/* Copyright (C) 2000 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/pthread_utils.h" #include "pbd/memento_command.h" #include "pbd/stateful_diff_command.h" #include #include "audio_region_view.h" #include "audio_time_axis.h" #include "editor.h" #include "region_selection.h" #include "time_fx_dialog.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/region.h" #include "ardour/audioplaylist.h" #include "ardour/audio_track.h" #include "ardour/audioregion.h" #include "ardour/stretch.h" #include "ardour/midi_stretch.h" #include "ardour/pitch.h" #ifdef USE_RUBBERBAND #include "rubberband/RubberBandStretcher.h" using namespace RubberBand; #endif #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; /** @return -1 in case of error, 1 if operation was cancelled by the user, 0 if everything went ok */ int Editor::time_stretch (RegionSelection& regions, float fraction) { RegionList audio; RegionList midi; int aret; begin_reversible_command (_("stretch/shrink")); for (RegionSelection::iterator i = regions.begin(); i != regions.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->region()->data_type() == DataType::AUDIO) { audio.push_back ((*i)->region()); } else if ((*i)->region()->data_type() == DataType::MIDI) { midi.push_back ((*i)->region()); } } if ((aret = time_fx (audio, fraction, false)) != 0) { return aret; } set > midi_playlists_affected; for (RegionList::iterator i = midi.begin(); i != midi.end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr playlist = (*i)->playlist(); if (playlist) { playlist->clear_changes (); } } ARDOUR::TimeFXRequest request; request.time_fraction = fraction; for (RegionList::iterator i = midi.begin(); i != midi.end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr playlist = (*i)->playlist(); if (!playlist) { continue; } MidiStretch stretch (*_session, request); stretch.run (*i); playlist->replace_region (regions.front()->region(), stretch.results[0], regions.front()->region()->position()); midi_playlists_affected.insert (playlist); } for (set >::iterator p = midi_playlists_affected.begin(); p != midi_playlists_affected.end(); ++p) { _session->add_command (new StatefulDiffCommand (*p)); } commit_reversible_command (); return 0; } int Editor::pitch_shift (RegionSelection& regions, float fraction) { RegionList rl; for (RegionSelection::iterator i = regions.begin(); i != regions.end(); ++i) { rl.push_back ((*i)->region()); } begin_reversible_command (_("pitch shift")); int ret = time_fx (rl, fraction, true); if (ret == 0) { commit_reversible_command (); } return ret; } /** @param val Percentage to time stretch by; ignored if pitch-shifting. * @param pitching true to pitch shift, false to time stretch. * @return -1 in case of error, 1 if operation was cancelled by the user, 0 if everything went ok */ int Editor::time_fx (RegionList& regions, float val, bool pitching) { delete current_timefx; current_timefx = new TimeFXDialog (*this, pitching); current_timefx->regions = regions; /* See if we have any audio regions on our list */ RegionList::iterator i = regions.begin (); while (i != regions.end() && boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (*i) == 0) { ++i; } if (i == regions.end ()) { /* No audio regions; we can just do the timefx without a dialogue */ do_timefx (*current_timefx); return 0; } switch (current_timefx->run ()) { case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: break; default: current_timefx->hide (); return 1; } current_timefx->status = 0; if (pitching) { float cents = current_timefx->pitch_octave_adjustment.get_value() * 1200.0; float pitch_fraction; cents += current_timefx->pitch_semitone_adjustment.get_value() * 100.0; cents += current_timefx->pitch_cent_adjustment.get_value(); if (cents == 0.0) { // user didn't change anything current_timefx->hide (); return 0; } // one octave == 1200 cents // adding one octave doubles the frequency // ratio is 2^^octaves pitch_fraction = pow(2, cents/1200); current_timefx->request.time_fraction = 1.0; current_timefx->request.pitch_fraction = pitch_fraction; } else { current_timefx->request.time_fraction = val; current_timefx->request.pitch_fraction = 1.0; } #ifdef USE_RUBBERBAND /* parse options */ RubberBandStretcher::Options options = 0; bool realtime = false; bool precise = false; bool peaklock = true; bool longwin = false; bool shortwin = false; bool preserve_formants = false; string txt; enum { NoTransients, BandLimitedTransients, Transients } transients = Transients; precise = current_timefx->precise_button.get_active(); preserve_formants = current_timefx->preserve_formants_button.get_active(); txt = current_timefx->stretch_opts_selector.get_active_text (); for (int i = 0; i <= 6; i++) { if (txt == rb_opt_strings[i]) { rb_current_opt = i; break; } } switch (rb_current_opt) { case 0: transients = NoTransients; peaklock = false; longwin = true; shortwin = false; break; case 1: transients = NoTransients; peaklock = false; longwin = false; shortwin = false; break; case 2: transients = NoTransients; peaklock = true; longwin = false; shortwin = false; break; case 3: transients = BandLimitedTransients; peaklock = true; longwin = false; shortwin = false; break; case 5: transients = Transients; peaklock = false; longwin = false; shortwin = true; break; case 6: transients = NoTransients; precise = true; preserve_formants = false; current_timefx->request.pitch_fraction = 1/val; shortwin = true; // peaklock = false; break; default: /* default/4 */ transients = Transients; peaklock = true; longwin = false; shortwin = false; break; }; if (realtime) options |= RubberBandStretcher::OptionProcessRealTime; if (precise) options |= RubberBandStretcher::OptionStretchPrecise; if (preserve_formants) options |= RubberBandStretcher::OptionFormantPreserved; if (!peaklock) options |= RubberBandStretcher::OptionPhaseIndependent; if (longwin) options |= RubberBandStretcher::OptionWindowLong; if (shortwin) options |= RubberBandStretcher::OptionWindowShort; switch (transients) { case NoTransients: options |= RubberBandStretcher::OptionTransientsSmooth; break; case BandLimitedTransients: options |= RubberBandStretcher::OptionTransientsMixed; break; case Transients: options |= RubberBandStretcher::OptionTransientsCrisp; break; } current_timefx->request.opts = (int) options; #else current_timefx->request.quick_seek = current_timefx->quick_button.get_active(); current_timefx->request.antialias = !current_timefx->antialias_button.get_active(); #endif current_timefx->request.done = false; current_timefx->request.cancel = false; /* re-connect the cancel button and delete events */ current_timefx->first_cancel.disconnect(); current_timefx->first_delete.disconnect(); current_timefx->first_cancel = current_timefx->cancel_button->signal_clicked().connect (sigc::mem_fun (current_timefx, &TimeFXDialog::cancel_in_progress)); current_timefx->first_delete = current_timefx->signal_delete_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (current_timefx, &TimeFXDialog::delete_in_progress)); if (pthread_create_and_store ("timefx", ¤t_timefx->request.thread, timefx_thread, current_timefx)) { current_timefx->hide (); error << _("timefx cannot be started - thread creation error") << endmsg; return -1; } pthread_detach (current_timefx->request.thread); while (!current_timefx->request.done && !current_timefx->request.cancel) { gtk_main_iteration (); } current_timefx->hide (); return current_timefx->status; } void Editor::do_timefx (TimeFXDialog& dialog) { boost::shared_ptr playlist; boost::shared_ptr new_region; set > playlists_affected; uint32_t const N = dialog.regions.size (); for (RegionList::iterator i = dialog.regions.begin(); i != dialog.regions.end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr playlist = (*i)->playlist(); if (playlist) { playlist->clear_changes (); } } for (RegionList::iterator i = dialog.regions.begin(); i != dialog.regions.end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr region = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast (*i); if (!region || (playlist = region->playlist()) == 0) { continue; } if (dialog.request.cancel) { /* we were cancelled */ /* XXX what to do about playlists already affected ? */ dialog.status = 1; return; } Filter* fx; if (dialog.pitching) { fx = new Pitch (*_session, dialog.request); } else { #ifdef USE_RUBBERBAND fx = new RBStretch (*_session, dialog.request); #else fx = new STStretch (*_session, dialog.request); #endif } current_timefx->descend (1.0 / N); if (fx->run (region, current_timefx)) { dialog.status = -1; dialog.request.done = true; delete fx; return; } if (!fx->results.empty()) { new_region = fx->results.front(); playlist->replace_region (region, new_region, region->position()); playlists_affected.insert (playlist); } current_timefx->ascend (); delete fx; } for (set >::iterator p = playlists_affected.begin(); p != playlists_affected.end(); ++p) { _session->add_command (new StatefulDiffCommand (*p)); } dialog.status = 0; dialog.request.done = true; } void* Editor::timefx_thread (void *arg) { SessionEvent::create_per_thread_pool ("timefx events", 64); TimeFXDialog* tsd = static_cast(arg); pthread_setcanceltype (PTHREAD_CANCEL_ASYNCHRONOUS, 0); tsd->editor.do_timefx (*tsd); /* GACK! HACK! sleep for a bit so that our request buffer for the GUI event loop doesn't die before any changes we made are processed by the GUI ... */ struct timespec t = { 2, 0 }; nanosleep (&t, 0); return 0; }