/* Copyright (C) 2002-2006 Paul Davis This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ardour/route_group.h" #include "ardour/dB.h" #include "pbd/memento_command.h" #include "pbd/stacktrace.h" #include "pbd/controllable.h" #include "pbd/enumwriter.h" #include "ardour_ui.h" #include "editor.h" #include "route_ui.h" #include "ardour_button.h" #include "keyboard.h" #include "utils.h" #include "prompter.h" #include "gui_thread.h" #include "ardour_dialog.h" #include "latency_gui.h" #include "mixer_strip.h" #include "automation_time_axis.h" #include "route_time_axis.h" #include "group_tabs.h" #include "ardour/audio_track.h" #include "ardour/audioengine.h" #include "ardour/filename_extensions.h" #include "ardour/midi_track.h" #include "ardour/internal_send.h" #include "ardour/send.h" #include "ardour/route.h" #include "ardour/session.h" #include "ardour/template_utils.h" #include "i18n.h" using namespace Gtk; using namespace Gtkmm2ext; using namespace ARDOUR; using namespace ARDOUR_UI_UTILS; using namespace PBD; uint32_t RouteUI::_max_invert_buttons = 3; PBD::Signal1 > RouteUI::BusSendDisplayChanged; boost::weak_ptr RouteUI::_showing_sends_to; static const int _button_vpad = 2; RouteUI::RouteUI (ARDOUR::Session* sess) : AxisView(sess) , mute_menu(0) , solo_menu(0) , sends_menu(0) , record_menu(0) , comment_window(0) , comment_area(0) , input_selector (0) , output_selector (0) , _invert_menu(0) { if (sess) init (); } RouteUI::~RouteUI() { _route.reset (); /* drop reference to route, so that it can be cleaned up */ route_connections.drop_connections (); delete solo_menu; delete mute_menu; delete sends_menu; delete record_menu; delete comment_window; delete input_selector; delete output_selector; delete _invert_menu; send_blink_connection.disconnect (); rec_blink_connection.disconnect (); } void RouteUI::init () { self_destruct = true; mute_menu = 0; solo_menu = 0; sends_menu = 0; record_menu = 0; _invert_menu = 0; pre_fader_mute_check = 0; post_fader_mute_check = 0; listen_mute_check = 0; main_mute_check = 0; solo_safe_check = 0; solo_isolated_check = 0; solo_isolated_led = 0; solo_safe_led = 0; _solo_release = 0; _mute_release = 0; denormal_menu_item = 0; step_edit_item = 0; multiple_mute_change = false; multiple_solo_change = false; _i_am_the_modifier = 0; input_selector = 0; output_selector = 0; setup_invert_buttons (); mute_button = manage (new ArdourButton); mute_button->set_name ("mute button"); UI::instance()->set_tip (mute_button, _("Mute this track"), ""); solo_button = manage (new ArdourButton); solo_button->set_name ("solo button"); UI::instance()->set_tip (solo_button, _("Mute other (non-soloed) tracks"), ""); solo_button->set_no_show_all (true); rec_enable_button = manage (new ArdourButton); rec_enable_button->set_name ("record enable button"); rec_enable_button->set_elements ((ArdourButton::Element)(ArdourButton::Edge|ArdourButton::Body|ArdourButton::RecButton)); UI::instance()->set_tip (rec_enable_button, _("Enable recording on this track"), ""); if (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_blink_rec_arm()) { rec_blink_connection = ARDOUR_UI::instance()->Blink.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::blink_rec_display)); } show_sends_button = manage (new ArdourButton); show_sends_button->set_name ("send alert button"); UI::instance()->set_tip (show_sends_button, _("make mixer strips show sends to this bus"), ""); monitor_input_button = manage (new ArdourButton (ArdourButton::default_elements)); monitor_input_button->set_name ("monitor button"); monitor_input_button->set_text (_("In")); UI::instance()->set_tip (monitor_input_button, _("Monitor input"), ""); monitor_input_button->set_no_show_all (true); monitor_disk_button = manage (new ArdourButton (ArdourButton::default_elements)); monitor_disk_button->set_name ("monitor button"); monitor_disk_button->set_text (_("Disk")); UI::instance()->set_tip (monitor_disk_button, _("Monitor playback"), ""); monitor_disk_button->set_no_show_all (true); _session->SoloChanged.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::solo_changed_so_update_mute, this), gui_context()); _session->TransportStateChange.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::check_rec_enable_sensitivity, this), gui_context()); _session->RecordStateChanged.connect (_session_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::session_rec_enable_changed, this), gui_context()); _session->config.ParameterChanged.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::parameter_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); Config->ParameterChanged.connect (*this, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::parameter_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); rec_enable_button->signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::rec_enable_press), false); rec_enable_button->signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::rec_enable_release), false); show_sends_button->signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::show_sends_press), false); show_sends_button->signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::show_sends_release), false); solo_button->signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::solo_press), false); solo_button->signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::solo_release), false); mute_button->signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::mute_press), false); mute_button->signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::mute_release), false); monitor_input_button->set_distinct_led_click (false); monitor_disk_button->set_distinct_led_click (false); monitor_input_button->signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::monitor_input_press), false); monitor_input_button->signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::monitor_input_release), false); monitor_disk_button->signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::monitor_disk_press), false); monitor_disk_button->signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &RouteUI::monitor_disk_release), false); BusSendDisplayChanged.connect_same_thread (*this, boost::bind(&RouteUI::bus_send_display_changed, this, _1)); } void RouteUI::reset () { route_connections.drop_connections (); delete solo_menu; solo_menu = 0; delete mute_menu; mute_menu = 0; denormal_menu_item = 0; } void RouteUI::self_delete () { delete this; } void RouteUI::set_route (boost::shared_ptr rp) { reset (); _route = rp; if (set_color_from_route()) { set_color (unique_random_color()); } if (self_destruct) { rp->DropReferences.connect (route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::self_delete, this), gui_context()); } delete input_selector; input_selector = 0; delete output_selector; output_selector = 0; mute_button->set_controllable (_route->mute_control()); solo_button->set_controllable (_route->solo_control()); _route->active_changed.connect (route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::route_active_changed, this), gui_context()); _route->mute_changed.connect (route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::mute_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); _route->comment_changed.connect (route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::comment_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); _route->solo_changed.connect (route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::update_solo_display, this), gui_context()); _route->solo_safe_changed.connect (route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::update_solo_display, this), gui_context()); _route->listen_changed.connect (route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::update_solo_display, this), gui_context()); _route->solo_isolated_changed.connect (route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::update_solo_display, this), gui_context()); if (is_track()) { track()->TrackModeChanged.connect (route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::track_mode_changed, this), gui_context()); track_mode_changed(); } _route->phase_invert_changed.connect (route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::polarity_changed, this), gui_context()); _route->PropertyChanged.connect (route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::property_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); _route->io_changed.connect (route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::setup_invert_buttons, this), gui_context ()); _route->gui_changed.connect (route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::route_gui_changed, this, _1), gui_context ()); if (_session->writable() && is_track()) { boost::shared_ptr t = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(_route); t->RecordEnableChanged.connect (route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::route_rec_enable_changed, this), gui_context()); rec_enable_button->show(); rec_enable_button->set_controllable (t->rec_enable_control()); if (is_midi_track()) { midi_track()->StepEditStatusChange.connect (route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::step_edit_changed, this, _1), gui_context()); } } /* this will work for busses and tracks, and needs to be called to set up the name entry/name label display. */ if (is_track()) { boost::shared_ptr t = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(_route); t->MonitoringChanged.connect (route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::monitoring_changed, this), gui_context()); update_monitoring_display (); } mute_button->unset_flags (Gtk::CAN_FOCUS); solo_button->unset_flags (Gtk::CAN_FOCUS); mute_button->show(); if (_route->is_monitor() || _route->is_master()) { solo_button->hide (); } else { solo_button->show(); } map_frozen (); setup_invert_buttons (); set_invert_button_state (); boost::shared_ptr s = _showing_sends_to.lock (); bus_send_display_changed (s); update_mute_display (); update_solo_display (); route_color_changed(); } void RouteUI::polarity_changed () { if (!_route) { return; } set_invert_button_state (); } bool RouteUI::mute_press (GdkEventButton* ev) { if (ev->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS || ev->type == GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS ) { return true; } //if this is a binding action, let the ArdourButton handle it if ( BindingProxy::is_bind_action(ev) ) return false; multiple_mute_change = false; if (Keyboard::is_context_menu_event (ev)) { if (mute_menu == 0){ build_mute_menu(); } mute_menu->popup(0,ev->time); return true; } else { if (Keyboard::is_button2_event (ev)) { // button2-click is "momentary" _mute_release = new SoloMuteRelease (_route->muted ()); } if (ev->button == 1 || Keyboard::is_button2_event (ev)) { if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::ModifierMask (Keyboard::PrimaryModifier|Keyboard::TertiaryModifier))) { /* toggle mute on everything (but * exclude the master and monitor) * * because we are going to erase * elements of the list we need to work * on a copy. */ boost::shared_ptr copy (new RouteList); *copy = *_session->get_routes (); for (RouteList::iterator i = copy->begin(); i != copy->end(); ) { if ((*i)->is_master() || (*i)->is_monitor()) { i = copy->erase (i); } else { ++i; } } if (_mute_release) { _mute_release->routes = copy; } DisplaySuspender ds; _session->set_mute (copy, !_route->muted()); } else if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) { /* Primary-button1 applies change to the mix group even if it is not active NOTE: Primary-button2 is MIDI learn. */ boost::shared_ptr rl; if (ev->button == 1) { if (_route->route_group()) { rl = _route->route_group()->route_list(); if (_mute_release) { _mute_release->routes = rl; } } else { rl.reset (new RouteList); rl->push_back (_route); } DisplaySuspender ds; _session->set_mute (rl, !_route->muted(), Session::rt_cleanup, true); } } else { /* plain click applies change to this route */ boost::shared_ptr rl (new RouteList); rl->push_back (_route); if (_mute_release) { _mute_release->routes = rl; } _session->set_mute (rl, !_route->muted()); } } } return false; } bool RouteUI::mute_release (GdkEventButton* /*ev*/) { if (_mute_release){ DisplaySuspender ds; _session->set_mute (_mute_release->routes, _mute_release->active, Session::rt_cleanup, true); delete _mute_release; _mute_release = 0; } return false; } void RouteUI::edit_output_configuration () { if (output_selector == 0) { boost::shared_ptr send; boost::shared_ptr output; if ((send = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(_current_delivery)) != 0) { if (!boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(send)) { output = send->output(); } else { output = _route->output (); } } else { output = _route->output (); } output_selector = new IOSelectorWindow (_session, output); } if (output_selector->is_visible()) { output_selector->get_toplevel()->get_window()->raise(); } else { output_selector->present (); } output_selector->set_keep_above (true); } void RouteUI::edit_input_configuration () { if (input_selector == 0) { input_selector = new IOSelectorWindow (_session, _route->input()); } if (input_selector->is_visible()) { input_selector->get_toplevel()->get_window()->raise(); } else { input_selector->present (); } input_selector->set_keep_above (true); } bool RouteUI::solo_press(GdkEventButton* ev) { /* ignore double/triple clicks */ if (ev->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS || ev->type == GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS ) { return true; } //if this is a binding action, let the ArdourButton handle it if ( BindingProxy::is_bind_action(ev) ) return false; multiple_solo_change = false; if (Keyboard::is_context_menu_event (ev)) { if (! (solo_isolated_led && solo_isolated_led->is_visible()) || ! (solo_safe_led && solo_safe_led->is_visible())) { if (solo_menu == 0) { build_solo_menu (); } solo_menu->popup (1, ev->time); } } else { if (Keyboard::is_button2_event (ev)) { // button2-click is "momentary" _solo_release = new SoloMuteRelease (_route->self_soloed()); } if (ev->button == 1 || Keyboard::is_button2_event (ev)) { if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::ModifierMask (Keyboard::PrimaryModifier|Keyboard::TertiaryModifier))) { /* Primary-Tertiary-click applies change to all routes */ if (_solo_release) { _solo_release->routes = _session->get_routes (); } DisplaySuspender ds; if (Config->get_solo_control_is_listen_control()) { _session->set_listen (_session->get_routes(), !_route->listening_via_monitor(), Session::rt_cleanup, true); } else { _session->set_solo (_session->get_routes(), !_route->self_soloed(), Session::rt_cleanup, true); } } else if (Keyboard::modifier_state_contains (ev->state, Keyboard::ModifierMask (Keyboard::PrimaryModifier|Keyboard::SecondaryModifier))) { // Primary-Secondary-click: exclusively solo this track if (_solo_release) { _solo_release->exclusive = true; boost::shared_ptr routes = _session->get_routes(); for (RouteList::iterator i = routes->begin(); i != routes->end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->soloed ()) { _solo_release->routes_on->push_back (*i); } else { _solo_release->routes_off->push_back (*i); } } } if (Config->get_solo_control_is_listen_control()) { /* ??? we need a just_one_listen() method */ } else { DisplaySuspender ds; _session->set_just_one_solo (_route, true); } } else if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::TertiaryModifier)) { // shift-click: toggle solo isolated status _route->set_solo_isolated (!_route->solo_isolated(), this); delete _solo_release; _solo_release = 0; } else if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) { /* Primary-button1: solo mix group. NOTE: Primary-button2 is MIDI learn. */ /* Primary-button1 applies change to the mix group even if it is not active NOTE: Primary-button2 is MIDI learn. */ boost::shared_ptr rl; if (ev->button == 1) { if (_route->route_group()) { rl = _route->route_group()->route_list(); if (_solo_release) { _solo_release->routes = rl; } } else { rl.reset (new RouteList); rl->push_back (_route); } DisplaySuspender ds; if (Config->get_solo_control_is_listen_control()) { _session->set_listen (rl, !_route->listening_via_monitor(), Session::rt_cleanup, true); } else { _session->set_solo (rl, !_route->self_soloed(), Session::rt_cleanup, true); } } } else { /* click: solo this route */ boost::shared_ptr rl (new RouteList); rl->push_back (route()); if (_solo_release) { _solo_release->routes = rl; } DisplaySuspender ds; if (Config->get_solo_control_is_listen_control()) { _session->set_listen (rl, !_route->listening_via_monitor()); } else { _session->set_solo (rl, !_route->self_soloed()); } } } } return false; } bool RouteUI::solo_release (GdkEventButton* /*ev*/) { if (_solo_release) { if (_solo_release->exclusive) { } else { DisplaySuspender ds; if (Config->get_solo_control_is_listen_control()) { _session->set_listen (_solo_release->routes, _solo_release->active, Session::rt_cleanup, true); } else { _session->set_solo (_solo_release->routes, _solo_release->active, Session::rt_cleanup, true); } } delete _solo_release; _solo_release = 0; } return false; } bool RouteUI::rec_enable_press(GdkEventButton* ev) { if (ev->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS || ev->type == GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS ) { return true; } //if this is a binding action, let the ArdourButton handle it if ( BindingProxy::is_bind_action(ev) ) return false; if (!_session->engine().connected()) { MessageDialog msg (_("Not connected to AudioEngine - cannot engage record")); msg.run (); return false; } if (is_midi_track()) { /* rec-enable button exits from step editing */ if (midi_track()->step_editing()) { midi_track()->set_step_editing (false); return false; } } if (is_track() && rec_enable_button) { if (Keyboard::is_button2_event (ev)) { //rec arm does not have a momentary mode return false; } else if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::ModifierMask (Keyboard::PrimaryModifier|Keyboard::TertiaryModifier))) { DisplaySuspender ds; _session->set_record_enabled (_session->get_routes(), !_route->record_enabled()); } else if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) { /* Primary-button1 applies change to the route group (even if it is not active) NOTE: Primary-button2 is MIDI learn. */ if (ev->button == 1) { boost::shared_ptr rl; if (_route->route_group()) { rl = _route->route_group()->route_list(); } else { rl.reset (new RouteList); rl->push_back (_route); } DisplaySuspender ds; _session->set_record_enabled (rl, !_route->record_enabled(), Session::rt_cleanup, true); } } else if (Keyboard::is_context_menu_event (ev)) { /* do this on release */ } else { boost::shared_ptr rl (new RouteList); rl->push_back (route()); DisplaySuspender ds; _session->set_record_enabled (rl, !_route->record_enabled()); } } return false; } void RouteUI::monitoring_changed () { update_monitoring_display (); } void RouteUI::update_monitoring_display () { if (!_route) { return; } boost::shared_ptr t = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(_route); if (!t) { return; } MonitorState ms = t->monitoring_state(); if (t->monitoring_choice() & MonitorInput) { monitor_input_button->set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive); } else { if (ms & MonitoringInput) { monitor_input_button->set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ImplicitActive); } else { monitor_input_button->unset_active_state (); } } if (t->monitoring_choice() & MonitorDisk) { monitor_disk_button->set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive); } else { if (ms & MonitoringDisk) { monitor_disk_button->set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ImplicitActive); } else { monitor_disk_button->unset_active_state (); } } } bool RouteUI::monitor_input_press(GdkEventButton*) { return false; } bool RouteUI::monitor_input_release(GdkEventButton* ev) { return monitor_release (ev, MonitorInput); } bool RouteUI::monitor_disk_press (GdkEventButton*) { return false; } bool RouteUI::monitor_disk_release (GdkEventButton* ev) { return monitor_release (ev, MonitorDisk); } bool RouteUI::monitor_release (GdkEventButton* ev, MonitorChoice monitor_choice) { if (ev->button != 1) { return false; } boost::shared_ptr t = boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(_route); if (!t) { return true; } MonitorChoice mc; boost::shared_ptr rl; /* XXX for now, monitoring choices are orthogonal. cue monitoring will follow in 3.X but requires mixing the input and playback (disk) signal together, which requires yet more buffers. */ if (t->monitoring_choice() & monitor_choice) { mc = MonitorChoice (t->monitoring_choice() & ~monitor_choice); } else { /* this line will change when the options are non-orthogonal */ // mc = MonitorChoice (t->monitoring_choice() | monitor_choice); mc = monitor_choice; } if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::ModifierMask (Keyboard::PrimaryModifier|Keyboard::TertiaryModifier))) { rl = _session->get_routes (); } else if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) { if (_route->route_group() && _route->route_group()->is_monitoring()) { rl = _route->route_group()->route_list(); } else { rl.reset (new RouteList); rl->push_back (route()); } } else { rl.reset (new RouteList); rl->push_back (route()); } DisplaySuspender ds; _session->set_monitoring (rl, mc, Session::rt_cleanup, true); return false; } void RouteUI::build_record_menu () { if (record_menu) { return; } /* no rec-button context menu for non-MIDI tracks */ if (is_midi_track()) { record_menu = new Menu; record_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); using namespace Menu_Helpers; MenuList& items = record_menu->items(); items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (_("Step Entry"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::toggle_step_edit))); step_edit_item = dynamic_cast (&items.back()); if (_route->record_enabled()) { step_edit_item->set_sensitive (false); } step_edit_item->set_active (midi_track()->step_editing()); } } void RouteUI::toggle_step_edit () { if (!is_midi_track() || _route->record_enabled()) { return; } midi_track()->set_step_editing (step_edit_item->get_active()); } void RouteUI::step_edit_changed (bool yn) { if (yn) { if (rec_enable_button) { rec_enable_button->set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive); } start_step_editing (); if (step_edit_item) { step_edit_item->set_active (true); } } else { if (rec_enable_button) { rec_enable_button->unset_active_state (); } stop_step_editing (); if (step_edit_item) { step_edit_item->set_active (false); } } } bool RouteUI::rec_enable_release (GdkEventButton* ev) { if (Keyboard::is_context_menu_event (ev)) { build_record_menu (); if (record_menu) { record_menu->popup (1, ev->time); } return false; } return false; } void RouteUI::build_sends_menu () { using namespace Menu_Helpers; sends_menu = new Menu; sends_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); MenuList& items = sends_menu->items(); items.push_back ( MenuElem(_("Assign all tracks (prefader)"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::create_sends), PreFader, false)) ); items.push_back ( MenuElem(_("Assign all tracks and buses (prefader)"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::create_sends), PreFader, true)) ); items.push_back ( MenuElem(_("Assign all tracks (postfader)"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::create_sends), PostFader, false)) ); items.push_back ( MenuElem(_("Assign all tracks and buses (postfader)"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::create_sends), PostFader, true)) ); items.push_back ( MenuElem(_("Assign selected tracks (prefader)"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::create_selected_sends), PreFader, false)) ); items.push_back ( MenuElem(_("Assign selected tracks and buses (prefader)"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::create_selected_sends), PreFader, true))); items.push_back ( MenuElem(_("Assign selected tracks (postfader)"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::create_selected_sends), PostFader, false)) ); items.push_back ( MenuElem(_("Assign selected tracks and buses (postfader)"), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::create_selected_sends), PostFader, true)) ); items.push_back (MenuElem(_("Copy track/bus gains to sends"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::set_sends_gain_from_track))); items.push_back (MenuElem(_("Set sends gain to -inf"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::set_sends_gain_to_zero))); items.push_back (MenuElem(_("Set sends gain to 0dB"), sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::set_sends_gain_to_unity))); } void RouteUI::create_sends (Placement p, bool include_buses) { _session->globally_add_internal_sends (_route, p, include_buses); } void RouteUI::create_selected_sends (Placement p, bool include_buses) { boost::shared_ptr rlist (new RouteList); TrackSelection& selected_tracks (ARDOUR_UI::instance()->the_editor().get_selection().tracks); for (TrackSelection::iterator i = selected_tracks.begin(); i != selected_tracks.end(); ++i) { RouteTimeAxisView* rtv; RouteUI* rui; if ((rtv = dynamic_cast(*i)) != 0) { if ((rui = dynamic_cast(rtv)) != 0) { if (include_buses || boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(rui->route())) { rlist->push_back (rui->route()); } } } } _session->add_internal_sends (_route, p, rlist); } void RouteUI::set_sends_gain_from_track () { _session->globally_set_send_gains_from_track (_route); } void RouteUI::set_sends_gain_to_zero () { _session->globally_set_send_gains_to_zero (_route); } void RouteUI::set_sends_gain_to_unity () { _session->globally_set_send_gains_to_unity (_route); } bool RouteUI::show_sends_press(GdkEventButton* ev) { if (ev->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS || ev->type == GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS ) { return true; } if (!is_track() && show_sends_button) { if (Keyboard::is_button2_event (ev) && Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::PrimaryModifier)) { // do nothing on midi sigc::bind event return false; } else if (Keyboard::is_context_menu_event (ev)) { if (sends_menu == 0) { build_sends_menu (); } sends_menu->popup (0, ev->time); } else { boost::shared_ptr s = _showing_sends_to.lock (); if (s == _route) { set_showing_sends_to (boost::shared_ptr ()); } else { set_showing_sends_to (_route); } } } return true; } bool RouteUI::show_sends_release (GdkEventButton*) { return true; } void RouteUI::send_blink (bool onoff) { if (!show_sends_button) { return; } if (onoff) { show_sends_button->set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive); } else { show_sends_button->unset_active_state (); } } Gtkmm2ext::ActiveState RouteUI::solo_active_state (boost::shared_ptr r) { if (r->is_master() || r->is_monitor()) { return Gtkmm2ext::Off; } if (Config->get_solo_control_is_listen_control()) { if (r->listening_via_monitor()) { return Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive; } else { return Gtkmm2ext::Off; } } if (r->soloed()) { if (!r->self_soloed()) { return Gtkmm2ext::ImplicitActive; } else { return Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive; } } else { return Gtkmm2ext::Off; } } Gtkmm2ext::ActiveState RouteUI::solo_isolate_active_state (boost::shared_ptr r) { if (r->is_master() || r->is_monitor()) { return Gtkmm2ext::Off; } if (r->solo_isolated()) { return Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive; } else { return Gtkmm2ext::Off; } } Gtkmm2ext::ActiveState RouteUI::solo_safe_active_state (boost::shared_ptr r) { if (r->is_master() || r->is_monitor()) { return Gtkmm2ext::Off; } if (r->solo_safe()) { return Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive; } else { return Gtkmm2ext::Off; } } void RouteUI::update_solo_display () { bool yn = _route->solo_safe (); if (solo_safe_check && solo_safe_check->get_active() != yn) { solo_safe_check->set_active (yn); } yn = _route->solo_isolated (); if (solo_isolated_check && solo_isolated_check->get_active() != yn) { solo_isolated_check->set_active (yn); } set_button_names (); if (solo_isolated_led) { if (_route->solo_isolated()) { solo_isolated_led->set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive); } else { solo_isolated_led->unset_active_state (); } } if (solo_safe_led) { if (_route->solo_safe()) { solo_safe_led->set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive); } else { solo_safe_led->unset_active_state (); } } solo_button->set_active_state (solo_active_state (_route)); /* some changes to solo status can affect mute display, so catch up */ update_mute_display (); } void RouteUI::solo_changed_so_update_mute () { update_mute_display (); } void RouteUI::mute_changed(void* /*src*/) { update_mute_display (); } ActiveState RouteUI::mute_active_state (Session* s, boost::shared_ptr r) { if (r->is_monitor()) { return ActiveState(0); } if (Config->get_show_solo_mutes() && !Config->get_solo_control_is_listen_control ()) { if (r->muted ()) { /* full mute */ return Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive; } else if (!r->is_master() && s->soloing() && !r->soloed() && !r->solo_isolated()) { /* master is NEVER muted by others */ return Gtkmm2ext::ImplicitActive; } else { /* no mute at all */ return Gtkmm2ext::Off; } } else { if (r->muted()) { /* full mute */ return Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive; } else { /* no mute at all */ return Gtkmm2ext::Off; } } return ActiveState(0); } void RouteUI::update_mute_display () { if (!_route) { return; } mute_button->set_active_state (mute_active_state (_session, _route)); } void RouteUI::route_rec_enable_changed () { blink_rec_display(true); //this lets the button change "immediately" rather than wait for the next blink update_monitoring_display (); } void RouteUI::session_rec_enable_changed () { update_monitoring_display (); } void RouteUI::blink_rec_display (bool blinkOn) { if (!rec_enable_button || !_route) { return; } if (boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(_current_delivery)) { return; } if (_route->record_enabled()) { switch (_session->record_status ()) { case Session::Recording: rec_enable_button->set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive); break; case Session::Disabled: case Session::Enabled: if ( ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_blink_rec_arm() ) rec_enable_button->set_active_state ( blinkOn ? Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive : Gtkmm2ext::Off ); else rec_enable_button->set_active_state ( ImplicitActive ); break; } if (step_edit_item) { step_edit_item->set_sensitive (false); } } else { rec_enable_button->unset_active_state (); if (step_edit_item) { step_edit_item->set_sensitive (true); } } check_rec_enable_sensitivity (); } void RouteUI::build_solo_menu (void) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; solo_menu = new Menu; solo_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); MenuList& items = solo_menu->items(); Gtk::CheckMenuItem* check; check = new Gtk::CheckMenuItem(_("Solo Isolate")); check->set_active (_route->solo_isolated()); check->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::toggle_solo_isolated), check)); items.push_back (CheckMenuElem(*check)); solo_isolated_check = dynamic_cast(&items.back()); check->show_all(); check = new Gtk::CheckMenuItem(_("Solo Safe")); check->set_active (_route->solo_safe()); check->signal_toggled().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::toggle_solo_safe), check)); items.push_back (CheckMenuElem(*check)); solo_safe_check = dynamic_cast(&items.back()); check->show_all(); //items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); // items.push_back (MenuElem (_("MIDI Bind"), sigc::mem_fun (*mute_button, &BindableToggleButton::midi_learn))); } void RouteUI::build_mute_menu(void) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; mute_menu = new Menu; mute_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); MenuList& items = mute_menu->items(); pre_fader_mute_check = manage (new Gtk::CheckMenuItem(_("Pre Fader Sends"))); init_mute_menu(MuteMaster::PreFader, pre_fader_mute_check); pre_fader_mute_check->signal_toggled().connect(sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::toggle_mute_menu), MuteMaster::PreFader, pre_fader_mute_check)); items.push_back (CheckMenuElem(*pre_fader_mute_check)); pre_fader_mute_check->show_all(); post_fader_mute_check = manage (new Gtk::CheckMenuItem(_("Post Fader Sends"))); init_mute_menu(MuteMaster::PostFader, post_fader_mute_check); post_fader_mute_check->signal_toggled().connect(sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::toggle_mute_menu), MuteMaster::PostFader, post_fader_mute_check)); items.push_back (CheckMenuElem(*post_fader_mute_check)); post_fader_mute_check->show_all(); listen_mute_check = manage (new Gtk::CheckMenuItem(_("Control Outs"))); init_mute_menu(MuteMaster::Listen, listen_mute_check); listen_mute_check->signal_toggled().connect(sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::toggle_mute_menu), MuteMaster::Listen, listen_mute_check)); items.push_back (CheckMenuElem(*listen_mute_check)); listen_mute_check->show_all(); main_mute_check = manage (new Gtk::CheckMenuItem(_("Main Outs"))); init_mute_menu(MuteMaster::Main, main_mute_check); main_mute_check->signal_toggled().connect(sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::toggle_mute_menu), MuteMaster::Main, main_mute_check)); items.push_back (CheckMenuElem(*main_mute_check)); main_mute_check->show_all(); //items.push_back (SeparatorElem()); // items.push_back (MenuElem (_("MIDI Bind"), sigc::mem_fun (*mute_button, &BindableToggleButton::midi_learn))); _route->mute_points_changed.connect (route_connections, invalidator (*this), boost::bind (&RouteUI::muting_change, this), gui_context()); } void RouteUI::init_mute_menu(MuteMaster::MutePoint mp, Gtk::CheckMenuItem* check) { check->set_active (_route->mute_points() & mp); } void RouteUI::toggle_mute_menu(MuteMaster::MutePoint mp, Gtk::CheckMenuItem* check) { if (check->get_active()) { _route->set_mute_points (MuteMaster::MutePoint (_route->mute_points() | mp)); } else { _route->set_mute_points (MuteMaster::MutePoint (_route->mute_points() & ~mp)); } } void RouteUI::muting_change () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &RouteUI::muting_change) bool yn; MuteMaster::MutePoint current = _route->mute_points (); yn = (current & MuteMaster::PreFader); if (pre_fader_mute_check->get_active() != yn) { pre_fader_mute_check->set_active (yn); } yn = (current & MuteMaster::PostFader); if (post_fader_mute_check->get_active() != yn) { post_fader_mute_check->set_active (yn); } yn = (current & MuteMaster::Listen); if (listen_mute_check->get_active() != yn) { listen_mute_check->set_active (yn); } yn = (current & MuteMaster::Main); if (main_mute_check->get_active() != yn) { main_mute_check->set_active (yn); } } bool RouteUI::solo_isolate_button_release (GdkEventButton* ev) { if (ev->type == GDK_2BUTTON_PRESS || ev->type == GDK_3BUTTON_PRESS) { return true; } bool view = solo_isolated_led->active_state(); bool model = _route->solo_isolated(); /* called BEFORE the view has changed */ if (ev->button == 1) { if (Keyboard::modifier_state_equals (ev->state, Keyboard::ModifierMask (Keyboard::PrimaryModifier|Keyboard::TertiaryModifier))) { if (model) { /* disable isolate for all routes */ DisplaySuspender ds; _session->set_solo_isolated (_session->get_routes(), false, Session::rt_cleanup, true); } } else { if (model == view) { /* flip just this route */ boost::shared_ptr rl (new RouteList); rl->push_back (_route); DisplaySuspender ds; _session->set_solo_isolated (rl, !view, Session::rt_cleanup, true); } } } return false; } bool RouteUI::solo_safe_button_release (GdkEventButton* ev) { if (ev->button == 1) { _route->set_solo_safe (!solo_safe_led->active_state(), this); } return false; } void RouteUI::toggle_solo_isolated (Gtk::CheckMenuItem* check) { bool view = check->get_active(); bool model = _route->solo_isolated(); /* called AFTER the view has changed */ if (model != view) { _route->set_solo_isolated (view, this); } } void RouteUI::toggle_solo_safe (Gtk::CheckMenuItem* check) { _route->set_solo_safe (check->get_active(), this); } /** Ask the user to choose a colour, and then apply that color to my route */ void RouteUI::choose_color () { bool picked; Gdk::Color const color = Gtkmm2ext::UI::instance()->get_color (_("Color Selection"), picked, &_color); if (picked) { set_color(color); } } /** Set the route's own color. This may not be used for display if * the route is in a group which shares its color with its routes. */ void RouteUI::set_color (const Gdk::Color & c) { /* leave _color alone in the group case so that tracks can retain their * own pre-group colors. */ char buf[64]; _color = c; snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), "%d:%d:%d", c.get_red(), c.get_green(), c.get_blue()); /* note: we use the route state ID here so that color is the same for both the time axis view and the mixer strip */ gui_object_state().set_property (route_state_id(), X_("color"), buf); _route->gui_changed ("color", (void *) 0); /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ } /** @return GUI state ID for things that are common to the route in all its representations */ string RouteUI::route_state_id () const { return string_compose (X_("route %1"), _route->id().to_s()); } int RouteUI::set_color_from_route () { const string str = gui_object_state().get_string (route_state_id(), X_("color")); if (str.empty()) { return 1; } int r, g, b; sscanf (str.c_str(), "%d:%d:%d", &r, &g, &b); _color.set_red (r); _color.set_green (g); _color.set_blue (b); return 0; } void RouteUI::remove_this_route (bool apply_to_selection) { if (apply_to_selection) { ARDOUR_UI::instance()->the_editor().get_selection().tracks.foreach_route_ui (boost::bind (&RouteUI::remove_this_route, _1, false)); } else { if ((route()->is_master() || route()->is_monitor()) && !Config->get_allow_special_bus_removal()) { MessageDialog msg (_("That would be bad news ...."), false, Gtk::MESSAGE_INFO, Gtk::BUTTONS_OK); msg.set_secondary_text (string_compose (_( "Removing the master or monitor bus is such a bad idea\n\ that %1 is not going to allow it.\n\ \n\ If you really want to do this sort of thing\n\ edit your ardour.rc file to set the\n\ \"allow-special-bus-removal\" option to be \"yes\""), PROGRAM_NAME)); msg.present (); msg.run (); return; } vector choices; string prompt; if (is_track()) { prompt = string_compose (_("Do you really want to remove track \"%1\" ?\n\nYou may also lose the playlist used by this track.\n\n(This action cannot be undone, and the session file will be overwritten)"), _route->name()); } else { prompt = string_compose (_("Do you really want to remove bus \"%1\" ?\n\n(This action cannot be undone, and the session file will be overwritten)"), _route->name()); } choices.push_back (_("No, do nothing.")); choices.push_back (_("Yes, remove it.")); string title; if (is_track()) { title = _("Remove track"); } else { title = _("Remove bus"); } Choice prompter (title, prompt, choices); if (prompter.run () == 1) { Glib::signal_idle().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::ptr_fun (&RouteUI::idle_remove_this_route), this)); } } } gint RouteUI::idle_remove_this_route (RouteUI *rui) { DisplaySuspender ds; rui->_session->remove_route (rui->route()); return false; } /** @return true if this name should be used for the route, otherwise false */ bool RouteUI::verify_new_route_name (const std::string& name) { if (name.find (':') == string::npos) { return true; } MessageDialog colon_msg ( _("The use of colons (':') is discouraged in track and bus names.\nDo you want to use this new name?"), false, MESSAGE_QUESTION, BUTTONS_NONE ); colon_msg.add_button (_("Use the new name"), Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); colon_msg.add_button (_("Re-edit the name"), Gtk::RESPONSE_CANCEL); return (colon_msg.run () == Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); } void RouteUI::route_rename () { ArdourPrompter name_prompter (true); string result; bool done = false; if (is_track()) { name_prompter.set_title (_("Rename Track")); } else { name_prompter.set_title (_("Rename Bus")); } name_prompter.set_prompt (_("New name:")); name_prompter.set_initial_text (_route->name()); name_prompter.add_button (_("Rename"), Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); name_prompter.set_response_sensitive (Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT, false); name_prompter.show_all (); while (!done) { switch (name_prompter.run ()) { case Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT: name_prompter.get_result (result); name_prompter.hide (); if (result.length()) { if (verify_new_route_name (result)) { _route->set_name (result); done = true; } else { /* back to name prompter */ } } else { /* nothing entered, just get out of here */ done = true; } break; default: done = true; break; } } return; } void RouteUI::property_changed (const PropertyChange& what_changed) { if (what_changed.contains (ARDOUR::Properties::name)) { name_label.set_text (_route->name()); } } void RouteUI::toggle_comment_editor () { // if (ignore_toggle) { // return; // } if (comment_window && comment_window->is_visible ()) { comment_window->hide (); } else { open_comment_editor (); } } void RouteUI::open_comment_editor () { if (comment_window == 0) { setup_comment_editor (); } string title; title = _route->name(); title += _(": comment editor"); comment_window->set_title (title); comment_window->present(); } void RouteUI::setup_comment_editor () { comment_window = new ArdourWindow (""); // title will be reset to show route comment_window->set_skip_taskbar_hint (true); comment_window->signal_hide().connect (sigc::mem_fun(*this, &MixerStrip::comment_editor_done_editing)); comment_window->set_default_size (400, 200); comment_area = manage (new TextView()); comment_area->set_name ("MixerTrackCommentArea"); comment_area->set_wrap_mode (WRAP_WORD); comment_area->set_editable (true); comment_area->get_buffer()->set_text (_route->comment()); comment_area->show (); comment_window->add (*comment_area); } void RouteUI::comment_changed (void *src) { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &MixerStrip::comment_changed, src) if (src != this) { ignore_comment_edit = true; if (comment_area) { comment_area->get_buffer()->set_text (_route->comment()); } ignore_comment_edit = false; } } void RouteUI::comment_editor_done_editing () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &MixerStrip::comment_editor_done_editing, src) string const str = comment_area->get_buffer()->get_text(); if (str == _route->comment ()) { return; } _route->set_comment (str, this); } void RouteUI::set_route_active (bool a, bool apply_to_selection) { if (apply_to_selection) { ARDOUR_UI::instance()->the_editor().get_selection().tracks.foreach_route_ui (boost::bind (&RouteTimeAxisView::set_route_active, _1, a, false)); } else { _route->set_active (a, this); } } void RouteUI::toggle_denormal_protection () { if (denormal_menu_item) { bool x; ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &RouteUI::toggle_denormal_protection) if ((x = denormal_menu_item->get_active()) != _route->denormal_protection()) { _route->set_denormal_protection (x); } } } void RouteUI::denormal_protection_changed () { if (denormal_menu_item) { denormal_menu_item->set_active (_route->denormal_protection()); } } void RouteUI::disconnect_input () { _route->input()->disconnect (this); } void RouteUI::disconnect_output () { _route->output()->disconnect (this); } bool RouteUI::is_track () const { return boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(_route) != 0; } boost::shared_ptr RouteUI::track() const { return boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(_route); } bool RouteUI::is_audio_track () const { return boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(_route) != 0; } boost::shared_ptr RouteUI::audio_track() const { return boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(_route); } bool RouteUI::is_midi_track () const { return boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(_route) != 0; } boost::shared_ptr RouteUI::midi_track() const { return boost::dynamic_pointer_cast(_route); } bool RouteUI::has_audio_outputs () const { return (_route->n_outputs().n_audio() > 0); } string RouteUI::name() const { return _route->name(); } void RouteUI::map_frozen () { ENSURE_GUI_THREAD (*this, &RouteUI::map_frozen) AudioTrack* at = dynamic_cast(_route.get()); if (at) { switch (at->freeze_state()) { case AudioTrack::Frozen: rec_enable_button->set_sensitive (false); break; default: rec_enable_button->set_sensitive (true); break; } } } void RouteUI::adjust_latency () { LatencyDialog dialog (_route->name() + _(" latency"), *(_route->output()), _session->frame_rate(), AudioEngine::instance()->samples_per_cycle()); } void RouteUI::save_as_template () { std::string path; std::string safe_name; string name; path = ARDOUR::user_route_template_directory (); if (g_mkdir_with_parents (path.c_str(), 0755)) { error << string_compose (_("Cannot create route template directory %1"), path) << endmsg; return; } Prompter p (true); // modal p.set_title (_("Save As Template")); p.set_prompt (_("Template name:")); p.add_button (Gtk::Stock::SAVE, Gtk::RESPONSE_ACCEPT); switch (p.run()) { case RESPONSE_ACCEPT: break; default: return; } p.hide (); p.get_result (name, true); safe_name = legalize_for_path (name); safe_name += template_suffix; path = Glib::build_filename (path, safe_name); _route->save_as_template (path, name); } void RouteUI::check_rec_enable_sensitivity () { if (_session->transport_rolling() && rec_enable_button->active_state() && Config->get_disable_disarm_during_roll()) { rec_enable_button->set_sensitive (false); } else { rec_enable_button->set_sensitive (true); } update_monitoring_display (); } void RouteUI::parameter_changed (string const & p) { /* this handles RC and per-session parameter changes */ if (p == "disable-disarm-during-roll") { check_rec_enable_sensitivity (); } else if (p == "use-monitor-bus" || p == "solo-control-is-listen-control" || p == "listen-position") { set_button_names (); } else if (p == "auto-input") { update_monitoring_display (); } else if (p == "blink-rec-arm") { if (ARDOUR_UI::config()->get_blink_rec_arm()) { rec_blink_connection.disconnect (); rec_blink_connection = ARDOUR_UI::instance()->Blink.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::blink_rec_display)); } else { rec_blink_connection.disconnect (); } } } void RouteUI::step_gain_up () { _route->set_gain (dB_to_coefficient (accurate_coefficient_to_dB (_route->gain_control()->get_value()) + 0.1), this); } void RouteUI::page_gain_up () { _route->set_gain (dB_to_coefficient (accurate_coefficient_to_dB (_route->gain_control()->get_value()) + 0.5), this); } void RouteUI::step_gain_down () { _route->set_gain (dB_to_coefficient (accurate_coefficient_to_dB (_route->gain_control()->get_value()) - 0.1), this); } void RouteUI::page_gain_down () { _route->set_gain (dB_to_coefficient (accurate_coefficient_to_dB (_route->gain_control()->get_value()) - 0.5), this); } void RouteUI::open_remote_control_id_dialog () { ArdourDialog dialog (_("Remote Control ID")); SpinButton* spin = 0; dialog.get_vbox()->set_border_width (18); if (Config->get_remote_model() == UserOrdered) { uint32_t const limit = _session->ntracks() + _session->nbusses () + 4; HBox* hbox = manage (new HBox); hbox->set_spacing (6); hbox->pack_start (*manage (new Label (_("Remote control ID:")))); spin = manage (new SpinButton); spin->set_digits (0); spin->set_increments (1, 10); spin->set_range (0, limit); spin->set_value (_route->remote_control_id()); hbox->pack_start (*spin); dialog.get_vbox()->pack_start (*hbox); dialog.add_button (Stock::CANCEL, RESPONSE_CANCEL); dialog.add_button (Stock::APPLY, RESPONSE_ACCEPT); } else { Label* l = manage (new Label()); if (_route->is_master() || _route->is_monitor()) { l->set_markup (string_compose (_("The remote control ID of %1 is: %2\n\n\n" "The remote control ID of %3 cannot be changed."), Glib::Markup::escape_text (_route->name()), _route->remote_control_id(), (_route->is_master() ? _("the master bus") : _("the monitor bus")))); } else { l->set_markup (string_compose (_("The remote control ID of %5 is: %2\n\n\n" "Remote Control IDs are currently determined by track/bus ordering in %6.\n\n" "%3Use the User Interaction tab of the Preferences window if you want to change this%4"), (is_track() ? _("track") : _("bus")), _route->remote_control_id(), "", "", Glib::Markup::escape_text (_route->name()), PROGRAM_NAME)); } dialog.get_vbox()->pack_start (*l); dialog.add_button (Stock::OK, RESPONSE_CANCEL); } dialog.show_all (); int const r = dialog.run (); if (r == RESPONSE_ACCEPT && spin) { _route->set_remote_control_id (spin->get_value_as_int ()); } } void RouteUI::setup_invert_buttons () { /* remove old invert buttons */ for (vector::iterator i = _invert_buttons.begin(); i != _invert_buttons.end(); ++i) { _invert_button_box.remove (**i); } _invert_buttons.clear (); if (!_route || !_route->input()) { return; } uint32_t const N = _route->input()->n_ports().n_audio (); uint32_t const to_add = (N <= _max_invert_buttons) ? N : 1; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < to_add; ++i) { ArdourButton* b = manage (new ArdourButton); b->signal_button_press_event().connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::invert_press), false); b->signal_button_release_event().connect (sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::invert_release), i), false); b->set_name (X_("invert button")); if (to_add == 1) { if (N > 1) { b->set_text (string_compose (X_("Ø (%1)"), N)); } else { b->set_text (X_("Ø")); } } else { b->set_text (string_compose (X_("Ø%1"), i + 1)); } if (N <= _max_invert_buttons) { UI::instance()->set_tip (*b, string_compose (_("Left-click to invert (phase reverse) channel %1 of this track. Right-click to show menu."), i + 1)); } else { UI::instance()->set_tip (*b, _("Click to show a menu of channels for inversion (phase reverse)")); } _invert_buttons.push_back (b); _invert_button_box.pack_start (*b); } _invert_button_box.set_spacing (1); _invert_button_box.show_all (); } void RouteUI::set_invert_button_state () { uint32_t const N = _route->input()->n_ports().n_audio(); if (N > _max_invert_buttons) { /* One button for many channels; explicit active if all channels are inverted, implicit active if some are, off if none are. */ ArdourButton* b = _invert_buttons.front (); if (_route->phase_invert().count() == _route->phase_invert().size()) { b->set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ExplicitActive); } else if (_route->phase_invert().any()) { b->set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::ImplicitActive); } else { b->set_active_state (Gtkmm2ext::Off); } } else { /* One button per channel; just set active */ int j = 0; for (vector::iterator i = _invert_buttons.begin(); i != _invert_buttons.end(); ++i, ++j) { (*i)->set_active (_route->phase_invert (j)); } } } bool RouteUI::invert_release (GdkEventButton* ev, uint32_t i) { if (ev->button == 1 && i < _invert_buttons.size()) { uint32_t const N = _route->input()->n_ports().n_audio (); if (N <= _max_invert_buttons) { /* left-click inverts phase so long as we have a button per channel */ _route->set_phase_invert (i, !_invert_buttons[i]->get_active()); return false; } } return false; } bool RouteUI::invert_press (GdkEventButton* ev) { using namespace Menu_Helpers; uint32_t const N = _route->input()->n_ports().n_audio(); if (N <= _max_invert_buttons && ev->button != 3) { /* If we have an invert button per channel, we only pop up a menu on right-click; left click is handled on release. */ return false; } delete _invert_menu; _invert_menu = new Menu; _invert_menu->set_name ("ArdourContextMenu"); MenuList& items = _invert_menu->items (); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < N; ++i) { items.push_back (CheckMenuElem (string_compose (X_("Ø%1"), i + 1), sigc::bind (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::invert_menu_toggled), i))); Gtk::CheckMenuItem* e = dynamic_cast (&items.back ()); ++_i_am_the_modifier; e->set_active (_route->phase_invert (i)); --_i_am_the_modifier; } _invert_menu->popup (0, ev->time); return true; } void RouteUI::invert_menu_toggled (uint32_t c) { if (_i_am_the_modifier) { return; } _route->set_phase_invert (c, !_route->phase_invert (c)); } void RouteUI::set_invert_sensitive (bool yn) { for (vector::iterator b = _invert_buttons.begin(); b != _invert_buttons.end(); ++b) { (*b)->set_sensitive (yn); } } void RouteUI::request_redraw () { if (_route) { _route->gui_changed ("track_height", (void *) 0); /* EMIT_SIGNAL */ } } /** The Route's gui_changed signal has been emitted */ void RouteUI::route_gui_changed (string what_changed) { if (what_changed == "color") { if (set_color_from_route () == 0) { route_color_changed (); } } } void RouteUI::track_mode_changed (void) { assert(is_track()); switch (track()->mode()) { case ARDOUR::NonLayered: case ARDOUR::Normal: rec_enable_button->set_elements ((ArdourButton::Element)(ArdourButton::Edge|ArdourButton::Body|ArdourButton::RecButton)); break; case ARDOUR::Destructive: rec_enable_button->set_elements ((ArdourButton::Element)(ArdourButton::Edge|ArdourButton::Body|ArdourButton::RecButton|ArdourButton::RecTapeMode)); break; } rec_enable_button->queue_draw(); } /** @return the color that this route should use; it maybe its own, or it maybe that of its route group. */ Gdk::Color RouteUI::color () const { RouteGroup* g = _route->route_group (); if (g && g->is_color()) { Gdk::Color c; set_color_from_rgba (c, GroupTabs::group_color (g)); return c; } return _color; } void RouteUI::set_showing_sends_to (boost::shared_ptr send_to) { _showing_sends_to = send_to; BusSendDisplayChanged (send_to); /* EMIT SIGNAL */ } void RouteUI::bus_send_display_changed (boost::shared_ptr send_to) { if (_route == send_to) { show_sends_button->set_active (true); send_blink_connection = ARDOUR_UI::instance()->Blink.connect (sigc::mem_fun (*this, &RouteUI::send_blink)); } else { show_sends_button->set_active (false); send_blink_connection.disconnect (); } } RouteGroup* RouteUI::route_group() const { return _route->route_group(); }