HOW TO BUILD ARDOUR FROM SOURCE ------------------------------- Please: before you do anything else, take a moment to go and join the ardour-dev mailing list (members only). It is very important that the community of people using, testing and developing this software are on the list, and I will NOT deal with questions relating to Ardour's compilation or bugs that are not sent to that list. See for details on joining the mailing list. You can also get in touch with developers and users on IRC. Joining #ardour at The core developers and several key users hang out here on IRC, at pretty much any hour of the night or day. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* Full information on building Ardour can be found at: Information has been left in this file for those who do not have network access but is not guaranteed to be accurate or up to date. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* COMPILING ------------ Please ensure that before attempting to compile Ardour, you have installed: * Tools: gcc/g++ 3.x or above scons 0.96 or above gettext 0.12.1 or above pkgconfig 0.8.0 or above lex and yacc are also required. any version of bison >= 1.35 should work fine. intltool try 0.32 or above * Libraries: Recommended versions, where applicable, are shown under the general requirement. JACK 0.99.50 (CVS or snapshot release) ( libxml2 2.5.X ( libart_lgpl 2.3.X - available as part of gnome-libs, which you may already have on your system. - also available via download from GNOME source FTP sites. - see and then follow to sources/libart_lgpl glib 1.2 ( glib-1.2.8 (included with most distributions) GTK+ 1.2 ( gtk+-1.2.8 (included with most distributions) libglade2 ( unsure of minimum version. XXX todo. libsndfile ( libsndfile-1.0 or higher libsamplerate ( libsamplerate 0.0.13 or higher the LADSPA SDK ( (See below) raptor ( lrdf (needs raptor) ( liblrdf 0.4.0 or higher (earlier versions will causes crashes when using plugin presets) Getting LADSPA --------------- The Linux Audio Developers Simple Plugin API (LADSPA) really only consists of a header file, which is already included in the Ardour source tree. However, you may want the plugins that come the "full" LADSPA "SDK", so go ahead and download the whole package (it's not big) from I would also recommend getting Steve Harris' excellent set of LADSPA plugins from They make Ardour into a truly useful application. Other LADSPA plugins will be appearing - be sure to watch the Linux Audio Development mailing list for announcements. 2A) COMPILING FROM CVS --------------------- Checkout the source from Ardour CVS (the `%' here is meant to be your shell prompt): % cd /usr/local/src # just an example, it can be anywhere % cvs login # you will need to contact # paul at linuxaudiosystems dot com # to get the passphrase. See # # for details on why this is. % cvs -z3 co ardour 2B) COMPILING FROM A TARBALL ---------------------------- As usual, fetch and unpack the tarball. The directory it creates, ardour-, is referred to below as "$AD". 3) HOW TO COMPILE ----------------- We use the wonderful scons build system, which is started by just typing: scons in the top level directory of the ardour source tree. To speed things up, on a uniprocessor system, use "scons -j2", and on an SMP system try "scons -j3", which will do a parallel build (constructing more than one thing at a time). If you want to build ardour so that it can be debugged, you may wish to use the DEBUG=yes option. Without it, ardour is built with extreme optimization turned on and the result cannot be debugged effectively. If you don't want the installation to happen in the "usual place", add a PREFIX=/my/preferred/prefix option to scons. Compilation takes a while. Running with scons -j3 on a dual PII-450, the entire build takes about 20 minutes, about the same time with scons -j2 on 2.6GHz P4. Other scons options can be discovered using "scons --help"