/* * Copyright (C) 2023 Holger Dehnhardt * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "glib-2.0/gio/gio.h" #include "glib-2.0/glib/gstdio.h" #include "glibmm-2.4/glibmm/main.h" #include "glibmm-2.4/glibmm/miscutils.h" #include "pbd/debug.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" #include "ardour/filesystem_paths.h" #include "ardour/plugin_insert.h" #include "ardour/processor.h" #include "ardour/route.h" #include "c1_control.h" #include "console1.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace ArdourSurface; using namespace PBD; using namespace Glib; using namespace std; namespace ArdourSurface { bool Console1::ensure_config_dir () { std::string path = Glib::build_filename (user_config_directory (), config_dir_name); GError* error = 0; GFile* dir = g_file_new_for_path (path.c_str ()); if (!g_file_test (path.c_str (), G_FILE_TEST_IS_DIR)) { g_file_make_directory (dir, NULL, &error); } return error == 0 || error->code == 0; } uint32_t Console1::load_mappings () { uint32_t i = 0; if (!ensure_config_dir ()) return 1; std::string path = Glib::build_filename (user_config_directory (), config_dir_name); const gchar* file_name; GDir* gdir = g_dir_open (path.c_str (), 0, NULL); if (gdir == NULL) return 0; while ((file_name = g_dir_read_name (gdir)) != NULL) { if (!g_str_has_suffix (file_name, ".xml")) continue; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Console1, string_compose ("Console1::load_mappings - found mapping file: '%1'\n", file_name)); std::string file_path = Glib::build_filename (path, file_name); XMLTree tree; XMLNode* mapping_xml = 0; if (tree.read (file_path)) { mapping_xml = new XMLNode (*(tree.root ())); } else { warning << string_compose (_ ("Could not understand XML file %1"), file_path) << endmsg; } if (mapping_xml) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Console1, string_compose ("Console1::load_mappings - opened mapping file: '%1'\n", file_path)); load_mapping (mapping_xml); } ++i; } DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Console1, string_compose ("Console1::load_mappings - found %1 mapping files\n", i)); g_dir_close (gdir); return i; } bool Console1::load_mapping (XMLNode* mapping_xml) { // char tmp[1024]; PluginMapping pm; const XMLNodeList& nlist = mapping_xml->children (); mapping_xml->get_property ("ID", pm.id); mapping_xml->get_property ("NAME", pm.name); XMLNodeConstIterator i; for (i = nlist.begin (); i != nlist.end (); ++i) { std::string param_id; std::string param_type; std::string param_name; std::string param_mapping; (*i)->get_property ("id", param_id); uint32_t index = std::stoi (param_id); (*i)->get_property ("type", param_type); const XMLNodeList& plist = (*i)->children (); XMLNodeConstIterator j; for (j = plist.begin (); j != plist.end (); ++j) { if ((*j)->name () == "name") { param_name = (*j)->child_content (); } else if ((*j)->name () == "mapping") { param_mapping = (*j)->child_content (); } } if (!param_mapping.empty ()) { PluginParameterMapping parmap; parmap.paramIndex = index; parmap.name = param_name; ControllerMap::const_iterator m = controllerMap.find (param_mapping); if (m == controllerMap.end ()) continue; parmap.controllerId = m->second; parmap.is_switch = (param_type == "switch"); pm.parameters[index] = std::move (parmap); pluginMappingMap[pm.id] = pm; } } return true; } void Console1::create_mapping (const std::shared_ptr proc, const std::shared_ptr plugin) { XMLTree* tree = new XMLTree (); XMLNode node = XMLNode ("c1plugin-mapping"); node.set_property ("ID", plugin->unique_id ()); node.set_property ("NAME", plugin->name ()); int32_t n_controls = -1; set p = proc->what_can_be_automated (); for (set::iterator j = p.begin (); j != p.end (); ++j) { ++n_controls; std::string n = proc->describe_parameter (*j); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Console1, string_compose ("Plugin parameter %1: %2\n", n_controls, n)); if (n == "hidden") { continue; } XMLNode param = XMLNode ("param-mapping"); param.set_property ("id", n_controls); XMLNode name = XMLNode ("name"); XMLNode c = XMLNode ("c", plugin->parameter_label (n_controls).c_str ()); name.add_child_copy (c); XMLNode mapping = XMLNode ("mapping"); mapping.set_property ("shift", "false"); param.add_child_copy (name); param.add_child_copy (mapping); node.add_child_copy (param); } tree->set_root (&node); if (!ensure_config_dir ()) return; std::string filename = Glib::build_filename ( user_config_directory (), config_dir_name, string_compose ("%1.%2", plugin->unique_id (), "xml")); tree->set_filename (filename); tree->write (); } bool Console1::select_plugin (const int32_t plugin_index) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Console1, "Console1::select_plugin\n"); if (current_plugin_index == plugin_index) { std::shared_ptr r = std::dynamic_pointer_cast (_current_stripable); if (!r) { return false; } #ifdef MIXBUS std::shared_ptr proc = r->nth_plugin (selected_intern_plugin_index); #else std::shared_ptr proc = r->nth_plugin (plugin_index); #endif if (!proc) { return false; } if (!proc->display_to_user ()) { return false; } std::shared_ptr plugin_insert = std::dynamic_pointer_cast (proc); if (!plugin_insert) return false; plugin_insert->ToggleUI (); return true; } else if (map_select_plugin (plugin_index)) { return true; } return false; } bool Console1::map_select_plugin (const int32_t plugin_index) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Console1, "map_select_plugin())\n"); if (spill_plugins (plugin_index)) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < bank_size; ++i) { if ((int)i == plugin_index) { start_blinking (ControllerID (FOCUS1 + i)); } else if (i != current_strippable_index) { stop_blinking (ControllerID (FOCUS1 + i)); } } current_plugin_index = plugin_index; return true; } else { get_button (ControllerID (FOCUS1 + plugin_index)) ->set_led_state (plugin_index == (int)current_strippable_index); } return false; } void Console1::remove_plugin_operations () { plugin_connections.drop_connections (); for (auto& e : encoders) { e.second->set_plugin_action (0); e.second->set_plugin_shift_action (0); e.second->set_value (0); } for (auto& b : buttons) { if (b.first == ControllerID::TRACK_GROUP) continue; if (b.first >= ControllerID::FOCUS1 && b.first <= ControllerID::FOCUS20) continue; b.second->set_plugin_action (0); b.second->set_plugin_shift_action (0); b.second->set_led_state (false); } for (auto& m : multi_buttons) { m.second->set_plugin_action (0); m.second->set_plugin_shift_action (0); m.second->set_led_state (false); } } std::shared_ptr Console1::find_plugin (const int32_t plugin_index) { int32_t int_plugin_index = -1; int32_t ext_plugin_index = -1; std::shared_ptr proc; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Console1, string_compose ("find_plugin(%1)\n", plugin_index)); std::shared_ptr r = std::dynamic_pointer_cast (_current_stripable); if (!r) { return proc; } remove_plugin_operations (); while ((ext_plugin_index < plugin_index) && (int_plugin_index < (int)bank_size)) { ++int_plugin_index; proc = r->nth_plugin (int_plugin_index); if (!proc) { continue; ; } if (!proc->display_to_user ()) { continue; } #ifdef MIXBUS /* don't show channelstrip plugins */ if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast (proc)->is_channelstrip ()) { continue; } #endif ++ext_plugin_index; } #ifdef MIXBUS selected_intern_plugin_index = int_plugin_index; #endif return proc; } bool Console1::spill_plugins (const int32_t plugin_index) { bool mapping_found = false; remove_plugin_operations (); std::shared_ptr proc = find_plugin (plugin_index); if (!proc) return false; int32_t n_controls = -1; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Console1, string_compose ("Found plugin %1\n", proc->name ())); std::shared_ptr plugin_insert = std::dynamic_pointer_cast (proc); if (!plugin_insert) return false; std::shared_ptr plugin = plugin_insert->plugin (); if (!plugin) return false; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Console1, string_compose ("Found plugin id %1\n", plugin->unique_id ())); try { ControllerButton* cb = get_button (ControllerID::MUTE); boost::function plugin_mapping = [=] () -> void { cb->set_led_state (!plugin_insert->enabled ()); }; cb->set_plugin_action ([=] (uint32_t val) { plugin_insert->enable (val == 0); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Console1, string_compose ("ControllerButton Plugin parameter %1: %2 \n", n_controls, val)); }); plugin_insert->ActiveChanged.connect ( plugin_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (plugin_mapping), this); plugin_insert->ActiveChanged (); } catch (ControlNotFoundException const&) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Console1, string_compose ("No ControllerButton found %1\n", n_controls)); } PluginMappingMap::iterator pmmit = pluginMappingMap.find (plugin->unique_id ()); mapping_found = (pmmit != pluginMappingMap.end ()); if (!mapping_found) { if (create_mapping_stubs) { create_mapping (proc, plugin); } return true; } PluginMapping pluginMapping = pmmit->second; DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Console1, string_compose ("Plugin mapping found for id %1, name %2\n", pluginMapping.id, pluginMapping.name)); set p = proc->what_can_be_automated (); for (set::iterator j = p.begin (); j != p.end (); ++j) { ++n_controls; std::string n = proc->describe_parameter (*j); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Console1, string_compose ("Plugin parameter %1: %2\n", n_controls, n)); if (n == "hidden") { continue; } ParameterDescriptor parameterDescriptor; plugin->get_parameter_descriptor (n_controls, parameterDescriptor); if (plugin->parameter_is_control (n_controls)) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Console1, "parameter is control\n"); } if (plugin->parameter_is_output (n_controls)) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Console1, "parameter is output\n"); } if (plugin->parameter_is_audio (n_controls)) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Console1, "parameter is audio\n"); } if (plugin->parameter_is_input (n_controls)) { std::shared_ptr c = plugin_insert->automation_control (Evoral::Parameter (PluginAutomation, 0, n_controls)); if (c) { PluginParameterMapping ppm = pluginMapping.parameters[n_controls]; bool swtch = false; if (parameterDescriptor.integer_step && parameterDescriptor.upper == 1) { swtch = true; } else if (ppm.is_switch) { swtch = true; } if (!swtch) { try { Encoder* e = get_encoder (ppm.controllerId); boost::function plugin_mapping = [=] (bool b, PBD::Controllable::GroupControlDisposition d) -> void { double v = parameterDescriptor.to_interface (c->get_value (), true); e->set_value (v * 127); DEBUG_TRACE ( DEBUG::Console1, string_compose ("<-Encoder Plugin parameter %1: %2 - %3\n", n_controls, v * 127, v)); }; e->set_plugin_action ([=] (uint32_t val) { double v = val / 127.f; c->set_value (parameterDescriptor.from_interface (v, true), PBD::Controllable::GroupControlDisposition::UseGroup); DEBUG_TRACE ( DEBUG::Console1, string_compose ("->Encoder Plugin parameter %1: %2 - %3\n", n_controls, val, v)); }); c->Changed.connect ( plugin_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (plugin_mapping, _1, _2), this); c->Changed (true, PBD::Controllable::GroupControlDisposition::UseGroup); continue; } catch (ControlNotFoundException const&) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Console1, string_compose ("No Encoder found %1\n", n_controls)); } } else { try { ControllerButton* cb = get_button (ppm.controllerId); boost::function plugin_mapping = [=] (bool b, PBD::Controllable::GroupControlDisposition d) -> void { cb->set_led_state (c->get_value ()); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Console1, string_compose ("<-ControllerButton Plugin parameter %1: %2 \n", n_controls, c->get_value ())); }; cb->set_plugin_action ([=] (uint32_t val) { double v = val / 127.f; c->set_value (parameterDescriptor.from_interface (v, true), PBD::Controllable::GroupControlDisposition::UseGroup); DEBUG_TRACE ( DEBUG::Console1, string_compose ("->ControllerButton Plugin parameter %1: %2 - %3\n", n_controls, val, v)); }); c->Changed.connect ( plugin_connections, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (plugin_mapping, _1, _2), this); c->Changed (true, PBD::Controllable::GroupControlDisposition::UseGroup); continue; } catch (ControlNotFoundException const&) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Console1, string_compose ("No ControllerButton found %1\n", n_controls)); } } } } } return true; } }