/* Copyright (C) 1999-2014 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #if !defined USE_CAIRO_IMAGE_SURFACE && !defined NDEBUG #define OPTIONAL_CAIRO_IMAGE_SURFACE #endif #include #include #include #include #include /* for snprintf, grrr */ #include #include // for fontmap resolution control for GnomeCanvas #include // for fontmap resolution control for GnomeCanvas #include "pbd/gstdio_compat.h" #include #include #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "pbd/failed_constructor.h" #include "pbd/xml++.h" #include "pbd/file_utils.h" #include "pbd/locale_guard.h" #include "pbd/error.h" #include "pbd/stacktrace.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/rgb_macros.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/gtk_ui.h" #include "ardour/filesystem_paths.h" #include "ardour/utils.h" #include "ui_config.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace PBD; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace ArdourCanvas; static const char* ui_config_file_name = "ui_config"; static const char* default_ui_config_file_name = "default_ui_config"; static const double hue_width = 18.0; UIConfiguration& UIConfiguration::instance () { static UIConfiguration s_instance; return s_instance; } UIConfiguration::UIConfiguration () : #undef UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE #define UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE(Type,var,name,val) var (name,val), #define CANVAS_FONT_VARIABLE(var,name) var (name), #include "ui_config_vars.h" #include "canvas_vars.h" #undef UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE #undef CANVAS_FONT_VARIABLE _dirty (false), aliases_modified (false), colors_modified (false), modifiers_modified (false), block_save (0) { load_state(); ColorsChanged.connect (boost::bind (&UIConfiguration::colors_changed, this)); ParameterChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &UIConfiguration::parameter_changed)); } UIConfiguration::~UIConfiguration () { } void UIConfiguration::colors_changed () { reset_gtk_theme (); /* In theory, one of these ought to work: gtk_rc_reparse_all_for_settings (gtk_settings_get_default(), true); gtk_rc_reset_styles (gtk_settings_get_default()); but in practice, neither of them do. So just reload the current GTK RC file, which causes a reset of all styles and a redraw */ parameter_changed ("ui-rc-file"); } void UIConfiguration::parameter_changed (string param) { _dirty = true; if (param == "ui-rc-file") { load_rc_file (true); } else if (param == "color-file") { load_color_theme (); } save_state (); } void UIConfiguration::reset_gtk_theme () { stringstream ss; ss << "gtk_color_scheme = \"" << hex; for (ColorAliases::iterator g = color_aliases.begin(); g != color_aliases.end(); ++g) { if (g->first.find ("gtk_") == 0) { const string gtk_name = g->first.substr (4); ss << gtk_name << ":#" << std::setw (6) << setfill ('0') << (color (g->second) >> 8) << ';'; } } ss << '"' << dec << endl; /* reset GTK color scheme */ Gtk::Settings::get_default()->property_gtk_color_scheme() = ss.str(); } void UIConfiguration::reset_dpi () { long val = get_font_scale(); set_pango_fontsize (); /* Xft rendering */ gtk_settings_set_long_property (gtk_settings_get_default(), "gtk-xft-dpi", val, "ardour"); DPIReset(); //Emit Signal } void UIConfiguration::set_pango_fontsize () { long val = get_font_scale(); /* FT2 rendering - used by GnomeCanvas, sigh */ #ifndef PLATFORM_WINDOWS pango_ft2_font_map_set_resolution ((PangoFT2FontMap*) pango_ft2_font_map_new(), val/1024, val/1024); #endif /* Cairo rendering, in case there is any */ pango_cairo_font_map_set_resolution ((PangoCairoFontMap*) pango_cairo_font_map_get_default(), val/1024); } float UIConfiguration::get_ui_scale () { return get_font_scale () / 102400.; } void UIConfiguration::map_parameters (boost::function& functor) { #undef UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE #define UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE(Type,var,Name,value) functor (Name); #include "ui_config_vars.h" #undef UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE } int UIConfiguration::pre_gui_init () { #ifdef CAIRO_SUPPORTS_FORCE_BUGGY_GRADIENTS_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLE if (get_buggy_gradients()) { g_setenv ("FORCE_BUGGY_GRADIENTS", "1", 1); } #endif #ifdef OPTIONAL_CAIRO_IMAGE_SURFACE if (get_cairo_image_surface()) { g_setenv ("ARDOUR_IMAGE_SURFACE", "1", 1); } #endif return 0; } UIConfiguration* UIConfiguration::post_gui_init () { load_color_theme (); return this; } int UIConfiguration::load_defaults () { std::string rcfile; int ret = -1; if (find_file (ardour_config_search_path(), default_ui_config_file_name, rcfile) ) { XMLTree tree; info << string_compose (_("Loading default ui configuration file %1"), rcfile) << endmsg; if (!tree.read (rcfile.c_str())) { error << string_compose(_("cannot read default ui configuration file \"%1\""), rcfile) << endmsg; } else { if (set_state (*tree.root(), Stateful::loading_state_version)) { error << string_compose(_("default ui configuration file \"%1\" not loaded successfully."), rcfile) << endmsg; } else { _dirty = false; ret = 0; } } } else { warning << string_compose (_("Could not find default UI configuration file %1"), default_ui_config_file_name) << endmsg; } if (ret == 0) { /* reload color theme */ load_color_theme (false); ColorsChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } return ret; } int UIConfiguration::load_color_theme (bool allow_own) { std::string cfile; string basename; bool found = false; if (allow_own) { basename = "my-"; basename += color_file.get(); basename += ".colors"; if (find_file (ardour_config_search_path(), basename, cfile)) { found = true; } } if (!found) { basename = color_file.get(); basename += ".colors"; if (find_file (ardour_config_search_path(), basename, cfile)) { found = true; } } if (found) { XMLTree tree; info << string_compose (_("Loading color file %1"), cfile) << endmsg; if (!tree.read (cfile.c_str())) { error << string_compose(_("cannot read color file \"%1\""), cfile) << endmsg; return -1; } if (set_state (*tree.root(), Stateful::loading_state_version)) { error << string_compose(_("color file \"%1\" not loaded successfully."), cfile) << endmsg; return -1; } ColorsChanged (); } else { warning << string_compose (_("Color file %1 not found"), basename) << endmsg; } return 0; } int UIConfiguration::store_color_theme () { XMLNode* root; LocaleGuard lg (); root = new XMLNode("Ardour"); XMLNode* parent = new XMLNode (X_("Colors")); for (Colors::const_iterator i = colors.begin(); i != colors.end(); ++i) { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode (X_("Color")); node->add_property (X_("name"), i->first); stringstream ss; ss << "0x" << setw (8) << setfill ('0') << hex << i->second; node->add_property (X_("value"), ss.str()); parent->add_child_nocopy (*node); } root->add_child_nocopy (*parent); parent = new XMLNode (X_("ColorAliases")); for (ColorAliases::const_iterator i = color_aliases.begin(); i != color_aliases.end(); ++i) { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode (X_("ColorAlias")); node->add_property (X_("name"), i->first); node->add_property (X_("alias"), i->second); parent->add_child_nocopy (*node); } root->add_child_nocopy (*parent); parent = new XMLNode (X_("Modifiers")); for (Modifiers::const_iterator i = modifiers.begin(); i != modifiers.end(); ++i) { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode (X_("Modifier")); node->add_property (X_("name"), i->first); node->add_property (X_("modifier"), i->second.to_string()); parent->add_child_nocopy (*node); } root->add_child_nocopy (*parent); XMLTree tree; std::string colorfile = Glib::build_filename (user_config_directory(), (string ("my-") + color_file.get() + ".colors")); tree.set_root (root); if (!tree.write (colorfile.c_str())){ error << string_compose (_("Color file %1 not saved"), colorfile) << endmsg; return -1; } return 0; } int UIConfiguration::load_state () { bool found = false; std::string rcfile; if (find_file (ardour_config_search_path(), default_ui_config_file_name, rcfile)) { XMLTree tree; found = true; info << string_compose (_("Loading default ui configuration file %1"), rcfile) << endmsg; if (!tree.read (rcfile.c_str())) { error << string_compose(_("cannot read default ui configuration file \"%1\""), rcfile) << endmsg; return -1; } if (set_state (*tree.root(), Stateful::loading_state_version)) { error << string_compose(_("default ui configuration file \"%1\" not loaded successfully."), rcfile) << endmsg; return -1; } } if (find_file (ardour_config_search_path(), ui_config_file_name, rcfile)) { XMLTree tree; found = true; info << string_compose (_("Loading user ui configuration file %1"), rcfile) << endmsg; if (!tree.read (rcfile)) { error << string_compose(_("cannot read ui configuration file \"%1\""), rcfile) << endmsg; return -1; } if (set_state (*tree.root(), Stateful::loading_state_version)) { error << string_compose(_("user ui configuration file \"%1\" not loaded successfully."), rcfile) << endmsg; return -1; } _dirty = false; } if (!found) { error << _("could not find any ui configuration file, canvas will look broken.") << endmsg; } return 0; } int UIConfiguration::save_state() { if (_dirty) { std::string rcfile = Glib::build_filename (user_config_directory(), ui_config_file_name); XMLTree tree; tree.set_root (&get_state()); if (!tree.write (rcfile.c_str())){ error << string_compose (_("Config file %1 not saved"), rcfile) << endmsg; return -1; } _dirty = false; } if (aliases_modified || colors_modified || modifiers_modified) { if (store_color_theme ()) { error << string_compose (_("Color file %1 not saved"), color_file.get()) << endmsg; return -1; } aliases_modified = false; colors_modified = false; modifiers_modified = false; } return 0; } XMLNode& UIConfiguration::get_state () { XMLNode* root; LocaleGuard lg (); root = new XMLNode("Ardour"); root->add_child_nocopy (get_variables ("UI")); root->add_child_nocopy (get_variables ("Canvas")); if (_extra_xml) { root->add_child_copy (*_extra_xml); } return *root; } XMLNode& UIConfiguration::get_variables (std::string which_node) { XMLNode* node; LocaleGuard lg (); node = new XMLNode (which_node); #undef UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE #undef CANVAS_FONT_VARIABLE #define UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE(Type,var,Name,value) if (node->name() == "UI") { var.add_to_node (*node); } #define CANVAS_FONT_VARIABLE(var,Name) if (node->name() == "Canvas") { var.add_to_node (*node); } #include "ui_config_vars.h" #include "canvas_vars.h" #undef UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE #undef CANVAS_FONT_VARIABLE return *node; } int UIConfiguration::set_state (const XMLNode& root, int /*version*/) { /* this can load a generic UI configuration file or a colors file */ if (root.name() != "Ardour") { return -1; } Stateful::save_extra_xml (root); XMLNodeList nlist = root.children(); XMLNodeConstIterator niter; XMLNode *node; for (niter = nlist.begin(); niter != nlist.end(); ++niter) { node = *niter; if (node->name() == "Canvas" || node->name() == "UI") { set_variables (*node); } } XMLNode* colors = find_named_node (root, X_("Colors")); if (colors) { load_colors (*colors); } XMLNode* aliases = find_named_node (root, X_("ColorAliases")); if (aliases) { load_color_aliases (*aliases); } XMLNode* modifiers = find_named_node (root, X_("Modifiers")); if (modifiers) { load_modifiers (*modifiers); } return 0; } void UIConfiguration::load_color_aliases (XMLNode const & node) { XMLNodeList const nlist = node.children(); XMLNodeConstIterator niter; XMLProperty const *name; XMLProperty const *alias; color_aliases.clear (); for (niter = nlist.begin(); niter != nlist.end(); ++niter) { XMLNode const * child = *niter; if (child->name() != X_("ColorAlias")) { continue; } name = child->property (X_("name")); alias = child->property (X_("alias")); if (name && alias) { color_aliases.insert (make_pair (name->value(), alias->value())); } } } void UIConfiguration::load_colors (XMLNode const & node) { XMLNodeList const nlist = node.children(); XMLNodeConstIterator niter; XMLProperty const *name; XMLProperty const *color; colors.clear (); for (niter = nlist.begin(); niter != nlist.end(); ++niter) { XMLNode const * child = *niter; if (child->name() != X_("Color")) { continue; } name = child->property (X_("name")); color = child->property (X_("value")); if (name && color) { ArdourCanvas::Color c; c = strtoul (color->value().c_str(), 0, 16); colors.insert (make_pair (name->value(), c)); } } } void UIConfiguration::load_modifiers (XMLNode const & node) { PBD::LocaleGuard lg (); XMLNodeList const nlist = node.children(); XMLNodeConstIterator niter; XMLProperty const *name; XMLProperty const *mod; modifiers.clear (); for (niter = nlist.begin(); niter != nlist.end(); ++niter) { XMLNode const * child = *niter; if (child->name() != X_("Modifier")) { continue; } name = child->property (X_("name")); mod = child->property (X_("modifier")); if (name && mod) { SVAModifier svam (mod->value()); modifiers.insert (make_pair (name->value(), svam)); } } } void UIConfiguration::set_variables (const XMLNode& node) { #undef UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE #define UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE(Type,var,name,val) if (var.set_from_node (node)) { ParameterChanged (name); } #define CANVAS_FONT_VARIABLE(var,name) if (var.set_from_node (node)) { ParameterChanged (name); } #include "ui_config_vars.h" #include "canvas_vars.h" #undef UI_CONFIG_VARIABLE #undef CANVAS_FONT_VARIABLE } ArdourCanvas::SVAModifier UIConfiguration::modifier (string const & name) const { Modifiers::const_iterator m = modifiers.find (name); if (m != modifiers.end()) { return m->second; } return SVAModifier (); } ArdourCanvas::Color UIConfiguration::color_mod (std::string const & colorname, std::string const & modifiername) const { return HSV (color (colorname)).mod (modifier (modifiername)).color (); } ArdourCanvas::Color UIConfiguration::color_mod (const ArdourCanvas::Color& color, std::string const & modifiername) const { return HSV (color).mod (modifier (modifiername)).color (); } ArdourCanvas::Color UIConfiguration::color (const std::string& name, bool* failed) const { ColorAliases::const_iterator e = color_aliases.find (name); if (failed) { *failed = false; } if (e != color_aliases.end ()) { Colors::const_iterator rc = colors.find (e->second); if (rc != colors.end()) { return rc->second; } } else { /* not an alias, try directly */ Colors::const_iterator rc = colors.find (name); if (rc != colors.end()) { return rc->second; } } if (!failed) { /* only show this message if the caller wasn't interested in the fail status. */ cerr << string_compose (_("Color %1 not found"), name) << endl; } if (failed) { *failed = true; } return rgba_to_color ((g_random_int()%256)/255.0, (g_random_int()%256)/255.0, (g_random_int()%256)/255.0, 0xff); } Color UIConfiguration::quantized (Color c) const { HSV hsv (c); hsv.h = hue_width * (round (hsv.h/hue_width)); return hsv.color (); } void UIConfiguration::set_color (string const& name, ArdourCanvas::Color color) { Colors::iterator i = colors.find (name); if (i == colors.end()) { return; } i->second = color; colors_modified = true; ColorsChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } void UIConfiguration::set_alias (string const & name, string const & alias) { ColorAliases::iterator i = color_aliases.find (name); if (i == color_aliases.end()) { return; } i->second = alias; aliases_modified = true; ColorsChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } void UIConfiguration::set_modifier (string const & name, SVAModifier svam) { Modifiers::iterator m = modifiers.find (name); if (m == modifiers.end()) { return; } m->second = svam; modifiers_modified = true; ColorsChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } void UIConfiguration::load_rc_file (bool themechange, bool allow_own) { string basename = ui_rc_file.get(); std::string rc_file_path; if (!find_file (ardour_config_search_path(), basename, rc_file_path)) { warning << string_compose (_("Unable to find UI style file %1 in search path %2. %3 will look strange"), basename, ardour_config_search_path().to_string(), PROGRAM_NAME) << endmsg; return; } info << "Loading ui configuration file " << rc_file_path << endmsg; Gtkmm2ext::UI::instance()->load_rcfile (rc_file_path, themechange); }