/* Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include "gtkmm2ext/utils.h" #include "ardour/dB.h" #include "ardour/rc_configuration.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/types.h" #include "ardour/utils.h" #include "pbd/configuration.h" #include "pbd/replace_all.h" #include "pbd/strsplit.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "option_editor.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "utils.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace ARDOUR; void OptionEditorComponent::add_widget_to_page (OptionEditorPage* p, Gtk::Widget* w) { int const n = p->table.property_n_rows(); int m = n + 1; if (!_note.empty ()) { ++m; } p->table.resize (m, 3); p->table.attach (*w, 1, 3, n, n + 1, FILL | EXPAND); maybe_add_note (p, n + 1); } void OptionEditorComponent::add_widgets_to_page (OptionEditorPage* p, Gtk::Widget* wa, Gtk::Widget* wb) { int const n = p->table.property_n_rows(); int m = n + 1; if (!_note.empty ()) { ++m; } p->table.resize (m, 3); p->table.attach (*wa, 1, 2, n, n + 1, FILL); p->table.attach (*wb, 2, 3, n, n + 1, FILL | EXPAND); maybe_add_note (p, n + 1); } void OptionEditorComponent::maybe_add_note (OptionEditorPage* p, int n) { if (!_note.empty ()) { Gtk::Label* l = manage (new Gtk::Label (string_compose (X_("%1"), _note))); l->set_use_markup (true); p->table.attach (*l, 1, 3, n, n + 1, FILL | EXPAND); } } void OptionEditorComponent::set_note (string const & n) { _note = n; } OptionEditorHeading::OptionEditorHeading (string const & h) { std::stringstream s; s << "" << h << ""; _label = manage (left_aligned_label (s.str())); _label->set_use_markup (true); } void OptionEditorHeading::add_to_page (OptionEditorPage* p) { int const n = p->table.property_n_rows(); p->table.resize (n + 2, 3); p->table.attach (*manage (new Label ("")), 0, 3, n, n + 1, FILL | EXPAND); p->table.attach (*_label, 0, 3, n + 1, n + 2, FILL | EXPAND); } void OptionEditorBox::add_to_page (OptionEditorPage* p) { add_widget_to_page (p, _box); } RcActionButton::RcActionButton (std::string const & t, const Glib::SignalProxy0< void >::SlotType & slot, std::string const & l) : _label (NULL) { _button = manage (new Button (t)); _button->signal_clicked().connect (slot); if (!l.empty ()) { _label = manage (right_aligned_label (l)); } } void RcActionButton::add_to_page (OptionEditorPage *p) { int const n = p->table.property_n_rows(); int m = n + 1; p->table.resize (m, 3); if (_label) { p->table.attach (*_label, 1, 2, n, n + 1, FILL | EXPAND); p->table.attach (*_button, 2, 3, n, n + 1, FILL | EXPAND); } else { p->table.attach (*_button, 1, 3, n, n + 1, FILL | EXPAND); } } RcConfigDisplay::RcConfigDisplay (string const & i, string const & n, sigc::slot g, char s) : _get (g) , _id (i) , _sep (s) { _label = manage (right_aligned_label (n)); _info = manage (new Label); _info-> set_line_wrap (true); set_state_from_config (); } void RcConfigDisplay::set_state_from_config () { string p = _get(); if (_sep) { std::replace (p.begin(), p.end(), _sep, '\n'); } _info->set_text (p); } void RcConfigDisplay::parameter_changed (std::string const & p) { if (p == _id) { set_state_from_config (); } } void RcConfigDisplay::add_to_page (OptionEditorPage *p) { int const n = p->table.property_n_rows(); int m = n + 1; p->table.resize (m, 3); p->table.attach (*_label, 1, 2, n, n + 1, FILL | EXPAND); p->table.attach (*_info, 2, 3, n, n + 1, FILL | EXPAND); } BoolOption::BoolOption (string const & i, string const & n, sigc::slot g, sigc::slot s) : Option (i, n), _get (g), _set (s) { _button = manage (new CheckButton); _label = manage (new Label); _label->set_markup (n); _button->add (*_label); _button->set_active (_get ()); _button->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &BoolOption::toggled)); } void BoolOption::add_to_page (OptionEditorPage* p) { add_widget_to_page (p, _button); } void BoolOption::set_state_from_config () { _button->set_active (_get ()); } void BoolOption::toggled () { if (!_set (_button->get_active ())) { _button->set_active (_get ()); } } RouteDisplayBoolOption::RouteDisplayBoolOption (string const & i, string const & n, sigc::slot g, sigc::slot s) : BoolOption (i, n, g, s) { } void RouteDisplayBoolOption::toggled () { DisplaySuspender ds; BoolOption::toggled (); } EntryOption::EntryOption (string const & i, string const & n, sigc::slot g, sigc::slot s) : Option (i, n), _get (g), _set (s) { _label = manage (left_aligned_label (n + ":")); _entry = manage (new Entry); _entry->signal_activate().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EntryOption::activated)); _entry->signal_focus_out_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EntryOption::focus_out)); _entry->signal_insert_text().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &EntryOption::filter_text)); } void EntryOption::add_to_page (OptionEditorPage* p) { add_widgets_to_page (p, _label, _entry); } void EntryOption::set_state_from_config () { _entry->set_text (_get ()); } void EntryOption::set_sensitive (bool s) { _entry->set_sensitive (s); } void EntryOption::filter_text (const Glib::ustring&, int*) { std::string text = _entry->get_text (); for (size_t i = 0; i < _invalid.length(); ++i) { text.erase (std::remove(text.begin(), text.end(), _invalid.at(i)), text.end()); } if (text != _entry->get_text ()) { _entry->set_text (text); } } void EntryOption::activated () { _set (_entry->get_text ()); } bool EntryOption::focus_out (GdkEventFocus*) { _set (_entry->get_text ()); return true; } /** Construct a BoolComboOption. * @param i id * @param n User-visible name. * @param t Text to give for the variable being true. * @param f Text to give for the variable being false. * @param g Slot to get the variable's value. * @param s Slot to set the variable's value. */ BoolComboOption::BoolComboOption ( string const & i, string const & n, string const & t, string const & f, sigc::slot g, sigc::slot s ) : Option (i, n) , _get (g) , _set (s) { _label = manage (new Label (n + ":")); _label->set_alignment (0, 0.5); _combo = manage (new ComboBoxText); /* option 0 is the false option */ _combo->append_text (f); /* and option 1 is the true */ _combo->append_text (t); _combo->signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &BoolComboOption::changed)); } void BoolComboOption::set_state_from_config () { _combo->set_active (_get() ? 1 : 0); } void BoolComboOption::add_to_page (OptionEditorPage* p) { add_widgets_to_page (p, _label, _combo); } void BoolComboOption::changed () { _set (_combo->get_active_row_number () == 0 ? false : true); } void BoolComboOption::set_sensitive (bool yn) { _combo->set_sensitive (yn); } FaderOption::FaderOption (string const & i, string const & n, sigc::slot g, sigc::slot s) : Option (i, n) , _db_adjustment (gain_to_slider_position_with_max (1.0, Config->get_max_gain()), 0, 1, 0.01, 0.1) , _get (g) , _set (s) { _db_slider = manage (new HSliderController (&_db_adjustment, boost::shared_ptr(), 115, 18)); _label.set_text (n + ":"); _label.set_alignment (0, 0.5); _label.set_name (X_("OptionsLabel")); _fader_centering_box.pack_start (*_db_slider, true, false); _box.set_spacing (4); _box.set_homogeneous (false); _box.pack_start (_fader_centering_box, false, false); _box.pack_start (_db_display, false, false); _box.show_all (); set_size_request_to_display_given_text (_db_display, "-99.00", 12, 12); _db_adjustment.signal_value_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &FaderOption::db_changed)); _db_display.signal_activate().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &FaderOption::on_activate)); _db_display.signal_key_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &FaderOption::on_key_press), false); } void FaderOption::set_state_from_config () { gain_t const val = _get (); _db_adjustment.set_value (gain_to_slider_position_with_max (val, Config->get_max_gain ())); char buf[16]; if (val == 0.0) { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "-inf"); } else { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%.2f", accurate_coefficient_to_dB (val)); } _db_display.set_text (buf); } void FaderOption::db_changed () { _set (slider_position_to_gain_with_max (_db_adjustment.get_value (), Config->get_max_gain())); } void FaderOption::on_activate () { float db_val = atof (_db_display.get_text ().c_str ()); gain_t coeff_val = dB_to_coefficient (db_val); _db_adjustment.set_value (gain_to_slider_position_with_max (coeff_val, Config->get_max_gain ())); } bool FaderOption::on_key_press (GdkEventKey* ev) { if (ARDOUR_UI_UTILS::key_is_legal_for_numeric_entry (ev->keyval)) { /* drop through to normal handling */ return false; } /* illegal key for gain entry */ return true; } void FaderOption::add_to_page (OptionEditorPage* p) { add_widgets_to_page (p, &_label, &_box); } ClockOption::ClockOption (string const & i, string const & n, sigc::slot g, sigc::slot s) : Option (i, n) , _clock (X_("timecode-offset"), true, X_(""), true, false, true, false) , _get (g) , _set (s) { _label.set_text (n + ":"); _label.set_alignment (0, 0.5); _label.set_name (X_("OptionsLabel")); _clock.ValueChanged.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &ClockOption::save_clock_time)); } void ClockOption::set_state_from_config () { Timecode::Time TC; framepos_t when; if (!Timecode::parse_timecode_format(_get(), TC)) { _clock.set (0, true); } TC.rate = _session->frames_per_timecode_frame(); TC.drop = _session->timecode_drop_frames(); _session->timecode_to_sample(TC, when, false, false); if (TC.negative) { when=-when; } _clock.set (when, true); } void ClockOption::save_clock_time () { Timecode::Time TC; _session->sample_to_timecode(_clock.current_time(), TC, false, false); _set (Timecode::timecode_format_time(TC)); } void ClockOption::add_to_page (OptionEditorPage* p) { add_widgets_to_page (p, &_label, &_clock); } void ClockOption::set_session (Session* s) { _session = s; _clock.set_session (s); } OptionEditorPage::OptionEditorPage (Gtk::Notebook& n, std::string const & t) : table (1, 3) { table.set_spacings (4); table.set_col_spacing (0, 32); box.pack_start (table, false, false); box.set_border_width (4); n.append_page (box, t); } /** Construct an OptionEditor. * @param o Configuration to edit. * @param t Title for the dialog. */ OptionEditor::OptionEditor (PBD::Configuration* c) : _config (c) , option_tree (TreeStore::create (option_columns)) , option_treeview (option_tree) { using namespace Notebook_Helpers; _notebook.set_show_tabs (false); _notebook.set_show_border (true); _notebook.set_name ("OptionsNotebook"); option_treeview.append_column ("", option_columns.name); option_treeview.set_enable_search(true); option_treeview.set_search_column(0); option_treeview.set_name ("OptionsTreeView"); option_treeview.set_headers_visible (false); option_treeview.get_selection()->set_mode (Gtk::SELECTION_SINGLE); option_treeview.get_selection()->signal_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &OptionEditor::treeview_row_selected)); /* Watch out for changes to parameters */ _config->ParameterChanged.connect (config_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&OptionEditor::parameter_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); } OptionEditor::~OptionEditor () { for (std::map::iterator i = _pages.begin(); i != _pages.end(); ++i) { for (std::list::iterator j = i->second->components.begin(); j != i->second->components.end(); ++j) { delete *j; } delete i->second; } } /** Called when a configuration parameter has been changed. * @param p Parameter name. */ void OptionEditor::parameter_changed (std::string const & p) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &OptionEditor::parameter_changed, p) for (std::map::iterator i = _pages.begin(); i != _pages.end(); ++i) { for (std::list::iterator j = i->second->components.begin(); j != i->second->components.end(); ++j) { (*j)->parameter_changed (p); } } } void OptionEditor::treeview_row_selected () { Glib::RefPtr selection = option_treeview.get_selection(); TreeModel::iterator iter = selection->get_selected(); if(iter) { TreeModel::Row row = *iter; Gtk::Widget* w = row[option_columns.widget]; if (w) { _notebook.set_current_page (_notebook.page_num (*w)); } } } TreeModel::iterator OptionEditor::find_path_in_treemodel (std::string const & pn, bool create_missing) { /* split page name, which is actually a path, into each component */ std::vector components; split (pn, components, '/'); /* start with top level children */ TreeModel::Children children = option_tree->children(); TreeModel::iterator iter; /* foreach path component ... */ for (std::vector::const_iterator s = components.begin(); s != components.end(); ++s) { for (iter = children.begin(); iter != children.end(); ++iter) { TreeModel::Row row = *iter; const std::string row_name = row[option_columns.name]; if (row_name == (*s)) { break; } } if (iter == children.end()) { /* the current component is missing; bail out or create it */ if (!create_missing) { return option_tree->get_iter(TreeModel::Path("")); } else { iter = option_tree->append (children); TreeModel::Row row = *iter; row[option_columns.name] = *s; row[option_columns.widget] = 0; } } /* from now on, iter points to a valid row, either the one we found or a new one */ /* set children to the row's children to continue searching */ children = (*iter)->children (); } return iter; } void OptionEditor::add_path_to_treeview (std::string const & pn, Gtk::Widget& widget) { option_treeview.set_model (Glib::RefPtr()); TreeModel::iterator row_iter = find_path_in_treemodel(pn, true); assert(row_iter); TreeModel::Row row = *row_iter; row[option_columns.widget] = &widget; option_treeview.set_model (option_tree); option_treeview.expand_all (); } /** Add a component to a given page. * @param pn Page name (will be created if it doesn't already exist) * @param o Component. */ void OptionEditor::add_option (std::string const & pn, OptionEditorComponent* o) { if (_pages.find (pn) == _pages.end()) { OptionEditorPage* oep = new OptionEditorPage (_notebook, pn); _pages[pn] = oep; add_path_to_treeview (pn, oep->box); } OptionEditorPage* p = _pages[pn]; p->components.push_back (o); o->add_to_page (p); o->set_state_from_config (); } /** Add a new page * @param pn Page name (will be created if it doesn't already exist) * @param w widget that fills the page */ void OptionEditor::add_page (std::string const & pn, Gtk::Widget& w) { if (_pages.find (pn) == _pages.end()) { OptionEditorPage* oep = new OptionEditorPage (_notebook, pn); _pages[pn] = oep; add_path_to_treeview (pn, oep->box); } OptionEditorPage* p = _pages[pn]; p->box.pack_start (w, true, true); } void OptionEditor::set_current_page (string const & p) { int i = 0; while (i < _notebook.get_n_pages ()) { if (_notebook.get_tab_label_text (*_notebook.get_nth_page (i)) == p) { _notebook.set_current_page (i); return; } ++i; } } DirectoryOption::DirectoryOption (string const & i, string const & n, sigc::slot g, sigc::slot s) : Option (i, n) , _get (g) , _set (s) { _file_chooser.set_action (Gtk::FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_SELECT_FOLDER); _file_chooser.signal_selection_changed().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &DirectoryOption::selection_changed)); } void DirectoryOption::set_state_from_config () { _file_chooser.set_current_folder (poor_mans_glob(_get ())); } void DirectoryOption::add_to_page (OptionEditorPage* p) { Gtk::Label *label = manage (new Label (_name)); label->set_alignment (0, 0.5); label->set_name (X_("OptionsLabel")); add_widgets_to_page (p, label, &_file_chooser); } void DirectoryOption::selection_changed () { _set (poor_mans_glob(_file_chooser.get_filename ())); } /*--------------------------*/ OptionEditorContainer::OptionEditorContainer (PBD::Configuration* c, string const& str) : OptionEditor (c) { set_border_width (4); hpacker.pack_start (treeview(), false, false); hpacker.pack_start (notebook(), true, true); pack_start (hpacker, true, true); hpacker.show_all (); show (); } OptionEditorWindow::OptionEditorWindow (PBD::Configuration* c, string const& str) : OptionEditor (c) , ArdourWindow (str) { container.set_border_width (4); hpacker.pack_start (treeview(), false, false); hpacker.pack_start (notebook(), true, true); container.pack_start (hpacker, true, true); hpacker.show_all (); container.show (); add (container); }