ardour { ["type"] = "dsp", name = "ACE Noise", category = "Utility", license = "MIT", author = "Ardour Community", description = [[Noise Generator featuring either white noise with uniform or gaussian distribution, or pink-noise. The signal level can be customized.]] } function dsp_ioconfig () return { -- -1, -1 = any number of channels as long as input and output count matches { audio_in = -1, audio_out = -1}, } end function dsp_params () return { { ["type"] = "input", name = "Noise Level", min = -80, max = 0, default = -18, unit="dBFS"}, { ["type"] = "input", name = "Noise Type", min = 0, max = 2, default = 0, enum = true, scalepoints = { ["White Noise"] = ARDOUR.DSP.NoiseType.UniformWhiteNoise, ["Gaussian White Noise"] = ARDOUR.DSP.NoiseType.GaussianWhiteNoise, ["Pink Noise"] = ARDOUR.DSP.NoiseType.PinkNoise, } }, } end local cmem = nil local gen = nil local noise = 0 function dsp_init (rate) cmem = ARDOUR.DSP.DspShm (8192) gen = ARDOUR.DSP.Generator () end function dsp_run (ins, outs, n_samples) local ctrl = CtrlPorts:array() local lvl = ARDOUR.DSP.dB_to_coefficient (ctrl[1]) if (noise ~= ctrl[2]) then noise = ctrl[2] gen:set_type (noise) end for c = 1,#ins do if ins[c] ~= outs[c] then ARDOUR.DSP.copy_vector (outs[c], ins[c], n_samples) end gen:run (cmem:to_float(0), n_samples) ARDOUR.DSP.mix_buffers_with_gain (outs[c], cmem:to_float(0), n_samples, lvl) end end