ardour { ["type"] = "session", name = "Mixer Scene Sequencer", license = "MIT", author = "John Devlin, Robin Gareus", description = [[Recall a Mixer Scene when the playhead passes over a Marker named 'MS ' where indicates the scene to recall.]] } function factory () local MIXER_SCENE_MARKER_PREFIX = "MS " return function (n_samples) if (not Session:transport_rolling()) then -- not rolling, nothing to do. return end local pos = Session:transport_sample() -- current playhead position local loc = Session:locations() -- all marker locations local tpos = Temporal.timepos_t(pos) local mpos = loc:first_mark_after(tpos, false) if (mpos == Temporal.timepos_t.max(tpos:time_domain())) then -- no marker was found return end local mloc = loc:mark_at(mpos, Temporal.timecnt_t(0), 0) if not mloc then -- no marker found at that location return end if (pos + n_samples > mpos:samples()) then -- the marker is within this sample block if mloc:name():sub(1, MIXER_SCENE_MARKER_PREFIX:len()) == MIXER_SCENE_MARKER_PREFIX then -- the marker name begins with MIXER_SCENE_MARKER_PREFIX: get the remainder of the name (should be a number) local msNum = tonumber(mloc:name():sub(MIXER_SCENE_MARKER_PREFIX:len() + 1)) if msNum and msNum >= 1 and msNum <= 8 then Session:apply_nth_mixer_scene(msNum - 1) end end end end end