/* Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #ifndef __gtk_ardour_midi_region_view_h__ #define __gtk_ardour_midi_region_view_h__ #include #include #include #include "pbd/signals.h" #include "ardour/midi_model.h" #include "ardour/types.h" #include "editing.h" #include "region_view.h" #include "midi_time_axis.h" #include "time_axis_view_item.h" #include "automation_line.h" #include "enums.h" namespace ARDOUR { class MidiRegion; class MidiModel; class Filter; }; namespace MIDI { namespace Name { struct PatchPrimaryKey; }; }; class SysEx; class NoteBase; class Note; class Hit; class MidiTimeAxisView; class GhostRegion; class AutomationTimeAxisView; class AutomationRegionView; class MidiCutBuffer; class MidiListEditor; class EditNoteDialog; class NotePlayer; class PatchChange; class ItemCounts; class MidiRegionView : public RegionView { public: typedef Evoral::Note NoteType; typedef Evoral::Sequence::Notes Notes; MidiRegionView (ArdourCanvas::Container *, RouteTimeAxisView&, boost::shared_ptr, double initial_samples_per_pixel, uint32_t base_color); MidiRegionView (const MidiRegionView& other); MidiRegionView (const MidiRegionView& other, boost::shared_ptr); ~MidiRegionView (); void init (bool wfd); const boost::shared_ptr midi_region() const; inline MidiTimeAxisView* midi_view() const { return dynamic_cast(&trackview); } inline MidiStreamView* midi_stream_view() const { return midi_view()->midi_view(); } void step_add_note (uint8_t channel, uint8_t number, uint8_t velocity, Evoral::MusicalTime pos, Evoral::MusicalTime len); void step_sustain (Evoral::MusicalTime beats); void set_height (double); void apply_note_range(uint8_t lowest, uint8_t highest, bool force=false); inline ARDOUR::ColorMode color_mode() const { return midi_view()->color_mode(); } void set_frame_color(); void color_handler (); void show_step_edit_cursor (Evoral::MusicalTime pos); void move_step_edit_cursor (Evoral::MusicalTime pos); void hide_step_edit_cursor (); void set_step_edit_cursor_width (Evoral::MusicalTime beats); void redisplay_model(); GhostRegion* add_ghost (TimeAxisView&); void add_note(const boost::shared_ptr note, bool visible); void resolve_note(uint8_t note_num, double end_time); void cut_copy_clear (Editing::CutCopyOp); bool paste (framepos_t pos, unsigned paste_count, float times, const ::Selection& selection, ItemCounts& counts); void paste_internal (framepos_t pos, unsigned paste_count, float times, const MidiCutBuffer&); void add_canvas_patch_change (ARDOUR::MidiModel::PatchChangePtr patch, const std::string& displaytext, bool); /** Look up the given time and channel in the 'automation' and set keys accordingly. * @param time the time of the patch change event * @param channel the MIDI channel of the event * @key a reference to an instance of MIDI::Name::PatchPrimaryKey whose fields will * will be set according to the result of the lookup */ void get_patch_key_at (double time, uint8_t channel, MIDI::Name::PatchPrimaryKey& key) const; /** Convert a given PatchChange into a PatchPrimaryKey */ MIDI::Name::PatchPrimaryKey patch_change_to_patch_key (ARDOUR::MidiModel::PatchChangePtr); /** Change old_patch to new_patch. * @param old_patch the canvas patch change which is to be altered * @param new_patch new patch */ void change_patch_change (PatchChange& old_patch, const MIDI::Name::PatchPrimaryKey& new_patch); void change_patch_change (ARDOUR::MidiModel::PatchChangePtr, Evoral::PatchChange const &); void add_patch_change (framecnt_t, Evoral::PatchChange const &); void move_patch_change (PatchChange &, Evoral::MusicalTime); void delete_patch_change (PatchChange *); void edit_patch_change (PatchChange *); void delete_sysex (SysEx*); /** Alter a given patch to be its predecessor in the MIDNAM file. */ void previous_patch (PatchChange &); /** Alters a given patch to be its successor in the MIDNAM file. */ void next_patch (PatchChange &); void previous_bank (PatchChange &); void next_bank (PatchChange &); /** Displays all patch change events in the region as flags on the canvas. */ void display_patch_changes(); /** Displays all system exclusive events in the region as flags on the canvas. */ void display_sysexes(); void begin_write(); void end_write(); void extend_active_notes(); void display_model(boost::shared_ptr model); void start_note_diff_command (std::string name = "midi edit"); void note_diff_add_change (NoteBase* ev, ARDOUR::MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Property, uint8_t val); void note_diff_add_change (NoteBase* ev, ARDOUR::MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Property, Evoral::MusicalTime val); void note_diff_add_note (const boost::shared_ptr note, bool selected, bool show_velocity = false); void note_diff_remove_note (NoteBase* ev); void apply_diff (bool as_subcommand = false); void abort_command(); void note_entered(NoteBase* ev); void note_left(NoteBase* ev); void patch_entered (PatchChange *); void patch_left (PatchChange *); void sysex_entered (SysEx* p); void sysex_left (SysEx* p); void note_mouse_position (float xfraction, float yfraction, bool can_set_cursor=true); void unique_select(NoteBase* ev); void note_selected(NoteBase* ev, bool add, bool extend=false); void note_deselected(NoteBase* ev); void delete_selection(); void delete_note (boost::shared_ptr); size_t selection_size() { return _selection.size(); } void select_all_notes (); void select_range(framepos_t start, framepos_t end); void invert_selection (); void move_selection(double dx, double dy, double cumulative_dy); void note_dropped (NoteBase* ev, ARDOUR::frameoffset_t, int8_t d_note); void select_matching_notes (uint8_t notenum, uint16_t channel_mask, bool add, bool extend); void toggle_matching_notes (uint8_t notenum, uint16_t channel_mask); /** Return true iff the note is within the extent of the region. * @param visible will be set to true if the note is within the visible note range, false otherwise. */ bool note_in_region_range(const boost::shared_ptr note, bool& visible) const; /** Get the region position in pixels relative to session. */ double get_position_pixels(); /** Get the region end position in pixels relative to session. */ double get_end_position_pixels(); /** Begin resizing of some notes. * Called by CanvasMidiNote when resizing starts. * @param at_front which end of the note (true == note on, false == note off) */ void begin_resizing(bool at_front); void update_resizing (NoteBase*, bool, double, bool); void commit_resizing (NoteBase*, bool, double, bool); void abort_resizing (); /** Change the channel of the selection. * @param channel - the channel number of the new channel, zero-based */ void change_channel(uint8_t channel); enum MouseState { None, Pressed, SelectTouchDragging, SelectRectDragging, SelectVerticalDragging, AddDragging }; MouseState mouse_state() const { return _mouse_state; } void note_button_release (); struct NoteResizeData { Note *note; ArdourCanvas::Rectangle *resize_rect; }; /** Snap a region relative pixel coordinate to pixel units. * @param x a pixel coordinate relative to region start * @return the snapped pixel coordinate relative to region start */ double snap_to_pixel(double x); /** Snap a region relative pixel coordinate to frame units. * @param x a pixel coordinate relative to region start * @return the snapped framepos_t coordinate relative to region start */ framepos_t snap_pixel_to_sample(double x); /** Convert a timestamp in beats into frames (both relative to region position) */ framepos_t region_beats_to_region_frames(double beats) const; /** Convert a timestamp in beats into absolute frames */ framepos_t region_beats_to_absolute_frames(double beats) const { return _region->position() + region_beats_to_region_frames (beats); } /** Convert a timestamp in frames to beats (both relative to region position) */ double region_frames_to_region_beats(framepos_t) const; /** Convert a timestamp in beats measured from source start into absolute frames */ framepos_t source_beats_to_absolute_frames(double beats) const; /** Convert a timestamp in beats measured from source start into region-relative frames */ framepos_t source_beats_to_region_frames(double beats) const { return source_beats_to_absolute_frames (beats) - _region->position(); } /** Convert a timestamp in absolute frames to beats measured from source start*/ double absolute_frames_to_source_beats(framepos_t) const; ARDOUR::BeatsFramesConverter const & region_relative_time_converter () const { return _region_relative_time_converter; } ARDOUR::BeatsFramesConverter const & source_relative_time_converter () const { return _source_relative_time_converter; } void goto_previous_note (bool add_to_selection); void goto_next_note (bool add_to_selection); void change_note_lengths (bool, bool, Evoral::MusicalTime beats, bool start, bool end); void change_velocities (bool up, bool fine, bool allow_smush, bool all_together); void transpose (bool up, bool fine, bool allow_smush); void nudge_notes (bool forward); void channel_edit (); void velocity_edit (); void show_list_editor (); typedef std::set Selection; Selection selection () const { return _selection; } void selection_as_notelist (Notes& selected, bool allow_all_if_none_selected = false); void enable_display (bool); void set_channel_selector_scoped_note(NoteBase* note){ _channel_selection_scoped_note = note; } NoteBase* channel_selector_scoped_note(){ return _channel_selection_scoped_note; } void trim_front_starting (); void trim_front_ending (); void create_note_at (framepos_t, double, double, bool); void clear_selection (bool signal = true) { clear_selection_except (0, signal); } ARDOUR::InstrumentInfo& instrument_info() const; protected: /** Allows derived types to specify their visibility requirements * to the TimeAxisViewItem parent class. */ MidiRegionView (ArdourCanvas::Container *, RouteTimeAxisView&, boost::shared_ptr, double samples_per_pixel, uint32_t basic_color, TimeAxisViewItem::Visibility); void region_resized (const PBD::PropertyChange&); void set_flags (XMLNode *); void store_flags (); void reset_width_dependent_items (double pixel_width); void parameter_changed (std::string const & p); private: friend class MidiRubberbandSelectDrag; friend class MidiVerticalSelectDrag; /** Emitted when the selection has been cleared in one MidiRegionView, * with the expectation that others will clear their selections in * sympathy. */ static PBD::Signal1 SelectionCleared; PBD::ScopedConnection _selection_cleared_connection; void selection_cleared (MidiRegionView *); friend class EditNoteDialog; /** Play the NoteOn event of the given note immediately * and schedule the playback of the corresponding NoteOff event. */ void play_midi_note (boost::shared_ptr note); void start_playing_midi_note (boost::shared_ptr note); void start_playing_midi_chord (std::vector > notes); void clear_events (bool with_selection_signal = true); bool canvas_group_event(GdkEvent* ev); bool note_canvas_event(GdkEvent* ev); void midi_channel_mode_changed (); PBD::ScopedConnection _channel_mode_changed_connection; void instrument_settings_changed (); PBD::ScopedConnection _instrument_changed_connection; void change_note_channel (NoteBase *, int8_t, bool relative=false); void change_note_velocity(NoteBase* ev, int8_t vel, bool relative=false); void change_note_note(NoteBase* ev, int8_t note, bool relative=false); void change_note_time(NoteBase* ev, ARDOUR::MidiModel::TimeType, bool relative=false); void change_note_length (NoteBase *, ARDOUR::MidiModel::TimeType); void trim_note(NoteBase* ev, ARDOUR::MidiModel::TimeType start_delta, ARDOUR::MidiModel::TimeType end_delta); void clear_selection_except (NoteBase* ev, bool signal = true); void update_drag_selection (framepos_t start, framepos_t end, double y0, double y1, bool extend); void update_vertical_drag_selection (double last_y, double y, bool extend); void add_to_selection (NoteBase*); void remove_from_selection (NoteBase*); void show_verbose_cursor (std::string const &, double, double) const; void show_verbose_cursor (boost::shared_ptr) const; uint8_t _current_range_min; uint8_t _current_range_max; typedef std::list Events; typedef std::vector< boost::shared_ptr > PatchChanges; typedef std::vector< boost::shared_ptr > SysExes; ARDOUR::BeatsFramesConverter _region_relative_time_converter; ARDOUR::BeatsFramesConverter _source_relative_time_converter; boost::shared_ptr _model; Events _events; PatchChanges _patch_changes; SysExes _sys_exes; Note** _active_notes; ArdourCanvas::Container* _note_group; ARDOUR::MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand* _note_diff_command; Note* _ghost_note; double _last_ghost_x; double _last_ghost_y; ArdourCanvas::Rectangle* _step_edit_cursor; Evoral::MusicalTime _step_edit_cursor_width; Evoral::MusicalTime _step_edit_cursor_position; NoteBase* _channel_selection_scoped_note; /** A group used to temporarily reparent _note_group to during start trims, so * that the notes don't move with the parent region view. */ ArdourCanvas::Container* _temporary_note_group; MouseState _mouse_state; int _pressed_button; /** Currently selected NoteBase objects */ Selection _selection; bool _sort_needed; void time_sort_events (); MidiCutBuffer* selection_as_cut_buffer () const; /** New notes (created in the current command) which should be selected * when they appear after the command is applied. */ std::set< boost::shared_ptr > _marked_for_selection; /** New notes (created in the current command) which should have visible velocity * when they appear after the command is applied. */ std::set< boost::shared_ptr > _marked_for_velocity; std::vector _resize_data; /** connection used to connect to model's ContentChanged signal */ PBD::ScopedConnection content_connection; NoteBase* find_canvas_note (boost::shared_ptr); Events::iterator _optimization_iterator; void update_note (Note *, bool update_ghost_regions = true); void update_hit (Hit *); void create_ghost_note (double, double); void update_ghost_note (double, double); MidiListEditor* _list_editor; bool _no_sound_notes; PBD::ScopedConnection note_delete_connection; void maybe_remove_deleted_note_from_selection (NoteBase*); void snap_changed (); PBD::ScopedConnection snap_changed_connection; bool motion (GdkEventMotion*); bool scroll (GdkEventScroll*); bool key_press (GdkEventKey*); bool key_release (GdkEventKey*); bool button_press (GdkEventButton*); bool button_release (GdkEventButton*); bool enter_notify (GdkEventCrossing*); bool leave_notify (GdkEventCrossing*); void drop_down_keys (); void maybe_select_by_position (GdkEventButton* ev, double x, double y); void get_events (Events& e, Evoral::Sequence::NoteOperator op, uint8_t val, int chan_mask = 0); void display_patch_changes_on_channel (uint8_t, bool); void connect_to_diskstream (); void data_recorded (boost::weak_ptr); void remove_ghost_note (); void mouse_mode_changed (); double _last_event_x; double _last_event_y; framepos_t snap_frame_to_grid_underneath (framepos_t p, framecnt_t &) const; PBD::ScopedConnection _mouse_mode_connection; Gdk::Cursor* pre_enter_cursor; Gdk::Cursor* pre_press_cursor; Gdk::Cursor* pre_note_enter_cursor; NotePlayer* _note_player; ARDOUR::ChannelMode get_channel_mode() const; uint16_t get_selected_channels () const; }; #endif /* __gtk_ardour_midi_region_view_h__ */