CANVAS_FONT_VARIABLE(var,Name) if (node->name() == "Canvas") { var.add_to_node (*node); } #include "ui_config_vars.h" #include "canvas_vars.h" #undef UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE #undef CANVAS_FONT_VARIABLE return *node; } int UIConfiguration::set_state (const XMLNode& root, int /*version*/) { /* this can load a generic UI configuration file or a colors file */ if (root.name() != "Ardour") { return -1; } Stateful::save_extra_xml (root); XMLNodeList nlist = root.children(); XMLNodeConstIterator niter; XMLNode *node; for (niter = nlist.begin(); niter != nlist.end(); ++niter) { node = *niter; if (node->name() == "Canvas" || node->name() == "UI") { set_variables (*node); } } XMLNode* base = find_named_node (root, X_("BaseColors")); if (base) { load_base_colors (*base); } XMLNode* relative = find_named_node (root, X_("RelativeColors")); if (relative) { load_relative_colors (*relative); } XMLNode* aliases = find_named_node (root, X_("ColorAliases")); if (aliases) { load_color_aliases (*aliases); } return 0; } void UIConfiguration::load_base_colors (XMLNode const &) { } void UIConfiguration::load_color_aliases (XMLNode const & node) { XMLNodeList const nlist = node.children(); XMLNodeConstIterator niter; XMLProperty const *name; XMLProperty const *alias; color_aliases.clear (); for (niter = nlist.begin(); niter != nlist.end(); ++niter) { if ((*niter)->name() != X_("ColorAlias")) { continue; } name = (*niter)->property (X_("name")); alias = (*niter)->property (X_("alias")); if (name && alias) { color_aliases.insert (make_pair (name->value(), alias->value())); } } cerr << "Color alias table contains " << color_aliases.size() << endl; } void UIConfiguration::load_relative_colors (XMLNode const & node) { XMLNodeList const nlist = node.children(); XMLNodeConstIterator niter; XMLProperty const *name; XMLProperty const *base; XMLProperty const *modifier; relative_colors.clear (); for (niter = nlist.begin(); niter != nlist.end(); ++niter) { if ((*niter)->name() != X_("RelativeColor")) { continue; } name = (*niter)->property (X_("name")); base = (*niter)->property (X_("base")); modifier = (*niter)->property (X_("modifier")); if (name && base && modifier) { RelativeHSV rhsv (base->value(), HSV (modifier->value())); relative_colors.insert (make_pair (name->value(), rhsv)); } } } void UIConfiguration::set_variables (const XMLNode& node) { #undef UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE #define UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE(Type,var,name,val) if (var.set_from_node (node)) { ParameterChanged (name); } #define CANVAS_FONT_VARIABLE(var,name) if (var.set_from_node (node)) { ParameterChanged (name); } #include "ui_config_vars.h" #include "canvas_vars.h" #undef UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE #undef CANVAS_FONT_VARIABLE } ArdourCanvas::Color UIConfiguration::base_color_by_name (const std::string& name) const { BaseColors::const_iterator i = base_colors.find (name); if (i != base_colors.end()) { return i->second; } cerr << string_compose (_("Base Color %1 not found"), name) << endl; return RGBA_TO_UINT (g_random_int()%256,g_random_int()%256,g_random_int()%256,0xff); } ArdourCanvas::Color UIConfiguration::color (const std::string& name, bool* failed) const { map::const_iterator e = color_aliases.find (name); if (failed) { *failed = false; } if (e != color_aliases.end ()) { map::const_iterator rc = relative_colors.find (e->second); if (rc != relative_colors.end()) { return rc->second.get(); } } else { /* not an alias, try directly */ map::const_iterator rc = relative_colors.find (name); if (rc != relative_colors.end()) { return rc->second.get(); } } if (!failed) { /* only show this message if the caller wasn't interested in the fail status. */ cerr << string_compose (_("Color %1 not found"), name) << endl; } if (failed) { *failed = true; } return rgba_to_color ((g_random_int()%256)/255.0, (g_random_int()%256)/255.0, (g_random_int()%256)/255.0, 0xff); } ArdourCanvas::HSV UIConfiguration::RelativeHSV::get() const { HSV base (UIConfiguration::instance()->base_color_by_name (base_color)); /* this operation is a little wierd. because of the way we originally * computed the alpha specification for the modifiers used here * we need to reset base's alpha to zero before adding the modifier. */ HSV self (base + modifier); if (quantized_hue >= 0.0) { self.h = quantized_hue; } return self; } Color UIConfiguration::quantized (Color c) const { HSV hsv (c); hsv.h = hue_width * (round (hsv.h/hue_width)); return hsv.color (); } void UIConfiguration::set_base (string const& name, ArdourCanvas::Color color) { BaseColors::iterator i = base_colors.find (name); if (i == base_colors.end()) { return; } i->second = color; base_modified = true; ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::ColorsChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } void UIConfiguration::set_relative (const string& name, const RelativeHSV& rhsv) { RelativeColors::iterator i = relative_colors.find (name); if (i == relative_colors.end()) { return; } i->second = rhsv; derived_modified = true; ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::ColorsChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } void UIConfiguration::set_alias (string const & name, string const & alias) { ColorAliases::iterator i = color_aliases.find (name); if (i == color_aliases.end()) { return; } i->second = alias; aliases_modified = true; ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::ColorsChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } void UIConfiguration::load_rc_file (bool themechange, bool allow_own) { string basename = ui_rc_file.get(); std::string rc_file_path; if (!find_file (ardour_config_search_path(), basename, rc_file_path)) { warning << string_compose (_("Unable to find UI style file %1 in search path %2. %3 will look strange"), basename, ardour_config_search_path().to_string(), PROGRAM_NAME) << endmsg; return; } info << "Loading ui configuration file " << rc_file_path << endmsg; Gtkmm2ext::UI::instance()->load_rcfile (rc_file_path, themechange); } std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream& o, const UIConfiguration::RelativeHSV& rhsv) { return o << rhsv.base_color << " + HSV(" << rhsv.modifier << ")"; }