/* Copyright (C) 2012 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include "pbd/gstdio_compat.h" #include "pbd/xml++.h" #include "pbd/convert.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/actions.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/bindings.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/keyboard.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace Glib; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; uint32_t Bindings::_ignored_state = 0; MouseButton::MouseButton (uint32_t state, uint32_t keycode) { uint32_t ignore = Bindings::ignored_state(); if (gdk_keyval_is_upper (keycode) && gdk_keyval_is_lower (keycode)) { /* key is not subject to case, so ignore SHIFT */ ignore |= GDK_SHIFT_MASK; } _val = (state & ~ignore); _val <<= 32; _val |= keycode; }; bool MouseButton::make_button (const string& str, MouseButton& b) { int s = 0; if (str.find ("Primary") != string::npos) { s |= Keyboard::PrimaryModifier; } if (str.find ("Secondary") != string::npos) { s |= Keyboard::SecondaryModifier; } if (str.find ("Tertiary") != string::npos) { s |= Keyboard::TertiaryModifier; } if (str.find ("Level4") != string::npos) { s |= Keyboard::Level4Modifier; } string::size_type lastmod = str.find_last_of ('-'); uint32_t button_number; if (lastmod == string::npos) { button_number = PBD::atoi (str); } else { button_number = PBD::atoi (str.substr (lastmod+1)); } b = MouseButton (s, button_number); return true; } string MouseButton::name () const { int s = state(); string str; if (s & Keyboard::PrimaryModifier) { str += "Primary"; } if (s & Keyboard::SecondaryModifier) { if (!str.empty()) { str += '-'; } str += "Secondary"; } if (s & Keyboard::TertiaryModifier) { if (!str.empty()) { str += '-'; } str += "Tertiary"; } if (s & Keyboard::Level4Modifier) { if (!str.empty()) { str += '-'; } str += "Level4"; } if (!str.empty()) { str += '-'; } char buf[16]; snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%u", button()); str += buf; return str; } KeyboardKey::KeyboardKey (uint32_t state, uint32_t keycode) { uint32_t ignore = Bindings::ignored_state(); if (gdk_keyval_is_upper (keycode) && gdk_keyval_is_lower (keycode)) { /* key is not subject to case, so ignore SHIFT */ ignore |= GDK_SHIFT_MASK; } _val = (state & ~ignore); _val <<= 32; _val |= keycode; }; string KeyboardKey::name () const { int s = state(); string str; if (s & Keyboard::PrimaryModifier) { str += "Primary"; } if (s & Keyboard::SecondaryModifier) { if (!str.empty()) { str += '-'; } str += "Secondary"; } if (s & Keyboard::TertiaryModifier) { if (!str.empty()) { str += '-'; } str += "Tertiary"; } if (s & Keyboard::Level4Modifier) { if (!str.empty()) { str += '-'; } str += "Level4"; } if (!str.empty()) { str += '-'; } str += gdk_keyval_name (key()); return str; } bool KeyboardKey::make_key (const string& str, KeyboardKey& k) { int s = 0; if (str.find ("Primary") != string::npos) { s |= Keyboard::PrimaryModifier; } if (str.find ("Secondary") != string::npos) { s |= Keyboard::SecondaryModifier; } if (str.find ("Tertiary") != string::npos) { s |= Keyboard::TertiaryModifier; } if (str.find ("Level4") != string::npos) { s |= Keyboard::Level4Modifier; } string::size_type lastmod = str.find_last_of ('-'); guint keyval; if (lastmod == string::npos) { keyval = gdk_keyval_from_name (str.c_str()); } else { keyval = gdk_keyval_from_name (str.substr (lastmod+1).c_str()); } if (keyval == GDK_VoidSymbol) { return false; } k = KeyboardKey (s, keyval); return true; } Bindings::Bindings () : action_map (0) { } Bindings::~Bindings() { } void Bindings::set_action_map (ActionMap& am) { action_map = &am; press_bindings.clear (); release_bindings.clear (); } bool Bindings::activate (KeyboardKey kb, Operation op) { KeybindingMap* kbm = 0; switch (op) { case Press: kbm = &press_bindings; break; case Release: kbm = &release_bindings; break; } KeybindingMap::iterator k = kbm->find (kb); if (k == kbm->end()) { /* no entry for this key in the state map */ return false; } /* lets do it ... */ k->second->activate (); return true; } void Bindings::add (KeyboardKey kb, Operation op, RefPtr what) { KeybindingMap* kbm = 0; switch (op) { case Press: kbm = &press_bindings; break; case Release: kbm = &release_bindings; break; } KeybindingMap::iterator k = kbm->find (kb); if (k == kbm->end()) { pair > newpair (kb, what); kbm->insert (newpair); // cerr << "Bindings added " << kb.key() << " w/ " << kb.state() << " => " << what->get_name() << endl; } else { k->second = what; } } void Bindings::remove (KeyboardKey kb, Operation op) { KeybindingMap* kbm = 0; switch (op) { case Press: kbm = &press_bindings; break; case Release: kbm = &release_bindings; break; } KeybindingMap::iterator k = kbm->find (kb); if (k != kbm->end()) { kbm->erase (k); } } bool Bindings::activate (MouseButton bb, Operation op) { MouseButtonBindingMap* bbm = 0; switch (op) { case Press: bbm = &button_press_bindings; break; case Release: bbm = &button_release_bindings; break; } MouseButtonBindingMap::iterator b = bbm->find (bb); if (b == bbm->end()) { /* no entry for this key in the state map */ return false; } /* lets do it ... */ b->second->activate (); return true; } void Bindings::add (MouseButton bb, Operation op, RefPtr what) { MouseButtonBindingMap* bbm = 0; switch (op) { case Press: bbm = &button_press_bindings; break; case Release: bbm = &button_release_bindings; break; } MouseButtonBindingMap::iterator b = bbm->find (bb); if (b == bbm->end()) { pair > newpair (bb, what); bbm->insert (newpair); // cerr << "Bindings added mouse button " << bb.button() << " w/ " << bb.state() << " => " << what->get_name() << endl; } else { b->second = what; } } void Bindings::remove (MouseButton bb, Operation op) { MouseButtonBindingMap* bbm = 0; switch (op) { case Press: bbm = &button_press_bindings; break; case Release: bbm = &button_release_bindings; break; } MouseButtonBindingMap::iterator b = bbm->find (bb); if (b != bbm->end()) { bbm->erase (b); } } bool Bindings::save (const string& path) { XMLTree tree; XMLNode* root = new XMLNode (X_("Bindings")); tree.set_root (root); save (*root); if (!tree.write (path)) { ::g_unlink (path.c_str()); return false; } return true; } void Bindings::save (XMLNode& root) { XMLNode* presses = new XMLNode (X_("Press")); root.add_child_nocopy (*presses); for (KeybindingMap::iterator k = press_bindings.begin(); k != press_bindings.end(); ++k) { XMLNode* child; child = new XMLNode (X_("Binding")); child->add_property (X_("key"), k->first.name()); string ap = k->second->get_accel_path(); child->add_property (X_("action"), ap.substr (ap.find ('/') + 1)); presses->add_child_nocopy (*child); } for (MouseButtonBindingMap::iterator k = button_press_bindings.begin(); k != button_press_bindings.end(); ++k) { XMLNode* child; child = new XMLNode (X_("Binding")); child->add_property (X_("button"), k->first.name()); string ap = k->second->get_accel_path(); child->add_property (X_("action"), ap.substr (ap.find ('/') + 1)); presses->add_child_nocopy (*child); } XMLNode* releases = new XMLNode (X_("Release")); root.add_child_nocopy (*releases); for (KeybindingMap::iterator k = release_bindings.begin(); k != release_bindings.end(); ++k) { XMLNode* child; child = new XMLNode (X_("Binding")); child->add_property (X_("key"), k->first.name()); string ap = k->second->get_accel_path(); child->add_property (X_("action"), ap.substr (ap.find ('/') + 1)); releases->add_child_nocopy (*child); } for (MouseButtonBindingMap::iterator k = button_release_bindings.begin(); k != button_release_bindings.end(); ++k) { XMLNode* child; child = new XMLNode (X_("Binding")); child->add_property (X_("button"), k->first.name()); string ap = k->second->get_accel_path(); child->add_property (X_("action"), ap.substr (ap.find ('/') + 1)); releases->add_child_nocopy (*child); } } bool Bindings::load (const string& path) { XMLTree tree; if (!action_map) { return false; } if (!tree.read (path)) { return false; } press_bindings.clear (); release_bindings.clear (); XMLNode& root (*tree.root()); const XMLNodeList& children (root.children()); for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator i = children.begin(); i != children.end(); ++i) { load (**i); } return true; } void Bindings::load (const XMLNode& node) { if (node.name() == X_("Press") || node.name() == X_("Release")) { Operation op; if (node.name() == X_("Press")) { op = Press; } else { op = Release; } const XMLNodeList& children (node.children()); for (XMLNodeList::const_iterator p = children.begin(); p != children.end(); ++p) { XMLProperty* ap; XMLProperty* kp; XMLProperty* bp; ap = (*p)->property ("action"); kp = (*p)->property ("key"); bp = (*p)->property ("button"); if (!ap || (!kp && !bp)) { continue; } RefPtr act; if (action_map) { act = action_map->find_action (ap->value()); } if (!act) { string::size_type slash = ap->value().find ('/'); if (slash != string::npos) { string group = ap->value().substr (0, slash); string action = ap->value().substr (slash+1); act = ActionManager::get_action (group.c_str(), action.c_str()); } } if (!act) { continue; } if (kp) { KeyboardKey k; if (!KeyboardKey::make_key (kp->value(), k)) { continue; } add (k, op, act); } else { MouseButton b; if (!MouseButton::make_button (bp->value(), b)) { continue; } add (b, op, act); } } } } RefPtr ActionMap::find_action (const string& name) { _ActionMap::iterator a = actions.find (name); if (a != actions.end()) { return a->second; } return RefPtr(); } RefPtr ActionMap::register_action (const char* path, const char* name, const char* label, sigc::slot sl) { string fullpath; RefPtr act = Action::create (name, label); act->signal_activate().connect (sl); fullpath = path; fullpath += '/'; fullpath += name; actions.insert (_ActionMap::value_type (fullpath, act)); return act; } RefPtr ActionMap::register_radio_action (const char* path, Gtk::RadioAction::Group& rgroup, const char* name, const char* label, sigc::slot sl, int value) { string fullpath; RefPtr act = RadioAction::create (rgroup, name, label); RefPtr ract = RefPtr::cast_dynamic(act); ract->property_value() = value; act->signal_activate().connect (sigc::bind (sl, act->gobj())); fullpath = path; fullpath += '/'; fullpath += name; actions.insert (_ActionMap::value_type (fullpath, act)); return act; } RefPtr ActionMap::register_toggle_action (const char* path, const char* name, const char* label, sigc::slot sl) { string fullpath; RefPtr act = ToggleAction::create (name, label); act->signal_activate().connect (sl); fullpath = path; fullpath += '/'; fullpath += name; actions.insert (_ActionMap::value_type (fullpath, act)); return act; }