/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Taybin Rutkin * Copyright (C) 2005-2018 Paul Davis * Copyright (C) 2006-2007 Doug McLain * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 Carl Hetherington * Copyright (C) 2007-2012 David Robillard * Copyright (C) 2007-2016 Tim Mayberry * Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Nick Mainsbridge * Copyright (C) 2013-2019 Robin Gareus * Copyright (C) 2014-2018 Ben Loftis * Copyright (C) 2016-2018 Len Ovens * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifdef WAF_BUILD #include "gtk2ardour-config.h" #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "pbd/unwind.h" #include "context_menu_helper.h" #include "ardour/amp.h" #include "ardour/debug.h" #include "ardour/audio_port.h" #include "ardour/audio_track.h" #include "ardour/midi_track.h" #include "ardour/mixer_scene.h" #include "ardour/monitor_control.h" #include "ardour/panner_shell.h" #include "ardour/plugin_manager.h" #include "ardour/profile.h" #include "ardour/route_group.h" #include "ardour/selection.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/utils.h" #include "ardour/vca.h" #include "ardour/vca_manager.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/gtk_ui.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/keyboard.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/window_title.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/doi.h" #include "widgets/prompter.h" #include "widgets/tearoff.h" #include "widgets/tooltips.h" #include "foldback_strip.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "mixer_ui.h" #include "mixer_strip.h" #include "monitor_section.h" #include "opts.h" #include "plugin_selector.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "mouse_cursors.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "utils.h" #include "route_sorter.h" #include "actions.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "ardour_message.h" #include "mixer_group_tabs.h" #include "plugin_utils.h" #include "route_sorter.h" #include "surround_strip.h" #include "timers.h" #include "ui_config.h" #include "vca_master_strip.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" #define PX_SCALE(px) std::max ((float)px, rintf ((float)px* UIConfiguration::instance ().get_ui_scale ())) using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace ArdourWidgets; using namespace ARDOUR_UI_UTILS; using namespace ARDOUR_PLUGIN_UTILS; using namespace PBD; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Glib; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace std; using PBD::atoi; using PBD::Unwinder; static const gchar *_plugin_list_mode_strings[] = { N_("Favorite Plugins"), N_("Recent Plugins"), N_("Top-10 Plugins"), 0 }; Mixer_UI* Mixer_UI::_instance = 0; Mixer_UI* Mixer_UI::instance () { if (!_instance) { _instance = new Mixer_UI; } return _instance; } Mixer_UI::Mixer_UI () : Tabbable (_("Mixer"), X_("mixer")) , plugin_search_clear_button (X_("Clear")) , _mixer_scene_release (0) , no_track_list_redisplay (false) , in_group_row_change (false) , track_menu (0) , _plugin_selector (nullptr) , _surround_strip (0) , foldback_strip (0) , _show_foldback_strip (true) , _strip_width (UIConfiguration::instance().get_default_narrow_ms() ? Narrow : Wide) , _spill_scroll_position (0) , ignore_track_reorder (false) , ignore_plugin_refill (false) , ignore_plugin_reorder (false) , _in_group_rebuild_or_clear (false) , _route_deletion_in_progress (false) , _maximised (false) , _strip_selection_change_without_scroll (false) , _selection (*this, *this) { plugin_list_mode_strings = I18N (_plugin_list_mode_strings); load_bindings (); register_actions (); Glib::RefPtr fb_act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action ("Mixer", "ToggleFoldbackStrip"); fb_act->set_sensitive (false); contents().set_data ("ardour-bindings", bindings); if (!Profile->get_mixbus ()) { right_attachment_button.set_sensitive(false); } else { left_attachment_button.set_sensitive(false); } bottom_attachment_button.set_sensitive(false); PresentationInfo::Change.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::presentation_info_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); Route::FanOut.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::fan_out, this, _1, false, true), gui_context()); scroller.set_can_default (true); // set_default (scroller); scroller_base.set_can_focus (); scroller_base.add_events (Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK|Gdk::BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK); scroller_base.set_name ("MixerWindow"); scroller_base.signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::strip_scroller_button_event)); scroller_base.signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::strip_scroller_button_event)); scroller_base.signal_enter_notify_event ().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::scroller_enter), false); /* set up drag-n-drop */ vector target_table; target_table.push_back (TargetEntry ("x-ardour/plugin.favorite", Gtk::TARGET_SAME_APP)); scroller_base.drag_dest_set (target_table); scroller_base.signal_drag_data_received().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::scroller_drag_data_received)); /* add as last item of strip packer */ strip_packer.pack_end (scroller_base, true, true); if (!Profile->get_livetrax()) { scroller_base.set_size_request (PX_SCALE (20), -1); scroller_base.signal_expose_event ().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (&ArdourWidgets::ArdourIcon::expose_with_text), &scroller_base, ArdourWidgets::ArdourIcon::ShadedPlusSign, _("Right-click or Double-click here\nto add Track, Bus, or VCA channels"))); } #ifdef MIXBUS /* create a drop-shadow at the end of the mixer strips */ mb_shadow.set_size_request( 4, -1 ); mb_shadow.set_name("EditorWindow"); mb_shadow.show(); strip_packer.pack_end (mb_shadow, false, false); #endif _group_tabs = new MixerGroupTabs (this); strip_group_box.set_spacing (0); strip_group_box.set_border_width (0); strip_group_box.pack_start (*_group_tabs, PACK_SHRINK); strip_group_box.pack_start (strip_packer); strip_group_box.show_all (); strip_group_box.signal_scroll_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::on_scroll_event), false); scroller.add (strip_group_box); scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_ALWAYS, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); Gtk::Viewport *vp = dynamic_cast (scroller.get_child()); vp->set_shadow_type(Gtk::SHADOW_NONE); setup_track_display (); group_model = ListStore::create (group_columns); group_display.set_model (group_model); group_display.append_column (_("Show"), group_columns.visible); group_display.append_column (_("Group"), group_columns.text); group_display.get_column (0)->set_data (X_("colnum"), GUINT_TO_POINTER(0)); group_display.get_column (1)->set_data (X_("colnum"), GUINT_TO_POINTER(1)); group_display.get_column (0)->set_expand(false); group_display.get_column (1)->set_expand(true); group_display.get_column (1)->set_sizing (Gtk::TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED); group_display.set_name ("EditGroupList"); group_display.get_selection()->set_mode (Gtk::SELECTION_SINGLE); group_display.set_reorderable (true); group_display.set_headers_visible (true); group_display.set_rules_hint (true); group_display.set_can_focus(false); /* name is directly editable */ CellRendererText* name_cell = dynamic_cast(group_display.get_column_cell_renderer (1)); name_cell->property_editable() = true; name_cell->signal_edited().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::route_group_name_edit)); /* use checkbox for the active column */ CellRendererToggle* active_cell = dynamic_cast(group_display.get_column_cell_renderer (0)); active_cell->property_activatable() = true; active_cell->property_radio() = false; group_model->signal_row_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::route_group_row_change)); /* We use this to notice drag-and-drop reorders of the group list */ group_model->signal_row_deleted().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::route_group_row_deleted)); group_display.signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::group_display_button_press), false); group_display_scroller.add (group_display); group_display_scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); group_display_vbox.pack_start (group_display_scroller, true, true); group_display_frame.set_name ("BaseFrame"); group_display_frame.set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_IN); group_display_frame.add (group_display_vbox); list target_list; target_list.push_back (TargetEntry ("x-ardour/plugin.preset", Gtk::TARGET_SAME_APP)); favorite_plugins_model = PluginTreeStore::create (favorite_plugins_columns); favorite_plugins_display.set_model (favorite_plugins_model); favorite_plugins_display.append_column (_("Favorite Plugins"), favorite_plugins_columns.name); favorite_plugins_display.set_name ("EditGroupList"); favorite_plugins_display.get_selection()->set_mode (Gtk::SELECTION_SINGLE); favorite_plugins_display.set_reorderable (false); favorite_plugins_display.set_headers_visible (false); favorite_plugins_display.set_rules_hint (true); favorite_plugins_display.set_can_focus (false); favorite_plugins_display.add_object_drag (favorite_plugins_columns.plugin.index(), "x-ardour/plugin.favorite", Gtk::TARGET_SAME_APP); favorite_plugins_display.set_drag_column (favorite_plugins_columns.name.index()); favorite_plugins_display.add_drop_targets (target_list); favorite_plugins_display.signal_row_activated().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::plugin_row_activated)); favorite_plugins_display.signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::plugin_row_button_press), false); favorite_plugins_display.signal_drop.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::plugin_drop)); favorite_plugins_display.signal_motion.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::plugin_drag_motion)); favorite_plugins_display.signal_row_expanded().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::save_favorite_ui_state)); favorite_plugins_display.signal_row_collapsed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::save_favorite_ui_state)); if (UIConfiguration::instance().get_use_tooltips()) { favorite_plugins_display.set_tooltip_column (0); } favorite_plugins_model->signal_row_has_child_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::sync_treeview_favorite_ui_state)); favorite_plugins_model->signal_row_deleted().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::favorite_plugins_deleted)); favorite_plugins_mode_combo.AddMenuElem (Menu_Helpers::MenuElem (_("Favorite Plugins"), sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::set_plugin_list_mode), PLM_Favorite))); favorite_plugins_mode_combo.AddMenuElem (Menu_Helpers::MenuElem (_("Recent Plugins"), sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::set_plugin_list_mode), PLM_Recent))); favorite_plugins_mode_combo.AddMenuElem (Menu_Helpers::MenuElem (_("Top-10 Plugins"), sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::set_plugin_list_mode), PLM_TopHits))); favorite_plugins_mode_combo.set_size_request(-1, 24); set_plugin_list_mode(PLM_Favorite); plugin_search_entry.signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::plugin_search_entry_changed)); plugin_search_clear_button.signal_clicked.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::plugin_search_clear_button_clicked)); favorite_plugins_scroller.add (favorite_plugins_display); favorite_plugins_scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); favorite_plugins_search_hbox.pack_start (plugin_search_entry, true, true); favorite_plugins_search_hbox.pack_start (plugin_search_clear_button, false, false); favorite_plugins_frame.set_name ("BaseFrame"); favorite_plugins_frame.set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_IN); favorite_plugins_frame.add (favorite_plugins_vbox); favorite_plugins_vbox.pack_start (favorite_plugins_mode_combo, false, false); favorite_plugins_vbox.pack_start (favorite_plugins_scroller, true, true); favorite_plugins_vbox.pack_start (favorite_plugins_search_hbox, false, false); Gtk::Label *l = manage (new Label (_("Mixer Scenes (F1...F8 to recall)"))); l->set_alignment(0, 0.5); Gtk::Table *padder = manage (new Table ()); padder->set_border_width(4); padder->attach (*l, 0,1,0,1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::FILL); _mixer_scene_vbox.pack_start(*padder, false, false); _mixer_scene_table.set_border_width(4); _mixer_scene_table.set_spacings(4); _mixer_scene_table.set_homogeneous(false); for (int column = 0; column < 1; ++column) { for (int row = 0; row < 8; ++row) { int col = column * 2; int scn_index = col * 2 + row; ArdourButton* b = manage (new ArdourButton (ArdourButton::default_elements)); b->set_text (string_compose ("%1", 1 + scn_index)); b->signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::scene_button_press), scn_index), false); b->signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::scene_button_release), scn_index), false); Gtk::Label* l = manage (new Gtk::Label ("")); Gtk::EventBox* namebox = manage (new Gtk::EventBox ()); // put label in an EventBox to capture double-click namebox->add (*l); namebox->add_events (Gdk::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK); namebox->signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::scene_label_press), scn_index), false); /* Note: widgets in the vector are GTK managed, and C pointers will become invalid * as soon as the widget are removed from the parent. */ _mixer_scene_buttons.push_back (b); _mixer_scene_labels.push_back(l); _mixer_scene_table.attach (*b, col, col+1, row, row+1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::FILL); col++; _mixer_scene_table.attach (*namebox, col, col+1, row, row+1, Gtk::FILL, Gtk::FILL); col++; } } _mixer_scene_vbox.pack_start(_mixer_scene_table, false, false); scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_ALWAYS, Gtk::POLICY_NEVER); vca_label_bar.set_size_request (-1, 16 + 2); /* must match height in GroupTabs::set_size_request() + 1 border px + 1 px inner shadow*/ VBox *mbox = manage (new VBox()); mbox->pack_start (vca_label_bar, false, false); mbox->pack_start (out_packer, true, true); HBox *box = manage (new HBox()); box->pack_end (*mbox, false, false); box->pack_start (scroller, true, true); mbox->show (); box->show (); #ifndef LIVETRAX content_app_bar.add (_application_bar); #endif content_innermost_hbox.add (*box); update_title (); contents().set_name ("MixerWindow"); global_hpacker.show(); scroller.show(); scroller_base.show(); scroller_hpacker.show(); mixer_scroller_vpacker.show(); list_vpacker.show(); group_display_button_label.show(); group_display_scroller.show(); favorite_plugins_scroller.show(); group_display_vbox.show(); group_display_frame.show(); favorite_plugins_frame.show(); rhs_pane1.show(); rhs_pane2.show(); strip_packer.show(); inner_pane.show(); vca_scroller.show(); vca_vpacker.show(); vca_hpacker.show(); vca_label_bar.show(); vca_label.show(); vca_scroller_base.show(); out_packer.show(); group_display.show(); favorite_plugins_display.show(); XMLNode* mnode = ARDOUR_UI::instance()->tearoff_settings (X_("monitor-section")); if (mnode) { _monitor_section.tearoff().set_state (*mnode); } MixerStrip::CatchDeletion.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::remove_strip, this, _1), gui_context()); VCAMasterStrip::CatchDeletion.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::remove_master, this, _1), gui_context()); FoldbackStrip::CatchDeletion.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::remove_foldback, this, _1), gui_context()); SurroundStrip::CatchDeletion.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::remove_surround_master, this, _1), gui_context()); /* handle escape */ ARDOUR_UI::instance()->Escape.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::escape, this), gui_context()); #ifndef DEFER_PLUGIN_SELECTOR_LOAD if (!Profile->get_livetrax()) { _plugin_selector = new PluginSelector (PluginManager::instance ()); } #else #error implement deferred Plugin-Favorite list #endif PluginManager::instance ().PluginListChanged.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::refill_favorite_plugins, this), gui_context()); ARDOUR::Plugin::PresetsChanged.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::refill_favorite_plugins, this), gui_context()); PluginManager::instance ().PluginStatusChanged.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::maybe_refill_favorite_plugins, this, PLM_Favorite), gui_context()); PluginManager::instance ().PluginStatsChanged.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::maybe_refill_favorite_plugins, this, PLM_Recent), gui_context()); } Mixer_UI::~Mixer_UI () { monitor_section_detached (); delete _surround_strip; delete foldback_strip; foldback_strip = 0; delete _plugin_selector; delete track_menu; delete _group_tabs; delete _mixer_scene_release; } struct MixerStripSorter { bool operator() (const MixerStrip* ms_a, const MixerStrip* ms_b) { std::shared_ptr const& a = ms_a->stripable (); std::shared_ptr const& b = ms_b->stripable (); return ARDOUR::Stripable::Sorter(true)(a, b); } }; void Mixer_UI::escape () { select_none (); } Gtk::Window* Mixer_UI::use_own_window (bool and_fill_it) { bool new_window = !own_window(); Gtk::Window* win = Tabbable::use_own_window (and_fill_it); if (win && new_window) { win->set_name ("MixerWindow"); ARDOUR_UI::instance()->setup_toplevel_window (*win, _("Mixer"), this); win->signal_event().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (&Keyboard::catch_user_event_for_pre_dialog_focus), win)); win->set_data ("ardour-bindings", bindings); update_title (); if (!win->get_focus()) { /* set focus widget to something, anything */ win->set_focus (scroller); } } return win; } void Mixer_UI::show_window () { Tabbable::show_window (); /* show/hide group tabs as required */ parameter_changed ("show-group-tabs"); /* now reset each strips width so the right widgets are shown */ TreeModel::Children rows = track_model->children(); TreeModel::Children::iterator ri; for (ri = rows.begin(); ri != rows.end(); ++ri) { AxisView* av = (*ri)[stripable_columns.strip]; MixerStrip* ms = dynamic_cast (av); if (!ms) { continue; } ms->set_width_enum (ms->get_width_enum (), ms->width_owner()); /* Fix visibility of mixer strip stuff */ ms->parameter_changed (X_("mixer-element-visibility")); } if (!Profile->get_livetrax()) { /* force focus into main area */ scroller_base.grab_focus (); } } bool Mixer_UI::scroller_enter (GdkEventCrossing* ev) { steal_focus (); return false; } void Mixer_UI::remove_master (VCAMasterStrip* vms) { if (_session && _session->deletion_in_progress()) { /* its all being taken care of */ return; } TreeModel::Children rows = track_model->children(); TreeModel::Children::iterator ri; for (ri = rows.begin(); ri != rows.end(); ++ri) { if ((*ri)[stripable_columns.strip] == vms) { PBD::Unwinder uw (_route_deletion_in_progress, true); track_model->erase (ri); break; } } } void Mixer_UI::new_masters_created () { ActionManager::get_toggle_action ("Mixer", "ToggleVCAPane")->set_active (true); } void Mixer_UI::add_masters (VCAList& vlist) { StripableList sl; for (VCAList::iterator v = vlist.begin(); v != vlist.end(); ++v) { sl.push_back (std::dynamic_pointer_cast (*v)); } add_stripables (sl); } void Mixer_UI::add_routes (RouteList& rlist) { StripableList sl; for (RouteList::iterator r = rlist.begin(); r != rlist.end(); ++r) { sl.push_back (*r); } add_stripables (sl); } void Mixer_UI::add_stripables (StripableList& slist) { Gtk::TreeModel::Children::iterator insert_iter = track_model->children().end(); bool from_scratch = (track_model->children().size() == 0); uint32_t nroutes = 0; slist.sort (Stripable::Sorter()); for (Gtk::TreeModel::Children::iterator it = track_model->children().begin(); it != track_model->children().end(); ++it) { std::shared_ptr s = (*it)[stripable_columns.stripable]; if (!s) { continue; } nroutes++; // XXX what does this special case do? // A: it inserts the new track at the correct point in the model // uness it's the the first (after master-bus, which is not in Mixbus track-model) if (s->presentation_info().order() == (slist.front()->presentation_info().order() + slist.size())) { insert_iter = it; break; } } MixerStrip* strip; try { PBD::Unwinder uw (no_track_list_redisplay, true); track_display.set_model (Glib::RefPtr()); for (StripableList::iterator s = slist.begin(); s != slist.end(); ++s) { std::shared_ptr route; std::shared_ptr vca; if ((vca = std::dynamic_pointer_cast (*s))) { VCAMasterStrip* vms = new VCAMasterStrip (_session, vca); TreeModel::Row row = *(track_model->append()); row[stripable_columns.text] = vca->name(); row[stripable_columns.visible] = vms->marked_for_display (); row[stripable_columns.strip] = vms; row[stripable_columns.stripable] = vca; vms->signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::vca_button_release_event), vms)); } else if ((route = std::dynamic_pointer_cast (*s))) { if (route->is_auditioner()) { continue; } if (route->is_monitor()) { out_packer.pack_end (_monitor_section.tearoff(), false, false); _monitor_section.set_session (_session); _monitor_section.tearoff().show_all (); _monitor_section.tearoff().Detach.connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::monitor_section_detached)); _monitor_section.tearoff().Attach.connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::monitor_section_attached)); if (_monitor_section.tearoff().torn_off()) { monitor_section_detached (); } else { monitor_section_attached (); } route->DropReferences.connect (*this, invalidator(*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::monitor_section_going_away, this), gui_context()); /* no regular strip shown for control out */ continue; } if (route->is_foldbackbus ()) { if (foldback_strip) { // last strip created is shown foldback_strip->set_route (route); } else { foldback_strip = new FoldbackStrip (*this, _session, route); out_packer.pack_start (*foldback_strip, false, false); // change 0 to 1 below for foldback to right of master out_packer.reorder_child (*foldback_strip, 0); } /* config from last run is set before there are any foldback strips * this takes that setting and applies it after at least one foldback * strip exists */ bool yn = _show_foldback_strip; Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action ("Mixer", "ToggleFoldbackStrip"); act->set_sensitive (true); act->set_active(!yn); act->set_active(yn); continue; } if (route->is_surround_master ()) { if (!_surround_strip) { _surround_strip = new SurroundStrip (*this, _session, route); } out_packer.pack_start (*_surround_strip, false, false); continue; } strip = new MixerStrip (*this, _session, route); strip->set_selected (route->is_selected ()); strips.push_back (strip); UIConfiguration::instance().get_default_narrow_ms() ? _strip_width = Narrow : _strip_width = Wide; if (strip->width_owner() != strip) { strip->set_width_enum (_strip_width, this); } show_strip (strip); if (route->is_master()) { out_packer.pack_start (*strip, false, false); strip->set_packed (true); } else { TreeModel::Row row = *(track_model->insert (insert_iter)); row[stripable_columns.text] = route->name(); row[stripable_columns.visible] = strip->marked_for_display(); row[stripable_columns.stripable] = route; row[stripable_columns.strip] = strip; } strip->WidthChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::strip_width_changed)); strip->signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::strip_button_release_event), strip)); } (*s)->presentation_info().PropertyChanged.connect (*this, invalidator(*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::stripable_property_changed, this, _1, std::weak_ptr(*s)), gui_context()); (*s)->PropertyChanged.connect (*this, invalidator(*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::stripable_property_changed, this, _1, std::weak_ptr(*s)), gui_context()); } } catch (const std::exception& e) { error << string_compose (_("Error adding GUI elements for new tracks/busses %1"), e.what()) << endmsg; } track_display.set_model (track_model); if (!from_scratch) { sync_treeview_from_presentation_info (Properties::order); } redisplay_track_list (); if (!from_scratch) { /* Mixer_UI::move_stripable_into_view() can only correctly calculate * the scroll offset after the layout was updated. * We update update after the resize operation (+10), but before drawing (+20) * https://docs.gtk.org/glib/const.PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE.html */ Glib::signal_idle().connect (sigc::bind_return (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::sync_treeview_from_presentation_info), PropertyChange (Properties::selected)), false), G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE + 15); } } void Mixer_UI::deselect_all_strip_processors () { for (list::iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { (*i)->deselect_all_processors(); } if (foldback_strip) { foldback_strip->deselect_all_processors (); } } void Mixer_UI::select_none () { _selection.clear_routes(); deselect_all_strip_processors(); } void Mixer_UI::select_next_strip () { deselect_all_strip_processors(); _session->selection().select_next_stripable (true, false); } void Mixer_UI::select_prev_strip () { deselect_all_strip_processors(); _session->selection().select_prev_stripable (true, false); } void Mixer_UI::delete_processors () { for (list::iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { (*i)->delete_processors(); } } void Mixer_UI::remove_strip (MixerStrip* strip) { if (_session && _session->deletion_in_progress()) { /* its all being taken care of */ return; } TreeModel::Children rows = track_model->children(); TreeModel::Children::iterator ri; list::iterator i; if ((i = find (strips.begin(), strips.end(), strip)) != strips.end()) { strips.erase (i); } PBD::Unwinder uwi (ignore_track_reorder, true); for (ri = rows.begin(); ri != rows.end(); ++ri) { if ((*ri)[stripable_columns.strip] == strip) { PBD::Unwinder uw (_route_deletion_in_progress, true); track_model->erase (ri); break; } } } void Mixer_UI::remove_surround_master (SurroundStrip* strip) { if (_session && _session->deletion_in_progress()) { /* its all being taken care of */ return; } assert (strip == _surround_strip); out_packer.remove (*_surround_strip); _surround_strip = 0; RefPtr surround_action = ActionManager::get_toggle_action (X_("Mixer"), "ToggleSurroundMaster"); surround_action->set_active (false); Glib::RefPtr surround_export = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Main"), X_("SurroundExport")); surround_export->set_sensitive (false); } void Mixer_UI::remove_foldback (FoldbackStrip* strip) { if (_session && _session->deletion_in_progress()) { /* its all being taken care of */ return; } assert (strip == foldback_strip); Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action ("Mixer", "ToggleFoldbackStrip"); act->set_sensitive (false); foldback_strip = 0; } void Mixer_UI::presentation_info_changed (PropertyChange const & what_changed) { if (what_changed.contains (Properties::selected)) { _selection.presentation_info_changed (what_changed); } PropertyChange soh; soh.add (Properties::selected); soh.add (Properties::order); soh.add (Properties::hidden); if (what_changed.contains (soh)) { sync_treeview_from_presentation_info (what_changed); } } void Mixer_UI::sync_presentation_info_from_treeview () { if (ignore_track_reorder || !_session || _session->deletion_in_progress()) { return; } TreeModel::Children rows = track_model->children(); if (rows.empty()) { return; } DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::OrderKeys, "mixer sync presentation info from treeview\n"); TreeModel::Children::iterator ri; PresentationInfo::order_t master_key = _session->master_order_key (); PresentationInfo::order_t order = 0; PresentationInfo::ChangeSuspender cs; for (ri = rows.begin(); ri != rows.end(); ++ri) { bool visible = (*ri)[stripable_columns.visible]; std::shared_ptr stripable = (*ri)[stripable_columns.stripable]; #ifndef NDEBUG // these should not exist in the mixer's treeview if (!stripable) { assert (0); continue; } if (stripable->is_monitor() || stripable->is_auditioner()) { assert (0); continue; } if (stripable->is_surround_master()) { assert (0); continue; } if (stripable->is_master()) { assert (0); continue; } #endif // leave master where it is. if (order == master_key) { ++order; } stripable->presentation_info().set_hidden (!visible); stripable->set_presentation_order (order); ++order; } } void Mixer_UI::sync_treeview_from_presentation_info (PropertyChange const & what_changed) { if (!_session || _session->deletion_in_progress()) { return; } DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::OrderKeys, "mixer sync model from presentation info.\n"); /* we could get here after either a change in the Mixer or Editor sort * order, but either way, the mixer order keys reflect the intended * order for the GUI, so reorder the treeview model to match it. */ if (what_changed.contains (Properties::order)) { vector neworder; TreeModel::Children rows = track_model->children(); uint32_t old_order = 0; bool changed = false; if (rows.empty()) { return; } TreeOrderKeys sorted; for (TreeModel::Children::iterator ri = rows.begin(); ri != rows.end(); ++ri, ++old_order) { std::shared_ptr stripable = (*ri)[stripable_columns.stripable]; sorted.push_back (TreeOrderKey (old_order, stripable)); } TreeOrderKeySorter cmp; sort (sorted.begin(), sorted.end(), cmp); neworder.assign (sorted.size(), 0); uint32_t n = 0; for (TreeOrderKeys::iterator sr = sorted.begin(); sr != sorted.end(); ++sr, ++n) { neworder[n] = sr->old_display_order; if (sr->old_display_order != n) { changed = true; } } if (changed) { Unwinder uw (ignore_track_reorder, true); track_model->reorder (neworder); } } if (what_changed.contains (Properties::order) || what_changed.contains (Properties::hidden)) { redisplay_track_list (); } if (what_changed.contains (Properties::selected)) { PresentationInfo::ChangeSuspender cs; for (list::const_iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { std::shared_ptr stripable = (*i)->stripable(); if (stripable && stripable->is_selected()) { _selection.add (*i); } else { _selection.remove (*i); } } if (!_selection.axes.empty() && !PublicEditor::instance().track_selection_change_without_scroll () && !_strip_selection_change_without_scroll) { move_stripable_into_view ((*_selection.axes.begin())->stripable()); } TreeModel::Children rows = track_model->children(); for (TreeModel::Children::const_iterator i = rows.begin(); i != rows.end(); ++i) { AxisView* av = (*i)[stripable_columns.strip]; VCAMasterStrip* vms = dynamic_cast (av); if (!vms) { continue; } if (vms->vca() && vms->vca()->is_selected()) { _selection.add (vms); } else { _selection.remove (vms); } } } } void Mixer_UI::fan_out (std::weak_ptr wr, bool to_busses, bool group) { std::shared_ptr route = wr.lock (); if (!ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::engine_is_running () || ! route) { return; } DisplaySuspender ds; std::shared_ptr pi = std::dynamic_pointer_cast (route->the_instrument ()); assert (pi); const uint32_t n_outputs = pi->output_streams ().n_audio (); if (route->n_outputs ().n_audio () != n_outputs) { MessageDialog msg (string_compose ( _("The Plugin's number of audio outputs ports (%1) does not match the Tracks's number of audio outputs (%2). Cannot fan out."), n_outputs, route->n_outputs ().n_audio ())); msg.run (); return; } #define BUSNAME legalize_for_universal_path (pd.group_name + " (" + route->name () + ")") /* count busses and channels/bus */ std::shared_ptr plugin = pi->plugin (); std::map busnames; for (uint32_t p = 0; p < n_outputs; ++p) { const Plugin::IOPortDescription& pd (plugin->describe_io_port (DataType::AUDIO, false, p)); std::string bn = BUSNAME; busnames[bn]++; } if (busnames.size () < 2) { MessageDialog msg (_("Instrument has only 1 output bus. Nothing to fan out.")); msg.run (); return; } uint32_t outputs = 2; if (_session->master_out ()) { outputs = std::max (outputs, _session->master_out ()->n_inputs ().n_audio ()); } route->output ()->disconnect (this); route->panner_shell ()->set_bypassed (true); std::shared_ptr msac = route->master_send_enable_controllable (); if (msac) { msac->start_touch (timepos_t (msac->session().transport_sample())); msac->set_value (0, PBD::Controllable::NoGroup); } RouteList to_group; for (uint32_t p = 0; p < n_outputs; ++p) { const Plugin::IOPortDescription& pd (plugin->describe_io_port (DataType::AUDIO, false, p)); std::string bn = BUSNAME; std::shared_ptr r = _session->route_by_name (bn); if (!r) { try { if (to_busses) { RouteList rl = _session->new_audio_route (busnames[bn], outputs, NULL, 1, bn, PresentationInfo::AudioBus, PresentationInfo::max_order); r = rl.front (); assert (r); } else { list > tl = _session->new_audio_track (busnames[bn], outputs, NULL, 1, bn, PresentationInfo::max_order, Normal, false); r = tl.front (); assert (r); std::shared_ptr cl (new AutomationControlList); cl->push_back (r->monitoring_control ()); _session->set_controls (cl, (double) MonitorInput, Controllable::NoGroup); } } catch (...) { if (!to_group.empty()) { std::shared_ptr rl (&to_group); _session->remove_routes (rl); } return; } } to_group.push_back (r); route->output ()->audio (p)->connect (r->input ()->audio (pd.group_channel).get()); } #undef BUSNAME if (group) { RouteGroup* rg = NULL; const std::list& rgs (_session->route_groups ()); for (std::list::const_iterator i = rgs.begin (); i != rgs.end (); ++i) { if ((*i)->name () == pi->name ()) { rg = *i; break; } } if (!rg) { rg = new RouteGroup (*_session, pi->name ()); _session->add_route_group (rg); rg->set_gain (false); } GroupTabs::set_group_color (rg, route->presentation_info().color()); for (RouteList::const_iterator i = to_group.begin(); i != to_group.end(); ++i) { rg->add (*i); } } } MixerStrip* Mixer_UI::strip_by_route (std::shared_ptr r) const { for (list::const_iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->route() == r) { return (*i); } } return 0; } MixerStrip* Mixer_UI::strip_by_stripable (std::shared_ptr s) const { for (list::const_iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->stripable() == s) { return (*i); } } return 0; } AxisView* Mixer_UI::axis_view_by_stripable (std::shared_ptr s) const { for (list::const_iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->stripable() == s) { return (*i); } } TreeModel::Children rows = track_model->children(); for (TreeModel::Children::const_iterator i = rows.begin(); i != rows.end(); ++i) { AxisView* av = (*i)[stripable_columns.strip]; VCAMasterStrip* vms = dynamic_cast (av); if (vms && vms->stripable () == s) { return av; } } return 0; } AxisView* Mixer_UI::axis_view_by_control (std::shared_ptr c) const { for (list::const_iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->control() == c) { return (*i); } } return 0; } bool Mixer_UI::strip_button_release_event (GdkEventButton *ev, MixerStrip *strip) { /* Selecting a mixer-strip may also select grouped-tracks, and * presentation_info_changed() being emitted and * _selection.axes.begin() is being moved into view. This may * effectively move the track that was clicked-on out of view. * * So here only the track that is actually clicked-on is moved into * view (in case it's partially visible) */ PBD::Unwinder uw (_strip_selection_change_without_scroll, true); move_stripable_into_view (strip->stripable()); if (ev->button == 1) { if (_selection.selected (strip)) { /* primary-click: toggle selection state of strip */ if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) { _selection.remove (strip, false); } else if (_selection.axes.size() > 1) { /* de-select others */ _selection.set (strip); } PublicEditor& pe = PublicEditor::instance(); TimeAxisView* tav = pe.time_axis_view_from_stripable (strip->stripable()); if (tav) { pe.set_selected_mixer_strip (*tav); } } else { if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) { _selection.add (strip, true); } else if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::RangeSelectModifier)) { /* extend selection */ vector tmp; bool accumulate = false; bool found_another = false; strips.sort (MixerStripSorter()); for (list::iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { MixerStrip* ms = *i; assert (ms); if (ms == strip) { /* hit clicked strip, start accumulating till we hit the first selected strip */ if (accumulate) { /* done */ break; } else { accumulate = true; } } else if (_selection.selected (ms)) { /* hit selected strip. if currently accumulating others, we're done. if not accumulating others, start doing so. */ found_another = true; if (accumulate) { /* done */ break; } else { accumulate = true; } } else { if (accumulate) { tmp.push_back (ms); } } } tmp.push_back (strip); if (found_another) { PresentationInfo::ChangeSuspender cs; for (vector::iterator i = tmp.begin(); i != tmp.end(); ++i) { _selection.add (*i, true); } } else { _selection.set (strip); //user wants to start a range selection, but there aren't any others selected yet } } else { _selection.set (strip); } } } return true; } bool Mixer_UI::vca_button_release_event (GdkEventButton *ev, VCAMasterStrip *strip) { _selection.set (strip); return true; } void Mixer_UI::set_session (Session* sess) { SessionHandlePtr::set_session (sess); if (sess) { _monitor_section.set_session (sess); _group_tabs->set_session (sess); #ifndef LIVETRAX _application_bar.set_session (_session); #endif if (_plugin_selector) { _plugin_selector->set_session (_session); } } update_scene_buttons(); RefPtr surround_action = ActionManager::get_toggle_action (X_("Mixer"), "ToggleSurroundMaster"); Glib::RefPtr surround_export = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Main"), X_("SurroundExport")); if (!_session) { surround_action->set_sensitive (false); surround_export->set_sensitive (false); PBD::Unwinder uw (ignore_plugin_reorder, true); favorite_plugins_model->clear (); _selection.clear (); return; } if (!Profile->get_livetrax()) { refill_favorite_plugins(); } XMLNode* node = ARDOUR_UI::instance()->mixer_settings(); set_state (*node, 0); update_title (); surround_action->set_sensitive (_session->vapor_barrier ()); surround_action->set_active (nullptr != _session->surround_master()); surround_export->set_sensitive (_session->vapor_export_barrier () && nullptr != _session->surround_master ()); #if 0 /* skip mapping all session-config vars, we only need one */ std::function pc (std::bind (&Mixer_UI::parameter_changed, this, _1)); _session->config.map_parameters (pc); #else parameter_changed ("show-group-tabs"); #endif initial_track_display (); _session->RouteAdded.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::add_routes, this, _1), gui_context()); _session->route_group_added.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::add_route_group, this, _1), gui_context()); _session->route_group_removed.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::route_groups_changed, this), gui_context()); _session->route_groups_reordered.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::route_groups_changed, this), gui_context()); _session->config.ParameterChanged.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::parameter_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); _session->DirtyChanged.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::update_title, this), gui_context()); _session->StateSaved.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::update_title, this), gui_context()); _session->SurroundMasterAddedOrRemoved.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::sync_surround_action, this), gui_context()); _session->vca_manager().VCAAdded.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::add_masters, this, _1), gui_context()); _session->vca_manager().VCACreated.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::new_masters_created, this), gui_context()); MixerScene::Change.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::update_scene_buttons, this), gui_context()); Config->ParameterChanged.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::parameter_changed, this, _1), gui_context ()); route_groups_changed (); if (_visible) { show_window(); } /* catch up on selection state, etc. */ PropertyChange sc; sc.add (Properties::selected); _selection.presentation_info_changed (sc); start_updating (); } void Mixer_UI::session_going_away () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &Mixer_UI::session_going_away); _in_group_rebuild_or_clear = true; group_model->clear (); _in_group_rebuild_or_clear = false; _selection.clear (); track_model->clear (); for (list::iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { delete (*i); } _monitor_section.tearoff().hide_visible (); StripableList fb; _session->get_stripables (fb, PresentationInfo::FoldbackBus); if (fb.size()) { if (foldback_strip) { delete foldback_strip; foldback_strip = 0; } } monitor_section_detached (); strips.clear (); stop_updating (); SessionHandlePtr::session_going_away (); _session = 0; update_title (); } void Mixer_UI::track_visibility_changed (std::string const & path) { if (_session && _session->deletion_in_progress()) { return; } TreeIter iter; if ((iter = track_model->get_iter (path))) { AxisView* av = (*iter)[stripable_columns.strip]; bool visible = (*iter)[stripable_columns.visible]; if (av->set_marked_for_display (!visible)) { update_track_visibility (); } } } void Mixer_UI::update_track_visibility () { TreeModel::Children rows = track_model->children(); TreeModel::Children::iterator i; { Unwinder uw (no_track_list_redisplay, true); for (i = rows.begin(); i != rows.end(); ++i) { AxisView* av = (*i)[stripable_columns.strip]; (*i)[stripable_columns.visible] = av->marked_for_display (); } /* force presentation to catch up with visibility changes */ sync_presentation_info_from_treeview (); } redisplay_track_list (); } void Mixer_UI::show_strip (MixerStrip* ms) { TreeModel::Children rows = track_model->children(); TreeModel::Children::iterator i; for (i = rows.begin(); i != rows.end(); ++i) { AxisView* av = (*i)[stripable_columns.strip]; MixerStrip* strip = dynamic_cast (av); if (strip == ms) { (*i)[stripable_columns.visible] = true; av->set_marked_for_display (true); update_track_visibility (); break; } } } void Mixer_UI::hide_strip (MixerStrip* ms) { TreeModel::Children rows = track_model->children(); TreeModel::Children::iterator i; for (i = rows.begin(); i != rows.end(); ++i) { AxisView* av = (*i)[stripable_columns.strip]; MixerStrip* strip = dynamic_cast (av); if (strip == ms) { (*i)[stripable_columns.visible] = false; av->set_marked_for_display (false); update_track_visibility (); break; } } } gint Mixer_UI::start_updating () { fast_screen_update_connection = Timers::super_rapid_connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::fast_update_strips)); return 0; } gint Mixer_UI::stop_updating () { fast_screen_update_connection.disconnect(); return 0; } void Mixer_UI::fast_update_strips () { if (!UIConfiguration::instance().get_no_strobe() && contents().get_mapped () && _session) { for (auto & s : strips) { s->fast_update (); } if (foldback_strip) { foldback_strip->fast_update (); } if (_surround_strip) { _surround_strip->fast_update (); } } } void Mixer_UI::set_all_strips_visibility (bool yn) { TreeModel::Children rows = track_model->children(); TreeModel::Children::iterator i; { Unwinder uw (no_track_list_redisplay, true); for (i = rows.begin(); i != rows.end(); ++i) { AxisView* av = (*i)[stripable_columns.strip]; MixerStrip* strip = dynamic_cast (av); if (!strip) { continue; } if (strip->route()->is_singleton()) { continue; } (*i)[stripable_columns.visible] = yn; } /* force presentation to catch up with visibility changes */ sync_presentation_info_from_treeview (); } redisplay_track_list (); } void Mixer_UI::set_all_audio_midi_visibility (int tracks, bool yn) { TreeModel::Children rows = track_model->children(); TreeModel::Children::iterator i; { Unwinder uw (no_track_list_redisplay, true); for (i = rows.begin(); i != rows.end(); ++i) { AxisView* av = (*i)[stripable_columns.strip]; MixerStrip* strip = dynamic_cast (av); if (!strip) { continue; } if (strip->route()->is_singleton()) { continue; } std::shared_ptr at = strip->audio_track(); std::shared_ptr mt = strip->midi_track(); switch (tracks) { case 0: (*i)[stripable_columns.visible] = yn; break; case 1: if (at) { /* track */ (*i)[stripable_columns.visible] = yn; } break; case 2: if (!at && !mt) { /* bus */ (*i)[stripable_columns.visible] = yn; } break; case 3: if (mt) { /* midi-track */ (*i)[stripable_columns.visible] = yn; } break; } } /* force presentation to catch up with visibility changes */ sync_presentation_info_from_treeview (); } redisplay_track_list (); } void Mixer_UI::hide_all_routes () { set_all_strips_visibility (false); } void Mixer_UI::show_all_routes () { set_all_strips_visibility (true); } void Mixer_UI::show_all_audiobus () { set_all_audio_midi_visibility (2, true); } void Mixer_UI::hide_all_audiobus () { set_all_audio_midi_visibility (2, false); } void Mixer_UI::show_all_audiotracks() { set_all_audio_midi_visibility (1, true); } void Mixer_UI::hide_all_audiotracks () { set_all_audio_midi_visibility (1, false); } void Mixer_UI::show_all_miditracks() { set_all_audio_midi_visibility (3, true); } void Mixer_UI::hide_all_miditracks () { set_all_audio_midi_visibility (3, false); } void Mixer_UI::track_list_reorder (const TreeModel::Path&, const TreeModel::iterator&, int* /*new_order*/) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::OrderKeys, "mixer UI treeview reordered\n"); sync_presentation_info_from_treeview (); } void Mixer_UI::track_list_delete (const Gtk::TreeModel::Path&) { /* this happens as the second step of a DnD within the treeview as well as when a row/route is actually deleted. if it was a deletion then we have to force a redisplay because order keys may not have changed. */ DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::OrderKeys, "mixer UI treeview row deleted\n"); if (_route_deletion_in_progress) { redisplay_track_list (); } else { sync_presentation_info_from_treeview (); } } void Mixer_UI::spill_redisplay (std::shared_ptr s) { std::shared_ptr vca = std::dynamic_pointer_cast (s); std::shared_ptr r = std::dynamic_pointer_cast (s); TreeModel::Children rows = track_model->children(); std::list > vcas; if (vca) { vcas.push_back (vca); for (TreeModel::Children::const_iterator i = rows.begin(); i != rows.end(); ++i) { AxisView* av = (*i)[stripable_columns.strip]; VCAMasterStrip* vms = dynamic_cast (av); if (vms && vms->vca()->slaved_to (vca)) { vcas.push_back (vms->vca()); } } } for (TreeModel::Children::const_iterator i = rows.begin(); i != rows.end(); ++i) { AxisView* av = (*i)[stripable_columns.strip]; MixerStrip* strip = dynamic_cast (av); bool const visible = (*i)[stripable_columns.visible]; bool slaved = false; bool feeds = false; if (!strip) { /* we're in the middle of changing a row, don't worry */ continue; } if (!strip->route()) { /* non-route element */ continue; } if (strip->route()->is_master() || strip->route()->is_monitor()) { continue; } if (vca) { for (std::list >::const_iterator m = vcas.begin(); m != vcas.end(); ++m) { if (strip->route()->slaved_to (*m)) { slaved = true; break; } } } #ifdef MIXBUS if (r && r->mixbus()) { feeds = strip->route()->mb_feeds (r); } else #endif if (r) { feeds = strip->route()->direct_feeds_according_to_graph (r); } bool should_show = visible && (slaved || feeds); should_show |= (strip->route() == r); //the spilled aux should itself be shown... if (should_show) { if (strip->packed()) { strip_packer.reorder_child (*strip, -1); /* put at end */ } else { strip_packer.pack_start (*strip, false, false); strip->set_packed (true); } } else { if (strip->packed()) { strip_packer.remove (*strip); strip->set_packed (false); } } } } void Mixer_UI::redisplay_track_list () { if (no_track_list_redisplay) { return; } std::shared_ptr ss = spilled_strip.lock (); if (ss) { std::shared_ptr sv = std::dynamic_pointer_cast (ss); if (sv) { if (_spill_scroll_position <= 0 && scroller.get_hscrollbar()) { _spill_scroll_position = scroller.get_hscrollbar()->get_adjustment()->get_value(); } spill_redisplay (sv); return; } else { if (_spill_scroll_position <= 0 && scroller.get_hscrollbar()) { _spill_scroll_position = scroller.get_hscrollbar()->get_adjustment()->get_value(); } spill_redisplay (ss); return; } } TreeModel::Children rows = track_model->children(); TreeModel::Children::iterator i; uint32_t n_masters = 0; container_clear (vca_hpacker); vca_hpacker.pack_end (vca_scroller_base, true, true); vca_scroller_base.set_size_request (PX_SCALE (20), -1); vca_scroller_base.signal_expose_event ().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (&ArdourWidgets::ArdourIcon::expose_with_text), &vca_scroller_base, ArdourWidgets::ArdourIcon::ShadedPlusSign, _("Right-click or Double-click here\nto add Track, Bus, or VCA channels"))); vca_scroller_base.show(); for (i = rows.begin(); i != rows.end(); ++i) { AxisView* s = (*i)[stripable_columns.strip]; bool const visible = (*i)[stripable_columns.visible]; std::shared_ptr stripable = (*i)[stripable_columns.stripable]; if (!s) { /* we're in the middle of changing a row, don't worry */ continue; } VCAMasterStrip* vms; if ((vms = dynamic_cast (s))) { if (visible) { vca_hpacker.pack_start (*vms, false, false); vms->show (); n_masters++; } continue; } MixerStrip* strip = dynamic_cast (s); if (!strip) { continue; } if (visible) { if (strip->packed()) { strip_packer.reorder_child (*strip, -1); /* put at end */ } else { strip_packer.pack_start (*strip, false, false); strip->set_packed (true); } } else { if (stripable->is_singleton()) { /* do nothing, these cannot be hidden */ } else { if (strip->packed()) { strip_packer.remove (*strip); strip->set_packed (false); } } } } /* update visibility of VCA assign buttons */ if (n_masters == 0) { //show/hide the channelstrip VCA assign buttons on channelstrips: UIConfiguration::instance().set_mixer_strip_visibility (VisibilityGroup::remove_element (UIConfiguration::instance().get_mixer_strip_visibility(), X_("VCA"))); Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_action ("Mixer", "ToggleVCAPane"); if (act) { act->set_sensitive (false); } //remove the VCA packer, but don't change our prior setting for show/hide: vca_vpacker.hide (); } else { //show/hide the channelstrip VCA assign buttons on channelstrips: UIConfiguration::instance().set_mixer_strip_visibility (VisibilityGroup::add_element (UIConfiguration::instance().get_mixer_strip_visibility(), X_("VCA"))); Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action ("Mixer", "ToggleVCAPane"); act->set_sensitive (true); //if we were showing VCAs before, show them now: showhide_vcas (act->get_active ()); } _group_tabs->set_dirty (); if (_spill_scroll_position > 0 && scroller.get_hscrollbar()) { Adjustment* adj = scroller.get_hscrollbar()->get_adjustment(); adj->set_value (max (adj->get_lower(), min (adj->get_upper(), _spill_scroll_position))); } _spill_scroll_position = 0; if (_surround_strip) { out_packer.reorder_child (*_surround_strip, -1); } if (_monitor_section.tearoff ().get_parent ()) { out_packer.reorder_child (_monitor_section.tearoff(), -1); } } void Mixer_UI::strip_width_changed () { _group_tabs->set_dirty (); #ifdef __APPLE__ TreeModel::Children rows = track_model->children(); TreeModel::Children::iterator i; long order; for (order = 0, i = rows.begin(); i != rows.end(); ++i, ++order) { AxisView* av = (*i)[stripable_columns.strip]; MixerStrip* strip = dynamic_cast (av); if (strip == 0) { continue; } bool visible = (*i)[stripable_columns.visible]; if (visible) { strip->queue_draw(); } } #endif } struct PresentationInfoMixerSorter { bool operator() (std::shared_ptr a, std::shared_ptr b) { if (a->is_master()) { /* master after everything else */ return false; } else if (b->is_master()) { /* everything else before master */ return true; } return a->presentation_info().order () < b->presentation_info().order (); } }; void Mixer_UI::initial_track_display () { StripableList sl; StripableList fb; _session->get_stripables (sl); _session->get_stripables (fb, PresentationInfo::FoldbackBus); if (fb.size()) { std::shared_ptr _current_foldback = *(fb.begin()); sl.push_back (_current_foldback); } sl.sort (PresentationInfoMixerSorter()); { /* These are also used inside ::add_stripables() but we need * them here because we're going to clear the track_model also. */ Unwinder uw1 (no_track_list_redisplay, true); Unwinder uw2 (ignore_track_reorder, true); track_model->clear (); add_stripables (sl); } sync_treeview_from_presentation_info (Properties::order); } bool Mixer_UI::track_display_button_press (GdkEventButton* ev) { if (Keyboard::is_context_menu_event (ev)) { if (track_menu == 0) { build_track_menu (); } track_menu->popup (ev->button, ev->time); return true; } if ((ev->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) && (ev->button == 1)) { TreeModel::Path path; TreeViewColumn* column; int cellx, celly; if (track_display.get_path_at_pos ((int)ev->x, (int)ev->y, path, column, cellx, celly)) { TreeIter iter = track_model->get_iter (path); if ((*iter)[stripable_columns.visible]) { std::shared_ptr s = (*iter)[stripable_columns.stripable]; move_stripable_into_view (s); } } } return false; } void Mixer_UI::move_vca_into_view (std::shared_ptr s) { if (!vca_scroller.get_hscrollbar()) { return; } bool found = false; int x0 = 0; Gtk::Allocation alloc; TreeModel::Children rows = track_model->children(); for (TreeModel::Children::const_iterator i = rows.begin(); i != rows.end(); ++i) { AxisView* av = (*i)[stripable_columns.strip]; VCAMasterStrip* vms = dynamic_cast (av); if (vms && vms->stripable () == s) { int y; found = true; vms->translate_coordinates (vca_hpacker, 0, 0, x0, y); alloc = vms->get_allocation (); break; } } if (!found) { return; } Adjustment* adj = vca_scroller.get_hscrollbar()->get_adjustment(); if (x0 < adj->get_value()) { adj->set_value (max (adj->get_lower(), min (adj->get_upper(), (double) x0))); } else if (x0 + alloc.get_width() >= adj->get_value() + adj->get_page_size()) { int x1 = x0 + alloc.get_width() - adj->get_page_size(); adj->set_value (max (adj->get_lower(), min (adj->get_upper(), (double) x1))); } } void Mixer_UI::move_stripable_into_view (std::shared_ptr s) { if (!scroller.get_hscrollbar()) { return; } if (s->presentation_info().special ()) { return; } if (s->presentation_info().flag_match (PresentationInfo::VCA)) { move_vca_into_view (s); } #ifdef MIXBUS if (s->mixbus ()) { return; } #endif bool found = false; int x0 = 0; Gtk::Allocation alloc; for (list::const_iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->route() == s) { int y; found = true; (*i)->translate_coordinates (strip_packer, 0, 0, x0, y); alloc = (*i)->get_allocation (); break; } } if (!found) { return; } Adjustment* adj = scroller.get_hscrollbar()->get_adjustment(); if (x0 < adj->get_value()) { adj->set_value (max (adj->get_lower(), min (adj->get_upper(), (double) x0))); } else if (x0 + alloc.get_width() >= adj->get_value() + adj->get_page_size()) { int x1 = x0 + alloc.get_width() - adj->get_page_size(); adj->set_value (max (adj->get_lower(), min (adj->get_upper(), (double) x1))); } } void Mixer_UI::build_track_menu () { using namespace Menu_Helpers; using namespace Gtk; track_menu = new Menu; track_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); MenuList& items = track_menu->items(); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Show All"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::show_all_routes))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Hide All"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::hide_all_routes))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Show All Audio Tracks"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::show_all_audiotracks))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Hide All Audio Tracks"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::hide_all_audiotracks))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Show All Midi Tracks"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::show_all_miditracks))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Hide All Midi Tracks"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::hide_all_miditracks))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Show All Busses"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::show_all_audiobus))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Hide All Busses"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::hide_all_audiobus))); } void Mixer_UI::stripable_property_changed (const PropertyChange& what_changed, std::weak_ptr ws) { if (!what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::hidden) && !what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::name)) { return; } std::shared_ptr s = ws.lock (); if (!s) { return; } TreeModel::Children rows = track_model->children(); TreeModel::Children::iterator i; for (i = rows.begin(); i != rows.end(); ++i) { std::shared_ptr ss = (*i)[stripable_columns.stripable]; if (s == ss) { if (what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::name)) { (*i)[stripable_columns.text] = s->name(); } if (what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::hidden)) { (*i)[stripable_columns.visible] = !s->presentation_info().hidden(); redisplay_track_list (); } return; } } if (s->is_surround_master ()) { return; } if (s->is_master ()) { return; } error << _("track display list item for renamed strip not found!") << endmsg; } bool Mixer_UI::group_display_button_press (GdkEventButton* ev) { TreeModel::Path path; TreeViewColumn* column; int cellx; int celly; if (!group_display.get_path_at_pos ((int)ev->x, (int)ev->y, path, column, cellx, celly)) { if (ev->button == 3) { _group_tabs->get_menu(0)->popup (ev->button, ev->time); } return true; } TreeIter iter = group_model->get_iter (path); if (!iter) { if (ev->button == 3) { _group_tabs->get_menu(0)->popup (ev->button, ev->time); } return true; } RouteGroup* group = (*iter)[group_columns.group]; if (Keyboard::is_context_menu_event (ev)) { _group_tabs->get_menu(group)->popup (ev->button, ev->time); return true; } switch (GPOINTER_TO_UINT (column->get_data (X_("colnum")))) { case 1: if (Keyboard::is_edit_event (ev)) { if (group) { // edit_route_group (group); #ifdef __APPLE__ group_display.queue_draw(); #endif return true; } } break; case 0: { bool visible = (*iter)[group_columns.visible]; (*iter)[group_columns.visible] = !visible; #ifdef __APPLE__ group_display.queue_draw(); #endif return true; } default: break; } return false; } void Mixer_UI::activate_all_route_groups () { _session->foreach_route_group (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::set_route_group_activation), true)); } void Mixer_UI::disable_all_route_groups () { _session->foreach_route_group (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::set_route_group_activation), false)); } void Mixer_UI::route_groups_changed () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &Mixer_UI::route_groups_changed); _in_group_rebuild_or_clear = true; /* just rebuild the while thing */ group_model->clear (); #if 0 /* this is currently not used, * Mixer_UI::group_display_button_press() has a case for it, * and a commented edit_route_group() but that's n/a since 2011. * * This code is left as reminder that * row[group_columns.group] = 0 has special meaning. */ { TreeModel::Row row; row = *(group_model->append()); row[group_columns.visible] = true; row[group_columns.text] = (_("-all-")); row[group_columns.group] = 0; } #endif _session->foreach_route_group (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::add_route_group)); _group_tabs->set_dirty (); _in_group_rebuild_or_clear = false; } void Mixer_UI::new_route_group () { _group_tabs->run_new_group_dialog (0, false); } void Mixer_UI::remove_selected_route_group () { Glib::RefPtr selection = group_display.get_selection(); TreeView::Selection::ListHandle_Path rows = selection->get_selected_rows (); if (rows.empty()) { return; } TreeView::Selection::ListHandle_Path::iterator i = rows.begin(); TreeIter iter; /* selection mode is single, so rows.begin() is it */ if ((iter = group_model->get_iter (*i))) { RouteGroup* rg = (*iter)[group_columns.group]; if (rg) { _session->remove_route_group (*rg); } } } void Mixer_UI::route_group_property_changed (RouteGroup* group, const PropertyChange& change) { if (in_group_row_change) { return; } /* force an update of any mixer strips that are using this group, otherwise mix group names don't change in mixer strips */ for (list::iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->route_group() == group) { (*i)->route_group_changed(); } } TreeModel::iterator i; TreeModel::Children rows = group_model->children(); Glib::RefPtr selection = group_display.get_selection(); in_group_row_change = true; for (i = rows.begin(); i != rows.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)[group_columns.group] == group) { (*i)[group_columns.visible] = !group->is_hidden (); (*i)[group_columns.text] = group->name (); break; } } in_group_row_change = false; if (change.contains (Properties::name)) { _group_tabs->set_dirty (); } for (list::iterator j = strips.begin(); j != strips.end(); ++j) { if ((*j)->route_group() == group) { if (group->is_hidden ()) { hide_strip (*j); } else { show_strip (*j); } } } } void Mixer_UI::toggle_monitor_section () { Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action ("Mixer", "ToggleMonitorSection"); showhide_monitor_section (act->get_active()); } void Mixer_UI::showhide_monitor_section (bool yn) { if (monitor_section().tearoff().torn_off()) { return; } if (yn) { monitor_section().tearoff().show(); } else { monitor_section().tearoff().hide(); } } void Mixer_UI::toggle_foldback_strip () { Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action ("Mixer", "ToggleFoldbackStrip"); showhide_foldback_strip (act->get_active()); } void Mixer_UI::showhide_foldback_strip (bool yn) { _show_foldback_strip = yn; if (foldback_strip) { if (yn) { foldback_strip->show(); } else { foldback_strip->hide(); } } } void Mixer_UI::toggle_vcas () { Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action ("Mixer", "ToggleVCAPane"); showhide_vcas (act->get_active()); } void Mixer_UI::showhide_vcas (bool yn) { if (yn) { vca_vpacker.show(); } else { vca_vpacker.hide(); } } #ifdef MIXBUS void Mixer_UI::toggle_mixbuses () { Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action ("Mixer", "ToggleMixbusPane"); showhide_mixbuses (act->get_active()); } void Mixer_UI::showhide_mixbuses (bool on) { if (on) { mb_vpacker.show(); } else { mb_vpacker.hide(); } } #endif void Mixer_UI::route_group_name_edit (const std::string& path, const std::string& new_text) { RouteGroup* group; TreeIter iter; if ((iter = group_model->get_iter (path))) { if ((group = (*iter)[group_columns.group]) == 0) { return; } if (new_text != group->name()) { group->set_name (new_text); } } } void Mixer_UI::route_group_row_change (const Gtk::TreeModel::Path&, const Gtk::TreeModel::iterator& iter) { RouteGroup* group; if (in_group_row_change) { return; } if ((group = (*iter)[group_columns.group]) == 0) { return; } std::string name = (*iter)[group_columns.text]; if (name != group->name()) { group->set_name (name); } bool hidden = !(*iter)[group_columns.visible]; if (hidden != group->is_hidden ()) { group->set_hidden (hidden, this); } } /** Called when a group model row is deleted, but also when the model is * reordered by a user drag-and-drop; the latter is what we are * interested in here. */ void Mixer_UI::route_group_row_deleted (Gtk::TreeModel::Path const &) { if (_in_group_rebuild_or_clear) { return; } /* Re-write the session's route group list so that the new order is preserved */ list new_list; Gtk::TreeModel::Children children = group_model->children(); for (Gtk::TreeModel::Children::iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { RouteGroup* g = (*i)[group_columns.group]; if (g) { new_list.push_back (g); } } _session->reorder_route_groups (new_list); } void Mixer_UI::add_route_group (RouteGroup* group) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &Mixer_UI::add_route_group, group) bool focus = false; in_group_row_change = true; TreeModel::Row row = *(group_model->append()); row[group_columns.visible] = !group->is_hidden (); row[group_columns.group] = group; if (!group->name().empty()) { row[group_columns.text] = group->name(); } else { row[group_columns.text] = _("unnamed"); focus = true; } group->PropertyChanged.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::route_group_property_changed, this, group, _1), gui_context()); if (focus) { TreeViewColumn* col = group_display.get_column (0); CellRendererText* name_cell = dynamic_cast(group_display.get_column_cell_renderer (1)); group_display.set_cursor (group_model->get_path (row), *col, *name_cell, true); } _group_tabs->set_dirty (); in_group_row_change = false; } bool Mixer_UI::strip_scroller_button_event (GdkEventButton* ev) { if ((ev->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS && ev->button == 1) || (ev->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE && Keyboard::is_context_menu_event (ev))) { ARDOUR_UI::instance()->add_route (); return true; } return false; } void Mixer_UI::scroller_drag_data_received (const Glib::RefPtr& context, int x, int y, const Gtk::SelectionData& data, guint info, guint time) { if (data.get_target() != "x-ardour/plugin.favorite") { context->drag_finish (false, false, time); return; } const void * d = data.get_data(); const Gtkmm2ext::DnDTreeView* tv = reinterpret_cast*>(d); PluginPresetList nfos; TreeView* source; tv->get_object_drag_data (nfos, &source); Route::ProcessorList pl; bool ok = false; for (list::const_iterator i = nfos.begin(); i != nfos.end(); ++i) { PluginPresetPtr ppp = (*i); PluginInfoPtr pip = ppp->_pip; if (!pip->is_instrument ()) { continue; } ARDOUR_UI::instance()->session_add_midi_route (true, (RouteGroup*) 0, 1, _("MIDI"), Config->get_strict_io (), pip, ppp->_preset.valid ? &ppp->_preset : 0, PresentationInfo::max_order, false); ok = true; } context->drag_finish (ok, false, time); } void Mixer_UI::set_strip_width (Width w, bool save) { _strip_width = w; for (list::iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_width_enum (w, save ? (*i)->width_owner() : this); } } void Mixer_UI::focus_on_clock() { _application_bar.focus_on_clock(); } int Mixer_UI::set_state (const XMLNode& node, int version) { bool yn; if (!Profile->get_livetrax()) { Tabbable::set_state (node, version); } if (node.get_property ("narrow-strips", yn)) { if (yn) { set_strip_width (Narrow); } else { set_strip_width (Wide); } } node.get_property ("show-mixer", _visible); yn = false; node.get_property ("maximised", yn); { Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action (X_("Common"), X_("ToggleMaximalMixer")); bool fs = act && act->get_active(); if (yn ^ fs) { ActionManager::do_action ("Common", "ToggleMaximalMixer"); } } yn = true; node.get_property ("show-mixer-list", yn); { Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action (X_("Mixer"), X_("ToggleMixerList")); /* do it twice to force the change */ act->set_active (!yn); act->set_active (yn); } yn = true; node.get_property ("monitor-section-visible", yn); { Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action (X_("Mixer"), X_("ToggleMonitorSection")); /* do it twice to force the change */ act->set_active (!yn); act->set_active (yn); } yn = true; node.get_property ("foldback-strip-visible", yn); { Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action (X_("Mixer"), X_("ToggleFoldbackStrip")); /* do it twice to force the change */ act->set_active (!yn); act->set_active (yn); } yn = true; node.get_property ("show-vca-pane", yn); { Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action (X_("Mixer"), X_("ToggleVCAPane")); /* do it twice to force the change */ act->set_active (!yn); act->set_active (yn); } #ifdef MIXBUS yn = true; node.get_property ("show-mixbus-pane", yn); { Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action (X_("Mixer"), X_("ToggleMixbusPane")); /* do it twice to force the change */ act->set_active (!yn); act->set_active (yn); } #endif XMLNode plugin_order (X_("PO")); if (PluginManager::instance().load_plugin_order_file (plugin_order)) { favorite_ui_order.clear (); const XMLNodeList& kids = plugin_order.children("PluginInfo"); XMLNodeConstIterator i; for (i = kids.begin(); i != kids.end(); ++i) { std::string unique_id; if ((*i)->get_property ("unique-id", unique_id)) { favorite_ui_order.push_back (unique_id); if ((*i)->get_property ("expanded", yn)) { favorite_ui_state[unique_id] = yn; } } } sync_treeview_from_favorite_order (); } float fract; if (!node.get_property ("mixer-rhs-pane1-pos", fract) || fract > 1.0) { fract = 0.6f; } rhs_pane1.set_divider (0, fract); if (!node.get_property ("mixer-rhs-pane2-pos", fract) || fract > 1.0) { fract = 0.7f; } rhs_pane2.set_divider (0, fract); if (!node.get_property ("mixer-inner-pane-pos", fract) || fract > 1.0) { fract = 0.8f; } inner_pane.set_divider (0, fract); return 0; } void Mixer_UI::favorite_plugins_deleted (const TreeModel::Path&) { if (ignore_plugin_reorder) { return; } /* re-order is implemented by insert; delete */ save_plugin_order_file (); } void Mixer_UI::save_plugin_order_file () { store_current_favorite_order (); XMLNode plugin_order ("PluginOrder"); uint32_t cnt = 0; for (std::list::const_iterator i = favorite_ui_order.begin(); i != favorite_ui_order.end(); ++i, ++cnt) { XMLNode* p = new XMLNode ("PluginInfo"); p->set_property ("sort", cnt); p->set_property ("unique-id", *i); if (favorite_ui_state.find (*i) != favorite_ui_state.end ()) { p->set_property ("expanded", favorite_ui_state[*i]); } plugin_order.add_child_nocopy (*p); } PluginManager::instance().save_plugin_order_file (plugin_order); } XMLNode& Mixer_UI::get_state () const { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode (X_("Mixer")); if (!Profile->get_livetrax()) { node->add_child_nocopy (Tabbable::get_state()); } node->set_property (X_("mixer-rhs-pane1-pos"), rhs_pane1.get_divider()); node->set_property (X_("mixer-rhs_pane2-pos"), rhs_pane2.get_divider()); node->set_property (X_("mixer-inner-pane-pos"), inner_pane.get_divider()); node->set_property ("narrow-strips", (_strip_width == Narrow)); node->set_property ("show-mixer", _visible); node->set_property ("maximised", _maximised); Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action ("Mixer", "ToggleMixerList"); node->set_property ("show-mixer-list", act->get_active ()); act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action ("Mixer", "ToggleMonitorSection"); node->set_property ("monitor-section-visible", act->get_active ()); act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action ("Mixer", "ToggleFoldbackStrip"); node->set_property ("foldback-strip-visible", act->get_active ()); act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action ("Mixer", "ToggleVCAPane"); node->set_property ("show-vca-pane", act->get_active ()); #ifdef MIXBUS act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action ("Mixer", "ToggleMixbusPane"); node->set_property ("show-mixbus-pane", act->get_active ()); #endif return *node; } void Mixer_UI::scroll_left () { if (!scroller.get_hscrollbar()) return; Adjustment* adj = scroller.get_hscrollbar()->get_adjustment(); int sc_w = scroller.get_width(); int sp_w = strip_packer.get_width(); if (sp_w <= sc_w) { return; } int lp = adj->get_value(); int lm = 0; using namespace Gtk::Box_Helpers; const BoxList& strips = strip_packer.children(); for (BoxList::const_iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { if (i->get_widget() == &scroller_base) { continue; } #ifdef MIXBUS if (i->get_widget() == &mb_shadow) { continue; } #endif lm += i->get_widget()->get_width (); if (lm >= lp) { lm -= i->get_widget()->get_width (); break; } } scroller.get_hscrollbar()->set_value (max (adj->get_lower(), min (adj->get_upper(), lm - 1.0))); } void Mixer_UI::scroll_right () { if (!scroller.get_hscrollbar()) return; Adjustment* adj = scroller.get_hscrollbar()->get_adjustment(); int sc_w = scroller.get_width(); int sp_w = strip_packer.get_width(); if (sp_w <= sc_w) { return; } int lp = adj->get_value(); int lm = 0; using namespace Gtk::Box_Helpers; const BoxList& strips = strip_packer.children(); for (BoxList::const_iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { if (i->get_widget() == &scroller_base) { continue; } #ifdef MIXBUS if (i->get_widget() == &mb_shadow) { continue; } #endif lm += i->get_widget()->get_width (); if (lm > lp + 1) { break; } } scroller.get_hscrollbar()->set_value (max (adj->get_lower(), min (adj->get_upper(), lm - 1.0))); } bool Mixer_UI::on_scroll_event (GdkEventScroll* ev) { switch (ev->direction) { case GDK_SCROLL_LEFT: scroll_left (); return true; case GDK_SCROLL_UP: if (ev->state & Keyboard::TertiaryModifier) { scroll_left (); return true; } return false; case GDK_SCROLL_RIGHT: scroll_right (); return true; case GDK_SCROLL_DOWN: if (ev->state & Keyboard::TertiaryModifier) { scroll_right (); return true; } return false; } return false; } void Mixer_UI::vca_scroll_left () { if (!vca_scroller.get_hscrollbar()) return; Adjustment* adj = vca_scroller.get_hscrollbar()->get_adjustment(); int sc_w = vca_scroller.get_width(); int sp_w = strip_packer.get_width(); if (sp_w <= sc_w) { return; } int lp = adj->get_value(); int lm = 0; using namespace Gtk::Box_Helpers; const BoxList& strips = vca_hpacker.children(); for (BoxList::const_iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { if (i->get_widget() == &vca_scroller_base) { continue; } lm += i->get_widget()->get_width (); if (lm >= lp) { lm -= i->get_widget()->get_width (); break; } } vca_scroller.get_hscrollbar()->set_value (max (adj->get_lower(), min (adj->get_upper(), lm - 1.0))); } void Mixer_UI::vca_scroll_right () { if (!vca_scroller.get_hscrollbar()) return; Adjustment* adj = vca_scroller.get_hscrollbar()->get_adjustment(); int sc_w = vca_scroller.get_width(); int sp_w = strip_packer.get_width(); if (sp_w <= sc_w) { return; } int lp = adj->get_value(); int lm = 0; using namespace Gtk::Box_Helpers; const BoxList& strips = vca_hpacker.children(); for (BoxList::const_iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { if (i->get_widget() == &vca_scroller_base) { continue; } lm += i->get_widget()->get_width (); if (lm > lp + 1) { break; } } vca_scroller.get_hscrollbar()->set_value (max (adj->get_lower(), min (adj->get_upper(), lm - 1.0))); } bool Mixer_UI::on_vca_scroll_event (GdkEventScroll* ev) { switch (ev->direction) { case GDK_SCROLL_LEFT: vca_scroll_left (); return true; case GDK_SCROLL_UP: if (ev->state & Keyboard::TertiaryModifier) { vca_scroll_left (); return true; } return false; case GDK_SCROLL_RIGHT: vca_scroll_right (); return true; case GDK_SCROLL_DOWN: if (ev->state & Keyboard::TertiaryModifier) { vca_scroll_right (); return true; } return false; } return false; } void Mixer_UI::parameter_changed (string const & p) { if (p == "show-group-tabs") { bool const s = _session ? _session->config.get_show_group_tabs () : true; if (s) { _group_tabs->show (); vca_label_bar.show (); Gtk::Requisition group_size = _group_tabs->size_request(); if (Profile->get_livetrax()) { vca_label_bar.set_size_request (-1, group_size.height + 2); } else { vca_label_bar.set_size_request (-1, group_size.height + 1); } } else { _group_tabs->hide (); vca_label_bar.hide (); } } else if (p == "default-narrow_ms") { bool const s = UIConfiguration::instance().get_default_narrow_ms (); for (list::iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_width_enum (s ? Narrow : Wide, this); } } } void Mixer_UI::set_route_group_activation (RouteGroup* g, bool a) { g->set_active (a, this); } PluginSelector* Mixer_UI::plugin_selector() { if (Profile->get_livetrax()) { /* no plugins, no plugin selector */ return nullptr; } #ifdef DEFER_PLUGIN_SELECTOR_LOAD if (!_plugin_selector) _plugin_selector = new PluginSelector (PluginManager::instance()); #endif return _plugin_selector; } void Mixer_UI::setup_track_display () { track_model = ListStore::create (stripable_columns); track_display.set_model (track_model); track_display.append_column (_("Show"), stripable_columns.visible); track_display.append_column (_("Strips"), stripable_columns.text); track_display.get_column (0)->set_data (X_("colnum"), GUINT_TO_POINTER(0)); track_display.get_column (1)->set_data (X_("colnum"), GUINT_TO_POINTER(1)); track_display.get_column (0)->set_expand(false); track_display.get_column (1)->set_expand(true); track_display.get_column (1)->set_sizing (Gtk::TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_FIXED); track_display.set_name (X_("EditGroupList")); track_display.get_selection()->set_mode (Gtk::SELECTION_NONE); track_display.set_reorderable (true); track_display.set_headers_visible (true); track_display.set_can_focus(false); track_model->signal_row_deleted().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::track_list_delete)); track_model->signal_rows_reordered().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::track_list_reorder)); CellRendererToggle* track_list_visible_cell = dynamic_cast(track_display.get_column_cell_renderer (0)); track_list_visible_cell->property_activatable() = true; track_list_visible_cell->property_radio() = false; track_list_visible_cell->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::track_visibility_changed)); track_display.signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::track_display_button_press), false); track_display_scroller.add (track_display); track_display_scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); track_display_frame.set_name("BaseFrame"); track_display_frame.set_shadow_type (Gtk::SHADOW_IN); track_display_frame.add (track_display_scroller); track_display_scroller.show(); track_display_frame.show(); track_display.show(); } void Mixer_UI::new_track_or_bus () { ARDOUR_UI::instance()->add_route (); } void Mixer_UI::update_title () { if (!own_window()) { return; } if (_session) { string n; if (_session->snap_name() != _session->name()) { n = _session->snap_name (); } else { n = _session->name (); } if (_session->dirty ()) { n = "*" + n; } WindowTitle title (n); title += S_("Window|Mixer"); title += Glib::get_application_name (); own_window()->set_title (title.get_string()); } else { WindowTitle title (S_("Window|Mixer")); title += Glib::get_application_name (); own_window()->set_title (title.get_string()); } } MixerStrip* Mixer_UI::strip_by_x (int x) { for (list::iterator i = strips.begin(); i != strips.end(); ++i) { int x1, x2, y; (*i)->translate_coordinates (contents(), 0, 0, x1, y); x2 = x1 + (*i)->get_width(); if (x >= x1 && x <= x2) { return (*i); } } return 0; } void Mixer_UI::set_axis_targets_for_operation () { _axis_targets.clear (); if (!_selection.empty()) { _axis_targets = _selection.axes; return; } // removed "implicit" selections of strips, after discussion on IRC } void Mixer_UI::monitor_section_going_away () { XMLNode* ui_node = Config->extra_xml(X_("UI")); /* immediate state save. * * Tearoff settings are otherwise only stored during * save_ardour_state(). The mon-section may or may not * exist at that point. */ if (ui_node) { XMLNode* tearoff_node = ui_node->child (X_("Tearoffs")); if (tearoff_node) { tearoff_node->remove_nodes_and_delete (X_("monitor-section")); XMLNode* t = new XMLNode (X_("monitor-section")); _monitor_section.tearoff().add_state (*t); tearoff_node->add_child_nocopy (*t); } } monitor_section_detached (); out_packer.remove (_monitor_section.tearoff()); } void Mixer_UI::toggle_midi_input_active (bool flip_others) { std::shared_ptr rl (new RouteList); bool onoff = false; set_axis_targets_for_operation (); for (AxisViewSelection::iterator r = _axis_targets.begin(); r != _axis_targets.end(); ++r) { std::shared_ptr mt = std::dynamic_pointer_cast ((*r)->stripable()); if (mt) { rl->push_back (mt); onoff = !mt->input_active(); } } _session->set_exclusive_input_active (rl, onoff, flip_others); } void Mixer_UI::maximise_mixer_space () { if (!own_window()) { return; } if (_maximised) { return; } _window->fullscreen (); _maximised = true; } void Mixer_UI::restore_mixer_space () { if (!own_window()) { return; } if (!_maximised) { return; } own_window()->unfullscreen(); _maximised = false; } void Mixer_UI::monitor_section_attached () { Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action ("Mixer", "ToggleMonitorSection"); act->set_sensitive (true); showhide_monitor_section (act->get_active ()); } void Mixer_UI::monitor_section_detached () { Glib::RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_action ("Mixer", "ToggleMonitorSection"); act->set_sensitive (false); } void Mixer_UI::store_current_favorite_order () { if (plugin_list_mode != PLM_Favorite || !plugin_search_entry.get_text ().empty()) { return; } typedef Gtk::TreeModel::Children type_children; type_children children = favorite_plugins_model->children(); favorite_ui_order.clear(); for(type_children::iterator iter = children.begin(); iter != children.end(); ++iter) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; ARDOUR::PluginPresetPtr ppp = row[favorite_plugins_columns.plugin]; favorite_ui_order.push_back ((*ppp->_pip).unique_id); favorite_ui_state[(*ppp->_pip).unique_id] = favorite_plugins_display.row_expanded (favorite_plugins_model->get_path(iter)); } } void Mixer_UI::save_favorite_ui_state (const TreeModel::iterator& iter, const TreeModel::Path& path) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *iter; ARDOUR::PluginPresetPtr ppp = row[favorite_plugins_columns.plugin]; assert (ppp); favorite_ui_state[(*ppp->_pip).unique_id] = favorite_plugins_display.row_expanded (favorite_plugins_model->get_path(iter)); } void Mixer_UI::set_plugin_list_mode (PluginListMode plm) { if (Profile->get_livetrax()) { return; } plugin_list_mode = plm; string str = plugin_list_mode_strings[(int)plm]; if (str != favorite_plugins_mode_combo.get_text ()) { favorite_plugins_mode_combo.set_text (str); } if (plugin_list_mode == PLM_Favorite) { PBD::Unwinder uw (ignore_plugin_refill, true); favorite_plugins_search_hbox.show (); plugin_search_entry.set_text (""); } else { favorite_plugins_search_hbox.hide (); } refill_favorite_plugins (); } void Mixer_UI::plugin_search_entry_changed () { if (Profile->get_livetrax()) { return; } if (plugin_list_mode == PLM_Favorite) { refill_favorite_plugins (); } } void Mixer_UI::plugin_search_clear_button_clicked () { plugin_search_entry.set_text (""); } void Mixer_UI::refiller (PluginInfoList& result, const PluginInfoList& plugs) { if (Profile->get_livetrax()) { return; } PluginManager& manager (PluginManager::instance()); PluginListMode plm = plugin_list_mode; std::string searchstr = plugin_search_entry.get_text (); setup_search_string (searchstr); for (PluginInfoList::const_iterator i = plugs.begin(); i != plugs.end(); ++i) { bool maybe_show = true; if (plm == PLM_Favorite) { if (manager.get_status (*i) != PluginManager::Favorite) { maybe_show = false; } if (maybe_show && !searchstr.empty()) { maybe_show = false; /* check name */ std::string compstr = (*i)->name; setup_search_string (compstr); maybe_show |= match_search_strings (compstr, searchstr); /* check tags */ std::string tags = manager.get_tags_as_string (*i); setup_search_string (tags); maybe_show |= match_search_strings (tags, searchstr); } } else { int64_t lru; uint64_t use_count; if (!manager.stats (*i, lru, use_count)) { maybe_show = false; } if (plm == PLM_Recent && lru == 0) { maybe_show = false; } } if (!maybe_show) { continue; } result.push_back (*i); } } void Mixer_UI::refill_favorite_plugins () { if (Profile->get_livetrax()) { return; } if (ignore_plugin_refill) { return; } PluginInfoList plugs; PluginManager& mgr (PluginManager::instance()); #ifdef WINDOWS_VST_SUPPORT refiller (plugs, mgr.windows_vst_plugin_info ()); #endif #ifdef LXVST_SUPPORT refiller (plugs, mgr.lxvst_plugin_info ()); #endif #ifdef MACVST_SUPPORT refiller (plugs, mgr.mac_vst_plugin_info ()); #endif #ifdef VST3_SUPPORT refiller (plugs, mgr.vst3_plugin_info ()); #endif #ifdef AUDIOUNIT_SUPPORT refiller (plugs, mgr.au_plugin_info ()); #endif refiller (plugs, mgr.ladspa_plugin_info ()); refiller (plugs, mgr.lv2_plugin_info ()); refiller (plugs, mgr.lua_plugin_info ()); switch (plugin_list_mode) { default: /* use favorites as-is */ break; case PLM_TopHits: { PluginChartsSorter cmp; plugs.sort (cmp); plugs.resize (std::min (plugs.size(), size_t(UIConfiguration::instance().get_max_plugin_chart()))); } break; case PLM_Recent: { PluginRecentSorter cmp; plugs.sort (cmp); plugs.resize (std::min (plugs.size(), size_t(10))); plugs.resize (std::min (plugs.size(), size_t(UIConfiguration::instance().get_max_plugin_recent()))); } break; } plugin_list = plugs; sync_treeview_from_favorite_order (); //store_current_favorite_order (); } void Mixer_UI::maybe_refill_favorite_plugins (PluginListMode plm) { switch (plm) { case PLM_Favorite: if (plugin_list_mode == PLM_Favorite) { refill_favorite_plugins(); } break; default: if (plugin_list_mode != PLM_Favorite) { refill_favorite_plugins(); } break; } } void Mixer_UI::sync_treeview_favorite_ui_state (const TreeModel::Path& path, const TreeModel::iterator&) { TreeIter iter; if (!(iter = favorite_plugins_model->get_iter (path))) { return; } ARDOUR::PluginPresetPtr ppp = (*iter)[favorite_plugins_columns.plugin]; if (!ppp) { return; } PluginInfoPtr pip = ppp->_pip; if (favorite_ui_state.find (pip->unique_id) != favorite_ui_state.end ()) { if (favorite_ui_state[pip->unique_id]) { favorite_plugins_display.expand_row (path, true); } } } void Mixer_UI::sync_treeview_from_favorite_order () { PBD::Unwinder uw (ignore_plugin_reorder, true); switch (plugin_list_mode) { case PLM_Favorite: { PluginUIOrderSorter cmp (favorite_ui_order); plugin_list.sort (cmp); } break; case PLM_TopHits: { PluginABCSorter cmp; plugin_list.sort (cmp); } case PLM_Recent: break; } favorite_plugins_model->clear (); for (PluginInfoList::const_iterator i = plugin_list.begin(); i != plugin_list.end(); ++i) { PluginInfoPtr pip = (*i); TreeModel::Row newrow = *(favorite_plugins_model->append()); newrow[favorite_plugins_columns.name] = (*i)->name; newrow[favorite_plugins_columns.plugin] = PluginPresetPtr (new PluginPreset(pip)); if (!_session) { continue; } vector presets = (*i)->get_presets (true); for (vector::const_iterator j = presets.begin(); j != presets.end(); ++j) { if (!(*j).user) { continue; } Gtk::TreeModel::Row child_row = *(favorite_plugins_model->append (newrow.children())); child_row[favorite_plugins_columns.name] = (*j).label; child_row[favorite_plugins_columns.plugin] = PluginPresetPtr (new PluginPreset(pip, &(*j))); } if (favorite_ui_state.find (pip->unique_id) != favorite_ui_state.end ()) { if (favorite_ui_state[pip->unique_id]) { favorite_plugins_display.expand_row (favorite_plugins_model->get_path(newrow), true); } } } } void Mixer_UI::popup_note_context_menu (GdkEventButton *ev) { using namespace Gtk::Menu_Helpers; Gtk::Menu* m = ARDOUR_UI::instance()->shared_popup_menu (); MenuList& items = m->items (); if (_selection.axes.empty()) { items.push_back (MenuElem (_("No Track/Bus is selected."))); } else { items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Add at the top"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::add_selected_processor), AddTop))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Add Pre-Fader"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::add_selected_processor), AddPreFader))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Add Post-Fader"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::add_selected_processor), AddPostFader))); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Add at the end"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::add_selected_processor), AddBottom))); } items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Remove from favorites"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::remove_selected_from_favorites))); ARDOUR::PluginPresetPtr ppp = selected_plugin(); if (ppp && ppp->_preset.valid && ppp->_preset.user) { // we cannot currently delete AU presets if (!ppp->_pip || ppp->_pip->type != AudioUnit) { items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Delete Preset"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::delete_selected_preset))); } } m->popup (ev->button, ev->time); } bool Mixer_UI::plugin_row_button_press (GdkEventButton *ev) { if ((ev->type == GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) && (ev->button == 3)) { TreeModel::Path path; TreeViewColumn* column; int cellx, celly; if (favorite_plugins_display.get_path_at_pos ((int)ev->x, (int)ev->y, path, column, cellx, celly)) { Glib::RefPtr selection = favorite_plugins_display.get_selection(); if (selection) { selection->unselect_all(); selection->select(path); } } ARDOUR::PluginPresetPtr ppp = selected_plugin(); if (ppp) { popup_note_context_menu (ev); } } return false; } PluginPresetPtr Mixer_UI::selected_plugin () { Glib::RefPtr selection = favorite_plugins_display.get_selection(); if (!selection) { return PluginPresetPtr(); } Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = selection->get_selected(); if (!iter) { return PluginPresetPtr(); } return (*iter)[favorite_plugins_columns.plugin]; } void Mixer_UI::add_selected_processor (ProcessorPosition pos) { ARDOUR::PluginPresetPtr ppp = selected_plugin(); if (ppp) { add_favorite_processor (ppp, pos); } } void Mixer_UI::delete_selected_preset () { if (!_session) { return; } ARDOUR::PluginPresetPtr ppp = selected_plugin(); if (!ppp || !ppp->_preset.valid || !ppp->_preset.user) { return; } PluginPtr plugin = ppp->_pip->load (*_session); plugin->get_presets(); plugin->remove_preset (ppp->_preset.label); } void Mixer_UI::remove_selected_from_favorites () { ARDOUR::PluginPresetPtr ppp = selected_plugin(); if (!ppp) { return; } PluginManager::PluginStatusType status = PluginManager::Normal; PluginManager& manager (PluginManager::instance()); manager.set_status (ppp->_pip->type, ppp->_pip->unique_id, status); manager.save_statuses (); } void Mixer_UI::plugin_row_activated (const TreeModel::Path& path, TreeViewColumn* column) { TreeIter iter; if (!(iter = favorite_plugins_model->get_iter (path))) { return; } ARDOUR::PluginPresetPtr ppp = (*iter)[favorite_plugins_columns.plugin]; add_favorite_processor (ppp, AddPreFader); // TODO: preference?! } void Mixer_UI::add_favorite_processor (ARDOUR::PluginPresetPtr ppp, ProcessorPosition pos) { if (!_session || _selection.axes.empty()) { return; } PluginInfoPtr pip = ppp->_pip; for (AxisViewSelection::iterator i = _selection.axes.begin(); i != _selection.axes.end(); ++i) { std::shared_ptr rt = std::dynamic_pointer_cast ((*i)->stripable()); if (!rt) { continue; } PluginPtr p = pip->load (*_session); if (!p) { continue; } if (ppp->_preset.valid) { p->load_preset (ppp->_preset); } Route::ProcessorStreams err; std::shared_ptr processor (new PluginInsert (*_session, *rt, p)); switch (pos) { case AddTop: rt->add_processor_by_index (processor, 0, &err, Config->get_new_plugins_active ()); break; case AddPreFader: rt->add_processor (processor, PreFader, &err, Config->get_new_plugins_active ()); break; case AddPostFader: { int idx = 0; int pos = 0; for (;;++idx) { std::shared_ptr np = rt->nth_processor (idx); if (!np) { break; } if (!np->display_to_user()) { continue; } if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast (np) && // Fader, not Trim std::dynamic_pointer_cast (np)->gain_control()->parameter().type() == GainAutomation) { break; } ++pos; } rt->add_processor_by_index (processor, ++pos, &err, Config->get_new_plugins_active ()); } break; case AddBottom: rt->add_processor_by_index (processor, -1, &err, Config->get_new_plugins_active ()); break; } } } bool PluginTreeStore::row_drop_possible_vfunc(const Gtk::TreeModel::Path& dest, const Gtk::SelectionData& data) const { if (data.get_target() != "GTK_TREE_MODEL_ROW") { return false; } // only allow to re-order top-level items TreePath src; if (TreePath::get_from_selection_data (data, src)) { if (src.up() && src.up()) { return false; } } // don't allow to drop as child-rows. Gtk::TreeModel::Path _dest = dest; // un const const bool is_child = _dest.up (); // explicit bool for clang if (!is_child || _dest.empty ()) { return true; } return false; } bool Mixer_UI::plugin_drag_motion (const Glib::RefPtr& ctx, int x, int y, guint time) { std::string target = favorite_plugins_display.drag_dest_find_target (ctx, favorite_plugins_display.drag_dest_get_target_list()); if (target.empty()) { ctx->drag_status (Gdk::DragAction (0), time); return false; } if (target == "GTK_TREE_MODEL_ROW") { if (plugin_list_mode == PLM_Favorite && plugin_search_entry.get_text ().empty()) { /* re-order rows */ ctx->drag_status (Gdk::ACTION_MOVE, time); return true; } } else if (target == "x-ardour/plugin.preset") { ctx->drag_status (Gdk::ACTION_COPY, time); //favorite_plugins_mode_combo.set_text (_("Favorite Plugins")); return true; } ctx->drag_status (Gdk::DragAction (0), time); return false; } void Mixer_UI::plugin_drop (const Glib::RefPtr&, const Gtk::SelectionData& data) { if (data.get_target() != "x-ardour/plugin.preset") { return; } if (data.get_length() != sizeof (PluginPresetPtr)) { return; } const void *d = data.get_data(); const PluginPresetPtr ppp = *(static_cast (d)); PluginManager::PluginStatusType status = PluginManager::Favorite; PluginManager& manager (PluginManager::instance()); manager.set_status (ppp->_pip->type, ppp->_pip->unique_id, status); manager.save_statuses (); } void Mixer_UI::do_vca_assign (std::shared_ptr vca) { /* call protected MixerActor:: method */ vca_assign (vca); } void Mixer_UI::do_vca_unassign (std::shared_ptr vca) { /* call protected MixerActor:: method */ vca_unassign (vca); } void Mixer_UI::show_spill (std::shared_ptr s) { std::shared_ptr ss = spilled_strip.lock(); if (ss == s) { return; } spilled_strip = s; _spill_gone_connection.disconnect (); show_spill_change (s); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ if (s) { s->DropReferences.connect (_spill_gone_connection, invalidator (*this), std::bind (&Mixer_UI::spill_nothing, this), gui_context()); _group_tabs->set_sensitive (false); } else { _group_tabs->set_sensitive (true); } redisplay_track_list (); } void Mixer_UI::spill_nothing () { show_spill (std::shared_ptr ()); } bool Mixer_UI::showing_spill_for (std::shared_ptr s) const { return s == spilled_strip.lock(); } void Mixer_UI::register_actions () { Glib::RefPtr group = ActionManager::create_action_group (bindings, X_("Mixer")); ActionManager::register_action (group, "solo", _("Toggle Solo on Mixer-Selected Tracks/Busses"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::solo_action)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "mute", _("Toggle Mute on Mixer-Selected Tracks/Busses"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::mute_action)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "recenable", _("Toggle Rec-enable on Mixer-Selected Tracks/Busses"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::rec_enable_action)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "increment-gain", _("Increase Gain on Mixer-Selected Tracks/Busses"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::step_gain_up_action)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "decrement-gain", _("Decrease Gain on Mixer-Selected Tracks/Busses"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::step_gain_down_action)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "unity-gain", _("Set Gain to 0dB on Mixer-Selected Tracks/Busses"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::unity_gain_action)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "copy-processors", _("Copy Selected Processors"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::copy_processors)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "cut-processors", _("Cut Selected Processors"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::cut_processors)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "paste-processors", _("Paste Selected Processors"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::paste_processors)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "delete-processors", _("Delete Selected Processors"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::delete_processors)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "delete-processors-alt", _("Delete Selected Processors"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::delete_processors)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "select-all-processors", _("Select All (visible) Processors"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::select_all_processors)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "toggle-processors", _("Toggle Selected Processors"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::toggle_processors)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "ab-plugins", _("Toggle Selected Plugins"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::ab_plugins)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "select-none", _("Deselect all strips and processors"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::select_none)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "select-next-stripable", _("Select Next Mixer Strip"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::select_next_strip)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "select-prev-stripable", _("Select Previous Mixer Strip"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::select_prev_strip)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "scroll-left", _("Scroll Mixer Window to the left"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::scroll_left)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "scroll-right", _("Scroll Mixer Window to the right"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::scroll_right)); ActionManager::register_action (group, "toggle-midi-input-active", _("Toggle MIDI Input Active for Mixer-Selected Tracks/Busses"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::toggle_midi_input_active), false)); /* attachments visibility (editor-mixer-strip, bottom properties, sidebar list) */ RefPtr act; #ifndef LIVETRAX if (!Profile->get_mixbus ()) { act = ActionManager::register_toggle_action (group, "ToggleMixerList", _("(Mixer) Show Sidebar List"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Tabbable::att_left_button_toggled)); left_attachment_button.set_related_action (act); act = ActionManager::register_toggle_action (group, "ToggleMixerStrip", _("(Mixer) Show Sidebar Strip"), []{}); content_right_pane.remove(content_right_vbox); } else { act = ActionManager::register_toggle_action (group, "ToggleMixerList", _("(Mixer) Show Sidebar List"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Tabbable::att_right_button_toggled)); right_attachment_button.set_related_action (act); act = ActionManager::register_toggle_action (group, "ToggleMixerStrip", _("(Mixer) Show Sidebar Strip"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Tabbable::att_left_button_toggled)); left_attachment_button.set_related_action (act); } act = ActionManager::register_toggle_action (group, "ToggleMixerProps", _("(Mixer) Show Properties Bottom"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Tabbable::att_bottom_button_toggled)); bottom_attachment_button.set_related_action (act); #else content_right_pane.remove(content_right_vbox); act = ActionManager::register_toggle_action (group, "ToggleMixerProps", _("(Mixer) Show Properties Bottom"), []{}); act = ActionManager::register_toggle_action (group, "ToggleMixerStrip", _("(Mixer) Show Sidebar Strip"), []{}); act = ActionManager::register_toggle_action (group, "ToggleMixerList", _("(Mixer) Show Sidebar List"), []{}); #endif ActionManager::register_toggle_action (group, X_("ToggleVCAPane"), _("Mixer: Show VCAs"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::toggle_vcas)); #ifdef MIXBUS ActionManager::register_toggle_action (group, X_("ToggleMixbusPane"), _("Mixer: Show Mixbusses"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::toggle_mixbuses)); #endif ActionManager::register_toggle_action (group, X_("ToggleMonitorSection"), _("Mixer: Show Monitor Section"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::toggle_monitor_section)); #ifdef MIXBUS ActionManager::register_toggle_action (group, X_("ToggleSurroundMaster"), _("Atmos Surround Master"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::toggle_surround_master)); #else ActionManager::register_toggle_action (group, X_("ToggleSurroundMaster"), _("Surround Master"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::toggle_surround_master)); #endif ActionManager::register_toggle_action (group, X_("ToggleFoldbackStrip"), _("Mixer: Show Foldback Strip"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::toggle_foldback_strip)); ActionManager::register_toggle_action (group, X_("toggle-disk-monitor"), _("Toggle Disk Monitoring"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::toggle_monitor_action), MonitorDisk, false, false)); ActionManager::register_toggle_action (group, X_("toggle-input-monitor"), _("Toggle Input Monitoring"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::toggle_monitor_action), MonitorInput, false, false)); for (size_t i = 0; i < 12; ++i) { std::string a = string_compose (X_("store-mixer-scene-%1"), i + 1); std::string n = string_compose (_("Store Mixer Scene #%1"), i + 1); ActionManager::register_action (group, a.c_str (), n.c_str (), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::store_mixer_scene), i)); a = string_compose (X_("recall-mixer-scene-%1"), i + 1); n = string_compose (_("Recall Mixer Scene #%1"), i + 1); ActionManager::register_action (group, a.c_str (), n.c_str (), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::recall_mixer_scene), i, true, false)); a = string_compose (X_("clear-mixer-scene-%1"), i + 1); n = string_compose (_("Clear Mixer Scene #%1"), i + 1); ActionManager::register_action (group, a.c_str (), n.c_str (), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Mixer_UI::clear_mixer_scene), i, true)); } } void Mixer_UI::load_bindings () { bindings = Bindings::get_bindings (X_("Mixer")); } template void Mixer_UI::control_action (std::shared_ptr (Stripable::*get_control)() const) { std::shared_ptr cl (new AutomationControlList); std::shared_ptr ac; bool val = false; bool have_val = false; set_axis_targets_for_operation (); for (AxisView* r : _axis_targets) { std::shared_ptr s = r->stripable(); if (s) { ac = (s.get()->*get_control)(); if (ac) { ac->start_touch (timepos_t (_session->audible_sample ())); cl->push_back (ac); if (!have_val) { val = !ac->get_value(); have_val = true; } } } } _session->set_controls (cl, val, Controllable::UseGroup); } void Mixer_UI::solo_action () { control_action (&Stripable::solo_control); } void Mixer_UI::mute_action () { control_action (&Stripable::mute_control); } void Mixer_UI::rec_enable_action () { control_action (&Stripable::rec_enable_control); } ControllableSet Mixer_UI::selected_gaincontrols () { set_axis_targets_for_operation (); ControllableSet rv; for (AxisView* r : _axis_targets) { MixerStrip* ms = dynamic_cast (r); if (ms) { std::shared_ptr ac (ms->route()->gain_control()); AutomationControlList cl (ac->grouped_controls()); for (AutomationControlList::const_iterator c = cl.begin(); c != cl.end (); ++c) { rv.insert (*c); } rv.insert (ac); } } return rv; } void Mixer_UI::step_gain_up_action () { ControllableSet acs = selected_gaincontrols (); for (ControllableSet::const_iterator i = acs.begin(); i != acs.end (); ++i) { std::shared_ptr ac = std::dynamic_pointer_cast (*i); assert (ac); ac->set_value (dB_to_coefficient (accurate_coefficient_to_dB (ac->get_value()) + 0.1), Controllable::NoGroup); } } void Mixer_UI::step_gain_down_action () { ControllableSet acs = selected_gaincontrols (); for (ControllableSet::const_iterator i = acs.begin(); i != acs.end (); ++i) { std::shared_ptr ac = std::dynamic_pointer_cast (*i); assert (ac); ac->set_value (dB_to_coefficient (accurate_coefficient_to_dB (ac->get_value()) - 0.1), Controllable::NoGroup); } } void Mixer_UI::unity_gain_action () { set_axis_targets_for_operation (); for (AxisView* r : _axis_targets) { std::shared_ptr s = r->stripable(); if (s) { std::shared_ptr ac = s->gain_control(); if (ac) { ac->set_value (1.0, Controllable::UseGroup); } } } } void Mixer_UI::copy_processors () { set_axis_targets_for_operation (); for (AxisView* r : _axis_targets) { MixerStrip* ms = dynamic_cast (r); if (ms) { ms->copy_processors (); } } } void Mixer_UI::cut_processors () { set_axis_targets_for_operation (); for (AxisView* r : _axis_targets) { MixerStrip* ms = dynamic_cast (r); if (ms) { ms->cut_processors (); } } } void Mixer_UI::paste_processors () { set_axis_targets_for_operation (); for (AxisView* r : _axis_targets) { MixerStrip* ms = dynamic_cast (r); if (ms) { ms->paste_processors (); } } } void Mixer_UI::select_all_processors () { set_axis_targets_for_operation (); for (AxisView* r : _axis_targets) { MixerStrip* ms = dynamic_cast (r); if (ms) { ms->select_all_processors (); } } } void Mixer_UI::toggle_processors () { set_axis_targets_for_operation (); for (AxisView* r : _axis_targets) { MixerStrip* ms = dynamic_cast (r); if (ms) { ms->toggle_processors (); } } } void Mixer_UI::ab_plugins () { set_axis_targets_for_operation (); for (AxisView* r : _axis_targets) { MixerStrip* ms = dynamic_cast (r); if (ms) { ms->ab_plugins (); } } } void Mixer_UI::vca_assign (std::shared_ptr vca) { set_axis_targets_for_operation (); for (AxisView* r : _axis_targets) { MixerStrip* ms = dynamic_cast (r); if (ms) { ms->vca_assign (vca); } } } void Mixer_UI::vca_unassign (std::shared_ptr vca) { set_axis_targets_for_operation (); for (AxisView* r : _axis_targets) { MixerStrip* ms = dynamic_cast (r); if (ms) { ms->vca_unassign (vca); } } } void Mixer_UI::store_mixer_scene (size_t n) { if (!_session) { return; } std::string str; /* if it already exists, prompt the user to overwrite an existing scene */ std::shared_ptr ms = _session->nth_mixer_scene (n, false); if (ms && !ms->empty ()) { ArdourMessageDialog md (_("Scene is already set. Overwrite it?"), false, MESSAGE_QUESTION, BUTTONS_YES_NO); if (md.run () != RESPONSE_YES) { return; } str = ms->name(); } else { time_t now; time (&now); Glib::DateTime tm (Glib::DateTime::create_now_local (now)); str = Glib::DateTime::create_now_local().format ("%FT%H.%M.%S"); } /* prompt the user for a scene name */ ArdourWidgets::Prompter name_prompter (true); string result; bool done = false; name_prompter.set_title (_("Store Scene")); name_prompter.set_prompt (_("Scene name:")); name_prompter.set_initial_text (str); name_prompter.add_button (_("Store"), Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); name_prompter.show_all (); while (!done) { switch (name_prompter.run ()) { case Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT: name_prompter.get_result (result); name_prompter.hide (); if (result.length()) { _session->store_nth_mixer_scene (n); std::shared_ptr ms = _session->nth_mixer_scene (n, false); ms->set_name(result); done = true; } else { /* nothing entered, just get out of here */ done = true; } break; default: done = true; break; } } } void Mixer_UI::recall_mixer_scene (size_t n, bool interactive, bool for_selection) { if (!_session) { return; } std::shared_ptr ms = _session->nth_mixer_scene (n, false); if (!ms || ms->empty ()) { return; } // XXX this is really bad UX. Ardour should not have any "don't show this again" options. if (interactive && 0 == Config->instant_xml (X_("no-scene-recall-warning"))) { ArdourMessageDialog msg (string_compose (_("Recall mixer scene \"%1\"?\n" "This will overwrite your mixer settings!\n" "This operation cannot be undone."), ms->name()), false, MESSAGE_QUESTION, BUTTONS_YES_NO); msg.set_default_response (RESPONSE_YES); VBox* vbox = msg.get_vbox(); HBox hbox; CheckButton cb (_("Do not show this window again")); hbox.pack_start (cb, true, false); vbox->pack_start (hbox); cb.show(); vbox->show(); hbox.show (); if (msg.run () != RESPONSE_YES) { return; } if (cb.get_active()) { XMLNode node (X_("no-scene-recall-warning")); Config->add_instant_xml (node); } } if (for_selection) { _session->apply_nth_mixer_scene (n, PublicEditor::instance().get_selection().tracks.routelist ()); } else { _session->apply_nth_mixer_scene (n); } } void Mixer_UI::clear_mixer_scene (size_t n, bool interactive) { if (!_session) { return; } std::shared_ptr ms = _session->nth_mixer_scene (n, false); if (!ms) { return; } // XXX this is really bad UX. Ardour should not have any "don't show this again" options. if (interactive && 0 == Config->instant_xml (X_("no-scene-clear-warning"))) { ArdourMessageDialog msg (string_compose (_("Clear mixer scene \"%1\"?\n" "This operation cannot be undone."), ms->name()), false, MESSAGE_QUESTION, BUTTONS_YES_NO); msg.set_default_response (RESPONSE_YES); VBox* vbox = msg.get_vbox(); HBox hbox; CheckButton cb (_("Do not show this window again")); hbox.pack_start (cb, true, false); vbox->pack_start (hbox); cb.show(); vbox->show(); hbox.show (); if (msg.run () != RESPONSE_YES) { return; } if (cb.get_active()) { XMLNode node (X_("no-scene-clear-warning")); Config->add_instant_xml (node); } } ms->clear (); } void Mixer_UI::rename_mixer_scene (size_t n) { if (!_session) { return; } std::shared_ptr ms = _session->nth_mixer_scene (n, false); if (!ms) { return; } /* prompt the user for a scene name */ ArdourWidgets::Prompter name_prompter (true); string result; bool done = false; name_prompter.set_title (_("Rename Scene")); name_prompter.set_prompt (_("Scene name:")); name_prompter.set_initial_text (ms->name()); name_prompter.add_button (_("Rename"), Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); name_prompter.show_all (); while (!done) { switch (name_prompter.run ()) { case Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT: name_prompter.get_result (result); name_prompter.hide (); if (result.length()) { std::shared_ptr ms = _session->nth_mixer_scene (n, false); ms->set_name(result); done = true; } else { /* nothing entered, just get out of here */ done = true; } break; default: done = true; break; } } } void Mixer_UI::popup_scene_menu (GdkEventButton* ev, int scn_idx) { Gtk::Menu* menu = ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::shared_popup_menu (); Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuList& items = menu->items(); items.push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Store"), sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::store_mixer_scene), scn_idx))); std::shared_ptr ms = _session->nth_mixer_scene (scn_idx); if(ms && !ms->empty()) { items.push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Clear"), sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::clear_mixer_scene), scn_idx, true))); items.push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Rename"), sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::rename_mixer_scene), scn_idx))); items.push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("Restore for selected tracks"), sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mixer_UI::recall_mixer_scene), scn_idx, false, true))); items.back().set_sensitive (!PublicEditor::instance().get_selection().tracks.routelist ().empty ()); } menu->popup(ev->button, ev->time); } bool Mixer_UI::scene_button_press (GdkEventButton* ev, int idx) { if (!_session || ev->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS || ev->type == GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS) { return false; } if (Keyboard::is_context_menu_event (ev)) { popup_scene_menu (ev, idx); } else if (Keyboard::is_delete_event (ev)) { clear_mixer_scene (idx, true); } else if (Keyboard::is_momentary_push_event (ev)) { /* momentary */ delete _mixer_scene_release; // .. or keep existing? _mixer_scene_release = new MixerScene (*_session); _mixer_scene_release->snapshot (); // TODO; prevent changed signal recall_mixer_scene (idx, false); return false; } else if (ev->button == 1) { return false; } return true; } bool Mixer_UI::scene_button_release (GdkEventButton* ev, int idx) { if (_mixer_scene_release) { _mixer_scene_release->apply (); delete _mixer_scene_release; _mixer_scene_release = 0; } else if (ev->button == 1) { recall_mixer_scene (idx); } return false; } bool Mixer_UI::scene_label_press (GdkEventButton* ev, int idx) { std::shared_ptr scn = _session->nth_mixer_scene (idx); if (!scn || scn->empty()) { return false; } if ((ev->button == 1 && ev->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS) || Keyboard::is_edit_event (ev)) { rename_mixer_scene(idx); return true; } return false; } void Mixer_UI::update_scene_buttons () { if (_mixer_scene_release) { /* do not change highlight for momentary scene */ return; } bool all_unset = true; for (size_t idx = 0; idx < _mixer_scene_buttons.size (); ++idx) { std::shared_ptr scn; bool last = false; if (_session) { scn = _session->nth_mixer_scene (idx); last = (idx == _session->last_touched_mixer_scene_idx()); } Gtk::Label* l = _mixer_scene_labels[idx]; l->set_alignment (0, 0.5); if (scn && !scn->empty()) { ArdourButton* b = _mixer_scene_buttons[idx]; ArdourWidgets::set_tooltip (b, string_compose( _("Click to recall this mixer scene\n" "%1 for Momentary Restore\n" "Right-Click for Context menu") , Keyboard::momentary_push_name() ) ); if (last) { l->set_markup(string_compose (">%1", scn->name())); } else { l->set_text (scn->name()); } all_unset = false; } else { l->set_text(("")); } } if (!_session) { return; } if (_mixer_scene_buttons.size () > 0 && all_unset) { Gtk::Label* l = _mixer_scene_labels[0]; l->set_markup(string_compose ("%1", _("(Right-Click to Store)"))); } } bool Mixer_UI::screenshot (std::string const& filename) { if (!_session) { return false; } if (Profile->get_livetrax()) { return false; } int height = strip_packer.get_height(); bool with_vca = vca_vpacker.get_visible (); MixerStrip* master = strip_by_route (_session->master_out ()); Gtk::OffscreenWindow osw; Gtk::HBox b; osw.add (b); b.show (); /* unpack widgets, add to OffscreenWindow */ strip_group_box.remove (strip_packer); b.pack_start (strip_packer, false, false); /* hide extra elements inside strip_packer */ scroller_base.hide (); #ifdef MIXBUS mb_shadow.hide(); #endif if (with_vca) { /* work around Gtk::ScrolledWindow */ Gtk::Viewport* viewport = (Gtk::Viewport*) vca_scroller.get_child(); viewport->remove (); // << vca_hpacker b.pack_start (vca_hpacker, false, false); /* hide some growing widgets */ vca_scroller_base.hide(); } if (_surround_strip) { out_packer.remove (*_surround_strip); b.pack_start (*_surround_strip, false, false); _surround_strip->hide_spacer (true); } if (master) { out_packer.remove (*master); b.pack_end (*master, false, false); master->hide_master_spacer (true); } /* prepare the OffscreenWindow for rendering */ osw.set_size_request (-1, height); osw.show (); osw.queue_resize (); osw.queue_draw (); osw.get_window()->process_updates (true); /* create screenshot */ Glib::RefPtr pb = osw.get_pixbuf (); pb->save (filename, "png"); /* unpack elements before destroying the Box & OffscreenWindow */ list children = b.get_children(); for (list::iterator child = children.begin(); child != children.end(); ++child) { b.remove (**child); } osw.remove (); /* now re-pack the widgets into the main mixer window */ scroller_base.show (); #ifdef MIXBUS mb_shadow.show(); #endif strip_group_box.pack_start (strip_packer); if (with_vca) { vca_scroller_base.show(); vca_scroller.add (vca_hpacker); } if (_surround_strip) { _surround_strip->hide_spacer (false); out_packer.pack_end (*_surround_strip, false, false); } if (master) { master->hide_master_spacer (false); out_packer.pack_start (*master, false, false); } return true; } void Mixer_UI::toggle_monitor_action (MonitorChoice monitor_choice, bool group_override, bool all) { MonitorChoice mc; for (AxisViewSelection::iterator i = _selection.axes.begin(); i != _selection.axes.end(); ++i) { std::shared_ptr rt = std::dynamic_pointer_cast ((*i)->stripable()); if (!rt->monitoring_control ()) { /* skip busses */ continue; } if (rt->monitoring_control()->monitoring_choice() & monitor_choice) { mc = MonitorChoice (rt->monitoring_control()->monitoring_choice() & ~monitor_choice); } else { mc = MonitorChoice (rt->monitoring_control()->monitoring_choice() | monitor_choice); } if (all) { /* Primary-Tertiary-click applies change to all routes */ std::shared_ptr rl = _session->get_routes (); _session->set_controls (route_list_to_control_list (rl, &Stripable::monitoring_control), (double) mc, Controllable::NoGroup); } else if (group_override) { std::shared_ptr rl (new RouteList); rl->push_back (rt); _session->set_controls (route_list_to_control_list (rl, &Stripable::monitoring_control), (double) mc, Controllable::InverseGroup); } else { std::shared_ptr rl (new RouteList); rl->push_back (rt); _session->set_controls (route_list_to_control_list (rl, &Stripable::monitoring_control), (double) mc, Controllable::UseGroup); } } } void Mixer_UI::toggle_surround_master () { if (!_session || !_session->vapor_barrier ()) { return; } RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action (X_("Mixer"), "ToggleSurroundMaster"); bool want_sm = act->get_active(); bool have_sm = _session->surround_master () != nullptr; if (want_sm == have_sm) { return; } if (want_sm) { _session->config.set_use_surround_master (true); } else { ArdourMessageDialog md (_("Disabling surround master will delete all existing surround panner state.\nThis cannot be undone. Proceed anyway?"), false, MESSAGE_QUESTION, BUTTONS_YES_NO); if (md.run () == RESPONSE_YES) { _session->config.set_use_surround_master (false); } } have_sm = _session->surround_master () != nullptr; act->set_active (have_sm); Glib::RefPtr surround_export = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Main"), X_("SurroundExport")); surround_export->set_sensitive (have_sm && _session->vapor_export_barrier ()); } void Mixer_UI::sync_surround_action () { RefPtr act = ActionManager::get_toggle_action (X_("Mixer"), "ToggleSurroundMaster"); if (_session->config.get_use_surround_master () == act->get_active ()) { return; } bool have_sm = _session->surround_master () != nullptr; act->set_active (have_sm); Glib::RefPtr surround_export = ActionManager::get_action (X_("Main"), X_("SurroundExport")); surround_export->set_sensitive (have_sm && _session->vapor_export_barrier ()); } void Mixer_UI::steal_focus () { if (Profile->get_livetrax()) { scroller_base.grab_focus (); } }