/* Copyright (C) 2002-2009 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include "ardour/bundle.h" #include "ardour/types.h" #include "port_matrix_body.h" #include "port_matrix.h" #include "port_matrix_column_labels.h" #include "port_matrix_row_labels.h" #include "port_matrix_grid.h" using namespace std; PortMatrixBody::PortMatrixBody (PortMatrix* p) : _matrix (p), _alloc_width (0), _alloc_height (0), _xoffset (0), _yoffset (0), _column_labels_border_x (0), _column_labels_height (0), _ignore_component_size_changed (false) { _column_labels = new PortMatrixColumnLabels (p, this); _row_labels = new PortMatrixRowLabels (p, this); _grid = new PortMatrixGrid (p, this); _components.push_back (_column_labels); _components.push_back (_row_labels); _components.push_back (_grid); add_events (Gdk::LEAVE_NOTIFY_MASK | Gdk::POINTER_MOTION_MASK); } PortMatrixBody::~PortMatrixBody () { for (list::iterator i = _components.begin(); i != _components.end(); ++i) { delete *i; } } bool PortMatrixBody::on_expose_event (GdkEventExpose* event) { if ( _matrix->visible_columns() == 0 || _matrix->visible_rows() == 0 || _matrix->visible_columns()->bundles().empty() || _matrix->visible_rows()->bundles().empty() ) { /* nothing to connect */ cairo_t* cr = gdk_cairo_create (get_window()->gobj()); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 0, 0, 0); cairo_rectangle (cr, 0, 0, _alloc_width, _alloc_height); cairo_fill (cr); stringstream t; t << _("There are no ") << (_matrix->type() == ARDOUR::DataType::AUDIO ? _("audio") : _("MIDI")) << _(" ports to connect."); cairo_text_extents_t ext; cairo_text_extents (cr, t.str().c_str(), &ext); cairo_set_source_rgb (cr, 1, 1, 1); cairo_move_to (cr, (_alloc_width - ext.width) / 2, (_alloc_height + ext.height) / 2); cairo_show_text (cr, t.str().c_str ()); cairo_destroy (cr); return true; } Gdk::Rectangle const exposure ( event->area.x, event->area.y, event->area.width, event->area.height ); bool intersects; for (list::iterator i = _components.begin(); i != _components.end(); ++i) { Gdk::Rectangle r = exposure; /* the get_pixmap call may cause things to be rerendered and sizes to change, so fetch the pixmap before calculating where to put it */ GdkPixmap* p = (*i)->get_pixmap (get_window()->gobj()); r.intersect ((*i)->parent_rectangle(), intersects); if (intersects) { gdk_draw_drawable ( get_window()->gobj(), get_style()->get_fg_gc (Gtk::STATE_NORMAL)->gobj(), p, (*i)->parent_to_component_x (r.get_x()), (*i)->parent_to_component_y (r.get_y()), r.get_x(), r.get_y(), r.get_width(), r.get_height() ); } } cairo_t* cr = gdk_cairo_create (get_window()->gobj()); for (list::iterator i = _components.begin(); i != _components.end(); ++i) { cairo_save (cr); set_cairo_clip (cr, (*i)->parent_rectangle ()); (*i)->draw_extra (cr); cairo_restore (cr); } cairo_destroy (cr); return true; } void PortMatrixBody::on_size_request (Gtk::Requisition *req) { pair const col = _column_labels->dimensions (); pair const row = _row_labels->dimensions (); pair const grid = _grid->dimensions (); if (grid.first == 0 && grid.second == 0) { /* nothing to display */ req->width = 256; req->height = 64; return; } /* don't ask for the maximum size of our contents, otherwise GTK won't let the containing window shrink below this size */ /* XXX these shouldn't be hard-coded */ int const min_width = 512; int const min_height = 512; req->width = min (min_width, max (col.first, grid.first + row.first)); req->height = min (min_height / _matrix->min_height_divisor(), col.second + grid.second); } void PortMatrixBody::on_size_allocate (Gtk::Allocation& alloc) { Gtk::EventBox::on_size_allocate (alloc); _alloc_width = alloc.get_width (); _alloc_height = alloc.get_height (); compute_rectangles (); _matrix->setup_scrollbars (); } void PortMatrixBody::compute_rectangles () { /* full sizes of components */ pair const col = _column_labels->dimensions (); uint32_t const col_overhang = _column_labels->overhang (); pair const row = _row_labels->dimensions (); pair const grid = _grid->dimensions (); Gdk::Rectangle col_rect; Gdk::Rectangle row_rect; Gdk::Rectangle grid_rect; if (_matrix->arrangement() == PortMatrix::TOP_TO_RIGHT) { col_rect.set_x (0); _column_labels_border_x = col_overhang; col_rect.set_y (0); grid_rect.set_x (0); col_rect.set_width (min (col.first, _alloc_width)); uint32_t const y = min (_alloc_height, col.second); col_rect.set_height (y); row_rect.set_y (y); row_rect.set_height (_alloc_height - y); grid_rect.set_y (y); grid_rect.set_height (_alloc_height - y); uint32_t x = 0; if (_alloc_width > (grid.first + row.first)) { x = grid.first; } else if (_alloc_width > row.first) { x = _alloc_width - row.first; } grid_rect.set_width (x); row_rect.set_x (x); row_rect.set_width (_alloc_width - x); } else if (_matrix->arrangement() == PortMatrix::LEFT_TO_BOTTOM) { col_rect.set_height (min (_alloc_height, col.second)); row_rect.set_x (0); row_rect.set_y (0); row_rect.set_width (min (_alloc_width, row.first)); row_rect.set_height (std::min (_alloc_height - col_rect.get_height(), row.second)); grid_rect.set_x (row_rect.get_width()); grid_rect.set_y (0); grid_rect.set_width (std::min (_alloc_width - row_rect.get_width(), grid.first)); grid_rect.set_height (row_rect.get_height ()); col_rect.set_width (grid_rect.get_width () + col_overhang); col_rect.set_x (row_rect.get_width() + grid_rect.get_width() - col_rect.get_width()); _column_labels_border_x = col_rect.get_x () >= 0 ? col_rect.get_x () : 0; col_rect.set_y (row_rect.get_height()); } _column_labels_height = col_rect.get_height (); _row_labels->set_parent_rectangle (row_rect); _column_labels->set_parent_rectangle (col_rect); _grid->set_parent_rectangle (grid_rect); DimensionsChanged (); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } void PortMatrixBody::setup () { /* Discard any old connections to bundles */ for (list::iterator i = _bundle_connections.begin(); i != _bundle_connections.end(); ++i) { i->disconnect (); } _bundle_connections.clear (); /* Connect to bundles so that we find out when their names change */ if (_matrix->visible_rows()) { PortGroup::BundleList r = _matrix->visible_rows()->bundles (); for (PortGroup::BundleList::iterator i = r.begin(); i != r.end(); ++i) { _bundle_connections.push_back ( i->bundle->Changed.connect (sigc::hide (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrixBody::rebuild_and_draw_row_labels))) ); } } if (_matrix->visible_columns()) { PortGroup::BundleList c = _matrix->visible_columns()->bundles (); for (PortGroup::BundleList::iterator i = c.begin(); i != c.end(); ++i) { _bundle_connections.push_back ( i->bundle->Changed.connect (sigc::hide (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &PortMatrixBody::rebuild_and_draw_column_labels))) ); } } for (list::iterator i = _components.begin(); i != _components.end(); ++i) { (*i)->setup (); } set_mouseover (PortMatrixNode ()); _ignore_component_size_changed = true; compute_rectangles (); _ignore_component_size_changed = false; } uint32_t PortMatrixBody::full_scroll_width () { return _grid->dimensions().first; } uint32_t PortMatrixBody::alloc_scroll_width () { return _grid->parent_rectangle().get_width(); } uint32_t PortMatrixBody::full_scroll_height () { return _grid->dimensions().second; } uint32_t PortMatrixBody::alloc_scroll_height () { return _grid->parent_rectangle().get_height(); } /** Set x offset (for scrolling) */ void PortMatrixBody::set_xoffset (uint32_t xo) { _xoffset = xo; queue_draw (); } /** Set y offset (for scrolling) */ void PortMatrixBody::set_yoffset (uint32_t yo) { _yoffset = yo; queue_draw (); } bool PortMatrixBody::on_button_press_event (GdkEventButton* ev) { for (list::iterator i = _components.begin(); i != _components.end(); ++i) { if (Gdk::Region ((*i)->parent_rectangle()).point_in (ev->x, ev->y)) { (*i)->button_press ( (*i)->parent_to_component_x (ev->x), (*i)->parent_to_component_y (ev->y), ev->button, ev->time, ev->state ); } } return true; } bool PortMatrixBody::on_button_release_event (GdkEventButton* ev) { for (list::iterator i = _components.begin(); i != _components.end(); ++i) { if (Gdk::Region ((*i)->parent_rectangle()).point_in (ev->x, ev->y)) { (*i)->button_release ( (*i)->parent_to_component_x (ev->x), (*i)->parent_to_component_y (ev->y), ev->button, ev->time, ev->state ); } else { (*i)->button_release ( -1, -1, ev->button, ev->time, ev->state ); } } return true; } void PortMatrixBody::rebuild_and_draw_grid () { _grid->require_rebuild (); queue_draw (); } void PortMatrixBody::rebuild_and_draw_column_labels () { _column_labels->require_rebuild (); queue_draw (); } void PortMatrixBody::rebuild_and_draw_row_labels () { _row_labels->require_rebuild (); queue_draw (); } bool PortMatrixBody::on_leave_notify_event (GdkEventCrossing* ev) { if (ev->type == GDK_LEAVE_NOTIFY) { set_mouseover (PortMatrixNode ()); } return true; } bool PortMatrixBody::on_motion_notify_event (GdkEventMotion* ev) { bool done = false; for (list::iterator i = _components.begin(); i != _components.end(); ++i) { if (Gdk::Region ((*i)->parent_rectangle()).point_in (ev->x, ev->y)) { (*i)->motion ( (*i)->parent_to_component_x (ev->x), (*i)->parent_to_component_y (ev->y) ); done = true; } } if (!done) { set_mouseover (PortMatrixNode ()); } return true; } void PortMatrixBody::set_mouseover (PortMatrixNode const & n) { list m; m.push_back (n); set_mouseover (m); } void PortMatrixBody::set_mouseover (list const & n) { if (n == _mouseover) { return; } /* Channel highlights are set up only on mouseovers, so it's reasonable to remove all channel highlights here. We can't let individual components clear their own highlights because of the case where, say, the row labels set up some column highlights, and then we ask the column labels to set up their own highlights and they clear them out before they start. */ _row_labels->clear_channel_highlights (); _column_labels->clear_channel_highlights (); list old = _mouseover; _mouseover = n; for (list::iterator i = _components.begin(); i != _components.end(); ++i) { (*i)->mouseover_changed (old); } } void PortMatrixBody::highlight_associated_channels (int dim, ARDOUR::BundleChannel h) { ARDOUR::BundleChannel bc[2]; bc[dim] = h; if (!bc[dim].bundle) { return; } if (dim == _matrix->column_index()) { _column_labels->add_channel_highlight (bc[dim]); } else { _row_labels->add_channel_highlight (bc[dim]); } PortGroup::BundleList const b = _matrix->visible_ports(1 - dim)->bundles (); for (PortGroup::BundleList::const_iterator i = b.begin(); i != b.end(); ++i) { for (uint32_t j = 0; j < i->bundle->nchannels(); ++j) { bc[1 - dim] = ARDOUR::BundleChannel (i->bundle, j); if (_matrix->get_state (bc) == PortMatrixNode::ASSOCIATED) { if (dim == _matrix->column_index()) { _row_labels->add_channel_highlight (bc[1 - dim]); } else { _column_labels->add_channel_highlight (bc[1 - dim]); } } } } } void PortMatrixBody::set_cairo_clip (cairo_t* cr, Gdk::Rectangle const & r) const { cairo_rectangle (cr, r.get_x(), r.get_y(), r.get_width(), r.get_height()); cairo_clip (cr); } void PortMatrixBody::component_size_changed () { if (_ignore_component_size_changed) { return; } compute_rectangles (); _matrix->setup_scrollbars (); } pair PortMatrixBody::max_size () const { pair const col = _column_labels->dimensions (); pair const row = _row_labels->dimensions (); pair const grid = _grid->dimensions (); return make_pair (std::max (row.first, _column_labels->overhang()) + grid.first, col.second + grid.second); } /** @return x position at which the column labels meet the border of the matrix */ uint32_t PortMatrixBody::column_labels_border_x () const { return _column_labels_border_x; } uint32_t PortMatrixBody::column_labels_height () const { return _column_labels_height; }