#include #include #include #include "pbd/failed_constructor.h" #include "pbd/file_utils.h" #include "pbd/filesystem.h" #include "ardour/filesystem_paths.h" #include "ardour/recent_sessions.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/session_state_utils.h" #include "ardour/template_utils.h" #include "startup.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gdk; using namespace Glib; using namespace PBD; using namespace ARDOUR; ArdourStartup* ArdourStartup::the_startup = 0; ArdourStartup::ArdourStartup () : applying (false) , ic_new_session_button (_("Open a new session")) , ic_existing_session_button (_("Open an existing session")) , more_new_session_options_button (_("I'd like more options for this session")) , monitor_via_hardware_button (_("Use an external mixer or the hardware mixer of your audio interface.\n\ Ardour will play NO role in monitoring")) , monitor_via_ardour_button (_("Ask Ardour to playback material as it is being recorded")) , new_folder_chooser (FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER) { set_keep_above (true); set_position (WIN_POS_CENTER); sys::path icon_file; if (!find_file_in_search_path (ardour_search_path() + system_data_search_path(), "ardour_icon_48px.png", icon_file)) { throw failed_constructor(); } try { icon_pixbuf = Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_file (icon_file.to_string()); } catch (...) { throw failed_constructor(); } sys::path been_here_before = user_config_directory(); been_here_before /= ".a3"; // XXXX use more specific version so we can catch upgrades if (!exists (been_here_before)) { // XXX touch been_here_before; setup_new_user_page (); setup_first_time_config_page (); setup_monitoring_choice_page (); } else { setup_initial_choice_page (); } setup_session_page (); setup_more_options_page (); setup_final_page (); the_startup = this; } ArdourStartup::~ArdourStartup () { } void ArdourStartup::setup_new_user_page () { Label* foomatic = manage (new Label (_("\ Ardour is a digital audio workstation. You can use it to\n\ record, edit and mix multi-track audio. You can produce your\n\ own CDs, mix video soundtracks, or just experiment with new\n\ ideas about music and sound.\n\ \n\ There are a few things that need to configured before you start\n\ using the program.\ "))); HBox* hbox = manage (new HBox); HBox* vbox = manage (new HBox); hbox->set_border_width (12); vbox->set_border_width (12); hbox->pack_start (*foomatic, false, true); vbox->pack_start (*hbox, false, true); foomatic->show (); hbox->show (); vbox->show (); append_page (*vbox); set_page_type (*vbox, ASSISTANT_PAGE_INTRO); set_page_title (*vbox, _("Welcome to Ardour")); set_page_header_image (*vbox, icon_pixbuf); set_page_complete (*vbox, true); } void ArdourStartup::setup_first_time_config_page () { Gtk::FileChooserButton* fcb = manage (new FileChooserButton (_("Default session folder"), FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER)); Gtk::Label* txt = manage (new Label); HBox* hbox1 = manage (new HBox); VBox* vbox = manage (new VBox); txt->set_markup (_("\ Each project that you work on with Ardour has its own folder.\n\ These can require a lot of disk space if you are recording audio.\n\ \n\ Where would you like new Ardour sessions to be stored by default?\n\ (You can put new sessions anywhere - this is just a default)")); hbox1->set_border_width (6); vbox->set_border_width (6); hbox1->pack_start (*fcb, false, true); vbox->pack_start (*txt, false, true); vbox->pack_start (*hbox1, false, true); fcb->show (); txt->show (); hbox1->show (); vbox->show (); append_page (*vbox); set_page_title (*vbox, _("Default folder for new sessions")); set_page_header_image (*vbox, icon_pixbuf); set_page_type (*vbox, ASSISTANT_PAGE_CONTENT); /* user can just skip all these settings if they want to */ set_page_complete (*vbox, true); } void ArdourStartup::setup_monitoring_choice_page () { mon_vbox.set_spacing (6); mon_vbox.set_border_width (6); RadioButton::Group g (monitor_via_hardware_button.get_group()); monitor_via_ardour_button.set_group (g); monitor_label.set_markup("\ While recording instruments or vocals, you probably want to listen to the\n\ signal as well as record it. This is called \"monitoring\". There are\n\ different ways to do this depending on the equipment you have and the\n\ configuration of that equipment. The two most common are presented here.\n\ Please choose whichever one is right for your setup.\n\n\ You can change this preference at any time, via the Options menu"); mon_vbox.pack_start (monitor_label); mon_vbox.pack_start (monitor_via_hardware_button); mon_vbox.pack_start (monitor_via_ardour_button); mon_vbox.show (); monitor_label.show (); monitor_via_ardour_button.show (); monitor_via_hardware_button.show (); append_page (mon_vbox); set_page_title (mon_vbox, _("Monitoring Choices")); set_page_header_image (mon_vbox, icon_pixbuf); /* user could just click on "Forward" if default * choice is correct. */ set_page_complete (mon_vbox, true); } void ArdourStartup::setup_initial_choice_page () { ic_vbox.set_spacing (6); ic_vbox.set_border_width (6); RadioButton::Group g (ic_new_session_button.get_group()); ic_existing_session_button.set_group (g); ic_vbox.pack_start (ic_new_session_button); ic_vbox.pack_start (ic_existing_session_button); ic_new_session_button.show (); ic_existing_session_button.show (); ic_vbox.show (); append_page (ic_vbox); set_page_title (ic_vbox, _("What would you like to do?")); set_page_header_image (ic_vbox, icon_pixbuf); /* user could just click on "Forward" if default * choice is correct. */ set_page_complete (ic_vbox, true); } void ArdourStartup::setup_session_page () { session_hbox.set_border_width (12); session_vbox.set_border_width (12); session_vbox.pack_start (session_hbox, true, true); session_vbox.show (); session_hbox.show (); append_page (session_vbox); } void ArdourStartup::setup_final_page () { final_page.set_text ("Ardour is ready for use"); final_page.show (); append_page (final_page); set_page_complete (final_page, true); set_page_header_image (final_page, icon_pixbuf); set_page_type (final_page, ASSISTANT_PAGE_CONFIRM); } void ArdourStartup::on_cancel () { exit (1); } void ArdourStartup::on_close () { if (!applying) { exit (1); } } void ArdourStartup::on_apply () { applying = true; // XXX do stuff and then .... gtk_main_quit (); } void ArdourStartup::on_prepare (Gtk::Widget* page) { if (page == &session_vbox) { if (ic_new_session_button.get_active()) { /* new session requested */ setup_new_session_page (); } else { /* existing session requested */ setup_existing_session_page (); } } } void ArdourStartup::setup_new_session_page () { if (!session_hbox.get_children().empty()) { session_hbox.remove (**session_hbox.get_children().begin()); } if (session_new_vbox.get_children().empty()) { HBox* hbox1 = manage (new HBox); Label* label1 = manage (new Label); hbox1->set_spacing (6); hbox1->pack_start (*label1, false, false); hbox1->pack_start (new_name_entry, true, true); label1->set_text (_("Session name:")); hbox1->show(); label1->show(); new_name_entry.show (); new_name_entry.signal_changed().connect (mem_fun (*this, &ArdourStartup::new_name_changed)); HBox* hbox2 = manage (new HBox); Label* label2 = manage (new Label); hbox2->set_spacing (6); hbox2->pack_start (*label2, false, false); hbox2->pack_start (new_folder_chooser, true, true); label2->set_text (_("Create session folder in:")); new_folder_chooser.set_current_folder(getenv ("HOME")); new_folder_chooser.set_title (_("Select folder for session")); hbox2->show(); label2->show(); new_folder_chooser.show (); if (is_directory (user_template_directory ())) { session_template_chooser.set_current_folder (user_template_directory().to_string()); } else if (is_directory (system_template_directory ())) { session_template_chooser.set_current_folder (system_template_directory().to_string()); } else { /* hmm, no templates ... what to do? */ } if (is_directory (system_template_directory ())) { session_template_chooser.add_shortcut_folder (system_template_directory().to_string()); } HBox* hbox3 = manage (new HBox); Label* label3 = manage (new Label); hbox3->set_spacing (6); hbox3->pack_start (*label3, false, false); hbox3->pack_start (session_template_chooser, true, true); label3->set_text (_("Use this template:")); hbox3->show (); label3->show (); session_template_chooser.show (); Gtk::FileFilter* template_filter = manage (new (Gtk::FileFilter)); template_filter->add_pattern(X_("*.template")); session_template_chooser.set_filter (*template_filter); session_template_chooser.set_title (_("Select template")); HBox* hbox4 = manage (new HBox); hbox4->set_spacing (6); hbox4->pack_start (more_new_session_options_button, false, false); hbox4->show (); more_new_session_options_button.show (); more_new_session_options_button.signal_clicked().connect (mem_fun (*this, &ArdourStartup::more_new_session_options_button_clicked)); session_new_vbox.set_spacing (12); session_new_vbox.pack_start (*hbox1, false, false); session_new_vbox.pack_start (*hbox2, false, false); session_new_vbox.pack_start (*hbox3, false, false); session_new_vbox.pack_start (*hbox4, false, false); } session_new_vbox.show (); session_hbox.pack_start (session_new_vbox, false, false); set_page_title (session_vbox, _("New Session")); } void ArdourStartup::new_name_changed () { if (!new_name_entry.get_text().empty()) { set_page_complete (session_vbox, true); } else { set_page_complete (session_vbox, false); } } void ArdourStartup::redisplay_recent_sessions () { std::vector session_directories; RecentSessionsSorter cmp; recent_session_display.set_model (Glib::RefPtr(0)); recent_session_model->clear (); ARDOUR::RecentSessions rs; ARDOUR::read_recent_sessions (rs); if (rs.empty()) { recent_session_display.set_model (recent_session_model); return; } // // sort them alphabetically sort (rs.begin(), rs.end(), cmp); for (ARDOUR::RecentSessions::iterator i = rs.begin(); i != rs.end(); ++i) { session_directories.push_back ((*i).second); } for (vector::const_iterator i = session_directories.begin(); i != session_directories.end(); ++i) { std::vector state_file_paths; // now get available states for this session get_state_files_in_directory (*i, state_file_paths); vector* states; vector item; string fullpath = (*i).to_string(); /* remove any trailing / */ if (fullpath[fullpath.length()-1] == '/') { fullpath = fullpath.substr (0, fullpath.length()-1); } /* check whether session still exists */ if (!Glib::file_test(fullpath.c_str(), Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS)) { /* session doesn't exist */ cerr << "skipping non-existent session " << fullpath << endl; continue; } /* now get available states for this session */ if ((states = Session::possible_states (fullpath)) == 0) { /* no state file? */ continue; } std::vector state_file_names(get_file_names_no_extension (state_file_paths)); Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *(recent_session_model->append()); row[recent_session_columns.visible_name] = Glib::path_get_basename (fullpath); row[recent_session_columns.fullpath] = fullpath; if (state_file_names.size() > 1) { // add the children for (std::vector::iterator i2 = state_file_names.begin(); i2 != state_file_names.end(); ++i2) { Gtk::TreeModel::Row child_row = *(recent_session_model->append (row.children())); child_row[recent_session_columns.visible_name] = *i2; child_row[recent_session_columns.fullpath] = fullpath; } } } recent_session_display.set_model (recent_session_model); } void ArdourStartup::recent_session_row_selected () { if (recent_session_display.get_selection()->count_selected_rows() > 0) { set_page_complete (session_vbox, true); } else { set_page_complete (session_vbox, false); } } void ArdourStartup::setup_existing_session_page () { if (!session_hbox.get_children().empty()) { session_hbox.remove (**session_hbox.get_children().begin()); } if (recent_scroller.get_children().empty()) { recent_session_model = TreeStore::create (recent_session_columns); recent_session_display.set_model (recent_session_model); recent_session_display.append_column (_("Recent Sessions"), recent_session_columns.visible_name); recent_session_display.set_headers_visible (false); recent_session_display.get_selection()->set_mode (SELECTION_BROWSE); recent_session_display.get_selection()->signal_changed().connect (mem_fun (*this, &ArdourStartup::recent_session_row_selected)); recent_scroller.add (recent_session_display); recent_scroller.set_policy (Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC); recent_session_display.show(); } recent_scroller.show(); redisplay_recent_sessions (); session_hbox.pack_start (recent_scroller, true, true); set_page_title (session_vbox, _("Select a session")); set_page_type (session_vbox, ASSISTANT_PAGE_CONFIRM); } void ArdourStartup::more_new_session_options_button_clicked () { if (more_new_session_options_button.get_active()) { more_options_vbox.show (); } else { more_options_vbox.hide (); } } void ArdourStartup::setup_more_options_page () { Label* foomatic = manage (new Label); foomatic->set_text (_("Here be more options....")); foomatic->show (); more_options_vbox.set_border_width (12); more_options_hbox.set_border_width (12); more_options_hbox.pack_start (*foomatic, true, true); more_options_vbox.pack_start (more_options_hbox, true, true); more_options_hbox.show (); /* note that more_options_vbox is NOT visible by * default. this is entirely by design - this page * should be skipped unless explicitly requested. */ append_page (more_options_vbox); set_page_title (more_options_vbox, _("Advanced Session Options")); set_page_complete (more_options_vbox, true); }