/* Copyright (C) 2001-2011 Paul Davis Author: David Robillard This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include "gtkmm2ext/gtk_ui.h" #include #include "midi++/midnam_patch.h" #include "pbd/memento_command.h" #include "pbd/stateful_diff_command.h" #include "ardour/midi_model.h" #include "ardour/midi_region.h" #include "ardour/midi_source.h" #include "ardour/midi_track.h" #include "ardour/operations.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "evoral/Parameter.hpp" #include "evoral/MIDIEvent.hpp" #include "evoral/Control.hpp" #include "evoral/midi_util.h" #include "canvas/debug.h" #include "canvas/text.h" #include "automation_region_view.h" #include "automation_time_axis.h" #include "control_point.h" #include "debug.h" #include "editor.h" #include "editor_drag.h" #include "ghostregion.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "item_counts.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "midi_channel_dialog.h" #include "midi_cut_buffer.h" #include "midi_list_editor.h" #include "midi_region_view.h" #include "midi_streamview.h" #include "midi_time_axis.h" #include "midi_util.h" #include "midi_velocity_dialog.h" #include "mouse_cursors.h" #include "note_player.h" #include "paste_context.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "route_time_axis.h" #include "rgb_macros.h" #include "selection.h" #include "streamview.h" #include "patch_change_dialog.h" #include "verbose_cursor.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "note.h" #include "hit.h" #include "patch_change.h" #include "sys_ex.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Editing; using namespace std; using Gtkmm2ext::Keyboard; PBD::Signal1 MidiRegionView::SelectionCleared; #define MIDI_BP_ZERO ((Config->get_first_midi_bank_is_zero())?0:1) MidiRegionView::MidiRegionView (ArdourCanvas::Container* parent, RouteTimeAxisView& tv, boost::shared_ptr r, double spu, uint32_t basic_color) : RegionView (parent, tv, r, spu, basic_color) , _current_range_min(0) , _current_range_max(0) , _region_relative_time_converter(r->session().tempo_map(), r->position()) , _source_relative_time_converter(r->session().tempo_map(), r->position() - r->start()) , _active_notes(0) , _note_group (new ArdourCanvas::Container (group)) , _note_diff_command (0) , _ghost_note(0) , _step_edit_cursor (0) , _step_edit_cursor_width (1.0) , _step_edit_cursor_position (0.0) , _channel_selection_scoped_note (0) , _temporary_note_group (0) , _mouse_state(None) , _pressed_button(0) , _sort_needed (true) , _optimization_iterator (_events.end()) , _list_editor (0) , _no_sound_notes (false) , _last_event_x (0) , _last_event_y (0) , _grabbed_keyboard (false) , _entered (false) { CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (_note_group, string_compose ("note group for %1", get_item_name())); _note_group->raise_to_top(); PublicEditor::DropDownKeys.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiRegionView::drop_down_keys)); Config->ParameterChanged.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MidiRegionView::parameter_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); connect_to_diskstream (); SelectionCleared.connect (_selection_cleared_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MidiRegionView::selection_cleared, this, _1), gui_context ()); PublicEditor& editor (trackview.editor()); editor.get_selection().ClearMidiNoteSelection.connect (_clear_midi_selection_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MidiRegionView::clear_midi_selection, this), gui_context ()); } MidiRegionView::MidiRegionView (ArdourCanvas::Container* parent, RouteTimeAxisView& tv, boost::shared_ptr r, double spu, uint32_t basic_color, bool recording, TimeAxisViewItem::Visibility visibility) : RegionView (parent, tv, r, spu, basic_color, recording, visibility) , _current_range_min(0) , _current_range_max(0) , _region_relative_time_converter(r->session().tempo_map(), r->position()) , _source_relative_time_converter(r->session().tempo_map(), r->position() - r->start()) , _active_notes(0) , _note_group (new ArdourCanvas::Container (parent)) , _note_diff_command (0) , _ghost_note(0) , _step_edit_cursor (0) , _step_edit_cursor_width (1.0) , _step_edit_cursor_position (0.0) , _channel_selection_scoped_note (0) , _temporary_note_group (0) , _mouse_state(None) , _pressed_button(0) , _sort_needed (true) , _optimization_iterator (_events.end()) , _list_editor (0) , _no_sound_notes (false) , _last_event_x (0) , _last_event_y (0) , _grabbed_keyboard (false) , _entered (false) { CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (_note_group, string_compose ("note group for %1", get_item_name())); _note_group->raise_to_top(); PublicEditor::DropDownKeys.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiRegionView::drop_down_keys)); connect_to_diskstream (); SelectionCleared.connect (_selection_cleared_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MidiRegionView::selection_cleared, this, _1), gui_context ()); PublicEditor& editor (trackview.editor()); editor.get_selection().ClearMidiNoteSelection.connect (_clear_midi_selection_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MidiRegionView::clear_midi_selection, this), gui_context ()); } void MidiRegionView::parameter_changed (std::string const & p) { if (p == "display-first-midi-bank-as-zero") { if (_enable_display) { redisplay_model(); } } } MidiRegionView::MidiRegionView (const MidiRegionView& other) : sigc::trackable(other) , RegionView (other) , _current_range_min(0) , _current_range_max(0) , _region_relative_time_converter(other.region_relative_time_converter()) , _source_relative_time_converter(other.source_relative_time_converter()) , _active_notes(0) , _note_group (new ArdourCanvas::Container (get_canvas_group())) , _note_diff_command (0) , _ghost_note(0) , _step_edit_cursor (0) , _step_edit_cursor_width (1.0) , _step_edit_cursor_position (0.0) , _channel_selection_scoped_note (0) , _temporary_note_group (0) , _mouse_state(None) , _pressed_button(0) , _sort_needed (true) , _optimization_iterator (_events.end()) , _list_editor (0) , _no_sound_notes (false) , _last_event_x (0) , _last_event_y (0) , _grabbed_keyboard (false) , _entered (false) { init (false); } MidiRegionView::MidiRegionView (const MidiRegionView& other, boost::shared_ptr region) : RegionView (other, boost::shared_ptr (region)) , _current_range_min(0) , _current_range_max(0) , _region_relative_time_converter(other.region_relative_time_converter()) , _source_relative_time_converter(other.source_relative_time_converter()) , _active_notes(0) , _note_group (new ArdourCanvas::Container (get_canvas_group())) , _note_diff_command (0) , _ghost_note(0) , _step_edit_cursor (0) , _step_edit_cursor_width (1.0) , _step_edit_cursor_position (0.0) , _channel_selection_scoped_note (0) , _temporary_note_group (0) , _mouse_state(None) , _pressed_button(0) , _sort_needed (true) , _optimization_iterator (_events.end()) , _list_editor (0) , _no_sound_notes (false) , _last_event_x (0) , _last_event_y (0) , _grabbed_keyboard (false) , _entered (false) { init (true); } void MidiRegionView::init (bool wfd) { PublicEditor::DropDownKeys.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &MidiRegionView::drop_down_keys)); NoteBase::NoteBaseDeleted.connect (note_delete_connection, MISSING_INVALIDATOR, boost::bind (&MidiRegionView::maybe_remove_deleted_note_from_selection, this, _1), gui_context()); if (wfd) { Glib::Threads::Mutex::Lock lm(midi_region()->midi_source(0)->mutex()); midi_region()->midi_source(0)->load_model(lm); } _model = midi_region()->midi_source(0)->model(); _enable_display = false; fill_color_name = "midi frame base"; RegionView::init (false); set_height (trackview.current_height()); region_muted (); region_sync_changed (); region_resized (ARDOUR::bounds_change); region_locked (); set_colors (); _enable_display = true; if (_model) { if (wfd) { display_model (_model); } } reset_width_dependent_items (_pixel_width); group->raise_to_top(); midi_view()->midi_track()->PlaybackChannelModeChanged.connect (_channel_mode_changed_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MidiRegionView::midi_channel_mode_changed, this), gui_context ()); instrument_info().Changed.connect (_instrument_changed_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MidiRegionView::instrument_settings_changed, this), gui_context()); trackview.editor().SnapChanged.connect(snap_changed_connection, invalidator(*this), boost::bind (&MidiRegionView::snap_changed, this), gui_context()); trackview.editor().MouseModeChanged.connect(_mouse_mode_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MidiRegionView::mouse_mode_changed, this), gui_context ()); Config->ParameterChanged.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MidiRegionView::parameter_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); connect_to_diskstream (); SelectionCleared.connect (_selection_cleared_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MidiRegionView::selection_cleared, this, _1), gui_context ()); PublicEditor& editor (trackview.editor()); editor.get_selection().ClearMidiNoteSelection.connect (_clear_midi_selection_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MidiRegionView::clear_midi_selection, this), gui_context ()); } InstrumentInfo& MidiRegionView::instrument_info () const { RouteUI* route_ui = dynamic_cast (&trackview); return route_ui->route()->instrument_info(); } const boost::shared_ptr MidiRegionView::midi_region() const { return boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(_region); } void MidiRegionView::connect_to_diskstream () { midi_view()->midi_track()->DataRecorded.connect( *this, invalidator(*this), boost::bind (&MidiRegionView::data_recorded, this, _1), gui_context()); } bool MidiRegionView::canvas_group_event(GdkEvent* ev) { if (in_destructor || _recregion) { return false; } if (!trackview.editor().internal_editing()) { // not in internal edit mode, so just act like a normal region return RegionView::canvas_group_event (ev); } bool r; switch (ev->type) { case GDK_ENTER_NOTIFY: _last_event_x = ev->crossing.x; _last_event_y = ev->crossing.y; enter_notify(&ev->crossing); // set entered_regionview (among other things) return RegionView::canvas_group_event (ev); case GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY: _last_event_x = ev->crossing.x; _last_event_y = ev->crossing.y; leave_notify(&ev->crossing); // reset entered_regionview (among other things) return RegionView::canvas_group_event (ev); case GDK_SCROLL: if (scroll (&ev->scroll)) { return true; } break; case GDK_KEY_PRESS: return key_press (&ev->key); case GDK_KEY_RELEASE: return key_release (&ev->key); case GDK_BUTTON_PRESS: return button_press (&ev->button); case GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE: r = button_release (&ev->button); _note_player.reset(); return r; case GDK_MOTION_NOTIFY: _last_event_x = ev->motion.x; _last_event_y = ev->motion.y; return motion (&ev->motion); default: break; } return RegionView::canvas_group_event (ev); } bool MidiRegionView::enter_notify (GdkEventCrossing* ev) { enter_internal(); _entered = true; return false; } bool MidiRegionView::leave_notify (GdkEventCrossing*) { leave_internal(); _entered = false; return false; } void MidiRegionView::mouse_mode_changed () { // Adjust frame colour (become more transparent for internal tools) set_frame_color(); if (_entered) { if (trackview.editor().internal_editing()) { // Switched in to internal editing mode while entered enter_internal(); } else { // Switched out of internal editing mode while entered leave_internal(); } } } void MidiRegionView::enter_internal() { if (trackview.editor().current_mouse_mode() == MouseDraw && _mouse_state != AddDragging) { // Show ghost note under pencil create_ghost_note(_last_event_x, _last_event_y); } if (!_selection.empty()) { // Grab keyboard for moving selected notes with arrow keys Keyboard::magic_widget_grab_focus(); _grabbed_keyboard = true; } // Lower frame handles below notes so they don't steal events if (frame_handle_start) { frame_handle_start->lower_to_bottom(); } if (frame_handle_end) { frame_handle_end->lower_to_bottom(); } } void MidiRegionView::leave_internal() { trackview.editor().verbose_cursor()->hide (); remove_ghost_note (); if (_grabbed_keyboard) { Keyboard::magic_widget_drop_focus(); _grabbed_keyboard = false; } // Raise frame handles above notes so they catch events if (frame_handle_start) { frame_handle_start->raise_to_top(); } if (frame_handle_end) { frame_handle_end->raise_to_top(); } } bool MidiRegionView::button_press (GdkEventButton* ev) { if (ev->button != 1) { return false; } Editor* editor = dynamic_cast (&trackview.editor()); MouseMode m = editor->current_mouse_mode(); if (m == MouseContent && Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::insert_note_modifier())) { _press_cursor_ctx = CursorContext::create(*editor, editor->cursors()->midi_pencil); } if (_mouse_state != SelectTouchDragging) { _pressed_button = ev->button; _mouse_state = Pressed; return true; } _pressed_button = ev->button; return true; } bool MidiRegionView::button_release (GdkEventButton* ev) { double event_x, event_y; if (ev->button != 1) { return false; } event_x = ev->x; event_y = ev->y; group->canvas_to_item (event_x, event_y); group->ungrab (); PublicEditor& editor = trackview.editor (); _press_cursor_ctx.reset(); switch (_mouse_state) { case Pressed: // Clicked switch (editor.current_mouse_mode()) { case MouseRange: /* no motion occured - simple click */ clear_selection (); break; case MouseContent: case MouseTimeFX: { clear_selection(); if (Keyboard::is_insert_note_event(ev)) { double event_x, event_y; event_x = ev->x; event_y = ev->y; group->canvas_to_item (event_x, event_y); Evoral::MusicalTime beats = get_grid_beats(editor.pixel_to_sample(event_x)); /* Shorten the length by 1 tick so that we can add a new note at the next grid snap without it overlapping this one. */ beats -= Evoral::MusicalTime::tick(); create_note_at (editor.pixel_to_sample (event_x), event_y, beats, true); } break; } case MouseDraw: { Evoral::MusicalTime beats = get_grid_beats(editor.pixel_to_sample(event_x)); /* Shorten the length by 1 tick so that we can add a new note at the next grid snap without it overlapping this one. */ beats -= Evoral::MusicalTime::tick(); create_note_at (editor.pixel_to_sample (event_x), event_y, beats, true); break; } default: break; } _mouse_state = None; break; case SelectRectDragging: case AddDragging: editor.drags()->end_grab ((GdkEvent *) ev); _mouse_state = None; create_ghost_note (ev->x, ev->y); break; default: break; } return false; } bool MidiRegionView::motion (GdkEventMotion* ev) { PublicEditor& editor = trackview.editor (); if (!_ghost_note && editor.current_mouse_mode() == MouseContent && Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::insert_note_modifier()) && _mouse_state != AddDragging) { create_ghost_note (ev->x, ev->y); } else if (_ghost_note && editor.current_mouse_mode() == MouseContent && Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::insert_note_modifier())) { update_ghost_note (ev->x, ev->y); } else if (_ghost_note && editor.current_mouse_mode() == MouseContent) { remove_ghost_note (); editor.verbose_cursor()->hide (); } else if (_ghost_note && editor.current_mouse_mode() == MouseDraw) { update_ghost_note (ev->x, ev->y); } /* any motion immediately hides velocity text that may have been visible */ for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) { (*i)->hide_velocity (); } switch (_mouse_state) { case Pressed: if (_pressed_button == 1) { MouseMode m = editor.current_mouse_mode(); if (m == MouseDraw || (m == MouseContent && Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::insert_note_modifier()))) { editor.drags()->set (new NoteCreateDrag (dynamic_cast (&editor), group, this), (GdkEvent *) ev); _mouse_state = AddDragging; remove_ghost_note (); editor.verbose_cursor()->hide (); return true; } else if (m == MouseContent) { editor.drags()->set (new MidiRubberbandSelectDrag (dynamic_cast (&editor), this), (GdkEvent *) ev); if (!Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::TertiaryModifier)) { clear_selection (); } _mouse_state = SelectRectDragging; return true; } else if (m == MouseRange) { editor.drags()->set (new MidiVerticalSelectDrag (dynamic_cast (&editor), this), (GdkEvent *) ev); _mouse_state = SelectVerticalDragging; return true; } } return false; case SelectRectDragging: case SelectVerticalDragging: case AddDragging: editor.drags()->motion_handler ((GdkEvent *) ev, false); break; case SelectTouchDragging: return false; default: break; } /* we may be dragging some non-note object (eg. patch-change, sysex) */ return editor.drags()->motion_handler ((GdkEvent *) ev, false); } bool MidiRegionView::scroll (GdkEventScroll* ev) { if (_selection.empty()) { return false; } if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) { /* XXX: bit of a hack; allow PrimaryModifier scroll through so that it still works for zoom. */ return false; } trackview.editor().verbose_cursor()->hide (); bool fine = !Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::SecondaryModifier); bool together = Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::TertiaryModifier); if (ev->direction == GDK_SCROLL_UP) { change_velocities (true, fine, false, together); } else if (ev->direction == GDK_SCROLL_DOWN) { change_velocities (false, fine, false, together); } else { /* left, right: we don't use them */ return false; } return true; } bool MidiRegionView::key_press (GdkEventKey* ev) { /* since GTK bindings are generally activated on press, and since detectable auto-repeat is the name of the game and only sends repeated presses, carry out key actions at key press, not release. */ bool unmodified = Keyboard::no_modifier_keys_pressed (ev); if (unmodified && (ev->keyval == GDK_Alt_L || ev->keyval == GDK_Alt_R)) { _mouse_state = SelectTouchDragging; return true; } else if (ev->keyval == GDK_Escape && unmodified) { clear_selection(); _mouse_state = None; } else if (unmodified && (ev->keyval == GDK_comma || ev->keyval == GDK_period)) { bool start = (ev->keyval == GDK_comma); bool end = (ev->keyval == GDK_period); bool shorter = Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier); bool fine = Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::SecondaryModifier); change_note_lengths (fine, shorter, Evoral::MusicalTime(), start, end); return true; } else if ((ev->keyval == GDK_BackSpace || ev->keyval == GDK_Delete) && unmodified) { if (_selection.empty()) { return false; } delete_selection(); return true; } else if (ev->keyval == GDK_Tab) { if (Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) { goto_previous_note (Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::TertiaryModifier)); } else { goto_next_note (Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::TertiaryModifier)); } return true; } else if (ev->keyval == GDK_ISO_Left_Tab) { /* Shift-TAB generates ISO Left Tab, for some reason */ if (Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) { goto_previous_note (Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::TertiaryModifier)); } else { goto_next_note (Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::TertiaryModifier)); } return true; } else if (ev->keyval == GDK_Up) { bool allow_smush = Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::TertiaryModifier); bool fine = !Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::SecondaryModifier); bool together = Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::Level4Modifier); if (Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) { change_velocities (true, fine, allow_smush, together); } else { transpose (true, fine, allow_smush); } return true; } else if (ev->keyval == GDK_Down) { bool allow_smush = Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::TertiaryModifier); bool fine = !Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::SecondaryModifier); bool together = Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::Level4Modifier); if (Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) { change_velocities (false, fine, allow_smush, together); } else { transpose (false, fine, allow_smush); } return true; } else if (ev->keyval == GDK_Left) { bool fine = !Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::SecondaryModifier); nudge_notes (false, fine); return true; } else if (ev->keyval == GDK_Right) { bool fine = !Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::SecondaryModifier); nudge_notes (true, fine); return true; } else if (ev->keyval == GDK_c && unmodified) { channel_edit (); return true; } else if (ev->keyval == GDK_v && unmodified) { velocity_edit (); return true; } return false; } bool MidiRegionView::key_release (GdkEventKey* ev) { if ((_mouse_state == SelectTouchDragging) && (ev->keyval == GDK_Alt_L || ev->keyval == GDK_Alt_R)) { _mouse_state = None; return true; } return false; } void MidiRegionView::channel_edit () { if (_selection.empty()) { return; } /* pick a note somewhat at random (since Selection is a set<>) to * provide the "current" channel for the dialog. */ uint8_t current_channel = (*_selection.begin())->note()->channel (); MidiChannelDialog channel_dialog (current_channel); int ret = channel_dialog.run (); switch (ret) { case Gtk::RESPONSE_OK: break; default: return; } uint8_t new_channel = channel_dialog.active_channel (); start_note_diff_command (_("channel edit")); for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ) { Selection::iterator next = i; ++next; change_note_channel (*i, new_channel); i = next; } apply_diff (); } void MidiRegionView::velocity_edit () { if (_selection.empty()) { return; } /* pick a note somewhat at random (since Selection is a set<>) to * provide the "current" velocity for the dialog. */ uint8_t current_velocity = (*_selection.begin())->note()->velocity (); MidiVelocityDialog velocity_dialog (current_velocity); int ret = velocity_dialog.run (); switch (ret) { case Gtk::RESPONSE_OK: break; default: return; } uint8_t new_velocity = velocity_dialog.velocity (); start_note_diff_command (_("velocity edit")); for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ) { Selection::iterator next = i; ++next; change_note_velocity (*i, new_velocity, false); i = next; } apply_diff (); } void MidiRegionView::show_list_editor () { if (!_list_editor) { _list_editor = new MidiListEditor (trackview.session(), midi_region(), midi_view()->midi_track()); } _list_editor->present (); } /** Add a note to the model, and the view, at a canvas (click) coordinate. * \param t time in frames relative to the position of the region * \param y vertical position in pixels * \param length duration of the note in beats * \param snap_t true to snap t to the grid, otherwise false. */ void MidiRegionView::create_note_at (framepos_t t, double y, Evoral::MusicalTime length, bool snap_t) { if (length < 2 * DBL_EPSILON) { return; } MidiTimeAxisView* const mtv = dynamic_cast(&trackview); MidiStreamView* const view = mtv->midi_view(); // Start of note in frames relative to region start if (snap_t) { framecnt_t grid_frames; t = snap_frame_to_grid_underneath (t, grid_frames); } const MidiModel::TimeType beat_time = region_frames_to_region_beats( t + _region->start()); const double note = view->y_to_note(y); const uint8_t chan = mtv->get_channel_for_add(); const uint8_t velocity = get_velocity_for_add(beat_time); const boost::shared_ptr new_note( new NoteType (chan, beat_time, length, (uint8_t)note, velocity)); if (_model->contains (new_note)) { return; } view->update_note_range(new_note->note()); MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand* cmd = _model->new_note_diff_command(_("add note")); cmd->add (new_note); _model->apply_command(*trackview.session(), cmd); play_midi_note (new_note); } void MidiRegionView::clear_events (bool with_selection_signal) { clear_selection (with_selection_signal); MidiGhostRegion* gr; for (std::vector::iterator g = ghosts.begin(); g != ghosts.end(); ++g) { if ((gr = dynamic_cast(*g)) != 0) { gr->clear_events(); } } for (Events::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { delete *i; } _events.clear(); _patch_changes.clear(); _sys_exes.clear(); _optimization_iterator = _events.end(); } void MidiRegionView::display_model(boost::shared_ptr model) { _model = model; content_connection.disconnect (); _model->ContentsChanged.connect (content_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&MidiRegionView::redisplay_model, this), gui_context()); clear_events (); if (_enable_display) { redisplay_model(); } } void MidiRegionView::start_note_diff_command (string name) { if (!_note_diff_command) { _note_diff_command = _model->new_note_diff_command (name); } } void MidiRegionView::note_diff_add_note (const boost::shared_ptr note, bool selected, bool show_velocity) { if (_note_diff_command) { _note_diff_command->add (note); } if (selected) { _marked_for_selection.insert(note); } if (show_velocity) { _marked_for_velocity.insert(note); } } void MidiRegionView::note_diff_remove_note (NoteBase* ev) { if (_note_diff_command && ev->note()) { _note_diff_command->remove(ev->note()); } } void MidiRegionView::note_diff_add_change (NoteBase* ev, MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Property property, uint8_t val) { if (_note_diff_command) { _note_diff_command->change (ev->note(), property, val); } } void MidiRegionView::note_diff_add_change (NoteBase* ev, MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Property property, Evoral::MusicalTime val) { if (_note_diff_command) { _note_diff_command->change (ev->note(), property, val); } } void MidiRegionView::apply_diff (bool as_subcommand) { bool add_or_remove; if (!_note_diff_command) { return; } if ((add_or_remove = _note_diff_command->adds_or_removes())) { // Mark all selected notes for selection when model reloads for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) { _marked_for_selection.insert((*i)->note()); } } if (as_subcommand) { _model->apply_command_as_subcommand (*trackview.session(), _note_diff_command); } else { _model->apply_command (*trackview.session(), _note_diff_command); } _note_diff_command = 0; midi_view()->midi_track()->playlist_modified(); if (add_or_remove) { _marked_for_selection.clear(); } _marked_for_velocity.clear(); } void MidiRegionView::abort_command() { delete _note_diff_command; _note_diff_command = 0; clear_selection(); } NoteBase* MidiRegionView::find_canvas_note (boost::shared_ptr note) { if (_optimization_iterator != _events.end()) { ++_optimization_iterator; } if (_optimization_iterator != _events.end() && (*_optimization_iterator)->note() == note) { return *_optimization_iterator; } for (_optimization_iterator = _events.begin(); _optimization_iterator != _events.end(); ++_optimization_iterator) { if ((*_optimization_iterator)->note() == note) { return *_optimization_iterator; } } return 0; } void MidiRegionView::get_events (Events& e, Evoral::Sequence::NoteOperator op, uint8_t val, int chan_mask) { MidiModel::Notes notes; _model->get_notes (notes, op, val, chan_mask); for (MidiModel::Notes::iterator n = notes.begin(); n != notes.end(); ++n) { NoteBase* cne = find_canvas_note (*n); if (cne) { e.push_back (cne); } } } void MidiRegionView::redisplay_model() { if (_active_notes) { /* Recording, so just update canvas events to reflect changes in zoom or whatever without touching model. */ for (Events::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { update_note(*i); } return; } if (!_model) { return; } for (Events::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { (*i)->invalidate (); } MidiModel::ReadLock lock(_model->read_lock()); MidiModel::Notes& notes (_model->notes()); _optimization_iterator = _events.begin(); bool empty_when_starting = _events.empty(); for (MidiModel::Notes::iterator n = notes.begin(); n != notes.end(); ++n) { boost::shared_ptr note (*n); NoteBase* cne; bool visible; if (note_in_region_range (note, visible)) { if (!empty_when_starting && (cne = find_canvas_note (note)) != 0) { cne->validate (); update_note (cne); if (visible) { cne->show (); } else { cne->hide (); } } else { add_note (note, visible); } } else { if (!empty_when_starting && (cne = find_canvas_note (note)) != 0) { cne->validate (); cne->hide (); } } } /* remove note items that are no longer valid */ if (!empty_when_starting) { for (Events::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ) { if (!(*i)->valid ()) { for (vector::iterator j = ghosts.begin(); j != ghosts.end(); ++j) { MidiGhostRegion* gr = dynamic_cast (*j); if (gr) { gr->remove_note (*i); } } delete *i; i = _events.erase (i); } else { ++i; } } } _patch_changes.clear(); _sys_exes.clear(); display_sysexes(); display_patch_changes (); _marked_for_selection.clear (); _marked_for_velocity.clear (); /* we may have caused _events to contain things out of order (e.g. if a note moved earlier or later). we don't generally need them in time order, but make a note that a sort is required for those cases that require it. */ _sort_needed = true; } void MidiRegionView::display_patch_changes () { MidiTimeAxisView* const mtv = dynamic_cast(&trackview); uint16_t chn_mask = mtv->midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask(); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 16; ++i) { display_patch_changes_on_channel (i, chn_mask & (1 << i)); } } /** @param active_channel true to display patch changes fully, false to display * them `greyed-out' (as on an inactive channel) */ void MidiRegionView::display_patch_changes_on_channel (uint8_t channel, bool active_channel) { for (MidiModel::PatchChanges::const_iterator i = _model->patch_changes().begin(); i != _model->patch_changes().end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->channel() != channel) { continue; } const string patch_name = instrument_info().get_patch_name ((*i)->bank(), (*i)->program(), channel); add_canvas_patch_change (*i, patch_name, active_channel); } } void MidiRegionView::display_sysexes() { bool have_periodic_system_messages = false; bool display_periodic_messages = true; if (!ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_never_display_periodic_midi()) { for (MidiModel::SysExes::const_iterator i = _model->sysexes().begin(); i != _model->sysexes().end(); ++i) { const boost::shared_ptr > mev = boost::static_pointer_cast > (*i); if (mev) { if (mev->is_spp() || mev->is_mtc_quarter() || mev->is_mtc_full()) { have_periodic_system_messages = true; break; } } } if (have_periodic_system_messages) { double zoom = trackview.editor().get_current_zoom (); // frames per pixel /* get an approximate value for the number of samples per video frame */ double video_frame = trackview.session()->frame_rate() * (1.0/30); /* if we are zoomed out beyond than the cutoff (i.e. more * frames per pixel than frames per 4 video frames), don't * show periodic sysex messages. */ if (zoom > (video_frame*4)) { display_periodic_messages = false; } } } else { display_periodic_messages = false; } for (MidiModel::SysExes::const_iterator i = _model->sysexes().begin(); i != _model->sysexes().end(); ++i) { const boost::shared_ptr > mev = boost::static_pointer_cast > (*i); Evoral::MusicalTime time = (*i)->time(); if (mev) { if (mev->is_spp() || mev->is_mtc_quarter() || mev->is_mtc_full()) { if (!display_periodic_messages) { continue; } } } ostringstream str; str << hex; for (uint32_t b = 0; b < (*i)->size(); ++b) { str << int((*i)->buffer()[b]); if (b != (*i)->size() -1) { str << " "; } } string text = str.str(); const double x = trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel(source_beats_to_region_frames(time)); double height = midi_stream_view()->contents_height(); // CAIROCANVAS: no longer passing *i (the sysex event) to the // SysEx canvas object!!! boost::shared_ptr sysex = boost::shared_ptr( new SysEx (*this, _note_group, text, height, x, 1.0)); // Show unless message is beyond the region bounds if (time - _region->start() >= _region->length() || time < _region->start()) { sysex->hide(); } else { sysex->show(); } _sys_exes.push_back(sysex); } } MidiRegionView::~MidiRegionView () { in_destructor = true; trackview.editor().verbose_cursor()->hide (); note_delete_connection.disconnect (); delete _list_editor; RegionViewGoingAway (this); /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ if (_active_notes) { end_write(); } _selection_cleared_connection.disconnect (); _selection.clear(); clear_events (false); delete _note_group; delete _note_diff_command; delete _step_edit_cursor; delete _temporary_note_group; } void MidiRegionView::region_resized (const PropertyChange& what_changed) { RegionView::region_resized(what_changed); if (what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::position)) { _region_relative_time_converter.set_origin_b(_region->position()); set_duration(_region->length(), 0); if (_enable_display) { redisplay_model(); } } if (what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::start) || what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::position)) { _source_relative_time_converter.set_origin_b (_region->position() - _region->start()); } } void MidiRegionView::reset_width_dependent_items (double pixel_width) { RegionView::reset_width_dependent_items(pixel_width); if (_enable_display) { redisplay_model(); } for (PatchChanges::iterator x = _patch_changes.begin(); x != _patch_changes.end(); ++x) { if ((*x)->canvas_item()->width() >= _pixel_width) { (*x)->hide(); } else { (*x)->show(); } } move_step_edit_cursor (_step_edit_cursor_position); set_step_edit_cursor_width (_step_edit_cursor_width); } void MidiRegionView::set_height (double height) { double old_height = _height; RegionView::set_height(height); apply_note_range (midi_stream_view()->lowest_note(), midi_stream_view()->highest_note(), height != old_height); if (name_text) { name_text->raise_to_top(); } for (PatchChanges::iterator x = _patch_changes.begin(); x != _patch_changes.end(); ++x) { (*x)->set_height (midi_stream_view()->contents_height()); } if (_step_edit_cursor) { _step_edit_cursor->set_y1 (midi_stream_view()->contents_height()); } } /** Apply the current note range from the stream view * by repositioning/hiding notes as necessary */ void MidiRegionView::apply_note_range (uint8_t min, uint8_t max, bool force) { if (!_enable_display) { return; } if (!force && _current_range_min == min && _current_range_max == max) { return; } _current_range_min = min; _current_range_max = max; for (Events::const_iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { NoteBase* event = *i; boost::shared_ptr note (event->note()); if (note->note() < _current_range_min || note->note() > _current_range_max) { event->hide(); } else { event->show(); } if (Note* cnote = dynamic_cast(event)) { const double y0 = 1. + floor (midi_stream_view()->note_to_y(note->note())); const double y1 = y0 + std::max(1., floor(midi_stream_view()->note_height()) - 1.); cnote->set_y0 (y0); cnote->set_y1 (y1); } else if (Hit* chit = dynamic_cast(event)) { update_hit (chit); } } } GhostRegion* MidiRegionView::add_ghost (TimeAxisView& tv) { double unit_position = _region->position () / samples_per_pixel; MidiTimeAxisView* mtv = dynamic_cast(&tv); MidiGhostRegion* ghost; if (mtv && mtv->midi_view()) { /* if ghost is inserted into midi track, use a dedicated midi ghost canvas group to allow having midi notes on top of note lines and waveforms. */ ghost = new MidiGhostRegion (*mtv->midi_view(), trackview, unit_position); } else { ghost = new MidiGhostRegion (tv, trackview, unit_position); } for (Events::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { ghost->add_note(*i); } ghost->set_height (); ghost->set_duration (_region->length() / samples_per_pixel); ghosts.push_back (ghost); GhostRegion::CatchDeletion.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RegionView::remove_ghost, this, _1), gui_context()); return ghost; } /** Begin tracking note state for successive calls to add_event */ void MidiRegionView::begin_write() { if (_active_notes) { delete[] _active_notes; } _active_notes = new Note*[128]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { _active_notes[i] = 0; } } /** Destroy note state for add_event */ void MidiRegionView::end_write() { delete[] _active_notes; _active_notes = 0; _marked_for_selection.clear(); _marked_for_velocity.clear(); } /** Resolve an active MIDI note (while recording). */ void MidiRegionView::resolve_note(uint8_t note, Evoral::MusicalTime end_time) { if (midi_view()->note_mode() != Sustained) { return; } if (_active_notes && _active_notes[note]) { /* XXX is end_time really region-centric? I think so, because this is a new region that we're recording, so source zero is the same as region zero */ const framepos_t end_time_frames = region_beats_to_region_frames(end_time); _active_notes[note]->set_x1 (trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel(end_time_frames)); _active_notes[note]->set_outline_all (); _active_notes[note] = 0; } } /** Extend active notes to rightmost edge of region (if length is changed) */ void MidiRegionView::extend_active_notes() { if (!_active_notes) { return; } for (unsigned i=0; i < 128; ++i) { if (_active_notes[i]) { _active_notes[i]->set_x1( trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel(_region->position() + _region->length())); } } } void MidiRegionView::play_midi_note(boost::shared_ptr note) { if (_no_sound_notes || !ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_sound_midi_notes()) { return; } RouteUI* route_ui = dynamic_cast (&trackview); if (!route_ui || !route_ui->midi_track()) { return; } NotePlayer* np = new NotePlayer (route_ui->midi_track ()); np->add (note); np->play (); /* NotePlayer deletes itself */ } void MidiRegionView::start_playing_midi_note(boost::shared_ptr note) { const std::vector< boost::shared_ptr > notes(1, note); start_playing_midi_chord(notes); } void MidiRegionView::start_playing_midi_chord (vector > notes) { if (_no_sound_notes || !ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_sound_midi_notes()) { return; } RouteUI* route_ui = dynamic_cast (&trackview); if (!route_ui || !route_ui->midi_track()) { return; } _note_player = boost::shared_ptr(new NotePlayer(route_ui->midi_track())); for (vector >::iterator n = notes.begin(); n != notes.end(); ++n) { _note_player->add (*n); } _note_player->on (); } bool MidiRegionView::note_in_region_range (const boost::shared_ptr note, bool& visible) const { const framepos_t note_start_frames = source_beats_to_region_frames (note->time()); bool outside = (note_start_frames < 0) || (note_start_frames > _region->last_frame()); visible = (note->note() >= midi_stream_view()->lowest_note()) && (note->note() <= midi_stream_view()->highest_note()); return !outside; } void MidiRegionView::update_note (NoteBase* note, bool update_ghost_regions) { Note* sus = NULL; Hit* hit = NULL; if ((sus = dynamic_cast(note))) { update_sustained(sus, update_ghost_regions); } else if ((hit = dynamic_cast(note))) { update_hit(hit, update_ghost_regions); } } /** Update a canvas note's size from its model note. * @param ev Canvas note to update. * @param update_ghost_regions true to update the note in any ghost regions that we have, otherwise false. */ void MidiRegionView::update_sustained (Note* ev, bool update_ghost_regions) { boost::shared_ptr note = ev->note(); const double x = trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel (source_beats_to_region_frames (note->time())); const double y0 = 1 + floor(midi_stream_view()->note_to_y(note->note())); ev->set_x0 (x); ev->set_y0 (y0); /* trim note display to not overlap the end of its region */ if (note->length() > 0) { const framepos_t note_end_frames = min (source_beats_to_region_frames (note->end_time()), _region->length()); ev->set_x1 (trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel (note_end_frames)); } else { ev->set_x1 (trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel (_region->length())); } ev->set_y1 (y0 + std::max(1., floor(midi_stream_view()->note_height()) - 1)); if (!note->length()) { if (_active_notes && note->note() < 128) { // If this note is already active there's a stuck note, // finish the old note rectangle if (_active_notes[note->note()]) { Note* const old_rect = _active_notes[note->note()]; boost::shared_ptr old_note = old_rect->note(); old_rect->set_x1 (x); old_rect->set_outline_all (); } _active_notes[note->note()] = ev; } /* outline all but right edge */ ev->set_outline_what (ArdourCanvas::Rectangle::What ( ArdourCanvas::Rectangle::TOP| ArdourCanvas::Rectangle::LEFT| ArdourCanvas::Rectangle::BOTTOM)); } else { /* outline all edges */ ev->set_outline_all (); } // Update color in case velocity has changed ev->set_fill_color(ev->base_color()); ev->set_outline_color(ev->calculate_outline(ev->base_color(), ev->selected())); if (update_ghost_regions) { for (std::vector::iterator i = ghosts.begin(); i != ghosts.end(); ++i) { MidiGhostRegion* gr = dynamic_cast (*i); if (gr) { gr->update_note (ev); } } } } void MidiRegionView::update_hit (Hit* ev, bool update_ghost_regions) { boost::shared_ptr note = ev->note(); const framepos_t note_start_frames = source_beats_to_region_frames(note->time()); const double x = trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel(note_start_frames); const double diamond_size = std::max(1., floor(midi_stream_view()->note_height()) - 2.); const double y = 1.5 + floor(midi_stream_view()->note_to_y(note->note())) + diamond_size * .5; ev->set_position (ArdourCanvas::Duple (x, y)); ev->set_height (diamond_size); // Update color in case velocity has changed ev->set_fill_color(ev->base_color()); ev->set_outline_color(ev->calculate_outline(ev->base_color(), ev->selected())); if (update_ghost_regions) { for (std::vector::iterator i = ghosts.begin(); i != ghosts.end(); ++i) { MidiGhostRegion* gr = dynamic_cast (*i); if (gr) { gr->update_note (ev); } } } } /** Add a MIDI note to the view (with length). * * If in sustained mode, notes with length 0 will be considered active * notes, and resolve_note should be called when the corresponding note off * event arrives, to properly display the note. */ void MidiRegionView::add_note(const boost::shared_ptr note, bool visible) { NoteBase* event = 0; if (midi_view()->note_mode() == Sustained) { Note* ev_rect = new Note (*this, _note_group, note); update_note (ev_rect); event = ev_rect; } else if (midi_view()->note_mode() == Percussive) { const double diamond_size = std::max(1., floor(midi_stream_view()->note_height()) - 2.); Hit* ev_diamond = new Hit (*this, _note_group, diamond_size, note); update_hit (ev_diamond); event = ev_diamond; } else { event = 0; } if (event) { MidiGhostRegion* gr; for (std::vector::iterator g = ghosts.begin(); g != ghosts.end(); ++g) { if ((gr = dynamic_cast(*g)) != 0) { gr->add_note(event); } } if (_marked_for_selection.find(note) != _marked_for_selection.end()) { note_selected(event, true); } if (_marked_for_velocity.find(note) != _marked_for_velocity.end()) { event->show_velocity(); } event->on_channel_selection_change (get_selected_channels()); _events.push_back(event); if (visible) { event->show(); } else { event->hide (); } } MidiTimeAxisView* const mtv = dynamic_cast(&trackview); MidiStreamView* const view = mtv->midi_view(); view->update_note_range (note->note()); } void MidiRegionView::step_add_note (uint8_t channel, uint8_t number, uint8_t velocity, Evoral::MusicalTime pos, Evoral::MusicalTime len) { boost::shared_ptr new_note (new NoteType (channel, pos, len, number, velocity)); /* potentially extend region to hold new note */ framepos_t end_frame = source_beats_to_absolute_frames (new_note->end_time()); framepos_t region_end = _region->last_frame(); if (end_frame > region_end) { _region->set_length (end_frame - _region->position()); } MidiTimeAxisView* const mtv = dynamic_cast(&trackview); MidiStreamView* const view = mtv->midi_view(); view->update_note_range(new_note->note()); _marked_for_selection.clear (); clear_selection (); start_note_diff_command (_("step add")); note_diff_add_note (new_note, true, false); apply_diff(); // last_step_edit_note = new_note; } void MidiRegionView::step_sustain (Evoral::MusicalTime beats) { change_note_lengths (false, false, beats, false, true); } /** Add a new patch change flag to the canvas. * @param patch the patch change to add * @param the text to display in the flag * @param active_channel true to display the flag as on an active channel, false to grey it out for an inactive channel. */ void MidiRegionView::add_canvas_patch_change (MidiModel::PatchChangePtr patch, const string& displaytext, bool /*active_channel*/) { framecnt_t region_frames = source_beats_to_region_frames (patch->time()); const double x = trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel (region_frames); double const height = midi_stream_view()->contents_height(); // CAIROCANVAS: active_channel info removed from PatcChange constructor // so we need to do something more sophisticated to keep its color // appearance (MidiPatchChangeFill/MidiPatchChangeInactiveChannelFill) // up to date. boost::shared_ptr patch_change = boost::shared_ptr( new PatchChange(*this, group, displaytext, height, x, 1.0, instrument_info(), patch)); if (patch_change->item().width() < _pixel_width) { // Show unless patch change is beyond the region bounds if (region_frames < 0 || region_frames >= _region->length()) { patch_change->hide(); } else { patch_change->show(); } } else { patch_change->hide (); } _patch_changes.push_back (patch_change); } MIDI::Name::PatchPrimaryKey MidiRegionView::patch_change_to_patch_key (MidiModel::PatchChangePtr p) { return MIDI::Name::PatchPrimaryKey (p->program(), p->bank()); } /// Return true iff @p pc applies to the given time on the given channel. static bool patch_applies (const ARDOUR::MidiModel::constPatchChangePtr pc, Evoral::MusicalTime time, uint8_t channel) { return pc->time() <= time && pc->channel() == channel; } void MidiRegionView::get_patch_key_at (Evoral::MusicalTime time, uint8_t channel, MIDI::Name::PatchPrimaryKey& key) const { // The earliest event not before time MidiModel::PatchChanges::iterator i = _model->patch_change_lower_bound (time); // Go backwards until we find the latest PC for this channel, or the start while (i != _model->patch_changes().begin() && (i == _model->patch_changes().end() || !patch_applies(*i, time, channel))) { --i; } if (i != _model->patch_changes().end() && patch_applies(*i, time, channel)) { key.set_bank((*i)->bank()); key.set_program((*i)->program ()); } else { key.set_bank(0); key.set_program(0); } } void MidiRegionView::change_patch_change (PatchChange& pc, const MIDI::Name::PatchPrimaryKey& new_patch) { MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand* c = _model->new_patch_change_diff_command (_("alter patch change")); if (pc.patch()->program() != new_patch.program()) { c->change_program (pc.patch (), new_patch.program()); } int const new_bank = new_patch.bank(); if (pc.patch()->bank() != new_bank) { c->change_bank (pc.patch (), new_bank); } _model->apply_command (*trackview.session(), c); _patch_changes.clear (); display_patch_changes (); } void MidiRegionView::change_patch_change (MidiModel::PatchChangePtr old_change, const Evoral::PatchChange & new_change) { MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand* c = _model->new_patch_change_diff_command (_("alter patch change")); if (old_change->time() != new_change.time()) { c->change_time (old_change, new_change.time()); } if (old_change->channel() != new_change.channel()) { c->change_channel (old_change, new_change.channel()); } if (old_change->program() != new_change.program()) { c->change_program (old_change, new_change.program()); } if (old_change->bank() != new_change.bank()) { c->change_bank (old_change, new_change.bank()); } _model->apply_command (*trackview.session(), c); _patch_changes.clear (); display_patch_changes (); } /** Add a patch change to the region. * @param t Time in frames relative to region position * @param patch Patch to add; time and channel are ignored (time is converted from t, and channel comes from * MidiTimeAxisView::get_channel_for_add()) */ void MidiRegionView::add_patch_change (framecnt_t t, Evoral::PatchChange const & patch) { MidiTimeAxisView* const mtv = dynamic_cast(&trackview); MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand* c = _model->new_patch_change_diff_command (_("add patch change")); c->add (MidiModel::PatchChangePtr ( new Evoral::PatchChange ( absolute_frames_to_source_beats (_region->position() + t), mtv->get_channel_for_add(), patch.program(), patch.bank() ) ) ); _model->apply_command (*trackview.session(), c); _patch_changes.clear (); display_patch_changes (); } void MidiRegionView::move_patch_change (PatchChange& pc, Evoral::MusicalTime t) { MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand* c = _model->new_patch_change_diff_command (_("move patch change")); c->change_time (pc.patch (), t); _model->apply_command (*trackview.session(), c); _patch_changes.clear (); display_patch_changes (); } void MidiRegionView::delete_patch_change (PatchChange* pc) { MidiModel::PatchChangeDiffCommand* c = _model->new_patch_change_diff_command (_("delete patch change")); c->remove (pc->patch ()); _model->apply_command (*trackview.session(), c); _patch_changes.clear (); display_patch_changes (); } void MidiRegionView::step_patch (PatchChange& patch, bool bank, int delta) { MIDI::Name::PatchPrimaryKey key = patch_change_to_patch_key(patch.patch()); if (bank) { key.set_bank(key.bank() + delta); } else { key.set_program(key.program() + delta); } change_patch_change(patch, key); } void MidiRegionView::maybe_remove_deleted_note_from_selection (NoteBase* cne) { if (_selection.empty()) { return; } _selection.erase (cne); } void MidiRegionView::delete_selection() { if (_selection.empty()) { return; } start_note_diff_command (_("delete selection")); for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->selected()) { _note_diff_command->remove((*i)->note()); } } _selection.clear(); apply_diff (); } void MidiRegionView::delete_note (boost::shared_ptr n) { start_note_diff_command (_("delete note")); _note_diff_command->remove (n); apply_diff (); trackview.editor().verbose_cursor()->hide (); } void MidiRegionView::clear_selection_except (NoteBase* ev, bool signal) { for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ) { if ((*i) != ev) { Selection::iterator tmp = i; ++tmp; (*i)->set_selected (false); (*i)->hide_velocity (); _selection.erase (i); i = tmp; } else { ++i; } } if (!ev && _entered) { // Clearing selection entirely, ungrab keyboard Keyboard::magic_widget_drop_focus(); _grabbed_keyboard = false; } /* this does not change the status of this regionview w.r.t the editor selection. */ if (signal) { SelectionCleared (this); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } } void MidiRegionView::unique_select(NoteBase* ev) { const bool selection_was_empty = _selection.empty(); clear_selection_except (ev); /* don't bother with checking to see if we should remove this regionview from the editor selection, since we're about to add another note, and thus put/keep this regionview in the editor selection anyway. */ if (!ev->selected()) { add_to_selection (ev); if (selection_was_empty && _entered) { // Grab keyboard for moving notes with arrow keys Keyboard::magic_widget_grab_focus(); _grabbed_keyboard = true; } } } void MidiRegionView::select_all_notes () { clear_selection (); for (Events::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { add_to_selection (*i); } } void MidiRegionView::select_range (framepos_t start, framepos_t end) { clear_selection (); for (Events::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { framepos_t t = source_beats_to_absolute_frames((*i)->note()->time()); if (t >= start && t <= end) { add_to_selection (*i); } } } void MidiRegionView::invert_selection () { for (Events::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->selected()) { remove_from_selection(*i); } else { add_to_selection (*i); } } } void MidiRegionView::select_matching_notes (uint8_t notenum, uint16_t channel_mask, bool add, bool extend) { bool have_selection = !_selection.empty(); uint8_t low_note = 127; uint8_t high_note = 0; MidiModel::Notes& notes (_model->notes()); _optimization_iterator = _events.begin(); if (extend && !have_selection) { extend = false; } /* scan existing selection to get note range */ for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->note()->note() < low_note) { low_note = (*i)->note()->note(); } if ((*i)->note()->note() > high_note) { high_note = (*i)->note()->note(); } } if (!add) { clear_selection (); if (!extend && (low_note == high_note) && (high_note == notenum)) { /* only note previously selected is the one we are * reselecting. treat this as cancelling the selection. */ return; } } if (extend) { low_note = min (low_note, notenum); high_note = max (high_note, notenum); } _no_sound_notes = true; for (MidiModel::Notes::iterator n = notes.begin(); n != notes.end(); ++n) { boost::shared_ptr note (*n); NoteBase* cne; bool select = false; if (((1 << note->channel()) & channel_mask) != 0) { if (extend) { if ((note->note() >= low_note && note->note() <= high_note)) { select = true; } } else if (note->note() == notenum) { select = true; } } if (select) { if ((cne = find_canvas_note (note)) != 0) { // extend is false because we've taken care of it, // since it extends by time range, not pitch. note_selected (cne, add, false); } } add = true; // we need to add all remaining matching notes, even if the passed in value was false (for "set") } _no_sound_notes = false; } void MidiRegionView::toggle_matching_notes (uint8_t notenum, uint16_t channel_mask) { MidiModel::Notes& notes (_model->notes()); _optimization_iterator = _events.begin(); for (MidiModel::Notes::iterator n = notes.begin(); n != notes.end(); ++n) { boost::shared_ptr note (*n); NoteBase* cne; if (note->note() == notenum && (((0x0001 << note->channel()) & channel_mask) != 0)) { if ((cne = find_canvas_note (note)) != 0) { if (cne->selected()) { note_deselected (cne); } else { note_selected (cne, true, false); } } } } } void MidiRegionView::note_selected (NoteBase* ev, bool add, bool extend) { if (!add) { clear_selection_except (ev); if (!_selection.empty()) { PublicEditor& editor (trackview.editor()); editor.get_selection().add (this); } } if (!extend) { if (!ev->selected()) { add_to_selection (ev); } } else { /* find end of latest note selected, select all between that and the start of "ev" */ Evoral::MusicalTime earliest = Evoral::MaxMusicalTime; Evoral::MusicalTime latest = Evoral::MusicalTime(); for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->note()->end_time() > latest) { latest = (*i)->note()->end_time(); } if ((*i)->note()->time() < earliest) { earliest = (*i)->note()->time(); } } if (ev->note()->end_time() > latest) { latest = ev->note()->end_time(); } if (ev->note()->time() < earliest) { earliest = ev->note()->time(); } for (Events::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { /* find notes entirely within OR spanning the earliest..latest range */ if (((*i)->note()->time() >= earliest && (*i)->note()->end_time() <= latest) || ((*i)->note()->time() <= earliest && (*i)->note()->end_time() >= latest)) { add_to_selection (*i); } } } } void MidiRegionView::note_deselected(NoteBase* ev) { remove_from_selection (ev); } void MidiRegionView::update_drag_selection(framepos_t start, framepos_t end, double gy0, double gy1, bool extend) { PublicEditor& editor = trackview.editor(); // Convert to local coordinates const framepos_t p = _region->position(); const double y = midi_view()->y_position(); const double x0 = editor.sample_to_pixel(max((framepos_t)0, start - p)); const double x1 = editor.sample_to_pixel(max((framepos_t)0, end - p)); const double y0 = max(0.0, gy0 - y); const double y1 = max(0.0, gy1 - y); // TODO: Make this faster by storing the last updated selection rect, and only // adjusting things that are in the area that appears/disappeared. // We probably need a tree to be able to find events in O(log(n)) time. for (Events::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->x0() < x1 && (*i)->x1() > x0 && (*i)->y0() < y1 && (*i)->y1() > y0) { // Rectangles intersect if (!(*i)->selected()) { add_to_selection (*i); } } else if ((*i)->selected() && !extend) { // Rectangles do not intersect remove_from_selection (*i); } } typedef RouteTimeAxisView::AutomationTracks ATracks; typedef std::list Selectables; /* Add control points to selection. */ const ATracks& atracks = midi_view()->automation_tracks(); Selectables selectables; editor.get_selection().clear_points(); for (ATracks::const_iterator a = atracks.begin(); a != atracks.end(); ++a) { a->second->get_selectables(start, end, gy0, gy1, selectables); for (Selectables::const_iterator s = selectables.begin(); s != selectables.end(); ++s) { ControlPoint* cp = dynamic_cast(*s); if (cp) { editor.get_selection().add(cp); } } a->second->set_selected_points(editor.get_selection().points); } } void MidiRegionView::update_vertical_drag_selection (double y1, double y2, bool extend) { if (y1 > y2) { swap (y1, y2); } // TODO: Make this faster by storing the last updated selection rect, and only // adjusting things that are in the area that appears/disappeared. // We probably need a tree to be able to find events in O(log(n)) time. for (Events::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { if (((*i)->y1() >= y1 && (*i)->y1() <= y2)) { // within y- (note-) range if (!(*i)->selected()) { add_to_selection (*i); } } else if ((*i)->selected() && !extend) { remove_from_selection (*i); } } } void MidiRegionView::remove_from_selection (NoteBase* ev) { Selection::iterator i = _selection.find (ev); if (i != _selection.end()) { _selection.erase (i); if (_selection.empty() && _grabbed_keyboard) { // Ungrab keyboard Keyboard::magic_widget_drop_focus(); _grabbed_keyboard = false; } } ev->set_selected (false); ev->hide_velocity (); if (_selection.empty()) { PublicEditor& editor (trackview.editor()); editor.get_selection().remove (this); } } void MidiRegionView::add_to_selection (NoteBase* ev) { const bool selection_was_empty = _selection.empty(); if (_selection.insert (ev).second) { ev->set_selected (true); start_playing_midi_note ((ev)->note()); if (selection_was_empty && _entered) { // Grab keyboard for moving notes with arrow keys Keyboard::magic_widget_grab_focus(); _grabbed_keyboard = true; } } if (selection_was_empty) { PublicEditor& editor (trackview.editor()); editor.get_selection().add (this); } } void MidiRegionView::move_selection(double dx, double dy, double cumulative_dy) { typedef vector > PossibleChord; PossibleChord to_play; Evoral::MusicalTime earliest = Evoral::MaxMusicalTime; for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->note()->time() < earliest) { earliest = (*i)->note()->time(); } } for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->note()->time() == earliest) { to_play.push_back ((*i)->note()); } (*i)->move_event(dx, dy); } if (dy && !_selection.empty() && !_no_sound_notes && ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_sound_midi_notes()) { if (to_play.size() > 1) { PossibleChord shifted; for (PossibleChord::iterator n = to_play.begin(); n != to_play.end(); ++n) { boost::shared_ptr moved_note (new NoteType (**n)); moved_note->set_note (moved_note->note() + cumulative_dy); shifted.push_back (moved_note); } start_playing_midi_chord (shifted); } else if (!to_play.empty()) { boost::shared_ptr moved_note (new NoteType (*to_play.front())); moved_note->set_note (moved_note->note() + cumulative_dy); start_playing_midi_note (moved_note); } } } void MidiRegionView::note_dropped(NoteBase *, frameoffset_t dt, int8_t dnote) { uint8_t lowest_note_in_selection = 127; uint8_t highest_note_in_selection = 0; uint8_t highest_note_difference = 0; // find highest and lowest notes first for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) { uint8_t pitch = (*i)->note()->note(); lowest_note_in_selection = std::min(lowest_note_in_selection, pitch); highest_note_in_selection = std::max(highest_note_in_selection, pitch); } /* cerr << "dnote: " << (int) dnote << endl; cerr << "lowest note (streamview): " << int(midi_stream_view()->lowest_note()) << " highest note (streamview): " << int(midi_stream_view()->highest_note()) << endl; cerr << "lowest note (selection): " << int(lowest_note_in_selection) << " highest note(selection): " << int(highest_note_in_selection) << endl; cerr << "selection size: " << _selection.size() << endl; cerr << "Highest note in selection: " << (int) highest_note_in_selection << endl; */ // Make sure the note pitch does not exceed the MIDI standard range if (highest_note_in_selection + dnote > 127) { highest_note_difference = highest_note_in_selection - 127; } start_note_diff_command (_("move notes")); for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end() ; ++i) { framepos_t new_frames = source_beats_to_absolute_frames ((*i)->note()->time()) + dt; Evoral::MusicalTime new_time = absolute_frames_to_source_beats (new_frames); if (new_time < 0) { continue; } note_diff_add_change (*i, MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::StartTime, new_time); uint8_t original_pitch = (*i)->note()->note(); uint8_t new_pitch = original_pitch + dnote - highest_note_difference; // keep notes in standard midi range clamp_to_0_127(new_pitch); lowest_note_in_selection = std::min(lowest_note_in_selection, new_pitch); highest_note_in_selection = std::max(highest_note_in_selection, new_pitch); note_diff_add_change (*i, MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::NoteNumber, new_pitch); } apply_diff(); // care about notes being moved beyond the upper/lower bounds on the canvas if (lowest_note_in_selection < midi_stream_view()->lowest_note() || highest_note_in_selection > midi_stream_view()->highest_note()) { midi_stream_view()->set_note_range(MidiStreamView::ContentsRange); } } /** @param x Pixel relative to the region position. * @return Snapped frame relative to the region position. */ framepos_t MidiRegionView::snap_pixel_to_sample(double x) { PublicEditor& editor (trackview.editor()); return snap_frame_to_frame (editor.pixel_to_sample (x)); } /** @param x Pixel relative to the region position. * @return Snapped pixel relative to the region position. */ double MidiRegionView::snap_to_pixel(double x) { return (double) trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel(snap_pixel_to_sample(x)); } double MidiRegionView::get_position_pixels() { framepos_t region_frame = get_position(); return trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel(region_frame); } double MidiRegionView::get_end_position_pixels() { framepos_t frame = get_position() + get_duration (); return trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel(frame); } framepos_t MidiRegionView::source_beats_to_absolute_frames(Evoral::MusicalTime beats) const { /* the time converter will return the frame corresponding to `beats' relative to the start of the source. The start of the source is an implied position given by region->position - region->start */ const framepos_t source_start = _region->position() - _region->start(); return source_start + _source_relative_time_converter.to (beats); } Evoral::MusicalTime MidiRegionView::absolute_frames_to_source_beats(framepos_t frames) const { /* the `frames' argument needs to be converted into a frame count relative to the start of the source before being passed in to the converter. */ const framepos_t source_start = _region->position() - _region->start(); return _source_relative_time_converter.from (frames - source_start); } framepos_t MidiRegionView::region_beats_to_region_frames(Evoral::MusicalTime beats) const { return _region_relative_time_converter.to(beats); } Evoral::MusicalTime MidiRegionView::region_frames_to_region_beats(framepos_t frames) const { return _region_relative_time_converter.from(frames); } void MidiRegionView::begin_resizing (bool /*at_front*/) { _resize_data.clear(); for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) { Note *note = dynamic_cast (*i); // only insert CanvasNotes into the map if (note) { NoteResizeData *resize_data = new NoteResizeData(); resize_data->note = note; // create a new SimpleRect from the note which will be the resize preview ArdourCanvas::Rectangle *resize_rect = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (_note_group, ArdourCanvas::Rect (note->x0(), note->y0(), note->x0(), note->y1())); // calculate the colors: get the color settings uint32_t fill_color = UINT_RGBA_CHANGE_A( ARDOUR_UI::config()->color ("midi note selected"), 128); // make the resize preview notes more transparent and bright fill_color = UINT_INTERPOLATE(fill_color, 0xFFFFFF40, 0.5); // calculate color based on note velocity resize_rect->set_fill_color (UINT_INTERPOLATE( NoteBase::meter_style_fill_color(note->note()->velocity(), note->selected()), fill_color, 0.85)); resize_rect->set_outline_color (NoteBase::calculate_outline ( ARDOUR_UI::config()->color ("midi note selected"))); resize_data->resize_rect = resize_rect; _resize_data.push_back(resize_data); } } } /** Update resizing notes while user drags. * @param primary `primary' note for the drag; ie the one that is used as the reference in non-relative mode. * @param at_front which end of the note (true == note on, false == note off) * @param delta_x change in mouse position since the start of the drag * @param relative true if relative resizing is taking place, false if absolute resizing. This only makes * a difference when multiple notes are being resized; in relative mode, each note's length is changed by the * amount of the drag. In non-relative mode, all selected notes are set to have the same start or end point * as the \a primary note. */ void MidiRegionView::update_resizing (NoteBase* primary, bool at_front, double delta_x, bool relative) { bool cursor_set = false; for (std::vector::iterator i = _resize_data.begin(); i != _resize_data.end(); ++i) { ArdourCanvas::Rectangle* resize_rect = (*i)->resize_rect; Note* canvas_note = (*i)->note; double current_x; if (at_front) { if (relative) { current_x = canvas_note->x0() + delta_x; } else { current_x = primary->x0() + delta_x; } } else { if (relative) { current_x = canvas_note->x1() + delta_x; } else { current_x = primary->x1() + delta_x; } } if (current_x < 0) { // This works even with snapping because RegionView::snap_frame_to_frame() // snaps forward if the snapped sample is before the beginning of the region current_x = 0; } if (current_x > trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel(_region->length())) { current_x = trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel(_region->length()); } if (at_front) { resize_rect->set_x0 (snap_to_pixel(current_x)); resize_rect->set_x1 (canvas_note->x1()); } else { resize_rect->set_x1 (snap_to_pixel(current_x)); resize_rect->set_x0 (canvas_note->x0()); } if (!cursor_set) { const double snapped_x = snap_pixel_to_sample (current_x); Evoral::MusicalTime beats = region_frames_to_region_beats (snapped_x); Evoral::MusicalTime len = Evoral::MusicalTime(); if (at_front) { if (beats < canvas_note->note()->end_time()) { len = canvas_note->note()->time() - beats; len += canvas_note->note()->length(); } } else { if (beats >= canvas_note->note()->time()) { len = beats - canvas_note->note()->time(); } } char buf[16]; snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%.3g beats", len.to_double()); show_verbose_cursor (buf, 0, 0); cursor_set = true; } } } /** Finish resizing notes when the user releases the mouse button. * Parameters the same as for \a update_resizing(). */ void MidiRegionView::commit_resizing (NoteBase* primary, bool at_front, double delta_x, bool relative) { start_note_diff_command (_("resize notes")); for (std::vector::iterator i = _resize_data.begin(); i != _resize_data.end(); ++i) { Note* canvas_note = (*i)->note; ArdourCanvas::Rectangle* resize_rect = (*i)->resize_rect; /* Get the new x position for this resize, which is in pixels relative * to the region position. */ double current_x; if (at_front) { if (relative) { current_x = canvas_note->x0() + delta_x; } else { current_x = primary->x0() + delta_x; } } else { if (relative) { current_x = canvas_note->x1() + delta_x; } else { current_x = primary->x1() + delta_x; } } if (current_x < 0) { current_x = 0; } if (current_x > trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel(_region->length())) { current_x = trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel(_region->length()); } /* Convert that to a frame within the source */ current_x = snap_pixel_to_sample (current_x) + _region->start (); /* and then to beats */ const Evoral::MusicalTime x_beats = region_frames_to_region_beats (current_x); if (at_front && x_beats < canvas_note->note()->end_time()) { note_diff_add_change (canvas_note, MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::StartTime, x_beats); Evoral::MusicalTime len = canvas_note->note()->time() - x_beats; len += canvas_note->note()->length(); if (!!len) { note_diff_add_change (canvas_note, MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Length, len); } } if (!at_front) { const Evoral::MusicalTime len = x_beats - canvas_note->note()->time(); if (!!len) { /* XXX convert to beats */ note_diff_add_change (canvas_note, MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Length, len); } } delete resize_rect; delete (*i); } _resize_data.clear(); apply_diff(); } void MidiRegionView::abort_resizing () { for (std::vector::iterator i = _resize_data.begin(); i != _resize_data.end(); ++i) { delete (*i)->resize_rect; delete *i; } _resize_data.clear (); } void MidiRegionView::change_note_velocity(NoteBase* event, int8_t velocity, bool relative) { uint8_t new_velocity; if (relative) { new_velocity = event->note()->velocity() + velocity; clamp_to_0_127(new_velocity); } else { new_velocity = velocity; } event->set_selected (event->selected()); // change color note_diff_add_change (event, MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Velocity, new_velocity); } void MidiRegionView::change_note_note (NoteBase* event, int8_t note, bool relative) { uint8_t new_note; if (relative) { new_note = event->note()->note() + note; } else { new_note = note; } clamp_to_0_127 (new_note); note_diff_add_change (event, MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::NoteNumber, new_note); } void MidiRegionView::trim_note (NoteBase* event, Evoral::MusicalTime front_delta, Evoral::MusicalTime end_delta) { bool change_start = false; bool change_length = false; Evoral::MusicalTime new_start; Evoral::MusicalTime new_length; /* NOTE: the semantics of the two delta arguments are slightly subtle: front_delta: if positive - move the start of the note later in time (shortening it) if negative - move the start of the note earlier in time (lengthening it) end_delta: if positive - move the end of the note later in time (lengthening it) if negative - move the end of the note earlier in time (shortening it) */ if (!!front_delta) { if (front_delta < 0) { if (event->note()->time() < -front_delta) { new_start = Evoral::MusicalTime(); } else { new_start = event->note()->time() + front_delta; // moves earlier } /* start moved toward zero, so move the end point out to where it used to be. Note that front_delta is negative, so this increases the length. */ new_length = event->note()->length() - front_delta; change_start = true; change_length = true; } else { Evoral::MusicalTime new_pos = event->note()->time() + front_delta; if (new_pos < event->note()->end_time()) { new_start = event->note()->time() + front_delta; /* start moved toward the end, so move the end point back to where it used to be */ new_length = event->note()->length() - front_delta; change_start = true; change_length = true; } } } if (!!end_delta) { bool can_change = true; if (end_delta < 0) { if (event->note()->length() < -end_delta) { can_change = false; } } if (can_change) { new_length = event->note()->length() + end_delta; change_length = true; } } if (change_start) { note_diff_add_change (event, MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::StartTime, new_start); } if (change_length) { note_diff_add_change (event, MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Length, new_length); } } void MidiRegionView::change_note_channel (NoteBase* event, int8_t chn, bool relative) { uint8_t new_channel; if (relative) { if (chn < 0.0) { if (event->note()->channel() < -chn) { new_channel = 0; } else { new_channel = event->note()->channel() + chn; } } else { new_channel = event->note()->channel() + chn; } } else { new_channel = (uint8_t) chn; } note_diff_add_change (event, MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Channel, new_channel); } void MidiRegionView::change_note_time (NoteBase* event, Evoral::MusicalTime delta, bool relative) { Evoral::MusicalTime new_time; if (relative) { if (delta < 0.0) { if (event->note()->time() < -delta) { new_time = Evoral::MusicalTime(); } else { new_time = event->note()->time() + delta; } } else { new_time = event->note()->time() + delta; } } else { new_time = delta; } note_diff_add_change (event, MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::StartTime, new_time); } void MidiRegionView::change_note_length (NoteBase* event, Evoral::MusicalTime t) { note_diff_add_change (event, MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Length, t); } void MidiRegionView::change_velocities (bool up, bool fine, bool allow_smush, bool all_together) { int8_t delta; int8_t value = 0; if (_selection.empty()) { return; } if (fine) { delta = 1; } else { delta = 10; } if (!up) { delta = -delta; } if (!allow_smush) { for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->note()->velocity() < -delta || (*i)->note()->velocity() + delta > 127) { goto cursor_label; } } } start_note_diff_command (_("change velocities")); for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end();) { Selection::iterator next = i; ++next; if (all_together) { if (i == _selection.begin()) { change_note_velocity (*i, delta, true); value = (*i)->note()->velocity() + delta; } else { change_note_velocity (*i, value, false); } } else { change_note_velocity (*i, delta, true); } i = next; } apply_diff(); cursor_label: if (!_selection.empty()) { char buf[24]; snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "Vel %d", (int) (*_selection.begin())->note()->velocity()); show_verbose_cursor (buf, 10, 10); } } void MidiRegionView::transpose (bool up, bool fine, bool allow_smush) { if (_selection.empty()) { return; } int8_t delta; if (fine) { delta = 1; } else { delta = 12; } if (!up) { delta = -delta; } if (!allow_smush) { for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) { if (!up) { if ((int8_t) (*i)->note()->note() + delta <= 0) { return; } } else { if ((int8_t) (*i)->note()->note() + delta > 127) { return; } } } } start_note_diff_command (_("transpose")); for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ) { Selection::iterator next = i; ++next; change_note_note (*i, delta, true); i = next; } apply_diff (); } void MidiRegionView::change_note_lengths (bool fine, bool shorter, Evoral::MusicalTime delta, bool start, bool end) { if (!delta) { if (fine) { delta = Evoral::MusicalTime(1.0/128.0); } else { /* grab the current grid distance */ delta = get_grid_beats(_region->position()); } } if (shorter) { delta = -delta; } start_note_diff_command (_("change note lengths")); for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ) { Selection::iterator next = i; ++next; /* note the negation of the delta for start */ trim_note (*i, (start ? -delta : Evoral::MusicalTime()), (end ? delta : Evoral::MusicalTime())); i = next; } apply_diff (); } void MidiRegionView::nudge_notes (bool forward, bool fine) { if (_selection.empty()) { return; } /* pick a note as the point along the timeline to get the nudge distance. its not necessarily the earliest note, so we may want to pull the notes out into a vector and sort before using the first one. */ const framepos_t ref_point = source_beats_to_absolute_frames ((*(_selection.begin()))->note()->time()); Evoral::MusicalTime delta; if (!fine) { /* non-fine, move by 1 bar regardless of snap */ delta = Evoral::MusicalTime(trackview.session()->tempo_map().meter_at(ref_point).divisions_per_bar()); } else if (trackview.editor().snap_mode() == Editing::SnapOff) { /* grid is off - use nudge distance */ framepos_t unused; const framecnt_t distance = trackview.editor().get_nudge_distance (ref_point, unused); delta = region_frames_to_region_beats (fabs ((double)distance)); } else { /* use grid */ framepos_t next_pos = ref_point; if (forward) { if (max_framepos - 1 < next_pos) { next_pos += 1; } } else { if (next_pos == 0) { return; } next_pos -= 1; } trackview.editor().snap_to (next_pos, (forward ? RoundUpAlways : RoundDownAlways), false); const framecnt_t distance = ref_point - next_pos; delta = region_frames_to_region_beats (fabs ((double)distance)); } if (!delta) { return; } if (!forward) { delta = -delta; } start_note_diff_command (_("nudge")); for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ) { Selection::iterator next = i; ++next; change_note_time (*i, delta, true); i = next; } apply_diff (); } void MidiRegionView::change_channel(uint8_t channel) { start_note_diff_command(_("change channel")); for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) { note_diff_add_change (*i, MidiModel::NoteDiffCommand::Channel, channel); } apply_diff(); } void MidiRegionView::note_entered(NoteBase* ev) { Editor* editor = dynamic_cast(&trackview.editor()); if (_mouse_state == SelectTouchDragging) { note_selected (ev, true); } else if (editor->current_mouse_mode() == MouseContent) { show_verbose_cursor (ev->note ()); } else if (editor->current_mouse_mode() == MouseDraw) { show_verbose_cursor (ev->note ()); } } void MidiRegionView::note_left (NoteBase*) { Editor* editor = dynamic_cast(&trackview.editor()); for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) { (*i)->hide_velocity (); } editor->verbose_cursor()->hide (); } void MidiRegionView::patch_entered (PatchChange* p) { ostringstream s; /* XXX should get patch name if we can */ s << _("Bank ") << (p->patch()->bank() + MIDI_BP_ZERO) << '\n' << _("Program ") << ((int) p->patch()->program()) + MIDI_BP_ZERO << '\n' << _("Channel ") << ((int) p->patch()->channel() + 1); show_verbose_cursor (s.str(), 10, 20); p->item().grab_focus(); } void MidiRegionView::patch_left (PatchChange *) { trackview.editor().verbose_cursor()->hide (); /* focus will transfer back via the enter-notify event sent to this * midi region view. */ } void MidiRegionView::sysex_entered (SysEx* p) { ostringstream s; // CAIROCANVAS // need a way to extract text from p->_flag->_text // s << p->text(); // show_verbose_cursor (s.str(), 10, 20); p->item().grab_focus(); } void MidiRegionView::sysex_left (SysEx *) { trackview.editor().verbose_cursor()->hide (); /* focus will transfer back via the enter-notify event sent to this * midi region view. */ } void MidiRegionView::note_mouse_position (float x_fraction, float /*y_fraction*/, bool can_set_cursor) { Editor* editor = dynamic_cast(&trackview.editor()); Editing::MouseMode mm = editor->current_mouse_mode(); bool trimmable = (mm == MouseContent || mm == MouseTimeFX || mm == MouseDraw); Editor::EnterContext* ctx = editor->get_enter_context(NoteItem); if (can_set_cursor && ctx) { if (trimmable && x_fraction > 0.0 && x_fraction < 0.2) { ctx->cursor_ctx->change(editor->cursors()->left_side_trim); } else if (trimmable && x_fraction >= 0.8 && x_fraction < 1.0) { ctx->cursor_ctx->change(editor->cursors()->right_side_trim); } else { ctx->cursor_ctx->change(editor->cursors()->grabber_note); } } } uint32_t MidiRegionView::get_fill_color() const { const std::string mod_name = (_dragging ? "dragging region" : trackview.editor().internal_editing() ? "editable region" : "midi frame base"); if (_selected) { return ARDOUR_UI::config()->color_mod ("selected region base", mod_name); } else if (high_enough_for_name || !ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_color_regions_using_track_color()) { return ARDOUR_UI::config()->color_mod ("midi frame base", mod_name); } return ARDOUR_UI::config()->color_mod (fill_color, mod_name); } void MidiRegionView::midi_channel_mode_changed () { MidiTimeAxisView* const mtv = dynamic_cast(&trackview); uint16_t mask = mtv->midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask(); ChannelMode mode = mtv->midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mode (); if (mode == ForceChannel) { mask = 0xFFFF; // Show all notes as active (below) } // Update notes for selection for (Events::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { (*i)->on_channel_selection_change (mask); } _patch_changes.clear (); display_patch_changes (); } void MidiRegionView::instrument_settings_changed () { redisplay_model(); } void MidiRegionView::cut_copy_clear (Editing::CutCopyOp op) { if (_selection.empty()) { return; } PublicEditor& editor (trackview.editor()); switch (op) { case Delete: /* XXX what to do ? */ break; case Cut: case Copy: editor.get_cut_buffer().add (selection_as_cut_buffer()); break; default: break; } if (op != Copy) { start_note_diff_command(); for (Selection::iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) { switch (op) { case Copy: break; case Delete: case Cut: case Clear: note_diff_remove_note (*i); break; } } apply_diff(); } } MidiCutBuffer* MidiRegionView::selection_as_cut_buffer () const { Notes notes; for (Selection::const_iterator i = _selection.begin(); i != _selection.end(); ++i) { NoteType* n = (*i)->note().get(); notes.insert (boost::shared_ptr (new NoteType (*n))); } MidiCutBuffer* cb = new MidiCutBuffer (trackview.session()); cb->set (notes); return cb; } /** This method handles undo */ bool MidiRegionView::paste (framepos_t pos, const ::Selection& selection, PasteContext& ctx) { // Paste notes, if available MidiNoteSelection::const_iterator m = selection.midi_notes.get_nth(ctx.counts.n_notes()); if (m != selection.midi_notes.end()) { ctx.counts.increase_n_notes(); paste_internal(pos, ctx.count, ctx.times, **m); } // Paste control points to automation children, if available typedef RouteTimeAxisView::AutomationTracks ATracks; const ATracks& atracks = midi_view()->automation_tracks(); for (ATracks::const_iterator a = atracks.begin(); a != atracks.end(); ++a) { a->second->paste(pos, selection, ctx); } return true; } /** This method handles undo */ void MidiRegionView::paste_internal (framepos_t pos, unsigned paste_count, float times, const MidiCutBuffer& mcb) { if (mcb.empty()) { return; } start_note_diff_command (_("paste")); const Evoral::MusicalTime snap_beats = get_grid_beats(pos); const Evoral::MusicalTime first_time = (*mcb.notes().begin())->time(); const Evoral::MusicalTime last_time = (*mcb.notes().rbegin())->end_time(); const Evoral::MusicalTime duration = last_time - first_time; const Evoral::MusicalTime snap_duration = duration.snap_to(snap_beats); const Evoral::MusicalTime paste_offset = snap_duration * paste_count; const Evoral::MusicalTime pos_beats = absolute_frames_to_source_beats(pos) + paste_offset; Evoral::MusicalTime end_point = Evoral::MusicalTime(); DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::CutNPaste, string_compose ("Paste data spans from %1 to %2 (%3) ; paste pos beats = %4 (based on %5 - %6)\n", first_time, last_time, duration, pos, _region->position(), pos_beats)); clear_selection (); for (int n = 0; n < (int) times; ++n) { for (Notes::const_iterator i = mcb.notes().begin(); i != mcb.notes().end(); ++i) { boost::shared_ptr copied_note (new NoteType (*((*i).get()))); copied_note->set_time (pos_beats + copied_note->time() - first_time); /* make all newly added notes selected */ note_diff_add_note (copied_note, true); end_point = copied_note->end_time(); } } /* if we pasted past the current end of the region, extend the region */ framepos_t end_frame = source_beats_to_absolute_frames (end_point); framepos_t region_end = _region->position() + _region->length() - 1; if (end_frame > region_end) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::CutNPaste, string_compose ("Paste extended region from %1 to %2\n", region_end, end_frame)); _region->clear_changes (); _region->set_length (end_frame - _region->position()); trackview.session()->add_command (new StatefulDiffCommand (_region)); } apply_diff (true); } struct EventNoteTimeEarlyFirstComparator { bool operator() (NoteBase* a, NoteBase* b) { return a->note()->time() < b->note()->time(); } }; void MidiRegionView::time_sort_events () { if (!_sort_needed) { return; } EventNoteTimeEarlyFirstComparator cmp; _events.sort (cmp); _sort_needed = false; } void MidiRegionView::goto_next_note (bool add_to_selection) { bool use_next = false; if (_events.back()->selected()) { return; } time_sort_events (); MidiTimeAxisView* const mtv = dynamic_cast(&trackview); uint16_t const channel_mask = mtv->midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask(); for (Events::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->selected()) { use_next = true; continue; } else if (use_next) { if (channel_mask & (1 << (*i)->note()->channel())) { if (!add_to_selection) { unique_select (*i); } else { note_selected (*i, true, false); } return; } } } /* use the first one */ if (!_events.empty() && (channel_mask & (1 << _events.front()->note()->channel ()))) { unique_select (_events.front()); } } void MidiRegionView::goto_previous_note (bool add_to_selection) { bool use_next = false; if (_events.front()->selected()) { return; } time_sort_events (); MidiTimeAxisView* const mtv = dynamic_cast(&trackview); uint16_t const channel_mask = mtv->midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask (); for (Events::reverse_iterator i = _events.rbegin(); i != _events.rend(); ++i) { if ((*i)->selected()) { use_next = true; continue; } else if (use_next) { if (channel_mask & (1 << (*i)->note()->channel())) { if (!add_to_selection) { unique_select (*i); } else { note_selected (*i, true, false); } return; } } } /* use the last one */ if (!_events.empty() && (channel_mask & (1 << (*_events.rbegin())->note()->channel ()))) { unique_select (*(_events.rbegin())); } } void MidiRegionView::selection_as_notelist (Notes& selected, bool allow_all_if_none_selected) { bool had_selected = false; time_sort_events (); for (Events::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->selected()) { selected.insert ((*i)->note()); had_selected = true; } } if (allow_all_if_none_selected && !had_selected) { for (Events::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { selected.insert ((*i)->note()); } } } void MidiRegionView::update_ghost_note (double x, double y) { x = std::max(0.0, x); MidiTimeAxisView* const mtv = dynamic_cast(&trackview); _last_ghost_x = x; _last_ghost_y = y; _note_group->canvas_to_item (x, y); PublicEditor& editor = trackview.editor (); framepos_t const unsnapped_frame = editor.pixel_to_sample (x); framecnt_t grid_frames; framepos_t const f = snap_frame_to_grid_underneath (unsnapped_frame, grid_frames); /* calculate time in beats relative to start of source */ const Evoral::MusicalTime length = get_grid_beats(unsnapped_frame); const Evoral::MusicalTime time = std::max( Evoral::MusicalTime(), absolute_frames_to_source_beats (f + _region->position ())); _ghost_note->note()->set_time (time); _ghost_note->note()->set_length (length); _ghost_note->note()->set_note (midi_stream_view()->y_to_note (y)); _ghost_note->note()->set_channel (mtv->get_channel_for_add ()); _ghost_note->note()->set_velocity (get_velocity_for_add (time)); /* the ghost note does not appear in ghost regions, so pass false in here */ update_note (_ghost_note, false); show_verbose_cursor (_ghost_note->note ()); } void MidiRegionView::create_ghost_note (double x, double y) { remove_ghost_note (); boost::shared_ptr g (new NoteType); if (midi_view()->note_mode() == Sustained) { _ghost_note = new Note (*this, _note_group, g); } else { _ghost_note = new Hit (*this, _note_group, 10, g); } _ghost_note->set_ignore_events (true); _ghost_note->set_outline_color (0x000000aa); update_ghost_note (x, y); _ghost_note->show (); show_verbose_cursor (_ghost_note->note ()); } void MidiRegionView::remove_ghost_note () { delete _ghost_note; _ghost_note = 0; } void MidiRegionView::snap_changed () { if (!_ghost_note) { return; } create_ghost_note (_last_ghost_x, _last_ghost_y); } void MidiRegionView::drop_down_keys () { _mouse_state = None; } void MidiRegionView::maybe_select_by_position (GdkEventButton* ev, double /*x*/, double y) { /* XXX: This is dead code. What was it for? */ double note = midi_stream_view()->y_to_note(y); Events e; MidiTimeAxisView* const mtv = dynamic_cast(&trackview); uint16_t chn_mask = mtv->midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask(); if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::TertiaryModifier)) { get_events (e, Evoral::Sequence::PitchGreaterThanOrEqual, (uint8_t) floor (note), chn_mask); } else if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) { get_events (e, Evoral::Sequence::PitchLessThanOrEqual, (uint8_t) floor (note), chn_mask); } else { return; } bool add_mrv_selection = false; if (_selection.empty()) { add_mrv_selection = true; } for (Events::iterator i = e.begin(); i != e.end(); ++i) { if (_selection.insert (*i).second) { (*i)->set_selected (true); } } if (add_mrv_selection) { PublicEditor& editor (trackview.editor()); editor.get_selection().add (this); } } void MidiRegionView::color_handler () { RegionView::color_handler (); for (Events::iterator i = _events.begin(); i != _events.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_selected ((*i)->selected()); // will change color } /* XXX probably more to do here */ } void MidiRegionView::enable_display (bool yn) { RegionView::enable_display (yn); if (yn) { redisplay_model (); } } void MidiRegionView::show_step_edit_cursor (Evoral::MusicalTime pos) { if (_step_edit_cursor == 0) { ArdourCanvas::Item* const group = get_canvas_group(); _step_edit_cursor = new ArdourCanvas::Rectangle (group); _step_edit_cursor->set_y0 (0); _step_edit_cursor->set_y1 (midi_stream_view()->contents_height()); _step_edit_cursor->set_fill_color (RGBA_TO_UINT (45,0,0,90)); _step_edit_cursor->set_outline_color (RGBA_TO_UINT (85,0,0,90)); } move_step_edit_cursor (pos); _step_edit_cursor->show (); } void MidiRegionView::move_step_edit_cursor (Evoral::MusicalTime pos) { _step_edit_cursor_position = pos; if (_step_edit_cursor) { double pixel = trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel (region_beats_to_region_frames (pos)); _step_edit_cursor->set_x0 (pixel); set_step_edit_cursor_width (_step_edit_cursor_width); } } void MidiRegionView::hide_step_edit_cursor () { if (_step_edit_cursor) { _step_edit_cursor->hide (); } } void MidiRegionView::set_step_edit_cursor_width (Evoral::MusicalTime beats) { _step_edit_cursor_width = beats; if (_step_edit_cursor) { _step_edit_cursor->set_x1 (_step_edit_cursor->x0() + trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel (region_beats_to_region_frames (beats))); } } /** Called when a diskstream on our track has received some data. Update the view, if applicable. * @param w Source that the data will end up in. */ void MidiRegionView::data_recorded (boost::weak_ptr w) { if (!_active_notes) { /* we aren't actively being recorded to */ return; } boost::shared_ptr src = w.lock (); if (!src || src != midi_region()->midi_source()) { /* recorded data was not destined for our source */ return; } MidiTimeAxisView* mtv = dynamic_cast (&trackview); boost::shared_ptr buf = mtv->midi_track()->get_gui_feed_buffer (); framepos_t back = max_framepos; for (MidiBuffer::iterator i = buf->begin(); i != buf->end(); ++i) { Evoral::MIDIEvent const ev (*i, false); if (ev.is_channel_event()) { if (get_channel_mode() == FilterChannels) { if (((uint16_t(1) << ev.channel()) & get_selected_channels()) == 0) { continue; } } } /* convert from session frames to source beats */ Evoral::MusicalTime const time_beats = _source_relative_time_converter.from(ev.time()); if (ev.type() == MIDI_CMD_NOTE_ON) { boost::shared_ptr note ( new NoteType (ev.channel(), time_beats, Evoral::MusicalTime(), ev.note(), ev.velocity())); add_note (note, true); /* fix up our note range */ if (ev.note() < _current_range_min) { midi_stream_view()->apply_note_range (ev.note(), _current_range_max, true); } else if (ev.note() > _current_range_max) { midi_stream_view()->apply_note_range (_current_range_min, ev.note(), true); } } else if (ev.type() == MIDI_CMD_NOTE_OFF) { resolve_note (ev.note (), time_beats); } back = ev.time (); } midi_stream_view()->check_record_layers (region(), back); } void MidiRegionView::trim_front_starting () { /* Reparent the note group to the region view's parent, so that it doesn't change when the region view is trimmed. */ _temporary_note_group = new ArdourCanvas::Container (group->parent ()); _temporary_note_group->move (group->position ()); _note_group->reparent (_temporary_note_group); } void MidiRegionView::trim_front_ending () { _note_group->reparent (group); delete _temporary_note_group; _temporary_note_group = 0; if (_region->start() < 0) { /* Trim drag made start time -ve; fix this */ midi_region()->fix_negative_start (); } } void MidiRegionView::edit_patch_change (PatchChange* pc) { PatchChangeDialog d (&_source_relative_time_converter, trackview.session(), *pc->patch (), instrument_info(), Gtk::Stock::APPLY, true); int response = d.run(); switch (response) { case Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT: break; case Gtk::RESPONSE_REJECT: delete_patch_change (pc); return; default: return; } change_patch_change (pc->patch(), d.patch ()); } void MidiRegionView::delete_sysex (SysEx* /*sysex*/) { // CAIROCANVAS // sysyex object doesn't have a pointer to a sysex event // MidiModel::SysExDiffCommand* c = _model->new_sysex_diff_command (_("delete sysex")); // c->remove (sysex->sysex()); // _model->apply_command (*trackview.session(), c); //_sys_exes.clear (); // display_sysexes(); } void MidiRegionView::show_verbose_cursor (boost::shared_ptr n) const { using namespace MIDI::Name; std::string name; MidiTimeAxisView* const mtv = dynamic_cast(&trackview); if (mtv) { boost::shared_ptr device_names(mtv->get_device_names()); if (device_names) { MIDI::Name::PatchPrimaryKey patch_key; get_patch_key_at(n->time(), n->channel(), patch_key); name = device_names->note_name(mtv->gui_property(X_("midnam-custom-device-mode")), n->channel(), patch_key.bank(), patch_key.program(), n->note()); } } char buf[128]; snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%d %s\nCh %d Vel %d", (int) n->note (), name.empty() ? Evoral::midi_note_name (n->note()).c_str() : name.c_str(), (int) n->channel() + 1, (int) n->velocity()); show_verbose_cursor(buf, 10, 20); } void MidiRegionView::show_verbose_cursor (string const & text, double xoffset, double yoffset) const { trackview.editor().verbose_cursor()->set (text); trackview.editor().verbose_cursor()->show (); trackview.editor().verbose_cursor()->set_offset (ArdourCanvas::Duple (xoffset, yoffset)); } uint8_t MidiRegionView::get_velocity_for_add (MidiModel::TimeType time) const { if (_model->notes().empty()) { return 0x40; // No notes, use default } MidiModel::Notes::const_iterator m = _model->note_lower_bound(time); if (m == _model->notes().begin()) { // Before the start, use the velocity of the first note return (*m)->velocity(); } else if (m == _model->notes().end()) { // Past the end, use the velocity of the last note --m; return (*m)->velocity(); } // Interpolate velocity of surrounding notes MidiModel::Notes::const_iterator n = m; --n; const double frac = ((time - (*n)->time()).to_double() / ((*m)->time() - (*n)->time()).to_double()); return (*n)->velocity() + (frac * ((*m)->velocity() - (*n)->velocity())); } /** @param p A session framepos. * @param grid_frames Filled in with the number of frames that a grid interval is at p. * @return p snapped to the grid subdivision underneath it. */ framepos_t MidiRegionView::snap_frame_to_grid_underneath (framepos_t p, framecnt_t& grid_frames) const { PublicEditor& editor = trackview.editor (); const Evoral::MusicalTime grid_beats = get_grid_beats(p); grid_frames = region_beats_to_region_frames (grid_beats); /* Hack so that we always snap to the note that we are over, instead of snapping to the next one if we're more than halfway through the one we're over. */ if (editor.snap_mode() == SnapNormal && p >= grid_frames / 2) { p -= grid_frames / 2; } return snap_frame_to_frame (p); } /** Called when the selection has been cleared in any MidiRegionView. * @param rv MidiRegionView that the selection was cleared in. */ void MidiRegionView::selection_cleared (MidiRegionView* rv) { if (rv == this) { return; } /* Clear our selection in sympathy; but don't signal the fact */ clear_selection (false); } void MidiRegionView::note_button_release () { _note_player.reset(); } ChannelMode MidiRegionView::get_channel_mode () const { RouteTimeAxisView* rtav = dynamic_cast (&trackview); return rtav->midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mode(); } uint16_t MidiRegionView::get_selected_channels () const { RouteTimeAxisView* rtav = dynamic_cast (&trackview); return rtav->midi_track()->get_playback_channel_mask(); } Evoral::MusicalTime MidiRegionView::get_grid_beats(framepos_t pos) const { PublicEditor& editor = trackview.editor(); bool success = false; Evoral::MusicalTime beats = editor.get_grid_type_as_beats(success, pos); if (!success) { beats = Evoral::MusicalTime(1); } return beats; }