/* * Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Paul Davis * Copyright (C) 2005 Taybin Rutkin * Copyright (C) 2006-2010 David Robillard * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Carl Hetherington * Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Tim Mayberry * Copyright (C) 2013-2018 Robin Gareus * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Nick Mainsbridge * Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Ben Loftis * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #ifdef WAF_BUILD #include "gtk2ardour-config.h" #endif #include // for sprintf, grrr #include #include #include #include #include "canvas/container.h" #include "canvas/canvas.h" #include "canvas/ruler.h" #include "canvas/debug.h" #include "canvas/scroll_group.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/tempo.h" #include "ardour/profile.h" #include "ardour/triggerbox.h" #include "temporal/tempo.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/gtk_ui.h" #include "gtkmm2ext/keyboard.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "editor.h" #include "editing.h" #include "actions.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "ruler_dialog.h" #include "time_axis_view.h" #include "editor_drag.h" #include "editor_cursors.h" #include "ui_config.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace PBD; using namespace Gtk; using namespace Editing; using namespace Temporal; /* the order here must match the "metric" enums in editor.h */ class TimecodeMetric : public ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Metric { public: TimecodeMetric (Editor* e) : _editor (e) {} void get_marks (std::vector& marks, int64_t lower, int64_t upper, int maxchars) const { _editor->metric_get_timecode (marks, lower, upper, maxchars); } private: Editor* _editor; }; class SamplesMetric : public ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Metric { public: SamplesMetric (Editor* e) : _editor (e) {} void get_marks (std::vector& marks, int64_t lower, int64_t upper, int maxchars) const { _editor->metric_get_samples (marks, lower, upper, maxchars); } private: Editor* _editor; }; class BBTMetric : public ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Metric { public: BBTMetric (Editor* e) : _editor (e) {} void get_marks (std::vector& marks, int64_t lower, int64_t upper, int maxchars) const { _editor->metric_get_bbt (marks, lower, upper, maxchars); } private: Editor* _editor; }; class MinsecMetric : public ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Metric { public: MinsecMetric (Editor* e) : _editor (e) {} void get_marks (std::vector& marks, int64_t lower, int64_t upper, int maxchars) const { _editor->metric_get_minsec (marks, lower, upper, maxchars); } private: Editor* _editor; }; static ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Metric* _bbt_metric; static ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Metric* _timecode_metric; static ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Metric* _samples_metric; static ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Metric* _minsec_metric; void Editor::initialize_rulers () { ruler_grabbed_widget = 0; Pango::FontDescription font (UIConfiguration::instance().get_SmallerFont()); Pango::FontDescription larger_font (UIConfiguration::instance().get_SmallBoldFont()); _timecode_metric = new TimecodeMetric (this); _bbt_metric = new BBTMetric (this); _minsec_metric = new MinsecMetric (this); _samples_metric = new SamplesMetric (this); timecode_ruler = new ArdourCanvas::Ruler (_time_markers_group, _timecode_metric, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0, 0, ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX, timebar_height)); timecode_ruler->set_font_description (font); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (timecode_ruler, "timecode ruler"); timecode_nmarks = 0; samples_ruler = new ArdourCanvas::Ruler (_time_markers_group, _samples_metric, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0, 0, ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX, timebar_height)); samples_ruler->set_font_description (font); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (samples_ruler, "samples ruler"); minsec_ruler = new ArdourCanvas::Ruler (_time_markers_group, _minsec_metric, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0, 0, ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX, timebar_height)); minsec_ruler->set_font_description (font); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (minsec_ruler, "minsec ruler"); minsec_nmarks = 0; bbt_ruler = new ArdourCanvas::Ruler (_time_markers_group, _bbt_metric, ArdourCanvas::Rect (0, 0, ArdourCanvas::COORD_MAX, timebar_height)); bbt_ruler->set_font_description (font); bbt_ruler->set_second_font_description (larger_font); CANVAS_DEBUG_NAME (bbt_ruler, "bbt ruler"); timecode_nmarks = 0; using namespace Box_Helpers; BoxList & lab_children = time_bars_vbox.children(); lab_children.push_back (Element(minsec_label, PACK_SHRINK, PACK_START)); lab_children.push_back (Element(timecode_label, PACK_SHRINK, PACK_START)); lab_children.push_back (Element(samples_label, PACK_SHRINK, PACK_START)); lab_children.push_back (Element(bbt_label, PACK_SHRINK, PACK_START)); lab_children.push_back (Element(tempo_label, PACK_SHRINK, PACK_START)); lab_children.push_back (Element(meter_label, PACK_SHRINK, PACK_START)); lab_children.push_back (Element(range_mark_label, PACK_SHRINK, PACK_START)); lab_children.push_back (Element(mark_label, PACK_SHRINK, PACK_START)); lab_children.push_back (Element(section_mark_label, PACK_SHRINK, PACK_START)); lab_children.push_back (Element(videotl_label, PACK_SHRINK, PACK_START)); /* 1 event handler to bind them all ... */ timecode_ruler->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::canvas_ruler_event), timecode_ruler, TimecodeRulerItem)); minsec_ruler->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::canvas_ruler_event), minsec_ruler, MinsecRulerItem)); bbt_ruler->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::canvas_ruler_event), bbt_ruler, BBTRulerItem)); samples_ruler->Event.connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::canvas_ruler_event), samples_ruler, SamplesRulerItem)); visible_timebars = 0; /*this will be changed below */ } bool Editor::ruler_label_button_release (GdkEventButton* ev) { if (Gtkmm2ext::Keyboard::is_context_menu_event (ev)) { if (!ruler_dialog) { ruler_dialog = new RulerDialog (); } ruler_dialog->present (); } return true; } void Editor::popup_ruler_menu (timepos_t const & where, ItemType t) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; if (editor_ruler_menu == 0) { editor_ruler_menu = new Menu; editor_ruler_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); } // always build from scratch MenuList& ruler_items = editor_ruler_menu->items(); editor_ruler_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); ruler_items.clear(); switch (t) { case TempoBarItem: case TempoCurveItem: ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Add New Tempo"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::mouse_add_new_tempo_event), where))); ruler_items.push_back (SeparatorElem ()); ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Clear All Tempos"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::clear_tempo_markers))); ruler_items.push_back (SeparatorElem ()); ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Clear All Earlier Tempos"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::clear_tempo_markers_before), where, true))); ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Clear All Later Tempos"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::clear_tempo_markers_after), where, true))); ruler_items.push_back (SeparatorElem ()); ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Clear All Earlier Tempos (w/BBT markers)"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::clear_tempo_markers_before), where, false))); ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Clear All Later Tempos (w/BBT markers)"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::clear_tempo_markers_after), where, false))); break; case MeterBarItem: ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("New Time Signature"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::mouse_add_new_meter_event), where))); break; case VideoBarItem: /* proper headings would be nice * but AFAICT the only way to get them will be to define a * special GTK style for insensitive Elements or subclass MenuItem */ //ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Timeline height"))); // heading //static_cast(&ruler_items.back())->set_sensitive(false); ruler_items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Large"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::set_video_timeline_height), 6))); if (videotl_bar_height == 6) { static_cast(&ruler_items.back())->set_active(true);} ruler_items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Normal"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::set_video_timeline_height), 4))); if (videotl_bar_height == 4) { static_cast(&ruler_items.back())->set_active(true);} ruler_items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Small"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::set_video_timeline_height), 3))); if (videotl_bar_height == 3) { static_cast(&ruler_items.back())->set_active(true);} ruler_items.push_back (SeparatorElem ()); //ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Align Video Track"))); // heading //static_cast(&ruler_items.back())->set_sensitive(false); ruler_items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Lock"))); { Gtk::CheckMenuItem* vtl_lock = static_cast(&ruler_items.back()); vtl_lock->set_active(is_video_timeline_locked()); vtl_lock->signal_activate().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::toggle_video_timeline_locked)); } ruler_items.push_back (SeparatorElem ()); //ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Video Monitor"))); // heading //static_cast(&ruler_items.back())->set_sensitive(false); ruler_items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Video Monitor"))); { Gtk::CheckMenuItem* xjadeo_toggle = static_cast(&ruler_items.back()); if (!ARDOUR_UI::instance()->video_timeline->found_xjadeo()) { xjadeo_toggle->set_sensitive(false); } xjadeo_toggle->set_active(xjadeo_proc_action->get_active()); xjadeo_toggle->signal_activate().connect (sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::toggle_xjadeo_proc), -1)); } break; case BBTRulerItem: ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Add BBT Marker"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::mouse_add_bbt_marker_event), where))); break; default: { ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem ("Add...")); Gtk::MenuItem& add_menu = ruler_items.back(); Gtk::Menu* a_menu = new Gtk::Menu; MenuList& add_items = a_menu->items(); add_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Location Marker"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::add_location_mark_with_flag), where, Location::Flags (Location::IsMark), 0))); add_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Arrangement Marker"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::add_location_mark_with_flag), where, Location::Flags(Location::IsMark | Location::IsSection), 0))); add_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("CD Track Marker"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::add_location_mark_with_flag), where, Location::Flags(Location::IsMark |Location::IsCDMarker), 0))); add_items.push_back (MenuElem ("Cue Marker...")); Gtk::MenuItem& cue_submenu = add_items.back(); Gtk::Menu* cue_menu = new Gtk::Menu; MenuList& cue_items = cue_menu->items(); cue_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Stop All Cues"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::add_location_mark_with_flag), where, Location::Flags(Location::IsMark |Location::IsCueMarker), CueRecord::stop_all))); for (int32_t n = 0; n < TriggerBox::default_triggers_per_box; ++n) { cue_items.push_back (MenuElem (string_compose (_("Cue %1"), cue_marker_name (n)), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::add_location_mark_with_flag), where, Location::Flags(Location::IsMark |Location::IsCueMarker), n))); } cue_submenu.set_submenu (*cue_menu); add_items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); add_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Range"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::mouse_add_new_range), where))); add_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Loop Range"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::mouse_add_new_loop), where))); add_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Punch Range"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::mouse_add_new_punch), where))); add_menu.set_submenu (*a_menu); ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem ("Remove...")); Gtk::MenuItem& clear_menu = ruler_items.back(); Gtk::Menu* c_menu = new Gtk::Menu; MenuList& clear_items = c_menu->items(); clear_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("All Locations"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::clear_markers))); clear_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("All Ranges"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::clear_ranges))); clear_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("All Cues"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::clear_cues))); clear_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("All Xruns"), sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Editor::clear_xrun_markers))); clear_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("All (MIDI) Scenes"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &Editor::clear_scenes))); clear_menu.set_submenu (*c_menu); } break; } ruler_items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); /* Gtkmm does not expose the ::set_related_action() API for * Gtk::Activatable, so we have to drop to C to create menu items * directly from actions. */ #define MAKE_ACTION_ITEM(menu,item,action_group,action_name) \ (item) = new (Gtk::CheckMenuItem); \ gtk_activatable_set_related_action (GTK_ACTIVATABLE((item)->gobj()), ActionManager::get_action (action_group, action_name)->gobj()); \ (item)->set_draw_as_radio (); \ (menu)->append (*(item)); Gtk::Menu* ms_menu = new (Gtk::Menu); Gtk::CheckMenuItem* ms_item; MAKE_ACTION_ITEM (ms_menu, ms_item, X_("Rulers"), X_("show-all-markers")); MAKE_ACTION_ITEM (ms_menu, ms_item, X_("Rulers"), X_("show-cue-markers")); MAKE_ACTION_ITEM (ms_menu, ms_item, X_("Rulers"), X_("show-cd-markers")); MAKE_ACTION_ITEM (ms_menu, ms_item, X_("Rulers"), X_("show-scene-markers")); MAKE_ACTION_ITEM (ms_menu, ms_item, X_("Rulers"), X_("show-location-markers")); ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Show Locations..."))); Gtk::MenuItem& marker_show_menu = ruler_items.back(); marker_show_menu.set_submenu (*ms_menu); Gtk::Menu* rs_menu = new (Gtk::Menu); Gtk::CheckMenuItem* rs_item; MAKE_ACTION_ITEM (rs_menu, rs_item, X_("Rulers"), X_("show-all-ranges")); MAKE_ACTION_ITEM (rs_menu, rs_item, X_("Rulers"), X_("show-punch-range")); MAKE_ACTION_ITEM (rs_menu, rs_item, X_("Rulers"), X_("show-loop-range")); MAKE_ACTION_ITEM (rs_menu, rs_item, X_("Rulers"), X_("show-session-range")); MAKE_ACTION_ITEM (rs_menu, rs_item, X_("Rulers"), X_("show-other-ranges")); ruler_items.push_back (MenuElem (_("Show Ranges..."))); Gtk::MenuItem& range_show_menu = ruler_items.back(); range_show_menu.set_submenu (*rs_menu); #undef MAKE_ACTION_ITEM if (!ruler_items.empty()) { editor_ruler_menu->popup (1, gtk_get_current_event_time()); } no_ruler_shown_update = false; } void Editor::store_ruler_visibility () { XMLNode* node = new XMLNode(X_("RulerVisibility")); node->set_property (X_("minsec"), ruler_minsec_action->get_active()); node->set_property (X_("timecode"), ruler_timecode_action->get_active()); node->set_property (X_("samples"), ruler_samples_action->get_active()); node->set_property (X_("bbt"), ruler_bbt_action->get_active()); node->set_property (X_("meter"), ruler_meter_action->get_active()); node->set_property (X_("tempo"), ruler_tempo_action->get_active()); node->set_property (X_("rangemarker"), ruler_range_action->get_active()); node->set_property (X_("marker"), ruler_marker_action->get_active()); node->set_property (X_("arrangement"), ruler_section_action->get_active()); node->set_property (X_("videotl"), ruler_video_action->get_active()); _session->add_extra_xml (*node); } void Editor::restore_ruler_visibility () { XMLNode * node = _session->extra_xml (X_("RulerVisibility")); no_ruler_shown_update = true; bool yn; if (node) { if (node->get_property ("timecode", yn)) { ruler_timecode_action->set_active (yn); } if (node->get_property ("bbt", yn)) { ruler_bbt_action->set_active (yn); } if (node->get_property ("samples", yn)) { ruler_samples_action->set_active (yn); } if (node->get_property ("minsec", yn)) { ruler_minsec_action->set_active (yn); } if (node->get_property ("tempo", yn)) { ruler_tempo_action->set_active (yn); } if (node->get_property ("meter", yn)) { ruler_meter_action->set_active (yn); } if (node->get_property ("marker", yn)) { ruler_marker_action->set_active (yn); } if (node->get_property ("rangemarker", yn)) { ruler_range_action->set_active (yn); } if (node->get_property ("arrangement", yn)) { ruler_section_action->set_active (yn); } else { ruler_section_action->set_active (true); } if (node->get_property ("videotl", yn)) { ruler_video_action->set_active (yn); } } else { Temporal::TimeDomain const td (_session->config.get_default_time_domain ()); /* New session: no rulers have been displayed yet. let's assign default rulers from the session's time domain */ ruler_minsec_action->set_active (td == Temporal::AudioTime); ruler_timecode_action->set_active (td == Temporal::AudioTime); ruler_samples_action->set_active (false); ruler_bbt_action->set_active (td == Temporal::BeatTime); ruler_meter_action->set_active (td == Temporal::BeatTime); ruler_tempo_action->set_active (td == Temporal::BeatTime); ruler_range_action->set_active (true); ruler_marker_action->set_active (true); ruler_section_action->set_active (td == Temporal::BeatTime); } no_ruler_shown_update = false; update_ruler_visibility (); } void Editor::update_ruler_visibility () { int visible_timebars = 0; bool have_timebar = false; if (no_ruler_shown_update) { return; } /* the order of the timebars is fixed, so we have to go through each one * and adjust its position depending on what is shown. * * Order: minsec, timecode, samples, bbt, meter, tempo, ranges, * loop/punch, cd markers, location markers */ double tbpos = 0.0; double old_unit_pos; #ifdef __APPLE__ /* gtk update probs require this (damn) */ meter_label.hide(); tempo_label.hide(); range_mark_label.hide(); section_mark_label.hide(); cue_mark_label.hide(); mark_label.hide(); videotl_label.hide(); #endif if (ruler_minsec_action->get_active()) { old_unit_pos = minsec_ruler->position().y; if (tbpos != old_unit_pos) { minsec_ruler->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, tbpos - old_unit_pos)); } minsec_ruler->show(); minsec_label.show(); tbpos += timebar_height; visible_timebars++; have_timebar = true; } else { minsec_ruler->hide(); minsec_label.hide(); } if (ruler_timecode_action->get_active()) { old_unit_pos = timecode_ruler->position().y; if (tbpos != old_unit_pos) { timecode_ruler->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, tbpos - old_unit_pos)); } timecode_ruler->show(); timecode_label.show(); tbpos += timebar_height; visible_timebars++; have_timebar = true; } else { timecode_ruler->hide(); timecode_label.hide(); } if (ruler_samples_action->get_active()) { old_unit_pos = samples_ruler->position().y; if (tbpos != old_unit_pos) { samples_ruler->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, tbpos - old_unit_pos)); } samples_ruler->show(); samples_label.show(); tbpos += timebar_height; visible_timebars++; have_timebar = true; } else { samples_ruler->hide(); samples_label.hide(); } if (ruler_bbt_action->get_active()) { old_unit_pos = bbt_ruler->position().y; if (tbpos != old_unit_pos) { bbt_ruler->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, tbpos - old_unit_pos)); } bbt_ruler->show(); bbt_label.show(); tbpos += timebar_height; visible_timebars++; have_timebar = true; } else { bbt_ruler->hide(); bbt_label.hide(); } if (ruler_tempo_action->get_active()) { old_unit_pos = tempo_group->position().y; if (tbpos != old_unit_pos) { tempo_group->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, tbpos - old_unit_pos)); } tempo_group->show(); tempo_label.show(); tbpos += timebar_height; visible_timebars++; } else { tempo_group->hide(); tempo_label.hide(); } if (ruler_meter_action->get_active()) { old_unit_pos = meter_group->position().y; if (tbpos != old_unit_pos) { meter_group->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, tbpos - old_unit_pos)); } meter_group->show(); meter_label.show(); tbpos += timebar_height; visible_timebars++; } else { meter_group->hide(); meter_label.hide(); } if (ruler_range_action->get_active()) { old_unit_pos = range_marker_group->position().y; if (tbpos != old_unit_pos) { range_marker_group->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, tbpos - old_unit_pos)); } range_marker_group->show(); range_mark_label.show(); range_marker_bar->set_outline(false); tbpos += timebar_height; visible_timebars++; } else { range_marker_group->hide(); range_mark_label.hide(); } if (ruler_marker_action->get_active()) { old_unit_pos = marker_group->position().y; if (tbpos != old_unit_pos) { marker_group->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, tbpos - old_unit_pos)); } marker_group->show(); mark_label.show(); marker_bar->set_outline(false); tbpos += timebar_height; visible_timebars++; } else { marker_group->hide(); mark_label.hide(); } if (!Profile->get_livetrax() && ruler_section_action->get_active()) { old_unit_pos = section_marker_group->position().y; if (tbpos != old_unit_pos) { section_marker_group->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, tbpos - old_unit_pos)); } section_marker_group->show(); section_mark_label.show(); section_marker_bar->set_outline(false); tbpos += timebar_height; visible_timebars++; update_marker_display(); } else { section_marker_group->hide(); section_mark_label.hide(); update_marker_display(); } if (ruler_video_action->get_active()) { old_unit_pos = videotl_group->position().y; if (tbpos != old_unit_pos) { videotl_group->move (ArdourCanvas::Duple (0.0, tbpos - old_unit_pos)); } videotl_group->show(); videotl_label.show(); tbpos += timebar_height * videotl_bar_height; visible_timebars+=videotl_bar_height; queue_visual_videotimeline_update(); } else { videotl_group->hide(); videotl_label.hide(); update_video_timeline(true); } if (have_timebar && UIConfiguration::instance().get_show_selection_marker ()) { _selection_marker_group->show (); } else { _selection_marker_group->hide (); } int ruler_separator_y = std::max(1, (int)(timebar_height * visible_timebars)); ruler_separator->set_y_position (ruler_separator_y); time_bars_vbox.set_size_request (-1, ruler_separator_y); /* move hv_scroll_group (trackviews) to the end of the timebars */ hv_scroll_group->set_y_position (ruler_separator_y); compute_fixed_ruler_scale (); update_fixed_rulers(); redisplay_grid (false); /* Changing ruler visibility means that any lines on markers might need updating */ for (LocationMarkerMap::iterator i = location_markers.begin(); i != location_markers.end(); ++i) { i->second->setup_lines (); } } void Editor::update_just_timecode () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &Editor::update_just_timecode) if (_session == 0) { return; } samplepos_t rightmost_sample = _leftmost_sample + current_page_samples(); if (ruler_timecode_action->get_active()) { timecode_ruler->set_range (_leftmost_sample, rightmost_sample); } } void Editor::compute_fixed_ruler_scale () { if (_session == 0) { return; } if (ruler_timecode_action->get_active()) { set_timecode_ruler_scale (_leftmost_sample, _leftmost_sample + current_page_samples()); } if (ruler_minsec_action->get_active()) { set_minsec_ruler_scale (_leftmost_sample, _leftmost_sample + current_page_samples()); } if (ruler_samples_action->get_active()) { set_samples_ruler_scale (_leftmost_sample, _leftmost_sample + current_page_samples()); } } void Editor::update_fixed_rulers () { samplepos_t rightmost_sample; if (_session == 0) { return; } compute_fixed_ruler_scale (); _timecode_metric->units_per_pixel = samples_per_pixel; _samples_metric->units_per_pixel = samples_per_pixel; _minsec_metric->units_per_pixel = samples_per_pixel; rightmost_sample = _leftmost_sample + current_page_samples(); /* these force a redraw, which in turn will force execution of the metric callbacks to compute the relevant ticks to display. */ if (ruler_timecode_action->get_active()) { timecode_ruler->set_range (_leftmost_sample, rightmost_sample); } if (ruler_samples_action->get_active()) { samples_ruler->set_range (_leftmost_sample, rightmost_sample); } if (ruler_minsec_action->get_active()) { minsec_ruler->set_range (_leftmost_sample, rightmost_sample); } } void Editor::update_tempo_based_rulers () { if (_session == 0) { return; } _bbt_metric->units_per_pixel = samples_per_pixel; compute_bbt_ruler_scale (_leftmost_sample, _leftmost_sample + current_page_samples()); if (ruler_bbt_action->get_active()) { bbt_ruler->set_range (_leftmost_sample, _leftmost_sample+current_page_samples()); } } void Editor::set_timecode_ruler_scale (samplepos_t lower, samplepos_t upper) { using namespace std; samplepos_t spacer; samplepos_t fr; if (_session == 0) { return; } fr = _session->sample_rate(); if (lower > (spacer = (samplepos_t) (128 * Editor::get_current_zoom ()))) { lower = lower - spacer; } else { lower = 0; } upper = upper + spacer; samplecnt_t const range = upper - lower; if (range < (2 * _session->samples_per_timecode_frame())) { /* 0 - 2 samples */ timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_bits; timecode_mark_modulo = 20; timecode_nmarks = 2 + (2 * _session->config.get_subframes_per_frame()); } else if (range <= (fr / 4)) { /* 2 samples - 0.250 second */ timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_samples; timecode_mark_modulo = 1; timecode_nmarks = 2 + (range / (samplepos_t)_session->samples_per_timecode_frame()); } else if (range <= (fr / 2)) { /* 0.25-0.5 second */ timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_samples; timecode_mark_modulo = 2; timecode_nmarks = 2 + (range / (samplepos_t)_session->samples_per_timecode_frame()); } else if (range <= fr) { /* 0.5-1 second */ timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_samples; timecode_mark_modulo = 5; timecode_nmarks = 2 + (range / (samplepos_t)_session->samples_per_timecode_frame()); } else if (range <= 2 * fr) { /* 1-2 seconds */ timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_samples; timecode_mark_modulo = 10; timecode_nmarks = 2 + (range / (samplepos_t)_session->samples_per_timecode_frame()); } else if (range <= 8 * fr) { /* 2-8 seconds */ timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_seconds; timecode_mark_modulo = 1; timecode_nmarks = 2 + (range / fr); } else if (range <= 16 * fr) { /* 8-16 seconds */ timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_seconds; timecode_mark_modulo = 2; timecode_nmarks = 2 + (range / fr); } else if (range <= 30 * fr) { /* 16-30 seconds */ timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_seconds; timecode_mark_modulo = 5; timecode_nmarks = 2 + (range / fr); } else if (range <= 60 * fr) { /* 30-60 seconds */ timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_seconds; timecode_mark_modulo = 5; timecode_nmarks = 2 + (range / fr); } else if (range <= 2 * 60 * fr) { /* 1-2 minutes */ timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_seconds; timecode_mark_modulo = 15; timecode_nmarks = 2 + (range / fr); } else if (range <= 4 * 60 * fr) { /* 2-4 minutes */ timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_seconds; timecode_mark_modulo = 30; timecode_nmarks = 2 + (range / fr); } else if (range <= 10 * 60 * fr) { /* 4-10 minutes */ timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_minutes; timecode_mark_modulo = 2; timecode_nmarks = 2 + 10; } else if (range <= 30 * 60 * fr) { /* 10-30 minutes */ timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_minutes; timecode_mark_modulo = 5; timecode_nmarks = 2 + 30; } else if (range <= 60 * 60 * fr) { /* 30 minutes - 1hr */ timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_minutes; timecode_mark_modulo = 10; timecode_nmarks = 2 + 60; } else if (range <= 4 * 60 * 60 * fr) { /* 1 - 4 hrs*/ timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_minutes; timecode_mark_modulo = 30; timecode_nmarks = 2 + (60 * 4); } else if (range <= 8 * 60 * 60 * fr) { /* 4 - 8 hrs*/ timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_hours; timecode_mark_modulo = 1; timecode_nmarks = 2 + 8; } else if (range <= 16 * 60 * 60 * fr) { /* 16-24 hrs*/ timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_hours; timecode_mark_modulo = 1; timecode_nmarks = 2 + 24; } else { const samplecnt_t hours_in_range = range / (60 * 60 * fr); const int text_width_rough_guess = 120; /* pixels, very very approximate guess at how wide the tick mark text is */ /* Normally we do not need to know anything about the width of the canvas to set the ruler scale, because the caller has already determined the width and set lower + upper arguments to this function to match that. But in this case, where the range defined by lower and upper can vary substantially (basically anything from 24hrs+ to several billion years) trying to decide which tick marks to show does require us to know about the available width. */ timecode_nmarks = _track_canvas->width() / text_width_rough_guess; timecode_ruler_scale = timecode_show_many_hours; timecode_mark_modulo = std::max ((samplecnt_t) 1, 1 + (hours_in_range / timecode_nmarks)); } timecode_mark_modulo = 1; } void Editor::metric_get_timecode (std::vector& marks, int64_t lower, int64_t upper, gint /*maxchars*/) { samplepos_t pos; samplecnt_t spacer; Timecode::Time timecode; gchar buf[16]; gint n; ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark mark; if (_session == 0) { return; } if (lower > (spacer = (samplecnt_t)(128 * Editor::get_current_zoom ()))) { lower = lower - spacer; } else { lower = 0; } pos = lower; // Find timecode time of this sample (pos) _session->sample_to_timecode (pos, timecode, true /* use_offset */, false /* use_subframes */); switch (timecode_ruler_scale) { case timecode_show_bits: // Find timecode time of this sample (pos) with subframe accuracy for (n = 0; n < timecode_nmarks; n++) { _session->timecode_to_sample(timecode, pos, true /* use_offset */, true /* use_subframes */); if (pos >= lower) { if ((timecode.subframes % timecode_mark_modulo) == 0) { if (timecode.subframes == 0) { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major; snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%02u:%02u:%02u:%02u", timecode.negative ? "-" : "", timecode.hours, timecode.minutes, timecode.seconds, timecode.frames); } else { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor; snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), ".%02u", timecode.subframes); } } else { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf)," "); mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro; } mark.label = buf; mark.position = pos; marks.push_back (mark); } // Increment subframes by one Timecode::increment_subframes (timecode, _session->config.get_subframes_per_frame()); } break; case timecode_show_samples: // Go to next whole sample down Timecode::frames_floot (timecode); for (n = 0; n < timecode_nmarks; n++) { _session->timecode_to_sample (timecode, pos, true /* use_offset */, false /* use_subframes */); if (pos >= lower) { if ((timecode.frames % timecode_mark_modulo) == 0) { if (timecode.frames == 0) { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major; } else { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor; } mark.position = pos; snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%02u:%02u:%02u:%02u", timecode.negative ? "-" : "", timecode.hours, timecode.minutes, timecode.seconds, timecode.frames); } else { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf)," "); mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro; mark.position = pos; } mark.label = buf; marks.push_back (mark); } Timecode::increment (timecode, _session->config.get_subframes_per_frame()); } break; case timecode_show_seconds: // Go to next whole second down Timecode::seconds_floor (timecode); for (n = 0; n < timecode_nmarks; n++) { _session->timecode_to_sample (timecode, pos, true /* use_offset */, false /* use_subframes */); if (pos >= lower) { if ((timecode.seconds % timecode_mark_modulo) == 0) { if (timecode.seconds == 0) { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major; mark.position = pos; } else { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor; mark.position = pos; } snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%02u:%02u:%02u:%02u", timecode.negative ? "-" : "", timecode.hours, timecode.minutes, timecode.seconds, timecode.frames); } else { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf)," "); mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro; mark.position = pos; } mark.label = buf; marks.push_back (mark); } Timecode::increment_seconds (timecode, _session->config.get_subframes_per_frame()); } break; case timecode_show_minutes: // Go to next whole minute down Timecode::minutes_floor (timecode); for (n = 0; n < timecode_nmarks; n++) { _session->timecode_to_sample (timecode, pos, true /* use_offset */, false /* use_subframes */); if (pos >= lower) { if ((timecode.minutes % timecode_mark_modulo) == 0) { if (timecode.minutes == 0) { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major; } else { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor; } snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%02u:%02u:%02u:%02u", timecode.negative ? "-" : "", timecode.hours, timecode.minutes, timecode.seconds, timecode.frames); } else { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf)," "); mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro; } mark.label = buf; mark.position = pos; marks.push_back (mark); } Timecode::increment_minutes (timecode, _session->config.get_subframes_per_frame()); } break; case timecode_show_hours: // Go to next whole hour down Timecode::hours_floor (timecode); for (n = 0; n < timecode_nmarks; n++) { _session->timecode_to_sample (timecode, pos, true /* use_offset */, false /* use_subframes */); if (pos >= lower) { if ((timecode.hours % timecode_mark_modulo) == 0) { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major; snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%02u:%02u:%02u:%02u", timecode.negative ? "-" : "", timecode.hours, timecode.minutes, timecode.seconds, timecode.frames); } else { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf)," "); mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro; } mark.label = buf; mark.position = pos; marks.push_back (mark); } Timecode::increment_hours (timecode, _session->config.get_subframes_per_frame()); } break; case timecode_show_many_hours: // Go to next whole hour down Timecode::hours_floor (timecode); for (n = 0; n < timecode_nmarks;) { _session->timecode_to_sample (timecode, pos, true /* use_offset */, false /* use_subframes */); if (pos >= lower) { if ((timecode.hours % timecode_mark_modulo) == 0) { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major; snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%02u:%02u:%02u:%02u", timecode.negative ? "-" : "", timecode.hours, timecode.minutes, timecode.seconds, timecode.frames); mark.label = buf; mark.position = pos; marks.push_back (mark); ++n; } } /* can't use Timecode::increment_hours() here because we may be traversing thousands of hours * and doing it 1 hour at a time is just stupid (and slow). */ timecode.hours += timecode_mark_modulo - (timecode.hours % timecode_mark_modulo); } break; } } static void edit_last_mark_label (std::vector& marks, const std::string& newlabel) { ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark copy = marks.back(); copy.label = newlabel; marks.pop_back (); marks.push_back (copy); } void Editor::metric_get_bbt (std::vector& marks, int64_t lower, int64_t upper, gint /*maxchars*/) { if (_session == 0) { return; } Temporal::TempoMapPoints::const_iterator i; char buf[64]; Temporal::BBT_Time next_beat; double bbt_position_of_helper; bool helper_active = false; ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark mark; const samplecnt_t sr (_session->sample_rate()); Temporal::TempoMapPoints grid; grid.reserve (4096); compute_current_bbt_points (grid, lower, upper); #if 0 // DEBUG GRID for (auto const& g : grid) { std::cout << "Grid " << g.time() << " Beats: " << g.beats() << " BBT: " << g.bbt() << " sample: " << g.sample(_session->nominal_sample_rate ()) << "\n"; } #endif if (distance (grid.begin(), grid.end()) == 0) { return; } switch (bbt_ruler_scale) { case bbt_show_many: snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "cannot handle %" PRIu32 " bars", bbt_bars); mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major; mark.label = buf; mark.position = lower; marks.push_back (mark); break; case bbt_show_64: for (i = grid.begin(); i != grid.end(); i++) { BBT_Time bbt ((*i).bbt()); if (bbt.is_bar()) { if (bbt.bars % 64 == 1) { if (bbt.bars % 256 == 1) { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, bbt.bars); mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major; } else { buf[0] = '\0'; if (bbt.bars % 256 == 129) { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor; } else { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro; } } mark.label = buf; mark.position = (*i).sample (sr); marks.push_back (mark); } } } break; case bbt_show_16: for (i = grid.begin(); i != grid.end(); i++) { BBT_Time bbt ((*i).bbt()); if (bbt.is_bar()) { if (bbt.bars % 16 == 1) { if (bbt.bars % 64 == 1) { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, bbt.bars); mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major; } else { buf[0] = '\0'; if (bbt.bars % 64 == 33) { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor; } else { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro; } } mark.label = buf; mark.position = (*i).sample(sr); marks.push_back (mark); } } } break; case bbt_show_4: for (i = grid.begin(); i != grid.end(); ++i) { BBT_Time bbt ((*i).bbt()); if (bbt.is_bar()) { if (bbt.bars % 4 == 1) { if (bbt.bars % 16 == 1) { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, bbt.bars); mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major; } else { buf[0] = '\0'; mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor; } mark.label = buf; mark.position = (*i).sample (sr); marks.push_back (mark); } } } break; case bbt_show_1: for (i = grid.begin(); i != grid.end(); ++i) { BBT_Time bbt ((*i).bbt()); if (bbt.is_bar()) { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, bbt.bars); mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major; mark.label = buf; mark.position = (*i).sample (sr); marks.push_back (mark); } } break; case bbt_show_quarters: mark.label = ""; mark.position = lower; mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro; marks.push_back (mark); for (i = grid.begin(); i != grid.end(); ++i) { BBT_Time bbt ((*i).bbt()); if ((*i).sample (sr) < lower && (bbt_bar_helper_on)) { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "<%" PRIu32 "|%" PRIu32, bbt.bars, bbt.beats); edit_last_mark_label (marks, buf); } else { if (bbt.is_bar()) { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major; snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, bbt.bars); } else if ((bbt.beats % 2) == 1) { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor; buf[0] = '\0'; } else { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro; buf[0] = '\0'; } mark.label = buf; mark.position = (*i).sample (sr); marks.push_back (mark); } } break; case bbt_show_eighths: case bbt_show_sixteenths: case bbt_show_thirtyseconds: case bbt_show_sixtyfourths: case bbt_show_onetwentyeighths: bbt_position_of_helper = lower + (3 * Editor::get_current_zoom ()); mark.label = ""; mark.position = lower; mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro; marks.push_back (mark); for (i = grid.begin(); i != grid.end(); ++i) { BBT_Time bbt ((*i).bbt()); if ((*i).sample (sr) < lower && (bbt_bar_helper_on)) { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "<%" PRIu32 "|%" PRIu32, bbt.bars, bbt.beats); edit_last_mark_label (marks, buf); helper_active = true; } else { if (bbt.is_bar()) { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major; snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, bbt.bars); } else if (bbt.ticks == 0) { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor; snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIu32, bbt.beats); } else { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro; buf[0] = '\0'; } if (((*i).sample(sr) < bbt_position_of_helper) && helper_active) { buf[0] = '\0'; } mark.label = buf; mark.position = (*i).sample (sr); marks.push_back (mark); } } break; } } void Editor::set_samples_ruler_scale (samplepos_t lower, samplepos_t upper) { _samples_ruler_interval = (upper - lower) / 5; } void Editor::metric_get_samples (std::vector& marks, int64_t lower, int64_t /*upper*/, gint /*maxchars*/) { samplepos_t pos; samplepos_t const ilower = (samplepos_t) floor (lower); gchar buf[16]; gint nmarks; gint n; ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark mark; if (_session == 0) { return; } nmarks = 5; for (n = 0, pos = ilower; n < nmarks; pos += _samples_ruler_interval, ++n) { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%" PRIi64, pos); mark.label = buf; mark.position = pos; mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major; marks.push_back (mark); } } static void sample_to_clock_parts (samplepos_t sample, samplepos_t sample_rate, long* hrs_p, long* mins_p, long* secs_p, long* millisecs_p) { samplepos_t left; long hrs; long mins; long secs; long millisecs; left = sample; hrs = left / (sample_rate * 60 * 60 * 1000); left -= hrs * sample_rate * 60 * 60 * 1000; mins = left / (sample_rate * 60 * 1000); left -= mins * sample_rate * 60 * 1000; secs = left / (sample_rate * 1000); left -= secs * sample_rate * 1000; millisecs = left / sample_rate; *millisecs_p = millisecs; *secs_p = secs; *mins_p = mins; *hrs_p = hrs; return; } void Editor::set_minsec_ruler_scale (samplepos_t lower, samplepos_t upper) { samplepos_t fr = _session->sample_rate() * 1000; samplepos_t spacer; if (_session == 0) { return; } /* to prevent 'flashing' */ if (lower > (spacer = (samplepos_t)(128 * Editor::get_current_zoom ()))) { lower -= spacer; } else { lower = 0; } upper += spacer; samplecnt_t const range = (upper - lower) * 1000; if (range <= (fr / 10)) { /* 0-0.1 second */ minsec_mark_interval = fr / 1000; /* show 1/1000 seconds */ minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_msecs; minsec_mark_modulo = 10; minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval); } else if (range <= (fr / 2)) { /* 0-0.5 second */ minsec_mark_interval = fr / 100; /* show 1/100 seconds */ minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_msecs; minsec_mark_modulo = 100; minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval); } else if (range <= fr) { /* 0-1 second */ minsec_mark_interval = fr / 10; /* show 1/10 seconds */ minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_msecs; minsec_mark_modulo = 200; minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval); } else if (range <= 2 * fr) { /* 1-2 seconds */ minsec_mark_interval = fr / 10; /* show 1/10 seconds */ minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_msecs; minsec_mark_modulo = 500; minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval); } else if (range <= 8 * fr) { /* 2-5 seconds */ minsec_mark_interval = fr / 5; /* show 2 seconds */ minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_msecs; minsec_mark_modulo = 1000; minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval); } else if (range <= 16 * fr) { /* 8-16 seconds */ minsec_mark_interval = fr; /* show 1 seconds */ minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_seconds; minsec_mark_modulo = 2; minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval); } else if (range <= 30 * fr) { /* 10-30 seconds */ minsec_mark_interval = fr; /* show 1 seconds */ minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_seconds; minsec_mark_modulo = 5; minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval); } else if (range <= 60 * fr) { /* 30-60 seconds */ minsec_mark_interval = fr; /* show 1 seconds */ minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_seconds; minsec_mark_modulo = 5; minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval); } else if (range <= 2 * 60 * fr) { /* 1-2 minutes */ minsec_mark_interval = 5 * fr; /* show 5 seconds */ minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_seconds; minsec_mark_modulo = 3; minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval); } else if (range <= 4 * 60 * fr) { /* 4 minutes */ minsec_mark_interval = 5 * fr; /* show 10 seconds */ minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_seconds; minsec_mark_modulo = 30; minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval); } else if (range <= 10 * 60 * fr) { /* 10 minutes */ minsec_mark_interval = 30 * fr; /* show 30 seconds */ minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_seconds; minsec_mark_modulo = 120; minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval); } else if (range <= 30 * 60 * fr) { /* 10-30 minutes */ minsec_mark_interval = 60 * fr; /* show 1 minute */ minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_minutes; minsec_mark_modulo = 5; minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval); } else if (range <= 60 * 60 * fr) { /* 30 minutes - 1hr */ minsec_mark_interval = 2 * 60 * fr; /* show 2 minutes */ minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_minutes; minsec_mark_modulo = 10; minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval); } else if (range <= 4 * 60 * 60 * fr) { /* 1 - 4 hrs*/ minsec_mark_interval = 5 * 60 * fr; /* show 10 minutes */ minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_minutes; minsec_mark_modulo = 30; minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval); } else if (range <= 8 * 60 * 60 * fr) { /* 4 - 8 hrs*/ minsec_mark_interval = 20 * 60 * fr; /* show 20 minutes */ minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_minutes; minsec_mark_modulo = 60; minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval); } else if (range <= 16 * 60 * 60 * fr) { /* 16-24 hrs*/ minsec_mark_interval = 60 * 60 * fr; /* show 60 minutes */ minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_hours; minsec_mark_modulo = 2; minsec_nmarks = 2 + (range / minsec_mark_interval); } else { const samplecnt_t hours_in_range = range / (60 * 60 * fr); const int text_width_rough_guess = 70; /* pixels, very very approximate guess at how wide the tick mark text is */ /* Normally we do not need to know anything about the width of the canvas to set the ruler scale, because the caller has already determined the width and set lower + upper arguments to this function to match that. But in this case, where the range defined by lower and upper can vary substantially (anything from 24hrs+ to several billion years) trying to decide which tick marks to show does require us to know about the available width. */ minsec_nmarks = _track_canvas->width() / text_width_rough_guess; minsec_mark_modulo = std::max ((samplecnt_t) 1, 1 + (hours_in_range / minsec_nmarks)); minsec_mark_interval = minsec_mark_modulo * (60 * 60 * fr); minsec_ruler_scale = minsec_show_many_hours; } } void Editor::metric_get_minsec (std::vector& marks, int64_t lower, int64_t upper, gint /*maxchars*/) { samplepos_t pos; samplepos_t spacer; long hrs, mins, secs, millisecs; gchar buf[16]; gint n; ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark mark; if (_session == 0) { return; } /* to prevent 'flashing' */ if (lower > (spacer = (samplepos_t) (128 * Editor::get_current_zoom ()))) { lower = lower - spacer; } else { lower = 0; } if (minsec_mark_interval == 0) { //we got here too early; divide-by-zero imminent return; } pos = (((1000 * (samplepos_t) floor(lower)) + (minsec_mark_interval/2))/minsec_mark_interval) * minsec_mark_interval; switch (minsec_ruler_scale) { case minsec_show_msecs: for (n = 0; n < minsec_nmarks && n < upper; pos += minsec_mark_interval, ++n) { sample_to_clock_parts (pos, _session->sample_rate(), &hrs, &mins, &secs, &millisecs); if (millisecs % minsec_mark_modulo == 0) { if (millisecs == 0) { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major; } else { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor; } snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%02ld:%02ld:%02ld.%03ld", hrs, mins, secs, millisecs); } else { buf[0] = '\0'; mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro; } mark.label = buf; mark.position = pos/1000.0; marks.push_back (mark); } break; case minsec_show_seconds: for (n = 0; n < minsec_nmarks; pos += minsec_mark_interval, ++n) { sample_to_clock_parts (pos, _session->sample_rate(), &hrs, &mins, &secs, &millisecs); if (secs % minsec_mark_modulo == 0) { if (secs == 0) { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major; } else { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor; } snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%02ld:%02ld:%02ld", hrs, mins, secs); } else { buf[0] = '\0'; mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro; } mark.label = buf; mark.position = pos/1000.0; marks.push_back (mark); } break; case minsec_show_minutes: for (n = 0; n < minsec_nmarks; pos += minsec_mark_interval, ++n) { sample_to_clock_parts (pos, _session->sample_rate(), &hrs, &mins, &secs, &millisecs); if (mins % minsec_mark_modulo == 0) { if (mins == 0) { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major; } else { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Minor; } snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%02ld:%02ld:%02ld", hrs, mins, secs); } else { buf[0] = '\0'; mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro; } mark.label = buf; mark.position = pos/1000.0; marks.push_back (mark); } break; case minsec_show_hours: for (n = 0; n < minsec_nmarks; pos += minsec_mark_interval, ++n) { sample_to_clock_parts (pos, _session->sample_rate(), &hrs, &mins, &secs, &millisecs); if (hrs % minsec_mark_modulo == 0) { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major; snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%02ld:%02ld", hrs, mins); } else { buf[0] = '\0'; mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Micro; } mark.label = buf; mark.position = pos/1000.0; marks.push_back (mark); } break; case minsec_show_many_hours: for (n = 0; n < minsec_nmarks;) { sample_to_clock_parts (pos, _session->sample_rate(), &hrs, &mins, &secs, &millisecs); if (hrs % minsec_mark_modulo == 0) { mark.style = ArdourCanvas::Ruler::Mark::Major; snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%02ld:00", hrs); mark.label = buf; mark.position = pos/1000.0; marks.push_back (mark); ++n; } pos += minsec_mark_interval; } break; } }