/* Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #ifdef COMPILER_MSVC #include // 'std::isnan()' is not available in MSVC. #define isnan_local(val) (bool)_isnan((double)val) #else #define isnan_local std::isnan #endif #include #include #include #include "boost/shared_ptr.hpp" #include "pbd/floating.h" #include "pbd/memento_command.h" #include "pbd/stl_delete.h" #include "pbd/stacktrace.h" #include "ardour/automation_list.h" #include "ardour/dB.h" #include "ardour/debug.h" #include "ardour/parameter_types.h" #include "ardour/tempo.h" #include "evoral/Curve.hpp" #include "canvas/debug.h" #include "automation_line.h" #include "control_point.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "rgb_macros.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "selection.h" #include "time_axis_view.h" #include "point_selection.h" #include "automation_time_axis.h" #include "ardour/event_type_map.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/value_as_string.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Editing; /** @param converter A TimeConverter whose origin_b is the start time of the AutomationList in session frames. * This will not be deleted by AutomationLine. */ AutomationLine::AutomationLine (const string& name, TimeAxisView& tv, ArdourCanvas::Item& parent, boost::shared_ptr al, const ParameterDescriptor& desc, Evoral::TimeConverter* converter) : trackview (tv) , _name (name) , alist (al) , _time_converter (converter ? converter : new Evoral::IdentityConverter) , _parent_group (parent) , _offset (0) , _maximum_time (max_framepos) , _desc (desc) { if (converter) { _our_time_converter = false; } else { _our_time_converter = true; } _visible = Line; update_pending = false; have_timeout = false; _uses_gain_mapping = false; no_draw = false; _is_boolean = false; terminal_points_can_slide = true; _height = 0; group = new ArdourCanvas::Container (&parent, ArdourCanvas::Duple(0, 1.5)); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (group, "region gain envelope group"); line = new ArdourCanvas::PolyLine (group); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (line, "region gain envelope line"); line->set_data ("line", this); line->set_outline_width (2.0); line->set_covers_threshold (4.0); line->Event.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &AutomationLine::event_handler)); trackview.session()->register_with_memento_command_factory(alist->id(), this); if (alist->parameter().type() == GainAutomation || alist->parameter().type() == EnvelopeAutomation || desc.unit == ParameterDescriptor::DB) { set_uses_gain_mapping (true); } interpolation_changed (alist->interpolation ()); connect_to_list (); } AutomationLine::~AutomationLine () { vector_delete (&control_points); delete group; if (_our_time_converter) { delete _time_converter; } } bool AutomationLine::event_handler (GdkEvent* event) { return PublicEditor::instance().canvas_line_event (event, line, this); } bool AutomationLine::is_stepped() const { return (_desc.toggled || (alist && alist->interpolation() == AutomationList::Discrete)); } void AutomationLine::update_visibility () { if (_visible & Line) { /* Only show the line when there are some points, otherwise we may show an out-of-date line when automation points have been removed (the line will still follow the shape of the old points). */ if (control_points.size() >= 2) { line->show(); } else { line->hide (); } if (_visible & ControlPoints) { for (vector::iterator i = control_points.begin(); i != control_points.end(); ++i) { (*i)->show (); } } else if (_visible & SelectedControlPoints) { for (vector::iterator i = control_points.begin(); i != control_points.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->get_selected()) { (*i)->show (); } else { (*i)->hide (); } } } else { for (vector::iterator i = control_points.begin(); i != control_points.end(); ++i) { (*i)->hide (); } } } else { line->hide (); for (vector::iterator i = control_points.begin(); i != control_points.end(); ++i) { if (_visible & ControlPoints) { (*i)->show (); } else { (*i)->hide (); } } } } void AutomationLine::hide () { /* leave control points setting unchanged, we are just hiding the overall line */ set_visibility (AutomationLine::VisibleAspects (_visible & ~Line)); } double AutomationLine::control_point_box_size () { if (_height > TimeAxisView::preset_height (HeightLarger)) { return 8.0; } else if (_height > (guint32) TimeAxisView::preset_height (HeightNormal)) { return 6.0; } return 4.0; } void AutomationLine::set_height (guint32 h) { if (h != _height) { _height = h; double bsz = control_point_box_size(); for (vector::iterator i = control_points.begin(); i != control_points.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_size (bsz); } reset (); } } void AutomationLine::set_line_color (uint32_t color) { _line_color = color; line->set_outline_color (color); } void AutomationLine::set_uses_gain_mapping (bool yn) { if (yn != _uses_gain_mapping) { _uses_gain_mapping = yn; reset (); } } ControlPoint* AutomationLine::nth (uint32_t n) { if (n < control_points.size()) { return control_points[n]; } else { return 0; } } ControlPoint const * AutomationLine::nth (uint32_t n) const { if (n < control_points.size()) { return control_points[n]; } else { return 0; } } void AutomationLine::modify_point_y (ControlPoint& cp, double y) { /* clamp y-coord appropriately. y is supposed to be a normalized fraction (0.0-1.0), and needs to be converted to a canvas unit distance. */ y = max (0.0, y); y = min (1.0, y); y = _height - (y * _height); double const x = trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel_unrounded (_time_converter->to((*cp.model())->when) - _offset); trackview.editor().begin_reversible_command (_("automation event move")); trackview.editor().session()->add_command ( new MementoCommand (memento_command_binder(), &get_state(), 0)); cp.move_to (x, y, ControlPoint::Full); reset_line_coords (cp); if (line_points.size() > 1) { line->set_steps (line_points, is_stepped()); } alist->freeze (); sync_model_with_view_point (cp); alist->thaw (); update_pending = false; trackview.editor().session()->add_command ( new MementoCommand (memento_command_binder(), 0, &alist->get_state())); trackview.editor().commit_reversible_command (); trackview.editor().session()->set_dirty (); } void AutomationLine::reset_line_coords (ControlPoint& cp) { if (cp.view_index() < line_points.size()) { line_points[cp.view_index()].x = cp.get_x (); line_points[cp.view_index()].y = cp.get_y (); } } void AutomationLine::sync_model_with_view_points (list cp) { update_pending = true; for (list::iterator i = cp.begin(); i != cp.end(); ++i) { sync_model_with_view_point (**i); } } string AutomationLine::get_verbose_cursor_string (double fraction) const { std::string s = fraction_to_string (fraction); if (_uses_gain_mapping) { s += " dB"; } return s; } string AutomationLine::get_verbose_cursor_relative_string (double original, double fraction) const { std::string s = fraction_to_string (fraction); if (_uses_gain_mapping) { s += " dB"; } std::string d = fraction_to_relative_string (original, fraction); if (!d.empty()) { s += " (\u0394"; s += d; if (_uses_gain_mapping) { s += " dB"; } s += ')'; } return s; } /** * @param fraction y fraction * @return string representation of this value, using dB if appropriate. */ string AutomationLine::fraction_to_string (double fraction) const { if (_uses_gain_mapping) { char buf[32]; if (fraction == 0.0) { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "-inf"); } else { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%.1f", accurate_coefficient_to_dB (slider_position_to_gain_with_max (fraction, Config->get_max_gain()))); } return buf; } else { view_to_model_coord_y (fraction); return ARDOUR::value_as_string (_desc, fraction); } return ""; /*NOTREACHED*/ } /** * @param original an old y-axis fraction * @param fraction the new y fraction * @return string representation of the difference between original and fraction, using dB if appropriate. */ string AutomationLine::fraction_to_relative_string (double original, double fraction) const { char buf[32]; if (original == fraction) { return "0"; } if (_uses_gain_mapping) { if (original == 0.0) { /* there is no sensible representation of a relative change from -inf dB, so return an empty string. */ return ""; } else if (fraction == 0.0) { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "-inf"); } else { double old_db = accurate_coefficient_to_dB (slider_position_to_gain_with_max (original, Config->get_max_gain())); double new_db = accurate_coefficient_to_dB (slider_position_to_gain_with_max (fraction, Config->get_max_gain())); snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%.1f", new_db - old_db); } } else { view_to_model_coord_y (original); view_to_model_coord_y (fraction); return ARDOUR::value_as_string (_desc, fraction - original); } return buf; } /** * @param s Value string in the form as returned by fraction_to_string. * @return Corresponding y fraction. */ double AutomationLine::string_to_fraction (string const & s) const { if (s == "-inf") { return 0; } double v; sscanf (s.c_str(), "%lf", &v); if (_uses_gain_mapping) { v = gain_to_slider_position_with_max (dB_to_coefficient (v), Config->get_max_gain()); } else { double dummy = 0.0; model_to_view_coord (dummy, v); } return v; } /** Start dragging a single point, possibly adding others if the supplied point is selected and there * are other selected points. * * @param cp Point to drag. * @param x Initial x position (units). * @param fraction Initial y position (as a fraction of the track height, where 0 is the bottom and 1 the top) */ void AutomationLine::start_drag_single (ControlPoint* cp, double x, float fraction) { trackview.editor().begin_reversible_command (_("automation event move")); trackview.editor().session()->add_command ( new MementoCommand (memento_command_binder(), &get_state(), 0)); _drag_points.clear (); _drag_points.push_back (cp); if (cp->get_selected ()) { for (vector::iterator i = control_points.begin(); i != control_points.end(); ++i) { if (*i != cp && (*i)->get_selected()) { _drag_points.push_back (*i); } } } start_drag_common (x, fraction); } /** Start dragging a line vertically (with no change in x) * @param i1 Control point index of the `left' point on the line. * @param i2 Control point index of the `right' point on the line. * @param fraction Initial y position (as a fraction of the track height, where 0 is the bottom and 1 the top) */ void AutomationLine::start_drag_line (uint32_t i1, uint32_t i2, float fraction) { trackview.editor().begin_reversible_command (_("automation range move")); trackview.editor().session()->add_command ( new MementoCommand (memento_command_binder (), &get_state(), 0)); _drag_points.clear (); for (uint32_t i = i1; i <= i2; i++) { _drag_points.push_back (nth (i)); } start_drag_common (0, fraction); } /** Start dragging multiple points (with no change in x) * @param cp Points to drag. * @param fraction Initial y position (as a fraction of the track height, where 0 is the bottom and 1 the top) */ void AutomationLine::start_drag_multiple (list cp, float fraction, XMLNode* state) { trackview.editor().begin_reversible_command (_("automation range move")); trackview.editor().session()->add_command ( new MementoCommand (memento_command_binder(), state, 0)); _drag_points = cp; start_drag_common (0, fraction); } struct ControlPointSorter { bool operator() (ControlPoint const * a, ControlPoint const * b) const { if (floateq (a->get_x(), b->get_x(), 1)) { return a->view_index() < b->view_index(); } return a->get_x() < b->get_x(); } }; AutomationLine::ContiguousControlPoints::ContiguousControlPoints (AutomationLine& al) : line (al), before_x (0), after_x (DBL_MAX) { } void AutomationLine::ContiguousControlPoints::compute_x_bounds (PublicEditor& e) { uint32_t sz = size(); if (sz > 0 && sz < line.npoints()) { const TempoMap& map (e.session()->tempo_map()); /* determine the limits on x-axis motion for this contiguous range of control points */ if (front()->view_index() > 0) { before_x = line.nth (front()->view_index() - 1)->get_x(); const framepos_t pos = e.pixel_to_sample(before_x); const Meter& meter = map.meter_at (pos); const framecnt_t len = ceil (meter.frames_per_bar (map.tempo_at (pos), e.session()->frame_rate()) / (Timecode::BBT_Time::ticks_per_beat * meter.divisions_per_bar()) ); const double one_tick_in_pixels = e.sample_to_pixel_unrounded (len); before_x += one_tick_in_pixels; } /* if our last point has a point after it in the line, we have an "after" bound */ if (back()->view_index() < (line.npoints() - 1)) { after_x = line.nth (back()->view_index() + 1)->get_x(); const framepos_t pos = e.pixel_to_sample(after_x); const Meter& meter = map.meter_at (pos); const framecnt_t len = ceil (meter.frames_per_bar (map.tempo_at (pos), e.session()->frame_rate()) / (Timecode::BBT_Time::ticks_per_beat * meter.divisions_per_bar())); const double one_tick_in_pixels = e.sample_to_pixel_unrounded (len); after_x -= one_tick_in_pixels; } } } double AutomationLine::ContiguousControlPoints::clamp_dx (double dx) { if (empty()) { return dx; } /* get the maximum distance we can move any of these points along the x-axis */ double tx; /* possible position a point would move to, given dx */ ControlPoint* cp; if (dx > 0) { /* check the last point, since we're moving later in time */ cp = back(); } else { /* check the first point, since we're moving earlier in time */ cp = front(); } tx = cp->get_x() + dx; // new possible position if we just add the motion tx = max (tx, before_x); // can't move later than following point tx = min (tx, after_x); // can't move earlier than preceeding point return tx - cp->get_x (); } void AutomationLine::ContiguousControlPoints::move (double dx, double dy) { for (std::list::iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { (*i)->move_to ((*i)->get_x() + dx, (*i)->get_y() - line.height() * dy, ControlPoint::Full); line.reset_line_coords (**i); } } /** Common parts of starting a drag. * @param x Starting x position in units, or 0 if x is being ignored. * @param fraction Starting y position (as a fraction of the track height, where 0 is the bottom and 1 the top) */ void AutomationLine::start_drag_common (double x, float fraction) { _drag_x = x; _drag_distance = 0; _last_drag_fraction = fraction; _drag_had_movement = false; did_push = false; /* they are probably ordered already, but we have to make sure */ _drag_points.sort (ControlPointSorter()); } /** Should be called to indicate motion during a drag. * @param x New x position of the drag in canvas units, or undefined if ignore_x == true. * @param fraction New y fraction. * @return x position and y fraction that were actually used (once clamped). */ pair AutomationLine::drag_motion (double const x, float fraction, bool ignore_x, bool with_push, uint32_t& final_index) { if (_drag_points.empty()) { return pair (x,fraction); } double dx = ignore_x ? 0 : (x - _drag_x); double dy = fraction - _last_drag_fraction; if (!_drag_had_movement) { /* "first move" ... do some stuff that we don't want to do if no motion ever took place, but need to do before we handle motion. */ /* partition the points we are dragging into (potentially several) * set(s) of contiguous points. this will not happen with a normal * drag, but if the user does a discontiguous selection, it can. */ uint32_t expected_view_index = 0; CCP contig; for (list::iterator i = _drag_points.begin(); i != _drag_points.end(); ++i) { if (i == _drag_points.begin() || (*i)->view_index() != expected_view_index) { contig.reset (new ContiguousControlPoints (*this)); contiguous_points.push_back (contig); } contig->push_back (*i); expected_view_index = (*i)->view_index() + 1; } if (contiguous_points.back()->empty()) { contiguous_points.pop_back (); } for (vector::iterator ccp = contiguous_points.begin(); ccp != contiguous_points.end(); ++ccp) { (*ccp)->compute_x_bounds (trackview.editor()); } } /* OK, now on to the stuff related to *this* motion event. First, for * each contiguous range, figure out the maximum x-axis motion we are * allowed (because of neighbouring points that are not moving. * * if we are moving forwards with push, we don't need to do this, * since all later points will move too. */ if (dx < 0 || ((dx > 0) && !with_push)) { for (vector::iterator ccp = contiguous_points.begin(); ccp != contiguous_points.end(); ++ccp) { double dxt = (*ccp)->clamp_dx (dx); if (fabs (dxt) < fabs (dx)) { dx = dxt; } } } /* clamp y */ for (list::iterator i = _drag_points.begin(); i != _drag_points.end(); ++i) { double const y = ((_height - (*i)->get_y()) / _height) + dy; if (y < 0) { dy -= y; } if (y > 1) { dy -= (y - 1); } } if (dx || dy) { /* and now move each section */ for (vector::iterator ccp = contiguous_points.begin(); ccp != contiguous_points.end(); ++ccp) { (*ccp)->move (dx, dy); } if (with_push) { final_index = contiguous_points.back()->back()->view_index () + 1; ControlPoint* p; uint32_t i = final_index; while ((p = nth (i)) != 0 && p->can_slide()) { p->move_to (p->get_x() + dx, p->get_y(), ControlPoint::Full); reset_line_coords (*p); ++i; } } /* update actual line coordinates (will queue a redraw) */ if (line_points.size() > 1) { line->set_steps (line_points, is_stepped()); } } _drag_distance += dx; _drag_x += dx; _last_drag_fraction = fraction; _drag_had_movement = true; did_push = with_push; return pair (_drag_x + dx, _last_drag_fraction + dy); } /** Should be called to indicate the end of a drag */ void AutomationLine::end_drag (bool with_push, uint32_t final_index) { if (!_drag_had_movement) { return; } alist->freeze (); sync_model_with_view_points (_drag_points); if (with_push) { ControlPoint* p; uint32_t i = final_index; while ((p = nth (i)) != 0 && p->can_slide()) { sync_model_with_view_point (*p); ++i; } } alist->thaw (); update_pending = false; trackview.editor().session()->add_command ( new MementoCommand(memento_command_binder (), 0, &alist->get_state())); trackview.editor().session()->set_dirty (); did_push = false; contiguous_points.clear (); } void AutomationLine::sync_model_with_view_point (ControlPoint& cp) { /* find out where the visual control point is. initial results are in canvas units. ask the line to convert them to something relevant. */ double view_x = cp.get_x(); double view_y = 1.0 - (cp.get_y() / _height); /* if xval has not changed, set it directly from the model to avoid rounding errors */ if (view_x == trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel_unrounded (_time_converter->to ((*cp.model())->when)) - _offset) { view_x = (*cp.model())->when - _offset; } else { view_x = trackview.editor().pixel_to_sample (view_x); view_x = _time_converter->from (view_x + _offset); } update_pending = true; view_to_model_coord_y (view_y); alist->modify (cp.model(), view_x, view_y); } bool AutomationLine::control_points_adjacent (double xval, uint32_t & before, uint32_t& after) { ControlPoint *bcp = 0; ControlPoint *acp = 0; double unit_xval; unit_xval = trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel_unrounded (xval); for (vector::iterator i = control_points.begin(); i != control_points.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->get_x() <= unit_xval) { if (!bcp || (*i)->get_x() > bcp->get_x()) { bcp = *i; before = bcp->view_index(); } } else if ((*i)->get_x() > unit_xval) { acp = *i; after = acp->view_index(); break; } } return bcp && acp; } bool AutomationLine::is_last_point (ControlPoint& cp) { // If the list is not empty, and the point is the last point in the list if (alist->empty()) { return false; } AutomationList::const_iterator i = alist->end(); --i; if (cp.model() == i) { return true; } return false; } bool AutomationLine::is_first_point (ControlPoint& cp) { // If the list is not empty, and the point is the first point in the list if (!alist->empty() && cp.model() == alist->begin()) { return true; } return false; } // This is copied into AudioRegionGainLine void AutomationLine::remove_point (ControlPoint& cp) { trackview.editor().begin_reversible_command (_("remove control point")); XMLNode &before = alist->get_state(); alist->erase (cp.model()); trackview.editor().session()->add_command( new MementoCommand (memento_command_binder (), &before, &alist->get_state())); trackview.editor().commit_reversible_command (); trackview.editor().session()->set_dirty (); } /** Get selectable points within an area. * @param start Start position in session frames. * @param end End position in session frames. * @param bot Bottom y range, as a fraction of line height, where 0 is the bottom of the line. * @param top Top y range, as a fraction of line height, where 0 is the bottom of the line. * @param result Filled in with selectable things; in this case, ControlPoints. */ void AutomationLine::get_selectables (framepos_t start, framepos_t end, double botfrac, double topfrac, list& results) { /* convert fractions to display coordinates with 0 at the top of the track */ double const bot_track = (1 - topfrac) * trackview.current_height (); double const top_track = (1 - botfrac) * trackview.current_height (); for (vector::iterator i = control_points.begin(); i != control_points.end(); ++i) { double const model_when = (*(*i)->model())->when; /* model_when is relative to the start of the source, so we just need to add on the origin_b here (as it is the session frame position of the start of the source) */ framepos_t const session_frames_when = _time_converter->to (model_when) + _time_converter->origin_b (); if (session_frames_when >= start && session_frames_when <= end && (*i)->get_y() >= bot_track && (*i)->get_y() <= top_track) { results.push_back (*i); } } } void AutomationLine::get_inverted_selectables (Selection&, list& /*results*/) { // hmmm .... } void AutomationLine::set_selected_points (PointSelection const & points) { for (vector::iterator i = control_points.begin(); i != control_points.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_selected (false); } for (PointSelection::const_iterator i = points.begin(); i != points.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_selected (true); } if (points.empty()) { remove_visibility (SelectedControlPoints); } else { add_visibility (SelectedControlPoints); } set_colors (); } void AutomationLine::set_colors () { set_line_color (ARDOUR_UI::config()->color ("automation line")); for (vector::iterator i = control_points.begin(); i != control_points.end(); ++i) { (*i)->set_color (); } } void AutomationLine::list_changed () { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Automation, string_compose ("\tline changed, existing update pending? %1\n", update_pending)); if (!update_pending) { update_pending = true; Gtkmm2ext::UI::instance()->call_slot (invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&AutomationLine::queue_reset, this)); } } void AutomationLine::reset_callback (const Evoral::ControlList& events) { uint32_t vp = 0; uint32_t pi = 0; uint32_t np; if (events.empty()) { for (vector::iterator i = control_points.begin(); i != control_points.end(); ++i) { delete *i; } control_points.clear (); line->hide(); return; } /* hide all existing points, and the line */ for (vector::iterator i = control_points.begin(); i != control_points.end(); ++i) { (*i)->hide(); } line->hide (); np = events.size(); Evoral::ControlList& e = const_cast (events); for (AutomationList::iterator ai = e.begin(); ai != e.end(); ++ai, ++pi) { double tx = (*ai)->when; double ty = (*ai)->value; /* convert from model coordinates to canonical view coordinates */ model_to_view_coord (tx, ty); if (isnan_local (tx) || isnan_local (ty)) { warning << string_compose (_("Ignoring illegal points on AutomationLine \"%1\""), _name) << endmsg; continue; } if (tx >= max_framepos || tx < 0 || tx >= _maximum_time) { continue; } /* convert x-coordinate to a canvas unit coordinate (this takes * zoom and scroll into account). */ tx = trackview.editor().sample_to_pixel_unrounded (tx); /* convert from canonical view height (0..1.0) to actual * height coordinates (using X11's top-left rooted system) */ ty = _height - (ty * _height); add_visible_control_point (vp, pi, tx, ty, ai, np); vp++; } /* discard extra CP's to avoid confusing ourselves */ while (control_points.size() > vp) { ControlPoint* cp = control_points.back(); control_points.pop_back (); delete cp; } if (!terminal_points_can_slide) { control_points.back()->set_can_slide(false); } if (vp > 1) { /* reset the line coordinates given to the CanvasLine */ while (line_points.size() < vp) { line_points.push_back (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0,0)); } while (line_points.size() > vp) { line_points.pop_back (); } for (uint32_t n = 0; n < vp; ++n) { line_points[n].x = control_points[n]->get_x(); line_points[n].y = control_points[n]->get_y(); } line->set_steps (line_points, is_stepped()); update_visibility (); } set_selected_points (trackview.editor().get_selection().points); } void AutomationLine::reset () { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Automation, "\t\tLINE RESET\n"); update_pending = false; have_timeout = false; if (no_draw) { return; } alist->apply_to_points (*this, &AutomationLine::reset_callback); } void AutomationLine::queue_reset () { /* this must be called from the GUI thread */ if (trackview.editor().session()->transport_rolling() && alist->automation_write()) { /* automation write pass ... defer to a timeout */ /* redraw in 1/4 second */ if (!have_timeout) { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Automation, "\tqueue timeout\n"); Glib::signal_timeout().connect (sigc::bind_return (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &AutomationLine::reset), false), 250); have_timeout = true; } else { DEBUG_TRACE (DEBUG::Automation, "\ttimeout already queued, change ignored\n"); } } else { reset (); } } void AutomationLine::clear () { /* parent must create and commit command */ XMLNode &before = alist->get_state(); alist->clear(); trackview.editor().session()->add_command ( new MementoCommand (memento_command_binder (), &before, &alist->get_state())); } void AutomationLine::set_list (boost::shared_ptr list) { alist = list; queue_reset (); connect_to_list (); } void AutomationLine::add_visibility (VisibleAspects va) { VisibleAspects old = _visible; _visible = VisibleAspects (_visible | va); if (old != _visible) { update_visibility (); } } void AutomationLine::set_visibility (VisibleAspects va) { if (_visible != va) { _visible = va; update_visibility (); } } void AutomationLine::remove_visibility (VisibleAspects va) { VisibleAspects old = _visible; _visible = VisibleAspects (_visible & ~va); if (old != _visible) { update_visibility (); } } void AutomationLine::track_entered() { add_visibility (ControlPoints); } void AutomationLine::track_exited() { remove_visibility (ControlPoints); } XMLNode & AutomationLine::get_state (void) { /* function as a proxy for the model */ return alist->get_state(); } int AutomationLine::set_state (const XMLNode &node, int version) { /* function as a proxy for the model */ return alist->set_state (node, version); } void AutomationLine::view_to_model_coord (double& x, double& y) const { x = _time_converter->from (x); view_to_model_coord_y (y); } void AutomationLine::view_to_model_coord_y (double& y) const { /* TODO: This should be more generic (use ParameterDescriptor) */ if (alist->parameter().type() == GainAutomation || alist->parameter().type() == EnvelopeAutomation) { y = slider_position_to_gain_with_max (y, Config->get_max_gain()); y = max (0.0, y); y = min (2.0, y); } else if (alist->parameter().type() == PanAzimuthAutomation || alist->parameter().type() == PanElevationAutomation) { y = 1.0 - y; } else if (alist->parameter().type() == PanWidthAutomation) { y = 2.0 * y - 1.0; } else { y = y * (double)(alist->get_max_y() - alist->get_min_y()) + alist->get_min_y(); if (_desc.toggled || _desc.integer_step) { y = round(y); } } } void AutomationLine::model_to_view_coord_y (double& y) const { /* TODO: This should be more generic (use ParameterDescriptor) */ if (alist->parameter().type() == GainAutomation || alist->parameter().type() == EnvelopeAutomation) { y = gain_to_slider_position_with_max (y, Config->get_max_gain()); } else if (alist->parameter().type() == PanAzimuthAutomation || alist->parameter().type() == PanElevationAutomation) { y = 1.0 - y; } else if (alist->parameter().type() == PanWidthAutomation) { y = .5 + y * .5; } else { y = (y - alist->get_min_y()) / (double)(alist->get_max_y() - alist->get_min_y()); } } void AutomationLine::model_to_view_coord (double& x, double& y) const { model_to_view_coord_y (y); x = _time_converter->to (x) - _offset; } /** Called when our list has announced that its interpolation style has changed */ void AutomationLine::interpolation_changed (AutomationList::InterpolationStyle style) { if (line_points.size() > 1) { line->set_steps(line_points, is_stepped()); } } void AutomationLine::add_visible_control_point (uint32_t view_index, uint32_t pi, double tx, double ty, AutomationList::iterator model, uint32_t npoints) { ControlPoint::ShapeType shape; if (view_index >= control_points.size()) { /* make sure we have enough control points */ ControlPoint* ncp = new ControlPoint (*this); ncp->set_size (control_point_box_size ()); control_points.push_back (ncp); } if (!terminal_points_can_slide) { if (pi == 0) { control_points[view_index]->set_can_slide (false); if (tx == 0) { shape = ControlPoint::Start; } else { shape = ControlPoint::Full; } } else if (pi == npoints - 1) { control_points[view_index]->set_can_slide (false); shape = ControlPoint::End; } else { control_points[view_index]->set_can_slide (true); shape = ControlPoint::Full; } } else { control_points[view_index]->set_can_slide (true); shape = ControlPoint::Full; } control_points[view_index]->reset (tx, ty, model, view_index, shape); /* finally, control visibility */ if (_visible & ControlPoints) { control_points[view_index]->show (); } else { control_points[view_index]->hide (); } } void AutomationLine::connect_to_list () { _list_connections.drop_connections (); alist->StateChanged.connect (_list_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&AutomationLine::list_changed, this), gui_context()); alist->InterpolationChanged.connect ( _list_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&AutomationLine::interpolation_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); } MementoCommandBinder* AutomationLine::memento_command_binder () { return new SimpleMementoCommandBinder (*alist.get()); } /** Set the maximum time that points on this line can be at, relative * to the start of the track or region that it is on. */ void AutomationLine::set_maximum_time (framecnt_t t) { if (_maximum_time == t) { return; } _maximum_time = t; reset (); } /** @return min and max x positions of points that are in the list, in session frames */ pair AutomationLine::get_point_x_range () const { pair r (max_framepos, 0); for (AutomationList::const_iterator i = the_list()->begin(); i != the_list()->end(); ++i) { r.first = min (r.first, session_position (i)); r.second = max (r.second, session_position (i)); } return r; } framepos_t AutomationLine::session_position (AutomationList::const_iterator p) const { return _time_converter->to ((*p)->when) + _offset + _time_converter->origin_b (); } void AutomationLine::set_offset (framepos_t off) { if (_offset == off) { return; } _offset = off; reset (); }