/* * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 Carl Hetherington * Copyright (C) 2009-2012 David Robillard * Copyright (C) 2009-2018 Paul Davis * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Robin Gareus * Copyright (C) 2016 Julien "_FrnchFrgg_" RIVAUD * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include #include #include #include "midi++/mmc.h" #include "pbd/natsort.h" #include "ardour/audio_port.h" #include "ardour/async_midi_port.h" #include "ardour/audioengine.h" #include "ardour/auditioner.h" #include "ardour/bundle.h" #include "ardour/control_protocol_manager.h" #include "ardour/io_plug.h" #include "ardour/io_processor.h" #include "ardour/midi_port.h" #include "ardour/midiport_manager.h" #include "ardour/plugin_insert.h" #include "ardour/port.h" #include "ardour/profile.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/sidechain.h" #include "ardour/transport_master.h" #include "ardour/transport_master_manager.h" #include "ardour/user_bundle.h" #include "control_protocol/control_protocol.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "port_group.h" #include "port_matrix.h" #include "time_axis_view.h" #include "public_editor.h" #include "pbd/i18n.h" using namespace std; using namespace Gtk; using namespace ARDOUR; /** PortGroup constructor. * @param n Name. */ PortGroup::PortGroup (std::string const & n) : name (n) { } PortGroup::~PortGroup() { for (BundleList::iterator i = _bundles.begin(); i != _bundles.end(); ++i) { delete *i; } _bundles.clear (); } /** Add a bundle to a group. * @param b Bundle. * @param allow_dups true to allow the group to contain more than one bundle with the same port, otherwise false. */ void PortGroup::add_bundle (std::shared_ptr b, bool allow_dups) { add_bundle_internal (b, std::shared_ptr (), false, Gdk::Color (), allow_dups); } /** Add a bundle to a group. * @param b Bundle. * @param io IO whose ports are in the bundle. */ void PortGroup::add_bundle (std::shared_ptr b, std::shared_ptr io) { add_bundle_internal (b, io, false, Gdk::Color (), false); } /** Add a bundle to a group. * @param b Bundle. * @param c Colour to represent the bundle with. */ void PortGroup::add_bundle (std::shared_ptr b, std::shared_ptr io, Gdk::Color c) { add_bundle_internal (b, io, true, c, false); } PortGroup::BundleRecord::BundleRecord (std::shared_ptr b, std::shared_ptr iop, Gdk::Color c, bool has_c) : bundle (b) , io (iop) , colour (c) , has_colour (has_c) { } void PortGroup::add_bundle_internal (std::shared_ptr b, std::shared_ptr io, bool has_colour, Gdk::Color colour, bool allow_dups) { assert (b.get()); if (!allow_dups) { /* don't add this bundle if we already have one with the same ports */ BundleList::iterator i = _bundles.begin (); while (i != _bundles.end() && b->has_same_ports ((*i)->bundle) == false) { ++i; } if (i != _bundles.end ()) { return; } } BundleRecord* br = new BundleRecord (b, io, colour, has_colour); b->Changed.connect (br->changed_connection, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PortGroup::bundle_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); _bundles.push_back (br); Changed (); } void PortGroup::remove_bundle (std::shared_ptr b) { assert (b.get()); BundleList::iterator i = _bundles.begin (); while (i != _bundles.end() && (*i)->bundle != b) { ++i; } if (i == _bundles.end()) { return; } delete *i; _bundles.erase (i); Changed (); } void PortGroup::bundle_changed (Bundle::Change c) { BundleChanged (c); } void PortGroup::clear () { for (BundleList::iterator i = _bundles.begin(); i != _bundles.end(); ++i) { delete *i; } _bundles.clear (); Changed (); } bool PortGroup::has_port (std::string const& p) const { for (BundleList::const_iterator i = _bundles.begin(); i != _bundles.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->bundle->offers_port_alone (p)) { return true; } } return false; } std::shared_ptr PortGroup::only_bundle () { assert (_bundles.size() == 1); return _bundles.front()->bundle; } ChanCount PortGroup::total_channels () const { ChanCount n; for (BundleList::const_iterator i = _bundles.begin(); i != _bundles.end(); ++i) { n += (*i)->bundle->nchannels (); } return n; } std::shared_ptr PortGroup::io_from_bundle (std::shared_ptr b) const { BundleList::const_iterator i = _bundles.begin (); while (i != _bundles.end() && (*i)->bundle != b) { ++i; } if (i == _bundles.end()) { return std::shared_ptr (); } std::shared_ptr io ((*i)->io.lock ()); return io; } /** Remove bundles whose channels are already represented by other, larger bundles */ void PortGroup::remove_duplicates () { BundleList::iterator i = _bundles.begin(); while (i != _bundles.end()) { BundleList::iterator tmp = i; ++tmp; bool remove = false; for (BundleList::iterator j = _bundles.begin(); j != _bundles.end(); ++j) { if ((*j)->bundle->nchannels() > (*i)->bundle->nchannels()) { /* this bundle is larger */ uint32_t k = 0; while (k < (*i)->bundle->nchannels().n_total()) { /* see if this channel on *i has an equivalent on *j */ uint32_t l = 0; while (l < (*j)->bundle->nchannels().n_total() && (*i)->bundle->channel_ports (k) != (*j)->bundle->channel_ports (l)) { ++l; } if (l == (*j)->bundle->nchannels().n_total()) { /* it does not */ break; } ++k; } if (k == (*i)->bundle->nchannels().n_total()) { /* all channels on *i are represented by the larger bundle *j, so remove *i */ remove = true; break; } } } if (remove) { _bundles.erase (i); } i = tmp; } } /** PortGroupList constructor. */ PortGroupList::PortGroupList () : _signals_suspended (false), _pending_change (false), _pending_bundle_change ((Bundle::Change) 0) { } PortGroupList::~PortGroupList() { /* XXX need to clean up bundles, but ownership shared with PortGroups */ } void PortGroupList::maybe_add_processor_to_list ( std::weak_ptr wp, list >* route_ios, bool inputs, set >& used_io ) { std::shared_ptr p (wp.lock()); if (!p) { return; } std::shared_ptr iop = std::dynamic_pointer_cast (p); if (iop) { std::shared_ptr io = inputs ? iop->input() : iop->output(); if (io && used_io.find (io) == used_io.end()) { route_ios->push_back (io); used_io.insert (io); } } } struct RouteIOs { RouteIOs (std::shared_ptr r, std::shared_ptr i) { route = r; ios.push_back (i); } std::shared_ptr route; /* it's ok to use a shared_ptr here as RouteIOs structs are only used during ::gather () */ std::list > ios; }; class RouteIOsComparator { public: bool operator() (RouteIOs const & a, RouteIOs const & b) { return a.route->presentation_info ().order() < b.route->presentation_info().order(); } }; /** Gather ports from around the system and put them in this PortGroupList. * @param type Type of ports to collect, or NIL for all types. * @param use_session_bundles true to use the session's non-user bundles. Doing this will mean that * hardware ports will be gathered into stereo pairs, as the session sets up bundles for these pairs. * Not using the session bundles will mean that all hardware IO will be presented separately. */ void PortGroupList::gather (ARDOUR::Session* session, ARDOUR::DataType type, bool inputs, bool allow_dups, bool use_session_bundles) { clear (); if (session == 0) { return; } std::shared_ptr bus (new PortGroup (_("Busses"))); std::shared_ptr track (new PortGroup (("Tracks"))); std::shared_ptr sidechain (new PortGroup (_("Sidechains"))); std::shared_ptr iop_pre (new PortGroup (_("I/O Pre") )); std::shared_ptr iop_post (new PortGroup (_("I/O Post") )); std::shared_ptr system (new PortGroup (_("Hardware"))); std::shared_ptr program (new PortGroup (string_compose (_("%1 Misc"), PROGRAM_NAME))); std::shared_ptr other (new PortGroup (_("External"))); /* Find the IOs which have bundles for routes and their processors. We store these IOs in a RouteIOs class so that we can then sort the results by route order key. */ std::shared_ptr routes = session->get_routes (); list route_ios; for (RouteList::const_iterator i = routes->begin(); i != routes->end(); ++i) { /* we never show the monitor bus inputs */ if (inputs && (*i)->is_monitor()) { continue; } /* keep track of IOs that we have taken bundles from, so that we can avoid taking the same IO from both Route::output() and the main_outs Delivery */ set > used_io; std::shared_ptr io = inputs ? (*i)->input() : (*i)->output(); used_io.insert (io); RouteIOs rb (*i, io); (*i)->foreach_processor (boost::bind (&PortGroupList::maybe_add_processor_to_list, this, _1, &rb.ios, inputs, used_io)); route_ios.push_back (rb); } /* Sort RouteIOs by the routes' editor order keys */ route_ios.sort (RouteIOsComparator ()); /* Now put the bundles that belong to these sorted RouteIOs into the PortGroup. */ for (list::iterator i = route_ios.begin(); i != route_ios.end(); ++i) { TimeAxisView* tv = PublicEditor::instance().time_axis_view_from_stripable (i->route); /* Work out which group to put these IOs' bundles in */ std::shared_ptr g; if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast (i->route)) { g = track; } else { g = bus; } for (list >::iterator j = i->ios.begin(); j != i->ios.end(); ++j) { /* Only add the bundle if there is at least one port * with a type that's been asked for */ if (type == DataType::NIL || (*j)->bundle()->nchannels().n(type) > 0) { if (tv) { g->add_bundle ((*j)->bundle(), *j, tv->color ()); } else { g->add_bundle ((*j)->bundle(), *j); } } } /* When on input side, let's look for sidechains in the route's plugins to display them right next to their route */ for (uint32_t n = 0; inputs; ++n) { std::shared_ptr p = (i->route)->nth_plugin (n); if (!p) { break; } std::shared_ptr sc = std::static_pointer_cast (p)->sidechain (); if (sc) { std::shared_ptr io = sc->input(); if (tv) { sidechain->add_bundle (io->bundle(), io, tv->color ()); } else { sidechain->add_bundle (io->bundle(), io); } } } } /* Bundles owned by the session; add user bundles first, then normal ones, so that UserBundles that offer the same ports as a normal bundle get priority */ std::shared_ptr b = session->bundles (); for (BundleList::iterator i = b->begin(); i != b->end(); ++i) { if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast (*i) && (*i)->ports_are_inputs() == inputs) { system->add_bundle (*i, allow_dups); } } /* Only look for non-user bundles if instructed to do so */ if (use_session_bundles) { for (BundleList::iterator i = b->begin(); i != b->end(); ++i) { if (std::dynamic_pointer_cast (*i) == 0 && (*i)->ports_are_inputs() == inputs) { system->add_bundle (*i, allow_dups); } } } /* miscellany */ if (type == DataType::AUDIO || type == DataType::NIL) { if (!inputs) { program->add_bundle (session->the_auditioner()->output()->bundle()); if (session->click_io()) { program->add_bundle (session->click_io()->bundle()); } std::shared_ptr ltc (new Bundle (_("LTC Out"), inputs)); ltc->add_channel (_("LTC Out"), DataType::AUDIO, session->engine().make_port_name_non_relative (session->ltc_output_port()->name())); program->add_bundle (ltc); } else { std::shared_ptr sync (new Bundle (_("Sync"), inputs)); AudioEngine* ae = AudioEngine::instance(); TransportMasterManager::TransportMasters const & tm (TransportMasterManager::instance().transport_masters()); for (TransportMasterManager::TransportMasters::const_iterator i = tm.begin(); i != tm.end(); ++i) { std::shared_ptr port = (*i)->port (); if (!port) { continue; } if (!std::dynamic_pointer_cast (port)) { continue; } sync->add_channel ((*i)->name(), DataType::AUDIO, ae->make_port_name_non_relative (port->name())); } program->add_bundle (sync); } } /* our control surfaces */ /* XXX assume for now that all control protocols with ports use * MIDI. If anyone created a control protocol that used audio ports, * this will break. */ if ((type == DataType::MIDI || type == DataType::NIL)) { ControlProtocolManager& m = ControlProtocolManager::instance (); for (list::iterator i = m.control_protocol_info.begin(); i != m.control_protocol_info.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->protocol) { list > b = (*i)->protocol->bundles (); for (list >::iterator j = b.begin(); j != b.end(); ++j) { if ((*j)->ports_are_inputs() == inputs) { program->add_bundle (*j); } } } } } /* virtual keyboard */ if (!inputs && (type == DataType::MIDI || type == DataType::NIL)) { std::shared_ptr ap = std::dynamic_pointer_cast (session->vkbd_output_port()); AudioEngine* ae = AudioEngine::instance(); std::shared_ptr vm (new Bundle (ap->pretty_name (), inputs)); vm->add_channel (ap->pretty_name (), DataType::MIDI, ae->make_port_name_non_relative (ap->name())); program->add_bundle (vm); } /* our sync ports */ if ((type == DataType::MIDI || type == DataType::NIL)) { std::shared_ptr sync (new Bundle (_("Sync"), inputs)); AudioEngine* ae = AudioEngine::instance(); TransportMasterManager::TransportMasters const & tm (TransportMasterManager::instance().transport_masters()); if (inputs) { for (TransportMasterManager::TransportMasters::const_iterator i = tm.begin(); i != tm.end(); ++i) { std::shared_ptr port = (*i)->port (); if (!port) { continue; } if (!std::dynamic_pointer_cast (port)) { continue; } sync->add_channel ((*i)->name(), DataType::MIDI, ae->make_port_name_non_relative (port->name())); } sync->add_channel (_("MMC in"), DataType::MIDI, ae->make_port_name_non_relative (session->mmc_input_port()->name())); } else { sync->add_channel ( _("MTC out"), DataType::MIDI, ae->make_port_name_non_relative (session->mtc_output_port()->name()) ); sync->add_channel ( _("MIDI clock out"), DataType::MIDI, ae->make_port_name_non_relative (session->midi_clock_output_port()->name()) ); sync->add_channel ( _("MMC out"), DataType::MIDI, ae->make_port_name_non_relative (session->mmc_output_port()->name()) ); } program->add_bundle (sync); } for (auto const& iop : *session->io_plugs ()) { std::shared_ptr io = inputs ? iop->input() : iop->output(); if (io->n_ports().n_total () == 0) { continue; } if (type == DataType::NIL || io->n_ports().get (type) > 0) { if (iop->is_pre ()) { iop_pre->add_bundle (io->bundle(), io); } else { iop_post->add_bundle (io->bundle(), io); } } } /* Now find all other ports that we haven't thought of yet */ std::vector extra_system[DataType::num_types]; std::vector extra_program[DataType::num_types]; std::vector extra_other[DataType::num_types]; string lpn (PROGRAM_NAME); boost::to_lower (lpn); string lpnc = lpn; lpnc += ':'; vector ports; if (type == DataType::NIL) { vector p1; AudioEngine::instance()->get_ports ("", DataType::AUDIO, inputs ? IsInput : IsOutput, ports); AudioEngine::instance()->get_ports ("", DataType::MIDI, inputs ? IsInput : IsOutput, p1); for (vector::const_iterator s = p1.begin(); s != p1.end(); ++s) { ports.push_back (*s); } } else { AudioEngine::instance()->get_ports ("", type, inputs ? IsInput : IsOutput, ports); } if (ports.size () > 0) { struct SortByPortName { bool operator() (std::string const& lhs, std::string const& rhs) const { return PBD::naturally_less (lhs.c_str (), rhs.c_str ()); } } port_sorter; std::sort (ports.begin (), ports.end (), port_sorter); for (vector::const_iterator s = ports.begin(); s != ports.end(); ++s) { std::string const p = *s; if (allow_dups || ( !system->has_port(p) && !bus->has_port(p) && !track->has_port(p) && !iop_pre->has_port(p) && !iop_post->has_port(p) && !sidechain->has_port(p) && !program->has_port(p) && !other->has_port(p) ) ) { /* special hack: ignore MIDI ports labelled Midi-Through. these are basically useless and mess things up for default connections. */ if (p.find ("Midi-Through") != string::npos || p.find ("Midi Through") != string::npos) { continue; } /* special hack: ignore our monitor inputs (which show up here because we excluded them earlier. */ string lp = p; string monitor = _("Monitor"); boost::to_lower (lp); boost::to_lower (monitor); if ((lp.find (monitor) != string::npos) && (lp.find (lpn) != string::npos)) { continue; } /* can't use the audio engine for this as we * are looking at ports not owned by the * application, and the audio engine/port * manager doesn't seem them. */ PortEngine::PortHandle ph = AudioEngine::instance()->port_engine().get_port_by_name (p); if (!ph) { continue; } DataType t (AudioEngine::instance()->port_engine().port_data_type (ph)); if (t != DataType::NIL) { PortFlags flags (AudioEngine::instance()->port_engine().get_port_flags (ph)); if (flags & Hidden ) { continue; } else if (port_has_prefix (p, lpnc)) { /* we own this port (named after the program) */ /* Hide scene ports for now */ if (p.find (_("Scene ")) != string::npos) { continue; } extra_program[t].push_back (p); } else if (flags & IsPhysical) { extra_system[t].push_back (p); } else { extra_other[t].push_back (p); } } } } } for (DataType::iterator i = DataType::begin(); i != DataType::end(); ++i) { if (!extra_system[*i].empty()) { add_bundles_for_ports (extra_system[*i], *i, inputs, allow_dups, system); } } for (DataType::iterator i = DataType::begin(); i != DataType::end(); ++i) { if (!extra_program[*i].empty()) { /* used program name as bundle name */ std::shared_ptr b = make_bundle_from_ports (extra_program[*i], *i, inputs, lpn); program->add_bundle (b); } } for (DataType::iterator i = DataType::begin(); i != DataType::end(); ++i) { if (extra_other[*i].empty()) continue; add_bundles_for_ports (extra_other[*i], *i, inputs, allow_dups, other); } if (!allow_dups) { system->remove_duplicates (); } add_group_if_not_empty (bus); add_group_if_not_empty (track); add_group_if_not_empty (sidechain); add_group_if_not_empty (iop_pre); add_group_if_not_empty (iop_post); add_group_if_not_empty (program); add_group_if_not_empty (other); add_group_if_not_empty (system); emit_changed (); } void PortGroupList::add_bundles_for_ports (std::vector const & p, ARDOUR::DataType type, bool inputs, bool allow_dups, std::shared_ptr group) const { bool has_colon = true, has_slash = true; for (const auto& s : p) { if (s.find('/') == std::string::npos) has_slash = false; if (s.find(':') == std::string::npos) has_colon = false; } std::string sep = has_slash ? "/" : has_colon ? ":" : ""; if (sep.empty()) { std::shared_ptr b = make_bundle_from_ports (p, type, inputs); group->add_bundle (b, allow_dups); return; } std::vector nb; std::string cp; for (const auto& s : p) { std::string pf = s.substr (0, s.find_first_of (sep) + 1); if (pf != cp && !nb.empty()) { std::shared_ptr b = make_bundle_from_ports (nb, type, inputs); group->add_bundle (b, allow_dups); nb.clear(); } cp = pf; nb.push_back(s); } if (!nb.empty()) { std::shared_ptr b = make_bundle_from_ports (nb, type, inputs); group->add_bundle (b, allow_dups); } } std::shared_ptr PortGroupList::make_bundle_from_ports (std::vector const & p, ARDOUR::DataType type, bool inputs, std::string const& bundle_name) const { std::shared_ptr b (new Bundle ("", inputs)); std::string const pre = common_prefix (p); if (!bundle_name.empty()) { b->set_name (bundle_name); } else { if (!pre.empty()) { b->set_name (pre.substr (0, pre.length() - 1)); } } for (uint32_t j = 0; j < p.size(); ++j) { std::string n = p[j].substr (pre.length()); std::string pn = AudioEngine::instance()->get_pretty_name_by_name (p[j]); if (!pn.empty()) { n = pn; } b->add_channel (n, type); b->set_port (j, p[j]); } return b; } bool PortGroupList::port_has_prefix (const std::string& n, const std::string& p) const { return n.substr (0, p.length()) == p; } std::string PortGroupList::common_prefix_before (std::vector const & p, std::string const & s) const { /* we must have some strings and the first must contain the separator string */ if (p.empty() || p[0].find_first_of (s) == std::string::npos) { return ""; } /* prefix of the first string */ std::string const fp = p[0].substr (0, p[0].find_first_of (s) + 1); /* see if the other strings also start with fp */ uint32_t j = 1; while (j < p.size()) { if (p[j].substr (0, fp.length()) != fp) { break; } ++j; } if (j != p.size()) { return ""; } return fp; } std::string PortGroupList::common_prefix (std::vector const & p) const { /* common prefix before '/' ? */ std::string cp = common_prefix_before (p, "/"); if (!cp.empty()) { return cp; } cp = common_prefix_before (p, ":"); if (!cp.empty()) { return cp; } return ""; } void PortGroupList::clear () { _groups.clear (); _bundle_changed_connections.drop_connections (); emit_changed (); } PortGroup::BundleList const & PortGroupList::bundles () const { _bundles.clear (); for (PortGroupList::List::const_iterator i = begin (); i != end (); ++i) { std::copy ((*i)->bundles().begin(), (*i)->bundles().end(), std::back_inserter (_bundles)); } return _bundles; } ChanCount PortGroupList::total_channels () const { ChanCount n; for (PortGroupList::List::const_iterator i = begin(); i != end(); ++i) { n += (*i)->total_channels (); } return n; } void PortGroupList::add_group_if_not_empty (std::shared_ptr g) { if (!g->bundles().empty ()) { add_group (g); } } void PortGroupList::add_group (std::shared_ptr g) { _groups.push_back (g); g->Changed.connect (_changed_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PortGroupList::emit_changed, this), gui_context()); g->BundleChanged.connect (_bundle_changed_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&PortGroupList::emit_bundle_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); emit_changed (); } void PortGroupList::remove_bundle (std::shared_ptr b) { for (List::iterator i = _groups.begin(); i != _groups.end(); ++i) { (*i)->remove_bundle (b); } emit_changed (); } void PortGroupList::emit_changed () { if (_signals_suspended) { _pending_change = true; } else { Changed (); } } void PortGroupList::emit_bundle_changed (Bundle::Change c) { if (_signals_suspended) { _pending_bundle_change = c; } else { BundleChanged (c); } } void PortGroupList::suspend_signals () { _signals_suspended = true; } void PortGroupList::resume_signals () { if (_pending_change) { Changed (); _pending_change = false; } if (_pending_bundle_change != 0) { BundleChanged (_pending_bundle_change); _pending_bundle_change = (ARDOUR::Bundle::Change) 0; } _signals_suspended = false; } std::shared_ptr PortGroupList::io_from_bundle (std::shared_ptr b) const { List::const_iterator i = _groups.begin (); while (i != _groups.end()) { std::shared_ptr io = (*i)->io_from_bundle (b); if (io) { return io; } ++i; } return std::shared_ptr (); } bool PortGroupList::empty () const { return _groups.empty (); }