ardour { ["type"] = "dsp", name = "Pong", category = "Toy", license = "MIT", author = "Ardour Lua Task Force", description = [[A console classic for your console]] } -- return possible i/o configurations function dsp_ioconfig () -- -1, -1 = any number of channels as long as input and output count matches return { [1] = { audio_in = -1, audio_out = -1}, } end -- control port(s) function dsp_params () return { { ["type"] = "input", name = "Bar", min = 0, max = 1, default = 0.5 }, { ["type"] = "input", name = "Reset", min = 0, max = 1, default = 0, toggled = true }, { ["type"] = "input", name = "Difficulty", min = 1, max = 10, default = 3}, } end -- Game State (for this instance) -- NOTE: these variables are for the DSP part (not shared with the GUI instance) local sample_rate -- sample-rate local fps -- audio samples per game-step local game_time -- counts up to fps local game_score local ball_x, ball_y -- ball position [0..1] local dx, dy -- current ball speed local lost_sound -- audio-sample counter for game-over [0..3*fps] local ping_sound -- audio-sample counter for ping-sound [0..fps] local ping_phase -- ping note phase-difference per sample local ping_pitch function dsp_init (rate) -- allocate a "shared memory" area to transfer state to the GUI self:shmem ():allocate (3) self:shmem ():clear () -- initialize some variables sample_rate = rate fps = rate / 25 ping_pitch = 752 / rate ball_x = 0.5 ball_y = 0 dx = 0.00367 dy = 0.01063 game_score = 0 game_time = fps -- start the ball immediately (notify GUI) ping_sound = fps -- set to end of synth cycle lost_sound = 3 * fps end function queue_beep () -- queue 'ping' sound (unless one is already playing to prevent clicks) if (ping_sound >= fps) then -- major scale, 2 octaves local scale = { 0, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24 } local midi_note = 60 + scale[1 + math.floor (math.random () * 14)] ping_pitch = (440 / 32) * 2^((midi_note - 10.0) / 12.0) / sample_rate ping_sound = 0 ping_phase = 0 end end -- callback: process "n_samples" of audio -- ins, outs are -- pointers to the audio buffers function dsp_run (ins, outs, n_samples) local ctrl = CtrlPorts:array () -- get control port array (read/write) local changed = false -- flag to notify GUI on every game-step game_time = game_time + n_samples -- reset (allow to write automation from a given start-point) -- ctrl[2] corresponds to the "Reset" input control if ctrl[2] > 0 then game_time = 0 ball_x = 0.5 ball_y = 0 dx = 0.00367 dy = 0.01063 game_score = 0 end -- simple game engine while game_time > fps and ctrl[2] <= 0 do changed = true game_time = game_time - fps -- move the ball ball_x = ball_x + dx * ctrl[3] ball_y = ball_y + dy * ctrl[3] -- reflect left/right if ball_x >= 1 or ball_x <= 0 then dx = -dx queue_beep () end -- single player (reflect top) -- TODO "stereo" version, 2 ctrls :) if ball_y <= 0 then dy = - dy y = 0 queue_beep () end -- keep the ball in the field at all times if ball_x >= 1 then ball_x = 1 end if ball_x <= 0 then ball_x = 0 end -- bottom edge if ball_y > 1 then local bar = ctrl[1] -- get bar position if math.abs (bar - ball_x) < 0.1 then -- reflect the ball dy = - dy ball_y = 1.0 dx = dx - 0.04 * (bar - ball_x) -- make sure it's moving (not stuck on borders) if math.abs (dx) < 0.0001 then dx = 0.0001 end game_score = game_score + 1 queue_beep () else -- game over, reset game lost_sound = 0 -- re-start noise ball_y = 0 game_score = 0 dx = 0.00367 end end end -- forward audio if processing is not in-place for c = 1,#outs do -- check if output and input buffers for this channel are identical -- if ins[c] ~= outs[c] then -- fast (accelerated) copy -- ARDOUR.DSP.copy_vector (outs[c], ins[c], n_samples) end end -- simple synth -- TODO Optimize if ping_sound < fps then -- cache audio data buffers for direct access, later local abufs = {} for c = 1,#outs do abufs[c] = outs[c]:array() end -- simple sine synth with a sine-envelope for s = 1, n_samples do ping_sound = ping_sound + 1 ping_phase = ping_phase + ping_pitch local snd = 0.7 * math.sin(6.283185307 * ping_phase) * math.sin (3.141592 * ping_sound / fps) -- add synthesized sound to all channels for c = 1,#outs do abufs[c][s] = abufs[c][s] + snd end -- break out of the loop when the sound finished if ping_sound >= fps then goto ping_end end end ::ping_end:: end if lost_sound < 3 * fps then local abufs = {} for c = 1,#outs do abufs[c] = outs[c]:array() end for s = 1, n_samples do lost_sound = lost_sound + 1 -- -12dBFS white noise local snd = 0.5 * (math.random () - 0.5) for c = 1,#outs do abufs[c][s] = abufs[c][s] + snd end if lost_sound >= 3 * fps then goto noise_end end end ::noise_end:: end if changed then -- notify the GUI local shmem = self:shmem () -- get the shared memory region local state = shmem:to_float (0):array () -- "cast" into lua-table -- update data.. state[1] = ball_x state[2] = ball_y state[3] = game_score -- ..and wake up the UI self:queue_draw () end end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- inline display local txt = nil -- cache font description (in GUI context) function render_inline (ctx, w, max_h) local ctrl = CtrlPorts:array () -- control port array local shmem = self:shmem () -- shared memory region (game state from DSP) local state = shmem:to_float (0):array () -- cast to lua-table if (w > max_h) then h = max_h else h = w end -- prepare text rendering if not txt then -- allocate PangoLayout and set font -- txt = Cairo.PangoLayout (ctx, "Mono 10px") end -- ctx is-a -- 2D vector graphics -- clear background ctx:rectangle (0, 0, w, h) ctx:set_source_rgba (.2, .2, .2, 1.0) ctx:fill () -- print the current score if (state[3] > 0) then txt:set_text (string.format ("%.0f", state[3])); local tw, th = txt:get_pixel_size () ctx:set_source_rgba (1, 1, 1, 1.0) ctx:move_to (w - tw - 3, 3) txt:show_in_cairo_context (ctx) end -- prepare line and dot rendering ctx:set_line_cap (Cairo.LineCap.Round) ctx:set_line_width (3.0) ctx:set_source_rgba (.8, .8, .8, 1.0) -- display bar local bar_width = w * .1 local bar_space = w - bar_width ctx:move_to (bar_space * ctrl[1], h - 3) ctx:rel_line_to (bar_width, 0) ctx:stroke () -- display ball ctx:move_to (1 + state[1] * (w - 3), state[2] * (h - 5)) ctx:close_path () ctx:stroke () return {w, h} end