ardour { ["type"] = "Snippet", name = "MIDI CC to Plugin Automation" } function factory () return function () -- find target parameters local targets = {} local have_entries = false for r in Session:get_routes():iter() do -- for every track/bus local i = 0; while 1 do -- iterate over all plugins on the route local proc = r:nth_plugin (i) if proc:isnil () then break end if not targets [r:name ()] then targets [r:name ()] = {} end targets [r:name ()][proc:display_name ()] = {}; local plug = proc:to_insert ():plugin (0) local n = 0 for j = 0, plug:parameter_count () - 1 do -- iterate over all plugin parameters if plug:parameter_is_control(j) then if plug:parameter_is_input(j) then local nn = n targets [r:name ()][proc:display_name ()][plug:parameter_label(j)] = function () return {["p"] = proc, ["n"] = nn} end have_entries = true end n = n + 1 end end i = i + 1 end end -- bail out if there are no parameters if not have_entries then LuaDialog.Message ("CC to Plugin", "No Plugins found", LuaDialog.MessageType.Info, LuaDialog.ButtonType.Close):run() collectgarbage () return end -- create a dialog, ask user which MIDI-CC to map and to what parameter local dialog_options = { { type = "dropdown", key = "param", title = "Target Parameter", values = targets }, { type = "number", key = "channel", title = "Channel", min = 1, max = 16, step = 1, digits = 0 }, { type = "number", key = "ccparam", title = "CC Parameter", min = 0, max = 127, step = 1, digits = 0 } } local od = LuaDialog.Dialog ("Select Taget", dialog_options) local rv = od:run() if not rv then od = nil collectgarbage () return; end -- parse user response local midi_channel = rv["channel"] - 1 local cc_param = rv["ccparam"] local pp = rv["param"]() local al, _, pd = ARDOUR.LuaAPI.plugin_automation (pp["p"], pp["n"]) od = nil collectgarbage () assert (al) assert (midi_channel >= 0 and midi_channel < 16) assert (cc_param >= 0 and cc_param < 128) -- all systems go local add_undo = false Session:begin_reversible_command ("CC to Automation") local before = al:get_state() al:clear_list () -- for all selected MIDI regions local sel = Editor:get_selection () for r in sel.regions:regionlist ():iter () do local mr = r:to_midiregion () if mr:isnil () then goto next end local bfc = ARDOUR.DoubleBeatsFramesConverter (Session:tempo_map (), r:position ()) local ec = mr:control (Evoral.Parameter (ARDOUR.AutomationType.MidiCCAutomation, midi_channel, cc_param), false) if ec:isnil () then goto next end if ec:list ():events ():size() == 0 then goto next end for av in ec:list ():events ():iter () do local val = pd.lower + (pd.upper - pd.lower) * av.value / 127 al:add (bfc:to (av.when), val, false, true) add_undo = true end ::next:: end -- save undo if add_undo then local after = al:get_state() Session:add_command (al:memento_command(before, after)) Session:commit_reversible_command (nil) else Session:abort_reversible_command () end end end